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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1892, p. 8

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rtiin'ifm'imi.i. WIW.UU Tho Cheapest Breeding Farm in the State, taking Bloody Speed, Size and Individuality into Consideration v '?• V, i •rtleiMAiHi Notices under the above head •re fnvaUtied by the Ladle* of the W.G- T. V an4 th« editor claims no part or credit for the «• 1* Mm*. » ^ Record 2:28; last half in 1:12K, ^1» '/fer r.':V . ^ ^v=.s *j£4F* f - 'j* * * tt^T" * - !rfe'• € l*v •• j •4 »;v. »« 1# Owt Xury a Kan to Save Him. Ill these days of degeneracy on thepart of our youth, while bo many young men are going to ruin through habit® of in­ temperance and kindred vices, it behoves tuj to sound the note of warning in the ears of the fair sex. Very often the alternative of marrying a man who is addicted to vice, or the prospect of old maidhood, is presented to the fair girl in society; she must ac­ cept the one or stand the chance of the other. Now if marrying were a mere business transaction, the matter might be much more readily disposed of; but, unfortunately, hearts are concerned in the affair. The girl loves the man, notwithstand­ ing his propensity, and is ready to accept him, trusting to his love to overcome everything after they are married. Never was there a sadder mistake; for in nine caees out of ten if a man does not reform for his loved one's sake before marriage, he never will alter; and any girl who marrys a man who drinks or gambles may consider her fate sealed by the act. "But," says some one "what am I to do? If I reject my lover on these grounds he will drink the harder, until he fills a drunkard's grave."' This may be true; but better, far better, that he only ruin himself, than that he bring a wife and perhaps innocent little children down to the depths of poverty and misery. Oh, girls, take warning, and trust no man who drinkB! For if he has not the manhood to give up the habit for your saJce, he is not worth having, and your whole future life may be embittered by an alliance with him. If the persuasions of a sweetheart will not win, the chances are that the prayers and tears of a wife will be of no avail to save man from ruin. SALARY and Commission to vtPvva Agents, Men and Women, Teach era and nierg^men to introduce a new and popular standard book, MARVELS of the NEW WEST A new Agent so Id 70 in one week. Agents proJUs, $136 50. Over 350 original engravings. 10,100 copies sold in one week, Exclusive territory. Endorsed by the greatest men of ocr country. Apply to THEHEJSR Y BILL PUB. CO.. Norwich, Conn NOTICE, HARNESS! HARNESS ! 7» 8 Of heav; double harness of m o wn make several sets of second-hand double and single harness, must be sold this week. Will trade for old ones. G. JM HUBBARD, W NUNDA .ILL, ?.jfi "i; W0RTHINGT0N COMPANY 747 Broadway, N. Y., Auoonoe foa immediate publication as jNo. 12 ia their ROSE LIBRARY SOME CHILDREN OF ADAM. BY B. M MAN LEY. • #ell-developed story, easily winning and retaining the readers attention to the ena. It is a vital contribbtion to the social s udy of New York society, for it presents a pieture of Ameriaan life that is most captivating to the thoughtful reader. There is sued an atmos­ phere of tt>e realty over the uncommon hap­ penings of the novel, the narrative shows such careful study and shrewd observation of metropolitan life, that those who will notice tqe tppes, distinct and interesting in their personality, wili at once recognize the verac­ ity of tbe representation. For this reason it will produce a crofonnd impression wherever New York influence is