WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1892. faking- on *n»<1sy, Jnns 14tl»« WBI. Trains |Mas ibis tuUon as follow* : GOING NORTH. Itli'k Freight Arrive. , •Williams Bay Freight passes •Lake Gunevt P»B«ni(fw Geneva Pasaengor •Lake (ienevn Express •Lake Geneva Pas80T>K*r OOIMQ SOTTTH. 7»iV. 9:1C " 9:69 •* 2:45 P. M 4:00 " 6:61 '« lttr.lleury Passenger Depart •LnkeGeneva I'assngr passes . 7-25 A. M. 8-42 •• .. .1:80 P M. S:M ... ,R:3« ' *f-- .... 1,M « •Lake Geneva K\pre«s •Williaum Bay f reiglil '• •Lake Geneva Paasenjcer ™ •L::ts Geneva p*«sensf®r " {Lake Geneva I'asaonger " EXFUDinoil. * Daily except Sun Jay. t Sundays only. B. BUM, Agent. MeHenrr. Ill MASONIC. McHBHKT f.ODOK, No. 158 A. F. and A. Regular Gommunicatnns the saeoud fourth. Mondays in eachmonth. _ „ W. A. CsffltT, W. M. M.- and I SEVERAL from this village will attend Vhe Races at Janesville this week. SCHMTZ Milwaukee Bottled Beer, the finest in the market, at A. Englen's.. At wholesale and retail. i K POLITICS Aa not our industry. It is an art, the products of which are judged by the quality and not by the quantity. f H. E. WIGHTMAN, of the city livery, car- pied sixty-seven passengers to Pistaqua I Bay from the evening trains, on Satur- Vdaylast. / JACOB BONSLETT and Bobert Schiessle / have both been treating their buildings I to a new coat of paint on the outside, j \ which much improves their appearance.' F GEORGE G. SMITH'S trotting colt, / "Banger H.', won the 2:45 race at Elgin \last week. It was a hard fought race, oeven beats being trotted. The best time made was 2:42%. AN exchange in speaking of the 4th of July celebration says the band "discour aged good music." Another speaks of a "magn$cent" case of«scarlet fever, mean- jug malignant, no doubt. ! FABMEKS in this vicinity are busily en- / gaged in caring for their crops and con- I sequently it has been very quiet in town during the past week and business witl) our merchants has been a little dull. I Do not fail to read the advertisement op Evanson & Co., to be found in anothej place in this paper. He is closing oi his large stock and is offering some rai bargains to the buying public. BREATHES there a man with soul s< dead, that never to his soul hath whisv per-ed: "I know that my subscriptions^ due, and as it takes but pennies few, I will pay the printer what I owe him -&nd make his life a living poem.', SCIENTIFIC men now declare that eat ing before sleeping is of great benefit, and that a bowl of bread and milk or a saucer of oatmeal before retiring will in a short time result in an increase of weight, strength and general tone. ^'E have received from A. F. Field, sec- retary, the Premium List for the 40th Annual Fair of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, which is to be held at Woodstock, August 80th to Sept. 2nd, inclusive. , ' A NEW swindler has made his appear ance in neighboring counties. He has been soliciting subscriptions to a lady's magazine and offering ten yards of dress goods as a premium. It is the same story, he takes the money, you learn the new wrinkle. Look out for him. t. BISHOP sold to the Parker House Jvery, a fine two seated surrey, canopy top, which is one of the finest turnouts to be found in this section. It was man ufactured by the Buckeye Manufacturing Company of Union City. Indiana, and will compare in finish and durability th any of the carriages made. IN another column can be found an ad vertisement of the Fortieth Annual Fair of McHenry County Agricultural Board, which will be held at Woodstock August 80th to Sept. 2nd, inclusive. The prem iums are liberal and the managers will leave nothing undone to make the com ing Fair one of the best ever held in the county. Send to A. F. Field, secretary, JOT a premium list. / THE heavy rains are said to have play- /ed havoc with the game birds in this part of the state, and it is also probable that much mischief has been done in other sec tions as well. Quails nest and hatch their young from June 1st to 10th. In ^iiany places the nests are flooded and washed away and the eggs destroyed, so that there will be no first crop of these birds. Teal and wood ducks which nest •long the rivers and in swamps, have met with the same fate. The floods also spoiled snipe shooting this season. DB. C. H. FEGEKS, E. W. Howe, John [eimer, Anton Englen and John J. Buch 'have each bought land on the east side of the river, about one mile above the! bridge, and have laid the same