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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1891, p. 9

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pi ,, v-; * - &.-» , •• , J > - > • ' • fc'V 4*UM • ^"-w ••'* ± fV't . Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty •nd Law; Ho Favors Win ua and no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 17. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1891." NO. T. Sill PVAUIHN BVBBT WKDVBSDAT »T ^T.TAN 8LTK1!.-. p . . . - 4IDITOB MD PEOP Office in Bishop's Block, --OrrosrrB Pirn A ow«s|;; i TIRM'S OP stTBiwmrpTioir. One Tear {In Advance) hNo Tot Paid within Three Month* A.M 9uoscrip&ions received for thras or SlS MiOnths in the same proportion. 8 10 00 uoo aooo • . r-" / -to * • •• ^ TV-&• - *•- f- ^V* R-' Kates of Advertising. h '#e uacuBce liberal rates for ad rartisinc n the PL.iticfuBA.LBB, and endeavor to state hem so plaint/ that they will be readily on- arstool. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year , , , , . , • Inches one year • -* > ;v." « S Inches one year • . , -• V Oolnmn one year - <U i H Oolnmn one year- Column one year - • - - - 100 i One inch means the meaiarement of one Inch down the column, single oolnmn width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, havs the privilege of changing as often as they • ebeose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notioes at the rate of S cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eeats per tine the first week, and 6 cents per line for oaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe llae, (nonpareil type, same as this is set lit) the first Issue, and S oents per line for subsequent Issues. Thus, an Inoh advertisement will cost t LOO for one week, $1.60 for two weeks, 93.00 for three weeks, and so on. **he PLAINDKAMK will be liberal in giving editorial notices, bat, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its oolnmns tor pecuniary gun. ' BUSINESS CARD9. O J. HOWABD. H. 1>. OIIY«IOHN AND SURG BOH. MeHenry. I 111. Office at residence, one block east ox Public School Building. a H. PBOBBS, M. D- IAN AND SUBUBQ |lla Office at Besldenoe. JLHRSIOIAIT AND SUBABOJR, MiEeuy, WM. OSBORNE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Besldenoe, West McHenry, 111. Oalls attended to day and night. i Uverv Stable. HK. WIG HTM AN, Proprietor. Pirai • class rigs with or without drivers tarnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. , . %1- M- THE DEPOT, ; VTEST MoHENBY, IJLX., Keeps open for the accommodation of the public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, (There he will at all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liquors and Oigara * r i.,iio be found lit the market. ' > ' v 1 Also Agent Por FRANZ FALK« MUwankn Lagsr Btu. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. way son hand, cheaper than any other, quail- :v lyionsldered. • Orders by mail promptly atteaded ^ GOOD BTABL1NQ FOBZHOR&X&. ' JWOall andjsee as. Robert lohMe. ? . • test McHenry, III. A. Englan'a . ' ' ULOOH AMD RSSTAUROT. V., MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. m. fm Kentucky Liqxip, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beir, in - --AND- t," - " iyh?' In any quantity from. * Snits Glass to 1C0 barrels. ' l-iT WHOLESALE OE BET AIL t Beer in bottles, kega as fceap as the cheapest. . ̂ • ' We buy none but the best^and •ell at Seasonable Price*. . Call and 4ee me and I will use •on well. ; A.»XONr EHOLXN. BUSINESS GABBS. A r. uiniD: r. L. SHKPAKD. 8HEPAR0 A SHEPARO, . ATTORNKY> AT LAW. Suite rn. North­ern Olfl *.e Buslilinjr, 36 uaSwltf Street Oh1*ago,Ill. 4ft-ly KNIGBT * BROWN, ATTORNEYS \T LAW. V. S. BXPREAAOO.** Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. . JOSLYN & 0A3EY. ATTORNRTS AT LAW, Woodstock Ilk All business will receive prompt a*ten* tioa. O. P. BARNES, ATTORN BY. Roiicuor, and Counselor. Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, lLUHOVa. V. S. LUMLEY. ATTORNI5Y AT LAW, and SollelteiF la Cbancerr, . . ,« WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweter NO- One HundrclTwenty-Five State St Chi­cago. 111. Special Attention given to re­ pairing Pine watches and Chronometers. WA Pull Assortment of Goods In his Hue Attention Horsemen! MOHBKRT, 111., April 1st, 18S8, I would respectfully invite the Public to oallanti examine my stock of Horses before maktuKamagements elsewhere. No bust-n«SEdilli Bnwilaw NESI^MIIUAWIU^^ ^ G. OOLDT M'BIHBT ILL HEN WANTED. To repeesmt our well-known nursery iw tilla oounty, for town aud country trade: Good pay weekly. A steady position with a nur­ sery of over thirty years' standing, and a known respocsibility. We want, good, lively workers, and will pay well. Good references required. Apply quick, stating age. CHAdB BHOTtlKRS COMPANY, 87-m2 Chicago III. The Police Gazette, Is the »nly lllustrate l paper in the world containing all the latest sensational and sporting news. No Halo.>n Keeper, Barber, or Club Boom can afford to be without it. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Mailed to any address in the United States •eourely wrapped, 13 weeks for |l. Bend Pive Cents for sample copy. micHAXDK. roz 840111, New York Var Claia km --op-- WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classes and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty isAads in prosecuting old and rejected ofitlie^^^ All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enotosed for reply. WM, H. COWLAH Office at Residenoe, Madison St., Woodstoex, Illinois. [ANTED! LING. w Vf A good chftnoe! Don't miss it! You • V need no capital to represent a reliable IV firm that warrants Nursery Stock first class and true to name. Work all the year and good pa? weekly to energetlo men. Ap­ ply quick, stating age. ^ MAY A CO. lit. Paul* Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. (This house is responsible) NEW YORK HOU8E. 239 tc S43 E. Randolph St. Between Franklin and Market Streets, CHICAGO. Be*( Aooammodation to Traveler* and Boarders. B. O. K0EPPE, Prop. 11.80 PBB DAY. OOOD 8AMPLB BOOM. ATTENTION! Fanners and It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Preah milkers or springers, to call at py premises before purchasing. I can furnish anah hy the ear load or single cow. PORTKRH. WOLF BUM, CBBMOTW. Farm about flour stiles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. A tirtt~claim How*. 7As££e»* All Mop Th*r* THE Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. Good Livery, Good Sample Room. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR PA TROA$ OF THE HOUSE. I run a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from Uichmond, three-fourths ofamtle nearer than any other road, and more level and Eleasant by far. If you intend going to Twin Akes, stop at Richmond and inquire for OITLVKR'S BUS. It U always there, ram or shine itound trip orices as usuai. C. M. CULVER, Prop. r. J. SarUaB* J- J.larttaa BAHBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail NULLUM IN FINE CIGARS, Me HENRY ILLINOIS* Raving leased the brick building one dew Southof the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smofcing and chewing tobaeeo of the beet brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortmeat aadt soase veigr handsome patterns. HALL AND 8XX US. JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmakar A Jeweler, McHENRYi ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing flee watohes. Give me *P*lL JOHN P. SMITH. HELP WANTED. BBTTRtt THAN A GOLD MINE! No Capital needed! No ri*k. but t<0 to (15 a day profit! Teachtfr*, Students, Minister*, Bright Men *nd JLf.ditt «anted in every town *nd count v. No experience needed. Credit giver if desired. Be early tlitA time and s*<'ur*> tii^tcho'ce of exclusive territory on this grand New Book DO\'T BK AS OSTKICH! Write and get full information and aoHd fact* about WM. 8TOFFEL. --Agent for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Aooi dental Issuranea. Also Iowa, Minnesota; Nebraska. Alabama, and OaJifemia Lauds. Call on or address WM. STO^TEL, McHenry, ill; 51 Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are prepared) to furuish First Class Mu»ic to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin, Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. L, Owen, Trombone, B, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, M c H e n r j , . . . • 1 1 ilfr 11 liiniii luiir i W11I11 ,ii.t i m WANTED. Traveling and loca', to sell our l Yiolr-.e Nur­ sery Stock. Fast-selling specialties in htrdy fruits, etc. splendid Outlit Free. Steady employment guaranteed. Your pay weekly Write for terms. Germinla fevureery Co. ,> Boehes|er, N. Y. 1 1 i»iiMi^#«~^«a«a^>^iiii 1 11 11 Bay Colt; 15 3-4 hands high K Foaled May 11,1888. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS.^ SIRE, ALROY 5715, The sire of Al '.aid 2:2*X. Atlas [S Tears 2.28X; Allspice,2:29*; Alstppa. 2:10; Alsiaa, 2:41Ji, and other good ones. 1st dam, ANTHEM, the dtm of Choral, one of Waters* finest brood mares. Anthem, by Cnyler 100, sire of Elviaa S:W4, Chanter, 2:20X, Edwin C, S:21K, I>»V I>ream, also sire of dams ot Patron, 2:14X and others. 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chan'er 2-20# Shalieross, trial, 2 23 [half in 1:10]; Augusta, Ae.hess ̂ iad others. Aagnsta by Rvsayke'e BellfoBnder, sire of the dnm of Kingsley, 2:9RM, son of lUmbletonlan 10 [sire ci Dexter 2:17H, Nettie 8:18, Orange 3lrl 3:20, and S8 others In the 2:90 list, aad grandsir* of 825 performers]. S. 8. CffSflS & SOS, Cralner, Paper Hangers* Kalsomlners, Decorators. McHENRY. ILLINOIS. All work promptly fone and sat'sfhction guaranteed. Country Works specialty. Call on or address , O. i Curtis A Son. McRKlfXY. I^Lt^OJ S. HOTEL WOODSTOCK. SITUATED%Pr0SlTE }) The Miasri Spriuf. W. H. R0TN0UR, Prep. TfTE BEST Of MPLE ROOMS mcoNxgcnoM !K, HOWARD STEVENS, IN "V Bleotrio ̂ Bells, Mskes a •peclaltv of ©nor Bells, Window and Do r Connections sad a'l kinds of Burglar Alarms. Sstisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or address HOWApD STEVEJN& West MeHenry ,Illinois. Save $38.50 "S" California. J. O. JI 'DSON ft CO.'S persoiciliy conducted Cali­ fornia Hscirnioiis tn liroswl I'ullman Tourist Sleeping via Denver A Rio (J.- mile R. R., (the scenic Hue of the world) louvo t'hicaiio via Chicago fi Alton U. II. 12:00 i.oon Stttiirouy o[ pvery WCRfe, each excursion In cUitrjjtt oi mi eflitiiorit urid eentle-manlyexcursion uiB-nsiKiT. l"nl itMato«ri*tslet*pinK cars th.-rtueb from Kostun and Chicago to San fraa* CIMO and Los Antreles. Viht rate*, recurvation of b<--nh*. etc., ea II on or addrsaa- I. C. HUDSON A OC-185Clsr'- Sireet Clii'.-ecp. ACCIDENTAL will mak* the season at my stables in the village of Richmond, at 195 to insure. Season begins Feb. 1st. (Kill and see him before breeding your mares. 82 C,H. HECK. , A pamphlet or information and ab- \etr;»i;tot I li'J laws, sLuwiint How to/ yObtain PhICIUS. Cai eals, Traded ..Marks, Copyri*hts, tent Jret./ s^Addna. MUNN A COv/J v3tfl Hroadnay. Hew York. 9 For Sale at Living Prices by the under­ signed. Call on or address FRANK COLE, SPUING OBOVF. ILL. Spring Oiove, HI, Nov. 12.18BUL •" • 1 •' ' J: CEDAR L4IN STOCK FARM, HBBBON, ILL. fillips & RIchanjMB, { U B&EEDERS OV High Orade Jersey Cattle, IBBGlSTBfcBD POLAND CHINA HOB?, AND PURE BKED POULTRY. Silver Laced Wyandottes, Light Bramas, PlyJ month Rocks, 8. C. White aud 8, C. Brown leghorns, Patridge Cochins, and other Varieties. Mammoth Bronze and White Holland T»rkevs. Pekin Ducks and White Guineas. We have a lew htjrh Grade Jersey Cattle for sale from choice selected stock. Our Poland China Hoars are of the best and choicest strains. We have some very choice sprina Pigs for sale at very reasonable prices. An inspection of them is invited, or write us your wants and we will quote you prices. All pigs eligible to any register, Poultry for sile at reasonable prices. Ergs during season. We, hive some very choice Poultry of all kinds at Fall prices. All orders for Pigs, Birds or Kggs receive prompt attention. Our stock has been carefullv selected and Is strictly pure, and we Guarantee it *s such. Our customers may rest issured that we shall ship only such stock as will reflect credit upon ourselves an 1 them also. Correspond- ence cheertul'y and promptly attended to and respectfully solicited. Visitors welcome any day but Sunday, and w* extend an Invi­ tation to all to call and see our stock. HophiK to receive a share of your patronage, and assuring our friends that we will labor to plea«e you, we await your favo-s. Yours Respectfully. PHTLLIPS & RICHARDSON. Hej i c u e l i e i . M M . . . . i v . - . ' . SALARY and Oommis^inn to $wUUa Agents, Men an i Women, Toach- ers an 1 nierir-men to introduce a new and popular standard book, MARVELS Of the NEW WEST 10,400 copies fOld in one week, Excliis'v* territory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our country. Apply to THE HE If If YIULL PUB, CO.. Xvrwieh, Conn • Disability Sill Is m Law. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled* Dependent widows and psr*<-ts IDV de­ pendent whose sons died from the efts ft ts of «rmy services are included If you wish your claim speedily and successfully prose­ cuted, address JAME8 TANNER# * , WASHINGTON D. a Late Commissioner ot Peulou. ;r7 S3 WANTED! wents; terri urge to be i :tlon and transportation WHAT? Res- jnslble men for gen­ eral or State agents. No can- vesting, but to take charge of local agents; territory rights re­ served; business too large to be managnd from main ofHce. Instruction and transportation FREK to rltrbt psr- ties. Add^ese Tress. GASKKI.I. LITERA­ RY CI,lilt, 2."4 Frank­ lin St.. Chicago, 111. *fSH a^dfcrtlfatrrtgOrtslows.*^ Thie Trad* Mark to on Tie M Taternroof Coat In the world. •b--* SIMON STOFFEL, AQBKT FOR Fhcenis, of Biooklya, f. Y. Capital, £5a€>f>®4S 1 S. IRockford, ofRockford, II) Capital, 802,448, Ifational, of Eartioril, CODS. Capital, $2,620,213. Insurance carefully and safely placed on all classes of property against fire, i>gbtn<ng, and tornado, either tor cash or on long time, without interest. Fire policies on live stock cover name in building or on farm igainst loss or damage by Are or lightning an<» against lightning anywhere. I lay, straw, stalks and *fodder are covcred by one policy, in building or stacks on farm. Grain, seeds and mill feea are covered under ce sum in building or on farm Insurance transferred to other locali­ ties free of carge. Gasoline or oi' stove and steam thresher permits granted in policies free of charge. Household goods, of every description, including coil, wood and provf- sion« ail ooveied under one item. Complete records kept of alt policies,condition», assign­ ments and transfers made. Call for list of Over 700 policy holders in above companies. Simon Stoffel. West MeHenry, Illinois. * sinif Httlfl ft>rlnnMhiv«hwn widest for ui. I»v A una Page, Vxttt, snri Jno. Honn, Toledo, Ohio, ee cut. Otlieiii«rc<i<^npns well. Why iot you? Home over #600.00 a niotiOt. You can do work and Hva fat home, wh»rrf*fr you «r»-. Kven b«-flatiem arc frniHy earnhifr from *i to »10a<!ay„ AM Bpi-s. you how and start you. t'an w* rk in n»ar*t tlm© or a!! tli« time. l)i|ir mou-y lor vtork-FnlltuK unknown taitonfr ih«m* _ KBW and won<lerfnl. I'artioulwrs fraa. ylluiinMH illy ̂ 80LDHBS' D1FABTM1HT. Id I ted by WM. H. COWLIN, f. --WOODSTOCK, ax. "To oare for him who has borne the battle, and far hit Wid0*e and OrpAaMi" --LINCOLN. "friendship, Charily, bay. ally--Worthy mm* of Mm Fblker* " Meets the second and events gs ef eaea month v< e A. It. Directory. . R / MUsmr ROST NO. 6«. , , "ViUi the First and Third Thunday Hen- legs of each month. L B BBSMBTT, Con. WOODeTOOK rOBT, NO 106. Meets Aral aad third Monday evenings of eaoh month. A, S. WRTOHT, Com. •ami ion, m> M, fourth Tuesday F. B. rox, Com. BABTAXD roST, m> m, Meeta the second and fourth Monday eien toga ot each month. B. N. AUSTIN, Com. MABBKQO POST, NO. W, Meeta every Seond and Fourth Friday eveelecaof eaeh month. B B. MOBBIB, Oom. . . . . " W A C C O N D A roeT. KO. 3H8, Post meets everr second and fourth Satur­ day evening in O. A, B. Hall, Bain St. A. L. PKICB. Oom. Aloaff the Iktraiali Use. September 30 and October 1 and 2, Goodel Camp, No, 1, Sons of Veterans, of Boston, Mass, will bold a grand fair In Mechanics' Hall. The Detroit Journal is owned by W. H. Brearly, who served during the war as a private in Company E, Seventeenth Mich­ igan Infantry. Mrs. Sue A. Sanders, of Delaware, 111., was elected national president of the Woman's Belitf Corps at the Detroit con­ vention. At a reunion of the Blue and Gray of the State of Missouri at Sedalla, July 4, Comrade J. A. Capen, a Union veteran gave a fine recitation of the poem "The Forlorn Hope," which was received with rounds ot applause. Commander-in-Chief