predoininent. Thous­ ands, however, who wish to read the book with the expectation to be entertained only will be fascinated by the magnetism of the story, the charm of its language, its intricate plot, its telling incidents, Its strange coinci­ dences and its vigorous and at times thrilling Actions, revealina the inner life, pleasures. Intellectual pursuits, as well as the frivoli­ ties of tbe wealthier classses of New York. Price, Cloth (illustrated), $1.00. Paber, 50 cents. produce, standard produce. Good Oift 34X, 2:19. Tne strongest trotting bred Hdmbletonian A Clay Stal­ lion in Wisconsin. Standard by breeding, standard by per­ formance. By a producing sire oat of a producing dam. Sots Standard by breeding, standard by by performance. Dam standard by breeding, standard by 3184, BT FAIRY GIFT 1145. Record 2:30, sire of Kenwood....wti *v»S •.'•» ;>/&«• ...9:17 Hoodo .. .*. U. ...2:98 Good Gilt. .......9.*30 Trial J. 34|. ....2:19 Diatonic *...".,............ 2:27 Nettle Fields.^, Ada..... Cc ph ae..... . Dora ... George Gift....... Claudius ..... . Duesea. .9:23 ....2:27 ...2:20 ...2:89 ...2:29 J . „ .2:29| ...2-30 Pilot; Gift.. - .2;19| 20 other from 3.00 to 2:31 J. • 1st Dam Restless, dam of Good Gift 2:28, by Kentucky Clay 194 •ire of dams of Autograph.... .....2:18 Atlantic. 8:2) Angel I ua (3) .2:20 Ama Kin* 2:22 Angelina (4) 2:18 Annette 9:22 Blendine 2:24 Dandy 2:18 10 others from 2:30 to 2;21. Atlantic, 2:21; sold for $50 000. Kentucky Clay 194 by C. M. Clay Jr. 92 sire of Durango 9:93 Harry Clay 2:23J Dame of Happy (bought 2:22 Grandmont... 2:25 Annie King.... 2:22} Marcy 2:26,15 others from 2:30 to 2:25 Mambrino Boy 9:26} sire of dams of Axtel 2rl2 Allerten 2.-09} * Grandsons and daughters have sired and produced lemmie G Fred 8 C. F. Clay Sir Walter. Jr Flora Wilkes.... Ambassador... Garnet Atlantic Alcazar ... .2 :15* 2:21 2:18 2:1SJ 2:19 . . . ' . . . . .<8:20$ .2:19 2:21 2:20 50 otherd from 2:30 to 2:22. 2d Bam by a son of Woodpecker, the great five milejrunnlng horse. ^ GreaChorses that* have Clay sires Or dams.,. Clemmie G............A.W..9 American Girl..*. 9:18} Wilkes Russell... W...4.....i,,1. .9:17 Delmarcb .........A,*.....,..9:11} Manager........ 2:16* Baron WiJkes........ . . . . . . 2 : 1 8 J. B Kiohardaon... .9:18| Wilson .2:16* Guy Wilkes................... .2:15+ Harry Wilkes.... .,.,^. ... .2:13} S o S o . v . * . . . . . • . 2 : 1 7 } Manager. '... ,v. ............. .2:111 Advertiser... 2:16 A x t e l . . . . * . . . . . . . 9 : 1 2 . s o l d f o r * 1 0 5 0 0 0 Allerton..^... 9:09} valued at#200.000 Atlantic 2:21, sold for 950.000 Alcazar... ... .2:20. valued at $100,000 Bell Boy, sold for 952.000. In the great brood m*re lUt Greeo Mountain JUald. dam of 6:Emellne, dam of 5; Beautiful Bells, dam of 5; Maid of Clay, dam of 5. All the above and many others be­ long to the great day family. Note Good Gilt's dam is from one of the great Clay sires. FAIRY GIFT 1145, valued at 995,000 Has sired Dlatonlc.2:27. sold at auction for 95,509 Pilot Gift. 2:19}. Owner refused a cash ofler of 95.000. Le« Gift sold by P. H. Moore for 91 500 a t t w o y e a r s o l d . P. H, Moore refused 91,000 for Geneya at two years old. A weanling at Melbourn sold for 91.000 and many others from 9200 to 9800. GOOD GIFT 2184, record 2:28, a.