out in lots, which we presume will be built upon at an early day. The price paid ranges from two to five hundred dollars per acre. Within the next few years all the avail able land on the east bank of the river between here and the Lakes will be oc- v cupied. The price is now rapidly ad- vancing. ABOUT 99 persons out of every hun dred that are asked by a news gatherer "What's the news?"' will receive the an- | «wer "Don't know," and these very per- r tons will get as "hot as a little red wagon" if they do not see some item in | the ne±t issue of the paper, which they r knew at the time. Tell the editor the * ,®ews. It is absolutely impossible for K fcim to know and see everything that | {happens, and even if he does you may be : , *ble to enlighten him upon some point T concerning the matter of. which lie was w:Ignorant. ssfs 7JB&SONAJU A. M. CHOBCH and friend, of Chicago, were callers on Tuesday morning. ^TAMES WALSH, of Elgin, was calling on friends here on Saturday and Sunday. Miss LURA OWE* to visiting withfriends in Elgin this week. A. A. BANGS, of Odabolt, Iowa, was calling on friends here on Tuesday. HENRY MADDEN has moved into the Herbes house, south of the City Hall. G. L. HUBBARD and wife, of Nunda, were calling on friends here on Sunday. , HENRY COLBY and wife, of Lake Qene- va, Wis. were calling on f riends here last week. MISS MAMIE BOWE has returned to Chicago, after two weeks rusticating in and around this village. C. D. CAMPBELL, of St. Paul, a former resident of this vicinity, is calling on old friends here this week. WM. MCGEE, of Harvard^ 111, was the guest of Dr. Fegers and wife the first of the week. C. P. BARNES and Frank Jackman, of Woodstock, were on our streets on Sat urday. PETEU BLAKB, of Little Falls, if inn. has been visiting with friends here the past week. • FRANK MCOMBEB and family spent a few days last week visiting with friends in Elgin. DB. ST. JOHN, of Chicago, was the guest of O. W. Owen and family the first of the week. AUGUST NORDQUKT, who has been at work in Chicairo, came home sick last week, but is now better and able to be on the streets. ( CHAS. NORDQUIST, who has been takiug a business course at the Valparaiso School returned home on Monday, having finish ed the courtie. MASTER TOMMIE NOON AX apd his sister Lacy are spending a few weeks vacation with relativw'innbw-wcinity. .They are children or officer Thos. Noonan, of Chicago. THE ladies of the Willing Workers So ciety will meet with Mrs. S. H. Covill on Thursday afternoon of this week, at the u^ual hour. MRS. 0. N. OWEN, Sec. / DIED.--At her residence, south of this village, on Sunday afternoon, July 17th, Mrs. Michael Doberty.' aged about 60 years. Mrs. Doherty had been in poor health for some time but was around at tending to her household duties as usual, when she was suddenly stricken down at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Heart failure was supposed to be the cause. The funeral was held from the Catholic chunch on Tuesday and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Beal Estate Transfer* Recorded up to and including July 0. M L Joslyn, master, to W Moody. It 6 bik 12, Hurt's '2nd a<l<lin to Harvard# 8*6 00 Present ami Trustees, oi Mareugo to Mary I Teeple, Its 164, 165, lt>6 and 167, blk 1, Marengo cemetery S K Bartholomew and w to A I) KIllBon It 8, blk 11. M 1 S add in to Marengo. Same to J u&voy. It t>, bib 23 name same to J kllison. ltb6#i>U61. Ik 30 same dame to 11 u Tueyer and G A TUoyer blk 34, name rt K Bartholomew and w to Lillie Bum- stead, It 1, blk 6 M I & audiu to Ma rengo dA IT sweeney and w to Trustees *>f Oakland cemetery 1 72 a, aec 1 Dun ham ... - - • • Maria Goodwin to Catherine Langhcr 32 00 150 00 IftO 00 3il0 00 160 00 175 00 475 00 1 00 ty Us 1017 ana 18 blk 4 Crystal l^ake S L Burton and w to Oora K Uunkle BJ£ B»3{, W# se>i, ana to.W a iu swfc sec °Z9, Nunaa ... .... .... W freeman aud w to T H Fellows pc in sec 5. Richmond 60 00 A Householder and w toG Householder Jr, 30 eq rd oi laud, sec 10, Heoron 479 OP "Unele Tom's Cabin." /Howard's Mammoth Pavilion Uncle fom's Cabin and specialty show will ex hibit under their own water-proof pavi lion opera house at McHenry for one night only, Friday, July 22. This is ac knowledged to be the largest, strongest and best company ever organized for the production of that great moral drama. No old worn out features but everything bright, new and sparkling. The funniest "Topsy" on earth, the most comical