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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1890, p. 5

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HTSIl&BSDAY, DEO. 8, 1890. Table. Taking eitftt Snnrfay, Sept. 11.1890, trains will pass this station as follows: •oiiw poon. jvicHearr PUHRINT Ospart 7 '2? A: *• » Lake GMMV* PlMtBgir. ..T:» '* M,*ke Express... .......J-M "* • Lake Genera ffwgfct...... •LakeGeasra Passsnger . • WOHTHI. • * ulke^as^a ^•itht".".'. '.'V.7.7'. Jj A«; a»tsaear:r^; *Lak«Usneva PassSnger..........1#-, _•* BXPCAKATK}*?* i • Dailr axeapt Sun tag, - - •* -4 anaday* only. B* BtfSS, Agent. MoHenrr. Ill MA90MIC. ' MoHnrtT LODOK, Na 188 A. F. **4 A. (tojtntar Oommnninatlins the second and fourth Mondays in each montb. 0. C. COLBT, W. M, MODB&K WOODMEN OF AMERICA. «, Meet at the Plaind«aler Office every Sec- Mid Tuesday evening of each month. Neigh- bors oor lially Invite*!. MR. SL A DE'B subject next, Sunday morn­ ing will be "Perfection as God is Perfect." * FOUKD, a small Trunk Key, which the owner can bare by calling at the Poet OWce. FOUND, a small Crochet Shawl. The owner can have the same by calling at the Post Office and proving property. Do NOT forget if yon want a flint class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can 1 • fx dates for you at this office. POUND, on the streets of this village a lift5'Fass Book, containing Railroad Ticket. The owner cap have the same by calling Uj. at this office and proving property. „j. *K THE Epworth League, of the Methodist f ,} Church, meets every Sunday evening at | , T o'clock. All young people areesptcially l-," Invited. MRS. E. W. HOWE will move her Milli­ nery and Dress Making Rooms to the Owen .building, One door north of Perry & 0 wen'se tore. The building i« now b< - ing repaired for that purpose. 'Oss hundred and fifty-four numbers fwere sold at the Thanksgiving party, at the Riverside House, on Thursday even- ingjH«V report a good time and "voted "landlord Brewer the "right man *~ £he right plaos." C. T. EI.DRBDQB dressed and shippe jpyer 10.000 pounds of Poultry in the^ of NovembexAJIe is now paying arkSTprice for Turkeys, Dncks, at the Poultry ALBSBT HILL, DF TTTCNGO, was calling On friends hem last week. ED. W, OWEN will occupy the residence of James B, Perry in this village. MRS. JOHN I. STORY IS visiting whfc friends in Chicago this week. M. D. STODDARD, of Nunda, was on bur streets on Thursday last. ED W. OWKN and wife are visiting in Chicago this week. W. W. BOGAUT, of Richmond, attended the Thanksgiving Party at the Riverside House on Thursday evening last. MRS. K. GARDNER, of Colorado, is the guest of James, Bobbins and family, in this village. A. J. DICKKN80N feas been ou the rick list the past week, but is now able to be out again. PROF. GRIMUSS, of the Nunda High School, was calling on friends here one day last week. LEWIS AND A DAMNS POWERS, of Elgin, are visiting with the family of George S. Curtis, in this village. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife went to <|W- cago on Wednesday last and will remain a week or ten days,/ JACOB WENT WORTH, of McQueen, HI., spent a few days last week with his par­ ents, in this village. Miss EFFIK KENNEDY, of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, in this village. F. T. CotLBY and wife, of Englewoodi were calling on friends here Thanksgiv • ing day. JAMES B. PKRRY, Connty Treasure -, moved his family to Woodstock leu t week. MIS3 CLARA WIGHTMAX, who is teacl 1- ing school in <Jhicago, spent Thanksgi r- ing with her parents, in this village. Miss GERTIE RCHUM&KER, and Miis Barbara Wiedemann, of Elgin, were cal I- ing on friends here last week. ASAL STEVENS, of Oak Park, 111., spent a few days at home, in this village, lam week. > Miss S. WFESCHS, of Harmony, was the guest of Miss Mary Wentworth, a few days last week. ROBT. CRAWFORD and wife, of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving with S. Kennedy and wife, in this village. iss DORA BESLEY, who is attending school at, Waukegan, spent a short vaca­ tion with her parents, in^ this village, lastweel&V;V;- : AS. S. OWEN, of,Chi"«JGOFBON of E. FT. Owen, is reported as quite sick with Ty^ phoid Fever. His brother, Ed W., and wife, are with him in Chicago. O. W. OWEN and wife took Thanksgiv­ ing dinner at the Penitentiary, Joliet ill., the guests of Commissioner Wright and Warden Berggren. m - Chicken House, W< „ W1 Do NOT forget to . the benefit ot the West Sl^S^hooT, held at the City Hall, on Friday even- . Ing of this week. It will pay