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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1892, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5,1893. fer - L • • raking efltoet o« «o*day, Se Train* pass thla atatioa M follows OOIJIO HO*TB. t Milk Freight Arrive....* 'William* Btj rlreMt putM Lake ttMjBH PMMI|W " . •UUIMMWIIMW. " . •Lake i|«ura Pawstfgar * .. ooivo toeia. ttLcHenrjr PUMB|W Depart . *Lkka G«SM GUNGT pa>M*. *L»k*(l«m^H{l " . - -- - - - r bt *• Mpt, VU, Mil. «:S1 •WillfamsBayj *Ukl <3«*«va rttMHW •uiutATKn. * Dally «xe*»t Sua Jay. t Sunday* only. B. B0 -*p ...7:W " ...84* « .I MP M. .Agent. SCBITt IU i4 V MASON lO. LODOIE, No. K8 4.F. and A. M.-- ^Regular Oommunicatnns the second and •v.".;* fourth Mondays l» each montk. W. A. OBISTT. W. M. 2 MQB1HH? OHAPfKK 1F. D. K': ORDER 0#* THE KASTBBM STAB. Begumr Meetings the first ant Third Wed- nesdsy *venlo6r» of eaoh mouth, mt, Masonic H«H JULIA A. iTomv, Worthy Matron, ' - 'NH> BABBARA VAWSLYKB, Secretary. LA*t*»fi *liitififc trtehds in Elgin thin week. *' ' BEST STBBBINS, of Cary, Sundaycd with friends in this village. f ^ JACK MCOABE, of Wauconda, waft on our streets oa Friday last. MUM RHOUA CLABK, of Galena, in., was the guest of Miss Amy Owen last week. JAMES CBOW, of Crystal Lake, made our sanctum f pleasant call one day la*t week. JOHN A. DCFIELP, of the Wood*t<wk Democrat, made the PLAINUBALBK A fra­ ternal call on Saturday. I HON. RICUABD BISHOP and daught* r, W- T. J. Walsh, visited "with friends in ^Rb-ukegan, last week. / GEO. OVEBOCKEB bad the misfortune to /get kicked by a horse at Wight-man's Livery Stable last week. One bone of his leg was broken, which will lay him op for *4001* time. EVERETT County son ofW. E.Colby, injured himself quite severely by filling down stairs at the school house, one day last week. We believe no boaes were broken. RALLY ONCE AGAIN! £ HON. A. J. HOPKINS. Republican candidate for Congress ;.laad- . cot. 1. B. TA1L0B. : ̂ Of Evaoston, HI., wiU address the voters on the political issues of the day at • •aviflRSUMB HALT, Friday Evening, Oct. 7,1892. , Congressman Hopkins is one of the ablest men now before the people, a ready speaker, and no man has a better know­ ledge of the political issues now before the people. Col. Taylor is said to be • one of the finest orators in the state and deserves, as he is sure to receive, a large and appreciative audience. Everybody, regardless of political belief, cordially in­ vited to be present. A special invitation f'j* extended to neighboring towns to join ,r vs. Ladies cordially invited. The Ring- • wood Band and McHenry Glee Club will =, furnish some choice music. Marching Clubs from neighboring towns are ex­ pected. Rally, boys I Rally! '< DB. FRUTH at Riverside House, Mon­ day, Oct. 10th. RALLY once again, at the Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of this week. . MBS. H. MCOMBKB will accept our ;> thanks for a very fine boqaet, left on our gy^w. s*. / The summer residents at the lakes / have nearly all returned to the city and <' / ttn air of quiet now reigns where all has 4\been bustle for the past few months. F DB. FBUTH is worthy of your patron-' <jge„ Consultation and lamination free, gilt McHenry, Monday, Oct. 10. Parlors ^'|kt Riverside House. , As if we didn't have enough trouble .djnow, along comes a scientist ifbo says fthat in 10,000,000 yean there will be no flight from the sun. NOTICE.--There will be a meeting of the : Lake Co. P. of I., at Pratt's Hall, Wau- 3Do|ida,on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 1 o'clock .V %. ' . " Mas. G. W. BESLEY had a grand open­ ing of Fall and Winter Millinery, at her Btore, on the West side, on Saturday iaat. The ladies are invited to call in |$Mid see her fine display of the latest «tyles. / • M T. J. ELLIS has left on our desk a sam­ ple of Peaches grown on his farm, west jof Ringwood. The are very finely flavor- Veil and prove that peaches can be raised *|iere now as well as in former years if taken care of. DB. F BCTH has many grateful patients jat Woodstock and other towns where he SJjhas been visiting regularly. Do not fa'j Jfco consult him at McHenry, Monday, ; Oct. 10th. Parlors at Riverside House. .Consultation and examination free. TBB ladies' present style of wearing | - their watches