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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1892, p. 5

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<, •»* WEDNESDAY. MAY 4, 1899. SI hilug 4fM( on "nwlty, Sept. pass this station as follow* : Sept. nth, 1»1, $Milk freight Arrive •Williams Bay Freight pasaee. VuMniTAr ** *• <*** »Lake Genera ' ttt *Lafce Geneva 'SS°; Passenger Express 00»e jtOBTH* ?:» A. M. ... 9:1C " 9:56 •« ^«t;4AP,X. "Lake Geneva Paasenger 6:61 •• ,uj SOIIO BOOTH. • tHoHnn PMMBK»T Depart 7-45 A. M. «*Lake Geneva Passngr passe# 7:30 " •Lake Geneva Kxpreea "• 8:22 " *WiUia»*s Bay Freight «• .. . .1 -.30 P. M. ,*UI«Qeam Passenger .'.-..J*' . ' -%i' ' BXPI,A*ATIO*v -V 1 * * Dally except 9un ,Vi * t Sundays only. "at B. utrSB, Agent. * + •> .McHenry, HI ' A ' & t ' : ' • " iSl MASONIC. 4MoHmr LODOR, NO. 158 K. F. sad A. M.-- Bgular OoramunicRti"u>« the Meeod and urtfe Mondays in each month. -JY N W. A- OHIBTT, W. Mi THS editor to -absent attending the Jtate Convention, at Springfield, which •ill account for any lade of uewsio be {bund in this issue. L. E. BKVNETT, oar Photographer, is [on the sick list this week, and under the of Dr. Howard. SMEMBEH to be on hand to eat Ice Cream, at the City Hall, on Friday Even­ ing. Admission to Hall 10 cents. READ the new advertisements of Story McOmber and Heaman Bros., to be jund in another place in this paper. MBS. A. LAMPHERE, of Wauconda, has moved to this village, and will make her hope with her son, E. A. Lamphere. ED. W. OWEN had the misfortune to [loose a valuable Jersey cow one day last reek. She had been sick for some time. Taos. HALprw iwtdri#*«Uy moved to, n last week. Hits. E. S. Mc Coixtm, of Nunda, was visiting here one day last week. DB. 0. J. HOWARD was on the sick list last week, but is now reported better. EUGENE PERKINS, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, in this village. ALBERT COLBY and wife have been visiting with their son, at Nunda, the past week. LEWIS WAITS, has been quite rick the past week, and at thb writing i»ao better. REV. HOWARD CLAKKK spent Saturday and Sunday with Isaac Wentworth and family, in this village. MBS TOBY, Teacher oi Vocal Culture. Residence at Dr. Nortons, Fridays and Saturdays. Terms 50 cents a lesson. C. A. KNIGHT and wife, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday with Dr. H. T. Brown and wife, in this village. ADAMLEITNER goes to Lake Geneva tiiis Wednesday morning, where he has been engaged by Clark & Neltnor at the Whiting Mouse. f O. W. OWEN and wife started on Satur­ day last for St. Louis, to visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. P. Wait. They expect t? be gone about ten days. Do NOT forget the Ice Cream Social, ftt the City Hall, on Friday evening of |his week. A fine musical and literary [ ^programme will also* be presented. ADAM LEITNER, who came down from Pox Lake on Saturday, , left at our resi­ dence a fine, large Pickerel, for which he '• ' yill accept our thunks. THE Williug Workers will give an ien- Jlertainment at the City Hall on Friday {evening of next week, May 13th. Re­ freshments will be served! Programme next week. MR. BLADE'S subject next Sunday " horning will be"Is punishment Eternal ?" .Text, "These shall go away into everlast- ; - fog punishment, but the righteous into life eternal." MMW HARRY WIGHTMAM is now full owner of live Alligator. It Was presented to him iy C. A. Knight, and was sent from the (south «by Paul Brown, who has beon taking a trip through that part of the country. 'DIED, of diphtheria, at St. Louis,'Mo., Lptil 28,1892, Harold, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vasey, aged four fs and two months. The many |riends of Mr. and Mrs. Vasey, in this village and vicinity, will deeply sympa­ thize with them in their bereavement. BY an Oregon paper, just1 received, we learn of the death of Mrs. H. C. Faber, •pee Miss Nettie Downing, formerly of Richmond. The many fronds of Mre 'Faber in McHenry and vicinity will sym­ pathize with the bereaved husband in his jiour of sorrow. Mr. Faber wat> formerly Editor of the Richmond Gazette* LIST of Letters remaining uncalled for Sn the Post Office at McHenry, 111., May 1st, 1892. , Mr. Allen Arnold, P. Doederlein, Mrs. M. Muriy, Albert Rossman, Mrs. Rosina Smith, Mr. E. Willing, ^Thos. or J as. Young,-Mr. Peter Younger. In calling for the above please say they are advertised. JAY VAN SLYKB, P,. M. AT the first meeting of the new Village iBoard on Monday evening, the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year: Village Treasurer, Geo. G. Smith Village Constable, J. Welsh; Assistant, Simeon Kennedy. Street Commissioner. Wm. Schreiner. Board of Health, Dr. U. J. Howard, Anton Weber and C. T Eldredge. Tlie license was fixed at |500. ' Jos. HKIMEB wishes us to say to the dancing public, that in sending out his invitations for his opening party, May : 10th, he may have unintentionally misled some, but he wants it understood that whether you get a personal invita­ tion or not, all are invited. Come out, have a good time, and see what improve­ ments have been made in.the old land- : mark, the McHenry House. EVERY line in a newspaper costs some­ thing. If it is for the benefit of an indi­ vidual it should be paid for. if the gro cer was asked to contribute groceries to one abundantly able to pay for them he would refuse. The proprietor of a news­ paper must pay for the free advertising if the beneficiary does not, and yet it is one oi the hardest to be learned by many that a newspaper has space in its col­ umns to rent, and must rent to live. To' ' give away or rent for anything less than living rates would be as certainly fa£al as for a landlord to furnish rent free; FLOSSIE'S mother is an excellent repub­ lican woman, while her father is a pro­ nounced democrat, and tells it nearly as often as Hill does. The other evening Flossie finished her prayer with "and oh Lordie dear, do' save pupa. Amen. "Why, Flossie," exclaimed her mother "what do you mean by saying that? Don't yon want anybody else saved but papa?" "Of course I do, mamma," she re­ plied, very seriously, "and you and me' all right; but papa Is a democrat, and it takes a iittie extra prajin' to get him through, and we ain't sure about it even W E _ learn that10. F. Hoeppe, Ifcftl ,/Ectatc dealer, of Chicago, has purchased seventeen acres of land of C. Stegeman, on the east side of the river, and will lay it out in lots. Consideration, f 100 per -- • THERE will be an entertainment, Fri­ day evening, May 20th, at the City Hall, for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Society. A novel entertainment will be the order of the evening. Look out -for full particulars next week. MBS. JOHK I. 8TORV, PrSc. MISS JTTLUUt. STORY, Sec. THE Literary Club will postpone its meeting one week, and will meet with Miss Julia A. Story Wednesday evening May 11th. All members are especially urged to be present to consider the sub­ ject of the usual summer postponement. Let all come. F. M. OVBRAKBB. President. JULIA A. STORY. Secretaiy. 1 THE Ice Cream Social under the aus­ pices of the Epworth League, at the City Hall, on Friday evening of this week, promises to be of the most interesting character, as will be seen by the follow­ ing programme: Instrumental Music H. Stevens and W. besley. Song by Choir.. Reci tation .^.........Grace Taylor Solo .».............,.Xiztie Osborne instrumental Music......... H. Stevens and W. Besley. Recitation .......Fannie Osborne Solo Ethel McLeod Reading... ....Alice Bennett Solo Mrs. Taylor Recitation Grace Stevens Solo Rev. G. A. Wells Trio...Grace^^twenB, Mary Wentworth and Hettie Wentworth. Reading :.... Lucy McLean Quartette. Ice Cream will be served immediately after the programme. Let all come out and have a gopd time. Admiesi(*n to Hall ten cents. Volo School Bepert. The following is the average standing of those who took the examination at the close of the month, ending, April 17, '92 A GRADE. Emily Hogan 98 Ella Moore 98 •Mary Raymond .97 'Jessie Gale 96 *Zena Potter 95 'Peter Frost 75 B GRADE. Willie Moore 88 George Walton...80 G. Richardson.v...82 Jennie Darrow...93 c GHADE. Johnie Bowers 85 JanieDowell 90 Verme Torrance. .89 Nellie Moore 90 Willie Nichols 89 Jennie Walton....90 James Darrow 92 Burt Dowell ...89 D GRADE. Millie Hogan 98 Will Kretchmer...90 Harriet Nichols...90 Freddie Dowell....85 Sarah Nichols 88 Wennie Torrence. 89 Clyde Torrence....80 Arthur Frost 95 Peter Bowers 92 R. Richardson 90 Johnie Kretchmer 85 Those marked * are in the A grade, in Reading only. A. C. STRAYEB, Teacher. BEGINNING Sunday evening, May 8th, those ever popular comedians, Henry V. Donnelly and Edward Girard come to the Chicago Opera House with their per" renniai success, "Natural Gas." "Natu­ ral Gas" is beyond question the most successful farce comedy ever written. It was originally produced at the Chicago Opera House several seasons ago, and since that time having undergone annual rejuvenation, has attracted every season immense audiences in this City. "Natu ral Gas" is brighter and fresher than ever this year, and is