Palmer has an­ nounced the appointment of Col. Freder­ ick Phisterer, the present assistant ad­ jutant general of the Btate, as adjutant general of the Grand Army of the Republic. the first gun fired in defense of Fort Sumter, in 1861, has been ill for weeks at Mendham, Morris County, N.J. Recently the fourth of a series of abscesses has been opened and he is much exhausted by the attendant fever, though signs of im­ provement are disoernable. His contin­ ued illness, however, causes his friend* in Washington much anxiety. As yet he is too feeble to read, write or leave his bed. Lovers of war literature will be pleased to know that the documents which Gen. Jubal A. Early has so zealously guarded ever sinpe the war have finally been given up by him to the authorities of the War Department, and they will be shortly published and will form a part of one of the volumes of the War Records. These papers treat of the Valley Campaign, in which Sheridan so dramatically defeated Early, and are expected to clear up some points that have long been at ifesue touching the military ability of certain officers concerned in the stirring scenes of that memorable campaign. George H. Hurlbut, Colonel command­ ing the Illinois division Sons of Veterans United States Army, has established headquarters at Belvidere, 111. In order No. 1 the following appointments on the staff of the Colonel with the rank of First Lieutenant, from Aug. 5, 1891 are an­ nounced: Adjutant, C. M. Keeler, Belvi­ dere; Quartermaster, A. E. Loop, Belvi­ dere; Judge Advocate, W. A. Northcott, Greenville; Inspector, C. G. Marsh, Oak Park; Mustering Officer, C. E. Ellsworth, Danville. In his address on Decoration day Major McKinley said: "The only debt this government can never pay is the debt it owes the brave men who saved this na­ tion. The soldiers waited for their pen­ sions, patiently waited, patriotically waited, while the government was struggling under the mighty burden of money debt incurred by war. They stood firmly for the payment of that debt, they resisted every form of repudia­ tion, under any guise. They have saved the country in war, they helped to keep its financial lionor free from stain in peace. The great war debt is almost paid. Who shall say that the other government obligation shall not be as sacredly kept. For the first decade of the Grand Army of the Republic's existence the member­ ship was fluctuating said from 1869 to 1876, inclusive, the average was 26,000 members- The following table shows its growth since then: 1877 27,178 members 1878...:. 31,016 187 9 188 0 1881 .... 1882 ......... 1883 1884.... 1885.... 1886.... 1887.... 1888 1889.... 1890.... 44,752 . 60,634 . 85,836 .134,701 .215,446 273.108 264,687 ..... 323.571 355,916 372.960 397,904 ..l...,^......427,981 , Mr: i u Item* of Especial Interest to Comradss and Others. No law authorizes payipent of .bounty ta soldiers for enlistments of less than two years prior to July 19,1864.. The place where an officer enters the service is, in contemplation of law, the place of residence to which he is entitled to be returned when honorably dis­ charged. Fourteen days service during the War of 1812 is prescribed as an absolute pre­ requisite to a grant of pension under the act of March 9,1878, and service of any less time, no matter how small the differ­ ence may be, he will confer no title to its benefit#, There is no law, rnling or decision au­ thorizing the payment of an attorney's fee in a pension case where the claimant dies before signing his voucher. If in the case of a soldier his widow or minor chil­ dren can collect the accrued pension and the attorney be paid his fee; also in the case of a widow who leaves a minor child or children. The law fixes the rats of all widow's pensions in accordance with the rank which the soldier held at the time his pensioned disability was contracted. As your husband was a non commissioned officer, you are entitled to f 12 under the old or f 8 under the new law, no matter what pension the soldier received or was entitled to before his death. ACCRUED PENSION--ACT OB MARCH 1,1889. The exercises ot the Secretary's discre­ tionary power under act of March 1,1889 with reference to "accrued" pensions, is limited to the extent that a pension cer­ tificate shall have been issued and that the pensioner dies before payment; and also, by the word "hereafter," implying a fulfillment of the conditions to be necessary after the passage of said act. Appeal of Mary Masterson (deceased,) widow of Wm. Masterson--Assistant Secretary Bussejr, May 12,1891. PATHOLOGICAL SEQUENCES--RATING. 