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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Nov 1890, p. 5

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#2 ^ ^ V&flPp • .^"4 % " iWf-,7 ^*»*£\S,&'. :ft^ BusineasNotlce^ Two eon to per yard for fair prints at Branson's. OBITTXABY Kjuic with noes at Evanson'K LODGE DlltBOTOar. Horse Blankets an selling below the regular prices at Evanson's. Men's Congress shoes $1.25 at Evan son's. tfirjlfiirr DltltfolftP. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1890. Railroad Time Table. * : ?, t- fa T*ki»| «ftnt Snndnv, Sept. SL1880, Mini Wilt pats thta station Ha follows: OOIHO BOUTS. JMcHenry PMaenger Oepwrt . •Lake Geneva Pawonger....... *Lak«Gan«vaExprfts8 .. ..... •Lake G«neva Freight •LakeGeaeva Paaseuger. ooiioaotiif *X11k Vreurht ArrtT;......«..r»« * Lake rt«tn«va Fwt*bt ». . *: JJ " •LakeGenev* Passenger... 9:5£> *' •Lake Geneva Express ... 4:80 p.*. *Lak« Geneva Passenger ........ 6:51 ;AR: BXFLAWATIOK. ,...T-«S A. M. ,...7:S0 " ....s-ass « P. M. ....3^G 'R MIIT except Sun lay, iily t Suadays on I B. BrsJfilittt. McHenry, 111 MA^OVIO. MCHSWRT f.NDGK, No. IFTS A. V . and A, M.-- RexnKr OommnnicatHns the second And fourth Mondays ia aacji month. U. O. COLBY, W. M. READ the new advertisement ot John 5' 11 Evanson A Co. in another column. FOB SALE :--A good Co*« this office. at POTIVD, a small Trunk Key, which th<r «P&&session of the same, owner can have by calling at the Post Office. • MR SLACK'S subject, next Sunday morn­ ing wiH be made appropriate to Thanks­ giving. FOUND, a small Crochet Shawl. The downer can have the same by calling at c - '-^pthe Post Office and proving property. I'LTXSIMMOXS & HENDERSON have a full advertirement in our supplement I""/ • this week. Don't fail to read it. 1^ Ax effort is being made to get the Lake lu Oenevft Harmonia Quartette to give an Entertainment in this village. We hope they may succeed. I® FOUND, on the streets of this village a,v Pass Book, containing Railroad Tickei 7 The owner can have the same by calling .jit this office and proving property. A WOMAN is selling in the neigliborin, Cities a recipe for a preparation that will <Mirl nnd clean feathers. She is a swindler, and the staff made from the recipe is Hangeroos to use. THE Epworth League of the M. E. |>ureh will meet Sunday evening at. seven toV.oek, Subject, "Personal Work." v Everybody invited; all young people es- |^J|»edalljr welcome. 1^. THE McHenry Post Office will be closed to-morrow, thanksgiving, from 10:30 A. / $f. to 5 P. M., with the exception that it g. Will be open at 3 o'clock to make up the ftfternoon mail. TUB M, E. Church, in this village fiold Christinas exercise* this year, whether it will be in the shape of a Christ- sna* Tree or something else ha* not as ret been decided. TUB dancing public should not forget the Thanksgiving Party at the Riverside vfloiise, to-morrow, Thursday, evening Smith's Orchestra will furnish the music id ageneral good time may be expected^ AN entertainment for the benefit of tbe^ fWest Side School, will be held at the City flail, on Friday evening of next week, December 5th. It will consist of Reading, Recitations, Vocal and Instrumental Music, etc. A fuU programme will be ^published next week. • ONE ol the deepest mysteries of the ' Newspaper business is that good paying patrons become sensitive over two-line .t'tftorcnce to delinquent subscribers, while j,bi> fellows that owe for three or four PK*SONAX. JOHN KLEIFOKN moved with hie lam to Chicago this week. HENRY COLBY, of X*ake Geneva, wan our streets one day laRt week. MRS. A. CALKINS, of Chicago, was call­ ing on old friends here the past week, MRS. FHED. WELLS has been visiting with friends at Nunda the past week. Miss MAGGIE OSBORN, of Chicago, -visit­ ed with her parents here over Sunday. MAT KTMBALL and wife, of Harvard, were calling on friends here on/Sunday. MRS. J. H. BURGER visited with friends in Elgin last week. FRANK SPITZER, of Woodstock, was at­ tending to professional business in this village, on Tuesday, HON. G. S. SOUTHWQBTH, D| THE Wood­ stock Sentinel, was on our streets on Friday last. H. MCOMBER and- wife visited with friends in Waukegan a few days last week. JAMES LADD, of Osceola, Iowa, was shaking hands with hi# old friends here one day last week. Mrs. Geo. Bridge, of Elgin, has been visiting herewith her daughter, Mrs.C. F. Johnson. N. L. HOLMES ncted as Marshal durin he absence of Marsha) McOmber last J. MCLEOD has purchased the Johtk A Kleifgen hou?e, in this village, and taken Mrs. Bradford Smith, who has been quite sick the past few weeks Is now re­ ported as slowly imjFiroving.