Plod god but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Wlft us and no Pear 8hall Awe." t' \ PVBUIHXO KvKar WilisKTOAY •* -J . V AN SL YKB,- ^»ITOR A*I) PBOPEirrOB^ ̂ $4 jDffleo In Bishop's Block. --OPPOSITE PKRWT A OWSHF StJlHORI PTIOH. lu . Oar YaAr (In Advaaco) as ~ Not l'*id withiu Three Months ^inscriptions received for thro* mihi is the same proportion. . .. A 00 or atx BUSINESS CARDS. H. V. IBRFABD. F. I, RRlPtlD. SHEPARD & SHEPARD, ATTORNK\3B AT LAW. SUITE 512, NORTH-ern offi-e Building, 98 L&Salle Street OhHago, III. 45- ly KNIGHT A« BROWN, ATTORXKVS VT r,.VW<U. S. Kxpr*MiOo.'» Building, 87 and 83 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOSLYN * CASKYr ^TTORNEYS AT L AW, Woodst turn. 111. Ail baaineu wilt receive prompt aiton- ' ' ' & -V Kates of Advertising. announce liberal rates for advertising • the I'msurcvLKU. and endeavor to state hem so plainly that they will be readily un- er stood. They are M follows: 1 Inch one year - 8 00 2 Inches one year .*. .srv ^ 10W> 8 Inches ono year . ,« », V* 15 00 If Oolumn one yon# !"*80 00 Jf Column one yeajf- - # C*"« 60 00 Oolumn one yea*•»•**.«<> *< 10000 One inch means the measurement of one inch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra eharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the ilrst Issue, and S cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an Inch advertisement wuloost 11.00 for one week. $1.50 for two weeks, *2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIWDRAI.BR will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, It will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. rHtr-HOlAN ASD SURGROlf. MeHW#, I ill. Offlce at residence, one block east of Public School Building. O. H. FEOERS, M, D- >HYSlOlAX AND SURGEON, IUB. Office at Re»ideoo6. . I,- V. OS BORN R, M. i>» PHYSICIAN AND 8UUQKOX. Offle® at Residence, West McHenry, 111. GalM promptly attended to day and night. Liverv Stable. HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First • class rigs with or without drlvew famished art reasonable rates. f*avi>f-4t all kinds done on short notice. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, and ^ Counselor, Oollectlons a specialty. WOODSTOCK, 11XTWOIS. V. 8. LUMLEY. ' " ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND solicitor IS QFAFTDO€ RV| . f WOOmfcpOK, ILL^ , 1 Ofltce-ls-i'ark House, lloor^ , A. Ml. CHURCH, Watchmaker a.n<l .Jeweler NO. One HundredTwenty-Five State St Chicago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. NT A Full Assortment of Oooda in his line United States far Ciaii Apcj OF-- WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. Prosecutes all claasss and kinds of claims against the United State* tor ex-Solriiera, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and acted claims. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1891. SIMON STOFFEL, ISOLBUBS' DIFABTMIIT, rANTEB! SALESMEN! Ml A jrood ebon^f! Don't niton H! Yon VI nr«d no capital to represent a reliable " Prui that warrants Nnrswr* stock first class and true to name. Work all the year ami goo I par weekly to energetic toran. ply quick, stating age; Ap- i ; L. L. MAY Jb CO. St. Paul. Minn. Nursfc?f rn%fl, Worlsts and Seedsmen. (This house is responsible) *S Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are preparedi to furutoh" F irst Class Music to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates J, Suiitl:, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet C, Curtis, Cornet. L, Owen, Tromboptv Infra l is. Basso and Prompter, v A Hlrcss all communieationa to Jerry SmltfT McHenry. -AOKST FOR- PhcBOSz, of Btoakljn, ff. Y. Gapital,||<)08,31 £5. Rockford, of&ockford, III Capital^ Edited by WM. H, COWLIM, ---WOODSTOCK, II.U--- >2,443, irfl, Cons. Capita!, $4620.213. "lb care for him tvho' heu borne the battle, and for hit Widow and Orphan*." ~ I.IMCOLW. "fYiendship, \Charity. Lou atty-- Worthy ton* of Patrvx ftotherf WANTED. Traveling and local, to sell our choice Nur sery Stock. Fast-selling specialties in hardy fruits, etc. splendid Outfit Peee. Steady employment guaranteed. Your pay weekly Write for terms. s«rm*nla Wurirary Co. j , R o e