F YiPSf" tl^vjjl ^,3^? 'i*j*'i W. C. T; U. MPARTMINT v... Artloiea *Bd Mottoes under thte *lM>ve head Me farnUhod t»y tfco LMiM of the W.O T.V Md ike editor eiftim* no p*rt or credit for tno INTEKEHTWO. A well known revenue agent, late of Chicago, where millions of cigarettes are manufactured, was spoken to on the subject of cigarettes. "I used to be a confirmed cigarette smoker, but now you could not induce me to touch one of them," he said. Why how's that?'" "Well, it's because I went into a largt manufacturing place in Chicago, and what I saw there sickened me of the imi tation smokers." "Row are they made and of what?" Of all that is vile and in jurious, and mean. Cigar butts, picked iffl up from the streets, barks of certain _T_ _ kinds, tobacco stems and refuse, are ;; . * heaped together in one filthy pile, and *, • >' f ien saturated with opinm, which gives IIs * the cigarette that soothing effect desir- ; able to a!! smokers. I tell yon, sir, if all ; cigarette smokers could see as I have seen, how one of the greatest firms in (Chicago manufactures cigarettes, the trade in the same would soon fall off or cease entirely. WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE? The longer Iliye, the more certain I m-: H ? • " a m t h a t t h e g r e a t d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n m e n t' the great and insignificant, is energy-- ^'I Snvincible determination -- an honest f;:Y: purpose once fixed--and then death or victory. The quality will do anything IfM^that can be done in the world; and no ""talents, no circumstances, no opportun- ,-ity will make a two-legged creature a ~^T~-faaa without it.--Gothe. 'f , The undersigned, having decided to i-5* t>pen the Central Meat Market, one door East of Barb! an '• cigar store, . Will, on and after Monday, June 28th, |p tie ready with a fall supply of Fresh & Salt Meats, 8AUSACE, ETC- Ala, FRUITS & 7EGSTABLES \' v > ' : ^ . OF THEIR SEASON. By keeping none bat the best, a neat *nd tasty market, and strict attention 'to business, be hopes to merit a share of public patronage, Call and sse as and we will try and please yen. MAT 8TOFFEL. McBenry, June 32, 1893. & JL1AYL0R & SONS, trnml If-- BR EEDER8 OV Morgan:: Horses, Embracing tbe celebrated General Gilford, Green Mountain and Moirlll blood. STOCK. FOR 8ALK. Stallions and Fillies. Sendfor pedi grees. Issex and Registered Poland China --SWINE.- Merino Sheep, imoth Bronze Turkeys. Eh Grade Jersey Cattle. ky?: Choice Bronze Tilrke. ^Or sale. Come and Inspect stock or address T J. R. BAYLOR & BOX8 W est MeRenry, III , I C«tc*U. and Trade-Marks obtained, and >11 Pat. , «AT business conducted for MODERATE PECS OUN OFFICE IT OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT ornet > and we can secure patent in less Ume than thwj ' i remote from Washington. 1 ] "..„S„end^ode";dra*k«! or photo., with descrip-1 > , ,tfon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of [ < charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! I A HOW toObtain Patents," with'1 Sent SttTldSrl!^ ^ore^a countries; | C.A.SNOW&CO. OW». PATENT OrriCE. WASHINGTON, D. C. SeieaUfie Aaerieaa Aaencv far PATENTS gs Breryjjrtent ui 'aMBflgS " Handbook write to 1851 BHOADW..T, NEW YOBS. foraeonrinK patents In America !bJitI^!L02t by OB Is brought before 1 ' * ""Uw Riven free of duig« in the Omenta® x \ ' KICKAPOO "» ' '** '• * <• \ I I & KICKAPOO QUICK CURE FOR ALL ffWDS OF PAIR. 0000 FOR MAR OR BEAST. It has no equal. It stops pain as if by magic. It should be < [ in every family, for it is truly a * doctor in your house for Ear- iche, Toothache, Chilblains, * Freezes, Sprains, Neuralgia, Colic, Diarrhoea, Headache. (i Sore Throat, Burns, Cuts, <[ Bruises, Rheumatic Pains, * Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Cramps in the Stomach or Limbs, and all sudden or acute pains, external or internal. j | it gives Immediate relief. f Price. 9B cent* per 8 bottles for f I.OO. Ask your druggist for it. ^TRUTHFUL TALE SPEEDS BEST WHEN V PLAINLY KICKAPOO • INDIAN * COUGH"*-- -- » * « ' C U R E The \ F 0 0 < > # :: o great Indian Vegetable Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, and all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs. No one need suffer long with a cough or cold if they will only try this popular remedy. Price* BO cents per bottle; S bottles for S2.00. For sale by ail druggists* WE do not pretend that these children of nature, the Indians, possess supernatural powers, or that they have stored their minds with medical lore from musty volumes in the colleges of their white brothers. No! they have been the pupils of Nature, and their books the grassy fields, the shaded wood lands, and the -traditions of their tribes from time immemorial. Where do we find such fine exam pies of health, strength, and activity as among the native Indians, un- defiled by the ways of the white men? They do -not suffer even to-day with chronic