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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1892, p. 8

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and Notices under the above bead in^irau iuv J/W«ivS vf i.J»3 W. O- T- Ot iSdHor claims BO part or CTMII for ^.'5* ^ M v THE Ladkto of the W. C. T. U, will meet '|||itii Mrs. Earl Mead, Thursday after- :s|«>OB, February 25th, at 2:30 o'clock.. S; MHS L. E. BEMHETT, President. 38taM?i'-*s W4W*i ftee««M|t:. *V W>.^,r;; _ ^ Mother's Boy^ It le lust 'iifi Impossible to'fSft Aitftitt .Without grinding up boys, as it would be to run a sawmill without logs, or a flour -mill without wheat. The question fe, whose boys? My boye, your boys, or our neighbors* boys 'will become the first victims, and since -i all are is danger of gliding into the mau- ^-1 traps, an enlightened statesmanship will suggest the closing up of the dead-falls !<>'• forever. / How ctwi to grind up mother's boy,' ' fan<vwif and confiding! I hate the Bar loon, for its hands are red with the blood of mother's darling boy. His footsteps are dogged night and day. He is first , plied with lemonade, then a few drops of damnation afe added! Gildeds aloons, charming pictures, enchanting music, tt&d the "scarlet woman" finish the al- : isremente into this hole of death. How " much is mother's boy worth? what's ; : tiie price? To bring him into life, she irent down into the very jaws of death. Tluxragh weary years, in sickness and in - health, her earthly hopes culminated in •Bother's boy. At mother's knees he was early dedicated to God, but the strain of temptation was too great. In an un­ guarded hour he fell into the meshes of the saloon infamy, and hope giving way to despair, the doting mother wishes he fed never been born. From cottage and from mansion is tt&fted on the breeze the bitter cry: -Where » my boy to-night?" The an­ swer: "In dens of infamy, licensed by «• votes of Christian fathers I" O, fatal delusion! that for the sake of lk«« parity e&peuieucy, will make lawful tfce --ay that leads "Mother's boy' to death and eternal ruin. vffi- :• ? ^ ELECTRIC BITTERS. ft* This remedy Is becoming so well known i '• and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric fling the same song of praise.--A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran- v teed to do all that is claimed. Electric 3 Bitfcers will cure all diseases of the liver ^ and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils •alt rheum and other affections causecl by impure blood, Will drive malaria « irom the system and prevent a« well as -*=-™^eare all malarial fevers. For cure of keadache, constipation and indigestion -V 1X7 Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction - jraaraateed or money refunded. Price tn> ceutB and $1 per bottle at G. W. Bes- ley's drug store. I ' BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. "1, The best Salve in the world for cuts, jSjfC "bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever *£•: ..sores, Tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, jWv corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- rf]" tively cures piles, or no pay required fci,V'is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction 'or money refunded. Price 25 cents per m*, < & ^ box. For sale by Geo. W. Beeley. ptr •w&a. - Caveats, and Trad©-M«rks obtained, and all Pat­ ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. >0<M Ofncc is OPPOSITE U. 9. PATENT OFFICE ; i and we can secure patent in less time titan those (i remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of I charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with! cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent fire*. Address, C.A.SNOW&OO CiLLETT'S THE RIPXNS TABULES regulate t*ne stomach, liver and bowels, purify * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem­ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on Face, Bright's Disease* Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysciitury, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, F' Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn^ Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver , , , mi Troubles, Loss of Ap­ petite, Mental Depres. Rash, Painful -•".V Blood to the Salt Rheum, Scald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from iiji in the proper perform Wit sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of S all o w Complexion, ^ ^ Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water symptom or d i sease pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomal, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating lire bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. I gross $2,- }Z gross gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANYr^ew Vorkl 4 '4 4 4 4 A *r'~ ̂ , firm W" 4M'-' than! * •mull matter Trm A Co. instructed Dd HI**# lafcteMbny an bland and boild daat--etwdat that, I will go %<V»ork "IP'S.