WMiWIHIINi V OCT. 14. 1881. VANSliTKB. Editor. rHIS PAPER *W 385?°pn tfOWBLL * OO.'S Newspaper Advertising Korean {10Spruoe8treetX>Bere advertising ®T&T£NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. m mm» |gr Senator Allison says of the pros pect in Iowa: " I never have seen the Re publicans so active, So united and so interested in the results of a campaign., Everywhere l" "•<" more than two-thirds ot the people who *wm< FOREIGN GOSSIP. " fSTThe first offerings of batter on the Blgin Board of Trade, Monday, received .lUds of 27 cents. This went to 28, 28& $9, and finally to 30 cents, at which price offerings went on the call, flutter is very scarce all over the country, and #e)l* readily at a big advance oyer last peek's prices. The total sates were5,700 pounds for $1,710. • *• tSf The latest corn story com@8 from Iowa, A farmer raised one thousand ftnishels of popcorn and stored it in a v ..I- barn. The barn caught fire, the corn be- to pop and filled a ten acre lot. An <Bld man troubled with defective eyesight, •hen in an adjoining pasture saw the Oorn, thought it was snow and laid dawn Sad died. desired to have been able to gain admit tance. I find, too, that all over the State the Republicans have made splen did nominations, and are firm in the support of the entire ticket. The nomin ees for the Senate and House in many cases are the beet farmers in their respect ive counties." He added that the scare la City says it is not of high prices under the McKinley act'ous revolt occurred had ended, and the reaction was having} a favorable effect. Mi1 m mmm* m 'hb German Government has placed order In the hands of their American >nts for eighty-five tons of alum'num. s intended for u.-o in military opera- is. L hpkciat. cable dispatch from Gnate- true that any thrro. There some slight excitement, but noth- 1m port ant happened. Nobody was run.or that an army is rching on the city from Quesslt?n- o is false. 1Utempted to w/SOll ft train desolat > spot on tho Haldar-Pachaf* dt Railway in Turkey fjr the pur- of robbery. The obstructions w f5 ovcred in time, and the brigands do ped. The Oriental Railway Com- y, as a result of recent outrages by ands, has demanded special guaran- from the Port® If it Is to carry on raffia ; I®*" General Gresham's speech at the Unveiling of the Grant monument is at tracting wide comment and commenda tion from the press in all parts of the Union outside of New York. The luter- .Ccean has had to publish four editions of Thursday's issue, and the demand is still large. The public is quick to perceive and appreciate the excellence of a good Report of the great event. 10" The charges of treachery towards the Irish cause, which were made three years ago by Dr. P. H.Cronin, of Chicago, the continued repetition of which cost him his life, find confirmation from Col. Michael Harkins, who has reached Amer ica from Portland prison, in England Harkins was one of the delegates sent over in 1887 hy the dynamite faction of the Clan-na-gael. He says emphatically that although he and his comrades sailed |hi? "Right HonJVVilllam HenrjrJjinth» under assumed names they were spotted by detectives. This is what was claimed all along by Dr. Crdnin. It proves be yond peradventure that there was treach ery in the Irish camp on this side of the water, and that the unfortunate men were deliberately betrayed to the English government before they had set foot on English soil. 4 MP"* One of the best known ladies in the United States has been captured by a foreigner and an Englishman. Mrs. i'rank Leslie, of New York, was married Sunday evening to William C. K. Wilde, «, talented gentleman from London. He is a lawyer, a physician and a newspaper dan, and will take up his home with his bride in New York and assist her in her work. He is to be congratulated. *v McKinley, in a recent speech, an- ;_fcwering the question "Who pays the tax?" stated the following fact: "The duty on linseed oil is 32 cents a gallon, and on the farmers' flax seed 22 cents a !£" "Irashel. Then oil sells for 36 cents a gallon. In London it sells for 38 cents & gallon, and if the tax is added, lin seed should sell here for 65 cents a gal lon. But it does not. Who pays the tex?" ' 10^An Indianapolis paper truly says: f' When Chicago wanted to erect a monu ment, to General Grant she put up her »|$200,000, built her monument and dedi cated it. When New York wanted a mon- V;niment, even though she possesses the • g ashes of the great hero as an inspiration, » ehe talked about it and appealed to the ; . country to help her, and resorted to pivarious catch-penny devices to raise the c^money, and, although six years have passed, there is not so much as a founda tion." Ifi^The Woodstock Sentinel in speak ing of Congressman Hopkins, says: He has made a record which equals that attained by any of his predecessors. He