diseases. Why? because Nature has provided a cure for all the ills of humanity, and they have learned her secrets. Not only do they know the proper herbs to use, but they know at what season they should be gathered, how they should be pre served, and, best of all, how to prepare the med icines from them to secure successful results. These things they know as no other people on the face of the earth know, or probably ever will, as, unlike the white physician, they do not divulge their secrets. If a white doctor finds, as he thinks, some new cure, he is bound by the medical laws of his society to tell them fully, so that, except in a matter of personal opinion, one doctor is as good as another. With the Indians, their ways are kept to them selves, and it was not until that intrepid scout, *' Texas Charlie," who lived among this ancicnt tribe of Kickapoos, one of the oldest tribes extant, -- and won their love and friendship, were any of these secrets known, and no other man on earth has yet acquired them. It is to him the people of the United States and other countries are indebted for the blessings of this knowledge, and so wonderful are the cures which have been effected through their introduction that to-day they are a standard article in every drug store throughout the civilized world, and have won their way solely on merit to this proud position in ten short years. Is not that the strongest testimony that could be produced? A Sou nd Stomach and Healthy liver means jLong Life and Perfect Health. More than that: » t::/ _ -.'p. It means Happiness and Contentment. Nothing so quickly strikes the Root of Disease £ the Kickapoo Indian Remedies. No trace of mineral poisons are contained therein. il II SRGWR m KICKAPOO INDIAN OIL A Sure, and Speedy Relief Inflammatory Diseases. Quick Cure for ail Kinds of Pain. Good for Man or Beast. IPPOT 11 Nature's Greatest Gift of All." -lood-Making j PRINCESS KICKAPOO. * PURE BLOOD, PERFECT HEALTH." O. (ft Blood-Cleansing Life-Sustaining KICKAPOO INDIAN WORM KILLER. It is Easy to Take. Never Fails. Absolut Harmless, and Requires no After-Physic. Be. not Afraid. The Kickapoo Indians are on a Mission of Health and Healing, and come among you for the Benefit of the Sick and Suffering. Kingdom The Wonders of the Vegetable are offered to the Human Race by the Children of the Field and Forest. "FIIE fare combination of the btest of the vegetable kingdom, gath ered, cured, and pre pared into medicine by the native skill of those versed in Nature's ways, has been given to the world in this prepara tion, Nothing equalling it for the cure of the ills a r i s i n g f r o m i m p u r e blood, torpid liver, dis eased kidneys, deranged stomach, and the ner vous system, and espe cially for those ailments peculiar to women, has ever been known. Its fame has spread like a prairie fire from one end of the continent to the other. The cures which have been wrought by this remarkable prepara tion are marvellous. In the, older cities of the East -- aye, in Europe even --its wonderful properties of curing has made it the most popular remedy on the market. Some of the stories told of its miraculous powers have astounded the wisest professors of botany and medicine. Our repeated offers of $5,000 in cash for any improvement in our for mula has never yet been taken. " It is an impos sibility," say all; "your combination is so abso lutely perfect that it would be like painting the lily or gilding refined gold." If you are suffering from any of the ills of humanity rcached through medicine, do not fail to take Kickapoo Indian Sagwa, and note its quick effect. It is Nature's own Tonic and Blood Purifier. KICKAPOO WORM < > < • INDIAN -i| ------ 1 1 1 i nn ^ '• i KTiLLER j l^fcpared by the Kickapoo < | Indians from their own Natural j [ Roots and Herbs. Two to four < > doses will be sufficient. A < > Pleasant; Safe, Reliable and{) Prompt Remedy for the removal of Stomaich and Seat or Pin $ Worms from Child or Adult. It is easy to take, never fails, absolutely harmless, and re quires no physic. Price, 26 cents a package; 5 for SI.OO. ror sa3@ by aii druggists throughout the JU. 8. INDIAN SALVE;: This salve is made the medicinal properties from 1 > - o f l ! Healing Herbs, Roots, Barks, ]> etc. It contains no lard (hog's (I grease) or impure tallow from ([ diseased or J^everish animals, and when "applied to Wounds < 1 or Old Sores it at once causes < [ them to heal. It will be found j > an excellent dressing for Fever < 1 Sores, Cancers, Piles, and all <1 kinds of Indolent Ulcers. All Druggists. Only 25 cents a pack age, or 5 far . 9I.OO. NATURE'S BLOOD PURIFIER. VH-\ Free Exhibition in the tent, near City Hall, McHenry, every evening, for two weeks. JUXJA A. STORY* ( DEALER IX OKI DOOR WK8TOF SIVXB8IDK HOD SB, VeHintj.m, Drugs s Medicines ----• FULL LIME OF Drift Chnicali. Bib M, Paints, Oils ftColsrs Constantly on hand. Alto a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. 