WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1892 Taking effect on 'Sunday. Sept, 13th, 1991, Train* pass this station ae follows: QOXNO HOSTS. •Milk Freight Arrive 7:J0A.M, •William* Bay Freight passes.... »:1C " •Lake Uenera Passenger '* 9:58 " •Lake Uanera Cxpress..... 4:60 P.M. *Lake Uenova Passenger •• 6:51 " OOIHO SOUTH. IMoHenry Pussenger Depart 7*35 A. M. •Lake Geneva Paasngr paste* 7:89 *' •Lake Geneva Esprees Ill " . •Williams Bay Freight *• .. .1*0 P. Mt. •Like Geneva Passenger ** 8:90 " EXPLANATION '• \ << * • MilreseeBiSsaU;. t Sundays only. B. Bvil, Agent. McHenrr. Ill MASONIC. . MOHBNRT LODOK, No. 158 A. P. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. "Si"- 4- Oisss-rs, is. M. THE Lake Geneva Stock Farm has just gold the 10 months old colt, P. S. M., by Good Gift, 2:28, for $400 cash. ; j IF yon want Schlitz Milwaukee Lager Beer, by the Keg, Case or Bottle, call on A. Engeln, River Street. E. M- OWEN & BON are putting in a Drive Well at the Public School Grounds. A long needed improvement. P. H. MOORE, of Lake Geneva Stock Farm, has sold tbe three-year-old colt, vLeo Gift, for f1500. - BEAD the Circns and Menagerie ad vertisement to be found in another place in this paper, and remember the date. At McHenry, May 27th. ' / FLOODS are raging all over the West /and South, and thousands of acres of j farming lands in Illinois, Mis^ouria, Iowa, Nebraska and elsewhere and submerged. THE mother of WM. Davis, who lives in the west part of Hie village, died on Wednesday of last week and was burried from the Catholic Church on Friday. \We have not Learned her age. THE . Steamer "Mary Qriswold" is now anchored north of the Iron Bridge. There is some talk of fitting her up as an Excursion Steamer, to run for excur sion parties between here and the Lakes. READ the n9w advertisement of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ring wood, the Lake Geneva Stock Farm and W. B. Reynolds' Consol idated Shows, Circus and Menagerie, to be found in this paper. THE greajj brood mare, Jennfe Love, is' at the Lake Gfneva Stock Farm to be bred to Good Gift, 2:28. Jennie Love is by Strathmore and is the dam of Mam- brino Paine, 2:26 and Effie Paine, 2:26%. / THE Lyon-Healey Comedy Company /closed a three nights engagement here /on Thursday night last and went to [Richmond. They are a first class com pany and deserve to draw big houses wherever they go. . • ' STEPHEN FREUND, an old and highly respected citizen of Johnsburgh, was burried from the GermanCatholic Church in that village, on Saturday last. He was well advanced in years and had >een sick for some time. says that women in Illi nois*, who have been given their right to vote--at school elections--have been given another privilege as well, to pay a $2 DOII tax. Perhaps some of them will be glad to vote twice now. WK have received a new advertieement for Siipon Stoffel, which will appear next week. In the meantime call at his store and look over his large stock of new Spring;|^LvSummer Goods, which he has just recSvsj&and is selling at prices to suit thrtimes. ; • ,.*p, •- , • PROF. F. M. ARNOLD, of Chicago, visits McHenry Friday and Saturday of each week, and can be seen at E. W. Howe's on these days. Pupils in Piano and Organ received any time. Prof. Arnold is a graduate of the American Conserva tory and comes very highly recom mended. The Rockford Star says that a certain young lady oi that city has a setting hen, also several gentlemen admirers. Three of these suitors names she has written on as many eggs. The first one hatched that has been lablcd will decide the fate of the happy young man whose name has . been inscribed upon the shell. SPHINO, poets are scarcs this season. They are strolling about with eyes up cast looking for the Muse, and huve abcidently fallen into the flooded sloughs and have been drowned or have sunken from sight in the mud of the country roads. The Muse, to must have got his feet wet and died of pulmonary disease. / JOE BLAKE'S team got frightened while / hitched in front of Heimer's Saloon, on Thursday last and made it lively around there for a few minutes. In the fracas Blake was knocked down by one of the horses and his leg badly bruised, so much so that he has been unable, to walk on it since; They succeeded in quieting them rithout a runaway. ' CAPT. WM. YAOEV of Waukegan, was on our streets Tuesday. j A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, spent 8u» day with friends in this village. JAMES PERRY. JR., of Woodstock, was on our streets on Sunduy. ARCHIE