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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1891, p. 7

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t * • * ' • •<*••• I • of Intai-rst to Kvery \Tage Karner tit the Country. • PER houses have appeared. OHIO miners want nine hours. CHICAOO will have an "L" road. DKS Mo I * E 8 baket *«n ten hours. Kansas has 7 3,000 Alliance farmers. CARNEGIE wah. once a messenger boy. PAWS is to have an underground road. WASHINGTON has Rouble decked street 'cars. WE spent $600,000,000 in tobacoo in 1890. , v Hrxo ART'S railway oars have electric lights. JERSEY CITY has a good public li­ brary. Women are ticket clerks on Irish rail- i oads. r Key WEST has 4,000 idle cigar ;makers. SAVAJOTAH eltim* the oldest American theater. A LONDOX pair of earrings is worth 165,000. | NEW YORK has 3,543 public school teachers. BIG steamships uee 466 pounds of coal a minute. CHICAGO is promised gas at 16 cents per 1,000. Two-THIBDB Of New York live in ^tenements. ' • ,x * 4# International Woodworkers' tJnion . is proposed. SOME Chicago tanner diggers earn $2.75 a day. x . < THERE are about 2,700 ties to a mile otut railroad. LIVERPOOL will have an electrio ele­ vated railway. Sax FSAXCISCO trunkmakers gained their demands. ROCHESTER boss tailors were indicted •<or conspiracy. BROOKLYN (111.) negro hodcarriers Share organized. BUTTER is sold by the yard at Cam- •bridge, England. MONTE CARLO robs isa victims of $6,- 000,000 annually. ONLY voters are employed on city work in St. Louis. So FAR this year 1,636 miles of cail- road have been laid. INDIANAPOLIS street-ear hauds want $1.50 and ten hours. BELLEVILLE (112.) eoopers lost the strike for an advaaee. * BEADING molders ane <»«&&» against a reduction in wages. A BOSTON union will ran a co-opera­ tive hat and cap factory. -! AVERAGE earnings ol XeW'Yorketxeet- cars were $20 a day last year. DETROIT photographers have joined the Sunday closing movement. VICE PRESIBENI Bi>ED of the Jf. Y., N. H. and H., was a machinist. ST. JOHN, ST. B., saw^mill owners want to drop the nine hour day, SAN FRANCI&oo, "Oakland, and $an Rafael printers won «ight hours. • ' AT San Franciso. pavers' wages'have •gone down from $4,50 to $2 a -day. THE eight boar law is being strictly enforced on all World's Fair work. THE Women Shoe fitters' Union of San Francisco is 'Unionizing factories. NEW YORK eloth hat and cap .makers - lost a six months'* strike •against •3tilper cent reduction. ANY San Frjuieiaeo iirewer who pat­ ronizes a barber who «haws After S p. m. will be fined $5. THE New York German House Paint­ ers' Union fines members $26 icor work­ ing over eight hours. FLOORS of rubber, claimed io be as durable as asphalt And cheaper, .axe be- •i ing tried in Germany. v A 'TURKISH working <da.y lasts .from sunrise to sunset, with brief intervals for refreshment ami impose. A TELEPHONE line between London and .Manchester, a-distauge of .200 miles, is about to be opened to the .public, NEW YORK framers won <eig<ht hours, seven on Saturday, 4td<aents an hour and -double pay for war&uoe aim! Sunday work. 1 THE Musician^ Uoaoti <& &an Fran­ cisco gained its point in protesting • against the Fifth Artillery Band j>lay- ing below union rates. THE Secretary of Ml^es for Yiotoria, tin his last quarterly; mport, states that '.tin mining promises to beoome an im- ^ ' iportant industry in that eolouj, average number ol American pat- <«nts issued yearly is aboat 20,000. En- jgland, which comes nearest to us,' issues only about 4,000 to 5,000 a year, ' tand its system is very much uoae lax (than ours. "• RAILROAD officials estimate the potato «crop of Southern California at 22,500 i iearloads. In the four counties of Los ' Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, «,nd • ISan Diego these would ne(t the growers at present prices about $3,000,000. THE Monarch Coal Company, operat­ ing in the Kanawha Valley, has granted ian advance of half a-cent a bushel, making the price 3 cents a busheK The company also gives a reduction of 10 per oent. to the miners below the prices paid by outsiders in the store. THERE are 46,500 oil wells in the "United States, representing a capital of :&120,000,000, with an output of 130,000 k4 v barrels per day. The refining capacity *, ,'r -of the country is 140;000 barrels per |4V; ' iday. while 15,000 barrels are consumed &<•' < las fuel. A surplus stock is held in &k!. tauks of more than 35,000,000 barrels. > THE oatmeal trust headquarters at Akron, Ohio, capitalization $5,500,000, ihas fourteen constituent companies. This embraces substantially all the oat- peal mills of the land. The American people consume annually about 200,- ^000,000 pounds of oatmeal, and the ^ • • American mills export to England and jScotland above 25,000,000 pounds. j>7," IT is announced that vast beds of coal "' Jhave been discovered about twenty-five Jknlles west of San Antonio, Texas, be­ tween the Southern Pacific and Inter- jmtioual and Great Northern railroads. The coal is of, a very good quality, burns freely an deleaves but very little n ashes. The vein is forty-five feet be- ineath the surface and three feet thiok. f- As yet the width is unknown, and the gtj length, so far as tested, is five miles. |v, v THE Typographical Union of New - iSouth Wales, Australia, has declared %*itself in opposition to female typesetting distribution and to woman's labor ?c<J«f all kinds. A resolution wa3 passed that "female labor means nothing more 4 v Ithan cheap labor,* and all sooieties are iil" 4 that it I* welfare to reeogtiize female "to any way. ' '-- 1 • -•'O •" Ineitutioaa TaJIfc. „ . j The little girl who talks to her Whttier in the railroad ear started another cross- examination of her mother the other day as the train woe dashing along to* ward New York, The injudicious mother was reading. "Mamma, you didn't speak to Mrs. Brown when we got on," says the child. Her mother does not hear her. "She's sitting right in front of us." This in a loud whimper. "Aren't yon ever going to speak to her again ?" f "No, dear," answered mamma, not lifting her eyes. "Not if she takes back what she said abont the choir?" ' "No, dear." :-v?. Some of the neighbors begin to smile and general conversation goes out of fashion for some time. "And I can't go to her home again?" "No, dear." "Has she got it on?" There i« no answer to this question, and soon in a still louder whisper comes: "Mamma, is that the bonnet yon told papa about ?" "Yes darling." • "Are those the feathers?" "Yes, dear." "What made yon sav she looked like a fright in it?" / •. i ^ , No answer to this, , * 1 You told papa so^ * 'j "Yea, dear." "Mamna^ in. a load whisper, "she's looking at yo-i." Some one t itters., - ^ .. "Ye-", -dear.'* k ^ The brakeman alSltiw' "fro" the mother looks up from her book just in time to hear the child go on: . "Z £uess she heard what yon said about the bonnet," • "What bonnet,'dear?" "Mrs. Browa'a. You said " "Stop your chattering," says the mother stern ly, white a blush steals up from her throat to her forehead. "Don't open your mouth again." Then she reads again, but she forgets to turn fUMees, and the blush lingers iu her cheek until the train draws into the station and the people crowd out the eat.--Chicago Times. •Last of the Beatlwn. ' Many bits of dry-as-dust humor have been recalled by the recent destruction of the old professorial reception-room in the eastern wing of the Berlin Uni­ versity building, but none is more de­ lightful than a reminiscence of the two famous professors, Wolf and Mar- heinek-e. Wolf was a Greek philologue -so deeply immersed in the studf of Homer that he always profoundly des­ ignated himself the "last of the heath­ en." Marheineke, the theologian, iti- •enrred his displeasure by not sharing his views concerning the original text •of the New Testament. The^two hap­ pened to be alone together in the recep­ tion-room one day and at once fell to •disputing. Wolf got so excited that speech failed him, and after • sputtering ^vainly to push out a word or'two, ibe dropped, "purple and unconscious, on the old leather sofa in thescorner. Mar­ heineke seized a glass of water and sprinkled his face till he.recovered con­ sciousness. Meanwhile several other professors had come in, and, as t&ey gathered round the old, man, Mar­ heineke sprinkled him again and said: "I baptize thee, lastpf the heathen." In his effort to get back at the theolo­ gian Wolf again lost his senses. When -he recovered he clapped on feds hat, tucked his leather bag of notes under his arm, and, without a word, hurried off home; He never afterward -called himself the "last of the heathen."--Jf. Jf. Sun. • Courageous Woaiita. In 'the year 1705, John* ISamis and his wife, an English woman fey birth, settled upon the bank of tbe Snsque- thanna River, at a plaoe afterward "Harris Ferry"--now Harris- burg. There he carried on a trade with rthe Indians, great numbers of whom were.In,that neighborhood.. On one occasion, Mrs. Harris semther •servant into the cellar for something. The girl lighted a candle, and carrying it in her hand, without placing it in a oandle-stick, disappeared down the stair­ way. .She returned in a short time witb the desired article, but without the light. "Wihere.did you leave the caeile?" Mrs. Hariri* inquired. "it is in the cellar, standing in * harael of sand," the girl replied. "Merciful goodness!" ejaculated lfra. Harris, hastening down the stairs. These, some ^enough, was the candle, standing erect, in an open barrel of gunpowder, its feeble flame throwing a camele of Iig)ht around it Walking <boldly up to tbe barrel, the bra*e 3v@tman -deliberately' placed her hands 'beneath and around the burning candle, and lifting it carefully from its dangeaams position, Carrie 1 it ap the stairs. , ACurtou LBW. One of the most Eemarkable measure enacted by the Prussian landtag during the sessioffi which has just been brought to a eloae is a law providing for compensation -to agriculturists for damage done to their crops by game. The damage is not to be paid by the own­ ers of the game, who almost invariably belong to territorial nobility, both great and small, but by the other agricultur­ ists, farmers and peasants, whose crops the game haa refrained from injuring oc that particular occasion. This extra- oedinarv method of squaring accounts mast be attributed to the faet that the majority in the Prussian landt&g is com­ posed almost entirely of petty territorial nobility. But it is incredible that a man so enlightened and progressive as the present Emperor of Germany should have given his sanction to a law which, in the words of the old proverb, "robB Peter to pay Paul." Indeed, under its provisions, it will become more profit­ able to have one's crops injured by game .than to have them left undam­ aged. • . •' Tito Moon'a Moon. A diseovery more curious than any other yet made with the Lick tele­ scope is the recent one of a new moon. Sinpe the first hint of the discover} many observations have been made, all tending to confirm the original im­ pression, to wit: That this particular statellite of tbe greatest of the planets is double--a dot of the moon revolving around the main moon. - • .»v : -- Be I>ug for GoUt, A tin peddler offered to iell FteTOBt Davis, of Ohio, where $5,000 in gold «as buried on his farm if he would hand over $300. Farmer Davis sold two horses a nd paid over the money, and though he has rooted up about ten acres of ground he ha» thus far missed the iroa-boond box. > A Carlom Cm of CIOTAV BogMif JK«- lftTed by u Old OeUdlte. •Have I met with much honor In my career ?" replied an old detective to a New York Tribune reporter's question the other day. <« : *Yes, honor." : < "What kind of ItfRMf writ •Among thieves." "Oh, that kind," said the rogue- catcher, with a laugh. "Yes, I have met with a good deal of that charac­ teristic you mean when you say 'Honor among thieves', but its not honor, its only selfishness, self-interest, self-pre­ servation, and it wilts like a young widow's weeds whenever it pays better to cast it aside. ; "But 1 have just heard of a rather re­ markable display of this sort of honor, which occurred in this city not long ago. "An elderly Man, a typical hay-seed, who had come to town to see the sights, accosted a policeman on the Bowery and toid him with tears in his voice that he must have been robbed of all his money, $80, for he con Id not find it in any of his pockets and he did not-know just where or when he had last seen it "The old boy had been poking about in some of the worst dives and dens of the city, and the wonder was that in his greenness he had not met with some­ thing rougher than a mere pickpocket. Nothing could be done, however, so tlie old fellow was advised to pawn his watch, ail he had left, for enough money to buy a return ticket and in future to keep away from the wicked­ ness of the metropolis. "The old man set out from the poliee station for the pawnshop, in wild des­ pair, but in a few hours' time burst in upon the police sergeant behind the desk with the shout: ^ " 'I've been robbed again P " 'Again,' exclaimed the sergeant an- fjrjfy. Have you been into the dives again ? • Did you pawn your watch ?' " 'No,-' cried old Hayseed,^ 'just as I was going into the pawnshop „a man touched me on the arm and said lie was a detective in plain clothes, sent by the police to help me to get back my money and if I would go with him he would have it'returned to me 1' " 'And were you fool enough to go with him!' exclaimed the sergeant. " *Of course, I went,' said Hayseed. " 'Then you deserved to be robbed of your watch tool' "" 'My watch?' * 'Yes, your watch!' "" 'My watch is all right!* "" 'You said you have * robbed again.' " 'So I have. " 'But when you left here a few hours ago you said you had nothing bat yoar watch.' " 'Neither I had.' " 'What in the mischief ooald they steal from you, then V " 'My money P " 'You're'drunk, yom old idiot; Hi lock you in the cooler for awhile tUl you can talk sense.' " 'Gosh all fishhooks, I am talking sense, captain! Don't lock me up, but Ibtmete'l you the truth,^the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help mo George Washington.' " 'Go on, then,' said the eergeant, threateningly, 'but cat it short; I've wasted more than enough tune over you already.' "Then the old fellow told bow he bad followed the bogus detective, by devious ways and dark alleys into .a room on the top floor of a crowded teoeroent- house. There his oonductor intro­ duced him to another fictitious detec­ tive, who' appeared to the old man to be of higher rank tliaa his guide, owing to the bullying way in which he spoke, and the. deference paid him. Tikis fellow produced the oUl xnnn'c ««o from a drawer and counted it oat •lowly to him. " There's yoar money old man," 4m said, 'and the vigilance of the finest police force on earth is onee mono at­ tested. No other poaner .could have ae- covered it for you. Now tell (me, is that every cen t you lost ? Be particul ar and do not trifle with me you value your liberty. Were you robbed (rf ene oent more than the $80 f " 'No,.' replied the -old man, tremb­ ling.with delight at the recovery of his money. 