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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1890, p. 5

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tr.j ,-i LY, DEC. 10, 1890. r:. ' v Tailne 4 *ttt .pau tb •*A. * • »»w P.M. 74* A.M. 4:80 P. M EXPLAITATtOK. Dallv except Sun t*y. Sunday* only. B. Bi MASONIC. MOHKKRT r.ODOi«»lffa 158 A. *. sort A. M.-- Itofrafkr OniBnanMfltt^M the SGCOBD bad fourth Monday • in «&eti montb. C. O. CtotBY, W. M. • il' * • & :* "W *y MOOBftff WOODMKK OF AMEBIC A. Motttt tin PtSNHteSler Office every Sec- «*4 *fi--<lsy milif or weh month. Neigh- bow cSrltany tnvttwt- S f . v;t. '0*%" * in *Vfc («. • / - - \ *' ftij* - <?•> ;|H • «C {?' IF it, SLADK'S text Sunday morning will b*, "The boor is coming and now is." READ the new advertisement of Perry AO wen, to be fonnd on our local page. READ the new advertisement of John Evanson & Co., to be fonnd on the next page. It will pay yon. THE subject of the morning discourse life the M. E. Church next Sunday will be "The Virtue of Fidelity." All are invited. ..THE Epworth League, of the Methodist Church, meets every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. All young people areespteially Invited. PREPARATIONS are being made for Christmas trees at both the Universalist and Methodist Churches, and interesting programmes may be expected at each. Do NOT forget if you wafat a first class Auctioneer, to call on P. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. THK Dramatic Association, in the beau­ tiful DramW, "Clearing the Mists," at the Overside Hull, on Thursday evening of week. Do not fail to go.1 IVSTjETT & STOPFER have something : to onr readers, in their new adver­ tent this week which can be found in ar column. Read it carefully. i regular monthly temperance dAill be given by Rev. H, Slade, at Suypfc^iall, on Sunday evening next, ,All are invited. . 'Demorest Silver Medal Con FrijtajjJteening, Dec 19,1890, AduilWMUJ ten cents, Children and Contestants IfgXT to being capable of formin|fcflii opinion the most blessed thing in t»j» life is the posession of nerve enough t express it at all times and under all cir­ cumstances. THK exercises at the Oolversalist Church on Christmas eve promise to be of the most interesting character. Then- will be a Christmas Tree, Santa Claus and a first-class literary programme. Fuller particulars next week. I Do NOT fail to attend the grand Con- <>»»rfe by the Harmonie Quartette, of Lttfee G*>n«va, at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Dec. 10th. It will be one i;f ihe finest musical entertainments «*» Kim in this village. AN article in one of our truly pious publications says,, nndor the head of 44Advice to Young Men," "Never leave what, you undertake until you can reach your arms around »t and clinch your hands on the other side." Bat what if she screams? Do YOU want your new suit for holiday wear? If you do, now is the time to leave your order with E. Lawlus the Tailor, opposite the Riverside House, His stock of merchant tailoring goods consists of the latest and most fashion­ able importations, and all garments ipade by him -are guaranteed to be up to date in style and perfect fittf^g. Do not full to give him your ttrst order. i. INFORMATION is wanted of the WHERE abonts of the widow of John Henry Elliott, who is suppose^ to have lived in this county about the y*ar 1858. She is supposed to have married again, and her present natne isjaot known. Should this happen to meet her eye, pr anyone who knows of her whereabouts, she will leam nomething to her advantage by calling ait or addressing this office. - THK Harmonie quartette, of Lake Geneva, are billed for one of their grand Concerts, at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Dec. 16th. TM*„ we pre­ dict, will be a rich musical treat and deserves, as it will no doubt receive, the liberal patronage of onr citizens. Tlie proceeds are to be divided between the two Sunday Schools. Read the fine pro gramme and go and secure your tickets at once, which can be fouud at either Post Office. . Do not forget the date, Taewlay evening next, Dec. 16th, TUB entertainment at