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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1891, p. 4

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OCT. 7, 1891 WEDNESDAY, •I. VAJS 8LYKB, Editor. THIS PA PER lAWKbL * OO.'S Newspaper Advertising iuroan <10Spruce Street), where advertising •S.'R&'V,* 5: NEW YORK- |®~The Peoria Transcript has said many good thing? but nothing more to the point than thin. "A reformer ie a good thing, but it takee'something more than a sore head to make one. This some people are constantly forgetting." MF" General Boulanger, who came near overturning France a short time ago, committed suicide on Wednesday at Brussels on the grave o! his mistress. His mind had given away under the se­ vere financial and political losses he had sustained. 15,500,000 was paid on* is pen­ sions during the first fifteen days of Sep­ tember. The Republican party is re­ deeming its promise to care for the sur­ vivors of the war, and for the widows, orphans and dependents of thoqe who yielded their lives in the sanguinary con­ flict that the nation might live. IQT There is yet a bare chance that John L. Sullivan, P. R., of Boston, will yet feel called upon to assume the leader­ ship of the Democratic party, and so fulfill a previously declared intention to enter politics. Rumors come from Aus­ tralia that hiB play-acting enterprise! in that continent is a lugubrious failure. Hie Way to Kill a Town, If you have a house to build, send off for all the material, and even employ workmen away from home to do the job, while your home mechanics lie idle for want of something to do. Send what money you have to expend away from home, you will probably get it back again, but woe to the mechanic or laborer if he must wait until it comes. It may do for those who can stand it, but it will never do for the poor man, who must, go some­ where to get his bread. If a stranger comes among yon, Just pick and fleece him of all he has. It will make you rich, but it does not give the people of yourplace agood name abroad, and no one would wish to settle where they were in danger of being robbed of what they have. Frown down every attempt to improve and advance the interests of the place, because your..taxes are to be raised a mill or two to make the necessary improve­ ments., ' / ... . v!^v: I^The lands just opened to Settle­ ment in Oklahoma comprise about 800,- 000 acres, after subtracting the Indian allotments and the sections reserved for school and other purposes. This will furnish about 5,000 homesteads. It is estimated that not less than 15,000 boomers started in the race for these homesteads. Although agriculture is said to be a losing business out in that section of the country, it will be observed that there are about three times as many applicants for a chance to lose money as can be accommodated whenever new lands are thrown open to settlement, an exchange notes. CHEATING i* horse BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of -,'A Morse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good lui the genuine, but it hasn't tiw rr.-<•>'/> ?&<". ' so lacks strength , ami while'it sells for only a little less tiv.:: lM> p-riu-- ine it isn't worth one- h • av '^h. The fact that !jk .fee are copied is sifon:r «v»i!cnca that they are THE and every buyer slu nld ceo that the 3K trade mark ir= sewed oa the inside of the Blanket. Five Niltjfc, , Boss *'%/ Electric' s Extra Tost Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5/A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them from your dealer, write us. Ask fo* the VA Book. You can get it without charge, WM. AYRES ft SONS, Philadelphia. ii.mnyn m> ROW RECEIVING* Ask for inside of the ] 5/A And *w© ^ant you all in it. In fact we want everybody to enjoy it, \ .. ledthe knifeanl' cut prices all to pieces. . We "want the Cash, and Cash makes the mare go and the wheels go round, and never fails* We can undersell anybody, be­ cause we do our own work, we pay no rent, we make no unnec ces3ary expenses, buy for spot cash, attend to our own business and nobody else's and give the buying public the benefit of Quick Sales and Small Profitsf America]] I®* Arrangements have been made for a joint debate between Major McKinley, Republican candidate for Governor, and Governor Campbell, of Ohio, which will take place at Ada, in that State, Oct. 8. The principles of protection to American industries vs. free trade, a sonnd curren­ cy vs. a depreciated one, aside from State issues, will be the subjects of the contro­ versy. 