has convinced the world, first of all, that he is a patriot and a defender of the Nation's honor at all times pnd places, and secondly, that he is a Republican among Republicans, and a firm believer in the principle that the party which saved the Nation is fit and worthy to administer the affairs of the same in purity and honor for yet more years to come. Mr. Hopkins is we understand, a candidate for re-election, and we have heard of no opposition to his candidacy inside the bounds of his party. He is an educated gentleman, a hard worker, and a fearless defender, of the rights of the veterans of the civil war, and we know of no reason why he should not receive the unanimous nomination of his party dur- < ing the campaign next year. Pt Lord of the Treasury, UoVcrnhienC ler in the House of Commons and d Warden of the Cinque Ports, died tendon. Mr. Smith had been very or sonic time past, but fTo serious >ei}uence3 wero cxjected until it was lenly announced that his condition critical. A conference of physicians hurriedly called, but their efforts e unavailing. keletons of British soldiers of the of 1812 were found at Lnndy's ••t Niagara Falls, Ont, In a trench lie sand pit opposite th® cemetcry, re the bones of many others are posed to He. Same «|, the redcoats C « HIM Bui W t 'The base ball season dosed last] Saturday. The Chicagos played their last league game for the season in Chica-1 go and were beaten by the Cincirinatis. Boston wins the pennant as the games stand. Chicago is rightfully entitled to it, and if Uncle Anse don't contest it for I all there is in it he won't come up to the ) expectations of his friends. Chicago beat the Bostons but couldn't beat the New Yorks, though they prevented them from winning the pennaht, but in so doing I Boston gained rapidly, and when they came to play the New Yorks, Boston won every game. It was a contemptible I trick--a fraud--but New York would much prefer to have any Eastern club win the pennant than Chicago. The) wind-up of the season has done very much to bring the great national game | into ignominious repute. Nearly every pattern of H g f s q Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most ca«es the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the sjatp threads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that Horso 8/anhts are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 3k trade mark 19 sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mim-X Boss Electric Extra Test Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. . 100 6/A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them from your dealer, write us. Ask for the 5/a Book. You can get it without charge. WM. AYRES A SONS, Philadelphia. IflMy text this Sunday evening li taken from the book of Ex perience, which dutes back to 1840, and is a complete digest of my lite and is lull of good, boiled down hfcrse sense, ad vising \ou in tbe right direc tion how to become rich, not only in experience but also in money, ana tbe latter makes the mare go as you all know. This great Republic has once more been aroused and shook to its very centre by the all-ab sorbing topic of Base Ball, and our famous hoss trots at the Park, and the perpetual mo tion bicycle club, last but not least. What is life without enjoyment? and how can you enjoy life unless you have good health, and how can you have good health unless you eat good, wholesome food, and wear the best of clothing, chew the best tobacco, keep your during meetiug on the floor instead of resting them on top of tho*your near neighbor's pew. For the last eight or ten years 1 have 8'10,always traded at one place* and that is at the northwest corner of apf Main and Front streets, West McHenry, III., and all my purchases turned out satisfactory, from a $40 overcoat down to a euchre deck sigf or a hard cider jug. Inasmuch as this is a gr^at world of cheats bMfcand humbugs 1 admonish you one and all not to go elsewhere to get ^^liumbugged and contidenced, but go where I. your preacher goes by sand trades. As the weather is now getting cold and Will soon be 5, folder, I advise you not to be backward in coming forward tor your the and winter goods, which are now all in stock at my place of bi«* trading. Values are piled high and profits laid low there, with the best assortment of honorable and stylish merchandise I saw^ since we left Hayseed county to come west over fitty years ago.^ It s all the same whether you want to dress up to be hung, married, divorced, suicide, or die ot old age, there is the place to ouy your fine fall overcoat inthe newest shades oat; or,J if you want a fine frock or sack suit, square cut, Prince Albert coats and vests, sensible and dude pants in fancy color* and stylish cuts and selling trom $4 to 18, and to fit you whether you are stout or slim, rich or poor. You will also find a good stock of clothing there for your growing up and promising sons or boys. All the doctors in town will have to ©WED, , Wits how tbe girl said she U ,wben chased by an angry heifer When looking at 1borougbbr«<$ft »t theeounty fait. , . . • < ! 