you. The V programme can be found in another §/" iolumn. " . "PREPARE ye the way of the Lord. How shall we do it?" is the subject of fc ttoe sermon at the M. E. Church Sun- <Say evening, Dec. 7th. Sermon in the itnorning by Rev. Wm. Nickle, of Ring- wood. "f. \vE hear complaints that wood thieves P , are visiting different parts of this village If : 1 dose of Buckshot faithfully administer |f ^ «d might have beneficial results. Of ol! 5 v , the thieves a wood and chicken thief the lowest. * "G TORKISY and chicken thieves made quite ./a haul east of this village last week, and / we learn quite a number of "the boys" r I Rm-Iikelv to get into trouble therefor. Give them the full extent of the law and they may not think it so eunning next >',;f '-time. ¥• f A regular meeting of Valley Camp No. 07, Modern Woodmen of America, will be FCEI'D at the PL.AINI>BALBR office, Tuesday 6 evening next, Dec. 9tb, at 7:30 o'clock. mm Eteetion of officers and other important f r tmsiness will conie before the Camp. $f'" TEvery member is earnestly requested to present. Per Order. !r$, Do NOT fail to read the new Holiday L - S advertisement of Geo. W. Besloy, to be | - found in another column. As usual, he •will have the finest line of Holiday Goods to be found outside of the city, and if you ?Want a present, small or large, ypu can­ not fail to be suited at his store. Be sure pto eall andsee the ftnedisplay to be found thera. lawless individuals, among whom #are some not very small boys, have been K mutilating and breaking fences in front • V©f re»idene«ii» Uus village, of>t». This one of the meanest acts of a depraved P nature, and if caught in the art should be | severely dealt with. There is no excuse for the wanton destruction of property fl and the perpetrators deserve a lasting HTfiihirfM*" 11 1 ftWfllli" <M#ii'if - - . -Wjg'Wi «H)|piraqsrw» of mepppp^n we mow la ammlovi* and the:pr>B^at%»»," ior that tffiitter, it girn a lemon colored hoe to the sur­ roundings of the office of ucountrj paper, and brings a tear to the eye of the devil, to think so many of its subscribers are delinquent with th*ir church dues, and still more so with amounts varying from |1.50 to $6 or $7 owing their home pa{>er for subscription long past due. Why is thisthusly? The cold blasts of winter are approaching at a 2:06 gait, and the sheolic zephyrs will soon overtake such as do not accelerate their speed, enter the fLAlNDEALER office with a smiling countenance and pay up, so we can give them our autographic receipt, pay the devil bis dues and purchase a load or two of cobs to keep the old thing warm during the winter hour*. "8ay me not nay," but spiel. / THERE will be an entertainment for the peneflt of the West Mc Henry school, held ,t the City Hail on Friday evening, Dec. th. Following is the programme: Piano Voluntary ....Mies Myrtle Brill Welcome ...George Slim pins Sjolo Liztie Osborne Recitation Recitation.. OlO ....••••.(.....tM ecitation ....... ecitation......... ong ecitation......» Recitation........ ...Eddie Cobb Emma Felts .........Lenora Stevens Lynn Crispy Worth en Kimball School .Lizzie Felts ...K?. Willie Giiles Hesitation..................Henry Pomerening Piano Solo............... Prof. J. I. Sears Recitation......... Orten Gilbert li'x ftation Miss Annie Andrus Piano Duet Misses Myrtle Brill and Mary Wentworth. Recitation Miss Liszie Osborne Solo Mrs. G. E. Dickenson Select Reading Mrs. F. K. Granger Piano Duet The Misses Wentworth Recitation Miss Fannie Osborne Trio .Donna Lincoln, Nettie Schiessle, Pearl Lincoln Recitation*..*..* Miss Jennie Dennison Piano Solo*... ....Prof. .T. I. Sears ....Miss Annie M. Andrus Mrs. G. E. Dickenson ....Miss Grace E. Stevens Miss Myrtle Brill Jennie Dennison Frank Cobb ....Male Quartette Recitation...... Solo Recitation...... Piano Solo..... Recitation......^ Good Night.-- |S<mg ..... I'he entertainment will begin at eight o'clock, sharp, Admission, Adults, 20 cents; children, 10 cents. CoyNTY CLERK AVERY has completed the" Collectors' books for the so vera! towns, from which the PLAINDEALER gleans the following figures, which show the total amount of taxes to be collected from each town in McHenry county: Riley. M HiKDQ|{0,. •••••*•*%•*• •**« *»»•»• •»«•»»• Dunham.. Chemung OF*, LET oar MeHesry county farmers, as ' • well as all Ottser people, beware of slick- toBgnd strangers who come to them on ^ sny pretense whatever. The country is I full ol smart swindlers, and depend upon ; it they will heat you out of money if you deal with them In any way. Sometimes they come as farm buyers and sometimes a* borrowers of money on mortgages Have nothing to do with strangers in ine of business. INFORMATION is wanted of the where­ abouts of the widow of John' Henry Elliott, who is supposed to have lived in this county about the year 1858. 