-wm. J J|«|{raFj piaisieale*. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24, lftftH. Taking offoc.t on ^nnday, Jun# 12tU, 1891 Trains pass this station m follow! : OOIXO WORTH. ?MUK FREIIRHT ARRIVE :v * Williams Bay Freight passes.... 9:1C ;*l.!ikc (»*»>»('v4 P»es®»!g»r " ..... 9:56 T T * Lake Geneva Passsnger " 8:45 P. M ;i- * Lake Geneva Express " . ... 4 :B0 * *Lake Uenevn Passenger *, C:&1 • OOIWO BOUTS, ? JM^Henry Passenger Depart .....7-$5 A. IffTf •Lake Geneva Passngr pas see. .. .7:3o • •Lake Geneva Express 8-22 ' *W:llisms Bay freipht «* j- .. U 30 P. M •Lake Geneva Passenger '• .....3:26 v;'i • Lake Geneva Passenger ' * ...; «R :38 (LakeGeneva Passenger EXPLANATION^' pally except Sun-i*?. »da; 'Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent. McHenry, HI MASONIC. MOHVKKT LODOR, HO. 158 A. T . and A. M.-- Bgnlar Communications the second and urth Mondays in each month. W. A. CBI8TT. W. M. MCHENRY CHAPTER U. D. ? ORDER OB* THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetings she First and Third Wed- •RKiiivy evenings of each month, at Masonic JXTLTA A. PTORT, Worthy Matton, /MB*. BARBARAVAHSLYKB,Secretary. I:/ *° REPUBLICAN BALLY. The Republican League Club of the a *own of McHenry will hold their FIRST ORANI) RALLY, at the City Hall, on ~ Monday evening next, August 29th. f . Two Rousing Speakers will be present f; and address the people. Come out and bear the questions of the day candidly and squarely discussed. PER ORDER COM. m Excursion to Joliet, Thursday; Sept. Round trip only $1.50. QUITE a number from this village took in the Tinckham excursion to Chicago on jesday. THE McHenry County Fair will open at Woodstock on Tuesday next, tbe 30th. See the new advertisement of J. C. IF-, Choate, Woodstock, to be found in jf;. Mother column. [ F THERE will be a good sized delegation , from this place to the Republican Rally, I at Harvard, on Friday next. REMEMBER the Harvest Party at the | Riverside Houte, on Thursday, to-mor- row. evening. A grand good time may expected. THE city authorities have put in a new bridge over the mill race, in this village. It was a much needed improvement, and jtgood, substantial job has been done. THE Burlesque Company, advertised to appear at Riverside Hall, on Thursday evening last, failed to materialize, and probably our citizens were the gainers bjr it. NANCY HANKS was driven a mile in 9:07%, at Washington Park, Chicago, last Wednesday, beating the world's best record, and deposing Maud S, whose \^be8t time was 2:08%, and Sunol, 2:08%. / IT is announced that the .Postmaster- / General of the United States has decided to issue a new series of postage stamps, with designB appropriate to the com- L tnemoration of the discovery of America. | THE Gold Medal Contest will take 'f, place at tbe City Hall this Wednesday evening. It will be one of the most in teresting ever held in this village, and all should make their arrangements to at tend. - IT has been discovered that yawning relieves and absolutely cures "paryngitis, catarrh of the eustachian tube and pain til the ear." All that is necessary is to yawn at stated intervals. Some preach ers are noted dispensers of the remedy. A celebrated lawyer said that the three most troublesome clients he ever had were a young lady who wanted to get married, a married woman who wanted to get a divorce, and an old maid who didn't know what she wanted. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry ev^ry Tuesday Quid Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, opposite the Parker House place. CAPT. C. H. TRYON, County Surveyor, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday. He was over laying out some lots on the river, north of this village, another addition to McHenry. He pre dicts one solid village between this place and Fox Lake at an early day. Land on the river is now selling at the rate of $800jper acre. W. B. WALKER, of Harvard, will have charge of the dining hall, on the Fair Grounds, at Woodstock, next week, which is a sure guarantee that every thing in that department will be in apple pie order, as "Butt" is an adept at the business and his many old friends will be'sure to call on him, and equally sure of a good meal. The management of the PERSOMAX. • $*BAHE RFISWS, of Hebron, was st on Saturday laet. - -• C. E. CUAI&IIB, of Algonquin, was on our streets On Saturday. HARRY HOLMES was an Elgin visitor one day last week. - Jos. BISHOP took fat the rights of Chi cago last week. HENRY ALTHOFF and wife, of Elgin are visiting old friends here this week. MRS. C. P. WAITE returned, to her boms in St. Louis, on Monday. PETER GILLES and wife, of Elgin, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Miss LULU COLBY, of Nunda, was call ing on friends here Monday. WM. LANGHAM, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Tuesday Miss FANNIE COUYNE*, of Elgin, was the Kuest of Miss Carrie Waite last week. ADAM LEITNKR, of Lake Geneva, spent Sunday with his family in this village. P, W. TnoMPsoN, of Lake Geneva, vis ited with friends here over Sunday. FRANK HOLLY went to Lake Geneva on Tuesday where he has secured a job. , Miss ELLA CHAPMAN, of Chicago, and Miss Kate Cramer, of Elgin, are rusticat ing at Pistaqua B^y. Miss JOHNSON, of FOX Lake, was the guest of Adam Leitner and family on Monday. Miss MAGGIE BLAKE, of Chicago, is vis iting with friends .in this village and vicinity. A. L. PATTERSON and wife, of Chicago, sp€nta few days with friends here last week. HARRY DAEMICK, of Chicago, is spend ing a short vacation with friends in this village. MRS. J. M. PRESTON, nee Mrs. A. D. Lynn, of Milwaukee, concluded her visit and returned home on Saturday. CHAS. WEINLAND, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Fred Weinland, and family, of this place. MAUD AND AONES COLBY, of Lake Geneva, were guests of Miss Julia A. Story aud other friends in this village the past few days. MRS. 0. W. OWEN is daily improving and is now thought to be out of danger, which is good news to her many friends here and elsewhere. THE ladies associated with the Ceme tery Aid Society de-ire to express their sincere thanks to all who so kindly aided them in their entertainment. They would be glad to express their gratitude to each personally, were the number less numerous, but especial thanks are given to Honry Wightman for carrying the organ to and from the hall. To Mr. Van Slyke tbe ladies feel under renewed obli gations for the very generous notices and the many handbills, all furnished gratuitously. For these favors and for his constant and ever ready aid and as sistance, given so cordially, the ladies desire to express their sincere apprecia tion. And finally to eaeh and all who, by their presence aided in making the entertainment a success, thanks are given. EVERY newspaper wants to publish the news. The better the paper the more properous it will be. Local nens items are especially hard to run down. How many times have you, dear reader, been approached by the newspaper man for an item of news and told him that you knew nothing of interest. Probably at the time your family were away on a visit or some one from out of town was visiting at your house. Of course you didn't mean to deceive the'scribe yet when you received your paper you won dered why your family or friends were not mentioned. A good way to avoid all of this is to kindly inform us of the fact or drop a note in the post office to the paper. The one item may not amount to much but several columns of such news is the life of a local paper, A MOTHER sent her small boy into the country, and after a week of anxiety has received this letter; "I got here all right and I forgot to write befdre. It is'a very nice pfctce to have fun. A feller and I went out in a boat and the boat tipped over and a man got me out and l.,was so full of water that I didn't know nothin' for a good long while. The other boy has to be buried when they find him. His mother came from Lincoln and she cries all the time. A hoss kicked me over and I have got to have some money to pay the doctor for fixing my head. We are going to set an old barn on fire to-night and I should smile if we don't have bully fun^ I lost my watch and am very sorry. I shall bring home some mud turtles and I shall bring home a tame woodchuck if I can get 'em in my trunk."