11 * ^ V* ****** Ihiiik etna at house and where to hay to t*est advantage , 'jV*" ' * WATJL& OUR STOCK Of 8UCH 18 NOW COMPLETE. "-'V" ^ ress flannels at 25: 35, 45, 50, 85 and 05 cents, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Brilliantfaes, Prints, Ginghams, &ti| * , , . INr •w m We flAVE Secured a Fortunate Purchase Ask for 5/A 'Wk ' : : 19* Miss Julia Turner, of Arlington, N. J., has taken the oath of allegiance to the j United States before Judge Albert Hoff man, in Jersey City, and received her| naturalization papers. She waa born in j England, but has lived in this country " for seven years, Shehas become a citizen I in order to hold property. If Mi^s Turner had lived in Illinois previous to 1870,1 and had been naturalized in a court of j the State, she would have been eligible as! a woman voter to vote at school elec-1 ; tions. But, alas, such is not the case.1 • And there are no such cases. I8*A high English authority has said that the new American war-ships are faster than the fastest English ships and quite equal in other respects. In speak ing of the three modern coast-line battle ships now under construction this same critic says that they are distincly super ior in most respects to European vessels of the same displacement, and that for the purposes intended, of protecting the American coast line, they seem to be quite a match for any ships afloat. Add to this is the statement made by Colonel Hope, a famous British ordnance expert, that the high-power rifles built for our navy at Washington are the "best guns ashore or afloat anywhere in the world." I^The seizure of the Canadian sealing schooner Otto, while not of itself an im portant event adds to the complications existing between the Canadian, or, to speak properly, the British Government and that of the United States. That the Otto was found in the now proscribed waters of Behring Sea is admitted; that she had forty-eight sealskins on board of her is certain; that they were taken there during the "closed season" seems to be probable. The first act of the United States man-of-war Mohican after tempo rary seizure of the Otto was inspection j of her papers. If these had been found I regular the plea of the Otto's captain that the skins had been taken before the j 27th of June, 1891, on which date tbe "closed season" and penalties for its I violation first was made known at Vic toria, B. C,, would have held good. But | it appearing from her papers that she had sailed on the 3d of July, six days after proclamation of the "closed sea» the inference of illegal capture of seals | was unavoidable.--Inter Ocea.n. Record 2«21 LADIES' HEAVY JACKETS And CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, ch wiH pay you to look over if in netd. 10 to 12 years $4.50; 14 to 16, $5. Jackets, $4 to $8. Flannel ctt 7 Cents, go into the horse trading business, and the undertakers will commit suicide on account of poor business, it you buy your tall and winter underwear where I do, and ail sheep ought ^to be safe in following their shepherd, especially wben it is to their benefit, Go to that same old trading place ot mine and see the very bost assortment of next-to-you garments in the county. You can buy for 5 per cent oft' for cash. Men's good heavy white underwear at 45 to 50c, gray 50. 75c, $1.05 and $1 60 eacl.r and all special values, also all desira ble sizes. L«adies' underwear from 25, 38, 50c, to $1.50 each, in white, natural gray, scarlet, etc. * Last, but not least, remember your children* and that there is the place to buy their underwear this tall, and unless you do as I tell you then you are not in it. ^ I almost forgot the best pait of my sermon, and that is for-the fair, or better part of my congregation, namely the ladies, of certain and uncertain ages, married or want to be married, as well as all others in need of shawls, cloaks, jackets, sacques, etc. Your dark oolored pastor saw the finest light colored, fur lined garments down on the corner you ever thought of; all sizes, stacks ot new and popular 9tyles; ail have that high collar and sleeves that is all the ticket now you know. No other store's stylish garments cost the same as those new collar, bigh cut, at my old stamping ground The profits are held down low. on those fine plush, beaver, diagonal, glace and mottled cloaks, trimmed with astrachan, far, etc. Prices from $2 5C to $40. Go and see them soon. It we keep our feet warm and dry you will always feel well, but as many of us are in constant danger of taking cold by having such a large part ot our body on the ground, I wlirdivide experience