announced as being in a new meter. Several changes have been made in the company since the piece was last seen here, and lots of new laugh iug materia! and a number of enjoyable specialties liave been introduced. May Howard has been retired from the cast and her place excellently filled. Amy Amos, the best exponent of the female Irish character in America, plays the part of the Irish scrub woman who was suddeuly translated to affluence and Ed­ die Girard will of course be on hand in his official capacity as Whirlem O'Rourke, the acrobatic policeman. Henry V. Don nelly has his old part of the impecunious but ambitious broker and the company has been strongly reinforced, it is said by the engagement of a number of clever and pretty young ladies who can both sing and danoe. The engagement is for one week only. Msw fat ©n a Postage fct&rap." ' People would often save themselves trouble and annoyance, if, instead of licking the mucilage on a postage stamp, they would, with their tongue or other­ wise, slightly moisten the envelope of the letter or paper containing the package to be mailed, and then apply the stamp to the moistened place. This, savs an exchange, is the true way to do, but for some reason, persons not connected with the postoffice, do not seem to "get on to it." Not content with one licking to make sure that the "plaguey thing will stick," they frequently give it several lickings by which time they pretty effec­ tually remove the mucilage so that the stamp will be quite likely to rub off be­ fore it reaches its destination. People need educating in this respect. Try the plan of moistening the envelope and yon will see how neatly your postage scamp will stick. The postmaster general of the Dominion of Canada, deems this a matter of so much importance that he called attention to it in his annual re­ port. The old saying that the difference between a postage stamp and a donkey, is. that one von stick with n •*?> other you lick with a stick, will enable one to remember that one who is donkey enough to lick a postage stamp, should himself be licked. We mention this, so that people will remember not to lick their postage stamps becanM th«M i« * better way. Nunda Department. Nunda Po*t, ifo 998, aieets on the »econ<t nipt tMtrth Taeeilay evening* or each morah lu G A. R. B»U. OotMMea from other Posts are cord! >lly nVlted t* vteit Post meetings. W. P. S*. CLAIR, Commander. W. E. PRICKET Adjutant "j5Pr: «: FIELD SEEDS. limited amount of Pride of the North and Corbid seed corn, also Mammoth Southern and Red Cob Ensi- lor sale. 42w4 JOHN J. MILLER. HUNTLEY, Feb. 16,1892. Mr. Sophus V. A. Richard: About a month ago I got a package of your egg food and am highly satisfied with results. When I first b^aa feeding, it I got a few esrgs, but after a week I gathered from 24 to 30 eggs every day. I find that it make the hens look healthy and prevents sickness. I inclose $1 for a second package. Very truly, PitfcT, Pointed and Pertinent. ̂ ' Porftape the executive committee Of the National Farmer's Alliance did not intend to announce the final exit of that organisation as a poliitcal factor when it said In the recent secret circnlr sent to members: "Never has there been as little concert of action among the officers of the different States. This, if allowed to continue, must be fatal," but that is the impression the language leaves on close observers. The latest Washington advices say that a new political party is about to be bora, in the interest of free coinage, and that it will nominate Senator Teller for president and Col. Polk, of the Farmer's Alliance, for vice President. Another biatf. The proposed Tammrny reappoint­ ment of New York State, is such a plain steal, that it is bound to prove, in the end, to be a boomerang. "Harrison will be a candidate," "Harri­ son will not be a candidate." "Cleve­ land will be a candidate,'* "Cleveland will not be a candidate." These are positive statements quoted from the columns of the Metropolitan Newspapers, the editors of which are supposed by some people--themsel vee among the number--to know everything. There is something illogical about the position of Senator Palmer, of Illinois. He Bays in one breath, that "Cleveland is the logical candidate" of his party and in the next announces himself a candi­ date. The Senator should take his logic into executive session with his tongue. Congressman O'Farrall's designation of Cleveland as a lion and Hill as a fox, was probably pleasing to both gentle­ men, and as it accords with their own estimate of themselves. The