ELDREDOE, of Chicago, spent Sunday with Bis parents, in this village. /Miss MABEL GRANGER, who was quite on Sunday last, is now much better. J. D. MCCABE and Arthur Kirwin of Wauconda were on our streets Tuesday. Miss MARY PARSONS, of Nebraska, is visiting at her uncle's, Hon. F. K. Gran ger's, in this village. HON. CHAS. H. TRYPN, of Woodstock, was attending to business in this vicinity on Monday. DR. C. H. FEOERS attended the meeting of the Fox River Medical Association, at Elgin, oil Monday. DR. O. J. HowARDand wife WOTS visiting with friends in Elgin and Waukegan last week. They returned home on Tuesday. LEWIS WAITE, who we reported as quite sick a few weeks sinco. is not im proving iiiucu being practically in a helpless- con dition.'"'; - . ( HON. «F, K. GRANGER celebrated his /60th birthday on Sunday last, his child ren and grand-children taking dinner with him. ED. GRANGER, D. H. Kennedy, C. M. Curtis, Chas. Lamphere, Howard Stevens and P. S. Mayes took in the party at Waaconda on Friday evening last. /MRS. C. H. BYRD, of Chicago, nee Anna NordquM, rejoices over the "arrival of a daughter, on Thursday last. Mrs. Byrd is staying with her mother, in this (Village. <• NOTICE TO BREEDERS.--It will pay you to visit Lake Geneva Stock Farm. I want you all to see Good Gift and, King GUt. THERE will be an entertainment in Band Hall, Ring wood, Friday Evening, May 20, for the benefit of the sidewalk fund, given by E. F. Pierce Concert Co., consisting of Mies Hubbard, contralto soloist, Prof. C. N. Hanson, the great impersonator and dialect reader, Prof. J. I. Sears, violinist and Prof. E. F. Pierce, Tenor Soloist. Admission 25c. PER ORDER COM. TICKETS have been issued for a Grand ay Party, at the Riverside House, on Friday evening, May 27th. Music by Smith's Full Orchestra, assisted by Prof. M, M irotta, Solo Harpist, of Chicago- Those who have heard this band, assisted by Prof. Marotta, pronounce it equal to the best, and with mine host Story's fac ulty of making it pleasant, all can rest assured of a good time. Be sure to at tend the May Party on the 27th. THE entertainment by the Willing Workers, at the pity Hall, on Friday evening last, was well attended and highly satisfactory to all. The program was~~& most excellent one and all per formed their parts in a creditable map- ner. The supper was such as only the ladies of this society kno'w how to get up. That they may have njany .more social occasion of the same kind is the wish of all. 'MM. REPORTS having been circulated that Diphtheria and Typhoid Fever were pre valent in this village, Dr. O. J. Howard, chairman of the Board of Health, in forms us that there is not a single case of either disease inside the corporate limits. Where such reports originate, when there is not the least foundation for them, is a mystery. There is not a single case of any contageous disease in tbe village, and in fact but little sickness of any kind except bad colds. AT a meeting of the Board of Supervis ors, held at Woodstock last week, our member, Hon. F. K. Granger, was ap pointed on the following committees: Chairman of Committee on Roads and Bridges. Committee on Equalization of LandB. Committee on Claims. Committee on Poor Farm. Committee on Town accounts. Special Committee to purchase supplies for the county . Special Committee on Nunda River Bridge matter. THE Marengo Republican saya; "The Sons of Veterans of McHenry County will hold a grand Picnic at Marengo July 4, in which the Dublic will be invited to par ticipate. Camps from Chicago and others throughout the northern part of the State have signified their intention of being present. A fine program of amuse ments is being arranged, and noted speakers will enliven the occasion with patriotic addresses. Exchanges in this county and throughout Northern Illinois will please make a note of this fact and thereby confer a favor on those in charge of the picuic." * A FARMER of experience says that one of the main reasons why more and better fruit is not grown is because the trees are starved. Some persons have had fruit trees standing on their premises twenty years and in all that time have never fed the tree anything in the way of manure. A tree will manage to main tain an existence under such circum stances, but to expect it to bear full crops of fine fruit is an absurdity. You must give your tree something to eat be fore you can expect it to do its bast in the way of fruit bearing. SCANDAL, mongers may be interested in the following ingenious recipe for making a good scandal: "Take a grain of false hood, a handful of roundabout, the same quantity of busy tongue, a sprig of the herb called back-bite, a teaspoonful of don't-you-tell-it, six drops of malice and a few drops of entfy. Add a little discon tent and jealousy, and strain through a bag of misconstruction. Cork it up in a bottle of malevolence and hang it up on a stem of street yarn; keep it in a hot at mosphere; shake it occasionally for a days and it will be fit for use. Let a & drops be taken before walking put the desired result win follow. L. tiki ROBT. SUTTON had a narrow escape from a bad accident one day last week. / While returning from the Cheese. Factory the king bolt of his wagon broke throw- „ iog him over the front of the wagon, where the team dragged him around in the mud in a lively manner for a few min- , utes. He fortunately escaped with a few L slight bruises. \ A FRIEND of ours, then living in Hacine, ordered with other books from Gregs & Co. of Chicago, a copy of Cannon Far- Tar's "Seekers After God," just then out. In a short time the other volumes came to hand, but being out| of the Canon's b ?ok, Gregs & Co. wrote at the bottom of the CMeago." , - r y DncD.-~In Chicago, Wednesday eveaiag, Mayllth, 1892, of Peritonitis, N. 4. Phillips, aged 41 years. The subject of the above notice was the usband of a former resident of this town, iss Emma Gregory! who has many ExIsTienntEo^Wtl^neeply sympathize with her in her greatsorrow. Mr Phillips was siok about two months ago with the same complaint, from which he never fully recovered, although he was appar ently as well as evqr. The second attack however, was more severe and he was sick but a few days when death came to his relief. We join with other friends of the sorrow stricken wife in extending our heartfelt sympathy in this her ho«r of sad bereavement. TRITE independence of character is a virtue possessed by but few men. Some mistake stubbornness for independence. Others go further, and attempt to call prejudice by that noble name. To be truly independent in personal and politi cal affairs calls for the constant exercise of patience and thoughtful research. No man who cannot dispassionately view a question from at least two sides can BVBr hotto to SSCUrC isdcuoudrms «»» character. Emerson, in one of his happi est works, gives expression to the follow ing trite sentiment: "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who. io the midst of a crowd, keeos with" perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." --Chicago Graphic. * Fox Kiver Xedioal AnooistiM. The Fox River Medical Association held its fifty fourth Bemi-annaal meeting at Elgin, on Monday last, about fifty well known physicians being present. Tbe subject for discussion was "Preven tive Medicine," of which the Elgin News says: "On this subject two exceedingly fine papers were presented. Dr. W. A. Nason of Algonquin gave ft paper on 'What Makes the Science of Preventive Medicine Possible.' He Handled the sub ject in a masterly manner, and there was much in bis address that betokened deep thought and a thorough study of his subject." At this meeting twenty-five new mem bers were proposed and accepted, which gives the association a membership of nearly one hundred, and in the language of the News the benefits to be derived from these meetings and the exchange of ideas and opinions is fullvappreciated by all who have been privileged to attend. The discussions are general, and touch upon every point of the subject. These meetings and exchanging of views cannot help but be of untold bene fit. Dr. C. H. Fegers, of this village is a member of the Association. The boasted ingenuity of the Yankees, and their ready adaptability to circum stances has not yet deserted them. Here is the story of one in Kittery, Me., who had made fame and a good living for years as the carver of figure heads for vessels, and how he has met the emerg ency. FicklefMhioflL baa changed and figure heads are no Idnger used on ves sels. The practical, material commercial age has take the poetry from the seas as i) has 'abolished it every where else, and a sharp, business like prow, unrelieved by mermaid or Neptune or figure of hero, is now the style of ship. The occupation of the famous sculptor of figure heads was. gone. But did he repine and sit among his shaviDgs and chips and be moan the lack of appreciation of art and the rude destruction of the -poetry of commerce? Not at all. He was a Yan kee, and he simply hustled for a new market and now he has a contract for furnishing graven images and idols for the heathen which will keep him busy for two years at least. It is as quick a turn as that made by a New England captain who had a cargo of warming pans aboard in the West/Indies, and as, of course, they wera^unsalable in that cli mate, he knocked the'eovers off and sold them to the planters at a good profit as sugar ladles or skimmers. The Boss Show Comlar- he advance agents of the W. R. Rey- lds Consolidated Shows have covered eirery available space in this town and urrounding country with pictorial post- 'ers announcing the coming of that popu lar amusement organization, which will ^exhibit in McHenry, Friday May 27th. "When we announce the fact that the veteran showman, Mr. R. 3. Dingess, who for more than a quarter of a century has been the leading spirit of Forepaugh's, Coup's and other mammoth amusement organizations, is the general agent of this show, no other indorsement of its prominence and excellence is necessary. The Reynolds Show comprises one of the best circuses ever placed upon the road, and a menagerie of unexceptionablei merit and numberless special attractions which we have not the space to enumer ate. In the list of animals there is a splendid living specimen of the moose, an animal that is rapidly becoming extinct, and. which in ten years or less will proba bly be entirely exterminated. Mr. Dingess informs us that thesis the finest specimen of the moose ever in Captivity, and stands fully sixteen hands high, with enormous antlers', and in full life and vigor. It has been thoroughly broken to harness and can easily do his mile in 2:30. He has also been educated to per form numerous feats and tricks, such as ringing bells, firing guns, etc. Among the outside attractions of this show, the parade will be a pleasing feature, and it will be well for those living outside the town limits to come in early, so as not to miss the opportunity of viewing its manifold attractions. Low Bate<to Cedar Rapids. On May 30 to June 6 inclusive, the Chicago & Northwestern R'y Co. will sell tickets to Cet&r gapids* la , and retain, for tbe rftund trip, QB account an Baptist return on r tickets and agents C. & N. Nunda Post, No 226, meets, on the «eeoa<l and fourth Tnesday evenings of each month in (i A. EL Ball. Ooeuades f mm other Posti are cordially invited to visit Post meetings. W. P. ST. CLAIM, Commander. W . B. PBI0KKT Adjutant s Best seldom Try it only jf 1.45." •: 'v: v - : . HAftVARP. Editor Begun, of the Hebron Tribune, was in the city the 11th. Ray Lyon, who is now practicing law in Chicago, spent a few days visiting his parents in this city, last week. Mrs. F. F. Axtell took a boat ride in the streets of Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Severance visited friend* in Cnieago Friday and Saturday of last week. . Attorney Frank Spitser, of Woodstock registered at the Walker House Friday. He refused to be interviewed, saying his visit to this city had no political signifi cance. P. M. O'Connor and James Lake have been nominated for Aldermen in the first ward by" their respective parties, the "License" and "Law and Order," or in other words the wets and drys. Jonas Paulson took the 8:30 train Sat- urday for Mt. Clemens, Mich., where he hopes to find relief from his rheumatic troubles. His son Henry, of Chicago, will attead tc his busiu&n while he is away. Elro Hunt and his sister Miss Lora came out from ;Evanson to visit their parents over Sunday. Chester H. Beard slay of this eity will be married May 19th, at Howell, Michigan, to Miss Mae Elvenia Tinkham of that uio>u£. Tiitiy will i r»,»«i inr « gjjOrt tiffiC and wail arrive here the 27th, where they will be tendered a reception by Mr. and Mrs. E. l>. Beardsle;', at their residence, on Lincoln at. The newly married couple will make this city their home, Mr. Beard- sley continuing in business with his brother, E. D, Reynold's circus will exhibit here the 28th. This is undoubtedly a first class show, but as this town has just passed through the excitement of a school elect ion where the women voted, anything less than a 16 ring show would be looked on with scorn. Harvard is going to have a Base Ball !71nb. It will be organised this week and ready to play games with clubs from sur rounding towns by June 1st, when the boys will be ready to meet all comers. Mrs. Rose Detnming died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Miner, Monday night. She was only sick a short time, having been attacked with neuralgia of the heart the day before. Ed. Newman, on of Chicago's