} to 34|, a 2:19 clip. Has only 3 colts from standard mares One fold for 9450. I have refused for one $250. One two-year old I have in training and he will make the boys go some if they beat him. This Is tbe only colt Good Gift has ever had train­ ed. In 1889 I rented 18 mares from farmers to breed to Good Gift. All of this lot of colts Isold as weanlings 6 to 9 months for 9100 to 9125, one for 9300; but this was an extra colt and had good care. GOOD GIFT stands 16 bands, weighs 1250 pounds, Jet Black, is the fast- Stallion in Southern Wisconsin fer his heft, and can show the finest lot of Stock of any Stallion In the state. Shall always be glad to assist our customers in disposing of their stock. I have made Good Gilt's fee in reach of all. Service Fee by Season $20 00 \ To Insure ; ...$25 00 For live colt $35. Notice to Breeders.--1 win pay any party who owns a Good Gift colt that gets a record in a race as follows: PACING. 1 in 2:25 or better ....f100 00 1 in 2:15 or better 300 00 1 in 2:10 or better 400 00 TROTTIMt. 1 in 2:30 or better 1 in 2:20 or better 1 in 2:15 or better... $200 00 300 00 400 00 All records to be made in races. This offer good as long as G ood Gift is my property. All accidents and escapes at owner's risk. rite for extended pedigree. WA- 1 * ¥>$• We are located"tfor a '•Vs*. Vy oiidcjr of J&Q J Because it has neither Elevated Tubes*-Tank or Drip Cups. ^ r Because it lights instantaneously. Jjj Because it will burn any grade of gasoline, heavy or light. '"v Because it will do one-third more work than any other Vapor Stott* Because it has no equal for Baking, Broiling, Boasting or Ironing, Because it is the most Economical, Simple and Convenient Vapor Vsoofc btove ever put on the market. v J * • " ^*7 "C - Don't fail to see thi& Wonderful, Labor-saving Stove before buying, or you will surely regret it Bear in mind that the "Daifg- ler Surprise is a welcome surprise *nd blessing to every household. * *f •' r *' • "1 i'*'4. Couple oflfonths, Sale ---" y ' 'f; i",/ ^ "i r - tvv '•' - r**- ;s J" * rf '• "V: t7&t' •" A; f 4. • STORT & McOMBEBL . 4 - • , 1 * % J . And We Want Your Trade. CALL IN. J. W. CR1STY & SON, BINGWOOD, ILL. »r#V He Stood Rooted to the Spot Chi being told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at fig­ ures so extremely low. By the way, have you seen our new line of ladies' and gents' gold chains, brlast pins, rings, ear-rings. If not, why not. They are certain­ ly the finest of the kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand­ some and shapely. Standard bred and Register­ ed, inbred 5 times to Hamble- lonian 10, inbred. 3 times to Mambrino Chief 11, inbred 3 times to Pilot *))*•> 12, inbred 3 times to Alex Abdallah 15; the strongest blood in the world. Sired by FAIRY GIFT 1145 Becord 2:3o, Sire of Kenwood 2:17 Pilot Gift 2:19tf Hoodo 2.30 Nettie Fields 2:24 6 others better than 2:30, 20 others from 3:00 to 2;31ij Great brood marea re pre- Belie, dam of Arion.. .3:10X Fair* Belle, dam of Kenwood. 2:17 Heroine, dam of , Itrown 2.18 Lady Patroit, dam of St. Julien 2:11* Dolly, dam of Direct..2:06 Waterwitch, dam of Viking 2:19* Belle Brandon, dam of Got, Sprague 2:80# 1st dam LaBella Sprague by Gov. Sprague 444. Becord Sire of Charlie P 2.16 Sprague Golddn»t.....2:16X Kate Sprague 2:18 Linda Sprague 2:19 Colvins Spragne 2:19Ji 29 other* from 2:30 to..2;22 Dams of McKlnney 2 12* Canary Bird 2:10 4 others from 2;30 to ..2:21 8 sons have sired AUandro 2:18 Edith Sprague 2:21 Charley e 2:20 Senator Oonklln. .. ..2:16# Baven Sprague 2;19X Jennie bprague. 2,21 11 others from 2:30 to. .2;2i 2nd dam by Balsoba 1024, Sire of RoBita 2:26 Kentuckian 2:26 • lamsof Balsora Wilkes .2:17 Bonaventure 3:18>tf Son of Abdallah 15 Sire of Goldsmith Maid 2;14 6 others better than 2;30 Dams of Favonia ,,..2^5 Jerome Eddy 2; 16* 37 others in 2:30 2d Dam of GEO. W. BESLEY,* AJcvon 2; 15 Maud Messenger 2:16* 37 others In 2;80 3d dam by Alcade 103. Sirs of Hylas S;MK Enigma ..2:26 Mary It 2;20 Fancy Day ... 