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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1891, p. 5

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UY, n#mUh J*M this station M foHMrt: SOIVO SOTJIB. I ' "»p»Tt .....7 •rV: ..7 .. 8 Has i»t. on old friends JOHN ' FAY on New Year's day DWIGHT KENNEDY, of Chicago, was catt­ ing on friends here New Year's. COUNTY TREASURES PEKRY, of Wood­ stock, was on oar streets on Tuesday. MRS. C. F. JOHNSON was on the siek list the first of the week. . , F HAKBY FULLER, of "Evanson's," ban | returned from a week's vacation* J MR. ANO R^« l^fAJOn BECKLE1 ^PSTC visiting at Father Boston's last week. Miss SOPHIA SCHUMACHER, of Elgin, was calling on friends here last week. EDSON GILBERT, of Moreland, was on our streets on Tuesday. • "N, «i old three grane father, six two | !g IN OPM a the following randmothers, the •0 years of age; four mothers, one two grandchildren, 1, five aunts and HasaoK i,< was has Xo»M*>roo»)t*N or «£S MASONIC. MOHSKBT LODOS, WO. 158 A. F. and A. M. , Bsfolsr OomBniiNthlM the second Md fcrarth Mondays la Mek month. „ W. A.0SISTT, W.M. FRANK VOSBUBGH and Miss Eva Kim­ ball, both of this town, were married at Genoa Junction on New Year's day. ABOUT fifty couples attended the dance at Hetoers Hall, ott Friday evening last, ^January 2d. THE Bslvidere Northwestern has en­ tered upon its twenty-fifth volume. It to one of the cleanest and newsiest of our exchanges. Do SOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we eaa $x dates for you at this office. IB third "Demorest Medal Contest" i Ringwood, Wednesday evening, Jan. ilftt, 1891. Admission, adults, ten [cents. Children and contestants free. SOMEHODY has written that "it is the easiest thing in the world to be mis­ taken." We don't think 'twas a news- 1 man that wrote it, however. OLIVER N. OWEN, of the firm of Perry f& Owen, has been appointed 9 Notary Public by the Governor, and is prepared to take affidavits, acknowledge legal ipers, etc. THE McHenry House, in this village, ' narrowly escaped destruction by fire on Friday ̂ norning last. It caught from a defective chimney, but war discovered Just if time. / A^the M. E. Church, on Sunday morn- [ext Jan. 11th, the subject will be pXman who made two successful steps, hut failed disastrously in the third step." Services to commence at 10:30 a. m. THE regular monthly Temperance meeting will be held at the City Hall, on Sunday evening next, Jan. 11th. Rev. Wm. Clark- will deliver the address. Subject, "No man cares for my soul." AU are invited. / fovR public school opened on Monday After a two weeks' vacation, with an in- ^reaned attendance. Both teachers and (pupils feel rested and invigorated and j take hold of the work with that vim Lwhich augurs rare success. f Miss AMY OWEN returned to fat school ever got fkt Lake Forrest, on Monday. Banner. **^OEL H. JOHNSON, of Woodstock, calling on friends here on Sunday. L. E. BENNETT, of this village, been on the sick list the past week. Miss BESSIE MCKINLET, of Chicago, is visiting with friends hero this week. MRS. J. H. NEWTON, of Chicago, was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner, last week. GEO. STEVENS and wile, of Chicago, have been visiting friends in this vicinity the past week. MISS MARY ANN KNOX, who has been at Vinton, Iowa, the past year, was visiting at home here last week. fiiss EFKIE KENNEDY was visiting with her parents in this village last week, re­ turning to Chicago on Monday. Mns ALMA BRIDGE, of Elgin, has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. F. John­ son, the past week. PROF. F. M. OVERAKER and wile re­ turned from their vacation visit on Fri day. JOHN HIBBARD,' of Woodstock, made our sanctum a pleasant oall on Friday last. A. H. HANLV is reported no better since our last, and his friends think he is growing weaker. MASTER DICK WALSH was quite sick on1 Monday morning, but is now reported better. "*H. O. THOMPSON, wife and little daugh­ ter, of Chicago, spent New Year's with James Tyrrell and family. one ttB^tttijpeaNMfcts, four widows, one wife, making in all one eight _ MraS. W. Livingston, of Capron is one of tike children and grandchildren, and Geo. E Hanson, of Caledonia, is aaotker. Ge©» says it is no wonder that he to routtdashouldered, knock-kmed, Near-eyed alii spavined, aftei^ emerging through boyhood from such a family as that, and wonders how in the world be. at all.