4 AMD A OOXPLZTZ STOCK OP ^STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhyeiicians Prescriptions j compounded by a Registered respectfully solicited, JULIA J±9 STORY: Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist* Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. •JUSTEN BROS; DEALEBIK- rq With two stores, one on the .West side and one on the East , side, (McHenry), they present to.the buying public 1 R S T O C M Of ail kinds ot Furniture than ever before' which we are offeriug at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY% COOL GOODS MUST Go from our shelves to the homes of our many patrons, at actual wholesale cost prices, to make room for warm goods now being purchased and in part arriving. Our stock of cool summer goods is yet quite complete and of the latest quality, consisting in part of Clothing, Underwear, Furnishings, Hats, Parasols, Laces, Fans, Gloves, Robes, Dress Patterns, Lawns. Buntings, Challies, Organdies, Chambrias, Nainsooks, India Linens. Skirting. Shawls. Corsets. Mitts. Etc. Above goods must be all closed out by Sept. 1, regardless of cost, without fail, and an early call will save you profits and give good variety to choose from if called for early. OUR STOCK OP MEDIUM AND FINE SUMMER & FALL CLOTHING Is very 00mpiete now, and more new clothing Is now arriving. Our styles, qualities and workmanship are of the very bMt. with assortment very large and pro fits the smallest Look us over when In need ot Clothing or Gents* Furnishings. _ , . For Stylish Suitings, Dress Goods, Surahs, Velvets, Silks, Trimmings, etc,, we are still headquarters, with large selection at modern profits. For Fine, Medium and Heavy Footwear Come our way for proper styles, best of work and plenty to choose from. Custom work and warranted. Carpets. Window glmiles, Lace CmtaiiM® Pales* Portiers* Oil Cloths, Wall Paper* Trunks« Satchels* etc., Always in stock at right prices and qualities. ^ # JOHN I. STORY, ZD Riverside Block, McHenry, ON HAND WITH A §§§niiioBBB»mniii8iRiHummtittiiiiiiHiimm»yiiiiiiiiutiu»m»uBuuuuuii$nmtaiiiiiinii[iu| I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTJONS, | I HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. | fsiiBiiiiuiimmiiuiiuumnm It is no use to maker a noise about what you are going - do, un less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Real Bargains of great valu e io every one of ourcustomers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or net* Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. • * JUST RECEIVED,-: Table Ware, fresh BTWO crRfces "from England, of the latest pat terns in tea, dinner and brtaktast sets. In white and luster brand. This Is what you want for harvest and thrahHg times. New glassware, lamps, etc. We have just received 17 styles ot the famous Menasha all-wool Flannels in stripes, checks and plaids, Look them over.' m «k„Jt la; We also keep 1B ntocsk a full line o samples of CARPETSf and ean give you an vt hi ng from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at iowt r prices than any other house in the county. We have taken great pains In selectlngeur VTOBfMXHB STJPPLUS, Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings, of the latest designs. Everything new and ele gant. We eeep nothing but the best. Do fail to call and eee us when in want of amjihiag in our line. A Splendid 2T«CT Hearse, In connection, which will be furnished at Seasonable Rates, ^ McHenry, III., July 11,100|.. JUSTEN BROS. FLOUR IN OAR LOADS. We are now handling large lots of Chick's well known Rocklord Flour, all fully warranted, and by buying in car lots we can offer superior grades, all made from hard, old wheat, as follows, by the single sack. Honest Abe $1.10 New Process] $1.20* Half Patent $1.30, with 5c less on each sack in barrel or larger lots only. Try us on flour as we deliver free in any part of the village. TAKE IT COOL And buy your SUMMER Outfit of us. We do not follow bu lead, in ladies' fine shoes and slippers. Call in, see our styles and get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, canoe and child* ren's shoes always on hand. • We only a id always handle only the finest and best of Gro ceries and Provisions, afld carry the highest grades of Tew, Coffees and epices to be found. SIMON STOFFEL West McHenry. in., I8M, CLOTHING! CLOTHING I Now is the time you want a fine and good suit of clothes, cheape and we will make you prices lower than ever betore. As usual, we have a full and complete line of confirmation suits, at all prices. Call and see them before buying. Parasols, Gang, Mosquito Bar, Straw Hats. Lap Robes Fly Nets, Gauze Underwear, for men and ladles. Remember our Horkford Overalls, Shirts and Jackets, men's fin Shirts and Neckties. „ CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES as ever. We give you the best Flour for the least money. Yours as ever for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry*