8ICK LIVER to OWcMMMTntoRl «rtlm d»pi«nlil(. palaM M'nplMnrtMiHfttioiiiiaml s*»ffleri«*aewlU» *Wifc w% gts aflftietett; nml tt»e -e euMMnln *1'! «ontlnu« ee Ion r an th» Liver fa al:ewe<l remain in this otok or slugtiith «->ndIQan. Ke lUffmurt th» I.lvt»r and Mh«r digestive WCasni to a normal eoitdltlotoMd health}- w IWtf, VMM to iirtelltr medicine than BO SAYS THE WRITER OF THAT :'^;,r:#Al)IOUS LETTER. v• PILLS ' '^fcewost perfect, safe and reltab>Ie>Ca<thartic thst iWiever been componuded-PURELi' VEGETABLE, .positively containing no Mercury or other deleteri- eeS substances; having all ths beneficial properties that Mercury is possessed of as a oatljartie, without the danger of any of ita evil M»t»«eqnence8, they fcsre superseded Mercury, and have become the P. 11 of Modem Science. Elegant lycoa'ted and without tarte there is no difficulty in swallowing RAUWAY'S rats; mild and-gentle 01 thorough In tbeir oper ations, #rcording to the does,'they are1 the favorites 0f the prej-em time. They cure all disorder* of the St roach, Idver Sdjrrin, Ei«neys, Biauuer, Ksrvons Diseases, Loss of Appetite. Headache, Costivfcttess, Indifpniion, Dys pasia, BiHou«ness, Fever. Invagination of the Bow- •It, Piles, and all 'the derangements of the Internal "Viscera. 25 cents a box--sold by Druggists. DR. 31ADWAY It OO.S> Warren Street, N. Y. City. That 1 All-Oofi^- • •. or Paint Feeling Tliis is an every dUy occurrence; women are taken with that "all- pone " or faint feel ing, while working, walking, calling, or shopping. The Cause of this feeling is some derangement, weakness, or irregularity incident to Tier sex. It matters little from what cause it may arise; instant relief may always be found by using Lydia E. Pinkkam's Jvtgetabic Corrtfwuia, jit is the only Positive Cure - and Legitimate Remedy for those pe culiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws that gov ern the female system wider all circumstances. All Dninlata sell tt mail, in i er »»nt fcrm of Villi or eneet, on receipt of Bl.OO. .'Silver Pills, SSffio. Corre- . apondenc* freely anawer«d. - ZgdnM in eoiiddenee, biMa £. riNKiiAM MED. CO., htaa, ilasa. • HATXTBAIJ HSVBSX ITUJtt Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyste^ f ^|BS» St. Titos Dance, Nenroasnes% ' ' Hypochondria, Melancholia, In* ebrity, Sleeplessness, Ola* , : ciness, Brain Mid Spl- Ifeaknessa This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all Irritabili ties, and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. -A Valuable Book an Kernw Diseaam sent free to any address, aud poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. FREE tf'r- KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. ! Bold by DrucclsU at SI per Bottle. GtetS *-»nra Slap. SLT5. 0 Bottlaa for >9. • Scott's Emulsion of cod- ftver oil is an easy food--it 19 more than food, if you please; but it is a food--to bring back plumpness to those who have lost it. Do you know what it is tp be plump ? Thinness is poverty, living from hand to mouth. To be plump is to have a little more than enough, a reserve. Do you want a reserve of health I Let lis send you at book on CAREFUL , LIVING ; foee. gcoTT&ttww^CfcMtott, tjsSotuh jib Avsss< Mew York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emuhiea of cod-ttvs* ad--all druggiaa every wbare do. |i. H "MOTHERS' FRIEND*' HIKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvin, La., Dec. 2,1886.--My wife used JKOTHEB'S FRIEND before her third confinement, and up she would not be without it for hundreds of do liars. DOCK MXXIIIS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 41.50 per bot tle. Book M To Mothers " mailed free. BBADriCLD IfCQUUATOtt 00„ «aa saw ev ALL Muaeinrs, ATUUtTA. QA. « • • • • •Tutt's Tiny Pills A A single done jprod noes beneficial re-) vivlfl*Hnaa*fn 1 aa^aa Afaaalaul (buoyancy < ejprodnoes beneficial re-#> 'suits, giving eheerfalaetu of mind and . buoyancy of body to which yon were A I before a stranger. They enjoy a pop-Ci ularity unparalleled. Price, Mett, • ••#••••€> isir «ell Windmills to YOU at wholesale price; write JlLforprioe. Shields Windmill Co.JSawiville,Mich. {BEST POLISH IN TM1 WORLD. I S™=R.S!f SSth Pastes, Kaamels, and Paints which stain the hand*,injure the iron, and hum off. The Biting Bun Stove Polish is Bril liant, Odorless, Durable, and the con- sniper pay® for no tia or glaas package with every purchase, HAS MJttRMl SALE OF3,000 TONS. Ho Xcttr-ratca His Statements, frads«M Additional Proof and Claarly Defines ins Position* (Kew York Ban.] It would be difficult to measure the In terest and comment, not to say excitement, Which the pnbl shed lettor of Dr. R. A. tiaao, which appeared la the papers yes terday. has occasioned. The prominence of the Doctor, and the unusual nature of the letter, h**e both tended to add inter est to nse subject, and mane it really the talk of the town. 1 ca'led uron Dr. Qonn nt his residence, No. 1*1 West Porty-soi e«th street, yester day afternoon. 1 found the reception room • ^r^wded. and it was «nly after an hour's waiting that I succeeded in obtaining an Interview. Dr, <Sunn Is a dfitl-gulshed-looklng man. and Sir.preiiaed me at once by hU manly tearing and air of sincerity.* I took tha seat lie courteously offored me. and aald: "Are yon aware. Doctor, of the commo tion your letter has caused?" Dr. Gutin smiled and loplied: "Thlnsrs rut of the ordinary usually cau«o comment. It is not a common thlnR for fhraleians to itidorse and cordially recommend medl- <5in«>« other than tho-o In the Materia Med- Ira. History is full of in tineas of scisn- tbt^ who have Indorsed discoveries tbey be.leve to Ve valuable, and have been de nounced for so doing, and-yet these same discoveries are b!e«i*sr the world to-day. I hope I have the manbrod and courage to be tme to my convictions, and that is why I ojienly aird unbesitatlnsly indorse Warn-or's Safe Cure as being the greatest of inodfTii dti-cr.n c t ies t-ir^hc corc of diseases V bich hive baffled ihe hlzhest skill of the medical professlen * I WHS IMPRESSED with the earnestness of the Fo tor, and saw that be meant every Wcrd that he said. "How Ion* bave yo4 known of tbis rem edy,. Doctor?" I asked. •Nearly ten years," he replied. "My at tention was originally called to the Sate Cure by a serious css«» of Bright*s disease, which was considered bopeles*. and yet, much to my surprise, under Its use the patient recovered. I have tried it In otner <case«« since then constantly, and my original faith in its power has been con firmed. I have seen natienls recover from Inflammai Ion of i"he bladder, gravel, and Bright'* disease when all other treatment had failed, and I have found it especially efficient in all female troubles." "Can you specify any particular case* Doctor?" I asked. «Tliat is a delicate thing to do,"" the Doc tor replied; "but, as I always keep a written record of my cases, I can accom modate you." Thereupon the Doctor opened his desk and produced his iccord book. Turning over the leaves he said: "Here is a case of a gentleman who was a great sufferer from Inflammation of the bladder of long standing. Me had oon- euited a nutrber of physicians without benefit When first consulted I myself tried the usual methods of treatment, but without success, and I finally advised him 'to try Warner's Safe Cure. He ffft better from the start, and in a few weeks was •entirely cured." The Doctor turned a few pages further, and then said: "Here Is another case. It is that of a gentleman who bad frequent attacks of renal calculi, which, as you know, is gravel forming in the kidneys. He had never been able to prevent these formations, hot after an unusually severe attack I recommended him to try the Safe Cure, which he did, and. although It is three yea{J since he took the remedy, he has never had an at- tack since." The Doctor continued to turn the leaves of his book, and suddenly exclaimed: "Here is a most remarkable case. It Is that of a lady who had Buffered for some time from Bright's disease. She bccame enciente. and atx ut the fourth month sud denly became blind, bad convulsions, and finally fell into a state of coma, caused by uremic or kidney poison. Several physi cians who saw her said she could net live, and in this view I fully concurred. As she could still swallow I naid. as a Jast resort, that they might try Warntr's Safe Cure. Tney did so, and to the surprise of every one she recovered. She has since given birth to a living child, and is perfectly well." "Those are certainly most wonderful cases, Doctor," 1 said, "and while I do not for a moment question their authenticity I should consider it a great favor if you would give me their names. I think the importunes of the subject would fully Justify It," "In the interest of other sufferers I think you are correct." Dr. Gunn finally obser* ed, after a moment's thought. "Botli the lady and her husband are so rejoiced, S3 grate ful over her recovery, that I know she is only too glad to have others bear of It The lady is Mrs. Eames. wife of the well-known costumer. She was not only restored but is in perfect health to-day." I thanked the Doctor for his courteous recept ion, for the valuable information im parted. and I feel assured that his generous and humane nature will prevent him from feel'nz other than glad at seeing tbis Inter view published for the benefit of suffering humanity. Stub Knds of Thought. Some dreams of wedded bliss turn out to be nighmaree. If one never turns back when once he has put his hands oh the plow, the field will have but one furrow. Temptation is Satan's advance agent. Prosperity kills more men than ad versity does. Wealth has more wants than pov erty. Possession doesn't always bring peace. Those who give the most advice take the least. Beauty is a paying investment, but an insecure one. ; > Gold is the good of unrest. Ambition has a tendency to become top-heavy. The Only One Ever Printed-Can Yon Find the Word/ There is a 8-inch display advertisement in this paper this week which has no two words alike except one word. The same is true of each new one appearing each week from The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. . Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you BOOK, BCADiiroi LIrHOGRAFHB, or SAMPLKS FREE. A South American Solomon. They have an easy patriarchal way of settling a dispute in South America, ac cording to the Panama Star and Herald. Two prisoners, Francisco Briones Gam- boa and Victor Higuera, were implicated in a murder at Guara. The Guayaquil court being unable to fix the relative guilt of either, passed the following sentence: "They shall draw lots and the one favored by chance shall not be executed and shall have his sentence commuted to that of imprisonment for life, which sentence he shall serve in the prison of the capital of the republic, and after being present at the execution of the other murderer." 'SUFFERERS FROM COUGHS, SORE. THROAT, etc., should try "Brmcn't Brim-, chial Troche*," a simple hut-sure remedy. Sold only <u boxes. Price 25 cts. EVEKY drop of rain that strikes the earth does its best to give man bread. L R. BnANHAH, editor Christian Index, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I have used Brady- crotine with unfailing, prompt, decided.re lief for headache." Of all Druggists. 50 cts. OPIUM-SMOKING ie prohibited in Ja pan How Mr THROW HTOTS ! Then why dont yon nse HALE'S HONXV OF HOREHOUJJD AND TAB? PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DKQPS Cure in one Minute. WHEN you are betting on an absolute ly sure thing, save outlive cents for car* fare home, BEECIIIII'S TILLS are a painless and effectual remedy tor all bilious and nervoui disorders. For sale by all druggists. ,• THE angriest person in. a controversy is the ona most likely to be in thi wrong. *n: f WISbut tbreeftttlemanth* ; Unee Mefl aadl wera m»uTl*?<lvv - Itef'thafcesiimiebid tlx »then has with TIS tmrieth I yet a ifnli-fl* dgea l<euedigk!: Mth all my bliss, am 1. , .^ 4 ^adoth npjicnreach morning i "™ Bn I kiss my Nell guud-by; For it's ..•JWt forget the curtain rings,. * slfhe car|>et tacks ami hatcbet. „ „L^L. £»nd take this p « ce of ribbon, WlAUl, ; Ana sec if yoa can match it." / ,> -* ^©b. happv^isjtbe evening hour, •tW' ' P>3r hen Nell the tea Is pouring j»vl 1 am tin iug opposite, - | . per every move adoring I >.' * fr# • .And bappy are the morning tiaiiB - JTbat all too quickly f.y ,?• : mTntil I stand npon t he steps «•' 1 a.ud kiss my Nell pmwl-by; ; And it's iflDon't forget the 1 nen, dettr, ? >»nd match these Imtton * « westing, •*n<l call around at Mme. Y.'s ' . And get that yard of pleating.* t Lovers' land w> twain aliidf id there will dwell forever; » d ni-t or grief shall lie alloWSA ir wed«le«l tioiils to *e\er. faithfullv her turtle I breath |ln every ardent tigh, Ji m k'la.; to l e tlx- errand'boy gglVho kis6es her good-by, . When it's WRun aronud to S'.aoy's. George, ^And get three slieeis"of bat tiug, And bring tour spoils of •fifty"'thread Like that 1 uke for tsttiug." LOVED THE ROVE'vNESS. The train shot out of sight in tbe blackness of the u pencil of light trom the station: lamp, Khim. mering upon the wet platform, diraly outli-ned the flirure of u young f^irl in a waterproof, A carriage drew np with the curtains closely <1 raw 11 apd a lottd but cot unpleasant voice called out: '•This way, p^case.,v A c]ri\x; over a rough road brought them to a commodious residence, sur rounded by grounds ample chough for a park. As it was late she was shown at once to a room. She arose early the next morning, awakened by the brightness of the at mosphere and the sweet singing of birds. She had Riven her name as Kate Conover and had come to accept the position of governess in the family. I'resently the lady of the house knocked^and entered the room. Evi dently she was much pleased with the new arrival, for her eyes rested upon a sweet, frank face, a graceful, compact form aud an attire as neat as it was sensible. "I hardly expected to find you so young," Mrs. Cameron said. V '"F ••No?" asked Miss Conover;"still-- you will find me proficient." . * (% "Oh, to be sure," Mrs. Cameron hurriedly said. "Please walk down to hreaicsast." The breakfast-room reached) she said: "Miss Conover--Brfce Rutherford, my nephew." The name startled the young lady so much that her self-possession al most, failed her. She bowed in . re cognition of the intiToductjon ant then turned her attention to the two children who were to <be tinder her charge, f During the moraine meal -she cast several furtive glances at Brice lluth- ford, not quite sure whether he was the,man who had dri-ven her trom the station or not.^ He was reticent then--be seemed to be Teticent now. He was young, handsome, refined, \frith perhaps rather an exalted opinion of himself. It was not remarka'ble that during the summer he began to take consid- able interest in the pretty little gov erness. lie was thrown almost daily in her societv, and her frankness was especially charming to him, because he was not much disposed tobe frank himself. * His interest «t last assumed a more fervent shape and finally led him to make a declaration of love. A look of triumph crossed her face, but it escaped his notice for she was seated in the shadow. "This isn't unexpected," she re plied, "but--^•--" Brice Rutherford frowned at the remark and waited for her to con clude it. "You see. 70a don't know anything about me," she said, starting in afresh. "Oh, but I flatter myself I do." was his reply. "I never act without proper consideration. " "I mean as to my--my anteced ents, " Miss Conover said. 4'As to my --my--purposes----" "I don't care about your anteced ents," he interrupted. "And as for your purposes. I hope one of them will be to make me as happy as you can." "Oh. to bc sOTe," replied she. "Well, I am glad that we under stand each other, and--;--" "But I don't know that we do," in- terruped she. in turn. "1 Know that you proposed to me, but I cannot re call that I accepted you."- 1 'Oh!" he ejaculated, with a crest fallen look. Miss Conover laughed softly and said: "I am willing to hold your offer under advisement." "That will not satisfy me," he re plied. "But it must." rejoined she. "i think I am according you a great deal." "Well, maybe you are," he said, with a grimace. "I can't say that I'm excessively grateful." "Til give you my answer in Sep tember." Miss Conover replied. < "Thaf isn't far off, you know?." "Well, no. it isn't," assented he and that closed the conversation. In the early part of September busi ness took him to the citv and he was absent a week. When he returned to his aunt's country scat he found And Its Greatest Need. The banian race as a whole is in great need of a good blood purifier. There are a t out 2,400 disorders incident to the human frame, the hMtt* idijbl'ity arising froth tne Impure or poisonous condition of the blood. 8erofula, a disease as c 11 ss antiquity, has been inherited by generation after genera- , tlon.and manifests itself to-day virulent and Indeed, so emphatic was'he j Virtually unchanged trom its ancient forms. If we are So fortunate as to escape heredi tary impurities in tbe blood, we may con tract disease from the germs in the air we breathe, tbe food we eat, or the water we drink. in Hood's Sarsaparilla is found the medi cine for all blood diseases. Its remarkable waastipuHt.4 Ijetween the parent# of both that the two should be mar ried «rhea they were old enough. He was sent to school on the conti- - 'fcent where he stayed until he attained ttis majority. He then wrote home declining to renew the attachment of his boyhood or to carry out the stipu lations. that one Or two sentences kind because uncalled for. He stared at 1,he letter in a dazed w a y . ' " ( , ' , . ; . 4 "How did Miss Conover get hold of It?" he asked himself. "And what was her object in redirecting it to nie? She promised to give me her decision." He broke the line of his thought 9rit«'i a sharp exclamation. "I've solved the mystery," he mut tered. "Kate ConoverJs Rose Rals- tbn. She is ia little lliW and f&hcies that she's got even with me." « He closed his conjecttrres with an expression which was neaas profanity. "Aunt Rachel," he safa when he had rejoined his aunt/'•do vou know that Miss Conover is Rose Ralston?" "Impossible!" excloimed Mrs. Cam eron. . * • -\V- "But, aunt, she Is.* ••Did she sav so?9* } ' 3 ' "No. Do you think , her coming here v^as-- wus--planned?" - "Why, no, Brice. It Ciime about by accident. She didn't know you were homor that I am your aunt." '•You are sure of that?" ' 1' ; l*Of course I am: *AVhat does she' say in t!ic letter?"" ! 1,. "it isn't from her." • "Eh? Who then?" 7 , ^ "Why did she masqwtf^fc hm tra- der another name?'? evaded Brice. "Why should she masquerade any where?" "My dear hoy I ^ijfcanswer that>" Mrs Cameron &atd~ /W4 not con- vinced ths|| she did.