8be is to have married again,.and her presenJ--jf11110 is not known. Should this happen tfljP64* bpr eye» or anyone who i.nOT nr hSlwbereabouts, she will learn by cafflng at or addressing* '"8 ofltee- DIED.--In Chicago, on Sant^g®y teit, Nov. 29th, of consumption, Mrs. Kf^ggie Woodard, aged 30 years. Mrs. Woodard was a daughter of Wm. Kenaelly, who formerly resided here, and a Bister of Mrs. Edward Sutton, who lives east of this village. Her remains were brought here on the 10 A. M. train on Monday, and her funeral held from the Catholic Church, and attended by a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing friends. _ T of letters remaining uncalled for the post office at McHenry, Bl., December 1,1890: Mrs. E. E. McBroom, F. B. Smith, Mrs. W. H. Wood 2, Mrs. R. E. Walter, G. W. Cage, J. W. Beedeji, Mrs. Ettie Jacobs, Mr. G. Koclgjjiiji e Miss Augusta Peterson. Mrs. Wm. Wagner. In calling for the above letters please say they are advertised. JAY VAN SLYKE, P. M. Mss. GEO. W. BESLEY has just returned from the city with a fine stock of fancy goods, suitable for the Holiday Trade, to which she invites the attention of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Any­ thing wanted, not in stock, will be or­ dered and delivered on short notice. Confident that she can please you in Fancy Goods, Millinery or Dress Making, she respectfully asks you to call, inspect Goods, and learn prices before you put chase. • A NEBRASKA fanner writing friends in the east, was trying to give some idea of the productiveness of the soil out there. He said they had to mow the grass off the sod honse floor to find the baby. One family near him had twin babies, with only one cradle and the kid that bad to sleep on the floor grew twice as fast as the other. Where the soil is the riclwt a man dare not stand on one fpot any length of time lest that leg be comes longer and bothers in walking. Alden. Hartland... Seneca Coral Grafton I)oir Greenwood.......... Hebron Richmond. Burton...... McHenry. Nunda Algonquin 4,083 60 12,061 27 4.ft14 82 19^576 72 4,785 (><» 5,670 60 6,201 61 5,834 96 8,956 82 19,995 41 5,582 88 6,070 45 4,754 40 1,144 89 8,404 04 11,223 89 12,806 03 Total.,.** .^..............1142,618 00 Rail road. | 18,738 21 Telegraph .,..* 87 63 Telephone ^.««fi*....*.*.. 44 45 Grand total ,....$161,4^8 29 The amount to be collected Is for the following purposes: Stats County ridge.......... s,Town...*.. l&afldai ~ Scho Dist CO The 12,011 •A t| WE are glad to be able to inform our readers in McHenry and eutrounding country that C. H. Albrecht, a graduate of the American Dental College, has de­ cided to locate here for the practice of Dentistry, and will open an office some­ time next week, probably in rooms over Evanson's store, on the West Side. This is something McHenry has needed for a long time, and as My. Albrecht comes highly recommended M predict him a liberal patronage. THE man who takes a newspaper from the post office with no intention of .ever paying his sul>scription would be highly indignant and grossly insulted if he were called a thief. Yet a court in Ohio re­ cently convicted forty men of that caliber and allowed the publisher who brought the suits, Judgments to the full extent of the bill in every ease. The crime charged was larceny. A few more cases may boom the collection business and cause legions of poor editors to rise to sudden affluepce. Kalf-Rate Excursions. Fcf fnll information concerning the senes of excursions to points in Minne­ sota, the Dakota*, Iowa. Nebraska, Wy ominjr, Colorado, Idaho and Montana, for which tickets will be sold at half rates (one fare for th« round trip), apply to agents of the Chicaeo & North-Western Railway Company. " 6 Special low prices on Buffalo boots, t dap at •*»*•••*«*»••••• a*#***,* 1 •••etaV 9,979 35 6,902 62 .. 80,543 78 .. 62,448 88 797 56 .. 8,793 72 amounts to o $37.50. ir the I:" :LOD»fi H*B*0* Loooa K*>. SOT* A. F. AND A. M., meet at Maanalw HMl the 1st and s i Wednea. DAYS of eaohnoath. P. A. CLARY, W, U. I. O. O. K.--Hebron Lodge, No. 76/* meet at Masonlo Ball every Tuesday night. W. K. WIRB,N.G. HKBKOW O. B.K. apM•§ Masoaie H»JI the Sd aod 4th WedKatimaaeh itonth. MmiTm. B, »**A*TO8. W. M, M. W. A.