- MR. AND MRS. ARCHIE SMITH, of Chicago, were visiting with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Osborne, over Sunday. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist, Church, will meet with Mrs. John I., Story, on Friday afternoon of this week. MRS. J. I. STORY. President. / JJRS. E.W.OWEN, Secretary. THE Sunday School Concert, at tbX Universalist Church on Sunday evening last was one of the finest we ever at­ tendee!. The hoyse was packed to its DIED.--At his residence, nearRingwood, on Monday evening, Nov. 17th, 1890, W. SMITH, in the &6th year of h W. Smith's ancestry, it is said that, his grandfather came from England with two other brothers, an<i his father resided in Vermont in its very early set­ tlement. He Was one of a family of 14 children, seven of whom lived to a mature age: and one, Mrs. Harriet Clemens, is still living and was at the funeral. The deceased was born July 12th, 1805, and could remember when a boy but seven years old that in the last war with England, he distinctly heard at his home the booming of cannon in the battle of Plattsburgh, in which his brother John- eon was quite severely wounded. News come that he was killed on the very even­ ing that another brother was to go into the service, which brought great grief to th<? mother and to other members of the family. The subject of this notice was married-to Clarissa Clemens in November, 1824, and there were born to them ten children, four of whom are living: Mrs. A. G. Scott, of Kearney, Neb.; Mrs. Free­ man Whiting, of McHenry, 111.; Mr. J. M. Smith, of Denver, Col., and Mr. P. D. Smith, of Chicago, III. His first visit to this country was in 1839; but returning to his Eastern home he came finally to live here in 1841,settling near Griswold's Lake, and after two years moved to Mc Henry and kept the log tavern where the Riverside House now stands. For sev­ eral years during this time he was poet- master. He afterwards bought the place known as Smith's Corners, where he re­ sided until the time of his death. In 1846 he built the house that was burned thirteen years ago. Twice in his life-time he was burned out of nearly everything that fire could destroy. In 1850 be went to California, and returning in 1851 he shortly lost his wife, and was married a second time to Syntha A. Griswold, of Cambridge, Vt., who survives him. Six children have been born to them, of whom five are living: Mrs. Julia Bishop, of McHenry; Mr. T. H. Smith, Julesburg, Col.; Mr. W. E. Smith, Mr. E. A. Smith, and Mr. J. D. Smith, all of Ringwood. Seven children have passed on before him. utmost capacity and all were highly IV)? his descendants there are 27 grand- entertairted. We shall not attempt to Children, 23 of whom are living, and 32 particularize, as all done so well it would fci eat-grand-children, of whom 27 are be impossible for us to do so. We can Hiving. There is alRO one great-great- only repeat it was good from beginning' grand-child (Grace Rogers, in descent HKBHOIT LODOB No. 60T, A. F. *nd A. M., meet at Maaonic Mall the 1st and 3d Wednes­ days of each month. D. A. OLART, W, M. T. O. O. F.--Hebron Lodse. No. 76/, meet at Masonic Ball every Tuesday night. W. K. WIRE, N. G. RKBROW O. K. H, meet at Masonic HALL the M and 4th Wednesday* of eaoh month. Mas. E. B. STRATTOW. W. X, . M. W. A.--Meet at Misonlo Hall the 2d and 3 d S a t u r d a y s o f e a c h m o n t h . F. K. GRATTOK. V. O, to end. Kind. May we have more of the wf* but\ THE Demorept Medal Contest held at Ringwood last Thursdav evening passed off very pleasantly. There were eight contestants all acquiting themselves in a very creditable, manner. The medal was awarded to Guy C. Hall of Ring- wood. Rev. William Nickle made a very neat and appropriate presentation speech. J. H. Burger, E. K. Johonnott and Miss Jennie Dennisonwerethejudges. These contests are becoming more and more popular and are of an inestimable good to our young people. Now THAT the eeoflonior griddle, cakes is here an obliging paragrapher has looked up the history of 'the product which furnishes the cold weather luxury: The word buckwheat means beechwheat, so called from the resemblance in shape between its seeds and the mast of the beech tree. The form back for beech iff Northumbrian. By the French i« called Saracen wheat, after the Saracens or Moors who are believed to have intro 'educed it into Spain. Out of the flour a popular gruel is made in Germany and breakfast cakes in England and America. |The grain Is supposed to be a native of /Asia. .«*» i'lW" --A Tfeft ^ears uevep see it, \ WMP LAM(HI4M and wife, who havelived' Ait Ringwood, in this township, for the past twentyrtwo years start to-day foe Ht Louis, where they will visit yntil after Kew Years, when they will atari for old England, their former house, j. OWINO to the crowded state of the' ntermediate Department of oar Public jBchool the Directors were obliged to change a class of tifteeu to the Higher ^Department on Monday. The different Departments have not been so crowded lor years as they are at the present tirae^ THE brewery team took a little run otk their own hook on Friday last, and for a tiiui»wade things quite lively, mashing up tto of R. Bishop, which was standing in (ro^ls of the Mill, and soine- kvbai deu>oraii#tng the Brewery wagon. j|$y Ahniiiy gracious, how tjiey tfid rBB-^ o»'t ill. \ ffchool Report^,,v Tjfe foltowiiig is the report' of the Mc­ Henry Public School for month ending Nov 21,1890: MOH SCHOOL. 4 F,T V; ;; Total number .enrolled....... Average daily atteudaHc.....**,*>>v4*"""3i) Per cent of attendance • *.»» •••#£*• •••••• 90 Neither abscut nor tardy I Al|ie Snpth, Loretta Walsh, Carrie Cotby, Judith Afcntzer, Lizzie Bus?, Joanna Prisby, Feauk fojljy, IJerber£ Bennett, Charles Nordquiet. Maty Sutton, F. M. QVERAKI^IJ, princig&l, JJfTBRMEWATE pKpAQT&fE^. Total number enrolled Average daily attendance 48 Per cent of attendance...... ..86 The following were neither abfeent nor tardy during the month s Bernice Perry, Stella Nordquest, Milo Howe, Ernie Parker, Jennie Coydl, Ollie Blackman, I^ena Smith, Li?zie Siciop; little Stevens, Willie Block, Eyerett IColby, Harry Wlghtman, Ethel /Willie Feltz, Adelbert Parker, Katie W^ / MKS. MARY COBB, Teacher. PRTWARY DEPARTMENT. dumber of pupils enrolled..,.f.rf57 AVERAGE IL^IY 54 " " .,,.65 neither absent N ^HCVBV MILLBB, tbeJohiwbnrgklfapWe lealer, is fitting up a building on the lot \Per cent of attendance. Bt of Althoff & Miller's store, and when L PUJMIS that wene Completed will fill tlu? same with monu- tardy, during the mo»th were, as fair ments, heiulstones, tombstones, etc. He |ows: gets up some of tV flneet monuments of I Grace Taylor, l^feie Howe, jjoy dealer in the West, and we believe jEngeln, Bessie Rosoogarten, h s Ijew departure will largely increase ; • WHAT s«p**fc»<M$ti8factiou some would- be tjhilosopherstafei in firing that they liivK too poor to spend liw Fjjni of five iiuutM a w*#k for t^ejr home pap^# (wi then sit down and tight a rotten fiye cent cigar aa4 smoke wh>l^ reading a borrow­ ed paper. Hunk i^opie won't know where to go when fciisfr 4w. fiod doesn't want them, an<| the devil has no u#e for dwRi. Itaea tki* hit ̂ oy ? Ratre yt>» p«i4 for this paper? It not you had better de #o at once. TWs Waukegan Gazette of Saturday last says; "One day this week Mr. I>ighfcoa (h.injyfer of the town of Grant, W8M appoiflfc*! »• inspector ol meats and cattle at The salary is a good one, and the position, though responsible, is a very desirable «ae. Mr. Granger is peculiarly fitted for It, and will enter upon the duties of his •efice at once. His many bje&ds wiM nor Ifary Jennje Smjth, Harry Kennedy, Willie Howe, George Howe, Carl Qyefaber, R^lph Colby, Haroid Colby, Blocjij George Swadish, Mattie Leickem, Watttti Simon, Eddie Simon, Albert Holly, Iva Curtis, Mildred Stevens, Willie Claxton, George Robbins, Etta Simes, Eddie^ Adam# &ud l^loy4 Overafoer. y/ \ Mi»i» B4bbah» T^P|)9F, Hors Pension »nql Bounty. ^ gwntJeman (an old soldier) represent; lug Milo R- Steyens 4 Co., of Washingr ingtoa, D. 0., and Chicago, (11., can be seen at the Riverside House, McHenry, Dec. 1st; Ayer's Hotel, Harvard,Dec.2dj Ryder House, Marengo, Dec. 4,1890, by. persons desiring information concerning pensions, bounties, etc., or having claims whjch tlMF tp iwve prosecuted by said attorney#, - . iK"-?"