--Exchange. Nunda Harrison and Seld Olnb The Harrison and Reid Club of Nunda and CryBtal Lake, are requested to meet in the Opera House, at Nunda, Thursday evening, Aug. 25, at 8:00 sharp, to ar range for future work. AIBO to learn how many desire to join the marching club, to see about uniforms, etc. We hope to see every Republican interested present, and especially the young men. The cam paign is on and there is work to do. The ladies are invited to be present. PER ORDER COM. clock maker's shop, tneo-> t a vu- wing his conscnt. Why, anyone would say you are The McHenry Oo. Fair. TaSS Assuo! Fair is Gueof the utiloBtonee that regularly marks an era of agricul tural and mechanical progress, and points to a happy consumation resulting from nature's beneficence and man's labor. It is a period for rejoicing that the traits are gathered and the work of harvest is done, and it serves as a bond of union whose influence is beneficial to all persons, and whose results conduce to the prosperity and well-being of the community. ^ The announcement of the dates of this Fair is all ths^t. is necessary to attract a large attendance from this vicinity, as the people here have been attending it for many years, and have never been dis appointed in any particular, finding everything as advertised. This year ex traordinary efforts have been made for a complete showing in all departments and the assurance is given that this desirable end will be more fully realized than ever before. The dates are Aug. 30, 31, and Sept. 1 and 2, next week Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday. THE following is old but will bear re production, as it will set some of the boys to figuring; "A chambermaid is said to have put twelve commercial trave lers in eleven bedrooms and yet to have given each man a separate apartment. Here we have eleven rooms: 1 | 2 | 8 | 4 | B | 6 | 7 | 8 j 9 } 1 0 \ 1 1 Fair have done the public a great favor to to Pierret's--" in securing Mr. Walker in this position.'^ What do I care for erret? Come on." tnc it t wh car visi hin WO! 'Now,' sai$ she, 'if you two gentlemen will go into bedroom No. 1 and wait a few minutes, I'll find a spare room for one of you as soon as I have shown the others their rooms.' Having thus stowed the first two in No. 1, she puts the third in No. 2, the fourth in No. 3, the fifth in No. 4, the sixth in No. 5, the seventh in No. 6, the eight in No. 7, the ninth, in No. 8, the tenth in No. 9, the eleventh i® No. 10. Having completed the task she went back to room No. 1, where you will remember she had left the twelfth gentle man along with the first and said, 'I have now furnished each of the others with a room, and have a room to spare; if you please, step into room No. 11 and you will find it empty.' ^How was it done?" ^ Beal Estate Transfers. Recorded up to and including Aug. 18. J Madden by *xr to D Herety- wjf swii sec 38. Alden #2480 00 A L Bootue; and w to L Au ringer, la nek ne3iZee 13, Algonquin 000 00 8 E Burion anaw to Cora E Donklee, nwv, wM sej£ and 53 85a sw3i see 22. Nunda 7*85 00 Same to same s frjtf ne aoc 30Nunda 360 O0 T 9 Rogers and w to A L Hungerford, It 4 1)1 k 2 Spencers 2d adri Marengo 600 00 S K Bartholomew and w to !• W Oeitz, It blk 19ann It 3 blk 26 M IS adn Marengo 300 00 Mary Kenney to G Keeney. wX e# swJi sec 16, JOa nwX sec 21 Ma'go 996 00 W P Fillmore and w to S K Barthol. omew. n 4r It 1 blk 9, Spencers 21 adn M.rengo 800 00 8 K BArtholorae w and w to Collins ft Burgie Co pt 01 k9'pencers 2d adn pt It H assrs j>tt sec Marengo... 100 J Peterson to J A Berg it 9 blk 2 Frls- bie'e adn Crystal Litke 175 0C Woodstock Oem to T B McDowell It 15 lilk j, Woodstock Oem Asn adn Oakland cem 35 00 U P Wilcox and w to Jane S Wilcox, w 9»ft It 12 blk 1 Wicker's adn Wood stock 50 00 G Brainnrd and w to Jane Ivooncs Its 7 and 8 blk 14. Bralnardsa in Ma'ngo 5G0 00 JOS) eeker to Kattie Randall U 7 blk 6 Richmond 1 00 JO^Barber to L Hack n« }ts S and & blk-- 6, Chemung. 