** tl>* bnifaaM ia which I mad* my money. I ra»« C0.1 Shall waiaatraet aad «t«rt JOB. reader? MwadO'iaad If yon work isdattrimitly, yoa will In dn> & « wvqo, aura u jo wbtoiay q Uliid >ad htfld » ioMl. If yon with 1 b« Mriiad at <HUT Mew Uoe of work. r*p- by th«MOF*<ther(ex. TOOBC or old, aad la ti>*lr own IOMAUM, wh*r«rar th»y five. Any on# can do th« work. Baaytolaam. We forniih »*errthle g No ™»- XoBc»nd«*ot«ipnr>par«motnenu.or»11 yonrtin«> tothawork. Thli naray aw Iwd brinp vmdnhl inc- «MMa*eryworker. Baginaaraars aaralocfromSiSfit© 999 per week and npward*, and more «ft«r »llttT SSvi J? * £r? ftasSaa^^3K»Ufc4smBSoi?BSBt^«s»» anothe* graat, oteftil. wealth-airing wonder. Great gain* win reward erery Indaitrlooa worker. Wherarer yon are, •ntt whatever yon are dotnr, yon want to know about thia wo rul e rfnl work at onca. Delay " F«n. No apace u --• " • w(11 m«lra all TRUXA ' •k at one*. Delay meant mneh money loat to wviDHMiiw huivi i^UI Agency for . . JUM BROS. OAVEATS, T»AOK MARKS, CfESICN PATENT# COPYRIGHTS, eto. t'™. :ir.-.;ftr,r.V -rlts to i)i(UAl)W..Y, iNJKW iiuilt' Oldest burenu for iseetulna patents tn America. Every prtent taken out by ns Is brought before tno pubuo by a notice given free of cbargo in tho ^rnenran Laiwest circulation of any se!ent!fle pai«jr in the world. Splendidly Ultistrated. No intellteent man shouM be wlthont It.. AVoeklv, St'MM) a year; $1.50 six months. Address Mtmjl & CO., PunLISIJKits, .mi ISrooflwpK Mar- With Tw^Btores, Ore on the W>st and one on the Eaat side, they preteni to the buying public A Sieek OF ALL KINDS OF fUBNITUBE Thli Fall than ever before, which w« are ofic!ring ai greatly ^ ? Flour Hills Co BEST mi JUlilA A. BTOBT, saDUcio NOW IS THE TIME TQB BUY. We also keep in stock a Tall tine of samples of CARPETS, «©• DEALER FULL LINE OF----*". • And Cftti you &£)>«» _ cheapest to the floest Brussels, al lower prices than any other boose in the county. ig from the els. at r- We take tbis way to tell you that aU marked in plain figures, and the EXTBEME LOW PBIOES J" «»•' ' • wm sen them. . CR1STY & © * BINGWOOD, ILL. Quickest and Best. ;i T3CNE BUT MAGIC WILL f^AKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA. NO OTHER EQUALS OH APPROACHES IT IN LEAVENING STRENGTH, PURITY, AN$ WHOLESOME NESS. < P,: ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any | other Dressing at 5 cents. |A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS | because shoes once blackened with it can be kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it < profitable to boy it at 20c. a bottle, because | whatther spend for Blacking they save in 1 shoe leather. •iik ONE DOOR WEST B1VEBSIDE BOUSE. MelgS^.ni, !. fye M, Pants, Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toiiet Article®. : , AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OP . STATIONEBY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Wfc%*ve *ake« great pains i§;n®§|acl» ing our URDlBfAKISO SUFPLIXS 00FFIH8: CASKETS ft TBIKMING3. Of the 'jatest deslgms. Everything new and elegant. W* keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and .see us when in want of anything in our line. Physicians m Better than ever before, though 1 ^ a l w a y s t h e b e s t . . ? , . . . . :. We head the list with' Pilkbui*y'8 Be^t at $1.35 per Lily of the Valley, 1.25 . H' A No. 1 family flour,! 15 c* v' ^ 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheg$ Flour, 60 centfe. _ . $5 lb8, granulate d Corn 5Q cents. • 12 granulated Cord Me«lr > 25 cents, 25 liw. winter wheat G Flour, 70 cents. 12 1-2 lbs, winter wheat Grah&BI . Flour, 35 cents. • "Tl .uT'tfir flour guaranteed money refunded. si Wour delivered to any " the village free of charge* n jiV'- ' Carefully and accuratey compounded by ft Registered cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, *T JULIA A. STOHY: A splendid New. Hearse 1 oonnect!ore which trill be furoiehed I Reasonable Bates. JUSTEN BROS. tm yotfr orders and We will try and please you in quality and price in any flg want. Remember the place. McHenry, 111., September, 1691. JOHN J. WEST McttENBY, T »*<» » To the People of McHenry and Lake Counties: Owing to the continued mild weather we will make you some extra low prices on the following warm goods. Overcoats, for Men and Boys, Heavy woolen Suits, Underwear, Plush Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Woolen Hosiery, men's, ladies and children's Felt Boots and Overshoes, also Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, aad ail other goods in the winter line. We call your special attention to