..". 'aj.yjen» FOR SAIyE. The undersigued has for s^le a few ftp* Essex Pigs, and Merino Rams. Call qu or address, D. E. SAYLOR, 19wJJ West McHenry, IU, from the oldest daughter. For a number of years Mr. Smith was engaged in the mercautiie business, making the long, arduous journey to New York twice a year, for quite a number of years, to pur­ chase goods for much of this surrounding country. He was a person of kindly dis­ position, and wherever he went was fa­ miliarly known as "Uncle John." He al­ ways looked on the bright side of life, and had large confidenceinmen. Though generous and hospitable he was of a res­ olute nature. His disease proved at last to be heart failure, and he has gone in the way in which all shall go sooner or later, where there is no blight, and no broken ties of affection. He had firmest, confidence in the continued existence of his being, and always talked rejoicingly of it. Death seemed to him only a change in life, and as forever pointing to some fuller measure of it. He has waited long for the summons that has now called him away from us; and till it seemed his time to go. After a brief service held at the house, bis funeral was attended from the Methodist church at Ringwood, the writer of this preaching the sermon of the occasion, the prayer offered by the Rev. Mr. Nickle. A large eonoourse of sympathizing friends and family ao> quaiutances were drawn together to pay .their last tribute of respect to his mem- wry, and to follow the remains to the ^metery for interment. May each and all be sustained by the reflection that he has set forth in the course that opens into a world of unfading light and glory, whither tip forerunner hath for us en­ tered. H. SLADE. 9 ' Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of McHenry Lodge, No. J ">8, held oi* Moqd^y evening, November 24tb, 1^5)0, the following pret amble M.ud resolutions warp unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, It has'pleased the All-wise Dispenser of events to call from the scenes and dutjos of earth, our worthy and es­ teemed brother, JOHN W. SMITH, whose mortal remains were borne to their last sad resting place on Wednesday, Novem­ ber 19 th, 1890, WIIEBEAH, The sudden call from life unto death forcibly reminds us that the great Human Leyeler is busy, and there­ by admonishes tjs to have oqr lamps triqin^ed and blaming. fheremm, he it That in the death of JOHN W. SMJ^H, our Order has sustained the loss of a faithful member, society has been deprived of an indus­ trious and useful citizen, and a bereaved family have brep called upon to mourn the departure of a devoted husband and father. Refblved, That we deeply sympathise with hjs family and tender to them our heartfelt condolence in their great and irreparable loss. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of our Lodge, a copy transmitted to the family of the de­ ceased, and that the same be published, in the McHenryTbAfirDEALER. ' 0. Jf. OtVB!*, Committee. /mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnm FARM FOR SALE. A good all-purpose farm consisting of aprfta sitijafed one rnjle soqtb*ea«t of ftojon in the towo of Riphmqnd, Terms reasonable. For further particulars in- qpire on the premises of v ^ 30m3 WM. MOOBH, Solon, 10. FARM W>KS ALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICJJAEL. DOHEBTY, P^ted yogwntyr lR*h^lS90. 19-^m WHEAT WANTED. - The highest cash price will be paid for Winter or Spring Whe^tatthe Waoooadf m i' . SPEKCBB, Proprietor. Munger's dividend 81c for September. _ W. E. Wire was at Woodstock oa offi­ cial business last Saturday. Mrs. Dora Holmes has improved the looks of her place by building a new fence around it. T. M. Sboudy is building an addition to his furniture stafee, a much-needed im­ provement, as his work-room is very small. Hebron LodgeNo. 