Marks" in existence and the sweetest Eva imaginable. The price of admission is within the reach of all, 25 cents for adults and 15 cents forchildren under 12 years oi age. Remember the date Fri day, July 22nd. Pithy, Pointed and Pertinent. It is. a little queer that the people's party, which expects to get the most of its votes from farmers and mechanics should have put two lawyers on its Na tional ticket. The Homestead workingmen were I?v- el-headed enongh to recognize at a glance the difference between the Pinkerton men and the regular militia of the state act ing nnder t he orders of the legally con stituted State authorities. This may have been disappointing to the lovers of sensation, but it was very gratifying to lovers of law and order. The men who say the protective^ tariff is responsible for the Homestead strike ould, by free trade, make the wages of the American worLingman so low that he could never afford to strike. The English newspapers which profess to believe that the United States is on the eve of establishing free trade will find it the longest night ever seen, which pre cedes their predicted morning free trade. Demagogue Weaver thinks & crisis is pending. Yes, it is; but it is in the ca reers of Weaver and his kind, and not of the American people. The democratic committee of notifica tion thinks so little of Adaei Stevenson that instead of notifying him of his nom ination at his house in the customary manner it has sent him word to be in New York on the 20th inst., to be noti fied. The committee probably takes its cue from Mr. Cleveland, who until very recently completely ignored Stevenson's nomination. The Illinois man who applied to the New York police to find out who he was, had trouble in convincing the blue-coated Tammanyites that he wasn't the man nominated for Vice President by the Chicago convention. An exchange says "Tammany needs watching." Was there ever a time in history when Tammany didn't need watching? The only legislative work the demo cratic House has done has been under a suspension of its silly rules. Why doesn't it suspend the rules permanently? The gentlemen who are working so hard this warm weather to convince themselves that the protective tariff was the cause of the Homestead strike ap pear to have overlook9d the only argu ment in favor of such a conclusion. If there was no protective tariff we should have no steel mills, no steel-workers, and hence no strikers. We are willing to subscribe to the truthfulness of that ar gument, not only as applied to the Homestead steel works, but to all other American manufactories. Cleveland and Weaver have both had some experience in navigating the treacherous waters of salt river. Summer fiction--the editorial columns of the average democratic newspaper. THE SCHOOL HOUSE QUESTION. We would again remind our citizens of the meeting to be held at the City Hall to-morrow, Thursday evening, for the purpose of devising some means to bet ter our school facilities, and urge upon them the importance of attending the same. To put it mild our school facili ties are a disgrace to the town. This, we think, any reasonable man will admit. Men may differ as to the manner of rem edying this matter, and that is just what this meeting is for. To get to gether, compare notes, hear suggestions and get at what will be for the best in terest of the entire District. This can only be done by having a fuj) meeting. If you are in favor of having a school building that is adequate to meet the wants of the district, come out and say BO, and suggest, if you can, some means whereby the earns^may be built »od paid for that will be of the least burden to the District. If youWe opposed to all school progression, and have the old foggy idea that what was adequate a hundred years ago, will fill the bill to-day, come out and put yourself on record also, BO that your neighbor may know in the future where to find you. No matter where you stand come out. Remember the time and place. At the City Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. WANTED.--Girls who can sew neatly either by hand or machine. Steady em ployment; good wages paid. A. Ellinger & Go., 286 E. Madison St. . ATTENTION! LA DIES! * FOR the next thirty days, the under signed will sell hats, trimmed and un- trimmed, baby bonnets, boys' hats, in fact everything in stock. ' MRS. G. W. BBSLEY. BepubUcan Pole Balling. At Barreville, III., Saturday, July 23, 1892. Hon. Wm. Gates, of Nunda, Judge Donnelly, of Woodstock, Hon. F. K. Granger1 and Hon. H. W. McLean, of McHenry, and others are expected to ad dress the people on the political issues of the day. Billy Terrell, the drummer boy of the 95th, will be preseut to render martial music on the occasion. Bicycle races, foot races, ball game, and other sports, if the weather will permit. Come one, come all. 05th Regiment Be-Union. The annual re-union ot the survivors of tne 95th Regiment Illinois Infantry Vol unteers will be held in conjunction with comrades of the other "Camp Fuller" regiments, at Rockford, 111., on the 5th and 6th days of September, 1892. As September 4th comes on Sunday this year, and as all the regiments that were camped at Rockford in 1862, will reune there, it was decided to devote the two days, September 5th and 6th to the occasion. A grand good time is antici pated, and all surviving members of the 95th are urged to be present. Old sol diers generally are cordially invited. All comrades of the 95th regiment are requested on arriving at Rockford at that time to report promptly, and regis ter at Nevins Post, G. A. R. Hall. W. W. WOOD, Pres. 95th 111. Re-union As8,n. F. E. Cox, Secretary. HARVARD. • < C. E. Hunt and wife split Sunday at Lake Genaya. Mrs. L. A. Gardener and two children have gone to the country for a lew weeks vacation. M. W. Lake and family have gone east to spend a month in sight seeing and vis iting their old hoiues. MI-H. W. E. Merkley went to Chicago last Saturday, taking her children with her, and giving them a days outing in Lincoln Park. "Ted" Babcock, of Marengo, was in this city Friday distributing advertising matter for the syndicate of that place, and occasionaly winking his other eye at some of our prettiest girls. Our ball team went over to Marengo Friday and wiped up -some of the high priced ground of that booming suberb with the nine prohibitionists who at tempted to cope with them. Score Har vard, 17; Marengo, 10. The Marengo's play here Friday next. The Harvard Cornet Band gave a con cert at which ice "cream, cake, etc., was served, last Saturday H. L. Ferris kiudly allowed them to use his large, ele- gunt lawn for that purpose. All of Har vard's beauty and chivalrv gathered there to give the boys, a rousing benefit The receipts of the evening were some thing over f 50. This will be devoted to the current expenses of the band, Mrs. Geo. M. Ayer, of Chicago, came out Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Gardner. Capt. R. J. Whittleton departs for the east Monday to transact business con- uecied with the agricultural department, of which he is special purchasing agent. mu. -AU A 4kA AA.,nfn JL lit; OlUVI IAJ W UP 1U WUV wuuvj wist have to look out or Marengo will out strip thera all. While there last week, we were surprised to note the signs of im provement. The Stove factory, which is one of the largest buildings in the state, is nearly complete. New buildings are springing up on every side. The peo ple there seem to have awakened from their thirty years sleep and to be actu ally alive. Marengo has a boom, sure. M. F. Walsh went to Rockford Mon<^; day in the interest of his paper, the Herald. • .1. O. Clark and family departed for Geneva Lake Tuesday to spena the rest of thesummer. Geo. W. Eldredge passed through this city last Monday night on his way to Janesville. Frank and Miles Jackman, old time Harvard boys, were here the fore part of the week. They came to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Julius, who was buried Monday. A sad mishap befell John Lang' last Sunday morning. He had purchased a spring chicken for his Sunday dinner and while in the act of decapitating the same the bird became refractory and dug John in the arm with one of its spurs, which was about three inches long. John let1 out a howl at the same time aiming a vicious blow at the head of the strug gling fowl. His aim, like democratic free trade arguments, was untrue, and the ax came in to sudden and unexpect ed contact with John's big toe, loosen ing that member from its moorings, and causing a cessation of hostilities. Dr. Paul Rogers who was hastily summoned, pronounced it a clear case of the judg ment of heaven on a sinful Sabbath breaker, and afterexamining the ax, and giving John some pointers in regard to the burial of his toe, gave it out as his opinion that no fatalities would follow, either in the bakery or hennery. Mr Lang is resting nicely at this writing, but