--Capron NOTWITHSTANDING the severe storm on New Year's day, one hundred and thirty couple attended the party at the River- ¥ side House iu the evening. Had the M weather been good it would have been i|| double that number. AU report a good ^time. Ikt' ( A, MARRIED man in Germany who was kissed by a pretty girl who liked him has brought a damage suit against her. His wife raised such a row over the affair that the suit was necessary for his vindi­ cation. Here men doait go home and I *eH- • j /'PREPARATIONS are being made by the fill. E. Society to give a grand entertain- :S I ment on the evening of Jan. 15th, at the C' | City Hall. This entertainment will be >% i? one of the best ever give in McHenry. All A"ijt we cordially invited to attend. Full ' programme next week. j: COM. ,.f AN exchange says that a new wrinkle concerning clergymen's half fare permits " has gone into effect on the railroads. 5 Hereafter the permits will be good only on lines within the State in which th| ®I clergymae resides. If a trip out of the State is contemplated a trip tieket mus* be applied for. \ AN exchange tells about a man wh<£ banged himself to the bed post by his suspenders. The coroner's jury was sometime in coming to a decision, but the foreman, who was a native of Erta, finally announced, that "the deceased same to bis death by coming home drank and mistaking himself for his pants." THE editor of one of our exchanges who wrote an obituary notice of a man of some celebrity, said, "He began life as legal practitioner, but was diverted from it by a love of letters." He did not see the printer's proof, and was confronted the next morning with this--"He began life as a legal politician, but he was di­ verted from it by a love of bitters." BUT few persons have any idea of the amount of business done at the United States sub-treasury at Chicago. Mr. G. L. Stewart, who has a responsible posi tloa there, jsys that Staring the time each quarter when the pension checks are being paid, from $50,000 to $75,000 per day will be paid out on them alone, and that is a email part of the business. Settlement is made through that office •with over 9,600 post offices alone. Three TQMto are kept busy counting specie alone, and one mua frequently will handle and *oant a tan of sUrsr dollars per /MRS. JOHN CLEARY, who lived south of Shis village, died on Monday last, after a ong and painful illness. Her funeral will be held to-day from the Catholic Church, in this village, "IN whom shall we trust" will be the subj'efct for discussion at the meeting O the Epworlh League next Sunday even­ ing at 6:30 o'clock at the M. E„ Church, Everybody is cordially invited. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. Richard Bishop, on Thursday afternoon of this week. MRS. J. I. STORY. PrssMtat. MRS. E. W. OWEN, Secretary. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at McHenry, III., December 81,1890: James Stephenson, Mr, Prsnton Lyons, Mr. Herm'n Dobrath Mr. J. A. Allen. Jr., Mr. J. Mullen, Mrs. Kate Oakler, Mr. Peter Rintz. Mrs. Emma Landon E. H. Cook. In calling for the above letters please say they are advertised. JAY VAN SLYKB, P. M. GENERAL advertising creates a want, announces new things and familiarizes the public with old ones. It is as neces­ sary in keeping an established article be­ fore the public as la introducing a new one. Our most successful business men realize this fact and never let the public forget it. The assertion that advertise ments are not read are base fabrications and not believed even by those making it. The Weekly Inter-Ooeaa. Attention is called to the advertisement of the Chicago weekly Inter-Ocaan, pub­ lished on another page of this paper. The later-Ocean is unwavering in its Re­ publicanism, and there is no better news­ paper in the United States than this weekly. To all desiring a first-class city journal the weekly Inter-Oaum is heartily commended. COL. J. F. NASH, an old resident of this village, died oh Thursday last, January 1st, at the advanced age of 87 years. He had been a resident of this village for over thirty years, and until within the past few years of unusual good health for one of his age. His funeral was held from the Universalist chureh on Sunday last, Rev. H. Slade officiating, and his remains deposi ted in Woodland Cemetery. Thus One by one the old pioneers are passing away. INASMUCH as Christmas came this year on Thursday, the following quotation from an ancient MS. in a British museum is pertinent for publication at the outset of winter as a prophecy of coming events : J | | f X « a s * t a y o n T h n r i d s y b e ^ v . v f ' ' •ij|i|wiedy winter you shall sssjtr " L weather In each weefc^S?® i $n<t hard tempests strong tad thlek; ilfrhe emmmer shall be good and dry, • porn and beast* shall multiply; F That T»ar i« good for land to till, 7'ttac* »Bdprinces shall die by skill* If ft ehilri born that day shall be, pt shall happen right well for hie, 1|f deeds he shall be good stable. Wise of speech and reasonable; Whoso that day goes thelrlng abont, > lie shall hs punished without doubt; < And if sickness that day betide, . It ahall qulokly from thee gllfS. •x ^ darkle for Blptherla;r The following preparation has been found very efficacious in treatment of diptheiia, and we publish it here for the bsMfit, of t he public: Take salt, 9 drams, black pepper, got den seal, nitrate of potash (niter) and alum, of each one dram; mix and pulver- ise and put in a tea cap half filled with- water. Stir well, then fill up with vine­ gar; gargle every half hour, and as you see you are getting better, do not use it as often. The patient may Swallow a little of the gargle each time. Apply one ounce each of spirits of turpentine, sweetoil, and acquaammonia mixed; apply to the whole of the throat and over the breast bone every 4 hours, feUeping flannels on the parts. THE McHenry county teacherswfll hold their next meeting at Huntley 011 Jan. $3 and 24, 1891. Supt. Quackenbush, df Kane county, will deliver a lecture on Friday evening, Jan. 22; subject, "What is a Practical Education?" The follow­ ing day Miss Davis, of Engiewood, will also be present. "Reading," and "Tem­ perance Instruction" will be under dis­ cussion. Sept. Wire will be present and do his part towards' making the session interesting. Let there be a large attendance of teachers. If you desire en­ tertainment write to Mies Lizzie Parsons. daysefMefci I.». ou Msaonlo Anil < Hssso* a & % 1 M and 4thW« K. A.--Meet M Satardavs of each 1 r _Er J*.3!.*- 1W0.TH, meet at : iilmg, N. Q. lasrale naH the VaMHIth. ktto*. w. K, > Halt the 3d and rtiEATTOW. V. O. OVBBN'B" LA.TSMP OFFER. • Free Bdnoation or a Trip to Xurope In the Queen's "word contest," which thepublishersof that magasineannounce as the last one ther will ever offer, A free education consisting of a three years course in any Canadian or American sem­ inary or college, indndinjtjal! expenses, tuition and board, to Unpaid by the publishers of the Qomo, or one year abroad, consisting of one entire year's travel in Europe, all expenses to be paid, will be given to the person sending them the largest list of words made from the text whieh is announced in the last issue of the Queen. A special deposit of $750 has been made hi t he Dominion Bank of Canada to carry out this offer. Many other useful and valuable prixes will be awarded in order of merit. The publish­ ers of the Queen have made their popular family magasine famous throughout both Canada and the United States by the liberal prizes given in their previous competitions, and as this will positively be the last one offered, they intend to make it excel all others as regards the value of the prizes. Send SIS two-cent U. S. stamps for copy of the Queen con­ taining the text, and complete rules and list of prists. Address, THE CA^-UMAN QUEEN, Toronto, Canada. Good in Kvory Vutilr.^, ^, For plain, practical, common sense, useful information, and much of it at small cost, we commend to every family in country, village and city, the Orange Judd Former. It is under the editorial care (with a corps of good helpers) of the veteran Orange Judo, who still vigor­ ously uses his pen, drawing on the accu­ mulated knowledge and observation of nearly half a century, and is ever on the alert for good, new things. He is ably assisted by sons associated with him. This journal omits most political and other controversial subjects, and devotes its beautiful and ample pages chiefly to practical questions affecting the work of every-day life, out-door and in-door. Its "Common Sense Health Talks" are in­ valuable to every man, woman and child everywhere. Published weekly at il a year by Orange JadirFarmer Co., Chicago, III. W INTELLIGENT people, who are familiar with the respective advantages which are offered by the several competing railroad lines between Chicago, St. Louis and City, and who desire to travel with the utmost spsed, safety and com­ fort, always take the popular aad relia­ ble Chicago ft AJtoa Railroad between these points, and pasMngers going to coming" from the South, via St. Lou is,< As WILL be seen by a notice elsewhere ̂ coming the firm of