19* The town of DeKalb is going into the "palace" business, a la Sioux City, Ottumwa, and other points. It is to be a barb wire palace, 80x160 feet in size, and "built entirely of barbed wire in spools?' The interior of the building will be filled with products of DeKalb county, and it is intended to produce a show that will be interesting and at­ tractive. • 19* Aurora Beacon: Congressman Hopkins wiped up the earth with Gen. John C. Black at the Sandwich Fair on Friday. He completely exploded all his fallacies in regard to the tariff, and showed that the beneficent effects of the McKinley bill were already being felt all over the coupt#y. The speech was listened to very attentively by an immense audience, and liberally applauded. I®" Rev. Samuel Dickinson Btirehaa^,! who uttered the famous alliteration, "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion," at a | minister's meeting at New York City, dur­ ing the campaign for the Presidency, in! 1884, and which the Democratic man­ agers seized upon to' change the current I of popular feeling from Blaine and to en­ compass his defeat, died at Saratoga, N. Y., September 25tb, at the advanced age of 79 years. Blossom Co. 301 N. Clark 8t., CHICAGO, ILL. You will find our stock of Boots and Shoes complete in every way and in sizes from the smallest in­ fant to the largest man. The Great Blood Purifier. Cares all Blood Diseases tiitt 'rise from the effect of Bad Blood, A SUTB cure for Oancer, Ca tar rata, Piles, 8ltk Headache, Dys­ pepsia, Whooping cough, ittheumatUm, Con stipation, etc. r Uncle Sam's first jack-in-the-box gun carriage is being mounted at S^ndy Hook. It so operates that when a big gun is fired the recoil forces the gun down to the carriage and so beneath the level of the pit. Hence, trying to dis­ mount that gun by a hostile shot will be a good deal like shooting at a wood- chuck sitting by bis hole--now you see and now you don't. BLOSSOMS, per pound FLUID EXTRACT, per bottle SOLID EXTRACT, per pound (0.60 1.00 2.60 1ST* On the Elgin Board of Trade Mon­ day nine lots of butter were offered on the call board and received bids of 26 and 26%. Before the last call, four lots, 5,340 pounds, were sold at 26% cents. On the call bidding was lively, and the result was that all but one offering were sold at 27 cents. Two private sates were reported later at 27, making a total of 7,380 pounds at that figure. One year a$o butter sold at 24 cents. I^TThe Illinois CondeneingNidjrifit>any I and the Elgin Condensed Milk Company | have contracted for their supply of milk i for six months, commencing October 1.1 The prices are per quart: Elgin company, | October, 3 cents; November and Decem­ ber, 3)4; January and February, 3; March, 2%. The Illinois Company's fig- toreeaverage the same, but are 2% fori October and 3 for March. The average | is 3 cents per quart or 96 cents per can. IB* There is something almost pathetic and yet not entirely devoid of innate fun In the paroxysmal efforts of the dear ladies of the W. C. T. U. to explain, ex­ tenuate and deny Miss Willard's allega­ tion that the bichloride of gold cure was boomed by the press simply to hurt the Prohibition party. It appears at length to have dawned upon the minds of these ladies that hostility to a cure for drunk­ enness is not exactly in line with a move­ ment for radical temperance reform. Bow to Send Flowers by Kail. Cut them early in the morning, and let them stand in water some hours before | packing, so as to absorb moisture en­ ough to prevent them withering, in which I case they will not need to be sprinkled after they are in the box. Pack in a light wooden box lined with ! cotton batting and covered with tissue- paper. Lay the flowers not on top of each other, but in rows side by side, the | blossoms of each row on the stems of their neighbors and as close as possible; I cover with paper and cotton; Bee that the lid of the box is securely fastened, and ! remember to write on one corner: "Cut Flowers," as that will insure the package being carefully and quickly handled. ARE WE Right or Wrong? A Shoe Dressing must restore the bril­ liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same time preserve the softness of the leather. LADIES will the Dressing yoa are using do both ? Try it! Pour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, and it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? Both the Solid and Flntd Extracts are made from the same stook of Blossoms, and are equally as good and efficacious as the Blos­ soms. JULIA A. STORY, Agent; Me Henry. Illinois. Headquarters FOR- I F U 1 N I T D R E ! --JUSTEN EROS.-- MoHfiNRY, ILL A With Two Stores, One on the West and one on the East | | side, they present to the buying public | A Larger Stock HATS ©APS In G reat Variety.1 ' -:VS---- GLOV^ES and MITTENS! A new line, but they will have to go at the lowest possible prices. Underwear, Notions, At Prices that will astonish you. THE LARGEST AND HOST New aid FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE ICver shown in one house In this town. All persons In immediate or prospect­ ive need of Fall and Winter good* of any kind can spend an hour to financial advantage In looking ever our uew stock. ;. v. WIHAVE _ . Overcoats. -.Suits, 't:' Cloaks, Sacques, Jackets, Shawls, By fch® hundred. lo Our plush, beaver and diagonal garments our styles are correct, our prices the same, our assort­ ment complete, our wares we com­ mend. OUR CLOAKS Are all manufactured bv the famous house of Joseph Belfleld St Co. of Chlo- ago, who are the true leaders of accur­ ate styles. We have all the sizes from ag«4 to size 44 constantly in stock, --0»§§§§§§f§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§0-- Do not fall to carefully Inspect our new and complete line of Underwear In Scarlet, white, grat mixed, natural gray, brown, olive and gold mixed colors, at prices from 26c. 38c, 42c, 45c, 50c, 65c. 75c to $2 each for the very be6t. All sizes to match In above for gents. HlllllllilliliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiifli- Ladies and Children, Ladies' fine heavy merino vests 25c, 30c. 38c and 47c. Gray, 50c and 85c. Scarlet, $1 and $1.40. Children's white merino, 9c, 11c, 13c, 16c to 50c. All wool scar- et or natural £ray, 25c, 3CCj 35c, to 85c. Call Early and get your Choice. thin il l madeAmple Arran8em9nto toTM aud bee our line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. May it rain or stay dT# we want to supply you with your Leather and Rubber Foot wea/. line66 OW b convince you that we are to the front in this OVERCOATS, CLOTHING! O»E«CMT.. SSthlLJ?11^irSSprtJJJlTl ?jnCa°'d'.fz0eds from the cheaper up to the best grade of Wool«n Goods. Come along and bring vour ml«s »*>elrg our line of Underwear, fa • menX ladlP6, Hnd children's. Whether wooWu or cotton Is wanted we will save you money In this line. See our Gloves and Mittens, Hats. Caps, Overalls. Duck Coats, Jackets, bhirts, Horse Blankets and Lap ltobes. A clean stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Flour by the sack or in quantities* Running our business under just a* light an expense is can bedone.andtakl' * advantage of all the casn discounts In buying our goods, vou can reaiillv sef JOHN J. MTTT.PVP West McHenry, Illinois. Groceries, Canned Fruits, China-ware, Glass-ware, Crockery, * Lamps, OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE This Fall than ever before, which we are offering at greatly SEDUCED FBICIS, CONFECTIONERY, Tobacco, Cigars and Smok­ ers' Articles