the City Hall, on [Friday evening last, wider the direction of Prof. J. H. Burger, of the West Side School, was one of the most interesting and enjoyable we have attended for many a day. The'houfe was filled with a large and appreciative audience and the pro gramme throughout was instructing and entertaining. We would like to particu larise, but time and spans will not permit and where all done so wad it would be hard to do so without mentioning all i^offlee to say it was an entertainment of -which Prof. Burger has ju«*«siae to fed proud, and shoatd he ever gflfc apanother COUNTY TrtBAiumsB Pmut was ."O' from Woodstock on Friday !a«t- Mas. C. tliiTspx* of Moreland, was on Tuesday of last week. MRS. Dr. OSBOUXB has been visiting Chicago the past week. Miss MATTIE SMITH is visiting with friends in Chicago this week. JACK MC CABE, of Wauconda, was on onr streets on Monday. Mns. FKANK YOUNG, of Elgin, was call­ ing on friends here one day last week. H. L. IjtouNns and wife, of Nnnda, were the guests of J. Tan Slyke and family the first of the week. MRS. JOHN L. HOWE, who has been visiting at Truer, Iowa, returned home on Tuesday morning. J. H. OVEHAKKR, of Bloomington, brother of Prof. F. M. Overaker, has been Visiting here the past few days, r Miss JESSIE WIGHTMAT* has been- visit­ ing with h-fends in Chicago the past week. : . Mffis TTATTIE MEAO, who has BE^N visit­ ing in Iowa for the past five months, returned home last week. /Mns. FRED ?OTNEIDEK has been ver , sick the past week, but is now reported better. She.vas Dr. O.J.Howard. Miss NEMJR WAONEK, Mis<« Kiate Henry, Miss Carrie Rice, Geo. Pricket, Clarence Payne and O. Shales, all of Nunda, were up to attend the entertainment at the City Hall, ou Friday evening last. THK Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. E. Lamphere on Thursday afternoon of this week. MRS J. I. STORY. President. MRS. E. W. OWEN, Secretary. CLIPPING parties ^re said to be in high favor among young people in many localities this winter. For the benefit of the uninitiated it may bw explained that a$ a clipping party a small object is suspended by a string from the ceiling and then, one after another, the members of the company present are blind-folded, given a pair of scisors and started to­ ward the suspended object. If the blind­ folded person succeeds in cutting the string well and good; it not a forfeit must be paid. NEVEB let your honest convictions be laughed down. You can no moreexercine your re ison if you live in constant dreud of ridicule than you can enjoy life if you live in constant fear of death. If you think it right to differ, from the times, and make a point of morals, do it--not for indolence, but seriously and gravely, as if a man carried a big soul of his own in his bosom, and did not wait until it was breathed into him by the breath of fashion. Be true to your conviction, and in the end you will not only be respected by the world, but have tie approval c f your own conscience. THE McHenry Dramatic Association will give one of their popular entertain­ ments at Riverside Hall, McHenry. Ill., Thursday evening, Dec. 18, at which lime they will present the beautiful drama, in three acts, entitled Clearing the Mists, ith the following cast of characters: Kufua Hftdler father of Vixen \ Ralph Childs. Put \ From JCIliarney Ghas, B lack in an. Arthur Burtpn... ...Lorena Preston's lover i A, G. Eldredge- Lawrenee Poetic yoang man The itumil quiet of our Ais\ nra f»f Hfxwliil turbwl en Satunlay inornip^HHt by the \i»t >rtrthm»»*nt. • N-VTM that » burglaiy IHH»II ut- muft KJI.V? t«mpt<3d the night, IWOM*, and n|«>N in- n<i«h>r1h»i quiry it was learned that HU attempt I wa« u« had been made to get Into the store of Bonslett A Stoffel, on the Went Bide. The particulars, as we learn them are those: Abont one o'clock in the morn­ ing, the clerk, John Stoffel, who sleeps over 1 lie store, heard someone attempt-. ing to raise the window in the rear of the atore below. He immediately jumped out of lied and ra»«l the window light over where the would-be burglar waa at work, but it being froxen down it made so much noise us to frighten the scoun­ drel, who ran, lollowed by the contents of Stsoffel's revolve!