third party in the South is pro­ gressing at about the same rate of speed as the white Republican party in Texas. Now that the Grant monument associa­ tion has distributed a liberal amount of taffy", and the corner-stone has been laid, how would it do to hustle around and raise the money to build the rest of the monument. After the first of July, the international revenue officials will guage all liquors by weight. It does not, however, necessarily follow that drinks shall be sold by the pound. • There must b* "gold-bugs" also in Australia, as a Government bill has been introduced in the Australian Parliament, providing for a nineteen percent premium on gold, taken in payment for .customs duties. France appears to have adopted the Jerry Rusk method of dealing with anar­ chists, and to have tound it just as effec­ tive as Uncle Jerry did, when he was Governor of Wisconsin. That proposed international silver conference appears [to be worrying some of those who have been doing the loudest shouting about the necessity for such a conference. The democrats who talked of an ad­ journment of Congress by the first of June, are not talking on- that subject these days. The any-body-to-beat-Cleveland Demo­ crats are expecting an inning in the near future. Whenever the administration sees fit to "call down" Great Britain for its acquisition of territory in Venezuela by an exhibition of the "Monroe doctrine," it will be supported bv every patriotic American, If "baby Ruth" looks anything like the pictures of her, printed in the New York papers, Mrs. Cleveland is probably sorry she ever married. One at present insurmountable obstacle to electing the President and vice-Presi- dent by popular vote, is, that on^pection of-the country never allows a popular vote to be cast. Miss Mamie Thomas is improving. Miss Ida Philp has returned from Bar- ringt-)n, where sh? has been virdting the past two weeks. The young people enjoyed the last skate of the season Saturday evening. Mrs. Joining Hartman in slowly im­ proving. Mys. C. C. Pettibone, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in Nunda. Mm. A. J. .Severns, Miss Qattie and Eugene Andrews spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Mary Andrews. Miss Carrie Rice, of Elgin, was calling on friends here, Saturday. The first day in May came In very rainy. "Wet May makes the hay." The N. A. D. C. repeated their play, "From Sumpter to Appomatox," last Thursday, for the I. O. O. F., it being their 73d anniversary. Proceeds, $63. Politics have subsided. Mr. Colby, of McHeniy. is superintend­ ing the excavating for Mr. O. C. Colby's new Atom Mr. Wbyte is once more able to be out. Our new Village Board is strictly high license. We ?»re informed that they have made saloon license f1,500. Rev. J. R. Hamilton's two little chil­ dren have been quite eick with pneumo- njft S. S. Sbepard attended the Congres­ sional Convention, at Elgin, the 28th. Mr. Chas. Perry, of Barrington, visited C. 6. Dunning, Saturday. Tom Granthorn is the village marshal. Be careful, boys, how you behave. Frank Andrus is not improving in health, "but it is hoped he will soon. Ossian Congdon spenfcjSunday with his parents. The Epworth league give a social Tues­ day evening, May 3rd, at the residence of I. M. Mallory. Raisins cheaper than ever known before at Perry & Owen's. • LOST. f A white Skye Terrier Dog. *A. suitable reward if returned to Jack Halpin, Mc­ Henry. Cell at Perry & Owen's andf getfa 20 lb box of choice London Layer Raisins for f 1.25 per box. Same as you generally pay loJi to 15 cents per pound for. • LADIES! You are cordially invited to attend a flue art exhibit, given by the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Co., at Hearaan Bro's store, beginning Wednesday, 4th and ending Friday, the 6th. The work consists of Fine Curtains, Drapes, Etchings, etc. Don't fail to call and ex­ amine the work and also see how it is RINCWOOO New is the time when the tidy house­ wife hardens her heart and proceeds to the business of making herself and every body else as wretched as possible. The woman who inaugurated that topsy­ turvy process, called Spring house clean­ ing, taust have hated all the rest of the human family. No other motive could have prompted that annual upheaval of all domestic arrangements. Who else would have asked us to eat dirt and drink abominations for weeks at a time? If you want your usual quiet hour with your favorite author, your slippers are in the coal scuttle, (and nobody knows where that is,) your easy chair is upside down out