h e r t a r , N . ¥ . ^liferr-i^i'-itt i ii- rejected All communications Postage Stamps are enefol answered If for reply. WM, H. COW LIU Offlce at Resldenoe, Madison St., Woodstock, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MOHEMHT, LU>, April 1st, 1888, I would respectfully invite the Public to call and examine raj stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No busi ness done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY . . K'hbinr IU. f ^ NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHENRY, DLL Keeps open for the accommo lation of the Public a Flrst-Clasa Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Oigara ^ 4 £to be found in tne market."® " Also Agent For - FRANZ FALKf) lDlwauksa Lagtr Bew. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING HVJOOBOJOaJBr. ( •IT'Oall andjsee us. Robert Sohlessle. I1L McHenry, ^: A. Snglen's > > . 3 1 L 0 0 M A N D B S S T A D R 4 N T . i. ;nu: MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Kentucky liquors, French Bitters, McHenry L&ssr Bififi , --AND-- In 'any ^quantity from Bnit* Gloss to 1C0 barrels. AT W KOLESALB OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs oar case as heap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best'and sell at Reasonable Prices. ^ Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGLEN. IpitfimrT,IB* MM- A Hrst-dam fUmse, IhkBops All Stop There. the Culver House. RICMMOND, ILL. Good Livery, Good Sample Room. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR PATRONS OF THE HOUSE. I run a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from Richmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and leaeant by far. If you intend feoing to Twin >akes, stop at Richmond and inquire for CULVER'S BUS. It i« always there, rain or shine, ttound trip nricesas usuai. C. N. CUL V ER%, Prop. •-'I!. H, AI.BBECHT. ^ DENTI8T# ^#WbHI^SAND APPROVED D^8iyi%pe»w XX atlons performed at Reasonable Prices. Crown and Bridge Work, And the preservation of thi natural teeth a specialty. Gas and ether given for painless extraction. All work warranted Offlce over Kvanson St Co.'s store. West MeBenry, til.. Dee, 17,1800." •' #V-:. t Bay Colt; 15 3-4 hands high May 11. MEN WANTED. To represent our well-known nursery m this county, for town and country trade. Good pay weekly. A steady position with a nur sery of over thirty years' standing, and a known responsibility. We want good, lively workers, and will pav well. Uuod references required. Apply quick, stating age. OHASK BROTHERS COMPANY, 87-m2 Chicago 111. The Police Gazette, Is the only illustrated paper In the world containing all the iatesi sensational and sporting news. No Saloon Keeper, Barber, or Club Room can afford to be without it. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Hailed to any address in the United States securely wrapped, 13 weeks tot |1, • Send Five Cents for sample copy. RICHARD ltd1 i < ^ v t MAMMSAM SQUARE, New York : | ATTENTION! farmers and Dairyi$g» it win pay those looking for CHOICE COWS" Fresh milkers or springers, premises before to call at ST I purchasing. I can furnish aneh toy the ear load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, OhbmumO. rtm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker Sc Jeweler* McHENRY. ILLINOIS. riNE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- ". Special atten**" watohes. Give ^ eiry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine a call. JOHN P- SMITH. AGENCY for A pamphlet of Information and ab stract of the laws, Showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Harto A>pyrighta, sent free. ^A&rMUNN A GO 361 Broadway, Mew Yark. V, J. Sarbiaa. BARBIAN J. i. BarUaa BROS. '.Mi Wholesale and Eetail OnAt-ESis IN FINE CIGARS, MoHENRY ILLINOIS, Saving leased the brick building one- door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all time* can be found fin® cigar* of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacao of the beat brands. ..'^V Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment aad| son* ^•erjjkftEdeoijie patterns. OAfenAHD 8KB VS. UWilMM WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 5715, The sire Of Alwid 2:S8M« Atlas [8 Tears 2.28X; Allspice, 2Alsippa, 2:<0; Alsioa, 1:4IM, and other good ones, 1st dam, ANTHEM, the dsn of Choral, one of Waters* finest brood mares. Anthem, ny Cuylor 100, sire of Elv'aa 2:18^, Chanter, 2:26^, Edwin C, 2:213*', 1-^y I'ream, 2:21^, also sire of dams of Patron, 2; MX and others, 2nd dam, AUQ1TKTA, dam of Chanter Shallcross, trial, 2 23 [half in 1:10]; Augusta, Anthem and others, Augusta by Rysdyke's BellfoHnder, sire of the dam of Kingsley, 2:26>^, son of Hambletontun 10 [sire of Dexter 2:17li, Nettle 2:18, Orange 3irl 2:20, and 38 others in the 2:30 list, aad grandsire of 820 performers]. ACCIDENTAL will make the season at HIT stables in the village of Richmond, at. fSB t j Insure. Season begins Feb. 1st. Call and see him before breeding your maree. 82 iieck. ' -BEBSDXB0 OF- MORGAN HORSES! the celebrated Gen- Green Mountain Embracin cfral Giffor and Morrill blood. STOCK FOR Stallions and Fillies. Send for pedigrees. Essex and Registered Poland China Choice MERINO SHEEP MAMMOTH Bronze Turkeys,' HIGH GRADE--- JERSEY CATTLE. For sale. Come and inspect stock, or address J. R. layltr * Sons. W«at IfoHenrv. IUM HOTEL WOODSTOCK. SITUATED OPl'OMITB The Mineral Spring. W, H. R0TN0UR, frdp. THE BEST Of SAMPZE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. "WOODSTOCK, ILL. Tnytmnae carefolly i all classes of pro pert]? | and tornado, either without interest. Ft cover «tm« In bntMts or damairo tqr tire orfl lightning Mlf where, fodder are ewNtred bv I or sraehsM Ctrm. G are covered under o > fsi;rn. I»»flr«iice irni ties frseefearge. Ga| steam threshst p free of eharge. t deaeription. Innlndl1 si on* all coveted ui reeords kept of all < ments and tnmefers over 700 policy holder safely plfcrsd en isMIra, ligbtning, or on tank time,, •ltejie# <m live stock ; s nmspMnst less' trnntr em against i j straw, stalks and policy, in building I -seeds and mill tsed | Rift In building er on Wrred to other looali or oil stove and rated In polloles goods, of every wood and ptovl- » item. Complete; peonditMHift, ass'lgla. i m. Call for list ef| j above companies. ion 8tofleU West McHenry, SHOBTHAND §SS! Employment Guaranteed As »oon af you thormighlv complete the study. Donot delay the nvtter, but write at once. It will pay yb«; For full partion- lars, address. .. STGNOORAPHIOINS riTr »WZ. ARBOR. C A. H, P!rectory. M'BKMUT TOST MO. 64S. tjhfi First Thuradiiy evening of «*$)> L. E. BsirvaTT. CMa. ': IFOOBWOK KNIT, MO MS, Meets flret and third Monday evenings of eaofc month. A, & WBWHT, Com. kvB»4 POITi IFO Ml» Meets the second and fourth Tuesday evonUfS ef each month*.oea. ' -. ; >UATAH»PO«T, ITOMS. Mee^stie second aad lonrtn Monday eun Ingsot eaeh month. E. N. AUSTIN, Oom, MAKBMOO POST, Ha m. Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings ef eaoh month. B & "4' -. tiooMBi roar, wo. m , Pew meets ever? seeond and fourth Batur> | day eTenlng In Q. A, R. Hall, Main St. A- L. PRicE. Ctom. Makes a spee.ia Uy of t and Ho Connections am Alarms. Satisfaction (II or address i'I kind(• of Burglar .rautosd, call en , HOWARD St EVENS. West McHenry, Illino's. WM. STOFFEL. ' far-- FIRe, • LIGHTNING, Aad Aoeideata) Iasoiaaee. Also Towa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, and California Lands. Call on or address WM. 8TOFFJSL. McHenry, 111: The Disability Bill la a Law Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled* Dependent widows and parents *iv d' pendent whoee sons died from the effects simv fervices y are ir.cluded If yo ur claim speedily and successfully cuted, address JAMES TANNER* * A^hin(;TON,D. a Late Oommtrsioiier of Petieions. 42 e. s. cuBTis & snr, CraInora Paper Hangers^ K>{sominersf Decocators. McHENRY,, ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and sat'sfaction guaranteed. Country work a specialty. Call on or address. ! C. S. Curtia A Son. McRKNMY. ILLINOIS. CEDAR LAWS STOCK FABI, HEBRON, ILL. Phillips & Richardson* BREEDERS OF ligh Grade Jersey Cattle, •REGISTERED POLAND CHINA HQ(|8. AND PURE BRED POULTRY Alng At tUmtah Lime. E. B. Walcott Post, No. 1, Milwaukee, 1 will go to Detroit in August. A Grand Army District encampment | was held at Worthington, Minn., June 16,17 and 18. The Lake Madison Veteran Association Ben», Window I reunion, was held at Dell Rapids, S. p., " June 17,18, and 19. The Southwestern Wisconsin Vetera? Association held its annual reunion at Richland Center last week. * Friday, ,lune 12, the annual reunion of the Central Wisconsin Veteran Associa tion was held at Fond du Lac. Sunday, June 14, was the anniversary j of the day on which Congress adopted i the Stars and stripes as the national em blem, and is very appropriately known as flag day. Perley Veasey, San Francisco, Cal., aged 62 years, died May 91, and Jona than Veazey, De Soto, Mo., died May 31, aged 72 y|sars. fhe gentlemen named f were brothers of (Sommander-in-chief W. G. Veazey. Mrs. M. A. Towle, of Exeter, N. H., and Comrade Veazey are the only surviving members of the Veacey family. g Dischargei from Ssrvlee- * Recent deciniofls of the War Depart ment upon the question of discharges of officers are to Jthe effect that an officer I dismissed from the army on the ground [ of mental deficiency was not dishonora bly discharged, and that an officer dropped from the rolls for absence with- | out leave was not .honorably discharged There were quite a number of officers of both these classes during the latter part of the war of the rebellion who will be J affected by this ruling, should they file | claims against4he government. A Large Pension. Commissioner of Pensions Raum on Friday, May 22, approved and signed a pension certificate in favor of John G. Hildt, Co. K, 1st Mich. This pension is for gunshot wound of the right arm which caused amputation of the same and nervouB prostration and insanity, and dates from 1862, for amounts varying from f25 to f72 per month. This certificate is the largest, in amount of first payment, of any previously issued by Commissioner Raum. Hildt has been an inmate of the Government insane asylum near Washington, since 1862, and an important question arises to whether the government should be mm bursed from this pension money for his care in the asylum since 1862. First Confederate Oun. The first gun made for the Confederate government is owned by Mrs. II. 1. Miller of this city. ' The gun was made by Mrs. Miller's father, W. S. McElwaine, at Holly Ppringn, Miss., in the summer of 1861, It was carried through a part of the war by a young man of Holly Springs, a friend of Mr. McElwaine. It had a rifled barrel, originally. About tt<*jmid- dle of the war the barrel was injured by a brill, and the gun was returned to Mr. McElwaine, who cut it off at the injured point and bored it for shot-gun. As seen by a Globe-Democrat reporter lately, it was in comparatively good condition. Mr. McElwaine was a native of Pitts- field, Mass., where ha learned the trade of a machinist. Afterward he worked in a gun factory in New York, and then moved to Sandusky, Ohio, where he en gaged in the foundry and machine busi ness. In 1859 he moved to Mississippi. In a crude way he began the foundry business, with two partners. .When the war broke out the company had a well- equipped establishment, and Jefferson Davis, being conversant with the prop erty, induced its owners to convert it into an armory. Small arms were badly needed and Mr. McElwaine having neither the machines nor patterns, went to work to produce them. He planned and made the necessary machinery for making stocks, barrels and borings, working out the patterns, Mid with his otfn hand made the first gun which his daughter now preserves. When the battle ot Shiloh was fought in 1862 the plant was turning out twen ty-five stands of arras a day and em ployed five hundred hands. The armory was afterward soUJ to tBe Confederate government tap'one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in addition to the sixty thousand dollars paid for arms up to i hat time. The plant was removed to Mason, Ga, After the evacuation of Corinth and vicinity by the Confederates, a raid was made and the building of Holly Springs set fire to and destroyed. After an eventful career the maker of the first Confederate gun died tn Chattanooga in 1872. The owners of Libby Prison, at Chicago, are in correspondence with Mrs. Miller for the purchase of the his toric relic.--St. Louis Globe-Democrat. dead, a volley of bullets reaching him through the body of his Child. ^ The horrible deed roused intense nation, of course, and vengeance was threatened. Unhappily suspicion fas tened upon the wrong man, and he was marked for destruction. News reached him upon his farm that the buffaloes were in pursuit of his head, aad he ar ranged with his wife a code of signals lor his protection. Again and again, by day and by nig^j his house was searched, but without cess. Many times he watched the seardfe. ing parties as they withdrew, disappoint ed, from the premises. Ora day he peculiarly narrow escape. A band of armed pen were seen proaching. Evidently they were after him again. He hastened from the house into the field, thinking himoalf uaseea} but his pursuers had caught «tygfet of him, and at once started i& pursuit. There waa no time to reach the woods, and in his extremity he crawled into a log which lay near the entrance to the field. ,! Hardly was he inside when bis swarmed into the field. "Where is he?** - "Where is he?" he heard one and anotfc- er ask. "We saw him run this way, and he hasn't had time to cross the field. He is hiding here somewhere, audi we ham him at last." r Some kept watch and the rest seare!i«<i ; the field. After a while all hands came together about the log, and some of them sat down upon it. One wouM shoot him at sight; another Jranted to hang him to a tree and riddle him wit& J bullets. No one suggested a trial, or the possibility of his innocence. |p The prisoner was almost afraid to breathe. Another search was made, his agony of suspense continued. In his < distress he prayed earnestly for prote©. tion. No one thought to look into the; £ log, and late in the afternoon the sound of the bell notified him that the coast was clear, and he might return to the house- Many years have passed. The matt still lives, and still believes that there was some connection between his prayer .J y\ > •..J o< ou wish prose Genexous-njMt. This government plumes itself some Silver Laced Wyandotte*, Light Rramas,~P1yt I on its generosity to the soldiers who de- fended it. Ut t,8eee;it is no* twenty. Ifour years .since the war dosed. . It. Ducks and White Guineas. We have a lew hiph Grade Jersey Cattle for sale from choice selected stock. a H choicest strains. We spring Pigs for sale at very reasonable prices. An inspection of them is invited, or write us yonr wants and we will quote you prices. All pigs eligible to anv register. Poultry for s*le at reasonable prices. Eggs during season. We have some very choice Poultry of all kinds at Fall prices. 11 orders for Pigs, Birds or Eggs receive prompt attention. Our stork has been carefully selected and Is strictly pure, aud we Guarantee it «s such, Onr customers may rest issured that we shall ship only such stock as will reflect credit upon ourselves an I them also. Correspond- ence cheerfully and promptly attended to and respectfully solicited, visitors welcome iv day but Sunday, and we extend an Invi tation to all to call and see our stock. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage, and assuring our friends that we will labor to please you, we await your favors, TOUTS Respectfully. PHTLLIFS 4 RICHARDSON. September, MM. Mim SHORT HORN BULLS For Sale at Living Prices by the under signed. Call on or address ; - • FRANK COLE, ; ..V" SPRINOOROTB. ILL, years since I armi°s were at once disbanded and only handful of regular troops retained. Our Poland china Hot» are of the best ana I Our standing army is less than one-four Save some very choice | teenth q{ that of the British home guard, and less than one-twenty second of those of Russia or Germany. These countries are at enormous annual expense com pared with our goodly, land of peace and plenty, where he who was under arms twenty-five years ago has ever since been a producer. The pension rolls of America are but a grocers bill in comparison with the immense war portfolios of Europe. But our government has never been just to its soldiery. There is a contract price for service which it deftly shirked at the times of settlement by handing out depreciated currency marked, "this is a dollar and good for all dues, except?' etc. It was one of the exigencies of war and had to be taken. It was better than nothing though at one time sixteen dollars of it were only f 6.40 better than, nothing. The poor fellows at the front when they wanted a plug of tobacco they gave two days work for it. If they got a can of tomatoes or corn they gave a days service for it. If they smoked three rat her poor cigars their day was "up in smoke." Very few of the men having families indulged in any such luxuries. Home love forbade- The whole sixteen dollars was needed BoreJ^ by wile and Snuf IHtia fortiiww Mw tx»a Mfcfeti rk for us, by Anna I'life, Austin, (an, and Jtio. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. ee cut. Otiiersaredoin^aswell. Why >u? Some earn over SftOO.ttO a nonth. You can do the work and live home, *vh?r*v*r you are. Even be-mer* nrc easily earitin? from 96 to A a day. All «pes. We show von how and start you. Can work in *pare tiro® or all the- lime. Big inon^y for work-era. Failure unknown among: them. KKW aud wonderful. Particulars free. BLHfltllettafe 8S0Portland,Main* Safe $36.50 TICK California. 3. C. JUDSON A CO.'S personally conducted .Cali fornia Kxcii'-siOhB 1n broadeauge 1'ullman Tourist Bleeping Care, via Denver & Kio Grande 11, R., (the scenic line of the world) leave Chicago via Chicago t Alton It. R, 12:00 noon Saturday (if every week, each excursion in <-h:i r>f<; of an efficient and gentle manly excursion manaper. Pullman tourist sleeping cars tb.'outdi from Boston and Chicago to San Fran cisco and Los Aneeles. For rates, regpr^atlfl berths, etc., call on or address I. C. JUDSON ~ A Ludicrous SQMM. The ttme seems to have beett maehed when the sorrows and the hardships of toe civil war are giving*- place, in the memory of tbbse wtftf took part Itr It, to the romance and humor of to-day Nothing does more to bridge over the much-talked of, but largely imaginary "bloody chasm" than the jovial laughter ofagroupeof old soldiers, who fought on opposite sides, telling their funny ex periences during the confict. In 1862 Gen. Bragg led a Southern army into Kentucky in the hope of re gaining that state for the Confederacy He had in his army many Kentuckians, who took advantage of the opportunity to set up a sympathic government at Frankfort, %> state capital. The regular government had fled to Louisville as Bragg advanced, and there was nothing in the way of carrying out the plan as soon ae Frankfort was held by a small body of Confederate troops. The ceremony of installing the new governor proceeded rapidly for the fed eral general, Buell, waa near at hand, and an attack on the small force at Frankfort was feared.. "I don't think I ever witnessed a more ludicrous scene than the conclusion of the exe rcMie^" sqid an ex-confeuerate who took part. "Humphrey Marshal was making a great speech inaugurating the new confederate governor. This' said he, noletnuly and impres- ively, 'is not to be a provisional govern ment. It has come to stay, and will last as long as the eternal hills that encircle us,land--' "At that moment a shell from the fed eral guns at Devil's Glen hissed over the town, proclaiming Buell's advance guard We were too few to give fight. Marshall's speech ended abruptly. Citizens ran for shelter, and in a few minntes, accom panied by the troops, Marshall's ever lasting government dissappeared in the mouth of the railroad tunnel, going toward's Bragg's army at Lexington."-- Yoptb* Companion. Oloie to Beater ̂ ' A Southern correspondent* sends a story of war times. In some parts of the South and especially in North Carolina, the horrors of war were greatly aggra vated by the strife between irregular or ganizations of Union and Confederate sympathizers, known respectively as Buffaloes" and "Guerrillas." Both or ganizations were composed of lawless men, and no ultimate good appears to have been accomplished by them, either for the North or for i he South. After Gen. Burnside's capture of Roa noke Island and Elizabeth City, things began to grow very uncomfortable for the buffaloes, who had made themselves obnoxious to their neighbors by many deeds of mischief. One of their acknowl edged leaders put his family into a buggy and set out for Elizabeth City. On the way he was met by a band of guerrillas, who called upon him to surrender. He knew that he could hope for no mercy if he gave himself up, and thinking that they might not fire upon his wife and children, he urged his horse forward, at the same time holding his infant child in front of himself as a shield. But tlie and his deliverance.--Youth's Companion* ^ i • X ' . v GUARANTEED CURE FOR LA GRIPPE'"'J • . ' - j„"t we authorize our advertised druggist V1' to sell you Or. King's New Discovery |t»r • Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy ac cording to directions, giving it a fair Jarial, aud experience no benefit, y turn the l»ottle and have your money t refunded. We make this offer, because ol i the wonderful success of Dr. King's New & Discovery during last season's epidemic. : Have heard of no case in which it failed. V Try it. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley'a drug store. fl.00. Lare sue, 50c andi W A 42 - '•? j STRANGE BUT TRUE. Is the fact that we have the best and most carefully selected stock of seasomv ble merchandise in town. Clothing far all ages from knee pants to fat men'a sizes. We have good, heavy, dark two* piece suits at $1.65, 1.90, 2.50, to 5.50 to lit your boys. Our suits for boys front 12 to 18 range from #3.50, 4.00,'".00 to 12.00 and all very cheap and duraM't, We can fit almost any man, whether ha 'jff wants a Prince Albert, Chesterfield, ' ; * Square cut sack, of one or four button cutaway suits from medium qualitv t® extra good. See our big drives in men a , ^ fancy odd pants equal to any f 8.00 or I ,"'t $10.00 goods at a much le**s price. R». j !, - member, Smo.N STOFFBU • " ^ HOW TO CURE LA GRIPPE. From the Des Moines Mail and Timea. Mr. George Tennant, of this city, i conversation with a representative of tf Mail Mid Times, one evening this weel Vm I fnrtL* 4-Kio enza I had but am all right now." ask what remedy had proven successful in his case. "O, I took Chamberlain V Cough Remedy. I used a whole bottle^ it brought me out all right. I feel first rate now. We are never without Cham* berlain's medicines in our lamily^' This testimony is only one of many that might be given to show the value of these preparations. Those who are af* flic ted with this malady would do well to < j use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It^' A rl used as directed it will be found effectual. , *'£ Fifty cent bottles for sale by G. W. Bee* \. \J ley, druggist. We ventured ti> •v! t SUDDEN DEATHS. Heart disease is by far t?ie trmit «?= quent cause of sudden death, which io XV-J- three out of four cases is unsuspected* : * The symptoms are not generally undeis stood. These are: a habit of lying on , ; the right side, short breath, pain or dis-» \ tress in side, back or shoulder, irregular _m.' pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells. '.s ' j wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough ami -•••J smotheriug. I)r. Miles' illustrated book ^ on heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, ^ t *' - who sells and guarantee* Dr. Mites' un* - } vr ' equaled New Heart Cure, and his Ilestor- ri '• 1 ative Nervine, which cures nervousness^ 1 headache, sleeplessness, effects of jMak-. e inftetc. It contains no opiatea. •ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular, as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diwases of the liver and kidneys, will remove i>im- ^ pies, boils, stilt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and pre- v $ vent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation^ and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price, 50c aud $1 per bottle at Geo. W. Besley's drugstore. 42 There is no danger of pneumenia fol lowing an attack of la grippe when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy m taken a# :% directed for a severe cold and care it used f ^ . to avoid exposure. Fifty cent bottle* ,{(' order to fire was given, and he fell back for sale by G. W. Besley. drugget. ' little ones. ... ' •**' -f t] ,*'1