says he has a pain in the place where that toe used to be every time he hears that rooster croWr and while in hard luck he wont kick, not till his foot gets well at least. Nunda Post, No. >98, meets OB the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month In G A. li. Hail. Comrades f rum other Poett are corditlly invited to visit Post meetings. W. 1*. ST. OI.AIK, Commander. W. E. PKIUKET Adjutant The W. R. C. gave Mrs. Virginia Eng land a very pleasant surprise last Tues day afternoon. It being her birthday the ladies gave her a handsome cake basket. Willie and Georgie Stewart,"of Chicago, are visiting at Johfi Marshall's. Rehersals have commenced for the War Concert to be given by the Relief Corps, on July 30th. Miss Philp and Miss Jennie Chapell, of Algonquin, were at R. PhHp's last Mon day. Mr. Alec Andrews Sundayed at home. E. W. Andrus, of Chicago, spent Satur day and Sunday in Nunda. Miss Lottie Kern, of Chicagt), is visit ing Miss Minnie Owen on Main street. Miss Lau^a Coroden, of Barrington, visited Mrs. Alice St. Clair over Sunday. Miss May Mead, of Janesville, spent a few days last week with her parents here. Miss Annie Andrus spent Monday in the city. Mr. A. Udell, of Woodstock, was seen on our streets last Thursday. Mr. Winecoupe, of Elgin, spent Sunday with L. A. Werden. Mr. Will Watson and Miss Eva Roe, of Jackson, Mich., are visiting at Dr. C. C. Watson's in this city, John Philp, of Harvard, was in town Sunday. Rev. Ryder, of Helena, Mont., preached in the M. E. pulpit Sunday evening. F. Sherburn, of McHenry, Sundayed in Nunda. ' Miss Marion Smith, who has been visit ing Miss Cl%rie, Beckley the past two weeks, returned to her home laBt Friday. Mrs. Geo. Eldredge and Mrs. Gray, of Richmond, were in this city- last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Ty'er Huffman spent Sunday in Woodstock. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. Frank Leslie's Popular Xonthly For August. THE Midsummer (August) number of FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY has an appropriately breezy and outdoor tone throughout. The leading article, "Summer Outing by the Midnight Sun," by Anna M. Reed, is admirably written in this spirit, and occupies fresh fields by describing the voyage to Norway's won derful land and the North Cape. In an other charming descriptive article "The Tuscan Coast" is visited. This paper, with its rich and profuse illustrations, has a peculiar timeliness, inasmuch as it was off this same Tuscan shore, between Leghorn and Spezzia, that the poet Shelley (the centennial anniversary of whose birth is being celebrated in Eng land this summer) was drowned in July 1892. "Some French Women of Let ters," including Mme. Adam, Severine, "Gyp," "Carmen Sylva,', Judith Gau- thier, and others, are interestingly char- Heterifcwl by A.rth'ir Horn blow. Other notable illustrated articles are: "Domes, Towers and Spires," by Peter Mcqueen; "Oxford in the Long Vacation," by N. ,f. Metcalfe; "Canalboat Life and the Coal Traffic," by Thomas Murphy; and "Cane Culture," (Notes from Sugarland) by W. Jennings Warrington. A new ser ial story, of the detective type, entitled "The Great Chantry Diamonds," by Daniel Dane, begins in this number. 19"The Democratic press say they will make a strong fight this campaign against the "force bill" plank in the Republican platform. We believe that either the negro should be allowed to vote and have his vote counted, or else he should be] disfranchised, and one or the other of these tVo things , will in time be done. The constitution gives him the same rights as a citizen asjit does white man, and until the constitution is amended the South should be compelled if necessary, to leave the ballot free to them at all national elections. The free ballot plank in the Republican platform aims to remedy a great National evil and it should be sustained.--Ex. Zfonoa Lake Assembly. The Chicago & North-Western R'y Co will, from July 18th to 29th, inclusive, sell excursion tickets to Madison and re turn at very low rates, on account of the Monona Lake Assembly. For tickets and full information, apply to agents C ft N. W. R'y. 1-3 w BOATS FOR SALE. I have six good new tlow Boiftts, which 1 will sell at less than the cost of mater ial. 