ALL PAKAORA3PH8. tion manifested by the lor what term the force .«•!* la perfectly natural. They associate W \with* certain fow» Mil in use twenty- : '"jBlm years ago under which so many Kf democrats were forced to go into the hire % substitute or scoot for Th® "people's" party came out square- for government ownership of rail- telegraph and telephone lines, it they failed to state the manner in the ownership should be ^ se cured, by purchase or confiscation. [However, such lofty reformers care not to consider trifles like these. s ^ ,1 That odious force bill, among other ; Utreadful things, will "revive race an- ',V tagonisms, now happily abated," says ^ «' 4he democratic platform. Abated since I when? The record is made at every dec s'.; • ' tlon that the "shotgun" does the abatr 11 4 tog to a dozen or more, who are "killed jjjp' wd wounded" for dai^ng to vote, p ' Between the "free coinage" folly of Ji': the people's party (which means a sil- p ver dollar worth only 70 cents) and the ?t ' «heeky demand of the democrats to re- L turn again to "wild cat' banking (which means downright robbery) the repub licans stand forth as the only party de manding that a dollar shall be worth a dollar. <, • s Judge Altgeld is still itine rating over the etat# in MB celebi-ated "hand to hand" canvass. At the end of the first month of tramping it was reported that W. C. T: U. DEPARTMENT ArlldM and Notices utnler the nhove head aro furnished by the Lftdies of the W.O T. U an') the <*llior claims no i*ri or credit for th* pans®. -:V: X, demands had been made upon him for five hundred thousand dollars. This vote, for six months, means three mil lions of dollars. Will he "come down wid the stuff?" A confession of wmtaess in both ean- and platform of the democrats la convincingly apparent from the oon- stant effort® of democratic managers to throw the selection of president into the house of representatives. Were they even reasonably sure of an election by the people no such side-show arrange ments would be made in advance. The American boy and girl can soon hftve pearl buttons "all over them" so far as cost and quality is concerned. The sixtieth American pearl factory is now being constructed at Newark, N. J., by Thomas A. Webb. These fac tories employ over 4,000 persons. Skilled workmen earn from $18 to 122 per week --three times as much as the same class in Europe. A middle-aged business man, well- known in Chicago, recently remarked, in conversation, as follows: "I lived 21 yearn of my life in free trade Canada, and know something by way of con trast between that system and pro tection, as applied here. Should I live a hundred years 1 could not say or do too much for the country in which I en- Joy a© majiy blessings of citizenship." Two yWrs ago democratic orators de nounced what they called the "Billion poller Congress" from every stump in country. Democrats control by an immense majority the present house, whicfe at its first session, now about to close, haa made appropriations aggre gating 9506,500,000, or $43,101,490.21 more than was passed by the first ses sion of the preceding congress so loud ly denounced. For versatility in speech-making President Harrison greatly excels, and, no matter what the occasion or subject, he rises to the emergency. His recent addveoa before the national association of teachers was a remarkable off-hand addjreMt able, scholarly and compre hensive. Contrasted with anything •aid by "Clero and Steve" on their re turn from being "surprised," Ben gets ft way with them greatly. Democratic money doctors are hard ly entitled to a hearing before the American people. The inventors of "wildcat" hanking are not to be trusted witli the of the coun try. They opposed at every step--in congress and out of it--the principal steps leading to our present system, which brought us through the wax, aa- 0wmee every sale purpose in peace, and can only be samty managed by the party creating it, The admirable spaeoh of McKinley at the Auditorium ratification meeting in Chicago was at no point more va£ uabl® than where he declared and showed so plainly that a "tariff for rev enue csiily was always paid by the aouauiuer, while £. "tssiiE ior proteo- Uon" never touched the osmsomer at alL As a "tariff for revenue only" is the oardiaal Soetriae of th© democrats, the •oneramei' must mairr up* MR mind to D&V It In fall In £'wildcat" daya the democratic wtrwsncy fluctuated la value so greatly Chat a monthly "Detector" was value less, and & weekly publication of quota tions was established. It kept the clerks eternally figuring up discounts, and the rates of to-day were valueless to-morrow. Fortunes were made by these banks of issue in the southern states, and they want to do it