pinned to the ontside of P' . v the dress is a very silly one. It renders !v;iit the easiest thing imaginable for a J sneak thief to snatch a watch from a | "• '.Jady's dress and get away,* especially it the streets are crowded. CI =• • OUB exchanges are warning their read- p «rs to look out for a gang of men travel- . ^ Sng over the country making contracts *for painting roofs. If they offer to paint 'l . yours for nine dollars, or any price, 4 "rfon't fail to ask them how much the ^ , |>aint will cost before you close the con- y* tract. It is the cost of the paint where C * the fault exists. Tae-W. C .T. U. will meet #ith Mrs. E. Lawlus, Thursday afternoon, Oct 6th, at 2:30 o'clock. . Mb*. L. K. St^wirffrT, P -esM«at Mss T. J WALSH, ^eeretarv. DR. FBUTH does not profess to be in­ fallible, but he claims to cure more cases of chronic ailment, in proportion to number of rases treated, than any other physician in the world. Consultation and examination free. Parlors at River­ side House, McHenry, Monday, Oct. 10. "THE American Wool Interest" is the title of an exceptionally interesting pamphlet of 64 pages, just published by the American Protective Tariff League, and edited by Hon. Wm. Ltwrence, Pres­ ident of the Ohio wool growers associa­ tion. Every person who want* to know all about the wool question should pend for a copy. Price six d&nts. Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General Secretary, 135 West 23d Street New York. sw»*m- , IT is announced that the new postal •jjnoney orders will come into use shortly. The new system is simple, and an excel- •ptentway in which to send money. Asheet ling for amounts from $1 to f3 has i prepared, and which on payment of t|f|oiK cent and the amount to be Bent, will / jbe torn off about the same as an express order. There will be no writing on it by "^the postmaster, the sender endorsing it a check or draft. The government •^guarantees its safe transportation. It is thought that the new system will be need extensively by senders of small amounts. DB. FBUTH makes no rash promises. If jour case is curable he will tell you. If SSnot you ought to be prepared to know ..vfjSthe inevitable. Consult bim at McHenry, / '^Monday, Oct. 10th. Parlors atRiver- t Mfo House. Consultation and examin­ ation free. " «r-- mm f' • ~' LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice, at McHenry, October ], 1892. Mrs. Kirkland, Geo Catlin, • Green H. Boon, Eva Stretz. Miss Dorie Willey, Mrs. C. A. Ewell, Hoffman Coleman, H. M. L. Anderson, Miss Alice Sassman, Charlie R. Lancb. P<MTAL CAHDS. . Miss Minnie Laurens. In calling for the above please say they an advertised. ^ rf / O. N. OWEN, P. M. THE Republican tlklly last Wednesday evening was a successful affair in every particular. The City Hall was packed its u.tmost capacity to hear Hon. R. |W. Coon speak on the political issues of tfee day^.. He made an excellent talk, showing up the shams and pretenses of the Democratic party in so plain a light that no one could tail to understand. Mr. Coon is a forcible speaker and is doing good work iu the campaign. The Mc­ Henry Glee Club sang a number of good songs and everybody seemed to enjoy the occasion. THE Democratic Mass Meeting and Pole Raising, in this village on Saturday last drew out a very small crowd in the afternoon, but in the evening the hall •^wtis comfortably filled. The pole was raised successfully and without accident. It is 84 feet high and presents a neat appearance. The rain enterfered some­ what with the speaking ia the afternoon, but we believe the programme was car­ ried out in full. While there was not as much enthusiasm as we expected to see, the Democracy seem to be well satisfied, with the meeting andjjubhis case we ce r­ tainly ought to 'ber" H'ith certarn d^feat staring them in the face it is bard whistle We admit. A LECTUBE entitled "From Bethlehem to Olivet" with scenes by the way, wi'lbe given at Ringwood, 111., on Friday eve., Oct. 8th, by Rev. 0. M. Van Swearingen, Crystal Lake, 111. This lecture will be finely illustrated frith the Stereopticon, presenting a large number of photo­ graphs of paintings'by the celebrated artist, Henri Hoffmann, of Dresden. By the use of the ether-oxygen light, these views are magnified to cover a space of nearly two hundred square feet, thus vividiy depicting the most striking pas­ sages in the history of the World's Re­ deemer. Under the auspices of the M. E. Church. Tickets 20 cents, children 10 cents. Doors open at 7:30 p. M. HUNT BBOS. will bold their third an­ nual sale of Poland Chinas on the Fair Grounds at Woodstock, 111., Wednesday, October, 19,1892. This offering will con sist of 50 head of first class pigs sired by the noted show and breeding boar, Wan- amaker 8547(c)-l7185(A), and Norwood King 15329, and descended from the most noted animals of the breed. They will comprise a selection of the best specimens of this season's production and will posi­ tively sell without preserve to the highest bidder. The sale will begin at 1:30 p. M. sharp, and will be held under cover, re­ gardless of weather. No postponement. For catalogues and further particulars, address Hunt Bros., Greenwood, III. ( JAMES CBOW, of Crystal Lake, has been Appointed by the World's Fair Commis­ sion to gather samples of corn raised in McHeory County, and as he has not the time to pfereonatly visit every farmer be has asked us to solicit and receivesamples in his behalf in this section. Farmers are therefore requested to select samples of ten or twelve ears and leave the same at this office at as early a date as possible, sometime in the next six weeks, when they will be forwarded to Mr. Crow, prop­ erly labeled. We wish to urge upon the farmers the importance of this matter. It is very desirable that our county make a good showing at the World's Fair, and this can only be done by assisting Mr. Crow to secure the samples. Send in your samples and we will see that they are properly taken care of. FOR SALE.--Two fine Safetys at your own price. Almost given away if applied lor BOOB. J. p. SMITH. THE DUP^feBepublran hind man at the i^9!if&«-4 office, Woodstock, accus­ ed us last week of appropriating his brainy (?) productions without giving proper credit for the same, but crediting it to some other paper, and ciaiuit* that it was done as an intentional slight. Now the article in question we clipped from the Chicago Tribune, where it was credited to the Ireie Pr^sei, a German paper published in Chicago, and whether it ever appeared iu the Woodstock Senti­ nel we know not, but do know that we credited it where we found it without any intention of injuring or slighting any one. Unlike the Sentinel manager we are not looking for a chance to injure onr neigh­ bors, but we are compelled at times to tell them a few plain facts, in self-defense. Now this exceedingly brainy democratic- mugwump who manages the Sentinel would do well to give the American Economist credit for some of his passed off sayings before he accuses others of slighting his royal highness. The most original thing we know he has said of late is when be told a person a short time since, "I am just as much a Demo­ crat now as ever." Well, we guess So. A fine tool to run a Republican paper. School Report. Report of McHenry Public School lor month ending Sept. 30,18921. No days taught...., 20 Total number days attendance. 456 Number bo.vs in attendance....... 12 Number girls in attendance. 20 Total number in attendance .........32 Average daily attendance ..28 The following pupils wen neither ab­ sent nor tardy: Milo Howe, lottis Stevens, Fred Felts, Lizzie Simon. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled 35 Average, daily attendance.....*,...... 30 The following were neither absent nor tardy during the month: George Howe, Willie Howe, Orten Gilbert, Grace Taylor Ethel McLeod, Emma,. Felt*, Clayton niSmu. * PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Number of days taught .....20 Whole number pupils enrolled... 