finest in the world policemen, is rusticating with his parents cn the farm for a lew days. - The large new brick block, corner Ayer ond Front street^, is fast nearing com pletion. This will be one of the finest buildings in the city when completed. Sheriff Udell was Up from Woodstock Saturday. He was here confering with Manager Miner in regard to the North western Co. runnings suburban train from the Hub up here. If this could be brought about it would make life in the county seat more endurable. Ike Miller,|the "hand me down" prince of this city, is in Chicago to-day. (the l."th) being married to one t)f the World Fair City's four hundred. Quite a number are in attendance from here, going by special train. The company tendered Mr. Miller a special as a mark of their appreciation of services rendered while Ike was in their employ as a telegraph operator. Mr. sures another successful year in the Miller informed us before leaving that he J educational interests of the two towns, was bound to make the affair a success if« "to*1 "»»«•--_-- hs had to loose tlifc freight in doing so. ^ nior'> mn" nt on' W. C. Wellington is putting a new front * in tbe store he lately purchased of L. B _ Wyant. "Yank is bound to keep abreast * of the times. I ft i. Rain last week. Corn planting is much retarded by the wet weather. Our predictions are fair weather. At least we hope so. Gorden Beckley Sundayed at hbme. Miss May Hamilton spent Sunday with friends at Gary. Mr. L. H. Rice has quit the employ of T. H. Rowland's and goes to Chicago. Mr. L. Thomas, of Janesville, spent Sunday with his brother D. Thomas at Nunda. Walter Habbard, son of Elihue Hubbard, of Nunda, was brought home irom Chicago Friday night very sick. Miss Biakesly, of Barrington spent Sunday with Mr. Coogdon's family. Mrs. J. Brown and Mrs. Fred Colby visited Elgin Friday last week. Dr. Ballon went to the city Saturday. W. P. Thompson, of Alottquin, Mana ger of the Chicago Milk Shippers Associa tion was in Nnndr. Tuesday of i We are informed that the Chicago Milk Shippers Assocation, have their new sup ply house ic running condition, and are now taking care of all the surplus milk in the Association, so that every member of the Association will receive the same price for his milk, whether he ships to a dealer or sesds his milk to tu« factory. W. T. Ball, city oil inspector of Chi cago, was seen on oar streets Friday ot last week. C. E. Irwin has rented the J. J. Wilson place and will become a resident of our beautiful village. Welcome friend Irwin. Miss Thomas, our Postmistress, is again able to attend to her duties at the Post Office. Mrs. Foot®, of Irving Park, visited her parents over Sunday. The Strawberry and Ice Cream social was fairly well attended considering the inclemency of the weather. We have been informed that the G. A. R. have purchased the Andersonville Cemetery grounds where many of our brave soldiers are burried, but there is etill an iodeuiednees of f1,000 to be paid, and the W. R. C. are raising that amount so that the ground may be pre sented to the G. A. R. at the National Encampment at Washington, next Sep tember, free from indebtedness and the Nunda W. R. C. are assisting in raising this amount. Few persons outside of the order know how much this noble band of women are doing in matters of this kind. Miss lone Watson entertained a num ber of her friends at her home, Satorday evening. Frank Andrews is a little better. Nunda has no boom but is getting there all the same. We are informed that Prof Grimes has been engaged for another year, as prin cipal of our public school, which fact in Nicas line of Pipes, just received, Barbian Brothers. As a special feature we are now ing a large assortment of shawls prices that merit yonr inspection, J. W. CRISTY & I Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Now is the appointed time to bay your Wall Paper for the assortment is com- f>lete and it will do your eyes good to ook it over at J'. W, Cristy & Sons's. HAVE you bought your Spring or Sum mer suit yet? If not call in at John J. Mil lore's and see the large line they are showing. 42 tf Can yon use a barrel of Pillsbury's Best at $5.60 cash If so, leave yonr order at mill to be delivered. We are putting give-away prices on some articles, simply to close them oat. Tfcey must go. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. HI. GET your Summer suit where they have the largest stock at lowest prices. That a iTicoui Cn John J. Miliar, West McHenry, IU. 42 tf Barb Wire Is cheap this Spring. Don't neglect the fences but put them in order with Eli or the 8. barb wire bought right of J. W. Cristy <fc Hon. ^ INSURE-YQIJM A IIP EARNED PBOP- rat i x At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa nies, and has upwards of 1200 rides on his books all the time. ' GENTS. If you want yonr clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do yon a splendid job. We have sufficent Wall paper in stock to paper the walls of 225 rooms 12 feet wide, 16 feet long, and 10 feet high. J. W. CRISTY & 8QN Conic to-day if you cau and buy your Wall Paper. If you cannot come to-day come as soon as you can. The sooner yon come the better your chances at J. W. Cristy & Son's. If you want a boy's or a man's suit, or an odd pant or vest, you cannot afford to buy until you have looked our stock ojer, as we have the largest, the newest and the cheapest stock of clothing in town. John J. Miller. 42 tf Some of you know what we mean when we say, slaughter.; Those of yon who don't can find but by calling and noticing the price on certain bargains we have to offer. J. W. CRISTY & SON. • WE can recollect how, when .we a boy, any one who danced, or played J whist or Old Maid or even looked at pack of cards, was as studiously shun ned by the devout and consistent Metho dist as though his or her hands were red | with the blood of some murdered fellow r being. We have sat on the hard bench" with our feet dangling ten inches from the floor, for two straight hours, and seen the good Christian women as they g leaned their heads on the back of the seat ia | front, and whib the minister exhorted thef Almighty to see the flues were kept clean" and tbe draft strong in the infernal place below, they would wiggle along and two or three of them get their heads together and proceed to disect the character of an innocent young girl who had been impru-f dent enough to join in a dance at some party she had unwittingly attended. Then when church was out, the poor girl would find herself cut and shunned, and as these human hyenas rolled theirgravy eyes upon her with withering scorn, her sensitive nature would give away to dis- p'air, or, if possessed of a little spirit, she would be driven to desperatioi), and Would inwardly resolve, "well, I'll give them something to talk about." But all this has, with other peculiarities ot an imperfect civilization and a partially de veloped intelligence, become obsolete, or is to be made so. Tbe general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in session at Omaha has adopted a resolu tion removing tbe restrictions upon dancing, and (riven to the younger mem bers of any church a wide latitude in tbe way of amusements. Verily, the world do move, and even religion is forced to advance with it.--Fx. „ more important ones, can be cured by stimulant. Amr book in "Surprise Series," (best aa thors), ?5 cent novels, about 200 pages each, sent free,postpaid, by Crajtln & Co., of Phlla4a'lin good repair. delt>hta.Pa..on receipt ot 20 wrappers of Oobj lars inquire at this office. bins' Electric Soap. Send 1 cont for catalogue! _____ ^ DON T BE AFRAID ̂~ PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other (lour manufactured. If you are not us ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, MoHenry, 111; FOR SALE. " A house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. House contains seventeen rooms and is suitable for one, two or more families. Is well located and For fn/rther garticu- tlme to glV® 18 Wh*n U ^ ̂y the Family Flour from tto Fox most needed. (River Valley Roller Mills, $1.15 per sack, IN 1B50 BrondMtU 2Yoeftes" Introduced, and their success as a cure Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and Bronchitis has been unpafitlleled. THERE are 106 boys born to every 100 girls, but more boys die in infancy than girls. { BEECHAM'S PILLS quickly cure atck bead- ache, weak stomach. Impaired digestion, | constipation, disordered liver, etc. ; WE forget all about the beauty ai {fragrance of the rose when we find a b| iin it. NOBODT BUT A GUMP NKOLKCTS A Cotjq Fake some HAXAM HOMKY or HOAZBOCKN TAB imtanter. PXKB'S TOOTHACHS DBOP* Core In one Minn -a-Jcash. E* e forfefunded. m KAD Every sack warranted or money CLOTHING. ttontteU te stock and take advantage of tho inducements offered in men'* and boy's clothing. 5 All the latest and nicest styles of the season. Cutaways, sacks* frocks, square cut and Prince bert Suits of all grades and terns. (^""Confirmation s specialty. Just received, a large tresli stock of Shoes, in men's, bcytf ladies' and children's fine goods. W e handle only the best make* and will guarantee satisfaction. % $ i ' v ? v . v j p r S \ V 1 • l . - f e ^ m nervous attack oomlng l take a dot of Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic and feel rj lieved. I think a great deal of it and won! rather be without bread than without the Tonij Slept More im Oa@ Month tha Five Years Previous. BPBXMOVAULUT,BfueanCo., IIL,Deo., w I The experiment on the house X was suffering live |aaro from nervou.ness,j3ther but Idlng will not hurt it, as about three times " • - - - - * WHEN the woods is all a-blossom an' the baes is buzzin' round an' you see the squash an' pukin vines a-peekin' through the ground; when you bear the gopher whistle an', the cucco answer back, an' the ducks down by the mill-pond flop their wings an' quack an' quack; when the hired man sheds his flannels 'cause it's got so all-fired hot, an' goes singin' to his work down on the forty-acre lot, then jist bank on what I tell you, fer I'll hit 'er, -don't you fear, thet tbe Spring is fast a-wanin' an' the Summer'll soon be here; an' our tony city cousins 'II come out to rusticate--yes, an' go a-flshin' Sundays an' use lemon-peel fer bait I Them's the times fer "yours truly," when the orchard's all in bloom, an' you ain't a-buntin' ever'one fer want of elbow- room; when from over in tbe pasture comes tbe old familiar shout, "Hold yer basel" "Hooray for our side!" ,an' "You betcher life he's out!" LOST. Lost--One promisory note given by H. A. Thomas payable to J. W. Gale for $50.84, dated, March, 1892, and due in one year. All persons are cautioned against buying said note as payment has been stopped. J. W. GALE. Volo, 111. May 16th 1892, 45w2 NOT ONLT SPRING CHICKENS Bnt.also Spring Clothing will from now on be in great demand. Our stock of fine medium ani common clothing, for the entire male population of this section is here. Tbe yariei the best, wear prices the lowi styles and the Truly, M STOFFKL. and nsed to get spas «--l*• • •inne I commenced using Pas SEED BARLEx FOR SALE. The subscriber has/ a quantity of seed barley for sale. On^years growth from ranted pure and free New York seed. W from all foul seeds., Also shell corn sale at lowest price. F. K. GRANGER. KILL the spirit of fault-finding as rould a serpent. Iv afflicted with Sore Kyee, Uee Dr. fsa rhmnpson's Eve Water. Druggists sell it Reduced Bates. The Chicago & North-Western Railway Company has arranged for the sale of ticket at reduced rates to all persons at tending the convention of the National Association of Millers, to be held at Chi cago, May 24th and 25th. Parties at tending this convention should purchase their tickets to Chicago via the Chicago &. Northwestern Railway at full rates, taking agent's receipt therefor, which when certified to % the Secretary of the convention will be authority for agents at Chicago to sell the holder a ticket to original starting point at one-third of regular rate, provided tbe return journey is made on or before May 28th. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Railway Company. HUNTLEY, III, Feb. 16,1803. One month ago I began using Sophus' Egg Food and after a week I got 2 dox. eggs every day. I find that not only as an egg producer but as a preventive against chicken diseases, it is very valu able. I therefore recommend it to all having chickens. FRED PETERS. GREENWOOD, Feb. 5th, 1892. I have used Sophus' Egg Food the last two months and am well satisfied with the results. It is a good thing for mak ing hens lay. MRS. Wm. ECKERT. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di rections. If chickens cannot eat, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths and it will cure them. NORTHERN GROWN SEEDS. Our seeds are all new, true to name, and will grow under ordinary circum stances. For field seed corn we offer the famous Pride of the North, Learning, Early Butter, Smut Nose, and King Philip all extra early and great yielders. For silo or fodder purposes we have in stock the Mammoth Southern, Red Cob and White all at lowest prices. Pumpkin seed, German Millet, Hunga rian, Timothy, Clover etc., always in stock. SIMON STOFFEL. Half Batsa to Omaha. On aeeotrat of theGenera) Conference of Church, to be month .cago and North-Western R'y Co. will, from April 28th to 30th, in clusive, sell excursion tickets from all stations on its line at one half regular rates (one fare for the round trip); and from stations within a radios of 200 miles of Omaha will sell tickets at the same rate on tbe following additional dates: May 2, 4, 7.11, !4518, 21, 25,28 and 30. For tickets an a further informa tion apply to agents C. ft N. W. R'y. FIELD SEEDS. - > ' . ve a limited amount of Pride of Try a sack of Good Mutt flour 95c, Honest Abe, 1.10, Rival, 1.10, Ciscoette, t.10, New Process, 1.20, Geneva, 1.30, Pillsbury's Best, 1.45, buckwheat, corn meal and graham at lowest prices. 