and point the way direct to my store around the corner for all kinds of good, stvlish and righted priced footwear. His leather, cloth or rubber and felt^goods are the bargains. Follow my advice and jou will be saved this winter. There is no sense, but lots of nonsen-e, if you suffer trom cold ears and hands this winter when my storekeeper has such a grand good stock of caps, gloves, mittens, robes, blankets, flannels, hoss blank ets, hoods, or any other warm- goods, ttetuember wbile there to buy only the Bel.)it shirts, overalls, pants -and jackets; also do not forget that there is the best place to buy the beat, purest, unadul terated groceries, flour, chewing tobacco, gum» oir any other absolute necessities of well regulated households. Life i* short and uncer tain and therefore we will once more pass around the plate, not to receive brass pant buttons, but hard earned, substantial assistance in return tor the good advice I gave you this evening* to your fall trading with SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry, ra. MEN'S iS'i A • i". WortH 10. , 1 1 -"If" Jf" " i !* : «£ 1 Mts4 SUITS m OYEROOATi Of such quality and at such prices * 'If VrV-V • V 4-, 'W you money ie you and save xt T' ' sy ;; - Q $ " ' * ' " ; '% ' a- • v „, * wi several small lots left of the Elgin ^lodc at HALF * \ PBlOE. We bid you welcome. VI West McHenry. if*?; J. R. SAYLOR & SON, ^YW(,irronoW-^- *Y', n1 pmLsmnra!! WASHBURN If® Flour Mills Cs. ' e -BBEKDEUS OV-^f • 1ST The following from an exchange shows the barbarism of wealth. Proba bly the society slush papers are the most to blame for the condition of things that are both unnatural and unreasonable: "When a wuman cuts a big swell in so ciety, dresses up within an inch and a half or two inches of her life and becomes a veritable queen of folly, her name is on every lip and the press is full of her praises. But when a good woman goes into a contagion stricken district, where no professional nurses can be bribed to go, and at the risk of her life ministers to the afflicted, it is not often that anything is said about it. She is the real angel ' and deserves the world's homage. Bnt : dwdon't get it. Good people are rap. posed to receive their reward in heaven." MP" The suicide of Gen. Boulanger, at Brussels recently, removes one of the chief figures on the French side of the Franco-Prussian war, and of one in whom the destinies of France seemed to be lodged. But political intrigue which seems so common in unstable Republics Ndk ©70I. Will be tor nrrlM a* tbe Writs of George W. Owen, McHenry. Illinote. TERMS. S50. One hall payable ia QasSi, balance by Note | Iua six months from aefviee without interest. STOVES. M due six months Interest after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO." was sired by Lakeland Abdallah 381. by the founder of our trotting nondera, Morgan:: Horses, Embracing th* celebrated General GI fiord, Green Mountain and Motrin blood. STOCK FOR SALB. We have th® largest stock and the best assortment of Stovei ever \ and Fn,le#* riend,or shown in our city, including the world renown®^. 4 : V f | Stwx and Registered Poland China 1V > i % •-.A '"'l-i 'j* v'l M. -r*.. - . ?>.. old Rysdykes Hambletoman, 10. Dam of George O. s s by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchea, 30, record She *eea at six years oil a halt mile. in«l:06Jft nd at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O." has had very limited advan tages In the stud, never having bred a stan- dard jntd mare, but hie colts are all very "^*1 Howe Ventilating Stoves. The Improved Moore's HeitSt >rices. Id wit I 2:497 trial X m^e in 1:22 to Eoad Cart. ' exo&ex w. own. MeUtnrv. lUtmU. ^®*Tlie great Bock River conference of Methodists has unanimously voted dis approval of the opening of the World's fair on Sunday. On the other hand the Illinois Univerealista with equal unani mity call for the opening of such branches as do not necessitate extra labor, and that a special inducement of reduced ad mission charge be made. The idea of the latter denomination is that such exhibi tions are great educators. Many work ing men can ill afford to spare other time. The city will contain thousands of stran- jgerg who are away from home restraints, foreign visitors, who know nothing of tbe American idea of Sabbath observance infill mB it incongruous that everything Of an elevating nature is closed on Sun- ' 4ay afternoon, and nothing open but the Saloons. There will be, they think, less ^ fiothig and a better keeping of the day if v fhe great display of art and kindred branches at tb« Fair jes throwii open to tin public. ^ , . . . . . . . I s p e e d y a n d s e l l t o r l o n g p r i c e s . I caused him to become a fugitive from his I h6 8ired a two-year-old with a record of | native country, for whose welfare he had [ so strenuously