T; Ot OCPART^ICNT »• and NotiOM un.'.f r tim ab<w« bead ||#iiil<>b«ri bf «M Lftitk's of the W. C. T. U. I W Sailor c»im» su i*»ii or for lie MM, Tfc«r« Ax* Born* Folks., There are «om? folks who always pleed 'The of brandy; ' ^ - ; And in the houae, "in case of Ther alway» keep it i anily. Bat ie it right,or U it kind. ,, ,..,.. in thin i ~ tempt Another? ' Lett, bye and bye we taaly #C4 That we have lost our brother. ; 4 ? r. These thoughts we may not putasW#, • The question gees far deeper; Let ns not say as Cain replied, ••Am I my brother's keeper?" We may notidrink, if by our deed. We make our brother stumble; To oar own steps let us give heed Lest failure makes us humble, ; • The weak and erring let ua aid, Till they grow Arm and stronger-- u. Tr.e drunkard lovingiy persuade To touch the drink no longer. So let us work while ,tis co-day. Nor leave until to-morrow-- • 8 mie work of help or cheer to aey, Or lift some load of sorrow. •J THE ladies of the W. C. T. U, will meet with Mrs. Dr. Brown, Thursday after jloon, April 21st, 1892, at half past two Wciodt. MM. L. E. fiBinisTT, President. , V MBS. T. J. Waush, Secretary. HI AVOID STRONG DRINK. .,Savs • "T Women are Shut oftentimes lo adopt * good thing, Men are Quicm to try and to ns 1/earn a lesson 1 The Responsibility for many n poor batch of fhrtd fs cbAlSMl to % tho flour, when H i\*ally belongs lopooryeeeL * GiLL.ETT'8 to try and to IISP nr.ythlnft that will Sttptkim, " " Learn a lesson from the men, hAt T>-: . - • ' ^ :"f- T '• .y-. '• ̂ "• ' •it -"J is urn rs GOOD and alwti/« ritfflp' Try the Ott>l and Mnon brand, aad Mp ; * yourself. as a man would. At yonr Greet:-'#. K" , ' " : fA \ An old farmer formop 1 had a loving wife and as fine iade as the sun ever shone on. We had a com fortable home, and lived happily togeth er. But, we need to drink to make us I work. Those two lads I have laid in drunkard's graves. My wife died broken hearted, aud now she lies by her two eons. I am seventy years old. Had it not been for drink, I might now have been an independent gentleman; but I used to drink to make me work, and "mark it, it makes me work now. At seventy years of age I am obliged to work for my daily bread." Sue $38,50 California.; J. C. 3COSON & CO.'S personally romiucteg Cali fornia Excursions in broad (range rHitman Tourist; Sleeping Cars, via Denver A Kin fir-iiic R.» <tn» scenic line of the world) lea ve Chicago via Ch>casr0 ft Alton K. R. 12:00 noon Saturday of everj week, each excursion in charpeof an efficienta^a uents8» -man! v excursion manager. Pull man tourist sleeping; card through from Boston and Chicago to San I? ran*. Cisoo and l*os Anirelea. For rates, berths. etc., call on or adores*? I. C. JUDSON&CC-19& ClarV St reet. Chicago. * THE R1PANS TABXJLES regulate foestomach;fiver and bowels, purify the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, B right's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Compla ints , Liver petite, Mental Depres Rash, Painful Digci Blood to the Head,' Salt Rheum, Scald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform ice, Kidney Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, JPimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liyer, Ulcers, Water, symptom or d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions i • i 4 i '4 4 4 '•i 4 by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene- fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate, i gross $2, % gross Jj> 1.25, gross 75C. / 1 -24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL ~ew York. b are too busy to oeiving Spring Goods. Ai?- •- And making t' © same low, Way down in price, which is the con trary to the goods which id "way up." Our styles of any and all goods now arriving are strictly correct, while o ir assortment is largest and most carefully selected in totra. Give us ft «*W. Medium Priced and Fine Dres* Goods, press Trimmlngw, ^ Hotionp, Linens, Hosiery* Furnishings* Domestic*! Faoile -|| and Colorings correct " •V •**» « * » * *). U ifri Stylish Spring Wraps and Jackets now made up "to kill," in colors and black, for ladies and mis^SS. in all sizes^ and at the lowest 'possible prices •¥'i/ V '• *.;vi Oift gto&rtJf serviceable and stylish clothing fe j^ct Sti^ complete, but , to attract the good clot'biug trade for miies around, we have just bought a new bill of clothidgr of K^uk, Nathan and Fisher the famous Chicago Clothiers, amounting to $1200, which will arrive this Wednesday, and contains the finest and most com plete line of I'ricce Albert, frock, sack, and square cut feuits, of the latest cuts and houesi makes, especial deals in fine odd paate, coats and vesta. J^"(Jhild's two piece suits and odd giants. Suite tor boys and youths, all sizes. Spring Overcoats; Give us your cloth- ingathou»h]fcs: Record, 2:28^'. Will make the season of* 189S at Woodstxik. DESCRIPTION.