doors, and your book under a mountain of household rubbish. The saints defend us! Now, if some other woman will show her sisterhood the way out of this yearly bedlam, her name will be immortalized and she shall occupy a niche in history second only to that oi Christopher Columbus. We are glad to learn that an effort is being made to raise a fund for repairing our side walks. No one's "ways need mending" more than our own, and noth­ ing would improve the appearance of our vilage or add more to the pelf respect of its inhabitants than good substantial sidewalks. The concert given by Prof. J. I. Lewis and advanced pupils, at Nunda, April 21, for the henefit of the Christian Ende&vor Society of that place, was much enloyed by all who had the pleasure of attending it. Prof. Lewis needs no praise. As an accomplished violinist and pianiBt, a teacher of rare ability, his position is assured. His pupils who took part in this concert, showed careful training and a genuine love and appreciation of a high order of music. Prof. Lewis has several pupils here, but only one, Miss Emily Chase, had a part in this concert, and she certainly did credit to her teach­ er's judgement in selecting her to repre­ sent this place, and Ringwoodhas reason to be proud of this promising young mu­ sician. To natural musical talent, she adds industry and enthusiasm, without which no one can succeed in music, or accomplish aught worthy of praise in any line of work. We venture to predict that in tne near future, Miss Chase will take a high place as. pianist and teacher of piano music. She has our kindest wishes for her success in her chosen call­ ing- In the death of Caroline Shiel, wife of SpenceJ Cotting, our neighboring village of Richmond has lost one of its ablest women, the church a sincere and faithful Christian, the family circle a loving wife and mother. Possessed of a sunny dis­ position, clcar intellect, and a loving heart, she gathered about her a circle of friends wherever she was known, ever retaining them by the beautiful consis­ tency of her dally life and the purity and strength of her character. No one can justly estimate the influence for good that her life has exerted on those around her, but the memory of her kindly, help­ ful words, and gentle deeds will be fondly cherished in the many hearts that now mourn her loss. Much interest is now manifested throughout this State, in the formation of Women's Columbian Exposition Clubs. Mrs. Mary R. Joslyii, of Woodstock, has been chosen president of those clubs for McHenry county, and has entered upon her duties with much energy and ability. Several clubs have a'ready been formed and some good work done. These ob­ jects of these clubs is to bring into prom­ inence women's work in the arts, sciences, trades and professions, to diffuse a more general knowledge of the Exposition as an educa tor and in every way to awaken an interest in it. Alsb to devise means to enable members to give a more ex­ tended attendance than they would otherwise be able to do. Mrs. Joslyn wishes to have a club formed in Rinisr- wood and has appointed Mrs. N. P. Buckland vice" president. The ladies in Ringwood and vicinity are requested to meet at L. A. Waterman's on Saturday afternoon, May 7th, at three o'clock to organize. A full attendence desired. • Modem Eailway Train. The "Alton's" St. Louis Limited. It's vestibuled, luxuriously equipped, but best of all it's fast. Leaves Chicago 11 A. M., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. M. same day. For all this there's no extra fare. The route of the St. Louis Limited lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. 42 That Tired Peeling and the St Louis Limited. That tired feeling caused by a tedious all-day ride from Chicago to St. Louis, pjin be easily cured if the "Alton's" St. Lonis Limited is patronized. This fast day train leaves Chicago 11a.m., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. m. Its route lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. Can Ton Waste Moneyf The "Alton" St. Louis Limited is the fastest train via the shortest line from Chicago to St. Louis. It leaves Chicago 11 a. m., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. m., same day. You'd better remember thin if you don't, your time has been thrown away. Time wasted is money spent. Can you afford to iet the cso&k go? The St. Louis Limited" caiy lies over the HAftVimO. EDITOK PLAJNOEALKR --Conductor D. G. Bnrghardt has returned to this city to reside. His ran is now between this plaes and Winoaa. M. F. Walsh wait to