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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1892, p. 10

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and Notices under the aitove head lire fnr»ii»lte<l isv tn« of the W. O T U M the Mli«r eltlmi no p»rt or credit for ihi pr;* There were JHi3,935 public school teach «>r* nnd 204,913 liquor dealers in the United States last year. Pure spring water in ten gallon cans poll* in Chicago for one dollar. One of tli*1 companies has contracted to supply . wafer by pipes for the Columbia* Expo­ sition to be served'at 300different places ton the Exposition groqnAs. Pure water, fwheu it has to be paid fpr, will have a ilouhie attraction for the thirsty visitor gfco the .great show. Scientific American Aflenoy for * To say that his wife can't mak# «s good bread as his Mother did. j GILLETT'S U % . CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, r.U"S!CN PATENT® COP V RICH TS, eta. ' >r information and »i«?o Ilnn'ib'iok write tr> Sr. CO., Ml BROADW..Y. NKW YOKK. bureau for seouiintr patf-nts in Anieriat Ttwofy taSio.i c it by rs is brought before t iie p.ibho t)j a not ice piveh free ttf charge in Uie csr„i - fSk.... ...r . £>U*:UUM* /allUi'i'tt Larcast circulation of any sdentlfld pa>-*r in t.hft v».«-lri. Siileiidialy illustrated. No im oliicp-.i* ir »n should bo without it. Wtfeklv. it n.-;r; $ six months. Address JJ & CO., 1'fin.tsi!Kits.301 iV»tiuJ*ar. \orfc. C* Will give you the great advstttagt Which his mother had, and besides, bread made with this yeast will help bring back his boyhood's digestion, ensuring his enjoyment of the rest of your cooking also. Oft Magic Yeast at your Grocer's, T» i* always GOOD and always READY. 'irik* * ."avcat1*, nnd Trade-Murks obtained, and all Pat- i/cnt Ims.ncss conducted for MODERATE FEES. CUR OFFICE IS O PPOSITE U . S . P ATENT O FFICE J and we can secure patent in less lime man those 3 remote from Washington. =# Send model, drawing or photo., Tvi|h descrip- Stion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ciiarpe. Our fee not aue till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,'* with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries 5 sent free. Address, JC.A.SNOW&CO. ;} ? / , V y W-- Can't do it bnt vllling to pay for learning how to ; JNAKE ITS good an article as WOLFF'S ACME : ik.vcKir:u of cheap material so that % T3»*ti5cr can profitably sell it at 10c. Our price is 20c. Ihi' retailer savs the public will not pay |« the public will, they . >.3 j.ivravs pay p. fair price for a good •>3kris»v«. To show both the trade and the ; ' f;1* 't'lat v. e wnnt to give thcnLthe best . • f-'7 '. '.c !ca.»t we will pay eward !*•>•:• RVCTO information; tiiia wllr L» open unai January 1st, 1893. •WuiP? & BANDOLPH, Philadelphia. . »r-Ror« i= (he name of a paint vrhlch oco.i vork that no other puim con do. yew KM. . ' J-.U :NUR.! M iih IC iooks like the natural •V'-oJ ..-113:1 it is stained nati varnished. M%RM BSILOERS' .wfiliiod it pro:;t&t.±o to in' o.u-'iuc. AH now i RJ S, ? F R » _ . .. 1 Mr*" ISLAND.Bg Horsemen, I ook Here. 1 hav* a fine stock of H 'wes, anionp whi. K are •' Y' nnjr (ircen Mont, tain Morgan," "Mor^ rill Charles."»ml othfr*. Call »n«i eee t»<(S#e r >r «»• before making arrangements else*, lere. N, S COLBY. McHenrir, 111 ., May 10, 188J. Tpril Rl'PANS TABULES regulate tlie stomach, lfver and bowels, purify * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable Rem­ edy lot Biliousness, Blotches oft the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, t)isor- dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, "Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver petite, Mental Deprer, Rash, Painful Dijcj Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, ScaLl Headache, Shin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpil Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform 4'if?, 'H Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofqja, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water symptom oi* d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestirtes. persons given to over-eating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use olF the Rinans j , ^ Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious tb the most delicate, i grdss $2, }/i gross i^i.25. gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RJPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY ?'ew York. ...r ..... ' V- STOP, Give Us si Moment of Tour Time Thirik over this and come and see opr Coedii' v / Bonanza Cultivators Bonanza 8teel blade both in four and six b'ade hi»h and hitch. (Jan be adjusted in a minute tor wide or narrow rows, tor deep and narrow cultivating. low and .Enterpriains Yoirac Man: Tme A Co. instmcted midjKtaned TI;O 1 worked steadily and niftde NIOTIEY f ister I expects to I became aM# to bny an i«la;id andbaild n Mnall sunr.ner If I don't sncceed at that. I will po t« work HLr iin ut th»* business in which 1 made tuy money. 1'rue A' < <».: Shall we instruct and start yon. reader? If we co. and if you work iudustriouily. \ -m will in dne lime be able 10 buy an island and build K b«"tt-l. if youwisb Money can be earned at onr new line of work, rap­ id!* and honorably, by those of either m?x. young or old. And in their own localities, wherever they live. Any one fail dothe work. Easy to learn We furnish everything. No risk. \ on can devoteyonr spare moment*, or all your time tnthework. This entirely new lead brinp* wonderful sne- ce^s to every worker. Betrinnersareenriiintrfn n $ZStO per %v«ek and nr-wards. and afibr a huieexpe- iVyicf; J; e £,\lT? yoo the emnUfym.nit--wc teach yon 1-XC I.l^ Ihisjs an a«re of marvelous things, and here is *notuer jrrfft;, u-oful. ^realth-pivinjr wonder. Great eainf will reward every industrious worker. \Vljerever you are •nd whatever yon are doin?r. yon waut to know abont this wotuterfiil work at once. I)t!av means much money lost to you. No sri'ice to explain here, but if vou will write to «. L1} J!?H^ T**in to you FUK!-:. Addr«s*. 1 &UL di CO., Box AOOc Augusta, ITBIB^I W Hi in!* Trado Mark Is on Tie M fatersroof In theworid* A* 1. Towar. Bo-t< ornlu RAKES! RAKESI If you are looking tor a first class self or hind du'mp rake we arc in Mne, and can please .you, Our stock bonsists of the Hollings- worth. VV>Btern 6iar, Bonanza, N <J Thompson, all at which arc A No. 1 goods. Harvesters, Binders and Mowers. The old reliable McCormick all steel Binder and steel Mower, they never fail in haying and harvesting when time is money. Call and look them over. We are after \on with the wonderful Holmes Adjustable Folding Buggy Pole. It is the best on earth, and the only real adjustable pole ever put on the market, because it is adjustable to any width without tools, He Stood Rooted to the Spot On being told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at fig­ ures so extremely low. By the way, have you seen our new line ot Indies' and gents' gold chains, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If not, why not. They are certain­ ly the finest of the kind in these p*rts Wonderful variety, hand­ some and shapely. We wig'i to announce ihtt we are now ready to eliow the public a larger (1 a new stock of JEWELRY !lr*eelet«, Necklace, B oochea. Hairplt e, Lace pin*. Rings. (Scarf pins, Ctifl pins. Cuff buttons, Earrings, Ca«tors. Pfckle and celwry dleies. Knives and Forks. 1847, Bo?et Bros, ^Spoons. Napkin rings. Albums. /Scrap books, * Optical goods. School books. ^ Crayons, Pencils, Tablets. Elates, Wa'ches, Clocks, If you tb'Dk of buvlnfr a new sewing machine be sure and call and examine the new Wheeler & Wilson No. 9, the sfandard Machiae of to-day. Besides that, we have the American.Domestic, Household, New White, and several other leading machines, on which we can save you from five Co ten dollars. ^ Yours truly, Heaman Bros. BUGGIES. BUGGIES. How are you riding? It for business or pieasuie. comfort or sifety, buy the celebrated Abbott Buggies and Road Wagons, iu all styles. Timpkin and side springs. You will find the celcbr«it3d Abbott Buggy on our floor,"th anv style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and name prices. We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything you might want in our line, Very respectfully, RICHARD BISHOP. TO STAY, ZD b • V Very Busy, but still in the Receiving and Selling. Cll Large quantities of first vlafs. row ancl very stylish spring at d summer mer- landlVe. which Is'pi iced on our cminiers at tlio lowest 'prtce possible obi*fn- able with ctsh and experiiMiee. We make no enlarged statements of our stock, styifc, p»-lce8etc„ buteiinplv and candidly ask the buying public to call on us convinced. See our new Spring Dress Goods and TKIMMINGS. In black, tad. gray, moire, mahogany red, seal brown, golden brown, navy bluo, bronze green, myitle* green, drob. terra eotta. pit k. etc.. as well as fine plaids ^nd stripes in the most, fashionable wenr, and stylish'nnd permanent coloring. In dress trimntfirgH we liave a good stock of velvets, velve^e- s. plushes. suralTg, cords, braids, parte.rns. etc . to mat.« ii dress goods. We can supply all demands, whether fur wedding or funeral requirements, at bottom priees. ' -- WE HAVE* SUITS For all the Men, Youths and Boys in this section. EareclaMy purchased to meet, country trad>j rrquireiuenis, in style, siz»s, wear, and prices. Our cry is CLOTHING! Suits! CLOTHING! From now till the bfg stock becomes little and 'he naked go dressed well. Prince Albert, square cut, frock, sack, lour button, cutaways. In full suit, finely cut and trimin« d. bound or piain, in colors and bhick, from 84 50 to ®25 per suit, If you are considering whether to commit suicide or matrimony come to us for your outfit first. Fine Spring and Fall ovcrcoars, odd pants, children'* two and three piece suits from ages 4to 15. Blouse aiul sailor waists in leading styles. - - SjHOUSE CLEANING TIME drives the men from home, but ill leaves a demand with the women for