In great Variety Wolff's ACME Backing NOW ItS THE TIME TO BUY- TRUNKS will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 dollars worth of Mow Furnituro for 25 Cents. MOW? By painting 25 squara feet of Old Furniture with IK-1 We also keep I samples of In stock a full line of US" Barter, a newly-elected Democratic member of Congress from Ohio, says: "I would abolish every custom house in the land. 1 would rather vote for the estab­ lishment of an institution to spread the cancer, or a Add in which to propagate cholera, or a school in which to teach vise and crime, rather than to vote for a protective tariff of any kind." This is not much different from the views of Gov­ ernor Campbell or Roger Q. Mills. And it is well. The Democrats are being] forced to occupy honest grounds. A PAIH1- THAT OH* ^ ̂ tf* mmrs sex rune m ' 1' " • WOLFF A RANDOLPH, 037 North Front StrMt PBn.Anw.wni. QBfUni Q4 an<t receive free mall QCIVII 200 solid Leather Ad. instable Buggy Washers, the best and cheap, eel, or 6'i ccms for 100; 15 cento for 'Hi. H. H. ftAUNDEPS, Wellington. Ohio. CARPETS, And can plve yon anvthlrg from the | cheapest to the finest Braps*-ls. at lower I prices tb*a any other boose in the [ coanty. And Talises Almost given away. III' I®" There was a case of swift justice np in Wisconsin last week. Anton Siebolt who the week before killed James Meehan near Darlington and poujided his head into jelly with a wagon wrench after he was dead, was taken from the jail by a crowd and hanged to a tree. The laws of Wisconsin do not permit capital pun- ishmeut for crime, and in thia instance people took the case into their own hands not at all t© their credit, but to the com­ plete satisfaction of all who held the opinion that the murderer ^deserved no better fate. 3 pSf Balmaceda, ex-President of Chili, •hot himself through the temple at the Argentine legation in Santiago on the day that his term of four years as Presi­ dent ended. He left a letter in which he Undertook to justify many of his cruel acts of Tyranny as necessities growing - out of a tumultous and revolutionary constituency, and, as revolutions almost continually breed and fester in those South American republics, perhaps Balm- poeda was not so much to blame alter •H, as be claims that many of the crnel- ti» perpetrated were without his sanc­ tion. Local or Traveling. To sell out Nursery Stof-k. Salary, Expense* and Steady Employment guaranteed. CHASE BBOTUER9 COMPANY, 13w8 HOOHESTEB, N. T. Wo have taken great palm lo select* lag our vasiBTAxna SUPPLES CQFFIHS: CASKETS ft TRIKMING8. Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing I but tti* best. Do oot fall to eall and s»e us when in want of anything In our line. HUIDWAB1< III our Hardware department you will find a complete stock of Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Car­ penters' Tools, Cutlery, Harness and Wagon Goods, also Fibhing Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine, Rope, &c., at prices to suit. SALESMEN! LOCAL OR THA VELINQ. To represent oar well-known honse. Ton need no capital to repreiect a Arm that warrants I nursery stock first class and true to name. V%OKK ALL THE TEAR 1100 per month to the right m*n. Apply quick, stating age. *• L.L. MAY & CO. Nurserymen, Fl o r i i t s S T . P A U L , M I N K . and Seedsmen. I2«r8 (This boats is responsible.) month Quaes, Violin Strip, And Violin Repairs, The largest assortment to be lound in the country. splendid Hearse $900. SALARY and Commission to I Agents, Men and Women, Teach­ers and niergrmen to introduce a new and pojmlar standard book. In connection, which will be famished at Season able Bates. JUSTEN BEOS. McHenry, III., Feptember, 1691. MARVELS of the NEW WEST 0. 