contended. To the Amer-1 ican mind, Gen. Boulanger's desertion of his wife and family for a mistress who had been influential in advancing his political interests, might be open to criti cism, but that has been the way with Frenchmen and what there is of their politics since Charlemagne down. That his suicide occurred so soon after that of the Chilian President might suggest the incident, but his going to the cemetery where his beloved friend had been buried but a few months before suggests either a devotion that was commendable, or a defeated ambition which to him was un bearable. The choice between these two versions will confront future French his torians especially when they come to treat upon the fickle and vascillating course of a nation that has so often en deavored to establish a Republic--and practically failed viewed from Boulanger's standpoint. f . ' : Pe A LINE OP THE FAMOUS Stoves an FOR ALL KINDS OF FUEL. tJnive --:SWINE.i=: Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronxe Turk«f9r High Cradle Jersey Cattle. For sale. Corns and Inspect stock, or addrw R g^yijOR & SON. I IT IS THE BEST. FPfest McHenry, 111. 1)3 8weat Croan Crow I What else is to be expected of the old fashioned way of blacking the shoes? Try the new way •nduseWolff's Acme Blackin'g and the dirty task becomes a cleanly pleas, ure. lOold Coin Stovesu Jewel Stoves, Garland Stoves, OUR L1NB, IT WILL PAY YOU| 1 Stoves, and others. gggTWe h£ivfa Bargain in a Base Burning aurfaco burning Coal Heater at $7. few Baigains In second-hand Heaters. . STOKY & West McHenry, 111., Oct. 14, %Pk "l# Wolff'sAGMtBlacking $900. SALARY »nd Agents, Me t&~ A. Chinaman out at Victoria mar ried "aMelican woman." But he soon wanted a divorce. In his plea he com plained that she has "too muchee talkee with neighbors, too muchee paint face and eyebrows, too muchee drink Yulepe- an brandy, too mushee fight, too muchee snore, too muchee boss, too muchee dream, too muchee say 'killum husband,' and too muchee no good." But tbe court held the Chinaman to his contract, possi bly with the idea of making a notable example to others. REQUIRES NO BRUSH. »- - 10C Emerald, Opal, <|Q0 or otiler Costly Olui. C Will pay fox the Coot 1 ( _ Of ChaiigtBg Plain White 41 ® Glasi veiaeli to Ruby, ! IKSON glass mm will DO IT. Comm lasion to Agents, Men an<l Women, Toaob- •rs Bii.l niergvmen to inttoduce a new and popular tlarxxlard book* MARVELS of the NEW WEST ^ ,S! i),4W copies sold in ®»®h men of territory, Kndorsed by tne gre»n»t •*»» | our country, Apply to THE HENR Y BILL PUS. CO., Roruich, Conn FOR VOIiT? * BAMOOLPB, Pbll̂ tolpU*. and receive free mall UOO Solid Leather Ad- We have a few odd Coats, size 36 to 88. Price $2.00 each. Itegular price $7.00. Do you need any? Jobh Evansoh & Co, J. G. Bone, a druggist at Dunmore, Pa., says he has never sold a medicine that gave such universal satisfaction as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea Remedy, and that the large demand for it has been a great surprise to him. It is sold here by Q. W. Besley, Druggist. SEND SI I jutkble Buggy Wa«ti«ra, the best and cheap- [ HI, or *0eenve for jOO^is for^o.^^ Wellington. Ohio. Dont take our made in our advei satisfy yourselves of it. J. W. Chis1 rtions come and rrectness ngwood. Local or Traveling. to sell our Nursery 8to*k. Salary, BxpensM and Steady Butpioyment guaranteed. 1 OHASB BROTHERS COM PANT, MW8 A ROOHESTEB, N. T. GRANDMA I ^ says it is 20 years since she mads such good bread as this. She says GILLETT'S MAGIC LOCAL OR TUA VELINU. To represent our well-known honse. You need no capital to repreiect a firm that warrants nursery stock first class and true to name. WORK ALL THE TEAR IH)0 per month to the right man. App»y q ulck, stat ing age. L. L» ^ Y tfe "O, Nurserymen, F l o r U t s S T . P A U L , M I N K . m4 Seedsmen. JS*S * * (This house to reeponelble.) is like the yeast she used to make herself, 01T pnuriiT 11 and she hopes she will never have to do uAboOMufi ! I wlthout lt aSain *« and we all hope so, too. Call for It at your Grocer's. It is always good and always roady. WAMTPni Salesmen to sell our W All I E.U1 choice Nursery Stock all jtoo'fs guaranteed lo be first class. Wood a'nries ami expenses, or 8 liberal commission paid No experience necessary. Write tor terms irvlng aue. and secure vonr choice of tWMTitttUi. U. b. KNIU H X & CO.. -IMO Ptrk Avenue, Bocheat«r,ll. Use Pillsbury's Best Flour and your bread will always be a well spring of joyin the family ; light, awest and wholesomfl; BAKES WHITER BREAD* > % v. Than anyother fiour naanufac- ! tured. If you are not usinjp ^ Pillsbury's Best t *y a sack and you will use no otier, only $1.60 Ciive ns your ordets and we ; will try and please you in quality . and price in any flour yon might " ' want. m - ,v ^ r'mmisd ¥/» Remember the place. Tie Foi Hirer TalLiBfliierlilli