*, but probably with­ out effect, as he made good his escape. On investigation it was found that he had first ont a hole in the rear door large enough to admit his hand, .probably thinking he could unlock or unbolt the door, but fortunately the key had been removed. He then turned his attention to the window and after cutting out a light of gMss turned the fastener, hut th • window being frozen down lie did not \ succeed in raiting it before he was dis­ covered by 8t< >fM. It is a (rreat pity Ilnrger's school |la,v lewning, and 1 Jwiis able to jinlgeg it was splendid^ fttingaseat, as I; went np on the evening train and took lea with a friend, which made it late and I had to fi||» W<j;ii hi the door, as there Art)r> tainment on tibe plat form door, 1 was onabfes to get the full benefit of either Professor Burger's or the ope outside. Sometimes 1 could hear the one outside the plainest, especially when in aotnc of their acts the front door gave way, and we had a view of the |>erfonners, which satisfied me that they should have had their show in the wing adjoining the City llall, where the doors (which are cf steel bar*) would not ImVe given away and exposed them to the aud!euce. I don't know who was the leader ol^the show outside, as I am unacquainted with most of them, but I should think their leader should be the City Marshal (if he lias time to attend to it) and the proper place to have them would be in the lock up and give them a night's lodging which they well earned ONE WHO WASTWEKE. Nnnda, D*c. 8th, 381K*. We agree with our {Kwesitondent that ttasoatl LOIX1K DIRECTOR*". ,Ka «M, A. M., 11 the 1st ami WT wiune*- D. A. CL**YF WTM. n todge. No. ft*. «*et, at Tuewijrvatakt. W. BTWIRB. N. O. 8. meet at Maaonic Hail tbe i of «M>|I laonth. B. STRATTOS. W. M, M. W. A-4fNt»t Muo»ie Hall the 2d ud U Saturdays »(«Mh a|a«h r. K. GRATTOM. V. a Reginald MOH Lorena Preston Hetiii Laura CaaUaton Vix»n.;i..«..... K P. Granger. Admirer of LauraCastleton rood burn. . lady of honor ....A S3h«mer lost child hat he did not. get the opportunity to p,u;h ^rformanc^ ore altogether too fwquent and i* a »'<isgraoe to our village. It it* hi>th iirne that something was done to put a stop to such proceedings. There is no half-way work about it. It is as clearly the duty <|f the City Marshal to put a quietus on these hoodlums as any 811 the villain full of lead. It would have b<>i«n a*h w»on not easily forgotten. Now ihnt it hss bren proved that, bur­ glars aie in onr midst, onr citl*ens should l>e prepared to p-ive them a warm reception. Shoot to kill. You will be oing a public duty and rid the i£0r]^ of atherduty which he peiforms. Let m N.WOithleS" cor. •' • 'Pi , 4iave order, no 7nattei»Ht what cost To conclude wit titled That Awful have been spared iu th# bringing out this drama in equalled by any amateur dram! ciation, and the public can rest of an entertainment well worthy of their patronage. Admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents. l)oo s open at 7 o'clock, curtain will rise at 8. < AN it$m is goin«C the rounds of the papers to the effect that the Supreme Court of this State has recently decided that municipal authorities have no right to charge peddlers a license for selliog goods. The item is misleading. The decision of the Court simply covers com­ mercial travelers and agents who sell articles of merchandise by sample, but common house-to-house peddlers are still amenable to the license tax and to village aud city ordinances governing the same, as they should be. Our mer­ chants arc here" in business the year round and pay their share of the yearly taxes, and it is no more thau right that peddlers who pay no taxes, should pay for the privilege of hawking their wares, and this is the position our lioard of Trustees take in the matter, and common house-to-house peddlers will have to pay a village license or a fine " V'> SPECIAL XEBTXM% Owing to the lateness of the mail train Saturday evening, the advertised meeting of the Village Board was postponed till Friday evening at 8 o'clock, this week, when everybody is invited