55 Average daily Attendance 44 The following were neither absent nor tardy during the month: Nickie Win­ kle, Katie Winkle. Josie Schaeffer, George Freund, Mattie Simon, Josephine Engeln Jim Fitzsimmons, Waiter Simon, George Bobbins, Harry Kennedy, Mildred Stev- ent, Walter Bobbins, Vera Fitssioimoiw. THE fifth and last month of the run of "Ali Baba" began last Sunday night. The piece bas now been running at the Chicago Opera House since the 2d of last June, and it is estimated that over 280,* 000people have already enjoyed its man­ ifold beauties. The fourth edition, which ^ras put on a few weeks ago, has proved a great success, and two or *three of the features introduced at that time have become permanent attractions in the piece. The duet with invisible chorus by Bertha Ricci and Henry Norman sung in the poetical environment of one of Dan- gerfleld's most exquisite stage settings, is one of the most delightful musical numbers ever heard in any of the Chica­ go Opera House extravaganzas. Next week the already large force of principal dancerawill be augmented by the appear­ ance of Biancifiori, a celebrated Italian male dancer. Eddie Foy will also short­ ly present a novelty in the shape travesty on Lottie Collin's rendition of "Ta-ra-ra- Boom de Ay," in which he will make his first appearance in female costume. "Ali Baba" is still drawing enromous houses. THE Womeu's Columbian Club will meet Wednesday, Oct. 12. with Mrs. E. W. Owen at 2 P.M. * PROGRAM--TOPIC, ITALY." Roll call to be responded to with facte concerning Italy. Music Mrs. T. J. Walsh iynoysis of Italian History...Mrs. Cristy ,Le Old Mastere and their Works , - Miss Story Great Musicians and Writers of Italy Mrs. Eldndge Music Select Reading Mrs. 0. N. Owen Italy in connection with the World's Fair....„ Mrs. F. Hanly Historical places of Italy,Mra. E. W; Owen Song v.Un. Hanly Beal Estate Transfers. Recorded up to and including Sept. 24. A V Reed and w and O G Heine to J <•' Matlton, It 28, bit 1, Its lfi, 17, 18 and 19. blk 2, Us !>, 10 II, 12, 13,14, 15 an<1 16 blk 3, Parte attain to Marengo |UOO 00 Same to L S Moulton, its 2u and ii, blk 2, sssis 800 0G Same to Emily Hall. Its 3, 4,5,6, 7,12,18 • 17 and 18. blk 5, same.... 3912 no 3 K Bartholomew and w to L Warner, It 7 blk 11, M | S sddn itfarengo MO GO L Benthusc.n and w to J I Sears, 1'. 4, blk 11, Nunrta MO 00 M L. Joslvu, mister to W Kiehkosklsw h seH And wX ee3< seX see 8, and nX neM neX and nX nw& neX seo 17, A Idea MOO 00 0 Geister and w to () t N W R'y Co, pe in sec 16. Algonquin 800 00 Tobn Gracy and w to same, rt of way over ee% seo 21 and swX see 21, Nunda.. 100 American Teira C tta A Ceramic Co to same, rt of way over neX swX seo 23 X unua 1 00 flame to same, tame I 06 R Vvalth to J JNeiss, nwjt aeV swo IS, Dunli 'tn 1D00 00 E » Btone and w lp M D Tm mpson, It • l@i, users plat, nwy »eo 8 Dorr 120 00 M D Thompson to Eliza B mend, e 60 It same 50 00 CStegf mnn and w tn Mure Schneidar,. f/V nwif s«c25, McHenry 1450 CO A ¥ Davis to » Th ayer, Its 1, 2, S and 4, blk 4, BidgeOeld and pc n V0 00 8 Thayer and w to I E Mason, same.... 47* 00 Dr. D. O. Fruth. Dr. Froth is the physician who has been visiting Woodstock, when be has been perfecting so many cures. He might be able to cure you. Why not give him a chance? You can never regain your health without an effort. Consultation and examination free, at McHenry, Mon­ day, Oct. loth. Parlors at Riverside House. Buy a stove of Story ft McOmber and get a % life size crayon portrait of yonr- self FBEE. <- Don't Be Bluffed. Don't let the other fellow bluff you in discussing politics, but have in your vest pocket the American Political Rec­ ord for 1892. Thirty years of political statistical history on the questions of the hour. Every voter should have a copy. Price 25 cents, post paid. HINE8 PUBLISHING Co., 251 Clark fit., Chicago, III. If you want Pnre Tea buy Silver Leaf. Samples free at J. J. Miller's. v- p* Only ftiiwvJftvr * H^eiobe presented to the I'ufoHc, It may not be kno wn to everyone that Mrs. Benjamin Harrison is one of the bent ol American Hower-painters. Since she has occupied her position of lady ot the White House, however, her public duties have largely prevented the exer­ cise of her artistic genius; but in that period she bas found leisure to paiat one of the loveliest representations of flower- life that every cams from an artist's brush--a mngnificent group of orchids, 36n a porcelain nnnel. tlmt broad and kindly spirit which has marked her career, she has presented this single pro­ duction of her scant l<-i-ure to Che public and DEMOREST'S MAGIZINE has the honor of being the medium through which this painting is offered to the mother^jnrives, and daughters of America, to whmn it is lovingly dedicated. There is no taint of politics in it: it is simply the tribute of a good woman's love for the women of her nation, superbly expressed