604, A.F. and A.M., will work the third degree of Masonry on Wednesday evening. Dec. 3. All are cor­ dially invited to attend. ' ' -• The Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs. Ira B. Phillips last week, and was very large­ ly attended, there being upwards of fifty in the afternoon and over one hundred in the evening. AH reported au excellent time. I). A. Rush, wife antl little girl, from Rockford, have been stopping in Hebron the past week. Mr. Rush in agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., and is doing a good business. He wrote up nine new applica­ tions last week. The meeting at Union Hall last week In the interests of the milk producers and shippers was quite well attended. Mr. Frank Cox, of Nunda, explained the ob­ ject of the meeting as that^of promoting the interests of the farmers by forpiing an association, or stock company, to be run by the farmers in disposing of their milk in Chicago. Quite a number have subscribed for stock here. - < We are in receipt of a business^oard of Tease D. Smead, of Toledo, Ohio, from Menzo D. Stone. Menzo is one of our town's boys. He went to work for this, one of the largnst furnace ahd ventilating companies in the world, aboutsix months ago, and now h<? holds the position of as­ sistant superintendent. Good, Menzo! We are glad, and may you still push for­ ward until you are at the top of the ladder. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Mr. and Mrs. James Philp spent a part of last; week with friends in Chicago. Thos. Kabon is having a fine ice house built on his lot on the bank of the creek. J. I>. Keyee is doing the carpenter work. Mrs. Sarah Miller haa been very sick the past week of pleuro-pneumonia, but is now on the gain. W. P. Thompson sold the Mrs. Gillilan farm, 1 % miles up t.lje river from town, to a Chicago party. Consideration, 113.000. We are informed that it is to be fitted up as a summer resort. If that is the case there is not its equal in this section of the country for that purpose. Miss Amelia Adamek, of Elgin, is visit­ ing with relatives and friends here. Fred Peterson, of Nuhda, who has been worl. ing at the carpenter trade for Chas. Kublank, had the misfortune to cut his left hand very badly, on Saturday last, on the buze saw. Dr. Naaon dressed the wound. A young son of Christ Patchle shot himself through the foot with a 22 oala- bre rifle on Sunday afternoon lg^st. They brought him down andDr. Na<!on dt,essed the wound. At Chapell St Morton's auotlon sale ot a car-load of milch cows on Saturday last, co *rs sold on an average of nearly $32, Per head. We did not have our regular Saturday and Sunday's rain as usual.. Our sick are reported as all doing well, with the exception of Mr. H. B. Hubbard, who is very poorly. Mrs. G. S. South worth and Mrs. Dr. Green, of Woodstook, were callers on friends here on Saturday last. » CaJ Hurt out his wrist quite badly with a knife on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brink are getting ready to go to housekeeping in the Con­ gregational parsonage. NORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Sunday was a very pleasant div, consequently several of our young men took p4v«,ntftge of it and went outj to engagp girls for the Thanksgiving party. Miss Maggie Walsh went tq Chicago Saturday morning to spend a few "weeks with friends there. John Bulger wtw calling on friends here Sunday, John Phalin and his ahdwr Nellie Sun- dayed at Wauoonda. Miss Joanna Doherty was op" the sick list last week, but is better. <r James Reed has been making some improvements on his residence the past week. Dennie Corr was over Wednesday, J. Greelv and T. Walsh made us another call last Sunday. Mrs. .fohn Cleary, whom we reported as being sick last week, is slowfl# inprov- ing. James Puroell sold a fine colt lastwqek. Mr Frisbv, of Woodstook, Fas visiting friends bare hist week. . AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on the Geo. McCollum farm, 2% miles north-west of Wauconda, on Friday November 28th, 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following property: 5 cows, new milch and springers, G heifers coming three years old. 3 steers coming three years old, 3 spring calves, 2 good work horses, 1 mare 4 years old, 2 geld­ ings coming 3 years old, 2 geldiugs com­ ing 2 years old, 35 sheep, 1 Champion light binder, good as new, \ Champion light mower, 1 Holliugkiworth rake, good as new, 1 Buckeye grain drill, 1 walking plow, 2 sulky cultivators, 1 sulky plow, 1 prairie breaker. 1 sixty-tooth drag, 1 diamoad-tooth cultivator, 2 sets double harness, 1 truck wagon, 1 scalding trough, 1 sixteen-inch disk pulverizer, 10 tons Timothy hay, 40 tons wild hay, 400 bushels corn in ear, a quantity of rye in bin, and other articles too numerous to mention. The u&ual fwe lunch at noon. TERMS,-*AH sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum one year's time on approved note" at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. No property removod until settled for. C. W. HARVEY, GEO. MCCOLLUM. F. K. Granger, Auctioneer. Do NOT forget if you wqqt a INK class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. FOR SALE OR RENT^ J In the Village of Biagwojodf% good bouse and shop. Term* reasonable. In- <piire of VsajLJBY ' * * %fy • The Buffalo Boots and Shoes, and sheet music with each pair at Evanson's. New dress goods, new clothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evanson's. NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. "Have you seen the 5--A five mile horse blanket? If not, why not,? If yon have a horse vou need it." The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. ' Good fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. Fall Jackets, new, reasonable in price, and stylish. Also, sheet music with each jacket at Evanson's. Calf Meal! Oil Meal I Always in stock, at Bonelott & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement bat a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prism. Highest market price paid for oahk 6 W.A. CKIBTY. K-W: FOR SALE. - The undersigned, Executor of the WiH of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doBes for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. J. •. Story's Xiooala. Finest assortment ,of Japanese temp- shades only 10c at Julia A. Story's. New Books, Poems, Novels etc., finest stationery and Artists materials at Julia A. Story's. A f u l l l i n e o f r u b b e r t o y * d o l l s e t c , a t Julia Story's. The best Harness Oil in pint or quart cans ready forase also Boston Coach oil for wagons and buggies better than castor oil for venter use at J. A. Story's^ New assortment of tooth-brushes, fine combs, Ladies pen knives and best line of soaps, toilet, medical and laundry at J-. A. Story's. "Rough and Ready," rids rich or rick­ ety rooms of roguish, robbing, roman­ tic riotous, roving, robust rats. Sold by Julia A. Story. Best Salad Oil for table use at Julia. A. Story's. Vaseline, Rose perfumed, carbolated and arnicated at Julia A. Story's. Whisk brooms, mouth organs, horns etc. only 10c at Julia A. Story's. Don't forget this one thing:--That Julia A. Story has the most complete line of new stand lamps, hanging lamps and fancy crockery aud glassware in town and the most reasonable prices. Come in and see for yourself. You will-be looking up Holiday goods soon and when y&u do examine our stock whieh will be fresh and new. Don't buy goods that have been kept over and every one has seen in the show cases a year or two. LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST ! We have just received a large line of the famous well wearing Wilkins Rock- ford Hosiery which we offer on small mar- fins. 10-4 all wool Bed Blankets $2.75, 3 to $6; white lied Blankets, 05c to $5 per pair. Heavy all wool twilled Flan nel 25c, 30c, 38c to 55c. Good Cotton Batts, 9c, 12c and 22c. ChildrensCloaks $1.1 5 to $8. Ladies all wool Hose 17c to 80c. Extra heavy Rockford Socks, 9c to 18cc. We keep a full stock of the fa­ mous Menasha and Clear Lake Flannels, at 38c per yard. Ladies Shoes, $1, $1.25 to $5. Look over our hundreds of Cloaks, Overcoats, etc., and remember we fill all special orders with great ex­ perience ana care every Thursday, Yours, 1 BONBLETT <FE STOFFBL. Ladies' fine kid shoes $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and upwards at Evanson's. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's West Side. Bargains in Boots of standard makeB", such as the Buffalo, at Evanson's. The extra good Knit Mitts and Gloves calf faces, former prices 75c, now 50c at Evanson's. Fur caps, Plush caps, Scotch caps, cost price is all we ask, John Evanson & Co. Ladies Jackets at cost to close oat at Evanson's. Overcoats and Suits are selling at wholesale prices at Evanson's. Candies received Story's. this week at 1, i. FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers for rent his farm consisting of 160 acres, situated within forty rods of the Mudgett Butter and Cheese Factory; seventy-five acres of plow land, balance pasture and meadow. Divided into small lots and well adapted to dairying. Also well supplied with water. Has a good house and barn and all other outbuildings. Terms cash. Will rent from one to three years. Will give possession March 1. 17U WM. WELCH. FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers for sale bis farm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3% miles east of McHenry. Is in a good state of cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GERHABT SCHUENKMANK. October 14th, 1890. 14m2 Reduced Rates to Chicago, On account of the American Horse Show and the American Fat Stock Show to be held in November, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will on frequent dates sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return at reduced rates. For full information relative to rates and dates of sale apply to agents C. & N.-W. R'y. lQwf} * 0$E WEEK, Beginning Monday, Nov. 17th. Special low prices on men's and boys' leather goods, such as kip, grain leather and calf boots. Too much stock makes it necessary'to realize. JOHN EVANSON & Co, AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion, on the premises, two miles north of Volo, on Thursday, Dec. 4, 1890, com­ mencing at 10 o'clock, A.M., the following property: 8 head of cattle, 1 span of horses, 5 and 7 years old, 1 brood mare, 1 colt 0 months old, 7 shoats, about 80 hens, 1 McCormick Mower, 1 McCormick Reaper, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single buggJV 1 road cart, 2 sets double harness, % sets single harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 hay rake, 1 bob sleigh, 2 walking plows, 1 hayrack, 2 51A horse blankets^ 175 bushels corn in crib, 10O bushels oats, 4 bushels buck­ wheat, 20 bushels barley, 35 bushels wheat, 10 tons slough hay, a quantity of corn fodder, and Qther articles. The usual free lunch at noOn. TERMS.--All sums of $10 and aadwr cash. Over that sum a credit of oneyear will be given on approved notes at 8 p«r cent interest. 2 per cent ofcr for cash. No property rfggoved until settled for. F. W. COSSMAK. F. K. QBANOKB, Auctioneer. Do you need Corsets? Saturday Nov. 29th Corsets at cost. Come that day for Corsets, John Evanson & Co. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. P. Npr take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drugstore. AN INVARIABLE SIGN. V Swelling of the ankles or feet whetl not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortuess of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Sold at Besley's drug store, FOR SALE OK RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 ' ^ ?" - BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE, ~f The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum; Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mouey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry. 19-ly GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be men­ tioned who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Besley's drug store. • /sc AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Druggists everywhere report that the sales ot the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and medicine-are astonishing; ex­ ceeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility , backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, etc. Taylor Bros., of Bryan, 0.; Amber & Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. Woodworth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and hundreds of others state that they never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial bottles of this great medicine and book on Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's who guarantees and recommends it. FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, pain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the liver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these I maladies Mr. Milles' New Cure for the I heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G. W. Besley. Treatise free. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no reut, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his ftrices. -ieloit fine pants only....,...*.. ...§4 00 Beloit heavy mixed ...........4.... 2 50 Men's business suits 9 50 Cassimere suits 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits 1 00 Knee pants 25c, 35c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters $1.50, 185 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. ______ E. LAWLUS. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the same this week with a full line of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods to whieh she invites the attention of the Ladies oi McHenry aud the surrounding country. She has engaged Miss Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, aud will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price. She will also pay especial attention to Dress-making, and has engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will receive prompt attention. 1ST Call in and inspect our goods. MRS. GEO. W. BESIJO:. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1890. V"^* F . K . G R A N G E R , General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at­ tention. Address. r. I Gtivon W--t Me Bmmt A SAFE INVESTMENT. Itf tytte ̂ fhich is guaranteed to bring vou satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for anv affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Infiamation of Lungs, Broachitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant an agreeablt to taste, perfectly gate and can always be depended apon. Trial bottles free at Geo. W, Bwfey'slfcvestoce. 19-lni ... r.f_ ' V £ f „ # A<8 , f V, : 4>, 1 Note Our Prioea, Vh; \ A * ed Flaaasl at 16a. worth SBo per [yard Unbtaaobed OoltonJFlaiiMl itjjfe, ' ' 1 ; * 1 Men's thesvy Grey Uadorwear, Wo marked down from 40ot - r *•> Y" ^ '« f» f - v < ' \i '%<• .jr •f I v; • - *, V* • W* Bed Blankets la gray and while «$ 99o per pair--cheap at $1.36. f ' • •- ra Heavy all wool redded iftankslfc *kr • $2,99--bought before|tbe rise. ; •fm 1 Ji * • r .feti •. ;«l|! * £ We carry the odllilfil'ir Blankets, Ladle* fine Kid Shoes at 1 ed down from $ft and $8JKk m Children** Calf Shoes, 8s and 6s alyKe por pair,martod4owftCroiail. A ' * -1- MIMMP Robbers S9o, worth|B0e. • 1% '1 Bubbexs Womea'a heavy'Aboes at $1. down from $1,28. : : Large lot of men's Show at vertfl prices. Prices roduoed. -fm V < -1* . ^ $7 IJ We have some extra Bargains in Ladies' and Misses' Fine Cloaks in all sizes and styles, and guar­ antee the lowest Cash Prices. Do not fiul to an them belbit buyin, 8* We haxe all oolors and] grades of Fine Yarns sod Zedhyrs. A Dig drive German Knitting Yarn, noma ti»<i «w W\.; ' Oar large 3 took of Beaver stad heavy Winter &n*wl8 la now in. We boogbt hem at eery low rigures and can seiL v(ii\ Remember we have the laftest !lia* of ladles' white, natural gray Onetf Hair and red Wool Underwear to he found ia the oounty. We also* have a foil stock of men's and.boys' Clothing and Overcoats In styles and quality to suit all. Wo can show yon some big bargains 1a this line. Gloves and Afittens of every deictl# tlon and prioe. wear. Cbllsrs and Cuffs, in the very latest styles. We are hesdqnartars fer* :7" v ^ ; When yon want Table Linens 4MP Towellngs, see the variety we keep. Nobody can give belief WgMffl £a t h i s U n a t h a n w e . - ̂ T | FLOUBI ISJOUBI We keep PillsbnryX BIshopfe other brands. Also remember we pay Cash for all our goods and sell them as low aad oa any times lower than Its SO enttti Cash Stores. We pay the highest pries tor BoMSf »ad Sggs. , , . •' i:' .*1 Perry&Ow«a. BScHewy, III. ^4- ' scm - I V .

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