--Dark brown, 16 bards Weight 1200; aire of Loafer, trial 2:20$ I at 4 Tears, the fastest colt ever raised in McH^nrv Co.. Gee Z Dee 235, Fooa | 2:3^ at 4 years. Modesty 2:40. Typhoon 16790. by NarmgaDset 16739.'! let dam by Swijrert 650, the dam ot VleH, record 2:13J; Tvphoon, 2:28|;| Valentine Swlgert. 2:26J. 2d damby GoldPrnlth'sAbdallab8i30,| the dam of Mary Sprague 2:21. TEnMS.--$25 to insure a mare In foal, payable when known to be in foal After Nov. J, 1892, be will be advanced t« $60, Pasture tarnished, Call and get tabulated pedigree. E. W. HOWE, Woodstock, 111. CHARLES STRAIGHT, Chicago. -fS mw- KET,V*DWrfji> Sffyif. BUY ? some B^MS flrtD S°n? EIP^EY, S°ME RicE i\ND 50jnE KVg. B i f f NEV£R MIND 1H03E ifYoay- ONLY BE S URE JULIA A. STOBT, DEALSB n?:- ONB DOOR WEST OF BIVKRSIDK BOUSE, XcBt&iy.Hl, JIHD REMEMBCR So Mi ^ •-SIPIFC N.l(.lfllRBartlC^(24»C|llC/\GO,Hl\Ke If: Sz ALL GROCERS KEEP IT; ^ " ̂ EV£RY HOUSEWIFE WANTS IT. >n>- . Coat in f ho world. Thia Trade Mark la oa TteM fen CHEATING > HORSE BUNKETS Nearly every pattern of Hon* Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that Horse Blankets are copied, is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed oa the inside of the Blanket. iflP # -- Five Mils N/A""'- 4 Extra Teaft { / m % Baker MORSE RLANKETS am: THE STRONGEST. 10O 6/A STYLES prices to suit everybody. If yoj can't Siem from your dealer, vnte us. Ask fot fte^Book. Yas can get it without charge WM. AYRES ̂ SONS, PbiladclpM> J. R. SAYLOR & «m k«* T®* ««»* to STORY & McOMBER. The place to buy goods is where you can get the best returus for your money. This being the case you are in duty bound to give us a call and be convinced that our store is the place to do your trad ing. We carry the largest stock of GENERAL HARDWARE A^D STOVES. The largest assortment of Steel Goods and House-furnishing goods. I The finest line of Cutlery and Sporting goods. | The best assortment of Fancy Agate Iron-ware, Granite Iron anc Blue and white ware. • I We Manufacture our own Tinware. Copper and Galtran- izsd Iron Good. j Carry a large stock Rope, Glass, etc. of spur, baib, and Sand Plain Fet*ce wire Make a specialty of Milk Cans and all Dairy Supplies,, and jobbing in all kinds of shoet metal. Yours Respectfully, West McHenry, I1L, Jan. 37, 1891. STOKY & M'OMBER, ^Yip^inww GEO, W. BESLEY, TORNST AND -BREEDEBS OV- Morgan:: Horses, ; Embracing tb* celebrated General &lfiord, Green Mountain and Morrill Mood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stalllona and Fflllea. siendfor pedl- sreee. ; K$aex and Registered Poland Chlaa : . ~SWINE^=: ' West McHenry, 111* / DEALER II- Drugs S Medicines * •Mi- the flin& lo "howl" about Caff^t^'"t)lt Paper, Borders, window Shades, Lace Curtains, Poles, etc. 150 \;*5 patterns of choice wall Paper, i with borders and ceilings to match, y -M Our prices low, and all paper is trimmed free and rolls full length, |^°°Give us your Trunk and Traveling Bsg'Trade, as we carry a good stock, Our new spring stock stock of the warranted Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jackcts, Shirts and Coats is the largest and most carefully selected in the county, and well deserves your careful in- ? • , vestigation, as years otsuccegsiul Xu^j^ wairMit ua ip recommendation, ; " 'WM A FULL LINE OF-- Dries, Meals. S}e Stuffs, Faints, Constantly on bard. Alio a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articled AHD A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES ] P hysicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- rist. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STOIiYi Again we bought a good stock of the well known C. H. Farg > anp Bassett & Hill'i custom made and iully warranted Boots * and Shoes. All sizes earned, and as many styles as our trade de- mands, and at prices the loweat, quality considered, A specialty ; / A made of the famons •'box tip" school shoes, and are exclusive agents " " here for the famous JCandee Rubber Goods. ygfHats and Caps; we do not follow but lead in styles, variety , and low prices. Crockery and Giassware. We only sell standard Groceries and Provisions, pure Spikes. Unadulterated Teas. FLOUR. Special orders every Thursday* ' Reap ctfully yoort. West McHenry. 