?ESI)AY, DEC. 17, 1890. est muwm*z« iflaitor. a oo. Spruoe *** be u In •May be fosMl«k A l e a t 6 -- ~ if AdV where a»tv was steady and in strong on the Elgin Board of Trade Moittd&y. Sales were 13,020 pounds at 29 onto, against 28 and 28% cents ' MRS. MABY WALKER is determined to have a pension; and Mrs. Frank Leslie Is determined to be the best advertised woman in America. Money is no object, la either case, if only a long goffering $*blic could be relieved. -MrSittinp Boll the Indian Chief, who has caused the Government so much tronble the past few years, was killed while resisting arrest on Monday last, Bis eon and seven Red braves, who mpted his rescue were also killed by Indian Police, It is now probable that, the threatened Indian war will be ^verted. Wi'-. ' '4 ::ym . . -.Wi» - - Pii JtM , r As • * I* rell stocked with NS'*5 itu __ $ 1. 'Q t : . 4"*. t. i - - 17 *> 4 vj> •j, , i" ' K life iSfe." & <evT: 1ST The tariff is a tax, says the free T)rader; BO are the bonuses that our en terprising sister cities give for establishing • new factories in their borders, and who does it help? Who has been helped by the booms in Aurora, Rockford, etc? It || not the millionaire, although he may have doubled his possessions; it is not the merchant, although he may have doubled his trade; it is not the manufac turer, although he may be doubling his ,|3ant ; the men most benefitted by such enterprise is the poor man, the man who lloes not know where he will^et his next •1*5? .M.V ' •• Who will be Senator P The official count in thj$ State gives the following results: Hold-over Sena tors, Republicans, 11; Democrats, 15 Total for the Senate, Republicans 27; Democrats, 24. In the House, the Dem- , 0;rate have 77 members,the Republicans and the Farmers' Alliance, 3. On Joint ballot the Democrats poll 101 votes the Republicans 100, and the grangers, 3 Thus far the figuring is qnite simple and # a plurality of votes elected, General Palmer would be the next Senator from I f iliUHioiS" Bat as the Constitution re quires e majority on joint ballot there will be some very fine political figuring/ If the farmer* are firm they can ^^cate < '• v '" 'to the other parties and have thei^Tggj^ - tion nominated. It will be remembered s J%i vihat when Judge Christiancj^^g 0|cctcd r Senator from Michigan, lia^g ̂ choioe but four men, but held the bal ance of power and thf/ Republicans were forced to drop C^n(j|er and take him. j|t is asserted, however, that there are a mberof gotftj Bourbons who declare flu never vote for Palmer. If good their threat it is hard to ! Who will succeed FarwtH tuitefte it -Advocate. ' jCeagrenmu Hopkins' Bill, 4 Congressman Hopkins has been study ing to some purpose the scandal growing Out of the silver legislation. He will in troduce to-day a bill forbidding gambling In money metals. $ Said Mr. Hopkins last evening: "I V*hink the bill covers every necessary point and I shall do my best to secure an early hearing for it. It defines the crime and STOW the penalty. Proceedings would be *$|jr indictment or information. To my recent events have shown conclus- fthe necessity of sueh a law. I do »pose to in any way limit or inter- t legitimate commercial tr an sac- bullion. it is the speculations in letnls of the country to which letter from Oaliftomia. VINA, Cal., Nov. 28,1890, Ot.il FRIKSKH ;--Will you please draw your most opaque charity veil before your eyes when you read this? Don't forget that this is the day after Thanks giving, and believe me when I assure you tfcat California turkey is very exhilarat ing to tenderfeet. Moreover, it seemf to me that more than a thousand Angelica demons are having a pulling match at te, my hair. The truth is, Mr. Editor, and || other indulgent friends, I confess that the Scott Family accepted an invitation ^ yesterday to visit the largest vineyard [ Our Store and winery in the world. When I awoke ttyis morning at about 8-80, a. m., there were five or six win? bottles on my dresser, labelled Sweet Catawba, Angelica, Porte, Claret, Sherry, etc. What could it mean? Furthermore, I could not for the life of me more than half see. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, struck my putty head and sat up in bed. I vainly tried to look around me and revive my mem ory. My wife came to my rescue, and smilingly asked me which brand of wine I preferred, and if I would choose goose on toast or toast on goose for breakfast. I indignantly replied, "Never you mind; I am all l ight on the goose, but where am I, and who am I, and what has trans-1 And OOF prices Will Compare fev pived?" This is room 10, Vina Hotel,] orably with aijy in the County. Tekama County, California, U. S. A. Western Continent, Planet Earth, Solar] . _ *•' _ i - -c system, the Universe of Jehovah; and} r - 11' ' ^ '• ' '***> you," she continued, "are an itinerant! ^aiitteourstockbeforeifoinff Thanksgiving convalescent. Half a do*-1 fl]aoW}iorft en empty or half filled wine bottles near you, answers the last part of your ques tion." I pondered a moment, and then said vory softly, "Say it again and say it slow." THE MEXT DAY. I see it all plain enough now. We rap idly took in the vineyard of 3500 acres, the wine presses, evaporators, storage cellars, and bonded warehouse, and theii had a leetle too much time to remain in the sample room. My fifty years old and better conscience would prod me if I did not remember that there is but one Sena tor Stanford's winery, and also Thajdf^ giving comes but once a year. Thj^ gea. son there will be made 1,500,0$) gallons of the finest grape wine, andr^oo,000 gal lons of the choicest brand/y] Five gallons of wine are distilled ij/G) one of brandy. This is reduced o^falf before it is fit for use. In the dj^g(f||jng room, 1,348 gal lons of branny are made per day. This sells atiafioiesale at f2-75 per gallon, and is the reputation of Senator ^k'Vffiord's product, that it is in demand ̂50 cents above the market price. A Holidays with an appropriate! ot the undersigned, who not &!»] |ment, but also the very lowest prices possible Plush, Leather and >d from the assort-) is showing the Hoftdlty rejoicing spirit. Jewelry and Glove Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shaving and Smoking Sets, elegant Albums, Music Rol's, Books. Pictures, Mirrorb, splendid assortment of new Je Mufflers, Pulse Warmers. Mittens. Scar See our all letters. Handkerchiefs* etc. coM The largest and besl^stock «f new Crockery, f'bina and Glass ware of verv newest designs ever shown here. Fancy floor, table and hanging Lamps with elegant shades, night lamps. Plain and decorated w ^ , rt- -s sJlilll . * ̂- v> • - •x We can saye NEY. J. W. CRISTT & SON. He i« a b;g man. Just now he is a bigget man than Qur Reed or Major McKinley Bill, and recognizing the uausual demandi there will be for his services we have retained them and he will r. Ot newest patterns. f Jhina ware, Fruit. Plates, Tea Plates, | found constantly at our store from now until Dec. 24, at midnight#^ Cups and Saucers, Bone Dishes, tancy Cuspidores. choice engraved I He has our .stock in charge 4nd will be glad to see you all, >-0$ Glassware in tea sets, water sets, eake stands, decanters, oil sets. | - ^ ^ fruit plates, etc. Look through the alwwe auefnlly. v ; S.A.TVTA. OIL.A.XTSI For the little folks we al<o have a large assortment of Tays,f Dolls, Banks, large and serviceable Chairs, Tables, Cradles, SawJngJ Sets. Washing Sets, etc., in great^iej&vt -. r s We Have Just Received A choice line of the famous Kennedy Bakery Gopds, specially for the Holiday Trade, which we cannot recommend too highly. Also now on the road a bjg stack of Candies. Nuts, Raisins, Fruits, both dried and green, to which call your special attention for pur ity a^v^niory wjjj g0011 \.q here and as our stock of warm goods is too large wctwill make srreat reductions on the entire line of men, womea and childrer of MoHenry and vicmity, and begs to inform them that in anticipation of the Holidays she has opened an unusually; large stock of *'.