in color and form--the foremost woman of the Republic cementing, by means of her art, her first sisterhood with ail others of her sex in the land. Mrs. Harrison's pafatiag has been re­ produced in the highest style of art, of the same size as the original (11x15 inches) and is an absolutely perfect counterpart, in every particular, to the faintest tint of color, even to, the pecu­ liar texture of the porcelain. One of them wonderful reproductions of "A White House Orchid," painted by the President's wife, ia the White House, from an orchid grown in the White House which is to be presented FREE with each py of DEMOEEST'S FAMILY MAGIZLNE r October, which can be purchased of ny of our local news dealers; or send 20 ts to the publisher, W. Jennings orest, 15 East 14th St., New York. ALQONQUIN. J«w>- Philp »nd -vifo «nenti« part of last ik with friends in Chicago. Gene Andrews and Leon Helm returned home on Friday, after attending the Fairs at Elkhorn, Janesville and Jefferson Our farmers have commenced husking their corn and they report a good crop. Some say it is better than last year. At C. E. Chapelt's auction sale of a car ot cows, on Friday last, cows sold an an average of $33 40 per head. Mr. C. re-, parts selling 103 head of cows in the4 month of September, it being the largest months sale he has ever made. There are still two cars of cows billed this week. Wm. Morton and wife, of Elgin, spent Sunday with H. Phillips' family. Mrs. S. Seeber returned Sunday to Wayne, to her Daughter, Mrs. H. Hub­ bard. The Misses Devines, of Chicago, San- dayed here with their aunt, Mrs. McNab. There will be a social at Mrs. C. Wan- drack's on Friday evening of this week, for the benefit of the Congregational Sabbath School. The circus here on Satarday last was well attended considering the weather. John Peter is moving into the new store in Kabon's block, where he will have as fine a stock as is in the county. Rev. Hales, our Free Methodist minis­ ter is attending conference at Elgin. Grand Republic \n Rally will be held at Columbia Hall, this Wednesday evening. Addresses bp V. S. Lumley and F. R. Jack man, of Woodstock. Henry Keye* was in Woodstock Mon­ day at a meeting of the Central Cammit tee. ;ia>f*partii»eiit Merit'» Nunda Post, No 226, meets on the eecon i and fourth Tuesday evening* ot each month in <4 A. It. Hail, oomrmltta rmm other Post* «rs eurui tiiy invited to visit Post meetings. W. I*, sr. OI.AIK, Commander. W. E. PBK3KKT A'lj .tant _• -r 7 , ' i f ' / ' \>w ,A "r,/ '•4^1 . Si.*-. World's Pair Dedicatory Ceremonies at * Chicago. On account of the ceremonies didica- tory to the World's Fair buildings in Chicago, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will, from October 19th to 22d, 1892, inclusive, sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return, good for return pas­ sage until October 24th, inclusive, at ex­ ceedingly low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 18w8 Odds and ends of Underwear at nearly half price. Overwear, such as suits and overcoats, at nearly full price. It may pay you to investigate both at Evanson's. DON'T BE A CLAM. Give praise to the town yon live in and also to the paper you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you bay. Men's Cassimere suits only f 4 50 Men's pants $1 25 to 5 00 Gents nobby check suits.... 6 00 to 8 00 Fine dress shirts 50 to 1 25 Boys suits 1 00 to 4 00 Knee pants 1 20 to 1 00 Boys % woo! waists 25 Boys school shoes l 35 Mens shoes 1 00 to 3 00 Lots of new goods every week at Bed Rock Prices. EO. LAWLUS. In front of the Riverside Hotel. A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel- metta, N. J., created much excitement in that vicinity. Investigation showed that the disease was not cholera but a violent dysentery which is almost as se­ vere and dangerous as the cholera. Mr. Walter Williard, a prominent merchant of Jamesburg, two miles from Helmetta, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has given great satis­ faction in the mo t severe cases of dysen­ tery. It is certainly one of the, best things ever made. For sale by G. W. Besley, W. McHenrj; I. A. Barrus, Volo; L. M. Fenne, Wauconda, druggists. Our "special values" have prices at­ tached which will sell them. Some one will buy them and they will save money by so doing. You should get your por­ tion of such snaps. J. W. Cristy & Son. Ringwood. ' Too many Ginghams. We offer them Saturday, to clean up, at 5 cents per yard. Other bargains also await you. JOHN EVANSON & Co. FOR SALE! The steamer "Mary Griswold"at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. _______ WANTED.