<w ?. ; ' ' "Well, it doesn't maifet<yp tiiuch, anyhow," Rutherford rejoinofl, which was a bold <sr THB PAM1LV cures are its loudest praise. No remedy ! has ever had so marked success, no medi cine wus ever accordei so great public patronage Scrofula in its severest forms lias yielded to lit potent powers; blood poi soning and salt rheum and many other diseases have teen permanently cured by it. It is unquestionably the best Spring Medicine and blood purifier. Be sure tok get Hood's • A Competent Witness • In one of our courts, recently, a nine- year-old boy was placed on the witness stand, but before he began to testify the defendant's counsel objected, and" would not allow him to give his evi-J denee, askiqg the court to pass on his| intelligence and his ideaof theresponsi- bilily of an oath. * Question him on those points," was the judge's reply. "How old are you?" began the lawyer. "Nine years old." "Work or go to school?" ' i *Do both--sell papers and Bowers." ~ * Do you know what an oath is?" "Tell the truth iu this case, sure." "Now, if you should cot state the truth and tell a lie, what would become Of you in the next world?" The boy, after hesitating a while, answered: "I don't know what will become of me in this world, let alone the next." "Proceed, Mr. Attorney," said the Judge. " The boy seems to have more than ordinary intelligence." -- Boston Herald. '• .... , The 8worn Tormentors ef the Inquisition. What cared tbey tor the groiws o* tbs vfettm as he lay stretched upon the rack? Yet people whose hearts are neither as hard as the nether ( mill stone, nor whose fortitude la excessive, of- talschood, for ' he i&ew j ten bays no pity on themselyes--voluntarily that it mftttored a Rood deal to him. I incur life long torture by neglect, Rheumatism, A year later fwn«! K^te Con8Vei ' th*roo,lRgonlrin®R,l,,obBtInftt®of ,eomplainU* •auHWstoaK»» »>;«>« Vellowstane ; Park. She WW9 looking down a long I talngas being set down to the credit of'aeola vista o[ ciias utitiK long sc«nery, her face bronzed, her form plump, and the blue in her eyes deeper and sweeter than ever. . She heard footsteps behind her and on turning around beheld a handsome, sun-browned tourist A second and her face grew very red, for the man was Brice Rutherford. She had pun ished him to be sure, but she h^d alfeo punished herself. ' ' He relieved her of her embarrass- ment by offering his hand with easy gracefulness. ' I'll now take your answer, said. '• "What answer?^ she asked, With renewed blusbos-" "This is September, " he reminded. '•Oh!" ejaculated she. "So it is, but I named last September. { left you my answer." "But there wasn't anything in it fcr me, or else I was ton stupid-tosee it. It may have implied " "Yes, it implied,"she interrupted, with a charming little laugh. . "Oh, bother that idiotic letterl" Brice cried. • "And your stumpy, romping, freck* lcd-face, tomftov" sweetheart, Rose Ralston," adt|^d she, quoting Hrbia the letter. .• : • - V < "I ijieant Qqtfrlng a,nd I'|i sorry i wrote it," replied Brice, get, ting red in the. face in turn- "1 could not forsee that I'd afterward meet Rose Ralston in Kate Conover and fall in love with her. You have two names and you should not be punctilious about assuming a third. Mine is at your service. Please give me the answer you promised." "Well. Brice," she said, her J>loe eyes dancing jvith fun, "I am not able to recall the question with much distinctness If you will repeat it, in the samcj,attitude, with the same fervor and with>the same wild, wait ing looked your eyes, perhaps I may be able--i--" "Oh, I couldn't,", interrupted Brice, laughing. "One such effort in a lifetime is enough. I haven't yet recovered the energy which I expended on that occasion. You intend to accept me, bu$ y°u are to°--too-- modest t9 say so. I will not insist, you know-" '•Oh, thank you," she replied. "It is a--a great lelief to me." And, as they were married bef ;re the close of the year, it is presumed that they readied an understanding at last. Is,, t-fee beaen" wlsicb Singular fatuity--fata! delnslan 1 itself. Hostetter's Btoiaach' Bitters Is a potent safeguard against the terrible Inroads of this insidious ana dan gerous malady--dangerous because of its prone nets to attack the heart, the seat of life. Nou ralgia is also effectually counteracted and relieved by thfc Bitters. Malaria, kidney com plaints, debility, indigestion, biliousness, la grippe, loan of appetite and tbe inability to sleep are among the complaints eradlcabl* with this genial corrective. A locomotive Steamboat. Swedish papers describe a novel kind of "construction, termed a locomotive! steamboat, built at Kristanstud, for ther navigation of a chain of small lakes/ r separated by falls, the boat being fitted, tlQ .1 lor this purpose with wheels fitting a ' track, and power may be applied to either the propeller or the driving wheelr of the locomotive part of the track; the latter is three feet six inches gauge, with grades of one in thirty-three, and having curves of a radius, of one hun dred meters. ' OnAotK& Co.. Philadelphia.Ta.. win send, postpaid, for 2 Dobbins' Electric ?oap wrap pers and ten cents, any volume of "Surprise Series," (best authors),, 25 cent novels, about tM pagea Send 1 cent stamp for catalogue. "I gave my seat to a girl in the ear this morning." "Did she thank you?" "So, she didn't have time. She fainted. " F. J. CHEKEY A CO., Toledo, O., Props, of HaU'a Cstatth Cure, offer $103 reward for any case of catarih that ean not be oured by taking Halt's Catarrh Cure. Bend foe testimonials, toss. Bold by Druggists, ISc. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Spring time comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all thu family and costs only 50. C ints; the large size $1. Try it and be pleased. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. Rats on a Wreck. Whon Grant Allen, in his story of "The Devil's Die," described his heroes as finding a wreck In midocean swarm ing with rats, the critics said it could not be. The wreckers who went aboard the Gottenburg Castle, off Mary's Isle, recently had ju6t that experience. But the critics havo no doubt forgotten all about the matter by this time. " . i f - ^ : u What's that ? A new invention which works all the year round ? Surprisin'---these days are not like the old times, Bleedin' was the only remedy tlsem days. But now, as you say, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a true remedy for the blood." It's not like the sarsaparillas, that are said to bo good for the blood in March, April and May. The "Golden Medical Discovery " works equally well at all times, in all sea sons and in all cases of blood-taints, o'r humors, no matter what their name or natnre. "Golden Medical Discovery" is the enly Blood and Liver medicine, sold by druggists, guaranteed to benefit or euro in every case, on fair trial, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, No. 063 Main Street, Bufralo, N. Y. I* every man was as/big as he feels, there wouldn't be standing room in this country. ' FIT**.--All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's G»eit Kerve ftextoi er. No Fits after first day's uae. Mar velous curea. Treatise and ftjOO trial bottle free to lit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 881 Arab St.. Fbila, Pa. t'oelmv the Bark frbna rreea Every one knows that if we t^ike off the bark completely from around the trunk of a tree it will die. Strange tq sav, this is only, true of about ten months in the ve^r.• for if the bark is peeled a week or so be fore midsummer the tree will imme diately replace the old bark by a layei of new. There is no doubt whatever about this fact* although tQ this day. a large number of men, eminent In botanical sciehce, will not believe it The writer has indeed knownt. of trees in such a hide-bound condition as to be positively unhealthy, to be completed restored by stripping oil the whole of the bark the first or sec ond week in June. Nature intended that the bark of trees should be re moved when it is no longer of any use, and has provided each tree with cork cells, th6 development of which is the agent by which the old bark of trees is thrown off. When these cork cells are undeveloped, or something occurs to prevent their proper .action, the that the pretty little governess was tree becomes diseased, and it is just no Km™.. * in these cases when the Mr. Joseph Hemmerich, An old soldier, living st No. <29 East MSth Street, Mew York City, "* well-known and thoroughly reliable 'man, writes us voluntarily an account of his remark- able cure by Hood's Harssparilla, which illustrates __ m - the great value of this medicine as PUFtfV * tl><,r°u«h blood purifier and 3 strength giver. In 18®, at tfle battle ef Fair Oaks, be wss stricken with trpltoM lever, and after a long struggle in hospltslii, lahtlnfr several fea»,'«-&B discharged as incurable. Doctors said he had consumption, that both i IS OKJP lungs were affected, and he could not live long. But a comrade urged him to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before he had finished one bottle his congh began to get loose, the choking sensation left, and night sweats grew lees • ^ and less. Sine© taking the fifth Riood bottle hehae been in good gen- VVM eral health. He takes Hood's fiarsaparilla as a general blood purifier and Sprinjg Medicine, and .cordially recommends it, especially to his comrades in the O. A. R., of which he has been a member for twenty years. Bemember, Hood's Sarsaparilla GOLD MBPAT.; PARIS, 187a W. BAKER & CO.TJ Breakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, Im mbeoluMy pur* mnS it is aofMbfe. No Chemicals are used in Ha preparation. Jt has more than three timet tAs ttrmgtK of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, , and is therefore far 'more eco- | nomi.rnt. cottinff lest than one Ictntacup. Itiadeiicloua,nour. _ 'tolling, strengthening, EASILY MecsTiD, and sdmirably adapted for invalids M well aa for persons In health. 8*14 by 11 racers ererywhw. W.BAK1E & CO., Doreliester, VftSft na. T. nux EOUMAVD a OBIKKTAI. AJ CKXAK OH KAOICAL BKAIinrRKR- Remevea Tan, Plmplea, Freckie*, MoUi Patebaa. Rash and SkloUls- rn-ry blemlth on Ktyjuiddeeesate. etkm. lthaaatood a ust oX« yean, •nd ia so harniksa wetasteitto besure it is properly made. Accept no eounteiv feltot slmllsnuuae. Dr. L. A. Sajrer said to aladyef laehaut- ton (t ptUnt), "Aa TOU ladies will nse them, 1 recommend . 'Gouraad'a Cream.' a* the leant harmful of slltheSklnprep- arationa." For sale l>ruesi«t: iwda Dealers In the U. a,Canada, and Kurojt®. _ |gaP. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, S7 OrsM tan SUe«t, K,Y. Eight doctors treated me for TTOft Diseatt and one for pHfirfliiii. but did me no good. I conld aot speak aloud. Everything that I took into the Stomrch distressed me. X could not sleep. I had takes*]}, kinds of medicines. Through * neighbor I got one of your book*. I procured a bottle of Green's Aug ust Flower and took it I am to-day stout, hearty and strong and enjoy the best of health. August Flower saved my life and gave me my health. Mrs. Sarah J Cox, Defiance, O. # » , ? »•* <£\>. . .. W.jp~ .i iissa,L Asthma. A certain cure for CwiiiuiBptfaa in i Staares, and a KUM- relief in advanced atams. Uae aton<-« ¥oa will Me theexreile ut eflSet nfte* taking the first done. Bold by dealers evearwkatMes (.arse bott so eentH and gl.Oa "V ^ ~':rM Or LITTLE : LIVER PILLS * B9 IOT 6BIP1 KOX SICOlW1-. law ww for SICK HKAIK ACHg, Impalnd dlgaiMoa,esesM* nation, torpid (lands. TTnyassass" vital otgans, remove aanssa. Hs» stnera: Msgleal eSart oa lOA* (TSandbladder. Oeaaaja bilioma nervoaa n> ° v^S'Slitr*actio*-"-** Beeotify eompleaion by parifyisl blood. Pcr.ELT Viemua . ThtlMth rlrrljr adjmtrd toraltea*e. a« onejalllaan never batoo much. Each vialcoataln*4Z,esrriMla«sa • pocket, like lead pencil. Business man*B gieat convenience. Taken cuter thsn. >agar. llMlWI^ whera. All genntne goods bear "Cn*»t" SendS-«*nt stamp. You get SSpaga book wSfcsaai|fla WU MMTKt MCBiemi CO.. $t. Lsate. .-sst LdYan^ lM4*Mtyu;cnrM 6kk HtAdtcliei rfiCompUxioBfCHr««C«mittpAtlP«i^ miOi-m their are ii • Powdered and Perfumed. JP (FATEKTZD.) The ttrongeit purest Lye mada Unlike other I.ye, if being a fine powder and in a can with removable lid. tbe contents are alwaya ready for nse. WU1 make the beat perfnmed Hard Soap in S3 ;iuioutea without boiling. It la the lw«t for cleansing waste-pipes, disinfecting sinks, clofata. waab- ing bottles, paints, trees, etc. k-£NNA. SALT M't'H t'O* Oen. Agts., Phi la., Pa. the blood, are aafe and eOwtoal ;i a b«st medicine known for fa"" as, constipation, dyspepsia eath, headache .mental depr psinful dig cation, bad comp] and all diseases caused by fall the stomach, Uver or bowels I £suSfltedIbyta Spring lYouble. . - J Tn the early days of Spring, wbea the temperature is liable to sudden changes--warm in the morning, wet and showery In the afternoon, cold at night--many people take cold. 1% settles on their kidneys and prodnoat rheumatism, pain in the back, ptoa- risy, and pneumonia. REID'S GXKXAX COUQB AMD KIDNEY CUBE will cur* all of these maladies. It does it tflF inciting the kidneys to action, bp stimulating the circulation so tfcftfc the skin performs its usual function^, and by aiding the digestion so that the stomach is able to throw t>ff ths morbid matter that would otherw^* clog and embarrass it There Is no other remedy on the market that ao> complishes this work as well as REID'S GERMAN COUGH AND KIDNEY COR* It contains no poison, nor any deleto» rious substance, bat can be taken without fear of danger. If your drug gist will not get it for you, write to us. Small bottles 25c, large ones 50a SYLVAN REMEDY CO., Peoria, 111. ' • " * ! to oar reajfera that the LUBVRQMFQCO^ Koa. 311,313 and 315 H. Ml 8% rhila.. are one of the laijist manafacturars of BMMWI CMIdwa'a CMHMZ and Baft Igeialaestassfcp United Statca. A trarftraaib their immense Factory la | Itiva proof, la thelri cent aaiasrooM yoa ' a very large Knndriea AS Tbe carriage <j senta a grand with several hnni handsomely iihi trimmed. The Gli eratora with their seaaa 1 for* iasalation are nt i - practical Befrigeratece « • •• We alee notice a great ef Reclining Cbaiia, Boiler Top Deaks. Invalid etc. Hasoa gooda dmired and a catalogue fully lag each article wiU be aent. own for