'Prices from $3 upward. and see them. JOHN P. SMIDH. McHenry, July 11,1892. Lake Bluff Oamp Meeting On account of the Camp Meeting at Lake Bluff, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates from July 1st to September 1st, inclusive. For tickets and full information, apply to agento C, & N. W. R'y. N iinda Department. Business Notices* Ian yon use a barrel of Pillsbury's >t at;f 5.60 cash If so, le&v^yoor ler at mill to be delivered. J v-] " ALGONQUIN. Mr. aud Mrs. C.C. Pettibone, of Nunda, visited with friends here on Tuesday of last week. Several from here attended the races at Elgin last week. J. H. Philp's new house will soon be completed. Bert Tuffs and Sam Cade are doing the plastering. Phil Kabon will dedicate his new hall with a grand dance on the evening of. July 29th, and a grand time is expected. Our school board have engaged the services of Miss Grace W hite, of Meoch- am, Ill.,to teach the primary department of our public school. Mrs. Webb; of Springfield, was the guest of James Philp last week. Mr. and Mrs Wood, of Evanston, 111., were the guests of C. E. Chapell over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Montanye, of Elgin, Sun dayed with J. Helm. Miss Gillispie, of Chicago, and Miss Jessie Gillispie are the guests of A. Dory. Miss Lora Julian, of Leland, 111., is the guest of Miss Grace Peter. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell spent a part of last week withfriends at Lake Geneva. We have had considerable, milk con- dencery talk about town the past week but we will have to wait developments. Mr. and Mrs. James Jackman, of N unda, were the guests. of Henry Keyes and wife over Sunday. As usual Algonquin was well filled with Chicago visitors on standby. Mrs. James Hubbard and Jit tie son, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. atid^Mr^. S. Seeber. Our farmers are right iu the midst of their haying and they report a fine crop. The weather has been ve»y favorable the past week. Born.--July 19th, to the wife of Frank Threadgold, a son. A horse and carriage belonging to F. Tomiskey, of Cary, while tied in front of Smith's drug store on Sunday evening last, the horse became frightened at a little girl on a tricyle and broke loose, turned arouud and ran into a hitching block on the otherside of the street, bad ly demolishing the carriage and harness. Otherwise no damage was done. DESERVING PRAISE. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, aud have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such Universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee thera every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale by G. W. Besley, druggist. Engine for Sale "We have a 20-horse power, Portable Engine for sale: Is in first-class running order and almost as good as ° new. Will be sold reasonable, if called for soon, ' - HANLY & SONS. Blacksmith Shop for Sale. Owing to poor health, I will sell my shop, with or without tools, as purchaser desires. C. H. FORTH, Ringwood, III. We wish to call spec:al attention to our new line of Birthday Cards. Also latest designs in writing tablets and very fine 1 have used Soph us' Egg Food ever since March last aiid am convinced that it all that the inventor claims it to be I am satisfied that where fed to chichens it will increase the laying of eggs nearly double than where it is not used. I had between 70 and 80 hens last March and in the month of April I gathered 108 das. egga. Have uaeditydl summer with satisfactory results and can therefore cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. O. Anderson, Greenwood, III. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di rections. If chickens cannot eat, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths and it will cure them. A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds --If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will Con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all ̂ diseases of the Throaty •Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guar anteed to all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at G. W. Beslev's drug store. Large bottles 50c. and #1.00. A few beautiful designs left in our crockery list, of Fruit Plates at rednced prices, who will get them. Julia A. Story's Locals. You will save money by buying Cas- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but limes have changed in the way to get it. Now in stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to„add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pttr- ify your blood. Instanter, for tooth ache, it will stop it, It will soon be time when you will not