35 00 M L Joslyn rra&ster) to W Butler, lot 10 and 11. blk 6, Huntley 510 00 Ali Baba" has now passed its centen ary performance at the Chicago Opera House and is rapidly nearing the time when it will beat the record made by Henderson's preceding spectacle and by so doing beat the record of all theatri cal entertainments ever given iu Chicago. Last Sunday night the 104th perform ance of "Ali Baba" occurred, and its summer run is not nearly over yet. "Sinbad" last year was supposed to have made a pretty good record, but the total number of consecutive performances given by it was only 122, so that within a week or two "Ali Baba" will pass it. The 100th performance last Thursday night was attended by an enormous audi ence, attracted thither by the beauties of the spectacle and by the handsome souvenir which commemorated the oc casion. The remarkable attractiveness of "Ali Baba" was never better evidenced than during the past week, when, not withstanding the extreme heat, the "standing room only" sign was out at ever performance. Eddie Foy and Arthur Dunn are now disporting in their old roles, and Joseph Doner, who so ably filled Foy's place while he was away on sick leave, appeared last Sunday night in the character of Alibazen, the Caliph of Bagdad, formerly essayed by Alfred C. Wheelan. Woodstock, Feb. 9,1892. I have used Soph us' Egg Food and find it as recommended. Before using it I hadn't got any eggs for 1% months. After using it for a few days the hens commenced laying and now I get from 10 to 12 eggs a day. The hens are in a splendid condition. I have only 25 hens. Therefore I heartily recommend it to all who have hens. Mrs. Rose Langkilde. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di rections. If chickens cannot eat, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths and it will cure them. FOR SALE. One span of black horses, 4 and 5 years old, well broke and well matched. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire at this office. WHEN a young married woman goet^® *'ttle watchmaker was at his home on a visit to her folks, and her hur110^1' magnifying glass in bis! jusi band writes that he is lonesome, an^T' ^nclingover the works of for ,, v. . watch. Certainly he was not look. Wont.be plwse tnrry home, her rel^ at >nythl that was , on taves abuse him and call him selfish. Buiteide of his shop, jet. Jtie if he tells her not to hurry home, and *J»at he is getting along all right, they say he must be uy to some mischief, and plant so much suspicion in his wife's mind Jhat she takes the first train home to in- ViBatigate.--Ex. K .._ rTry a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal : Losenges, if troubled with indigestion. JELGIKTACADEMY. / Opens Thursday, Sept. 1, at 9:30 o'clock. English, Scientific, Classical and Normal. A complete Business course, in cluding short-hand, type-writing, etc., at one-half the usual cost. For catalogue or information, address A. J. WELCH, A. M. Principal, Elgin, 0L. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. FOR SALE. 14 acres of good land, on the east bank of Fox river, about one mile south of the McHenry bridge. Also a pair of Morgan mare colts, dark color, 3 years old. For particulars, inquire on the premises of Mrs. L. Aylwa^d. 6-lm DENTIS3?.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, opposite the Old Parker House place. REPUBLICAN LKAOTTB CLUB. At aii jiuiuiirtHHj meeting, for the pur posed organizing a Republican League Club for the town of McHenry, held at the City Hall, on Friday evening last. The following constitution was adopted: CONSTITUTION. ^ Of the Republican League Club, of McHenry, Illinois. ARTICLE I. Section 1. The name of this organi sation shall be the Republican League Club, of McHenry, Illinois. Sec. 2. The object and purpose of this Club shall be to strengthen the Republi can party organization, and to promote, by all legitimate agencies, the success of the Republican party and its candidates, thereby exerting the most potent influ ence in behalf of good government. Sec. 3. This Club shall not be used in any way to further the interest