--Meet at Kaaoala Hall the Sd and M Satordays of each mtnth. r. R. GKATTOW. V. O. L. H. Yonng, of Chicagt), called on his numerous friends in Hebron last week. The Ladies' Aid Society have a church fair at Hyde's Hall December 5th, to raise money for purchaeiog new opera chairs for the M. E. Oiarch. Come out and buy their wares and help in the good cause, as the old seats are hard pine and no cushions. Mr. James Hamilton, of Sturgeon Bay, visited at Sant Rotnour's over Sunday. Buchanan's butter dividend for Octo­ ber was 20 cents per pound. A. P. Root and wife rejoice over the arrival of a tine boy. All doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sill, of Lawrence, 111., visited with their parents Thanks- giving. Charley Pronty waa home from Chi­ cago and eat turkey with Ms parents. AakTorboss how much his turkey cost. Bspsrt of Beport oi West month ending Novem Number enrolled Average daily attendance... Per cent of attendance.. The following is the average scholar­ ship for the month of the pupils named: Eddie Cobb 91 Henry Pom'r'ng..8i' Willie Thurlweil..88 »Worthen K'mb 11.91 Lizzie Felts 90 George Slimpin...90 Pearl Nellie 91 Altie Kimball 91 EddieThurlwell...87 HaroldCriety 87 Willie Osborne....85 Newton McLean..87 Aggie Myers 82 Tillie Myers 82 Tiliie Pom'r'ng...79 Willie Pom'r'ng...75 Charlie Pom Vng,69 Charlie Feltz 79 Pearl Lincoln. ..i..70 Clarence Parker...81 Henry Kamholts.89 Frank Cobb 92 Nettie Schiessle...92 Fred Lincoln 88 Amos Wolff 91 Willie Krause 82 Henry Nickles 80 Willie Giiles... 89 Donna Lincoln....92 Annie Wolff. ...80 Minnie Feltz 87 Edith Krause .80 Rjtcbael Krause..84 Willie Comisky....87 Orten Gilbert. 68 Emma Felt®.. 89 Henry tflock 89 Willie Detmar 88 The following were not absent during the month: Henry Block, Orten Gilbert, Willie Comisky, Rachael Krause Edith Krause, Minnie Felts, Henry Nickles Willie Krause, Amos Wolff, Clarence Parker, Charlie Felts, Newton McLean, Harold Cristy, George SHmpins and IiatuFeHf^ J. H. BCTMTO* Teachar* 6PECIAX XBBTXirO. A Special Meeting of the Village Board will be held at the City Hall, in the Village of McHenry, on Saturday evening next, Dec. 6th, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of consulting as to taking proper steps to guard our village against Fires, and to transact any other business that may eome before the Board. The public are respectfully invited to attend M all have an equal interest and will be accorded a hearing* SIMON STOFFEL, President*, FARM FOR SALE. A good all-purpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Toms reasonable. For further particulars in­ quire on the premises of 20m3 WM. MOORE, Solon, 111. IMPORTANT TO CASH PAYING TRADE. \ Owing to the mild weather and large amount of winter goods on hand and owing to the fact that we must convert these goods into cash, we announce a general dosing out sale beginning Mon­ day morning, Nov, 24th. Don't Mil to can. The goods must go and prices vill felt'boots and shoe leather erf «wgy dis^' be made to make therago quick. Re- ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--Mr. William Glaiier, ot Chicago, was the guest of Jas. Philp last week. Mr. Glazier and Mr. Philp intend making a trip around the world, starting the last of December or first ol January. Our town Board constructed a new sidewalk in front of the Simon property, on North Main Street, which was much needed. Our sick are all doing well as far as we have heard, there being no new cases the past week. Miss Bertha Dodd spent her Thanks­ giving with friends in Chicago. Thanksgiving passed off very qnietly here. The only excitement we heard of was a few turkey raffles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee and Miss Hart spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hart, at Marengo. Nearly all of our young folks attended the Drama at Nunda on Friday evening last. They report a very good entertain­ ment. * Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell Kave a par­ ty on Wedne«day evening of last week, in honor of their sons, Charlie and Ar­ thur, of Chicago. There were friends in­ vited both from home and abroad. A very enjoyable evening w$s sp$&t> with music, singing and dancing. Miss Laura Julian, of Leland, III., vis­ ited last week with friends here. Misses Ina and Clara Hubbard, of Wayne, 111., spent Thanksgiving with friends here. Mrs. S. A. French, of Chicngo, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillips here. Fred Duensing is going tohaveanaddi-1 tion built onto the house he purchased of Mrs. Sherwood. Chas. Kublank has the job. Christ Frank is building a new barn for Christ Wilbrant