2;30 Dam* of Susie 8 2;M* Jean Valjean. 2:17* LidaB 2:20* Amber 2:25 Lad y Maseott 2:2HH 3 others in 2;30 Grandsire of Kit Curry 2:19* 3 others in 2:30 4th to 6th dams thorough bred. Gov. Sphague 444. Record 2:20* Hold to J. 1. Oase for 127,- 000. He stands ahead of ail other sires living or dead; he died at 11 years old; it he had lived till now and had continued asanlre he would no doubt be the most valu­ able sire in tbe world, DngstH DKAJ.BR IN Went MoHenry, 111* j DR UGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, PM VINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL UBB, ALSO. BOTTLED AL.E AND PORTER FOR MEDICAL USE. ^ m We wish to annonnoe that we are now ready to show tbe public a larger immd * new stock of JEWELRY f raceleta, Necklaces, Brooches. Bairploa, Lnoe pins, Rings. ^carf pins, OnlT pine. Cuff buttons, Earrings, Caators. Pickle and celery dishes, Knives and Forks. 1847, Roger Bros, Spoons. Napkin rings. Albums. iSbrap books, Optical goods, Acbool books. Crayons, Pencils, Tablets, plates. Wa'cbes, Clocks, yon think of buying a new sewing #i«ohine be sure and call and examine (be new Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. the standard Machlae of to-day. Besides (hat, we have tbe American. Domestic, Household, New White, and several other leading machines, on which we ean pave you from five to ten'dollars. ft Yours truly, eaman Bros. MoHenry, III., April. 1892. Attar 2:WX KING CI FT is a beautiful seal brown; ie 3 years old, stands 15% hands weight 1200 pounds; has heavy, clean bone; well made at every point. No better Or stronger bred stallion in Southern Wisconsin. Never trained; will be worked after the season. He ought to be a valuable sire, King's sire is valued at $25,000. Sire of bis first dam sold for f27,500. No better bred stallion stands in America for less than $50. I want every man to see this colt before breeding mares elsewhere. He ought to be a money maker for you. Breed to families that breed on and have size. Service fee by eeason $10 00 To insure $15 00 To insure live colt $20. Ail accidents or escapes at owner's risk. 1 have secured a No. 1 trainer and colt handler and will train horses for speed, break, handle and gait colte. Will board or pasture stock by the month or year and try and give satisfaction. All stock entrusted to me will receive good care. Fine Imported Stallions--Percheron, weight 2,000 pounds; Clydesdale, weight 1,900 pounds: American Coach, weight 1,000. No finer lot of Draft Stallions to be found. . _ By the season..^. »$8 00 To warrant a mare In foal $10 00 The best brands of always on hand. Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco To warrant a live colt $15 00 B1RDM0NT 1972. Standard bred and registered. Grandson of the great ALMONT 33. - . Sire of Fanrfy Witherspoon.. .2;1CJ< Piedmont 2.171i Wesunont 2;l3Ji AMme 2;19 Mothers from 2:30 to 2;20 Dams of Alabastar 2:15 J. B.Richardson.. ....2:16^ Silas Skinner 2:17 Winelow Wilkes.. ....2:14Jf Catch fly 2 :WJ» 42 others from 2:30 to2;19 Noted Sons of 'Almont "33 have sired Belle Hamlin.... ..... 2:12# Jewett 2:14 •lmont Bashaw 2:15 lortlne 2:1ft* El monarch ... .... ..2:I53< Jet'ie Gaines 2;l.Vi Almont ...2:17,% Alxiont .2:17X FkmsieG 2:18* Dandy 2:18* Geneva S "&....2:19>£ (. loiie '....2:19 Plow Boy 2;»K over 200 others irom 2:30 to .2:20 Dams of Charleston .2:15 Alice Wilkes.. .2:18 ftmfton 2:18* jock> 216^ ixso.ners from 2:30 to..2:20 1st Dam hy BLACKitmn 401. Sire of Blackbird Jr 2:22 Dams of Little Fred .2:20 Western Bell 2:24 Oakland B 2:20 and 2d Dams of Grandee g;23 Arrow 2:13* Ell wood 2:17* Romeo 2:19.