Elgin Thursday to attend the Congressional convention held there. Lot P. Smith, of Chicago, was here a short time Tuesday. He was on his way to Lake iku«va. Chas. E. Kirk visited the county seat last Saturday, Deputy Coroner Groesbeck was in Woodstock last Wednesday, and while there delivered his famous lecture on "What I know about Journalism." Frank Sanford, an old time Harvard boy, now of Toledo, Ohio, was here a short time on Thursday last. . T. F. Collins has purchased a lot in Hart's addition and will shortly build himself a house thereon. Tom is one of our solid men. R. J. Beck has taken the contract to build the stand pipe for the water works. An election will be held in thiB City May 24th, to till the vacancy caused by the death of Alderman Eugene O'Connor. Miss Gertie Austin, of Woodstock, vis­ ited a few days last week with her friends Misses Lulu and Roze Munkenberger. f' ' J v; ti>U sale of buggies, wagons, farm machinery, etc., last Friday and Saturday. L. R. Lines was the Auctioneer. , Miss Grace Titcomb shed the light of her smiling countenance on the gloomy environment of the county seat last Sat­ urday. That enterprising dry goods firm, Stafford £ Gardner,' M3 their seventh annual sale and grand openiug last Fri­ day. The amount of goods sold by this firm on these special sale days is aston­ ishing. Manager Gardner informed us Friday,, at 5 o'clock p. m., that he had then taken in the snug sum of fl77G in cash. This is a showing that even a hus­ tler like Gardner may well be proud of. Levi was raised over near Richmond and that may account for his ability to "get there." Sir George Ruisuton, Emperor of Alden, was here Monday, and horoscoped the political situation for the next four years. Gee. Long cvmmwiugly at Chicago's high buildings Monday. That little scheme put up by the late demented unequalized and his coterie of "me-to's" at Elgin last week, didn't work to any extent. It is well understood that certain "Mas beens" were riding frantically (and on passee) around from place to place begging some one to accept the nomination for member of the State Board of Equalization, the agon­ izing cry went up, "Any one to beat Eldredge." But after discovering the mutilated condition in which "the Hon­ orable" found himself after trying to per­ form that impossible feat, no one could be found foolhardy enough to run the risk of becoming disfigured in the same manner. The delegates from this County were instructed to use all honorable means to further the nomination of Geo. W. Eldredge, then why? we ask, did they not do so. Why did they say to El­ dredge, "Make me chairman of the Con­ vention or we bolt." Surely these men are not over burdened with modesty, and good/taste does not figure largely their make up. This is probablv the only instance on record where the corpse insisted on being its own funeral direc­ tor. But we are pleased to say that after a short struggle, the remains were properly buried amid great sorrowing on the part of the defunct. We have a dele: gation at Springfield this week, explain­ ing to Gov. Fifer how nobly they worked to get this County instructed for him. WlLlllllllMllLlllil Illllllir I' LLOSUHNM A OTFENTTF, NICE line of Pipes, just received) It Barbian Brothers. Pillsbury's Best seldom equalled never excelled. Try it only $1.45. GET your Summer suit where they have the largest stock at lowest prices. That means of John J. Miller, West McHenry, 111. 42 tf HAVE you bought your Spring or Sum­ mer suit yet? If not call in at John J. Millers's and see the large line they are showing. ______ 42 tf Barb Wire is cheap this spring. Don't neglect the fences but put tbem in order with Eli or the S. barb wire bought right of J. W. Cristy & Son. Now is the appointed time to buy your Wall Paper for the assortment is com­ plete and it will do your eyes good to look it over at J. W. Cristy A Sons's. Come to-day if you can and buy your Wall Paper. If you cannot come to-day come as soon as you can. The sooner you come the better your chances at J. W. Cristy & Son's. If you want a boy's or a man's suit, or an odd pant or vest, you cannot afford to buy until you have looked our stock over, as we have the largest, the newest and the cheapest stock of clothing in town. John J. Miller. 