22 pounds granulated sugar, 1.00. Good roasted coffee, 18c. 8 pounds good tea dust, 1.00. 12 cans choice fruit, 1.00. „ Jours truly, SJMQN STOFEEL. |:5 " the North and Corbid seed corn, also Mammoth Southern and Red Cob Ensi lage for sale. 42w4 JOHN J. MILLER. Call at Perry & Owen's and getra 20 lb box of choice London Layer Raisins for $1.25 per box. Same as you generally pay 15% to 15 cents per pound for. # RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds to offer for the spring trade a first class lot of Nursery Stock in Apples, Crab Apples, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Grape Vines, Hardy Shrubs, Roses, etc. Also a good line af Shade and Evergreen Trees, of several varities and sizes. Come and see me or send your order and I be lieve I can please you all with good stock and honest prices. Yours Respectfully, J. E. BI CKLAND, Ringwood, HL LADIES 111 * v The undersigned wishes to nottty the ladies of McHenry and vicinity that she has secured the services of Miss Carrie Wait as Dressmaker and Milliner. Many will remember her «s being so long with Mrs. S. Colyer, of Elgin, formerly of Mc Henry. With the valuable assistance of Miss Wait I will guarantee perfect satis faction both in dress- mak ing and Mil linery. A trial is all we ask. Look out next week for oar annual opening announcement. MRS. BESLEY. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tofeaqoo, at Barbian Broa. Julia A. Story's "Locals. Ten will save money by baying Caa- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur ify your blood. Instanter, for tooth ache, it will stop it We wish to call special attention to our new line of Birthday Cards. Also latest designs in writing tablets and very fine stationery just received. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. It will soon be time when, yon will not wish a roaring fire for a little quick heat. Get an Alcahol Lamp and save time trouble and money. We have all kinds A few beautiful designs left in our crockesy list, of Fruit Platen at reduced prioes, Who will get" Do you intend painling tWf t season? It so you are certainly interested enough to make ft ' practical test of the paint befor*» hand, If you will buy a quart can of out celebrated "Monarch** : paint and the same quantity of any other paint you may think favorably of, selecting about the same color In both brands, take them home and paint a few feet on the side of your house or other building you intend painting*;, By measuring the quantity used you can readily see which paint has the best body, whLh will spread the smbothedt and appeal1 the best. The experiment on the house og ul Idlng will not hurt it, as yoa Inteod painling it over again anyway. After this trial. If you d.> not deetdf - In favor of tbe "Monarch" paint wir will refu d the money paid for 1W| q.iarf can In experimenting. This !• |# lair proporkiou. We w>li guarantee tbe Monarch Paint to be free from water, benzine, baryien. whiting, of any other adulteration. Monarch paint Is mide of while lead zinc and pare linseed oil, and will eovermore aurfac* than any other paint manufactured. Try It. We also carry a full line of oils, varnishes brushes, and every thing in tbe paint line. - m * Vj i *r • ivst Oar dry goods atd grocery depart*; meats are also full of fresh goods: Wfc? Isck time and spree to mention the bargains we are oflerlu m partm^otc. ptmJDWraf gOooB in tb«M# s -t; ip§1 Before purchtlfhjr gbtrdfii th burlfoe , c* please call and examine ours. We will use you well and try and give yon YOTIRTTONEV'SWOFLL*. *YT* ^ Yours very trnty, Ferry & General Merchants, . McJBmrBY, ILL. " ' >• • I 3 ° - . . - . . . . . r . it!P8 FIRRY4 0WKN, Bsnkert, MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. TM» Bank receives deposit*, feott and tells Fbreign and jSometHc JSm change, and doe* a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do aU (famness ert» tnuted to our ears m a manner anf| " upon tettm entirety satiafaciory to OMT customers and reupectfulty toiicit Vm- public pcUroiiage. NPONEY TO LOAN; On Beal JSttate and otAw Aral security. Styecictf attention given H tkOb %- bURANOE Comi* - i.