'That is all, captain, $60." "Take it and go,' said the fellow, 'and be carefnl to let the samo officer who brought you heve conduct you to the railway station. Speak to no one but him, till you are safe again on your way to your country Inune, .and leave the wicked city to city fslk and the all- vwatchiul police.' "The old man and his gvide, bowed (themselves out and departed. They had not gone far when • burning thirst (Seized the conductor, aud the over­ joyed old fellow was not alow to ap­ pease it More drinks followed, and rthe way to the railroad station . began to ,grow tortuous. Presently Hayseed missed his snide altogether in a crowd, and no efforts on his part av<ailsd to Jind him. The old mau got on a horse «ar, and when he put his hand in his packet to pay his fare he found that his aaoney was gone again. *'He did not understand the ease at all, eveu then, and it took the'polioe aergeant a long time to make him see that i*e had been 'played for a sueker' of the rankest kind. Finallyhe took it in and .then exclaimed: 'Well, gosh darn it all. 1 dunno which is ther slickest, the rascals that done me or the police that can see through their tricks.' , "You sea," added the detective, by the way of explanation, "one of the organized bands of criminals had spotted • the poor fellow the minute they set | eyes on his toggery and his guileless i manner. They set one of their light-' |jf the . Be anv asa vho wanta wfa&hy is never forced f o . a d n p l r a e l t m e t h o d s t o get it The soda wateiprink is a myth, it is a newspaper tradition--like the Chicago girl's feet, and the irascible mother-in-law, and the talkative barber. Even one knows why Chicago knows that the Chicago girl's feet are all right; my mother-in-law paid my debts, set me up in business here, and is the best friend I have on earth except her daugh­ ter; and I have never met a talkative barber. I wonder how it happens that the newspaper reporter continually finds so many odd things that no one else ever meets?" Ill-Timcil Coflfofe. In Mrs. Collie's narrative of her voy­ age through the inland seas of the Sit- Han Archipelago she describes a some­ what exciting passage through a fleet of icebergs iu Glacier Bay. It was of the greatest importance to keep the ship moving ahead, though her advance could be measured only by inches. At one time the Captain ran half-way up tbe foremast, glasses in hand, and for some minutes, like the picture of Far- ragut iu Mobile Bay, shouted his orders to the wheel-house. After this he resumed his monoto­ nous and nervous pacing upon the bridge, all the while steering his im­ mense vessel with such dexterity and mathematical precision that as the cakes of ice were upturned and fell gracefully into our wake, it was easy to see that the course selected was always the one of least resistance. I took note of a few of the express­ ions whose magnetic influence twisted and turned us around in such beautiful curves, some of which were: "Star­ board, sirl" "Slow her!" "Why don't you slow her when I tell you ?" "Stop her!" "Go tell the engineer if he don't obey the signals quicker, the first thing-he knows he'll have one of t h e s e b o y s i n h i s e n g i n e r o o t p " H a r d - a-port, sir!" "Port her!" "Steady now I" "Keep your eye. on the com­ pass there!" *Pat an extra man at the "wheel!" In the midst of thjs strain, when the slightest error of jtidgifwrt might have been fraught with disaster, the chief steward it was his first voyage with Captain Carroll--was seen ascending the ladder with a bowl of steaming coffee. "I've brought you a cup of ooffee," said the steward, with outstretched hand. - "Take it away, sir! When I want coffee I'll send for it," shouted the skipper. What became of the steward I don't know: but I do know that a few scraps of sentences were floating aboujt the at­ mosphere for several minute3, such as: "Nice time for coffee! Port her! Steady! Pretty time to be drinking coffee! Starboard a little! Coffee, in­ deed! Slow her, sirl Slow her, I .say! Coffee!" It is proper to add, however, that a few hours later the .poor affrighted steward was addressed in different lan­ guage. "I'll take that coffee now, steward, but don't ever bother me again when Fve got my hands full." Not m i'opular Coin, There is one unpopular coin issued toy Uncle Sam, says the New York Times. It is the ffalf-dollar, and it has a tendency to work its way back into the treasury vaults, where it isn't wanted. As money nobody objects to the half, but the popular fancy is for the same value in another form. That is, the average citizen prefers to have two quarters. They are a trifle uaore convenient. If he wants to pay out half a dollar he can use the half or the 'two quarters with equal convenience, but if 25 cents is to be paid out the quarter is far the handier coin. This may not seem to be a very im­ portant matter, but it counts ia the long run. Little by little the halves