Bonslett & StofM, who weref ^en going to or comity from the West, doing business on the West Side, has beea dissolved and the business will be hereafter conducted by Simon Stoffel, at the old stand, be having bought out the interests of his partner in the busing Mr. Stoffel is one of our most energetic and go ahead business men, and from long experience is thoroughly conversant with the mercantile business in all its branches, and is sure to make a success. Read his new advertisement in another "ealnmn. " J1 * » \ A bogus $2 bill has appeared la the large cities which for neatness of execu­ tion surpasses the many imitations that have been made by Uncle Sam's green­ backs. The dispatch specifies the differ­ ence between the bogus and the genuine bills. In the counterfit General Hancock's mustache curfs the wrong way and several letters in the word "register" are imperfeet. Capt. Porter, of the secret service, says that the bill made its appearance iu Chicago several weeks ago and it is not regarded as a recentarrival. The bogus bill first turned up at ths lUiaoi* National bank. via Kansas City, should insist upon hav insr tickets that mid over the Chicago & Alton. It in the only road with three complete and elegantly equipped trains between Chicago and each point named, and no railroad njanagers in America have a more Intelligent appreciation of the wants of the traveling public than do fchrwvuii tits famous Chicago 4 , | ' FOB REinV ? A farm of 200 acres. Cash rent. A good chance to rent a farm at low rent. j Inquire at Bank of McHenry. EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY To buy full standard goods at actual cost from the undersigned who must reduce a heavy stock, and convert the same into cash at once. Come one, come all, as we do as promised. A full and complete stock of choice fresh groceries always to tie found at SIMON STOFFEL'S. D03TT WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. P. Nor' take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. Bat try--once at least--Mites' Nerve aiid. Liver Pills. They act through the serves, flsmptas ins ut Bwhy's drag stone. Weather fine A* silk. * * Masquerade at Union Hall JW. 14th. Come ail. G. Gronco has a brother learning the trade with him. The stock buyers have bees very for the past two weeks. have turned to Ijheir home in Indiana after a short visit with their piusnts here. W. E. Wire is agiin on deck after his week's vacation visiting the school ma'ams. The ladies of the O E. S. furnish the supper for the masquerade ball. Come out and sen what kind of a supper they will get u|». H. D. Walling, the collector, has his BQOKP alt tnade out and those wishing to RS money for T»I* receipts will find his uiBce with D. S. Hlodgett on s, WEDNESDAYS and Saturdays TBE public installation of the officers of the Masonic lodgw and Order of the East­ ern Star w«s a grand success, there being nearly seventy I .RECENT. The ceremonies WERE very fine, nfter whioh the ladies of tm 0. £. 8. had prepa red a fine lunch. ALGONQUIN. EMTOR PLAINDEAT-ER <hir ice men had to call a halt on Wednesday of last week on account of ths rain. They should have commenced a few days sooner, and THEV would have got their houses filled with good i«*, but there may be plenty yet. VF^1® dance at the Morton House on Now Year's night was not very largelv amended on AMOUNT of the weather. There were nineteen numbem sold. Those who wqre there had a very pleasant time. H. Jenefcs moved with his family to GSlgin on Tuesday of last week. Fred N«ite*bandt has sold his house 22!!-. PR'8T Koch; consideration, f97o. Fred moves to < arpentersviHf and goes to work in the* moulding shop of the Illinois Iron and Bolt Co. Henry Albright has taken Fred Neitzbandt h pla*>e as switchman at the depot, Henry will make a good one M N* will attend strictly to business. Cottdensery Company have pur­ chased the si'© here for the nondenserv and we expect, as soon as the weather will permit they will commence operations as it. will take considerable grading to get the ground in shape to build on. Miss Jennie Chapell accompanied her fetber to Lodij Wis,, !W*T week, WHORE Mr Chapell went to buy milch cows. James Doig, of Chicago, made his parents here a flying visit on New Year's day. 01 rh5ca«n> In town on Saturday last. C E. Chapell came in with a car-load of much cows on Hundav last and is billed for an auction sale for 'Wednesday, Jan. 7th. Mrs. C E. Chapell and MIW Annie Philp were in Chicago on Saturday last. Sherman Chapell visited with