of any candidate for oflice previous to nomina tion, but shall reserve its force to be ex erted in behalf of all candidates nomi nated by Republican conventions^ . ARTICLE II. Any person over eighteen years of age, shall be eligible to membership in this Club. ARTICLE m. The officers of this Club shall be a President, 2 Vice Presidents, a Secretary, Treasurer, an Executive Committee of five, and a Finance Committee of three-- of which committees the President and Secretary shall be members ox officio The officers shall be members of the Club, aud shall be elected by ballot at such time as may be prescribed by the By- Laws. ARTICLE nr. > Sec. 1. The regular meeting of this Club shall be held at..... ...,.,:...„on the.... and Sec. 2. Five members shall constitute a quorum at any regular or duly called special meeting of the Club. ARTICLE V. Sec. 1. All by-laws and resolutions of this Club shall require a majority vote of the members present at any regufar meeting for their adoption. Sec. 2. Amendments to this Constitu tion shall only be made upon previous notice of two weeks, in writing, and shall require for their adoption an affirmative vote of two-tiiiiue of the members pres ent at a regular meeting, the two-thirds affirmation to be not less than one-quar- ter of the members of the Club: Provid ed, that no amendment shall at any time be]made that will conflict with the pro visions of the Constitution of the Republi can League of tbe United States, or the Republican League of the (state of Illinois. ARTICLE VI. This Club shall become and be a mem ber of the Republican League of the State of Illinois, and shall assist in pro moting and maintaining the work of that organization in this locality. After the adoption of the Constitution the following permanent officers were elected: President--F. K. Granger, ; Vice-Presidents--Yf. A< Crfeiy, Simon Stoffel, •; Secretary--J. Van Slyke, TYensurer--Michael Welsh. Tbe Executive and Finance Commit tees were left with the President to ap point, who asked for time to consider. The committee tosolict names of mem bers of the Club reported seventy-four names, and were instructed by the meet ing to continue tbeir good work until thenext meeting. ^ ----f On motion the President was instruct ed to procure speakers for the next meet ing. On motion adjourned to Monday even ins, Aug. 29th. bushiest) Notice*. STunda Department. Nunda Post, No 226, meets on the secon I and fourth Tuesday evening* ot each tuonth iu 6. A. R. Hail. Oomrade« from <>ther Poatc arecoriliilly invited to visit Poat meetings. W. 1*. ST. Claik, Conimanuer. W. B. PRIOKKT Ad j .taut F. K. GRANGER, Pres. J. VAN SLYKE, Sec. THE Marengo Republican says: "An incident a little out of the usual order is reported to us as having recently occur red on the farm of Mills Bros., in Seneca. On going out to milk their cows one evening one of the boys noticed a bunch in the teat of the cow he was about to milk; he felt of it carefully, gently squeez ing it for a while, when out popped a little green snake about six inches long. How it came there is more of a mystery than how it got out." IT is an old and very true saying, that a merciful man is merciful to his beast, and the man who abuses a dumb animal is unfit, not only for the kingdom of heaven, but utterly unfit for the kingdom of earth. There is, therefore, but one abode left for him. Geo. T. Angell, the practical humanitarian, suggests that horse breeding associations should not bestow prizes on any mutilated horse. This would no doubt have a desirable in fluence in putting a atop to docking horses. . As I am closing out my business, no tice is hereby given to all who are in- debt to me on book account, that they must call and settle their accounts on or before Sept 1, 1892, or their accounts willbe left with a Justice of the Peace for collection. J. 0. FITZSIMMONS. ___J 8-4w MCHENRY COUNTY FAIR. Bpecial Premiums. The following special premiums are offered in the cullinery department: Best loaf of wheat bread, hop yeast, pair of kid gloves. J. C. Choate. Best loaf ot wheat b*ead, milk riseings, agate