find their .way back to the government vaults, and" there they stay, like poor relations. In fact, so far as cowing home in disgrace goes, tbe half-cellar is the, prodigal son of the mints. A very large proportion of the $20,- 000,000 of fractional silver on hand at Washington is made up of halves, 'This is the lot which Secretary Foster was so anxious to get rid of, and afbout which he talked.with tbe New York bankers when he made his visit here. Nobody then manifested any wild de­ sire to take the secretary's load off this shoulders. It is probable that a good many of rthe thai ves stored up iu Washington will be recoined into quarters aafii dimes. In that way they will be move con­ venient for popular use. And Mr. Foster will sleep more comfos^bably d' nights--which will be a good thing anl a benefit all around. Of course lots of halves are «aed and will continue to be used. Their coinage will be kept up and nobody will have any more difficulty in getting them than usual. But the proportion of other coins 'will be increased because the people like them better. The iiew York sub-treasury has its share of halves .on hand, and the ether day it tried to work off some of them. It was a day when pension cheeks were being paid, and nearly every one eras cashed partly in halves. Before the close of the. <day a good many of tbe halves were back in the sab-treasury. And they are there yet. f \ r ; . Froowpt and fractW^,' "It happened at Athens, dulffiga p^ lie presentation of a play in honor of the eomtnon wealth, that an old man came too late for a place suitable to his age and quality." relates a writer ia the Lutheran. "Soma of the young men, who observed the difficulty and confu- sion he was in, made signs to him that fingered members, the one who played j th^y would aceomi&odate him, if he the guide afterwarwacd, to rob him. : v^here they sat The old mau The 'swag' $80, was much less than ; bustled through the* crowd accordingly they had expected to get and they SUB- j for seat proffered him. But when pect$d the man who had robbed him of j. came to tho seats to which he was a lack of 'honor among thieves' and | ̂vtted the jest was to close and expose accused him of keeping back part- of i as he stood out of countenance be- the plunder. He had undertaken to * " show them that he was 'square' and yon have beard the clever way in which he led his simple old victim to assure the captain of the gang that $80 was'all he had lost and 'honor among thieves' was onee more exemplified, without-costing the thieves anything, as the plunder was soon back again in the gang's treasury." fore the audience. The frolic wetv* round all the Athenian beaches. Bur on these occasions there wane also par­ ticular places assigned to foreigners. So, when the old man skulked toward the boxes appointed for the Lacede­ monians, that hone3t people, more vir­ tuous than polite, rose all to a man and, with the greatest respect, received him amongst them. The Athenians, being suddenly touched with a sense of Spar­ tan virtue and their own degeneracy, gave a loud applause of admiration. Then the old man, as soon as the noise subsided, cried out: 'The Athenians understand what is good, bat the Lace- Tbo Soda Water Wink. The wink at the soda water fountain has been for years one of the best "props" of the funny man. But a Chi­ cago druggist knocks it and some other old friends eudwise thus: demonians practice it' "It is simply a fiction. People don't _ -- drink whisky in their soda water. They don't do it even in prohibition States. I was in business in Iowa under the Prohibition regime and I suppose I sold about as much whisky as the re9t of the druggists did, but l never gave a man a drink of whisky in soda water in my TBE first six months during which the Brooklyn bridge was open 1,000,000 passengers crossed. In 1884 the total was 8.500,000; in 1885, 17,000,000; in 1886, 24.000,000; in 1887, 28,000,000; in 1888, 30,000,000; in 1889, 34,000,000; and in 1890, 37,676,411. • AOM.TBWAlridl'l OF FOOD. A I4» Fanaon on a Tlatoly Tapto by Wtangdood * Baxter. Berlnbbed Iiroddern and SIstern: 1MB am de age ob adulteration, pertickerler- ly ob what wo eats and drinks. I has read dat bi-c-r kin be made outer most anything. Ef do brewer sees proper beer kin be made outer hops and malt Perhaps de mos' reckless adulterator am de milkman. Hean in Texas we ha9 de nillk plant Hit has been rightly named, beros It needs waterin' ebery mornln'. Milk am watered to a greater extent now den ebber before. It am just as well lo remember dat do sugar and whisicy should be mixed before de water is added. When de wife ob a rich milkman was asked ef her silk dress was watered she had ter blush. It has been said dat de milkman neb- bcr sees de cream ob do joke when he Is asked de prlco ob cha k. Most all de groceries ana itnpare. Ma­ chinery has reached sich a state of per- feoshun dat burnt peas kin be put inter do hopper ob a coffee mill in a grosery store, and two minits after warn 8 dem burnt peas will be in de grocer's windy