our new line of Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtains. Poles, Oil Clorti », etc. Our sfock of above goods !P very large, well selected and stat.dtrri. We IIHVC a lot of good remnant* of wall paper, carpets etc, which we will olosn our. very cheap at once. c , 'V fljm li[)kkitteip«soil»d nqd didn't topf/ Whei iod(n "fill & Wise old frieijft /J>id reccntttrfi E WIMTACLAUS ' So true. Wljeij %se Me kittens, wastjed %'tir mittens wiilj Hjo SOAP of &n|ber ljue, QuickC ^isljed ea,cl( stdn, «\tjaqeir njitteip "V r̂e as brijl̂ dj[d soft r\0- SANTACLAIIS SOAP-MADE ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. ' CHICAGO Are topics for. general discussion. So U the success we are mrel with in the sale of I; .1. GENERAL HARDWARE^ The point is here We carry a large and well assorted stock, and calculate to have all the different gcods that the hardware trade here demands. We sell at reasonable prices, use all alike, and represent our goods as they are. The success "vye are having in selli^p - VAPOR STOVES - Is owing greatly^to the stove we are handling. fBI BANCrMK SUBPBISE The hmdsomest, the simplest; the cleanest, the most durable* and consequently the best See it before you purchase a stove. .4 ,:M In seasonable goods we carry Fishing Tackle, hammocks, Sport" ing Goods, Croquette Set-*, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Screen Doors, etc . . ,:W?1 ,r We make a specialty in Dairy supplies and Jobbing in sheet metals. fP STORY & McOMBER, West McHemy, 111. GEO, W. BESLEY,. Carefully inspect our new stylish Spring and Summer Wraps* (Japes* Jackets* Shawls. Colors and make-up, ass^r'meet and prices are the lowest, and right. Our stock Is yet complete, ami pi ices will at once be made that will close them out without delay. Call early and be coavlnced. BOi>TS JLIS I> SHOES. As usual our stock of fully warranted boots and shoes is more complete than ever before. We carry all slaps and all desirable widths and styles. Head­ quarters for the celebrated'"Far^o Box Tip" school shoe* for bova and girls, fully warranted. We are agents hsre for ihe Candee Rubber Boots, of which we carry a jull stock, iZjjjir' Buy only the Badger State Overalls. Shirts, Jackets and Pants. All warranted. Crockery, stoneware, glassware trunks, valises, bouse goods. Latest styles in straw, iur and wool hats, gents' turnishings, etc. We only deal in pure and wholesome groceries, provisions and flour, and deliver the goods promptly in the village. TFe visit, the citv every Thursday-and wlH fill at lowest prices all obtainable spccial orders, 8@lw.Ldok over our locals ori^gnrden and Held seeds. 6 of! for cash Respectfully yours. SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenry.llU..£]S92v IKoHecry, Mn April, 1893L And, IVo Mistake. WITH A FULL LIKE Ot 1 Clean .Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 4+ ' W ' •• 1 HATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. = un It is no use to make a noise about what you are going t "do, un­ less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great valu < *o every one of our customers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises - Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us 9ver, whether you wish to buy or not* Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. JUXtlA A. STOBY, IHIIHI DEALER IN:- ONK DOORWKSTOF RIVERSIDE HOUSE, McHenry,!!!, Drugs s Medicines • < > • -A FULL LINE OF- ' Drops, Chemicals. 0} eStifs, P amis, ils&Colors Constantly on liar d. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY ASD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES • - Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist" Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. XCUA A, STORY: DEALER IN- DRUG! AND PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, West McHenry, 111* / PURE HUES AND LIQDOBS FOR MEDICAL USE, «r ALSO. BOTTLED ALE AND PORTtR FOR MEDICAL U8R j» The best brands of Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. -Physicians' Prescriptions1 Carefully compounded. Give me a call . * West McHenry. 111., 1892. GEO. BE8LfcJV. TAKE IT COOL • And buy your Fourth of July Outfit of us, We do not follow but lead, in ladies' fine shoes and slippers. Call, in, see our styles and get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, eanoe and chi.d* ren's shi es always on hand. •W CLOTHING I CLOTHING! Now is the time you want a fine and good suit of clothes, cheap and we will make you prices lower than ever before. As usual, we have a full and complete line of confirmation suits, at all pricei Call and see them before buying. Parasols, Gans, Mosquito Bar, Straw Hats. Lap Robes Fly Nets, Gauze Underwear, for men and ladles. Remember our Borkford Overalls, Shirts and Jackets, men's fine Shirts and Neckties. CHOICE FRESH GRQCERtES aai ever. We give you the best Flour for the least money. Yours as ever for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry.

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