+\ i Ringwood, III*, Dec. i I *'/ (^ I 1890* - -'•tl tried then tl It was Chase forbidding ? Sherman re; • which was su , other leading p . oomplish its obji ntinued Mr. Hopkins, on of this kind has been as not successful, but were vastly different. fcwar that Secretary ,e passage of a law gold. Senator r the purpose, essenden and It did not ac; as repealed in a fortnight. But the war Vas at its height then and the people gold. We have no s and I feel confident wi ulation, which is h; country and especii CoDgnm" ;y about, ons now, this spec- the whole •lizing to t on pleae- the great HJiri travelers on bui me, invariaWy vi cities of the West, if their journey is at all prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen such centres of enterprise and American Tim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elegance and beauty like St. Louis. In going further into the "Great West" there are various routes e tourist may select, but supposing the is made from Chicago the great ing point of western travel, no line be found more desirable than the icago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first clam track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertible garden oi the conti nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if yon would have, a pleasant journey. •'United States revenue officer is in charge of the bonded warehouse, and the rev enue tax is f300,000 per annum. We walked through the immense store-house where four rows of ovals tower high above us. There are in all, 789. Of these 500 hold 2,000 gallons each. The re maining 289 hold 1,600 gallons each. Everything connected with this gigantic winery, is the most complete, systematic and neat. A huge mountain of grape skins and pulp containing several train loads, is drying in the warm California sun, which makes good fuel. Several men are employed, stirring this great pile, to prevent spontaneous heat. The pay roll is a very ponderous roll, assum ing sojpue months a magnitude of $20,000. Senator Iceland Stanford has 50,000 acres of land here, including a dairy of 100 Holsteins, with three thor ough-bred bulls, who look as important as three Mormon elders. He also has. three hundred fine blooded horses. He has donated his vineyard, winery and distillery, to the State of California. A tenderfoot gets bit on every corner here. It is one bit for a beer or cigar, two bits for a shave, four bits for a tip, and six bits for a square meal. Current cash is alibi-metallic. Yon don't see the color of a greenback once in a month. Saloons are too numerous to mention. The li cense is commonly one hundred dollars per annum. Democratic saloon keepers have raised their prices on account of the high tariff on salt and shirt buttons. The Chinaman cooks are instructed to fry and bake all meals to a crisp to avoid the tariff on raw material. The Demo crats here all wear paper collars and biled shirts and otherwise drees in white on account of the wicked McKinley tariff on imported dye stuffs. The Mizzoory State Democratic Com mittee are political tricksters worthy of high rank in their party. Making the small tax on imported cigars a pretext, they have formed a trust company and cornered cob pipes. When consumers in quire why they have to put up double exchequer for cobs, these Democratic monopolists frantically, or in a grieved way, charge the blame to the McKinley Bill. The State Committee expect, as the result of this piece of fraud, to pile up a corruption fund that will carry the State for John Bull in '92. Of course the rank and file swallow anything adminis tered by their leaders. Any oily sophistry or well greased lie is relished. The light of truth and reason is too dazzling for their weak intellects and watery eyes Yesterday, we plucked from the trees