111., 1802, STOP. Give TTs a Moment of Tour Think over this and come and see our Coocl#^ HERE TO STAY, O WITH A FULL LINE OB And, No Mistake. • - • mmiiiniiinmmiinaiiHtmmRiiiiiimsmifBniiNtmmiiifliiimmmnRvniRv^r^ 1 Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, N0TJ0NS, I n n HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. § To THE FARMERS OF MCBENRY COUNTY AND VICINITY. > y^"*I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements, second to none in the^ county, and at I prices that I am confiden. it will pay you to investigate. It is no use to make a noise about what you are going U lo, un less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great valu • ;o one of*our customers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in General Stor#. • / • '• ; V • 31 ; Call and look us over, whether yoti%^ ^ Bespeegg^*- • n JOHM I. STOR^LR McHenry, Sept. 22dj 1891. PLOWS ! PMWS I We carry the Gesley, Fuller and Johnson, and the celebrated] Bradley Garden City Clipper, injwood and steel beams. The West Side Boot, Shoe and Clothing Store. • fW 7̂% yiM DRUGS AND UEDICjNES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, In Seeders you will find the Steel Frame Prairie City Improved • i onn u-_r_ ~ »«d hin(Ted goa^aro1,a nllnwin tr RT.nt.tfir- Scroll cut lor 1892, baying steel frame and hin er8 to pass any obstruction. POSITIVE FORC/E #EED» ed scatterers, allowing scatter- off in teed cups, AND A IRI llllIS AHD LIQUORS * FOB MEDICAL USE, W ALSO. BOTTLED ALE AN* POUTER FOR MEDICAL USLJH The best b rands of Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. -Physicians' Prescriptions Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys, 1 High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Coma and inspect; stock, I Carefully compounded. call •r address 1 J. E. BAYLOR & SON West MeHeury. 111., 1892, v M":y. r' ' '•tX,1 ' GSX>. BIFILEY. . *' . •' ̂ ?/ ; DISC HARROWS. Rotarv Disc Harrows, slso the you make no mistake when you harrows lurnished with three-horse Mfe have in stock the Budlon Bradley Rotary Disc Harrow, an purchase either of the above equipment, complete. Leyer and Oommon Harrow*. A full line in steel and wood, and at prices BUGGIES. BUGGIES* 1892 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. I fqgTTo the people of McHenry and Lake Counties, we would say, " " that this spring we are better prepared than ever before to figure * with the buying public in the following lines of new and welt bought merchandise, If. you stop and think for a moment you caii j not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors* . and consequently we can and will give you lower prices than yoi| . get elsewhere, Our , | Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock % was never more complete. We are showing a line of ladies*'an shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. Our lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! Our spring and summer clothing is here, ready for your iaspee-^ tion. e put into our store this spring tbe largest and finest Iof*T of new Clothing that we have ever shown at one time, Our assort#..' ment in this line is very complete, quality durable find stylish? You can not afford to buy anything in this line with'outfirst looking our stock over, as itcompiises everything from a four-ye ir old kne<f t r pant up to a man's best full suit. A full jpring stock ot new and You will find the celebrated Abbott Bu^rgy on our floor, in anv gtylish hats just in, call and see them. We still have the larges style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, al. name prices. We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of iully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveling bags, rubber and your patronage, believiDg that we can do you good in anything 0il cloth coats. ^"Choice, fresh groceries everv two weesSi< you might want in our lihe, V«ry respectfully, I Flour by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all eompeti- 1 ' 1 tion. quality cunsidered. Yours as^ver for business. 4 • JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. H-iik