wish a roaring fire for a little quick heat. Get an Alcahol Lamp aud save time trouble and money. We have all kinds. You can find some most beautiful hand painted China at J. A, Story's. There art a few choice vases, pitchers etc., of the "Royal Worcester" War®, selected expressly for the Christmas trade and they are p-viect in both design and workmanship. Do not fail to see them. NOT ONLY SPRING CHICKENS, But also Spring Clothing will from now on be in great demand. Our stock of finq medium and common clothing, for the entire male population of this section is here. The variety is the largest, styles the best, wear tho most durable and the prices the lowest. Yours Very Truly, SIMON STOFFEL GENTS. 1 you want your clothes altered, fitted cleaned* F. Lawlus will do you a fndidjob. ,9 FOR SALE! 1 The steamer"Mary Griswold"ati<<ibout one-third her yalae. Inquire at Be&k of McHenry. ¥ " •• S j See the Dangler Surprise, the best vapor stove in the .market, at Story McOmber's, \ We want to close out our stock of Wall Paper and are discounting our present low prices one-fifth. J. W. CRISTY & ... Do NOT forget if you want a first claims Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger Mctienry. Or if"more convenient we cajfiT fix dates for you at this office. Barb Wire is cheap ttiis spring. Don't neglect the fences but put them in order with Eli or the S. barb wire bought right of J. W. Cristy & Son. Call at Perry & Owen's and get a 20 lb box oi choice London Layer ilaisins for $1.2 5 per box. Same as you generally pay 15% to 15 cents per pound for. . St. Patricks Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be uroduced. We sell tlxejav». G, W, Besley, Druggist. I ..." DON'T BE!-AFBAIL|C~-RI^- To try the Family Flour from the Fox River Valley Roller Mills, $1.15 per sack, cash. Every sack warranted or money refunded. -. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on his books all the time. We believe that the Lily of the Yalley Flour at $1.25 per sack is equal to any flour offered at $1.35 in McHenry. Leave your order for a trial sack and if not found as represented your money will be refunded. Remember the Fox River Roller Mill. FOR SALE, For sale, at much less than its value, a farm of two hundred and forty acres of first class land, that will carry sixty cows. Said farm all under cultivation, and situated four miles from Woodstock and one and one-hall - miles from Frank- linville Fafetory. Terms to suit purchas er. WM. H. STEWART, 52 tf Woodstock, 111. FOX LAKE COTTAGE FOR RENT, I have a new Cottage, all furnished, which 1 offer for rent, it is situated on the west balnk of Fox^ Lake, near the Lakeside Hotel/ Is nicely located, neatly furnished, everything new and neat. Will be rented on reasonable terms. For fur ther particulars call on or address ORA A. STANLEY. 51-lm > * Nippersink, 111. That Tired Feelin? and the St Louis Limited. That tired feeling caused by a tedious all-day ride from Chicago to St. Louis, can be easily cured if the "Alton's" St. Louis Limited is patronized. This fast day train leaves Chicago 11a.m., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. m. Its route lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. Low Bates, to Chioagro and Be turn- For the Democratic National Conven tion to be held at Chicago June 21st, agents of the North-Western Line will sell excursion tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip. ^For tickets and full information concerning dates of sale, etc, apply to agents C. & N. R'v. 46w4 Children and Grown-up Peppls Cry for 11 Children cry for certain patent medil cines, but children, and grown up people too cry for the "Alton's" St. Louis Limi ted lies only over the Chicago & Alton Itailrond. . . ^2 ;*• • ---- The "Alton's" 8t. Louis Limited. It's vestibuled, luxuriously equipped, but best of all it's fast. Leaves Chicago 11 A. M., arrives St. Louis 7:30 i*. M. same day. For all this there's no extra fare. The route of the St. Louis Limited lies 01# over the Chicago & Alton R. R. 42-- SUDDEN DEATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter ing, pain 'Or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and so escape death, as did Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. Half Bates to Detroit . On account of the Second Annual Con vention of the Baptist Young People's Union of America, the Chicago & North western R'y Co. will sell exeursion tickets to Detroit, Mich, and return at half rates --one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 12th and 13th. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. r. Perry & flm ^ » fcUY YO0fc FireWORK: x And FIRE CRACKERS of us. We have an extra large 1ST"stock ot fine fresh Candies, ^ îrOranges. Lemons, Bananas I5P™*and Cigars for the 3th. We are headquarters for thes* goods. ttHnVMsrswi - ,Jf kites' STRENGTH AND HEALTH. If you are not feeling strong. and heal thy, try Electric Bitters.,. If "La Grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with Si ;k Headache, you will find speedy aud per manent relief by taking Electric ̂ Bitters. One trial will convince you that' this is the remedy you need. Lartf»- bottles only 50c. r It will certainly be for your interest to gee what bargains we are going to offer Saturday, June 25th. J. W, CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. We have bought an overstock ot spring and summer clothing and the weather has proved such a drawt»ack cn th« demand lor such goods ;we will commence * Special Clothing Sale, to reduce stock* we will continue with the following prices, until 10th. Men's black frock worsted suits; $10, now 6. \ Men's pin-head check all wool suits, $15, now $10. Youth's gray all wool . suili, $12 50, now $(> 50. Men's dark tancy worsted suite, $16,50, now 13 Men's IMc worsted sacks, $9.00* ""now $8. Child's 2 piece suits, $2, now $1.78. W ê have many eqttaTly as goed bargains, Come and see us. CARPETS. On all carpets we will give t ca«h discount of 10 per ceut for the next 30 days. Wall Papef^ We are having an immense trade in wall paper and borders To close out our entire stock we will give you a easl£ discount of 20 per cent lrom now on, on all our different kinds except browua. All paper trimmed free of charge. Come and get the first selection. S;« - SHOES. BtCKLEN'S, ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In'the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Clcert,, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. y Ourstielves are overloaded with all kinds of fine Mioee for infants, boys. *frli>, men and women. We al vay« keep the beet goods and our prlcrsar* eurprlelngly low this sessou. Faizxt Tour BARN AND FENCES With none hut the best Paints. We carry the celebrated "Mon arch " and Warren " Mixed Paint*. Both are warranted to contain only strictlv pure white lead and zinc, and pure boiled linseed oil. and wll outwear and look better thau any strictly pure white lead now made. Our trade in these paints is gradually in creasing, as the merits ot them become known, and we carry the largest stock in the county.-- When desirinsr any paints or oils call on us and get prices. ym• PII.WSBUBY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry, 111. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds to offer for the spring trade a first class lot of Nursery Stock in Apples, Crab Apple®, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Grape Vines, Hardy Shrubs, Roses, etc. Also a good line af Shade and Evergreen Trees, of several varities and sizes. Come and see me qr send your order and 1 be lieve I can please you all with good stock and honest prices^ } Ydurs Respectfully, * JT BtckLAM). Ringwood, 111. D0N T BE A CLAM. Give oraige to the town you live in and also to1,the papfer you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you buy Men's Cassimere suits only |4.50 Men's pantsS^.... $1.25 to f 5 00 Gents nobby check suits.,.. 6.00 to 8.00 Fine dress shirts 50 to 1.25 Boys suits...... LOO to 4.00 Knee pahts^. 20 to 1.00 Boys % wool waist%^....i 25 Boys School Shoes.. 1.35 Mens Shoes... $1.00 $3.00 Lots of new goods every week at bed Rock Prices. ED. LAWLUS, In front of Our grocery stock is replenish ed every week and we keep every thing in this line iresh. We shall hereafter |»ep fresh compressed yeast, and in timt season berries and other fruits. Yours very trnly, Perry & Owen, General merchants. Me HE NAY, ILL. M Of McH PERRY A OWEN, -Bankers, MCHENRY,- - ILLINOIS.: This Bank receive* deposits. and sells Fbreign and Domestic change, ami does a General Banking Busimt, We endeavor to do all t&tmncw* en trusted to our care in a manner and upon entirely satisfactory ^ o«r customers and respectfulty soUcit tkt I public patronage MONEY TO LOAN; On Heal Estate and other first tkm* security Speeial attention given to CM I lection* ̂ INbURANCK Oomp » fl in first Clous Lcmmt Bate* Fon" WNOTARY PERRY PURllO. •jr