labeled "Fine Java Coffee." Heah! heah! Most ob de pure imported olive oil In dls free and easy country am made outer lard in Chicago I Verily berl©eves dat eff de bees made glucose dat de dpalers would adulterate it wid honey. De maple sugar what de gioser sells am not ter be relied on. When dey brings it out fresh in de spring it has last year's fly speeks on hit Hit has been stored away ebbersenee last spring. De pepper what ycu puts on yer meat, am mighty onreliable. Par's a good many peas in pepper, but not so many as dar is in coffee, in which kernecshun it has been remarked dat chtecory feels de thrill ob high prices of coffee. Ra->pberry jam am made mostly outer Stewed termaterses and hayseed, and de time will come when dey will make whito clover honey outer bone phosphate. In conclusion, my friends, let ir.e tell yer ef yer don't know hit already, dat almost ebery ding we puts in our mouf am 'dulterated, and dat we keeps outer de boneyard as long as we does am not much ob de miraculous. Uncle Mose will tako up de kerlec- shun, and I hopes and prays dat de money you all* puts'in de hat will be de generwine article what can be used atde store wiiar yur belubbed pastur, not habin' credit has ter pay cash. De quire will sing: Onto de pure all dings am pure. Satiny*. pp.; Gratifying to AIL The high position attained and the onl- versal acceptance and approval of the pleas- * ant liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Fias, as tbe most excellent laxative known, illus­ trate the value of the qualities on which its success is based, and are abundantly grati­ fying to the California Fig Byrup Company. Imitation Ground Glass. Put a piece of putty in muslin, twist the fabric tight and put it In tot he shape of a pad: well cl<-an the glass* first and then treat it with putty all over. The putty will exude sufficiently through the muslin to render the stain opaque. Let it dry hard and varnish. If a pattern Is required, cut it out in papT as a sten cil. place it so as not to slip, and proce d as above, removing the stencil when fin­ ished. If there should bo any objection to the existence of the clear spaces, go over St wiih a light opaque varnish. In this way neat and cheap designs may be painted on glass doors. Woo to th» Coiiquerad. Tbe Romans cried " F<* VistUl* "Wos to ths conquered I* at their triumph*. To-day many of us aro being conquered--our peace,, onr rest and daily appetite wrested from us by that invader of the stomach, dyspepsia. Sucaor we sue for from a hundred sources. Temporary relief we sometimes obtain. But a hearty meal, the aim* plest indiscretion in diet, and the Protean imp retains with redoubled vigor to tormont us. A persistent use of the great anti-dyspeptic and regulating tonic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, is best calculated to drim inti> iwrinitwa! bstlish ment every form of Indigestion, temporary or chronic. No less efflcaeious (s it for wularia, bil­ iousness. constipation, rheumatism, kidney and bladder aliments. This remedy of specific util­ ity and many uses over.-omes them all. 'Tis a safeguard, too, against tho effocts of temper*, ture apt to revive an attack of "La Gtippe.* They Will Not. Cultivate. It has been found impossible to main­ tain beavers in the Philadelphia "zou." They would not bear restraint, and did not take kindly to artificial homes. A constant watch was found necessary to prevent the animals escaping from the wire inclosure aud cutting down the valuable trees in the vicinity. Logs were laid beside tho stream in the in­ closure, and partly.construct­ ed a house, lteforeltwas finished, how­ ever, the entire cokmy died, and the at­ tempt to cultivate the perverse animal was given up in disgust tm iMHPVhkSSS Of mother and cfcOg **- pea4»'w*on ' the bealth At both. A lady Writes; "My boy and t aril splendid, thanks to Mrs. I'inkham and the Vegetable Com­ pound." He--Do you think the photograph I mailed you the other day was like met She--I hope not. When it came it was broke. a* Can You Eat ^Hesrtllr, with rollah. sad without distress after­ ward? If not, we recommend to you Hood's Ssr- •aparlUs, which creates a sood ^p;>«tite sad at Uw ssm« time so Invigorates the stomach and bowe<» that the food Is properlr digested and aU its strength assimilated. "I Imvj been taking two bottiea ot Hood's Sar-eparilla for weakness and no appetite. With (rest pleasure I will sar that I tbiuk it haa done me much good, because I am now ab e to eat like a man." J. C. 8. CUUMCHIIX. Ri< hard4on Hotel. Momflonth, in. N. B. When you ask tot Hood's 8arsaparilla Ikvi't be induced to buy any other. Insist opoa . HoodV Sarsaparilla--100 Poses Ons Dollar. DONiLB KENNEDY Oflntaq,IHns,sajs Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep Seated Ulcers of 40 years' standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex­ cept Thunder Humor, and Cancer that has taken root Price $i.5o. bold by every Druggist in the U. S. and Canada. V* Tho Only On* Ever Print***--Oaa You Ftsd t*i« Word? Each week