tea or coffee pot. Bunker Bros. Best loaf of whea? bread, unbolted flour, sack of Pearl White flour. Eckert & Young. Best loaf of rye bretd, print dress pat tern. E. A. Murphy. Best loaf of corn bread, lemonade set. B. S. Austin. Best baking powder biscuit, Yeley's roaster and baker. W'hitson Bros. r Best rolls, pair of three dollar shoes. Stone & Hart. Best basket fancy cake, 'trimmed hat. Misses Donnelly. Best ginger snaps, made by young ladies between foiTteen and eighteen years, Oxford tie. C. F. Thorne. Best DeyiTs food, tooth extracted gratis. Dr. F. C. Colby. Best Angel food sack of .Pillsbury's flour. Bagley & Caskey. To the lady winning the mos* prizes in the culinary department, haid finished oak center table. John Stafford. Entries limited to Wednesday, August 31st, 10 A. M. sharp. 6w2 A. F. FIELH, Secretary. PEYTTBT --Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Tuesday and Wednesday o' each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Chi d< and Nortou, opposite the old Parker House place. Dust everywhere. ' Go to Edick's for fine Irs Creftm. Eugene Andrus spent Sunday at home. Miss Ida Philp is visiting at Palatine. - Hens are on a strike. Eggs are 18 cents a dozen. Mrs. John Goodwin is visiting her son at Elgin. Mrs. Warner spent the Sabbath with her daughter, Mrs. F. Smith. We are glad to say that Miss Grace McClure is able to ride out. Mrs. \I A. Foote spent Wednesday of last week at home. Mrs. W. P. St. Clair was a Woodstock visitor last Friday. S. H. H alderman, of Elgin, was in town Saturday of last week. ' Mrs. L. L. Smith and daughter, Mrr. Duncan, are visiting old friends. D. C. Mallory, who has been quite sick for some weeks is impfoving. Miss Minnie Owen visited the World's Fair city Tuwsday. James White and wife entertained ftfends over Sunday. Rev. Hamilton and wife entertained friends from Wisconsin over Sunday. Mrs. Henry Willey, of Fitchville, Ohio, is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. C. Mallory. Mrs. Hamilton left on Tuesday morn ing for Kansas City, where she will visit with her parents. Mr. Heinz, of Lafayette. Indiana, was in Nunda Saturday and Sunday looking up the prospects of a pickle cirop. There was a good representation of ladies at the Republican club meeting Saturday night. Alva Hale had the misfortune to sprain his wrist, thus being unable to work for awhile. Miss .lessie Stohe, of Chicago, spent a few days of last week with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Wheaton. Miss May Thomas left, on Tuesday morning for Lansing, Michigan, where she will spend a few weeks among friends. The Republican pole in Nunda is now decorated with a nice 26 foot Harrison, Reid and Fifer streamer. There will be a Republican Marching Club organized and uniformed at Nunda in the near future. Mrs. Cora Dickinson and children are again at home after spending several weeks at Batavia and surrounding places. Miss Mary Ballou started on Tuesday morning for Kansas, where she intends making an extended Visit. Rer many friends w ish her a pleasant journey. MableCarrand Rebecca Gilbert, who have been spending the past five weeks at I. N. Powell's, returned to their city homes last Saturday. John Gracy was present at the Repub lican club meeting Saturday night and gave a very interesting and instructive address on the tariff question. Mr. Gracy is well informed and logical on the the tariff. F. R. .lackman. of Wood stock, made a short but telling speech. Frank is an interesting speaker. ALGONQUIN. Chas. Dodd and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends here. Cal Hurt, of DeKalb, 111., is visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Helm visited, with friends at Elgin on Sunday. The German Lutherans are rebuilding their parsonage. Messrs. Oleson and Deal, of Chicago, are the guests of C. E. Chapell. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell were in Chi cago on Monday of this week. John Janvak started up his steam thresher on Monday of this week. J. W. Adamek, of Elgin, was in town on Monday last. ' Tom McKay, of Chicago, is visiting friends here. Mrs. D. T. Helm and children, of Chi cago, are the guests of the families of J. Helm and J. Peter. Mrs. I V. Montanye and Miss Nellie Hickey, of Elgin, were theguests-of Mrs. J. Helm on Monday of this week. Mrs. James Rinnie and daughter, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. E. A Ford here,. The Kickapoo Indians pitched their tents here on Monday of this week for a two weeks' exhibition. The Germans held a picnic in Fred Duensing's srove, at the old lime kiln, on Saturday last. There were some from here attended the races at Washington Park on Thurs day last. Wm. Geister has sold his saloon busi ness on Chicago St to a party from Chi cago. Consideration f2,400. He gives possession Sept 1st. Mrs. A. J. Scott, of London, East Ten- nesee, Mrs. H. K. Wilson and Mrs. G. W. Early, of Chicago, were the guests of Mrs. E. Bigelow overSunday. Mrs. E. Bigelow sold her household goods at auction on Saturday last, she having rented her house to J. M. Edsall. She intends making Chicago her home. Ed Riley succeeded in getting a good flowing well for Ed Morton, at the MOP- toi^ Houpe, and he has put down one for Frank Adamek since and hi is now put ting down one for John Peter. Real estate is booming in Algonquin. Thos. Kabon was offered $15,000 for his new block last week, aud there was a lot with a 58 foot front sold on Chicago street, on Monday of this week, for $500, to a Chicago party. Tickets are out for a Harvest Party at Columbia Hall, on Friday evening, Sept. 2. Music by Slocum's full orchestra. Flco" managers, J. Kalahan, Algonquin: C. Hill, Crystal Lake; Joe Dunn, Cary. Tickets, $1.00, supper at the Morton House. T. Kabon, proprietor; Ed Mor ton, manager. BOATS FOR SALE. T have six good new Row Boats, which I will sell at IPSB than the cost of mater ial. Prices from $3 upward. Call and see them. JOHN P. SMIDH. McHenry, July 11,1892. CLOSING OUT SALE. OF summer goods--not going out of business--but only offering goods free of profit to r«ake room for fall and winter goods till Sept. 1st. Call early and buy till late of SIMON STOFFEL. Fair dealing and lowest prices have earned our present tr*»de and by follow ing in the same course and improving j every opportunity to lower our present: low prices we expect to increase our I trade. Call in and see how it operates. J. W. CRISTV & SON, Ringwood. I Can you use a barrel of Pillsbury's Beet at $5.GO cash If so, leave your order at mill to be delivered. GENTS. - If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do yoa a splendid job. : FOR SALE! The steamer "Mary Griswold" at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we ca& fix dates for you at this office. St. Patrick s Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. W. Besley, Druggist. FOR SALE, For sale, at much less than its value, & farm of two hundred and forty acre6 of first class land, that will carry sixty cows. Said farm all under cultivation, and situated four miles from Woodstock and one and one-half miles from Frank- linville Factory. Terms to suit purchas er. WM*H. STEWART, - 5811 - Woodstock, 111. THe "AlIton's" St. Louis Limited? It's vestibuled, luxuriously equipped, but best of all it's fast. Leaves Chicago 11 A. M., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. M. same day. For all this there's no extra fare. The route of the St* Louis Limited lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. 43 .. . SUDDEN DEATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter ing, pain or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and so escape death, as did Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. • • FL BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Thebest salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or uu pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. y PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry, 111. As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamber lain's Pain Bahn is unrivaled. For sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I. A. Barrus, Volo and L. N, Fenne, Wau- couda. FLOUR BY THE CAR. BUY your flour on small margins |Uid delivered free. Honest Abe, fl.10; New Process, $1.20; Half Patent, *1.30; Pillsbury's Best, $1.45--5 cents off on all grade.