to attend, as the matter of fire protection will be the principal topic of the meeting. I^etevery citizen who is interested in the welfare of the village bv on hand. As THK whirligig of time 'WVlifif rjftjrffid and the world grows older, people seem to grow younger in their mode of living. In days gone by a woman of twenty-five had turned the corner of old-maiden-hood At thirty the married women put. on caps and at forty were spoken of as being old. Sixty years was I honght a good old tut« and those beyond that njfe were consid- e~ed somewhat superanuated. With a man; if at ftftv he had neither made his mark or his fortune, there was nothing left for him but to retire from active life and wait for the call of the great Reap*r Death. At the present day, however, the mat ter of years is not considered in his struggles and aims! Young thoughts triumph over the burdeu of years, and few stop to think of their age when about to start a new enterprise in which their interests are centered. It is a good thing to forget birthdays and p>ivate anniver­ saries, as then we are reminded of the flight of time and led to think we are growing old. To he snre, people have not yet arrived at that dtateof perfection tha+ they need not die, but all can be young in heart' until the day of death, and find new pleasures in life and in living. It does not pay to allow one's self to grow old. A well founded belief in everlasting youth keeps the wrinkles and the crow's feet at bay, and |>ersisting in being young wards off the pains aud the aches of Old age--each day seems blighter than the preceeding, and we only feel glorified ho thinkye are a day's march nearer home. REPORT of Ring wood School for the week ending Dec. 5. ) Iu this report 90 means good deport­ ment and good lessons. More than 90 represents extra work, and less than 90 indicates a failure in deportment or let- sons, or in both. Scott. Harrison...85 Millie Lawaon 82 Willie French 85 Ruth Barnard.....87 Snyler Smith 90 Luella Carr ....90 Claude Thomson.87 Mabel Stevens 90 Beanie French 85 Allie Richardson.85 Frank l.awson... 95 Stella Luraley 85 Ralph Rich'dson..87 Lucy Dodge 87 Floyd Carr 85 Myrtle Stevens....75 Roy Harrison 85 Lena Harrison....85 Toe MeCannon....87 Mabel Carr 90 •1 oe Lawrence 87 Minnie Walsh 85 Martin Hall 87 Mamie Lawrenoe.90 Fdd>A French......90 Ellen Hall 90 v(-lavt/n Hnrrison.92 Fl'r'nw Bald win..90 Eddie Harrison...90 Grace Simpson....90 Deli ^toonan... 92 Lonnie La vrence.85 Godfrey Bla*er....75 Mike Winkles 90 Raymtrd Stencil..75 Tommy Frisby... 90 Lo*nnie\||tt£D....90 H'yStephenson...90 Ora Frit* Blaser 60 Teacher. Oxopped from the OXouda. THE MOON, Dec. 8th, 1890 MESSRS. JOHN EVANSON & Co., West McHenry, 111.--Gentlemen .---Please notify the public that I shall hold High Carnival at your establishment during the month of December and if my stock holds out it will be n»'cewsury for all good boys and girlrt to have unusually large stockings ug up on Christmas eve. Yours oaever, | r' „" 4 SANTA Clmti** § DOJTT WHIP A SICK HORSE, ; I ' - . . : > ';i- Nor take Cathartic Pills when yoar howds or liver are sluggish. Their are hips. But try---once at least--Miles' aa* School, town i ending Dec. 7th, 1890: Number enrolled... Average daily attendance........ Percent of attendance ^; s ioVANCKD DIVISION. ,i|S.'.SftfciS Hi. " Schol's'p--Deportmt ^rtOerbrachfc 95 Ciai'tt Stevens ....98 ^•;f;|Che8ter Stev«w......91 * jiernard Bell ...91 ; %edCarr .90 ' >4V' Warren Pierce,........89 SS^;Sllo8e GerbracW:......90 ^gi^Ektoa Pierce. 98 Lonnie Cole 90 *irWillie Jackson .85 ^ V\lice Carey .98 ^ .V INTERMEDIATE DIVISION, ^ijEdnaCarr 88 87 98 98 92 92 88 94" 92 91 97 98 f^ttaad Carey........ ...90 ...78 ...98 ...89 ...95 ...89 94 98 89 91 94 95 98 94 m 96 M f JOtto Schmeckel. .^^arnes Bell ! '-"%»eorfje Jackson. * jjMamie Carey % i T n i n e s P i e r c e , * . . , . . . -ilFmldie Pi»>rc*.„. 90 - pmain Bell...^ 90 , ; » f o h n K o u e n . . . . 95 - Maggie Rou<m 98 y * I'RIMAUY DIVISION. \ f • • Rddie Cawy............90 91 g t fearl Carr ...........91 , 90 p John Jackson. 89 92 |j Lucv Carey.............90 97 ^ CoraSt»vens...w»......90 95 ; ®%he following are the names of pupils who have not been absent daring the month: Bernard Bell, James Bell, Dwain Bell, Edna Carr, Reed Carr, Earl Carr, Alice Carey, Maud Carey, Mamie Carey, Edna Pierce, Cora Stevens, Rose Gerbrucht. ANNA R. GAM**^ teacher. WORTH VARIETY Tfiwse dre tfce eonwiP Stones ol our es­ tablishment. Our holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANSON & Co. «rve and liver Pills. They act through erves. Samples free at Besley's • Jl. f.. One ffilver and Dennlogr sixteen inch newly sum aad will be eoW ^iave order, no watter^at what cost, ALQONQUtN. EDITOR PLAINOK*! EH C. H. Qeister has bought the warehouse lately owned by W. H. Jencks and will carry on the fried business at that stand and will be p,lad to see his man? friends who are willing to give him their patronage. We have had a ;veek of as good winter weather as anyone could ask for and profprctR of more. - A. Doig has a brothel* and his wife visiting here with him. Esquire PhUp started on his trip around the world on Mondav of this week. He expects to lie gone about three months. We see ouir Saloon men are getting ready to fill their ice houses and if this weather holds a while longer they will et some rlne ice. John Johnston has his Furniture Store moved off of the old foundation and the maxons are fixing np the foundation preparatory to building a new residence. Henry Kcyes has the job of the carpenter work. C. E. Chapel! came in with a ear load of milch cows on Sunday last, and is billed for an auction sale on Wednesday, December 10. The following committees have been appointed and preparation* have begun for a Christmas Tree at the Congrega­ tional Church: Entertainment Committee:--Miss Ella Heart. Mrs. H. J. Briuk, Miss Jennie Chapell. Decoration Committee .--Mrs. C. W Wandrack, Mrs. Wm. Morton. Mrs. J. Hfelm, Mrs. W, P. Benson, Mrs. G. E. Dodds, Miss Ella K«\ Miss Lottie Kee, Porvbmiaig Committee:--Mr. Geo, H. Helm, Mies Ida Morton, Miss Annie Kea. Distributing Cornmimm:--Mr. Harry Morton, Mr. 6qp. I^eyes, Miss Jennie CfWEfPff; Mips Receiving Commit :--M iss Grace Pfcter, Miss Belle Rattary. The Sewing Society of the Congrega­ tional Chnrch will meet with Mrs. H. J Brink on Wednesday of this week. -- L-' NORTHERN NUNDA. vKS® EDITOR PLAIN DEADER AS the storm is over aud the track broken we will send in a few more items for insertion in your next issue. John Sutton has gone to Woodstock where he expects to spend the next few months. Mrs T. Riggy, of Chicago, spent a few days of last, week jjjith relatives here. George Frisby, who has been making his home at Terra Cotta the past season, is rusticating with friends in this place. Ed. Knox, who has been spending a few days iu the city, returned home Saturday. Miss Maggie Conway, of yonr village, spent, Saturday and Sunday with friends in this place. We regret tq say that Mrs. John 01« ary is not improving as vapidly as faerfiiet ds supposed. We understand, our friend Thomas Walsh intends leaving this place soon. We wish him success in his future enter­ prise. M. B. Puroell started for a short trip ward the west on Monday lasjb. John Frisby spent Sunday and Hob­ day ivitn iriends at Woodstock. J. F. Walsh was on the side list one day last week. * FROBLKM:--V, B. and D. have ten biscuit. They wish to share equally with I!. and leave one for manners. How shall they divide them, the biscuito aot to be broken. i * WHEAT WANTED. * ' The highest cash p rice will be paid for Winter or Spring Wheat at the Wauconda mill. » J • SPENCER, Propriefcw, 16tf ' The Star of Bethlehem Never shone on a Christmas season when the world rejoiced more than it will rejoice this Christmas. Barring a few discontented and badly treated Indians, the country is at peace and enjoys a f jrosperity that even such a strain as the ate general election cannot disturb. Caiine for joy may be abundantly found in this condition, and it is full of joy for you we hope. At least there is Oppor­ tunity for you to make others happy, and Evanson & Co., have txwn particu­ larly active in securing a splendid stock of "joy-givers." Come early and have your selections reserved at JOHN EVANSON & Cos. Snow. Good winter weather. Buchanan & Gibbons' dividend for October was 96 cents per hundred. Mrs. C. F, Prouty was in the city over Sunday. C. A. Stone and N. B. Manor made a flying trip to Elgin last Saturday. Fred Perry has his new residence on Maple Avenue, enclosed. Mrs. Clarence Denniso® visited in He­ bron the last of the week. ^ Mrs. Danchey is againwith her friends in the village. Although the sleighing was very thin last Sunday, every one was out with his best girl for a ride. Willis Nichols, the boss calf man, had the misfortune to cut his hand so he has been unable to attend to business. It does seem seem strange that a man should be abused for attending to his own business. We noticed Herman and Willie Fox come in town with about two dozen rab­ bi's last Saturday. Hurl Merrick, the manipulator of the key and agent at Alden, was over and stayed over Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown and little baby Brown were up from Uichmond and spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents, L. B. Seaman. H. W, Mead has his ice pond com­ pleted and soon as the weather comes to freeze he will be ready to fill the icehouses. What is the matter with an ice palace in Hebron? Hebron Lodge No. 604, A. F. and A. M., conferred the third degree at their last regular meetingand nearly the whole members were present. After the cere­ mony was over all repaired to the Hyde Hotel where a bountiful repast was spread (as only ye host and hostess can prepare) where all partook of the good­ ies. All agreed that it had been an even­ ing well spent. We only regret that the weather was such as to keep the mem­ bers from the adjoining lodges from at­ tending who were expected to beon hand. The church fair held at Union" Hall, Dec. 5th, was a grand success financially and otherwise, the society clearing over sixty dollars for the purchase of chairs to reseat the church. Oh, those Chicken Pies! Good old home made Chicken Pies! Methodist Chicken Pies--Grand old Hebron Church Fair Chicken Pies! But not such Chicken Pies as the McHen­ ry County Methodist Chicke^ Pip--to which our minds still revert. ~ v Muftic wiffc shoes at Evanson'*.1 - s Congress shoes #1.25 at Evan-Meri* son's. The Buffalo Boots aud Shoes, and sheet music with each pair at Evanson's. New dress goods, new etothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evanson's. NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. "Have you seen the 5--A five mile horn blanket? If not, why not,? If you have a horse you need it." The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at lieeley's West Side Drug Store. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bios'. Cigar Store. _________ Fall Jackets, new, reasonable in price, and stylish. Also, sheet music with each jacket at Evanson's. Calt Meall Oil Meal I Always in stock, at BonKlet t & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at Close prices. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Bestey's West Side. 'imtb 22 NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. MBS. GBO. W. BKSLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the same this week with a full line of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invitee the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surrounding country. She has engaged Miss Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price.. She will also pay especial attention to Dress-making, and has engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will retaive prompt attention. Mi-- Freeman will be here on Tuesday of each week. • |#»Call in and inspect our goods.. Mies. GEO. W. Best.**. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1890. Candies reoeived s. this weak at J. A FARM FOR SALSP 3 - ^ A good all-purpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonable. For further particulars in­ quire on the premises of WM. MOORK, Solon, 111. !F0R SALE CHEAP. A fttxmm Launch Catamaran, on Fox River, at McHenry, 28 feet long fitted with a one horse power Shipman Engine Will carry six persons. Address, A. S. TYLES. 151 Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. \ D0NT SKIP THIS For it Is not an advertisement but « pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oate. 6 W. A. CRIHTY. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sate his farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village?, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL, DOBEHTY, Dated November 18th, 1800. 19>8m FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers for reut his farm consisting of 100 acres, situated within fort.v rods of the Mudgett Butter and Cheese Factory ; seventy-live acres of plow land, balance pasture and meadow. Divided into small lots and well adapted to dairying. Also well supplied with water. Has a good bouse and barn and all other outbuildings. Terms cash. Will rent from one to three years. Will give possession March 1. 17tf WM. WELCH. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3% miles eastol McHenry. Is in a good state of cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire oi the un­ dersigned on the premises. OERHART SCHDENKMANN. October 14th, 1890. 14ro2 AN INVARIABLE SIGN, Swelling of the ankles or feet W^M' Sot due to rheumatism, Prof. DjeCoBta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. *So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the lelt side, smothering spells. Tbe only cure is Dr. Mites' Mew jUore. Sold at tfei^'* <|*ug store. " FOR SALE. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Gep. VV. Besiey's. FOR SALE OK RENT. Tfco house known as the Mtjfc I*. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire ol H.G.MBAB. Dated January 1st, 1890 BOCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cots, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. W; Beeley, West McHenry. . 19-ly GROSS GKUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, diztiuess, dyspepsia, nervous prostration erf eighteen years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K., of sick headache for thirty-*ve years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty tits a night; others from this vicinity could be men tioned who have been cured by that won derful nerve food and medicine--Dr.MUes* Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Besiey's drug store. . rfWMnVD i'or a moment when you uUJlulHiUl are planning Christinas gifts that there are places where a barrel of flour will be more useful than a mani­ cure set, and a pound or two of tea will bring more comfort than a volume of bad poetry. We recognize that a grocery stock does not contain many oi those "jimcracks"' now commonly known as holiday goods, but it you waht to Bend real comfort and gladness into a poor family, please remember that there is nothing more useful or acceptable than will be found in our department of "Things to Eat." What we have for this purpose is of the best and finest • JOHN EVANSON & Co. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. We have special bargains in California Fruits both canned and dried. Please ask for quotations in dozen lots or quantities, J ohn Evanses# Co. FOR APPROPRIATE GIFTS. HOLIDAY • ' , ' •'* S8SI '• JU > •'?{: Of tbe largest, newest and choicest stock of plush, leather or wood bound albums, toilet and manicure sets, shaving cases, mirrors, fancy glove, perfumery or handkerchief and jewelry boxes, elegant new jewelry, over 200 new silk handker- cheife, mufflers and scarfs, fine neckties, perfumery, fine new glass ware in new designs, new decorated tea dinner and chamber sets, fancy night, stand and banging lamps, silverware, toys, cups and saucers. The continuous mild winter compels us to offer great reductions on all cloaks, overcoats clothing, underwear, flannels, blankets, shawls, etc. Read our new advertisement carefully and then do not fail to giw us a timely call. Very respectfully, BONSLETT & STOFFEL. H. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algomph", n. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele- at Algonquin, 111. , AUCTION SALE, ^ Thelib^ersigftied will sell at auc­ tion, on the C. Harvey farm, one mile southwest of Volo, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1890, commencing at 11 o'clock, A, M., t»-e following property: 8 cows, some new milkers, balance springers, 3 two- year old heifers, 5 yearling heifers. 2year­ ling bulls. 2 work horses, 1 yearling colt, 1 sucking colt, 1000 bushels of corn in crib, and other articles not mentioned* Usual free lunch at noon. TEEMS--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. No property tfebe removed until settled tor. . Nxpt Pfrwv. r. K«G**S<aw» Auctioneer, IN Useful and - . • PRICE8 DOWN. •f Vi: «»T u ' * i: f f I ' » « '6' Tttrsduce stodtpvevloiN to. *wr nasi Inventory* Jsnaary 1st, tewl make - ̂ BXTttEiwitLirr^ir. WHOM! o«| Cloaks, Clothing, OvMWtttot% "!/j and Boots and si! Wi$*'" Do not miss seeing our i pHy of Christmas goods, « Plash Totlel sets. Plash Odor Plush aad Leattior collar aad< ' Plush manlcuro sols, with fe fittings, «Mnrd cut, 4e« * . • X. f? Men's heavy Grey Underwwur, marked down from 406. J. A. Story's X<oeas. , s Grand Holiday Sale commencing next week. Don't boy your Christmas Goods nntil you have examined our stock. Receiving every day soipe of the most novel and latest ideas in Holiday Goods. We are glad to show our goods and feel satisfied that we can please you. Don't forget we have the finest line of Dolls ever brought into McHenry County. The latest design in Toys. All we wish is that you call and see for yourself. Everything new and novel in Fancy Goods both useful and ornamental. The best goods at the most reasonable prices and we will appreciate your patro­ nage. Remember the place at Julia A. Story's. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. Beloit fine pants only $4 00 Beioit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits 9 50 " Cassiinere suits 4 80 Boys'suite 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits. 1 00 Knee pants 25c, 85c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters .$1.50, 185 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, *illr facing, silk sleeve lining...... 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLCS. r. K. GRANGER, Genera! Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools. Household Furniture, and Goods of all lands attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at- wotio*, Address. •, r.r.GKAxaaB WSM MOTTWURY ' k h. c. head, > ^ General Auction eolik Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share ol pat­ ronage solicited. P. Q. AMHM, W«*t ,r *'•'* A-V. -'v 2. H Bed Blankets In'grey and whllo ml 99c per pair--cheap at 91.35. tfeavyiill wool »* 4 ̂ 99,99--bought before the rise. W.oAr (ha Blankets, Ladles' One Kid Shoes at 9MB, mult x 1 •d down from 9* sad SMB. X; ̂ Children's Calf Shoes, 6k and 6s at Una's Rubbers 49 ̂ worth' tftt* down from 91*H> Largo lot of men's Shoes at rnj lo#| We,ha*e the Urgsst andbMtJ Felt and Knli Boots In this t, which we are selling and examine before BHanteMdeg .. where. JRemember, we ebrsted " MISBAWAKA ** KI whlohosanot be equaled. We haxe all ecdois andHgrades . Pine Yarns and Zedhyrs. A blg dlrli German Knitting Yarn. Gome mi Immm Our luge 3 took or -- Winter <Snawis 1* now 1< ̂ We them at eery low dgaree and . thess way dows* Remember we have the of ladles* white, natural gray -- Hair and red Wool Underwear to found in the ooaatj. Uto have h . . and boys' Clothing and' Of j^ngjli Jn styles and quality to salt nU[. f)|s» show yoa some beigniHl line. OlO^ss and Jfittsns of every<deicr!p tlon sad prlo% . Bee onr immense lino of gent's NTedt* wear. Cellars and Cafls, In the very latest styles. We are headquarters for* them. you want Table Linens or js»see the variety we keen. Nobody can give better bargains lit tikis SM than we. ̂ ̂ FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUBJ We keep PUlsbury's, Blsho^tl ether htsnda. _ » / A / . H V SJ • * ' ^ ^ . We carry the celebrated LUMP SALT for stock. should he without it, Onr farmers are using It and very highly v %£ i y* , a ^ * Also remember wo our goods and sell many times lower tte« CSsh Stores. * If you • call beiore we take oor iinioal: tory, 1st ©f Janaary. We pay the highest prioe for endKy. ^ * ,> \-X. ,%'<»

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