8. CUBT1S & SON, A new Agent so Id 70 in one week. AgrnCs I pro/u», fine 5o. Over 861) original engravings, 10,400 copies foid In one week, Kxclus've territory. Kndorsed bv the* greatest men of I our country, Apply to" THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO., Harwich, Conn Visit Evanson's Clothing and Goods Sale, it will pay you big. Dry Cralner, Paper Hangers, Kalsominers, Decorators. McHENBY,, ILLINOIS School Books, Stationery, Breviaries and Church Goods. Come and see me and you wil not go away dissatisfied as to prices and quality of goods. M. ENGEUST Don't take our word for the assertions made in our advert ieement. but come and satisfy yourselves ae to the correctness of it. J. W. CBWTY & Son, Ringwood. All work promptly done and sat'sfaetion guaranteed. Country work a specialty. Call | on or address G. S. Curtis A 8oj|* MoBMNRY, ILLINOIS Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, III. New Shawls. Stylish Dress Goods, Blankets. Flannels, Robes, Hosiery, Battine, Comfortables* Horse Blankets Yarns, Skirts, Caps, Mittens and all other seasonable go>>ds. usual to a first class general store. All goods in plain figures. -- i f i f m i i f m « m -- is the Proper Time to Buy OABP1T8) Hugs, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper Lace Curtains. Shades, &c. Stock complete ard prIcessatlefactorj' « * * » * * * « • * • * * « • • * * « * * * We have purchased a fall line of C n. F»r»{o A Co.'s. and Doggett, Baeaett & Hill Cb.'a cuatom made, fully war ranted BOOTS & SHOES To fit and suit our trade, at very ac­ ceptable prices. We again bangle the well known L Can dee A Co;* RUBBER GOODS, In all oizeB and modern stylet. We ga&rant ee price*. rockery and Glassware Stock la very complete. Stoaeww^ &o. sunuzzsxzzxxzxHt Badger State Overalls, Pants, Shirts, Jackets, Duck Coats, Leather Coots, etc. I I I I B 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 We deal only In choloe. wholesome •"'j OUR STOCK Of Boots and Shoes consist of •' 0 a over oOO pairs, exclusive of Rubber Goods. Our prices are found elsewhere. J. W. CKISTY & SON, Ringwood, Illinois. J. R. SAYLOR & -BREEDERS OV- Morgan:: Horses, Embracing th* celebrated General Gifiord, Green Mountain and Mo'rill blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Filliea. fSendior pedi­ grees. Eeiex and Registered Polan.d China --SWINE /= Choloe Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come and Inspect stock, or address J. R. SAYLOR & SON. West McHenry, 111. Women are Slow oftentimes to adopt agood thing, tal I fen are Quick to try and to use anything that will Mp Bum. Learn a lesaou from the men, ladica. The Responsibility tor many a poor bnteh of Bread to Chaigad to the flour, when It really belongs to poor yeMt. GROCERIES. GILLETT'S mi Tear, Coffees aud cJpices., Tr our uncolorod Japan Teas. FLOUR, by the sack or ton, all fully warranted, both in qual­ ity and price. Delivered free to auv part ot the . city on short notice. We allow 5 per cent off on all spot cash purchases without re. gard to goods, and cheerfully meet any prices made, cut or dried, in town. --xxxxxxxxxxxx-- Special Notice. We visit the city hereafter every Thursday without fall and will attend promptly to all reasonable orders. Call on yours respectfully. Simon Stoffel Ipfest McHor ry. Is ALWA YS GOOD and always ready. Try the Owl and Moon brand, and tMlp youMtlf. 1.3 a luun would. At your Grocer's. WANTED! •ftif'SVS.i'. ryUtscfc •11 iroo'la guHrttnti'Cit to lie first rlat-n «,iooil • lanes and expens't, or a liiieral comm'f ^ion paid No oxjierience necessary Writo tor MrmaiiTlagMCiAnd mciit# voitr choice of territory. pV L. KNIGHT A CO., M0 Park Avenue, Rochester, Iff. I, FILLSBUBY A*D- WASHBURN Flour Mills Co. IT IS THE BEST. Use Pillsbury's Best Flour and your bread will always be a well spring of joyio the family; light, sweei and wholesome. BREA r>. BAKES BE1TE& BEE AD Than AN£ other flqur manufac­ tured. xf you are not using Pillsbury's Best try a sack and you will use no other, only $1.60 per sack. We also carry ' <iive us your orders and ig will TRY and please you in quality and price in any flour you might want. Remember the place. |» "if »** • il In , %*>/ tiSkS#. ..fJSfijt, w . ...Cf * •* ' - M 3s&, - b* J . v. ,/d\s/feii

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