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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1892, p. 8

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: < • > ' . ? * O, •1RTMKHT _ NoMw# under the above head , l»v th« Ladies of the W.O T. U • claims no part or credit for the T*» Night Ufa of Tonne Hen. f One night often destroys ft whole life. The leakage of the night keeps the day • forever empty. Night is sin's harvest ;^ime. More sin and crime are committed |n one night than n all the days of the week. This is more emphatically true of the city than of the country. The street ; lamps, like a file of soldiers, with torch in liand, stretch away in long lines on either ^idewalk; the gay colored transparencies ^jfcre ablaze with attractions; the saloons And billiard halls aTe brilliantly illumi- •Sated; music sends forth its enchant­ ment; the gay company begins to gather to the haunts and houses of pleasure; ihe theatres are wide open, the mills of destruction are grinding health, honor, Jtappiness, hope, out of a thousand lives. The city under the gaslight is not the Dame as .under God's sunlight. The allurements and perils and pitfalls of Y*\\; sight are a hundred-fold deeper and , darker and more destructive. Night life In our cities is a dark problem, whose depths and abysses and whirlpools make f * us start back with horror. . * 1 * Young men, tell me how and where yon •pend your evenings and I w|ll write out . tj chart of your character and final des- with blanks to insert names. It *- SBems to Hit au appropriate text would " :1, be: "Watchman, what of the night?" What are the young men Of the city do­ ing at nigjjt ? Where do they spend "^ their evenings? Who are their asso- deftes ? What are their habits ? Where do they ga in and what time do they «ome out ? Policeman, would the night f / Ufe of young men commend them to the Confidence of their employers? Would it be to their credit? Make a record of the nights of one treek. Pat in the morning papers, the ^ iliames of all the young men, their habits jf; i»nd haunts, that are on the street for ' «inful pleasure. Would there not be iihame and confusion ? Some would not dare go to their places of business; some Would not want to look their mothers in face again. - - We beg of the young men to be care­ ful and never spend the night in such a toanner, that the bare thought of going lome, will fill your heart with pain and Sorrow, and your whole life with repen­ tance for what you have done. - ' 9-v ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. !A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because shoes once blackened with it tan be kept dean bv washing them with water. I People in moderate circumstances find it 0 -1 profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because ; : j what they spend for Blacking they save in shoe leather. *.f It is the cheapest blacking considering its quality, and yet Wb want to sell it ' cheaper if it can be done. We will pay $10,010 Reward r for a recipe that will enable us to make •:.r> WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price - that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. This offer is open until Jan. let, 1893. t WOLFF & BABDOLPH, Philadelphia. ; , Old furniture painted with PIK-RON " (this is the name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. One • coat will do it A child can apply it. You t can change a pine to a walnut, or a cheriy to mahogany; there is no limit to your Aii reUiten sell it. Giiletf? na<3ic QuicKest sir* Tb« ONLY YEAST wbicb Prevents and Cores Save 536.! TTMT. California. J. C. Jl'DSON ft CO.'S personally ondncted iJftli- \ fornia Kxcutaion* in broad k'auxe L'u'lman Tourl««, Sleeping Car*, via beincr <v li'ti Gr inde H. K., uhtf;; eccnic line of theworld) lesire Chicairo via Chicaeo & Alton R. ft. 12«) r.onn SaturJay of every week-ps each excursion in charge of an efficient a:*d Rentier manl v excursion ma r,:tper. l*u 11 man touriat sleeping' cars tb-'ouKh from Boston and ChicacotoSan Fran" cisoo and Los Anireles. F'>r rates, r^fervatton o£k berths, etc., call on or address- I. C. JUl)SONXCC-196 Clar." Sireer. Cbicaeo. *TH"E klf-ANS TABIJLES regulate iiu! stomach, liver and bowels, purify * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual A reliable rem* edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath/Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver ft, i,Mnj(,mwn m, - -- j Troubles, Loss of Ap­ petite, Mental Deprcn Rash,1 • Painful • Di::c| J Blood to the H 4 Salt Rheum, Seal J Headache, S I; i n Dis Tired Feeling, TorpiJ Brash and every other that results from i:n in the proper perform A sion. Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of ̂ Sallow Complexion,^ ^ Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water symptomov d i sease pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. I gross $2, }4 gross $1,25. gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY,t.-'ew York. > ^ vwtf *ii*O >• •wp** **#© • ^ i*a - •V" -• . v. " making the same low, way down in price, which is the con­ trary to the goods winch is "way up," Our styles of any and all goods now arriving are strictly correct, while our assortment is the l a r g e s t a n d m o s t c a r e f u l l y s e l e c t e d i n f e M f o ; ' 0 i v e u * * c a l l . r ? Medium Priced and Fine Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Notion#* Linens, Hosiery* Furnishings Domestics* Faferie and Coif rings eorreet. il". Wraps ana Jac now made up "to kill," in colors and black, ley »n,l missis, in all sizra, and at tke lowest possible prices • ^ ..c I - ' * T ~ V * , t * « 4* ; * £ T ' y« * lit:. ' ifc' *lv m at PAIR BANK'S SANTA CLAUS SOAP. [ifdiS ̂ "54bje (fguWed for all House Mjd L^uTzdi^ pu^pojej. Hud*. °nu W N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. STOP. READER! Give T7s a Moment Think over this and come and8|| ĵ ir Goods. TTBlOOn 16790. Record, 2:28 .̂ Will make the season of* 1893 at Woodstock. PSSCBIPTIOH.--Dark brown,16 bands. I i weight 1200; sire of Loafer, trial 2:20J1 at 4 years, the fastest colt ever raised in McH^nry Co., Gee Z Dee 2:25, Fona j 2:33 at 4 years, Modesty 2:40. j Typhoon 16790, by N arraganaet 167S9.1 1st dam by Swtgert 650, the dam ot Vic H, record 2:13J; Typhoon, 2:28}; Valentine Swigeit. 2^6j. - 2d dam by Goldomlth'e Abdallah 2^0, v the dam of Mary Sprague 2:21. ^ TERMS.--125 to Insure a mare In foal. J"' payable when known to be lu foal, | ^ . Alter Nov. 1,1892, be will be advanced t'i to f50, Pasture lurnisbed, Call aod '• get tabulated pedigree. A » E. W. HOWE, Woodstock, 111. £CHARLES STRAIGHT, Chicago. CHEATING z>» HORSE BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of Horss •;< Blanket is imitated in color and f style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that & Horse Blankets are copied is. strong evidence that they are THJE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 5fv trade mark is sewed OH Inside of the Blanket. iam f m Five Mil* n /A 1 HORSE RLAHKETS ARC THE STRONGEST. W"' lOO 6/A STYLES dt prices to suit everybody. If yoa cant ttwtn.from your dealer, vnte us. Ask fct Ae^Book. Y&a can get it without charge mrWm, AYRKS&k SONS. Philadelphia West MoHenry, 111* ALSO. BOTTLED ALE Our Block of serviceable and stylish clothing is yet large complete, but, to attract the jrood clothing trade tor miles around, we have just bought a new bill ot clothidg of Kuk, Nathan and Fisher, the famous Chicago clothiers, amounting to $1200, which will arrive this Wednesday, and contains the finest and most com­ plete line of Prince Albert, frock3 sack, and square cut fcuits, of the latest cuts and honest makes. Special deals in fine odd pants, coats and vests. f3gT"<Jhiid's two piece suit* and odci pants." Suits for boys and youths, all sizes* Spring Overcoats; Give up your cloth­ ing thoughts v - ; i^"*Now is the time to "howi" about Carpets, Oil Cloths, Will aper, Borders, window Shades, Lace Curtains, Poles, etc. 150 patterns of choice Wall Paper, ; with borders and ceilings to match. Our prices low, and all paper is trimmed tree and tolls full lengtf* The Wonder of the Ag© r *why? w - • . - . . f . ' - - - Because it nas neither Elevated Tubes, Tank Or Drip Cups. '"I Because it lights instantaneously. /' ;J Because It will burn any grade of ga oliue, heavy ot light. Because it will do one-third more work than any other Vapor Stove! Because it has no equal for Baking, Broiling, Roasting or Ironing, Because it is the most Economical, Simple and Convenient Yapor /wu ctove fver put on Don't fail to see this Wonderful, Labor-saving Stove before baying, or you will surely regret it Bear in mind that the ••Dang­ ler Surprise" is a welcome surprise and blessing to every household. Fcn^iale by STORY & McOMBER, West cHenry, . BESLEY,- DEALER UN DRUGS AND UESQNES, PA1NTS, OIL8, Toilet Articles, FUBI11IE8 AND LIQ1 FOR HEDIOAL USS« AMD PORTER FOR MEDICAL U8E. JK» The best brands of Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. £Are you on the list? ai range for one of the If so. don't wait for a better chance, but And Check Rowers, the simplest Check Rower and