again by a return to the system. The constitution of the United States declares: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be de nied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, 0* previous condition of servitude." In perfect harmony with this declara tion of th© constftutlon th© republican plafcfomi mju: MWe demand that every dUteen of the U&ited£tatw shall be al lowed to cast onefree and umestricted in all public elections and that •nail be counted aad re- as cast; that such laws shall be and enforced aa will secure to •vary citizen, be he rich or poor j native ar foreign born, white or black, this »of<4*lgn right guaranteed by the oon- •Ulution. The free and bonost popular ballot, the Just and equal representa tion oftUof the people, m, well as their fart andt equal pmteefckm under the a--Jha foundation of oar nsjmb- Ikaa InNfitatlona, and the party will Mwrwltiiilifa IlteftiHii nntll the integ6- - <lty of the "ballot and the purity of the also lions shall be fully guaranteed aafl Protected la every state." And it is against this very proper and highly numntudtblfl dec! aaatlon that the dem- octaia denounce as fraud and force, •nd aa expressed threat to override the mutilation. I '-fcay Tour Oherrifs." ~| BT M. T. tows. .,••••'; I [A trus incident.^ ; At J he bar room door aat truqrksn Jim. - A beggar cou 1(1 scarcely compare with htm, Willi his ragged coat, his battered hat And his wort-out shoes. There he sat. Winking and blinking that bright springdsf. Wishing he knew some ea*y way To got money enough tor one drink more-- For he longed for a drink as never before-- Ard the bar-tender said that very day, "Von can only have drink when you've money to pay." • - Walking quickly down the atrtet. Came a little girl. Bo olean and BSSt, 11 Witt a basket of cheines eu h)r arm, Bcr clear voice < ailing, with musical charm-- "Here's your cherries, juicy and sweety > Bed and ripe, just right toeat." i ~ % She passed close by poor drunken Jiis But never thought of selling to him; " But he reached his hand to her basket neat And helped himself to her cheriies sweet. The child looked at him in strange surprise. Then anger flashed from her big black eyes, And, "Buy your clierrle\ sir," she said, With a scornfol toss of her curly head. "I have io father to work for ine, I must work for brothers aa<l sisters three; So. I sell cherries upon the street To get them bread and butter to eat; To steal Irom an orphan is mean and wrong; Buy your cheirle*r" '.she Mid, and passed along, • : *' •' * "Buy m,- therriei," said Jim; "yei, onee I could. And there's no reason Dnt now I should, Only the cursed whisky snd beer Tnat have robbed u?y home of coiutort and eheer; My chlWienare worse than orphans, too, My clothes are in rags, I have nothing to do; I once wss respected, tut now you see That even the bar-tender won't trust me; I really think that it is time to stop; With God's help I've drunJt my laH drvp." The man grew strong in his purpose true, He took the first work he eould fine to do; He bravely worked from day to day, , , Oft pausing a moment to humbly pray for strength divine; and each prayer of his Was heard and answered; as true prayer la. Saturday night rame roiling around, And happy Jim was homeward bound, With hands in his pocket, where silver chinked, Not a cent of which should be spent for drink. But first, Jim had some errands to do, To the butcher, the baker,snd the grocer, too, He went and left orders; gave number and street, That his children once more should have plenty to est. Then he bought shoes, stockings, some print fors dress. And many more things you would hardly guess; And last--though you'll surely not think it least-- A big bag of cherries, as a erown to the feast; Then, with arms filled, he turned heme ward once more, Aud by children snd wife wss met st the door, "Look husband," she said, "tbece things have been left, I think of their senses the men are bereft. Here are beef, butter, bread, sugar and eake, I said I knew there mult be some mistake." •'There's no mistake, tfary. there're intended for you, I ordered them all, and paid for them, too," Then told his story, enjoyed their surprise, And said, as the gr< at t'ars stood in his eves, "Henceforth, dear wife, little Jonnny and Sue We will buy our cherries and eat them, too," Alameda, Oat. ** i Go from our shelves to the homes of our many patrons, at actual wholesale cost prices, to m:iko room tor , warm snoods now being purchased and in part anivinjar. Our stock ofet'ol summer jroods is yet quite complete and of the Utest quality, consisting in part ot Clothing, Underwear, Furnishings, Hats, Parasols, Laces, Fans, Gloves, Robes, Dress Patterns, Lawns. Buntings, (tallies, Organdhs, Chambrias, Nainsooks, India . Linens. Skirting. Shawls. Corsets. Mitts. Etc. Above goods must be all closed out by Sept. 1, regardless of cost, without foil, and an early call will save you profits and giv« good variety to choose from if called for early. * SUMME rerv complete now OUB STOCK VJEDIPM AND FINE R & FALL CLOTHING Is very complete! now. and more new clothing Is now arriving' Our style*, qnalitie* and workmanship are of the very beet, with aeeorrinent very large and proft'* the-smallest Look us over when in need ol Clo hirg or Geute' Furniahinga. t ForyStylisIi Suiting's. Drese Goods, Surahs, Velvets, Silks, Trimmings, etc,, we are still headquarters, with large selection at modern profits. For Fine, Medium and Heavy Footwear Come our way for proper styles, best of work and plenty to choose from. Custom wo^k and warranted. Carpets. Window Shaded, Lace Curtains, Poles, Portiers, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper* Trunks, Satchels* etc.. Always in stock at right prices and qualities. • yr TTTarri -OPni?TTT L* l\ Two crates of Table Ware, freBh JUol JClJOAjillJ. V HlJ-r,--"from England, or the latest pat terns in tea. dinner and breaklasr sets, in white and luater brand. This i» what yoa want for harvest and threrhl ig .imes. New glassware, l^mps. etc. *e have just received 17 styles ot the famous Monasha all-wool Flannels in stripes, checks and plaids. Look them over. FLOUR IN CAR LOADS. We are now handling large lots of Chick's well known Rocklo. d Flouv, all fully warranted, and by buying in car lots we can offer superior grades, all made from hard, old wheat, as follows, by the single sack. Honest Abe $1,10 New Process <1 20. Half Patent $1.30, with 5c less on each sack in barrel or larger lots only. Try us on flour as we deliver free in any part of the village. We only and always handle only the finest and best of Gro ceries and Provisions, and carry the highest grades qf Teas, Coffees and spices to be found. Now and in future call on SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenry 111., 1892. t GRANDMA says it is 20 years since she made such good bread as this. She says G'LLETT'S MAGIC YEAST Is like the yeast she used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again ; and we all hope so, too. Call for it at your Grocar's. It ia always good and always roady. . M^EES HENS LAY AND KEEPS THEM HEALTHY « Try It, FOB SALE BY JOHN EVAN30N & CO. ' West McHenry, 111. CHAP. KUHNERT. Joh sburgK 111. J.W. CRISTY & SON, K ngwood. 111. FRANK ROWE, Hebron, 111. b'~ DON'T BE AFRAID To try the Family Flour from the Fox Bhrer Taliey Roller Mills, $ 1.15 per sacke ewh. Every sa«k warranted or mony nfonded. Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland, Ind., Mjys: "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for diajr- ifcoea aad severe cramps and pains in the •tomach and bowels with the best re volts, ia the worst eases I never had to give more than the third dose to effect a care In most cases one will do. Be- its other good qualities it is pleas ant to take." 25 and 50 cents a bottle lor Bale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry I. A Bantu, Volo and L. M. Fenne. Wau- ----:,SeK'r;W:^ k h IULIA A. STOBY, DEALER 1 1 1 1 1 D r u g s t M e d i c i n e s -A FULL LINE OF- DBALEB IN- eLAiyi®« IFINESTT* :«P US'THE* -TCJI'lLAWliY' ' t < v •* w* 9 ' t • hjph f ^ ONE DOOR WEST OF B1VERSIUE BOUSE, McHenry,111, ^icals. D)e U.PaiDtS, Oils & OlM! Constantly on liar d. AMo a la^ge line of Patent Medicines Toilet Articles* AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF ^STATIONERY A VP DRUGGJST^ 6UNDRIES F hysicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- c st- Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. STOllYs •JIJSTEN BROS.! The undersign'd, having decided to open the Centra) Me at Market, one door Ban* of Bur^'aii'* cigar will, on and after Monday, June 28th, be ready with a full supply of Freah & Salt Meats, SAUSACE. BTCtf II, FBUITS & VEGETABLES IN TUETR SEASON. By keeping none but the best, a Beat and tasty ma ket. a>nl strict attention to business, be hopes to merit a share of publi j patronage, Call and tee us and we will try and please you. WAT STOFFEL. McHenry, June 22,1892 IF YOU SHOULD TRAVEL O'ER Tftt WORLD I7r AS FAR AS YOU COULD QOi . A BETTER SOAP TfjAfJ SANTA CLAUf I - i YOU'D never C^t TO KKJOV/ , ..Art-, •*«<: Mr: v* 1 '4 JMiE U K . * * J. R. SA7L0R & SONS, BBEEDEBS OV- Morgan:: Horses, Embracing thn celebrated General Giflord, Green Mountain and Moirill blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fllliea. riendfor pedi grees. Essex and Registered Poland Cnli a --SWINE.-- Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze 1 urkevs. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come and Inspect stock or address J. B. SAYLOR & SOXS West MeHenry, III FILLSBURY -ABJJ- W V S J H B U H N Flour Kills Co. m warn OP M KOIDS. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. J OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE ^ 5 and we can secure patent in less time than those'! #remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not clue till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreiga countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ®».P««IT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. With two store?, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry)s they present to the buying public X . A R & E B ; S T O C K Of all kinds ot Furniture than ever before' which we are offering at greatly . REDUCED PRICES* NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, We also keep in ptock a full line 0 8am pies of CARPETS* andean give t nest Brussels at. lower prices than any JKL I . A R 9 E you stivfliing from the.theapes: to thc other nouse in the county. 9p0l^ N S We have take n great pnins in self ct ingeur immTAims mnm, ColSna. Caskets «n<l Trimmings of the latest designs. Evrythlng new and ele gant, W» eeep nothing hat the brst l>rt fail to ca 11 and pr>e us when In w,>h of anything In our line. A Splendid Nevr Hsaxss, loconnection, whioh will Ik t irnl h°'l nt R^a^onaMe Rite*, McHenry. III., July11,1802. JtJSTEN BROS*' Better than ever before, though always the best. We head the list with Pillsbury's Be tat $1.45 per sack Lily of'the Valley, 1.25 «• A No* 1 family flour, 1.15 •• 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Flour, 60 cents, . 25 lbs, granulated Corn Meal, 50 conts. 12 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal, 25 cents. 25 lbs. winter wheat Graham Flour, 70 cents. 12 1-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham Flour. 35 cents. All flour guaranteed or money refunded. Flour delivered to any part ol the village free of charge, Give us your orders and we will try and please you in quality and price in any flour you might want. Remember the place. Fox River Valley Roller Mills. * ,re topics for general discussion. So is the success wo are meeting i v i with in the sale of w\. .i. •* GENERAL •;~SjT£'Vy' The point is here. We carry a large and WPII assorted stock, ealcu late to have all the different goods that the hardware trade hece demands. We sell at reasonable prices, use all alike, and represent onr ?oods as they are. The success we are having jn selling -V^POR STOVB3S Is owing greatly to the stove we are handling. HH SIUHFRXSIS The handsomest, the simplest the cleanest, the most durable, and consequently the best See it before yon purchase a store. In seasonable goods wecarry Fishing Tackle, hammocks, Sport ing Goods, Croquette Sets Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hakes, Screen Doors, etc We make a specialty in Dairy supplies and Jobbing in sheet STORYi& McOMBER, West McHenry, 111. BOOTS% SHOES. Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer fer them, if he does not keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. For sale by SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry. JOHN I. STORY, /O Riverside Block, McHenry, ON HAND WITH f|§uiuuiuiiiiimm»BiiuuuuDHmmiiiiitii8iiuiimmtiiHiuinuitiimtmuiiuuuiiiiummtiiiiuuuuuits I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I IhATS, CAPS soots. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. I s H §fii!iiiuiiiimmuiiiiiiiinmmnimmuuiiiimmmiiiiii::mmmmjiiiiuiiiimmDuuuuu§I It is no use to make a noise about what you are going - do, un. less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Real Bargains of great valu c *o every one of ourr ustotners. My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, JOHN I. StqrV. Mqflenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. TAKE IT COOL And buy your SUMMBK Outfit of us, We do not follow bu lead, in ladies' fine shoes and slippers. Call in, see our styles and get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, canoe and child ren's shoes always on hand. f y v p CLOTHING I CLOTHING 1 Now is the time you want a fine and good suit of clothes, oheape and we will make you prices lower than ever before. As usual, we have a full and complete line of confirmation suits, *t all prices.. Call and see them before buying. Parasols, Gans, Mosquito Bar, Straw Hat?. Lap Robes- Fly Nets, Gauze Underwear, tor men and ladles. Remember our Borkford 6vera71s, Shirts and Jackets, men's A a Shirts and Neckties. ' , CHOICE FBE8H OROCEIII1QM tm «v©rl We give you the best Flour for the least money. Yours Q8 ever for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenryy l-s * "