a different three-inch display Is published In this paper. There are no two words alike in either ad., except One word. This word will be found In the ad. for Dr. Hurler's Iron Tonic. Little LJver Pills and Wild Cherry Bitters. Look for "Crescent" trade-mark. Read tbe ad. carefully, and when you find the word send it to them and they will return yon a book, beautiful lithographs and sample free. Why Counterfeits Are Smaller. Counterfeit notes an uniformly small­ er than genuine ones. The plate Is irade by tiacing over the lines of a good bill, and the damp paper shrinks, mak­ ing the Impression smaller than tbe plate. " "I suppose It is something of a tribute to ene's beauty when a gentleman rises and gives one his seat ta a car," said- Miss May Ture, somewhat ^flroud y. "That (dooends," said Miss K/eene; "in some cases it is a mark of respect for age." THB demands of society often Induce ladies to use quack stimulants when feeling badly. Thoy are dangerous! Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te adapted to such case*. FIKST CLEXK--I've had this office coat ; feur years. t*ecend Clerk--You don t j say so! Why it looks as good as new. ; liojr do you account for it lasting so long? First Clerk--I don't know, unless it is because I never wear it out •fefcvcTol NATURAL REMEDY E\>& Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster­ ics, St. Titos Dance* Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia* !a- ebrity, Sleeplessness, Brain and Spirt nal Weakness. ISw:'-- This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all Irritabili­ ties, and increasing the flow and power of aervo Sulu. Ifc is psiiectiy harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. '--A Valuable Book en Kerrmu Diseases eent free to any address, alM FREE and itoor patients can also obtain this iiiotlU'iue Si-ee of chars*. This remedy hu been prepared by th# Beverand Pastor Kocnie. of Fort Wayue, Ind« sinca 1871 MM ianow prepared uuderliis direoUou by tho KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. gold br Druggists at 81 per Bottle, altar 80. Knm Size- S1.75. 6 Bottles tor SO. '8 RELIEF. Foe Wat SEE HIM.--When you want to see tbe person who is most to blame for your misfortunes, gaze into the looking-glass. When you have a cough or coid and want to get rid ot it quick, get. a lk>ttle of Dr. White's Pulmotiarla. It is pleasant to take, entirely harm lews, and a larger bottle tot the price than any other. THE Argentine government has, as far as possible, stop p. d all work upon public buildings and like improvements, owing to the want of monoy lor their further prosecution. - E. A. ROOD, Toledo, Ohio, says: "Hall'« Ca­ tarrh Cure cored my wife of catarrh fifteen years <*o, and she has bad no rei urn of iU It's a aara cure." Sold by Druggists, 75a DADWAY [I READY REi 1M KKNALLY-A bait to a tcuspoonful in halt a tmribn-r of w»t*r will In a tew mmufr. 'lire CHOLERA MORBUS, CHAMPS, r^-.asma, HO UK STOMACH. NAITWKA, VOMITING, HEARTH IT RS. MARRETCA. I>>>,e..terr. Summer Complaint, Colic. Flntu oncy. Faint- In* Spell*., KorvouHiiCMH, Sleeplessness. Miek Headac'lie, :>))>• ;;11 internal pains. Maliirm iu its various foriuH cured and prevpnt^d. •There not a remedial ««<ut in the world hat will nir» F'vr and Airtie and all othertevert. (uHed tn K.tim AY'S 1' BO Qti ckly aa KAI>- WAV'S READY RELIEF. ACHES AND PAINS. For headache (wlietiiersick or nervous), toothache, nenralala, nervousness aud Kleei>U*«wj ga, rhentn*- ttaia, lniobaao, p;iu:s and weakness in th- bark, sjiiue or kidneys, pa nt aronmi the iiver. uleunni-. swelling ot the joints, and p>»ii.n of all kinds, the applitviiou ot Radwav's Readv- Belief will »ff.ird iiumediat: ease, ami its contiuuea use for a few dayt> >'!'.<«• t a permanent cuiv. OOc. per Bottle. Sold by . DADWAYS n PILLS, An Excellent and Mild Cathartic. Purely veg­ etable. The safest and beat medic ioe in the world tor the cure of all disorders of th* liver, stomach, or Bowels. Taken according to directions, they will restore thealtii arftl renew vit»:it.v. Price. 25e. a box. Sold by all drtwffiptg, or mailed i>y HADWAY & CO., Si Warren Street, New York, on receipt of price. TUKEMYWIFE TO USE pozzowrs MEDICATED COMPLEXION POWDER7 Beoause It Improves Her Looks i and is as Fragraht as Violets- I T A .h:b Tuft's Pills fn« first dose often aotoulshea the invalid, giving; elasticity of mind,, huu rancyof body, GOOD DIGESTION. regular bow*»ls and solid ilesh. Pric«k SSo> A NAICKS IS Ki ves 1 netanl relief. *cd i£ an INFALLI­ BLE il'KE for PIIJSS. Price, ft; at druaaista u by mail. SStnoples frae. Address " 4-SAKJKS1S," Bo* 2U6, NEIV Yoaa Cm. •Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Mo., during the part two been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe­ tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mottth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometfaats my breath became short, and I hid such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken it and is work­ ing a complete cure." ® G. G. GREEN. Sole Manfr.Woedbury.N.J. ;*< 'M r - - #54* Or THE ONLY TRUE ' IRON TONIC Will purifr BfcOOD, retnflaf KIDNEYS, remove IiVKft dlsorrterTiiund btrenptli. renanr ":/tc •M absolutely eradicated. Mind brishtetiefl, brain p-oiver increased, bones, nerves', wns» clcs, receive new force. •nffering from complaints pe. I eulfar to their sex, usloc (t, find a safe, cure. Roturna rose bloom on checks, beautifies Complexion, Sold everywhere. AU gw.nlne bear "Crescent*" isendas2oectatampfor fiaraj'lUct, DR. HAWTER MEDICINE CO.. St. Loala. site >»x $300 CASH. Hpus: ILLUSTRATED HOMB JOCKS'AT, wlll|«M J. $ 100 IntiOl.Dlor the KlBuTwrivrt Rotation o« th<> aowiiipitnylng ltebus, reeelTC<t at thia OflBeaf ^10 each lur Uieaext ic; ^5 each fur Siio nextSoC m "J . i' > F" i: ..Jiaro a chance tol3a«s! ' 1 iffc' Each reply, tV bo eligible to corapetttton, most b#.r i accompanied byH'1 wnta for » year'a aatwenption tm'; THB ILLUSTRATED HOMI OOURNAU. an eleennt Month I y. the ;t ^ ^ f r : h" published iii the Sept. isnue*^- HOMB JOUKRA1* , THOMAS G. NE'WSIAM A SON, ' j 246 East Madison Stretft, - \CHICAGO, 1JLU Music, Stories, und ih^oratf*e Art. Send r>0 cents and rour'JJ&sarar,""" when the prire* will bi« s OUR CATALOGUE AND PRICE-LIST OF PAi STOCK, PRINTING-MACHINERY AMD PRINTERS' MATERIALS. Tlila iireful iiivc« tho sizes, waishtian4 «aal>. *.• *; ity of tbe different varieties o£ paper a»MUy Wg ' qnired by newspaper aid job prinutut ofllcea. wtu| - ' ' prices for the fame. It alt^o contain* acemp.ete<M> "-t .4 scription of Hie various kinds ot fnrnltnre and a# ; obiuerv tieeen«:iry i>i a urlntinaofllf* .<jS. tuily Uliifcirtiicd, Hweiiwr with priceaof the ma. 1 -i In addition to the above onr eataiacne •h.owa oar*,; f n l t y p r e p a i d e s t i i a a t e g o f t h e a m o u n t o t m a t e r i a l 5 retjuirea for liewniiap-r and job priiiting offiea% r » " raiiKiiiK in pri'-e irom $2(Wt<> $^.000. ' ' This convenient catalogue will be seat to awr a<$* dreise, pubtaae i>;.id. upon receipt of a request fo# ttie same, by the _ . CU1CAUO KUn^FAl'iSR irjflOX. ClUcaiCo. Hi, .-•r. IS' 98 ̂ LYE 'o'wtlered.and I'erTumed. • (KATKKTKI) ) The strongest and purest uiado. Will make tna M pae«-v * ;•, fumed Hard SoapJn M wMumt hoilini/. I* jLfli VfaUlK> 1 -V';'1* JElocvt tor Hoftenlait water,., eleaneiug Trasta-plpes, dfatnfedp^ Ing sinks, closet*, washing bov«i""j?s|£. ties, pateta, trv^s. etc. PEWtt. SUIT wn G0«, fe Oan. Agta., l'hila., P*. '*'• • Tkt Oldtst MeJieint in tkt W»rldit DH. ISAAC THONM^S Th^kl ' and haa been la etHuiaiit use tot There are few diseases to whioh more dlstreasiac than acne agns. S xsiearucte •oHptkm, am century. Th are subject none, perhaps, for which mora remedtes bars tried without sucoeas. Forallextemai SmTSm ot the eyes It is an Infallible remedy. If the <UrM» , tlcns are followed It will never fafL Wepertis-ularlT. • Invite the attenttoi of phvdglana to Its merits. Fof ' - rfe-.-; •ate by all drujaists. JoSW U THOMPSON, SCKBf':." :%•>» fc CO., TROT, ST. Y. Erftabltahrt Wl. You e»n her© get meare lif* . PENN MUTUAL LIFE insurance, of a better quality^ on easier terms, at lesj coat than elsewhere. | *' Address . ^ Vf ' 921-S-6 Cheetnnt BL, Philad W Ktoslest pnclv oat. Brand new.i Placed on sale^ ^ " Hang It All." W!) where, Aumst 5, 18BL Advance ordenl> 4 reached MMM1 Sella Itaelf. Pleases Papa.* ' M.; uma lauuhs. Tommy tries it Klttie can do its 4 ISJiO worth of pnre fun for ISe. Agents wanted.- seik i jm,% haiitireds dailr. Mailed ;K«8tpaid on receipt of price.. j#,. ^ "T'^'^Can Yaa DO It 7 Job NewspaperPresses J Of tho latest and best d.-si«iii! oM upoa easy termv and at reasonable PUC-N. For farther particn*:?'s ' ddre-s . * v CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNIOTF, -.RF 271 A *73 rmtikllii St, CUMIA, nt. •>: . ' • \T; rvu01 BEEBo uT the GREAt "HEALTH U Ki N 1 • ? GAIINUS. FFIH'IATU, HWRTUU SPMTFCSWAI " Soidh* "*mn Bunlr inTCMii ualllttill •I one tutotiaf (Mr tii&nm w Tkr C. X- KIKKS ea. TTiilift lassssessL « BEBwrmaaj For oircalars and t«MiBH>ui«ia addieas. with starasa tale by aH Oragglsts. PHoefl.00. MPS FAJPS L^r- e»t ci«pt> ev r raided. Bur a t _. ch- ap. r now than they eve* till t-e aaaia. ktamt- i)e#Kari :t*a CilA^. K. W'vXMJLKX", CMtoaNK JU». **2; UMBRELLAS have a widespread popu­ larity. i TH• best cough mcdlelno la Plso's Om for Consumption. Sold every where. 25c. 'Name or describe your disease and I will send Fre? IYe*vri]Hi~ot< _ Tbonssnds cured , 1 £. T. NOLAK CBOWUI, Terre Haate. ina auiUicton, l>,C WAITED! HEX. We parwBm MEN TO TRA'VEX. Sloe > uioa WI:IUNGW-\ C. N. U. WHEN WKTITNO TO ADTKRTISEKS. ,»», pleaw aar iraa mtw Uw wtvwttmiHM '• this paper. A FiEKY-TEMPKiiun woman ought to marry a Persian. They just worship fire 1 JTTS.--A.11 Fits stopped free br Dr.Kllne's Oral Nerve Restorer. Xu r'iis after first dty's u»e. iulb Telloub OUISK. Treatise and t tiial bottle free to Fitcaaea. band to Dr. Kiiat.*B1 Aroh St. PhUa. Ffc %• 5-'• 'Visi y*-* PIS OS H v« ; t'. Sykt v

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