--Salesmen, Local aod Trav­ eling, to represent our well known house. You need no eapital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock first-class and trne to name. Work all tfae year, f 100 per month to the right man. Ap­ ply quick, state age. L. L. May & Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn. This house is responsible. 9-8w ' Readers of this article needing Boots or Shoes for the the next few months should not fail to improve the opportun­ ity offered at Fvanson's, beginning next Monday. It will doubtless prove the most interesting leather sale ever held in V! s 3 w v <„* Look out for a grand Republican rally here the thirteenth of this month. - John Philp, of Harvard, spent Sunday at home. H. B. Thompson, of Chicago, was in town last week. IMr. and Mrs. Had ley. of St. Joe, Midi., are visiting at Mrs. Jas. Smith's. J. J. Wilson and daughter, Grace^ were in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Steel are visiting in Decatur, Midi. Mrs. Sane Peckham departed for her home at Freeport, Mich., Satarday even-, ing. Mrs. Chas. Andrews children are spend­ ing a few days with father Johnson. Mrs. Ada Selleck, of Janesville, called on friends here last Thursday. A Sunday School Institute will be held thi« week in the Christian Church, con­ ducted by Knox P. Taylor. Republican Club meeting every Thurs­ day evening, at < he Opera House, until the close of the caropaign, Ethel Beardsley entertained a number of her little friends very pleasantly last Saturday. The Silver Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. warren E. Prickett. was celebrated at their residence Monday evening, Oct. 3. A large company of friends were invited, who spent a very pleasant evening to­ gether. Many very beautiful and useful articles were presented to the worthy couple. Among the presents we noticed a beautiful tea service, two fruit dishes and cake dish, a silver cake and bread knife, a dozen nut picks, a silver tooth pick holder, a set of individual butter plates and salt shakes, and other articles not enumerated. Guests were there from N. Y., Chicago and Elgin, and many from Nunda and Crystal Lake, about 75 in all. After the introduction and congratula­ tions, and an hour's social time, the guests were invited into the dining room, where two long tables stood, actually groaning under the load of edibles, which we all partook of heartily, after which ice creatn and cake were served. Every­ thing passed off in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. After refreshments were served the company spent an hour socially, and in looking at the beautiful articles presented; and toward the wee sma' hours the company began taking their departure, all feeling they had spent a very-pleasant evening, and wishing the couple many more anniversaries. J. R. Hamilton left Monday for Con- jjergope, which is in session at Sterling, GENTS. If yon want your clothes altered,, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do yon a splendid job. NewCloaks. , HARVARD. Sheriff Udell and Lafe Benthusen pass­ ed through this city Thursday morning, on their way to Beloit. Mrs. Lizzie Simmons, of Chicago, was visiting friends here the latter part of last week. D. W. Chilson has nturned from a six weeks trip through the east.. R. W. Coon, of Waukegan, candidate for legislative honors on the Republican ticket, was in Harvard Thursday last. He was on his way to Alden to deliver an address. An alarm of fire wa« rung in Thursday a. m. The fire company responded promptly, but on arriving at the fire discovered it was nothing but on old shanty belonging to the R. R. Co. The fire was soon put out, Mrs. F. F. Ax tell and Mrs. Welington were Woodstock visitors Saturday. The Republican League Club, of this city, have received an invitation to at­ tend the rally at Hebron the 6th. They will attend in a body. Suspended by a wire strung across Ayer St., in this city, are the photo­ graphs of Cleveland, Stevenson and