42 tf FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Buy your Spring Suite from the bead store in town. That is at S. Stoffel's. We are putting give-away prices on some articles, simply to elose wan out. They must go. J. W. CIUHTY & SON, Ringwood. Dl. As a special feature we are now offer­ ing a large assortment of shawls at prices that merit your inspection, J. W URBTY A SON. • • . > r®WB® Do NOT forget if yon want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Can you use a barrel of Pillsbury's Best at $5.60 cash. If so, leave yonr order at mill to be delivered. Bses. Chicago & Altos S. B. •)&< A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend in need is a friend indeed, aind not lees than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest, and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Geo. W. Besley's drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. • DESERVING PRAISE. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis­ factory results do not follow their use These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. G. W. Besley, Druggist. LADIES 111 Xbe undersigned wishes to notify the ladies of McHenry and vicinity that she has secured the services of Miss Carrie Wait as Dressmaker and Milliner.. Many will remember her RB being BO long with Mrs. S. Colyer, of Elgin, formerly of Mc­ Henry. With the valuable assistance of Miss Wait I will guarantee perfect satis­ faction both in dress- making and Mil­ linery. A trial is all we ask. Look out next week for our annual opening announcement. MRS. BESLEY. You can find some most beautiful hand painted China at J. A. Story's. There are a few choice vases, pitchers, etc., of the "Royal Worcester" Ware, selected expressly for the Ch ristmas trade and they are perfect in both design and workmanship. Do not fail to see them. We believe that the Lily of the Valley Flour at S1.25 per sack is equal to any flour offered at $1.35 in McHenry. Leave your order for a trial sack and if not found as represented your money will be refunded, Remember the Fox River Roller Mill. • , - *• jf Evanson's special discount sale on Jackets and wraps Saturday AjurO 23d, and Monday April 25th. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP­ ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute sale indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on hi# books ail the time. GET MARRIED, Bat first buy your outfit iM* jutj »eur intended of S. StcSsl. . GENTS, If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minh., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us­ ing Piiisbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry, 111. LAMEST BEES BSE WBT IN THE WORLD Comparative Sales 18&L PABST---Milwaukee 790,290 bbls. Anheueer-Busch, St. Louis..602,078 " PABST leads with 188,2l2 bbis. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came into the inclosure of the under­ signed, on the Frank Carr place, south of the Smith Bros.' farm, on the28th day of March, 1892, a young boar pig. The owner is hereby notified to prove prop­ erty, pay charges and take it away. SAMUEL BLASER. FOR SALE. A house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. House contains seventeen rooms and is suitable for oneu two or more families. Is well located and all in good repair. For further particu­ lars inquire at this office. ^ IT GENTLE Call in and see the beautiful sample clothes for spring and summer styles. M. Born & Co., merchant tailors, of Chi­ cago, til., have appointed E. Lawlus, as agent to take orders and measure men for suits, pants or vests. Most of us know the goods, the low prices and the splendid fitting garments are first class in everj respect. E. LAWLUS, McHenry in. FOR SALE. The Brick Block, known as the Pekov- eky Block, situated opposite the Fox River Valley Mills, in the village of McHenry. Is suitable for any kind of business. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, For further particulars inquire at this office. 39-1 m DON'T BE AFRAID To try the Family Flour from the Fox River Valley Roller Mills, $1.15 per sack, cash. Every sack warranted or money refunded. _______ CEMETERY WORK. Nick Winkles is now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, raised, sodded and put in fi^st class shape at reasonable rates. Residence a few rode northof Cemetery. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds to offer for the spring trade a first class lot of Nursery Stock in Apples, Crab Apple* Cherries, Pears, Plums, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Grape Vines, Hardy Shrubs, Roses, etc. Also a good line af Shade and Evergreen Trees, of several varities and sizes. Come and see me or send your order and I be­ lieve I can please you all with good stock and honest prices. Yours Respectfully, J. E. BUCKLAND, Ringwood, III. St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved foriaula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. W. Besley, Druggist. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. The subscriber has a quantity of seed barley for sale. One years growth from New York seed. Warranted pure and free from all foul seeds. Also shell corn on sale at lowest price. F. K. GRANGER. Julie •. Story's Local*. You will save money by buying Cas- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sareaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stiilingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur­ ify your blood. Instanter, for tooth ache, it will stop it We wish to call special attention to our new line of Birthday Cards. Also latest designs in writing tablets and very fine stationery just received. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoel Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. It will soon be time when you will not wish a roaring fire for a little quick heat. Get an Alcahol Lamp and save time trouble and money. We have all kinds A few beautiful feigns left in our crockery list, of FruiffPlatee at rednced prices, who will get them. ^ For Carpets, Wall Paper, Curtains, etc. go only to S. Stoffel's. • ' c Administrator's Notioe. Esta ke of Thomas Knox, deceased The undersigned having been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Thomas Knox > deceased, late of the County of McHenry aod State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that sh# will appear before the County Court of McHenry Conntv, at the Court House In Vo'Klstdck, at the July Term, on the firs,t Monday in July next, at which time all per­ sons having claims agaiust said estate sse notified anil requested to attend for the par- poseefbaving the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to uiake bntned iate pavment to the undersigned. Dated this ®th dav of April, A. p. 18W. MAROAUT Kaox, Administratrix, #/V -i CLOTHING* %i 'j*'" *. Don't lail to pee our splendid stock and take advantage of tbo inducements offered Mpe»^ and boy's clothing,. All the latest and nicest styiet of the season. Cutaways, sack*, : frocks, square cut and Prince Al­ bert Suits of all grades and pat- , , , terns, specialty. *39~Ju8t received, a large fresh stock of Shoes, in men's, beys' ladies' and children's fine goods. We handle only the best males and, will guarantee satisfaction. Do yott fhtend season? It so you are certainly interested enough to make a practical test of the paint before­ hand, If you will buy a quart can of oui celebrated "Monarch" paint and the earae quantity of any other paint you may think favorably of. selecting about lli« same color In both brands, take them homo and paint a lew feet on the side of your house or other building you intend painting. By measuring the quantity used you can readily see which paint has the best body, whi h will spread the smoothest and appear the best. The experiment on the house Mr other building will not hurt it, ss you , intend paiuiing U over again anyway. ' After this trial, if you da not d-elde In favor of the "Monarch" paint we will refu> d the money paid for the C quart can In experimenting. This is a lair proposition.. We w>U guarantee the Monarch Paint to be free from water, benzine, baryies. whiting, or any other adulteration. Monarch paint 1 (e mide of white lead zinc and pure llnaeed oil, and will cover more surface than any other paint manufactured. Try It. We al*o carry a full line of oils, varrlshes brushes, and everything Hill SJ is ' f - * • ' ' ̂ s : 1 V'Sfa Dry •v'O I i*. ~ A" Oar dry goods end grocery depart­ ments are also full of fre»bgoods: We >ack time snd iproe to mention the : bargains we are ofierlng la these de- par! m^nta. Before purchasing goods in our line please call and examine ours. We will use yon well aod try and give yap jour money's wotth. - Tours very Perry & Owen, •••05 -v- £ »*• . s General MeBENRT, lLO. A- / • PERRY 4k OWEN* Bankers, McHENRY, - - ILLIWOrS, :v This Bank receive* deposits. •; and sett* Foreign and Dommtie JB&*; change, and doe* a ' General Bankbi( Business, ̂ We endeavor to do alt ibusine** e»- $ ' io our eare in a manner am , ^ upon te:ms entirely satisfactory in _ customers and respectfully solicit the ;::M public patronage , | MONEY TO LOAN} On Heal Estate and other first ehw security Special attention given to oosf , , leetiQMtjt;48| _ * "s-' to Mrst Okm .Omtp e» «t Lamest Maim* SI Iter* « MTAtY FIRRY A OHM RU BLIO, hmgi mm

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