friends in Chicago last week. H. J. Lund moved with his lanttr to Elgin on Monday of tills week. Mr. and Mrs James Jaekman, of Nun- da, visited with friends here on Sunday last. ttre, invl cities of 1 all prolonged. visit one U( ^IE it, if their journey Js lii Nowhere else can be seen such c&ntree of enterprise and American vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elegance and bsaaty like St. Louis. In going further into the "Great West" there are various routes tile tourist may select, but supposing the start is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no line can be found more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun­ try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertiblo garden of the conti­ nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if you would have a pleasant journey. "World's see it. *t Beaky'*. Caift and Candies received Story's. this ®..JL NICK line of Pipes, Barbian Brothers. just received, at Potpori Powder 85 cents an Beeley's. at Our ice men commenoed fitting their ice houses on Monday of this week again and will commence loading nam for Chi­ cago on Tuesday, there being two parties firnm Chicago here on Monday after ice. We are 111 hopes'the weather will hold good HO they can ship a good lot erf it, as it will give the men here a good Job for a while. The sewing society of the Congrega­ tional Chureh will meet with Mrs. Wm. Morton on Wednesday of next week. The Bennett Bros, have opened a 5. 10,15, 20 and 25 cent counter establish­ ment on Chicago street, in the old meat market building. The German Lutherans haf»purchased theioi across the stmt from their church (H Mrs. H. B. Hubbard, where tbey intend building a school house in thenearfuture We^sndecstaad the consideration mm BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hand*, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo W. Besley. West McHenry. 19-ly Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. , Beloit fine pants only,.....M*M«.......... $4 00 Beloit heavy mixed. .. 2 50 Men's business suits. 9 50 " Cassimere suits 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits........:... 100 Knee pants 25c, 85c, 50c, 100 Men's Congress Gaiters $1.50, 1 85 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining. 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. Eu LAWLQS. ,t£ 4 FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., has reason to be very thankful. She was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of branlfa, had hungry spells, pain In side, duttering, fainted, etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cu re, she says, "I am better than lor twenty ysnrs. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. I advise all persons thus afflicted to use this great remedy." G. W; Besley, drug­ gist, recommends and guarantees it. Dr. Miles' work on heart disease, containing marvelous testimonials free. Christmas Lose Is. Largest assortment. Everything new in toys. Fresh candies of all kinds.' Our Dolls have arrived, come and see them. Tbey talk,cry, laugh, nod, answer questions, shake their heads and go to sleep, play the finest of music. Don't fail to see them. We are selling every day. Books! Books! every style Will arrive this week. GAMES :•* Ail new games, Fiddledewinksj Home ~ Toys, tfys, sleds, chairs bedroom sets; • tables, staves; a piano in perfect tune for $1.00. arerything at J. £ Story's, LamoKlampsf erocka^r, Chrlnfiiiifd fears cards. DoHM; bny until you bavfexamined our stoek. Come 1B. d see for yourself. NPWYWT NOYEITIIW January bargain sale of finest Califor­ nia canned goods. Please investigate. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Extra bargains in the well known Bsffalo shoes. School show for boys and girls must be closed out at once. Sale commences Saturday, January 10th. JOHN EVAXSOS &JCQ. , BLANKET SALE. . v bargain prices Satttr&ay, Jan. 10th, Monday, Jan. 12th. All horse blankets and bed blankets must go. "Come to the banquet." Respectfully, JOHN EVANSON &0T». FOR SALE OR RENT. ' My farm, situated on Ringwood Prairie, one mile from the Ringwood Cheese Fac­ tory, consisting of 160 acres, 120 of which is under a good state of cultivation, and 40 acres of timber and pasture. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, or will be rented to the right party. Call on or address 26tf C. GRIMOLHY, West McHenry. ^FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. It the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, pain, indigestion, faint spells, etc. -in the l iver , torpidity , congestion, etc . Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For "all these maladies Mr* Milles' New Cure for the heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by Q. W. Besley. Treatise free. A REMARKABLE LETTER. The following letter from Mr. W. A. Thomson, of Columbus, Wis., is pecul­ iarly interesting: "My wife," MYS he, "has been treated for her head, stomach and nervous prostration by three doctors in New York, two iu Chicago, one in Phila­ delphia, one in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in Buffalo for sixteen months. They all failed. But one bot­ tle of Dr. Mite9 Restorative Nervine helped her wonderfully." This should be used in all headaches, backaches, changes of life, nervous disturbances, fits, rheu­ matism, etc. Ask at Besley's drug store lor a free trial bottle and ur. Mik*' aew book on the Nerves and Heart. ^ REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaiafield, IU., makes the. statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a mouth by her family physi cian, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Besleys Drug Store, large bottles 50c. and $1.00. 24ml HAPPY HOOSIERg. Wni. ^Ttnmous Poranasterof fdfcvilte, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all Other tnsdicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town says: "Electric bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strenirth, good appetite and felt just like he had a new mue on life." Only 50c. A bottle, at Besley's Drug Store. 24ml , FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in tQwn at Besley's West Side Drug Store. ______s "Have you seen the 5-A five mile hom blanket? If not, why not,?, H yon have a horse vou need it." AK IMPORTANT MATTER. Druggists everywhere report that ths sales of the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and medicine-are astonishing; ex­ ceeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache, nervousness,sleeplessness, sexual debility, backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, etc. Taylor Bros., of Bryan, 0.; Amber & Murphy, of Battle Crew, Mich.; C. B. Wood worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and hundreds erf others state that they never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial bottles of this gnat medicine and book oa Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's who guarantees aad recommends it. GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their •children to anger from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache^ disxtaess, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K, of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., Of twenty to fifty fits a night; others froufcthis vicinity could be men* tioned who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, whieh contains no morphia^ opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Beskf's drag store. P. K. CltANGEItf General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, H ousehold Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most ouable terms. Orders by mail wiD receive nrompt at­ TENTION iddrena ' H. C. KXAS, . General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of aO kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. Aahareof pat. ronage solicited. P» O. ADDRHI W«| McK«Hf,IB. Call and see our Banquet LaiftpS, Piano Lamps, Sewing Lamps, Hanging Lamps. A fine assortment cheap at Besley's. Go to Mrs. Besley's for Fancy Hand­ kerchiefs and Stamped Linen for table use. And while there don't forget to ex amine the Millinery Department. J. W. Cristy & Son are enjoying the finest run of trade ever experienced by them. Call on them and you will not be at a loss to know why it is. FOR SALE FOR CASH. A few tons of good Ground Feed at $16.00 per ton. R. BISHOP. FOR SALE OR RENT. In the Village of Ringwood, a good house and shop. Terms reasonable. In- QUIIS^: WEHLBY LAUD. /WHEAT WANTED. The highest cashprice will be paid for Winter or Spring Wheat at the W auconda mill. J. SPENCKH, Proprietor. 16tf * t WORTH % VARIETY These our es­ tablishment,. Our holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANSON & Co. TRUTH v SYSTEM The McKinley bill cannot make very much of an advance on lanterns as J. W. Cristy & Son are selling Dietz's latest f improved tubular lanterns complete for 39 cents. Judging from the amount of Buckwheat flour shipped in by J. W. Cristy & Son they must bt handling a very nice quality and everyone knows their prices are always the lowest. M. ENQLEN is offering some rare bar­ gains, at his store, near the Iron Bridge. Oall and see him, as he is bound to dose out as soon as possible, and you can now get Goods at your own price. 