* • others from 2:30 to ..2.21 2d Dam by Thokouohbreo, Grandsire of Jennie Holtoa 2:21 Ac BIRDMONT Is a beauty, 15% hands, weighs 1075 pounds, Jet a race horse. Service fee by season To insnre livoo $20. o Late tad Stock Farm, -i ra., .^/..S '3,6^.-1. black, and $15 00 - Walforth Connty, Wis. 'Physicians' Prescriptions- Carefully compounded. Give me a call • West McHeory. 111., 1892. GEO. BF8LEY. JCTJA A. STOB.Y, MlMfekhU 11 DSALER IN:- OHI DOOR WEST O* B1VKRSIDK BOUSE, Kelenr7,Ill, Drugs g Medicines -A FULL LINE OF- Drnes, Chemicals, fye Stii, Faints, Oils& Color; Constantly on j^od. Alio a large Hoe of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD • COMPLETE STOCK OF ^STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fliysicianfli Preacrlptions Carefully and accuratey 'compounded by a Registered Pharma- Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, est. 't&mik *.. ' M - .. 1.^ nry, v'* . ; o c ® 5 o a •8 D OTQ T5 3. o ® 0B © ^ p • •--1 a. 4 .• * B' (3 a & % - o N » g H I H or S* OD 3 g s° m w tai s *1 a> <D I % JAYL0R & SON, -BRESDEBS OI Morgan:: Horses, Embracing the celebrated General Gilford, Green Mountain and MotrlLl blood. STOCK FOR SALI. Stallions and Fillies, dendfor pedt- - grees. Eesex and Registered Poland China =SWINE.d=?: Choice Merino Sheep* Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle; For sale. Come and lnspeet stock, or address J. R. SATIiOB & SON HERE TO STAY. /O And, No Mistalce. rxrn A FULL LINK 09 y§ousosuHumimiiyiiuHuuiimmiiiiiiiitiiiiismmtuuiiiiiiiiiintmmiiiiuoiiiiiHi:nm$iittiiNiiiiii»§g I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, 0TI0NS, | I HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. | It is no use to make a noise about "what you are going tedo, un­ less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. r Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great valu < io every one of our customers. * My stock is complete in" every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHeury, Sept. 22d, 1891. The West Side Boot, Shoe and Clothing Store. w v« # 1892 SPRING • A OUNCEMENT. 1892 t^TTo the people of Mc Henry and Lake Counties, we would say, that this spring we are better prepared than ever beforeto figure with the buying public in the following lines of new and well bought merchandise, If you stop and think for a moment you can not nelp but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and consequently we can and will give you loWer prices than you get elsewhere, Our Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock was never more complete. We are showing a line of ladies' fine shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. Our lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING! CLOTHING I Our spring and summer clothing is here, ready for your inspe«~ tion. *e put into our store this spring the largest and finest lot of new Clothing that we have ever shown at one time, Our assort­ ment in this line is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not afford to buy anything in this line without first looking our stock over, as itcompiises everything from a four-year old knee pant up to a^ man's best full suit. A full spring stock ot new and stylish hats just in, call and see them. We still have the largest assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, alfe fully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveling bags, rubber and' oil cloth coats. fw* Choice, fresh groceries everv two weeks. Flour by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all competi­ tion, quality considered. Yours as ever for business. «, *> /J . W* . J. v' A . lb Ai J

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