% per sack, in barrel or larger lots. All fully warranted. Leave orders with SIMON STOFFEL. Julia A. Story's Locali You will save money by buying Cas- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur ify your blood. Cactus Oil for sale at J. A. Story's. A new assortment of crockery, among which will be found new and beautiful de signs in chamber setts. A six piece sett, new shape and new decorations, onlv $3.00. A new and and complete line in station^ ery including cards, invitations, box stationery/ etc., just opened at J. A. Story's. Cactus Oil at J. A. Story's. \ t K/&3 .3 OCR ANNUAL Cledrin ••if* % SUMMER DUE GOODS, PARASOLS, STRAW HATS HOUSE NET8. DUSTERS SWEAT PAIS, ETC.. NOW ON y W$ have bought an overstock ot spring aiid summer clothing; and the weather has proved such a drawback cn the demand lor auch goods we will commence a Special Clothing Sale, to reduce stock, we will continue with the following pri<*3sT"\/T* Men's black frock worsted suits; $10, now 6. Men's pin-head check all wool suits, $15, now $l(K Youth's gray all wool suits, . „$12 50, now $6 50. Men's dark fancy worsted suits, $16.50, now 13 Men's Bl'k worsted sacks, $9.00. now $8 Child's 2 piece suits, $2, now $1.78. We have many equally bargains, Come and see us. v CARPETS. Oa all carpets we will give.-a cash discount of 1.0 per «ej|| for the next 30 dafs. ; v ; Wall We are having an immense* trade in wall psiper and borders« To close out our entire etock we will give you a cash discount of 20 per cent from now on, on all our different kinds except browns. All paper trimmed free of charge. Come and get the fi *st •B. i A sm-. SSI •p. A i 'M •>« SHOES. Our shelves are overloaded with in kinds of fttie fhoes for infants, boy*, girl*, men mid women. We slvtya ke* p the beet goods and our prlngs «rs surprisingly loir this season. W{ ' * ; - A Faint 7our House, BARN AND FENQS* , • KI • W ith none hut the best Paints. URTAfNS We carry the celebrated "Mon arch" and •• Warren" Mixed. Paipt.i Both are warranted to a « • i « CODtaiD ol)ly strictlv pure white A SpftP.151.1 SflJ.6 Ol lead and zmc, and pure boiled F linseed oil. and viH outwear and look better than any strictly pure white lead now made Our trade in these paints is gradually in creasing, as the merits ot them _ . become known, and we carry the A Xv£tr6 Chance, largest stuck in the county.-- W hen desiring any paints or oil* call on us and get prices. v; "^1- ^ Ch'inille Imported Samples. Any Color, Worth up to $20 a pair. A choice while they last for $7.50 a pair. Watch this bpace next week :s$m J. C. CHOATE. Woodstick. Ill* rm 0 A * Our grocery stock Is replenish? ed every week and we keep every thing in this line fresh. We shall hereafter keep fresh compressed yeast, and in their season berries and other fruits. Yours very trnly. Perry & Owen, General Merchant!. McHENRY; ILL. wm PKNTIST.--Dr "W. E. Pil-her. of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Tuesday and Wednpsdav of each week. Fie c»n be fmind ?»t th*> offico formerly occupied by Drs. rhilds and Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. Eoffine for Sals. We have a 20-horse power,'Portable Engine for sale: Is in tirst-cla^s running: order and almost as good as new. Will be sold reasonable, if called for soon. MANLY St SONS. Pillsbury's Best seldom equalled Try it only $1.45. . \-- PERRY A OWEN. Bankers, McHENRY« - 1 ILLINOIS., , , This Bank receivet depotite. 6MM S'*! | and sella Foreign and DomssKe J&» ] change, and doe* a ̂-"V Genoral Banking Business, j We endeavor to do all {jbwineim m- J trusted to our care in a manner ami $ \ •% upon tesms entirety satisfactory to tmr * j "5 customer* and respectfully solicit A ^ public patronage. " s|"j| ^ MONEY TO LOAN; ' ,?1 4 ^ "is On Real Estate and other first clma- . -- "-s security Special attention given to cod ' j§ .; lection*. INSURANCE In first Class Cbnqp . ml I L<>*oest Eate* Fosr# PERRY * OWII m * - tfr "ihMit £ •