our line of ladies' Fine Shoes, Can show you the finest assortment in the county, also a full line of men's shoes that we are selling at way dowa prices. A large stock of Overalls, Jackets and Shirts always on hand. Fresh Groceries every two weeks. The best brands of Flour. Buckwheat, Corn Meal and Graham always found here at most reasonable prices. Yours as ever, for business, _ JOHN J. MILLER Weal McHenry, Illinois. GEO. W. BESLEY, It Is the cheapest blacking considering 1 qual' ^2EE 'its quality, and"yet wt> want to sell it •pertf it can be done. We will pay $10,010 Reward for a recipe that will enable us to make Woin'a ACME BLACKING at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. This offer is open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOLF* & KAUBOLPH, Philadelphia. DIALKR N- HERE TO WITH A FULL LINE OM ,0 IWUstftke, Old fwrmhire painted with PIK-RON I (this isfbe name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. One coatjrili do it. A. child can apply it. You caa fftiWjpe a pine to a walnut, or a clierry to aoaliwanv: there IB no limit to Vour jpis and mmm, ® FAINTS, OILS; " '4' f Toilet Articles, # • • ' ' West McHenrj, VOU. 'J^ PURE WINES AND LIQUOBS FOB.MBPIOAL US®, W»*T«#r •^ WMITWI' F<W. |̂ S»M9M 4^«i The best b rands of Cigars and emckng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Carefully compounded. t . . West McHenry. 111., 1893. -• •• ; v. 'I - .*4 1 i J . "1 a call. '. 6XX>y jr«DL.BY. Oltan, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. It is no nle to make a noise about What you are sfolng C ̂ i W- less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. ^ • Our Greeting for the Fall; one of our customers. ' - 'v~. - %* • / , / { • "h My stock is complete in every department ant^ comprises ^ S v *** ' ** ^ Ererything Usually Kept ia a General Store* , . s. gt Fox River Valley Boiler Mills. 1 ^4 p'x cnrATiNG 2" HORSE BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of Sfa. Hottf Blanket is imitated in color and {style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine^ but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that %. Horse Biankeh are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the & trade mark is sewed OB the inside of the Blanket. ' Five Mile i""V WN/A §S»- F txtra Tsti ^ Baker -V"' ^ V: . • -4C' m m HORSE RLANKETf S.RF, THE STRONGEST. 6,'A STYLES ^ dt prices to suit everybody. If yoa can't Ml - them from yonr dealer, write us. Ask HI the VA Book. Yoa can get it without cbaigS WM. AYRBS jw. SONS. Pbiladalpli* »! i'il WEBST . v <Mt«4)^k|N wrn, victor )N to .tagr-.fir m. , • . . : i$/: Eetpeotfully, "*?•> V,/;( •>***."' ' w MpHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. -v;% • V -.,-7 ' ' , ; S : •*> . '• 1 Me. 07OI. Rocord ail I 1-2 Will be for service at the barn* ot Oeoxga W. OW«% MoHenry. IIHDOIA. ' ' TERM8. #73fe' . . One half payable in Cash, balance by Note due six months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "George O." was slredf by Lakeland Abdallah 351. by the founder of our trotting * onders, old Rysrtyhes Hambletonian, 10 Dam of George O is by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patcheu, 30, record She paeed at six years oH a half mile in 1:06&, aad at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. •H3eorg« O." has had vc y limited advan­ tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard hied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He Hired a two-year-old with a record of Mil»$cial to fU*4 Qtot - MHMI w. own. THE BEST INVESTMENT Far the Family, School, or Professional Lifc» v *•*> • • * ImiABRlDGeW£^f, r • JOKTlONAtoM ITSELF > Has been for years Standard Authority in the GovernuicHt Prluting' Office and U. 3. 8a- preme Court. ' t It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup'ts of'Scliools an« the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the school Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading School Book Publishers. --» 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than auy other American Dictionary* SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The ftew York Vorli says: Wel*rt«rli||.5|J most universally conceded to be the be*L f ke Boirtoa Olobe eays: Webster la the «W;.- knowledged standard in lexicography. , J Tha AilaataCoaatitiition »: Webster haa Ton^eepthestSndardauthority In oar office^ •* Intwr Ooaan aaya: WArtert, ::-V6 %'i. U nabridgeThaTSw^TCeen the standard Bis Haw Orleans ffam D«oeTrt ™"^oESerisTitendarJnratl^ Ri8 Hew Tort Trilwmessys: ItisrecogniatiiV ^"^TSIemOTt^weSirSSSUng "wArd-lw'! '•# . the Enalish language all over tlw-ww..... .-4 v &)ldbyallBookseUera. JPamaMatl.-- j ' S' MCMBUUUUUCO.. P«Vta.Spria(ft^

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