on the property lately purchased of James Philp. We have been having very favorable weather for building for the past few weeks and they are all improving it in this section. Christ Frank built a new sidewalk in front of his property on Main street last week. The Merrymakers are billed for an en­ tertainment at Morton's Hall for Thurs­ day evening of thi* week. C. E* Chapell started north on Monday of this week. Wm. Morton shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. John Johnston is preparing to move his furniture on to bis back lot and James Stewart is going to build a fine residence on the foundation where the store stands. The ladies of the Episcopal Church will hold their Fancy Fair and Supper, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 10, at the Mor­ ton House. Remember the date and all turn out and have a good time and buy your best girl a Christmas present. Jas. Marshall, of Cresco, Iowa, was in town last week shaking hands with his many old friends. Monday of this week was the most like winter of any day we have had yet this sepapn* , NORTHERN NUNDAjjp EDITOTI PLAINDEALKR Quite & num­ ber from this little burg attended the Thanksgiving party, and all report a good time. P. J. Murray, of Harvard, spent a few da^s with friehds in this vicinity last Mrs. Keunealy, of Elgin, is vMting friends, heoprfhis week. ' John Fnsby was on the sick list last week but is now convalescent. John Sutton, who has been laid up with a lame back for some time, is able to be around again. Miss Allie Holian was the guest of Mim Loretto Walsh last week. The leading topic of conversation is: Which beat? The Richmond Gray or White Face. A social entertainment was given at Mr. Reed's on Sunday evening. Our school was closed Monday on ac­ count of the funeral of Mrs. Woodard. James Doherty has purchased a fine colt. James says it is a trotter and is bound to make a showing in the near future. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the game this week with a full line of new and Fapliionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of Mi-Heuiy aiid tl«s surrounding country. She has engaged Miss Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price. She will also pay especial attention to Dress-making, and has encaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Miss Freeman will be here on Tuesday uf each week. iQrCall in and inspect our goods. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY. Wast McHenry, Nov. 5th, 18frftj, v literary The J. G. Cupples Company of Boston, will soon issue a very dainty holiday book entitled "Aunty's Elfin Land," It is a collection of fairy stories; or rather, the combined histories of three children who had most strange adventures in the land of" the little folk." They Mrs. Maria Hildreth P lustrated by Herman book will commend itsel are in search of holiday who have outgrown the rhymra. Mrs. Parker Col. J. M. G. Parker, I prominent, citizen of Ne1 «ni«fe!ww»R,!r M«IO Witt dtow fct BVMIOT Men's Congress shoes $1.25 at Evan- son's. The Buffalo Boots and Shoes, and sheet music with each pair at Evanson's. New dress goods, new clothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evanson's. NICE line of Pipes, just reoeived, at Barbian Brothers. "Have you seen the 5-A five mile horst blanket? If not, why not^t If yon have a horse von need it." The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. _______ Fall Jackets, new, reasonable in price, and stylish. Also, sheet music with each jacket at Evanson's. Calf Meafi Oil Meal! Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, In small or large lots, at close prices* WHEAT WANTED. The highest cash price will be paid for Winter OJC S^riug W heat at the W auconda mill. <1, '" J. SPENCER, Proprietor. 16tf « i . . a . i,w> tten by FOR SALE OR RENT. In the Village of Ringwood, a good house and shop. Terms reasonable. In­ quire of WESLEY LADD. DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my price*. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRISTY. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South ofMcHenrv Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL DOHERTY, Dated November 18th, 1890. 19-3m FOR SALE. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN KLSH, Executor. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest., surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples atg«o. W. Bssicy's. J. A* Stones Looalt* Finest assortment of Japanese lamp­ shades only 10c at Julia A. Story's. New Books, Poems, Novels etc., finest stationery and Artists materials at Julia A. Story's. A full line of rubber toys dolls etc, at Julia Story's. The best Harness Oil in pint or quart cans ready for use also Boston Coach oil for wagons and buggies better than castor oil for winter use at J. A. Story's. New assortment of tooth-brushes, fine combs, Ladies pen knives and best line of soaps, toilet, medical and laundry at J . A. Story's, "Rough and Ready," rids rich or rick­ ety rooms of roguish* robbing, rouMui tic riotous, roving, robust rats. Sold by Julia A. Story. Best Salad Oil for table use at Julia. A. Story's. Vaseline, Hose perfumed, carbolated and arnicated at Julia A. Story's. Whisk brooms, mouth organs, horns etc. only 10c at Julia A. Story's. Don't forget this one thing:--That Julia A. Story has the most complete line of stand lamps, hanging lamps and fancy crockery and glassware in town and the most reasonable prices. Come in and see for yourself. You will be looking up Holiday goods soon and when you do examine our stock which will be fresh and new. Don't buy goods that have been kept over and every one has seen in the show cases a year or two. FARM TO KENT. The undersigned offers for rent his farm consisting of 160 acres, situated within forty rods of the Mudgett Butter and Cheese Factory; seventy-five acres of plow land, balance pasture and meadow. Divided into small lots and well adapted to dairying. Also well supplied with water, lias a good house and barn and all other outbuildings. Terms cash. Will rent from one to three years. Will give possession March 1. I.?«T WM. WELCH. f^RM FOR SALE. The uii^'ffitgned offers for sale bis farm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3% miles east of McHenry. Is in a good state of cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GERHABT SOHDENKMANN. October 14th, 1890. 14m2 fteduced Sates to Chioairo. On account of the American Horse Show and the American Fat Stock Show to be held in November, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will on frequent dates sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return at reduced rates. For full information relative to rates and dates of sale apply to agents C. & N.-W. R'y. 15w5 ^ -v Visit Evanson's dosing out sal* ; ' ONE WEEK, Beginning Monday, Nov. 17th. Special low prices on men's and boys' leather goods, such as kip, grain leather and calf boots. Too much stock makes it necessary to realize. JOHN EVANSON Sc CO. FOB APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY GIFTS. Of the largest, newest and choicest itoek of plush, leather or wood bound albums, toilet and manicure sets, shaving cases, mirrors, fancy glove, perfumery or handkerchief and jewelry boxes, elegant new jewelry, over 200 new silk handker- eheifs, mufflers and scarfs, fine neckties, perfumery, fine new glass ware in new designs, new decorated tea dinner and chamber sets, fancy night, stand and hanging lamps, silverware, toys, cups and saucers. The continuous mild winter compels us to offer great reductions on all cloaks, overcoataclothing, underwear, flannels, blankets, shawls, etc. Read our new advertisement carefully and then do not fail to give us a timely call. Very respectfully, BONSLETT & STOFFEL. We have special bargains in California Fruits both canned and dried. Please ask for quotations in dozen lots or Two cents pa* yard lor fair prints at Evanson's. Horse Blanket|v«ro^aKB|Bg below the regular prices at.&vCUMftk's* Ladies' fine kid $2.00 and upwards at A choice line Besley's West Side. •1.50, Bargains in Boots of standard makes, such as the Buffalo, at Evanson's. The extra good Knit Mitts and Gloves calf faces, former prices 75c, now 60c at Evanson's. Fur caps, Plush caps, Scotch caps, cost price is ail we ask, John Evanson & Co. Ladies Jackets at Evanson's. at cost to close out Overcoats and Suits are selling at wholesale prices at Evanson's. Candies received Story's. this week aft J. A* I 1*=,: J 5<J . . .fPK :a£-'£<r •M :'V- Do you need Corsets? Saturday Nov. 29th Corsets at cost. Come that day for Corsets, John Evanson & Co. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M.P. NOT take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drugstore. ' AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Sold at Besley's drug store. FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village ol McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms andtother partic­ ulars inquire of H.C.UKAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pw box. For sale by Geo. W. Begk^y, West McHenry. It-ly GROSS GRDELTT* Parents too frequently permit their children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, alter failure of sijtlwu physicians; Mrs. K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be men­ tioned who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Besley's dfqg store. AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Druggists everywhere report that the sales of the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and medicine-are astonishing; ex­ ceeding auything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility, backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, "etc. Taylor BroST, of Bryan, O.; Amber & Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. Wood worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and hundreds of others state that they never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial bottles of this great medicine and book on Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's who guarantees and recommends it* FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, pain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the liver, torpidity; congestion, etc. Pain In the left shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these maladies Mr. Milies' New Cure for the heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G. W. Besley. Treatise free. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and Me his prices. Beloit fine pants only *$4 00 Beloit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits * 9 50 " Cassimere suits 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits 1 00 Knee pants ....25c, 35c, 50c, 100 Men's Congress Gaiters ..$1.50, 185 Ladies' fine shoes..... 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. ________ E. LAWLUS. F. K« GRANGIItv Cenerai Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of ell kinds attended to on the mostreaa- onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at­ tention. Address, V. K. 8BU»U Wast MoBaauty H. C. XEAA General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attandeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat­ ronage solicited. P. O. Address, West McHenry, 111. H.B. THROOfc > AUCTIONEER, AlgoDqoin, I± Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Fanning Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled i make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or, ti graph me at Algonquin, 111. ~ • - A SAFE INVESTMEStT. &V Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist m bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ covery forConsnmpition. it is guaranteed to brinjf retMiaavary case, whsa used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Cbest, such as Consumption, Inftamatioa of Lungs, Branching Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, eta, etc. It is pleasant an agreeable to taste, perfectly sale and can always be depended upon. Trial bottkw free at Geo. W.Bsslaj's Drugstore,. Wa are celling all wool red Medloat- ed Flannel at l@o* worth SffoparifarA. aUnbfe«l»d worth 80 Man's heavy Gray Underwear, flfe Barked dowa mm «le. • ̂ Bed Blankets ta gr«jr*nd while «t , *"^1 t ^ * , Heavy all wool red Bed Blankets «#: 4A99--bought before the rite. vim-: We carry the oelelmi»e<i 5A Blankets, • ; - •' "P 3 I •'M) i "• Ladier fine Kla Shoes ed down from #3 and 93*36* ®#1: per pair, marked down from 9L. HlMMP BsMiswiaft worth SOe* , . /,* " *, 1 mi m V"1$.3 ;'i|S life 4a) BMen*s Rubbers down from 'Large lot of men's Shoes at very low prlcsa. Prtoesredneed* v j , ICL0AK8. 1 f We have some extra in Ladies* and Misses' Fine< in all sizes and styles, and iraar- antee the lowest Cash Prices. g| Do not fail to see them before We baze all ooiorc and Fine Yarns and Zed byre* A' German Knitting Yarn, see it. Our haft Stock ofBsaiei ind ksa»y < Winter Shawls Is now U, W* height them at aery low figures apd oaa sell >m wvmw* Aah 22* iber wekate the of ladies* white, natural gray fftiksV Hair and red Wool Underwear ffe be :? . : F# dn» live a fall slaokaf *ea% and boys' Clothing and Oveieoala In styles and quality to nil all. We oaa show yet some big bargauu la this Gloves and Mtfesos of every .dentin tlon and price* C S R * • » « , * * , t , S Bee our Immense line ofgeainiKeifc* sar.Cbtlars and Oiflt. la the very We are When you want Table Towellngs, see the Nobody can give " this line than FLUUHI We keep Plllsbur '̂s, other brands. l « i\ >'a ourgoott and sell tlea sa low many times lower ttaa tbe so Oksh Stores.

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