bllions- " pepaia, fool, ideprearion.e complexion, e I by failure off bowels to ner-f Persons given to aking one after each l Drumtsts, or sent b\ 0., 10Spruce St..Hew' •eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ">eeeeeeeeeeee F. Northern Pacific R. R. • Price, gl; sample, 18c. At » iUTAJ& CBOaCAL CO. no longer there. He was almost dumfounded. "Where is she?" he asked. "I don't know," replied Mrs. Csin- eron. "Among her friends, no doubt." "She is corning back?" "No, much to my regret and the disappointment of the children." Brice Rutherford stared at the car pet. "Did she leave a message for me?" he asked. "A letter, at least," replied Mrs. Cameron. "I noticed that there is one on her bureau directed to you." He hurried up stairs in a manner not in keeping with his habitual dig nity. When he opened the envelope he was surprised to find one of his own letters in it, although hef 'had never written to her. A look of con sternation spread over his face as he read it In- his boyhood ha bad a littlf t help of man eonics in to aid the tree to throw off that bark which nature itself desired to throw off, but was unable to ac complish. • Bargla far ><rstituii«. Of a certain bishop the following anecdote is told: While presiding over a conference a speaker began i\ tirade against the universities and education, expressing thankfulness that he had never been corrupted by contact with a college. After proceeding for a few minutes, the bishop intenupted with the ques- tictn-- "Do I understand that MT. X--if thankful for his ignorance?" . "Well, yes," was the answer, "you pan put it that way if you want." "Well, all I have to say," said tho prelate, in sweet and musical tones," "all I*bave to say is that Mr. X-- hai muob iikbe Uutihl£fui 2e& " Cures IVhere other preparations fail. Be sure to get Hood's Saraaparilla. It la Peculiar to Itself. Hooil'e Pills are the beat after-dinner Pills, digestion, f tare headache. FIT FOLKS REGUCEO Mm. Aliee Maple, Oregon, Mo* writes I waa SB ponnda, now it i« 1M of lbs " For circulars eddreee, with 6c, _ 'eThoatre. Ohieeeo. 111 .J "My '...cl^ht arednetloaof I® lbs." Fo _ . Dr.o7w.K.8N¥f?ER. MeVtnkar'a SAFE! tilARMlEED! SURE! through us will yield is inontlily profit of Ml to TM per cent. Address Fwixirs, P. O. Box 86i4,H. ¥. City. BARLOWS INDICO BLUE. rXbe Family Wash Blue, for sale by Grocers. Bett Agricultural, Qrazing and settlers. Ma<;ed F1 Land Com. NF.U.S. nt. Paul, I mi"|W|lfillH Addra* PATENTS! PENSIONS! Bend tot Inventor's Guide, or How to Obtain a 1 Send for lHgeet at Pension aud Bounty lasa PATRICK O'FARhELL. W««hin«tea a ft From the Fai'ific. Nothlaa liktit. Beautifulhand-painF .. _ ed booklets. Mo; BOuveaim VAcmclsowi^iBeo! BOXSM. 1^bicag™.<9t C. K. U. so WHEN WRITING TO ADVEKTISKBS, " please »»y ye« saw tbe adwrthmsM In this paper. Q B ATEPU Lr-COM PORT1 NCk EPPSS COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a tho*Mgh knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutii- ti m, and by a careful appliu ation of the fine proper- ties of weli-s?lected Cocoa, llr. Epos haa provided onr breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bev erage waioh may aave us many heavy doctors' bills. It is uy the judicious uae of aooh articles of diet that aooastltuUoa may be gr dually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may eecape many a fatal shaft by keeping our- aelves well fortlflei with pure blood n->d a properly nourished frame."--"Cin. ServUe Uasetta' Made simply with bolllaz water or ralltc. Fold only in balf-pouad tin*. <>y Orooers. lnbelle.1 thus: JAMES UPPM Ac CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, I -oicrto*. HMOT.A-rn. PILES gives instant 1NFALLI- PILES, ANAKUsUxm Price, $i: at dragglsti or by mall. Sample# Address Sox MIS. N*w Yoas Ornr. Plso's Remedy foi Catarrh Is the Best. Ra?ie*t to and Cheapest. CATAR R H I Ssld by druggiau or aent by wall. J. L CASE THRESHING MME GO, RAOZXEI, WIS. MAMUFACrUR£RS Or ' Ironsides "Agitator" 0 tail Feeders aai Threshers. TRACTION PORTABLE AND SKID ENCINea* to Ajay A.dciz*©sa, > "i • <& j Oatotlogu.® Sent "SAMS TBIS PAPEK WHEN WRITISU. . THE COST IS THE SAME 'M: I % » V . * THE HARTMAN STEEL PICKET FENCE i SO more than an ordinary clumsy wood nickel affair that obstructs the view and will rot or fall la a short time. The Hartmui Fence is artistic in deeign. iwtecte the grounds without concealing ' sad is practically everlmatmnc. 1I.LU*TKA IHD tJA 'iJi.uUlS WtJ iffi/CSS AXfr XM&lfMyi MAILED VHES. Addresayonr nearest agent. HAWMAEt lUft. CUw Ilea* a r Ostta, T. D. OANgXU Qcaeral Western Sales Agent. MS State St. Utiaaga . LVDLOW-SAXLOB Wua Co* St. Louis. Mo . Aganta for Southern Misuari and Southern ItUaoia. '. V?•SWfP •'•si* "wati»n tMegaffea y ^ • v ^ S3 i. ?.'Aws'a