1. A declaration setting forth a partic­ ular disease or an injury as the basis of a claim for pension is sufficient to cover all the pathological sequences of such disease or injury. 2. A rating for in­ crease on account of a pathological se­ quence, traceable to a pensionable dis­ ability, must begin from the date at which the medical certificate shows the developement of the sequence itself in a pensionable degree. Appeal of Charles H. Wiener, formerly second lieutenant of - -Ca. ¥~, jUMlth X, \', Yol.~^«sigtoat Secre- tary Bussey, March IT, 1S9T^^ ACT OF AUGUST 4, 1886--RATINGS. Under the act of August 4, 1886, the loss of the foot and lower limb, not at the knee-joint nor above the knee-joint, but at a point 3 inches below, there being fair motion oi the knee joint for locomo­ tion is not entitled to a higher rating than $30 per month. Appeal of Wm. S Buston, Certificate No. 15,937.--Assist­ ant Secretary Buasey, April 7f 1892. LINE OP DUTY--ACCIDENTAL INJUBT. A pistol-shot wound, caused by acci­ dental discharge of the weapon while. en­ gaged in cleaning the same for use in performance of special service as a team­ ster in the quartermaster's department, being unattended by contributory negli­ gence, is held to have been in the line of duty for pensionable purposes. Appeal of Joab Truce, No. 451,698.--Assistant Secretary Bnssey, April 11,1891 WIDOWS' CLAIMS--ACT OF JUNE 27, 1890. 1. Section 3 of the act approved June 27,1890, confers its benefits npon only those widows whose husbands served ninety days or more during the War of the Rebellion, who were thereafter honor­ ably discharged, and who have since died or shall hereafter die. 2. The mere fact of death in the service; is not necessarily an "honorable discharge" from the ser­ vice ; but the honorable discharge, men­ tioned in section 3 of the act of June 27, 1890, means a discharge granted in con­ formity with the rules and regulations of either the Army or Navy. Appeal of Catharine McCarty, widow of John Mo- Carty, late private, Co. B, 1st Missouri State Militia Cav.--Assistant Secretary Bussey June 2,1891. It is not likely that this decision of the National encampment will remove the trouble in Louisiana and Mississippi. The whites will refuse to belong to posts in which they are out numbered by ne­ groes, or if organized in separate posts, they will refuse to submit to a depart­ ment control in the hands of the colored posts. Of this fact there seems to be no doubt, whatever declaration of principles the Grand Army as a whole may lay down, The result may be what Colonel Hedges, Commander of the Department of Louisiana and Mississippi predicted, that a year hence there will be no white members of the G. A. R. down there. •New York Times. Nothing is surer than that the G. A. R. will get along without them. The more the question is canvassed the stronger the position now taken by the order will be maintained. The question is settlfi4 to stay. ' -'"n '• ^ • • '«yHi.i i ' •• -vr.;C .The brothaf of President Ha»tiaoii, whose wife was recently awarded a pen­ sion, was Archibald I. Harrison, First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 8th tnd. (three months) and afterward Lieutenant Colonel of the 27th Ind. He resigned Oct. 28,1861, on account of ill health, and died in December, 1870. He was younger than the President and made a fire officer, aud would have made his mark if his military career had not been cut short. He was said to look more like Mfi than any of the other deecadanteof that grand old soldier. He was a handsome soldier, tall and lithe, a splendid horss- man and a master of tactics. -Me earri«d everything before him in his ngfahent, and was extremely popular. his health was poor and he soon sucemnbed to the hardships incident to service ia the field. He married a daughter of Mr. William Sheets, of Indianapolis, OM of Indiana's foremost citizens. .... w., ; 'f. Haw ttsy Mads Menay, r Cdttrriiae Wm. Robertson, commfatikr|; 2d Ohio Cavalry, Kansas City, Mo., sends us the following return of provis­ ions turned over by him at Washington, May 25,1865, to show how the peopfe who stayed at home during the war made money by raising food to supply the army: 38 bbls pork per bbl..............