beat Planter on earth. v D1SO HARROWS, Physicians' Prescriptions ̂ Carefully compounded. Give me a call. . t * t IO, BIfiLEY. West McHoory. (11., 1892 JULiIA A. ST«BT We h^ve in stock the Budlong Rotary Disc Harrows, also the Bradley Rotary Disc Harrow, and you make no mistake when you purchase either ot the above harrows lurnished with thcee-horse equipment, complete. • v How are you riding? If for business or pleasuie. comtort OT safety, bu> the celebrated Abbott Buggies and Road Wagons, in all styles. Timpkin and side springs. DEALER IN:- ONE DOOR WEST OR BIVKBSIDK BOUSE,, Drugs I Medicines -A FULL LINE 07- BUGGIES. BUGGIES. i I O U will fiDdthe celebrated Abbott Buggy on our floor, in anv , style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and name prices, We thank you for past favors and hope lor a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything |you might want in our line, Very respectfully, RICHARD BISHOP. 7 Drnss, Ckeiicab. Die M, Faints, Qils& Colon Coostaotly on bard. Al«o a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY AND DEUOGIST&' S^MPIJIES ? - • ki*"'- -f*' ' f XV P - -rnm' l sil *r Jpliyedoiaxifli Prescription^ (Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- oift.. Tour patronage ls pespectfully solicitod. •1 v. f^'Give us your Trunk and Traveling Bag Trade, as we carry a J pood stock. Our new spring stoek stock of the warranted Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jackets, Shirts and Coats is the largest and most I Jj» 1 g I 4 1 • 41 M TI 1 * 3 ® A * • .areiuny Beioutea iu tub couiitj, »uu wen ue»eiveb your careiui m- , ^ * -L' •' * ^ ,*>» is r ^ 1 v • < • - 'v. * 3 ' y, v* - . *'* 1 Again we bought a good stock of the well known C. H. Farg > anp Bassett & Hill's custom made and fully warranted Boots t aud Shoes. All sizes carried, and as many styles as our trade de- "M mands, and at prices the lowest, quality considered, A specialty v"; made of the famons *'box tip" school shoes, pi'1 arif ag?pta '* here for the famous Candee Robber Goods. " l' ISF^Hats and Caps; we do not follow but lead in styles, variety <1 and low prices. ^ |3^°Crockery and Giassware. We only sell standard Groceries and Provisions, pure Spices. Unadulterated Teas, ' "uM FLOUB^ Special orders every Thursday, t ? Itospcctfally yours;•. • " SIMON STOFFEL 4 West McH«nry.Ul., 1892, irjpijpriltiTp SERE TO STAY, O ' And, No MUtake. j miunM I Clean, Fresh Stack of DRY GOODS, NOTJONS, IHATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. It is no use to make a noise about what you are going to Jo, un­ less you are prepared to dp it whdn the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great valu« »o every one of our customers. My stock is complete in every department and compriagi: Iverything Usually Kept in a Oeneral Store? Call and look UB over, whether yon wish to buy or not. < / • ^espeotfblly, John I, McHeury, Sept.* 22d, 1891.. - The West Side Boot, Shoe and Clothing Store. ̂ M 1892 SPR1WG AWWOyWCEWfEWT/ 1892 tSTTo the people of McHenry and Lake Counties, we would say, that this spring we are better prepared than ever beforeto figure with the buying public in the following lines of new and well bought merchandise. If you stop and think for a moment you can not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and consequently we can and will give you lower prices than you get elsewhere, Our fff* Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock was never more complete. We are showing a line of ladies' fine shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. Our lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! Our spring and summer clothing la here, ready for your inspec­ tion. * e put into our btore this spring the largest and finest lot of new Clothing that we have ever shown at one time, Our assort­ ment in this line is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not afford to buy anything in this line without first looking our stock over, as it compiises everything from a four-year old knee pant up to a man's best full suit. A full spring stock of new and stylish hats just in, call and see them. We still have the largest assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, all fully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveling bags, rubber and oil cloth coats. J3T"Choice, fresh groceries everv two weeks. Flour by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all competi­ tion, quality considered. Yours as ever for business* v Y JOHN J. MILLED West McHenry. •i lW^V

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