'pONT SKIP THIS f : C For it te not an advertisemeliira pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid tor oats. 6 W. A. Gnwrc. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale Hs farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most difnrable farms iu the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL DQUUKTV, Dated November 18th, 1890. 19-8m FARM FOR SALE. A good all-purpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonable. For further particulars in quire on the premises of WM. MOOKK, Sokm, ill. * < Ws wish all onr friends and nrgjjli ets a happy and prwperom/jlpr, sasatBBKpysf-** 9J the oomlog ysar. :PS3S>:L • V J We want to Impress on the <*11 that we pay cash lor all ©org which places us in a positioa M the lowest cask figures, tak* I f pot cash discounts, etc. can Mil yon the best goads at est essh prloes and will do It. Ws siartant bT gf*l»ff yen count of 10 a* 40 fSr eent oa nd wraps. a «*- CkwAi 'V - * m lnWg^ « ^ I »a'NINIP.T anyone In need of a winter wrap to buy now if you bays to borrow the money to boy witfc - * "• ^ - - ' - ^ . V I , 'V % ' : k We are bound to sell every Oreieeat In stock within the next 30 days and to do so will give a discount of 10 te V per cent. R-7, *. -V .e. •: -hi %' They wlU not lastDoog at thoan ̂ rlees. Osll early aad nate year tan* lection. a We have a good stodt cf nM* and low prloed ones and Willi Is In eapMdl- "A Our Dress ent shape and w* rre resses, but to flve eur costosMn a chanee at some % Bargains, we wilt <lv«10peree*ieionau Dress Goods or the next week. f -J s, , We haye an elegant line of Telveia ' Buttons. Silks. Brfljl. fyfmfntnff fttfT> w* tiw Proof Bnbber Boots, tk that will stand the cold uot "kick oat.* leentt bonld Investigate, as wear two pair of co FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for saletiisfarm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3% miles east of McHenry. Is in a good state of cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GERHABT SCHCKMKMANN. October 14th, 1890. 14m2 CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS, First class in every respect, have sent E. Lawlus, Tailor, three hundred more ATUIIPIEO UI Lueir cloths, to TAKE ORDERS and measure men for suits. Good tits and low prices on the very best goods in the market is what you want and no humbug. _ E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet wheir not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Sold af Aiiwlqy's jfug FgR SALJSL The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act 4>n the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 80 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. FOR SALE OR RENT* t The house known as the Mr».*:f£;' A. (lark honae, situated in the village of McHenry. is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con- ilenoss. Large garden and plenty of afi trait, for terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of^f* On Goat Mas we give lO to SO pit cant dleoennt* f tt.-C ^ ̂ CVacfcers 6 oenfcs per poanC ̂ A i'iti i ' """ ~ % iP&A All grades of Underwear la Jfen* BoysJLadies and ChUdrss's, at lowaai We have sette baiitttaft Hi Shoes that w l̂l pay yea to look 0fp|! '1 • % *• ^ A W* «tmi jt onj t MI ala t̂ ed Fruits ̂Canned Goods and Groceries of all kinds, also the Dated January 1st, 1890 H. C. MKAO. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. Mns. GEO. W. BESLEY, hai kving ren the store lately occupied by Mrs. rented Hutaon, West McHenry, will open tb» same this mk with a full line of new «.BH Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surrounding country. She has engaged MIHS Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and wjll guarantee satisfaction both in style and pries. She will also pay especial attention to Drees-making, awHias engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Rtter, mid all orders will receive prompt attention. Miss Freeman wul be here on Tuesday of each WF ek. IV Call in and inspect our goods. Mm. Qso. W.ttl-- W«* MpBmrfi Nov. 5tii, \89Kk wuyon. uive us a can, McHenry, 111. PIIBY & OWIMi MoHKimt. - - ILUNOte* Tfu* BemJk retastoes and se Ws SKbawr to do truitod to ow ears imtomen, 01set fsyMdlfUlf public patronage.

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