„$3f> 74 893 lbs potatoes, per 292 lbs of ham, per lb 21 93 bbls flour per bbl. : 8 75 ..• 2340 lbs of beans, per lb 1... '•*- 05% 1424 lbs of Rioeofl'ee roastedand - ground per lb 49$ 49 lbs of tea, per lb 1 27 2454 lbs of brown sugar, per lb.. } 17 196 lbs of white sngar, per lb.... V-;* 28# 66 gals of Yinegar, per gal.. .. ;.. 42 ' • 240 lbs of adamantine candles, per lb 37 639 lbs of soap, per lb 12% 300 pounds of salt, per lb 01^ 50 lbs of pepper, per lb s 53M 6000 lbs of fresh beef, per lb 19fc How the farmers nowadays *onld jump at the chance of getting #36.74 a barrel for pork, 2% cents a pound for po­ tatoes, 5% oents a pound for beans, aad 19 3-10 cents a pound for beef.--National Tribnne. Week *f the During the week 7,891 claims were re­ ceived, of which 2043 were original invalid; 716 widows; 7 bounty land; 32 aavy; 29 old war; 0 on account of lij|dcaa service, 154 accrued pension aad .9,161 applications for increase. Number of re­ jected claims reopened 203. Act of June 27,1890,2,325original in­ valid, 424 widows. Number o! claims received to date un­ der act of June 27, 1890, 673,771. Claims disposed of to date under said act,--. The names aad poetoffice of 2,095 officers and comrades famished for the nee of claimants. There were 100,139 pieces of mail i ter received; 73,957 letters and sent oat. The number of cases detailed to examiners was 405; 334 reports^ east-Strom special xnOAimt, hand for special examination, 3,646. Report of certificates issued: Original, 5,944; of which -- were under act June 27, 1890; increase, 284'; accrued, 112; reissue, 0 ; restoration, 0; dupli­ cate 4; act of March 4,1890, 0j total, 6,344. Total number of claims 923,148. A Sharp Soldier. ' ; J As we swung into line at the battle Jl Williamsburg to advance on the Gonfsd- J erate sharp-shooters posted iaariarting, . the regiment halted to dress. I waawith- ^ in one man of the extreme right in the ^ front rank. To the right of as was a *|f narrow lane, and about forty rods upthe gg lane the confederates were getting a gun - into battery. That's for tu,0 said the man on Hm ,, right. Js "Yes." 1 4 ,v"" "Solid shot, probably?** 1 "Gness so." , < -v > •'It'll hit me first,** £,-• t rr-2* ' "Of course." - \*'* "How much will yoa take to trade places?" "How inuchTl you givft'*, „"•) "Five dollars." ^ J % "Couldn't think of jt." , t ^ "Ten." '*• " :f >4? "Not enough." "-v ^ "Will you take twenty?" "No." - 4: "Well I'll give yoa twenty-tro^ Milan cash down and my note ." At that moment the gun was dis­ charged and the missile went screaming twenty feet above oar heads, aad my comrade finished-- --For not one darned cent! Thankee Johnny reb--I am fifty dollars ahead on this! "--Detroit Free Press. } SI Harvest Excursion*. ' ' * " • On August 25th and September 89th the Chicago A North-Westero R'y Co. will sell Harvest |Excaxsioa very low rates to points ta Iowa, Minnesota, North kota, Nebraska, k'ana^i, Utah, Idaho, Colorado! aad For full information arrangements for these Hseonkaa supply to AgentsC. AN. W. R'y, TSw FILLBBUBY'S Best XXXX MiunsapoUs, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes miter bread, bakes better bread than any other floor manufactured. If you are not us­ ing Piilsburv ;; Best , ask for i t . Buj no other. For mh at the Fox River Valtey Mflte, McHenry, III. CEMETERY WOBK. ,* Xiek Wintels is now prepared t® do work in the Cemetery on wort notice and guarantee satisfaction. I*>ts dasw, raised, sodded, aud put in first class shape at reasonable rates. Rasidtuice a few rods north of Cemetery. Albert Erwin, Editor of the IVxaff. Graphic, says: "Pof of cramps in the stomaoh folk*. Cholera and Diarrhoea the lx*t and most Speedy 1 Many others who have tried It the same opinion. For ssde by ~ ~ Druggist.

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