some fresh figs, which was the fourth crop this season. We occasionally see an orange tree loaded with fruit. The cold est winter weather seldom registers as low as 25 degrees a£ove zero here. E. D. SCOTT. Oruooata, Clothing, Ftauli, Bltnkito, W Jfs ^ ^ Sliawls, Usdirwtu, GIOTW, MitUns, Bolw, ;<Boots aid $Fbet, tabs, etc., to Rwluca Stock. | j ' .Iff Remember we visit the city (every Thursday, and with years ot | experience solicit ^rjLth confidencje your special ordcw. ^ At the commodious and well appointed store of John Evaneoa & Co., where she will be pleased to have you call and meet her every week day in December. She also begs to oalJ your attention to the tact that through the intimate connection existing between her husband, the Hon. Santa Claus and the manufacturers ot Bolf» day Gifts, she will be able to.ofife&^pu exceptional opportunities^^ purchase ; NEW, NOVEL AND NOTABLE; . .Mr:' Christmas Gifts, at very reasonable prices indeed. A child made very happy by a small gift at Christmas. Come! Wfc are prepared to serve you well. be sold nearly at Cost* ' SQvetiXPare. I4nen, £fc. All the goods saved from the Parker House Fire, 9200 WORTH OF,'; Silverwai?#^ Consisting of 70 dozen pieces, including Knives, Forks. Spoons sets ot Silverware, etc. £ very- thing in the DONT WHIP A SICK HOUSE, jjg M. p. \ or take' Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nervt and liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drag rtore. We have special bargains in California Fruits both canned and dried. Please for qnotatioiiSF" in dozen lots or We have a few choice Kobe* on hand that we offer very cheap. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. C. H, ALBRECHT. DENTIST. ALL WW AND APPROVED Dental Oper. fttlone performed at Reasonable Price*. Crown and Bridge Wprk,l A>4 the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas and ether given for MlateM extraction. All work warranted. OfftCG over Evanaon & Co.'s store. Weet McHenry, 1U , Duo. 17,18U0. Including Table Linen, Nap. I^4. i iL-ll kins, Sheets, Towels, etc. | StOCK IS tXXU. $200 Worth of Crockery; Chairs, Lamps, Eta AH of these goods though not saved from the fire are not dam. aged in the least, and will be sold at less than wholesale prices. This will be an elegant chance to secure Christmas Presents, as many of these goods have never been used. Call at Mrs. Blackmail's, on the West Side, where goods can be seen. . P. A. PARKKR. SiMKj.bU Galiiornia. on Your Tickctla i.C. t < £ CO.'Z t>3r iruiMy conducted Call-fmata A*x»;uriiionn in iu'oao uauyo t'ullmuri Tourist sicupina Csirs, V!Ei lienver & Rio Gr md« K. It., (the .•ctMilc line ol the world) leave Chicago via Chicago St Alton K. ft. 12:<!C r.onn Saturday ot every week) aucb excursion in oh:irue of an 'iflicierit»«MIReBtle-manly excursion imiuatier. Pti 11ps»n Umrt«t«teaplnff <-ar» thro<u:h from U'mton mid ChicavotoBan Vrcif c *"0 mid Li>* Ancel'-r.. Ii'iit rutea, •a. mil. t*Ji on or iwitU'eiM . iwftid. etc., mil on iwUl m Chwk Street. Cbteago. No. 07OI. Will be for service ai the lianu of George W.Owen, McHenry, Illinois. TERMS, #50. If parable in Ca*h, balance >r«rte due six month* from aervlee without interest, ^Mma" WW aireefby Iceland Abdallah by the foander of oar trotting toaden, old Byadykes Hambletonuui, 10. Dam of Oeorge a u by Autocrat, a son of Oeorce M. Patohen. SO, reeprd 8:5«*. She paeeaataix year* oi l a half -mile in 1:08*, i . •AV' 'si. Js i'A'. •i>ee<ly and aeli for long H® sired a two - y e»r^>ld_Wltha record of trial % mile in 1.» I OMt mygwry, IgSwIl. mm "|Ln# fco contiauo until Mafeh consiatiiigot , r m#*-; -vm -a- frf'.-'tS ' i While the oods you Rubber c ou cazi Duy now and hav6 theia savou are ready for them. ^ "M. - - a fine We never had su now, nor could we low prices. No on for fear you c prices orJgoodsf i m Next week for ftill p in the meantime call at examine pur large at Merchandise. iSv' -Mm siXi'ft t cHenry.Dec. I