McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1891, p. 8

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Tub Ladies of the W. C. T. IT. will meet v ith Mr*. Dr. Brown Thursday afler- ItOoa at 2 o'clock. Man. l. K, ftKHKUTT, MM. t. J. W*wn, Secretary. Tlio Loyal Legion will meet at the C ity Hall, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. K\f Mb». OVEIUKEB, Supt. Mhn B. Oouffh's Work. if Out of tibe depths of debauchery and wretchedness came thespirifcthat inspired C|M Verde of John B. Gough against the fpi&u of intemperance. From the diesi- jiifttd experience of a few years, during vhkh lie ran the gnniut of a drunkard's igradation, he drew the example and •"i: i hwtrations of hin moat magnetic oratory % He had known and teen and felt the i6!!; I oa«ls au<! penalties of in temperance, had wifitred the mental terrors < f delirium rmn eup, had staggered along the brink <4 h tar vat ion, and in the midefc of his jL; " misery had lost hie wife and child pacri- ^ / Heed to a paewion he could not control, fe*, Hnii thepe experiences enabled bim to ' paint the horrors of a drunkam's life in w*H«j that horned their way into the hearts of men. He wan gilted with the , r»irest power of dramatic expression and vivid d<*K;ription. His earlier temperance uprechw were a living fire of denunciation if-lv 'he liquor traffic, a plea of manly ten- I?; ilernera for the drunkard, a pathetic apj»eal to manhood 6n behalf of wife, H' '• child rati and home. For forty years his Voice has been lifted up in the cause to which bis life was consecrated. The suc­ cess of that life, even in -a worldly sense was a triumph for total abstinence. "Without this John R. Qough would have perished miserably--as the fool dieth forty years ago. It was the only thing that saved him; he believed it was the only salvation for others. His last i ntelli- gible utterance will become memorable. It was on the lecturs platform in Phila­ delphia. He was speaking on the theme of all themes that stirred his eloquence. *T' 8 .id itr (lough, "have seven years in the record of my life when I was held in the iron grasp of intemperance. I would give.the world to blot it out; but, |Kx * alas! I cannot." Then stepping to the || ̂ footlights with one of those Immutably |fV' expressive gestures of which he was mar- te, ter, he said: "Therefore, young men In - make your reoord clean----." The sei. #;v teitce was le& unfinished. The orator |is . * tiank into a chair. His work was done. ;• No human estimate can say how well done, but tnoosands of happy homes in America and England and brighter gems P- i/- fr i£r' V Ki R£l v . in the crown of John B. Qough's immor- gi/. tality than ever shone on the head of ; • an earthly king. ,Tt?e Girls aj?d Bqyl all jpyefcir choice. INIW, , IS r iAirbaNk'S Sâ taClausSoar «V4^ ' i > $ - : "K •vj v. »-•*; • ' .:'V r V.' fea FOR ALL {HOUSEHOLD AND tAUNDRY PURPOSES. MADE ONLY BY rAtnaAMK's &AMTXCLAUS N.K. FAIR BANK & CO.--CHICAGO. | W INtlX. 'V >' V WHEW TOTJ WANT A 4* 2 > HEATING STOVE, tn thatiline call ,©n i f-. >v ,.r .. i DEALERS IN ;•« Stoves, Granite-Iron, Tinware, ^PORTING : GOODS, ' - Cutlery. Barb Wire, Etc. | 01ass of All SizeB, We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper aeui Sheet-Iroau Your patronage is respectfully so ticited* .'***!,./. : .'V';* West McHenry, Dec, 23d, A PULL LINE OF HEATING -. STOVES, 'rL'-'" " r - " ' 0t the Beit Makes, on hand at > all times. Anything not fa .<• stock ordered and de$v"-f-: > ' tivered inside oj 24 hour*, Tha Celebaated COOK 5I0V1, Best in the Market and every one warranted. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Pleas a call anil examine o»r Stoves before purchasing. Olasg of All Sizes COD- stantly on llandr TEE BEST BARB WIRE / ; » I n t h e M a r k e t , a t B d t t o m P r l o e « % JOBBING AND Will be done on short notice and .Satisfaction Guaranteed. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited, ' JACOB BON8LETT. McIIonry, III., Nov."li2, 1890,1 WHAT! NEVER? : Well,Hardly Ever! tfave ihe peopleof McHenry and dHjoining counties had so tavor- aWo un opportunity to .pojr^b^e i l • ,-t •, f A 'U& 1ftA L ULIi II M'» AS IS NOW FOUND AT MAHK GEO, W. BESLEY M*. •iiK^ -{•<% OUR CTTAlOOUIw- PRICES i ENGINE WORKv r.^ v INDIANAPOLIS^ INO. "3 •®C-522 ;JZ 19 BUY YOUR WEST M«HENBT, II^L. -OXA1.BB DRUGS & HEDICINE2, PAIHTB, OILS, . bilet ArticliBis, PUKE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE. •••:".• /> r -• V*? V.'l' / A lso Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. V:: , ; H> The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and:. always on hand. ^Physician's Preseriptions: Carefully Compounded. t^lv6 me a call. West Hcneory, 111,, Dee, lat, W». O. W. BE8LEY. y. KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY AND GRAIN, »j *• v M ^ , ^ h e m ^ 0 U - ^ t h e b e s t , Thk means W. Jk. eitei FadEbry, MoHonry, ||f. ' Grain ofall kinds bought and !/lt witt pv to WT*.«ai«iv o. f(«eoMAM*s sonw 116-X11 DeutwnStNet OUOAM Bed Clover uancisr. ca em, Sick mk &n<i All for cii^ Headache, •tK«i|(|pU«Uas^nd mm KeAtMMS rapni FRANK D. THOMPSON, D ATEMTO ATTORNEYLAW» 142 l»«*rborraMt., CHICA 3<», ni. ILSI01M WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT Tor lb* Family, School, or Professional Library. OHABRMFFLLJ*™*' JDTENOMATOMITSELF, Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup'ts of Schools ami the leading: College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading School Boole Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary* SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. * Ths Kew York Webeteru«i- """amSniSJerMilycoBCMedto be the best. The Boston Glole uyi: Webster is tb» «• knowledged standard in leiicogmphy. The Atlanta Comstfttttfcm eays: Webster has *™TongTeentl5!e»t(S3Saauthority in our office. The Chicajp Intsr Octan gays; Webrter'a *~M^jna^S^3nSaT3m^aTeen the atandard. The Hew Orlwms Tl-- P»--cmt nuilbnrTfflftMMnMaays: It is recognked ' ̂ S^^mos^SeRlexming "word-book* «( the English language ail over the world ^ Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlafrfree. *-pC. MERR1AM A CO.,Pub'rs,Springfield, MMV McrtKN^Y, ILL. With Two Stores, One on the West and one on the East side, they present to the buying public a of all kinds of Furniture this Fall than ever before, which we are oftering at greatly ' REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We have taken great pains in selecting our * V Undertaking Supplies. COFFINS, CASKETS & TRIMMINGS, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when iu want of anything in our linp. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be fur­ nished at Keusonable Bates. JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111., Oct. 14, 1890. £W Agent* Wanted I CISCDUBSFUOL !.u-water's tairtjr Bais BoUan B;lvcn a way to introdoM IkMb' Kwi horw owns c bays from I to 6. UBM -*i Iiim--I1 rest. SsBdMssMs " :fs and W; E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi­ cago, have appointed Bonrtett i gtollel $Vi?rt;,Mc,leilI'y9 ageotelorthdrfamomi OH Mral and Call Meal, which all f&rimWs duwld accord a fair triaL V«y clone I dHeee an offered <meaiall ar l«qp low 'IMKMUT Excels any remedy for the rapid cure of Hard 6oldt,Coughs, Hido Bound, Yellow Water, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Costhreness, Blotches, and all difficulties aris­ ing frem Impurities of the Blood. Will relieve MeaVeS at once. Manufactured by the JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. Sure Cure lor Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULLER, v:J^rs| Hfeftefi) Agents* Glilceso, Commencing Monday, Dec. 15thi And to continue until March st^ck, consisting dt " 'K : • . 3M Rubber Goods, Robes, Blankets, Halters. W hips, Family Groceries, China • Ware* Glassware, Notions, p. Tobacco. Pipes, etc. • •» 5 : ii' \,i-3L v/;. ^ / > 1 • >3 ' i" *4,® ^ (• • SSS ^ **•" *>• ^ ' m MY ENTIRE! Complete in all departments, oonsisttng in part of Shovel?^ Forks, Hoes, spades, Axes, vfaliets, Picks,, Mattocks, Bolts, Tin­ ware, Carpenter's Tools, Pumps, both irott and wood, Hhelt Hard­ ware, etc. Also my en tiro / ,r l STORE FIXXTTRES, Two Store Buildings, 5 acres of land near town, one Dwelling A House, and one-half interest in 3 Steamboats, and steamboat line between McHenry and Fox Lake* Alfl* • AW COST. Tnfs is rio humbug, to close my business. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle at their earliest convenience. Itours Respectful If* Ms E^OLBN. . 1 1 . THLX3 WESf SID)| No. 9701. TERMS, $50. Will be for service at the barns of Georm McHenryt Illinois. - ' •i? One nail payable in Cash, balance by Note due six months from sorvice without intereet. Interest: after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO." was stroil by Lakeland Abdallah 35L by the founder of our trotting wondera, old Rysdyfces Hambletoniah, 10. Dam or Georpce O u by Autocrat, a son of George M, Patcheu, 30, record 2:23%. She paoed at six years oil a half mile in 1:06^, and at 17 years a full milo in 2:27. "George O." has had very limited advan­ tages in the stud, never having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell for long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a reoord of -2:49, trial X mile in 1:22 to Road Oart. Me Henry, lllitxoia. •"4#f •lOBGOTT. OWE*. "Boss wouldn't blanket him III the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE--'Get from your dealer free, the 94 Book. It has handsome pictures audi Valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a S/M. Horse Blanket will make your horte worth mort AND eat less to keep warm. 5IA Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable Ask for 5/A Electric 5IA Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit ereryw body. If you can't get them from youi dealer, write us. » . v *•••• •' ^ONSUMP^' It has permanently cored THOUSANDS f oases pronounced by doctors hope- If you have premonitory symp- suclr as Cough, Difficulty of l l l l f r A r r * iIaaH. ilfilfttr Knt niuk i of cases leee. tome Breathing, Ae. don't cielay, but use PIBO S CUltK FOB CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Druggiata. 25 oet^«» % BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. HOMC GCNOINC WITHOUTTHI jW* LAeCi At. the above place we mean to give you more and better good? for the dollar than you can get elsewhere. The season for Felt Boots and Rubbers is at hand and we are selling the best,Rubber s •' Goods there is made to-day. All we ask wheu in need of a pair ot Felts and Overs is for you to call in and get our prices, and we know the goods will please you for th<» price we ask] We start them at $1.50 for the outfit Also everything else in the Boot and ' • dhoe liato correspondingly cheap. < Remember, that we are not taking second place in the Clottung "Trade here. W« are offering tb the trade this fall a well selected | line ot Men's and Boys' Overcoats that are got up right in style and f! made ot good material at prices guaranteed to be correct. We ask ^ you when in need of a suit of clothes for yourjelf or boys to call in . and look"our stock over; we can fit you from a four year old boy's suit up to large men's wear, in cheap or fine all wool clothing. Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Scotch and Plush Caps. , ^goo^ assortment always on hand, ^ ^ , We are headquarters for Fjesh Groceries. Best Dried Fruits al­ ways to be found here. Always ready to figure with yon on prieo . , of Sugar and will give you the most for the dollar of pure sugar, " >' »ri Choice brands of F'lonr, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal al" ways on hand. Yours respsctfully, •* • West McHenry, III. JULIA A. STOXKT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) it¥ f'-M %Sf-f^ . V&-' --DEADER m 5 . Braga, Chemicals, Sn Sto&s, Pai&ts, Oih and Cder* ' : ' r> :- • . '•_• " " "' 'V; ^ i * i)onstantly oa hwid. 4- ®° * Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ^--akd COKPLBTB STOCK or STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Physlciami Prescriptions ' -p *-r Carefully and accuratey compounded hy \ Reg inter** Ph^rma* !oisH. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, 7:; & ' . *,U/ * , *

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