Alt- geld. They are like the goose in this re­ spect, as in many others, they hang high. G. F. Rushton, of Alden, passed through here last Monday. He wa* on his way to Woodstock to attend a meet­ ing of the Republican County committee. C. A. Goodsill, P. A. Barrows, A. B. Diggins and T. P. Marshall attended the races at Janesville last Friday. A telegram .'from Leadville, Col., was received here Friday announcing the death of M. H. Williams, a former resi­ dent of this city and a brother of H. S. Williams. Mr. Williams had a large number of friends ia Harvard who will be shocked to hear ' of his sadden and untimely death. The Republicans of this city will have another rally the 14th of this month. Hon. Chas. E. Fuller, of Belvidere and R. W. Coon, of Waukegan, will be the speak­ ers. We will have more to say next week. Dr. Gronsbeck was doing business in Woodstock last Wednesday* Prof. Graves is giving the best of satis­ faction teaching our public school. This fact disposes of the idea that some of our more intelligent people had that there was only one man yet born who could improve the minds of the many hopefuls residing in Harvard, McHenry Co., III. Conductor Burghardt, who has been laying off for a couple of weeks attending to a bad case of asthma and driving his three-year-old trotting wonder, resumed his run, which is between hen and Elroy, Wis., last Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Watson received a dispatch from her husband, in Denver, Sunday evening, asking her to start at once for that place as he was very ill. Mn. Wat­ son started Monday morning. Workmen are busy this week putting up the new arc lights on all the principal streets. This city will appear more like itself when again lighted by electricity. There is a rumor around that Sam Lincoln, of Hartland, is going to run for the legislature on the P. of I. ticket. Some one has asked "what's in a name." Nothing, my inquisitive friend, nothing, at least in this particular. NOW TRY THIST It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, is guar­ anteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing, under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's drug store. Large size 50c. and $ 1.00. Twenty-five men wanted. Work all the yearronud. Apply at Office of Ameri­ can Terra Cotta Co., Terra Cotta. III. ll-2weeks. Buy a stove of Story & McOmber and get a % life size crayon portrait of your­ self FREE. You should see the "special values" we 1 TEA! TEA!! TEA!!l J. J. Miller's is headquarters for Silver Leaf Telk _____ Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient in can fix dates for yon at this office. _ As I am closing out my business, no­ tice is hereby given to ail who are in- debt to me on book account, that they must call and settle their accounts on or before Sept 1, 1892, or their accounts will be left with a Justice of the Peace forouUection. J. c. FITZSUIMONS. 8-4w Baarine for Sale We have a 20-horse power, Portable T1_ll j Engine for sale; Is in lirst-class running X. clxA wV6xC08«vS order and almost as good as new. Will be sold reasonable, if called for soon. HANLY & SONS. New Goods, INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who in ag*«ot for thiee sterling good compa- nles, and upwards of 1200 risks on his books all tlie time. New Clbtiuiig, Fair dealing and lowest prices have earned our present trsde an! by follow­ ing in the same course and improving every opportunity to lower our present low prices we expect to increase our trade. Call in and see how it operates. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Over 200 new. stylish garments, for Ladies, Misses and Childrens' wear Consisting of Jackets, Saques, Cape coats, Newfnarkets, etc., just received and now on sale, See our elegant styles, colors and trimmings. Prices way down to satisfy calamity howlera. Only at SIMON STOFFEL'S. ELGIN ACADEMY. Opened Sept. 1. Students admitted at all times of the year. English, Scientific, Classical and Normal. A complete Busi­ ness course, including short-hand, type­ writing, etc., at one-half the usual cost. For catalogue or information, address A. G. WKUM, A. M. Principal, Elgin, 111. UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR!! All sizes and grades, in White, Natural Gray, Scarlet and Tan to fit and suit all. Woolen Dress Goods, Shawls, Blankets, Overcoats, Clothing, Robes, Flannels, Yams. Now is the time to buy of SIMON STOFFEL. •4, V- ^ ^ week the first t ^ ,1 ^ hi ' ^ t t f r a r l * r « ® F a H C l o s k s t o c k , ^ ^ $ the balance to follow soon, We M « . Wf.t-n.fh b?8t (ilo^k hou9ft in I .K y, * ,n la K* <jnantitle« 4^ M for c«*h can clve j^u bottom price* on j all grades. We always carry a large stock, and the styles, fit and workman- ^ shl p of our garments are ahead of tdem / M „ >? all. Call sod examine them befon %j? ' ? purcl-aslng. ™ PARTICULAR NOTICE. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of A. H. Iianly, either by Note, Book Account, at the Mill or on the Farm, are requested to call and set­ tle the same without delay. Do not wait for a second notice, as delays are danger­ ous. MBS. SUSAN HANLY. 9ml- Administratrix. • FOR SALE, •1WlrtN>,wtouch less thais Has vihrtf;' a farm of two hundred and* forty acres of first class land, that will carry sixty cows. Said farm all under cultivation, and situated four miles from Woodstock and one and one-half miles from Frank­ lin ville FactQjry. Terms to suit purchas­ er. a"WM. H. STEWART, 52tf „ ,' Woodstock, 111. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and a|l Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cmwTiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. v y FLOUR BY THE CAR. Bmr your flour onf. small margittft &tfd delivered free. Honefet \be, fl.10; New Process, $1.20; Half Patent, #1.30; Pillsbury's Best, $ 1.45--5 cents off on all grades per sack, in barrel or larger lots. All fully warranted. Leave ordere with SIMON STOFFEL. --7-- Julia •. Story'a Looali. Ton will save money by buying Cas- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under thejiame of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or 4yer'8 Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell ik Try a bottle pud pur­ ify your blood. Cactus Oil for sale at J. A. 8tory's. A new assortment of crockery, among which will be found new and beautiful de­ signs in chamber setts. A six piece sett, new shape Mid new decorations, only $3.00. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. A few beautiful designs left in our crockery list, of Frait Plates at rednced prices, who will get them. A new and andcompletelinein station­ ery including cards, invitations, box stationery, etc., just opened at X A. Story's. Cactus Oil at J. A. Story's. We are showing «ome elegant pat- 11 terns In Henriettas, Brdfnrrf ;- »erges,Uishmeres, Fiaonels. Mnha rsl 5j N Plat's &c. Trimmings and Butto s V® to match. Our fine Block G iods at- < | tract In quality and npi^ ^ mm* ana price, ^ ̂ S5# '^1 When You Buy A Corset Get one that will make you and your dress fit each other a& they ought to, and as they will, i| vpn get the right corset. The M Glove JF'Jttingf Is what you want. It is cele­ brated as the "Perfect Fitting" Coiset. It is guaranteed in every particular. We h&vejust added to our Kid vjlove stock, "The Richelieu," being satisfied it is the best* J. Woodstock. III. Auction Sal*. The undersigned will sell at public aution, on his farm, 1% miles east of Big Hollow Factory, one mile southwest of Long Lake, a ON Thursday, Oct. 13th, 1892. Com­ mencing at 1 o'dock, p. m., sharp. The following property: 8 cows, new milch and springers, 57 „ . . . . , • . , , sheep, 15 lambs, 1 colt, coming 2 years are offering, but don't buy unless your ! oW in thfi anPini.. o -rtWB wi*h 1 .> „• * judgment tells you it is for your interest. OW ,n t e 8pnng' 2 80WB w,th 12 3 UNDERWEAR, Now Is the time to buy. Our s'ock Is crowded fall and tin weather wflj seon force you to buy. Come when you can seleot from a large varle r in qua'ity and price. We will give yon the best values for Tour money too, ^he[* are ,n<,,c*ti°ns of a large fall CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS and we sre putting in a full line to meet the demand. S »me of our fall overcoats ami fine suits arrived last week and this week more will come. We bought them right and you thai! have them at the rlgnt price. Bring 'he boys in early and fit them out while the "tore la full. r ^ • 1 j N^ek a»d Stylish Hats wo > • ^ lend Our new goods In these lines -"S thej?ry MtrhCtlve- c<w* »«<* »a a ̂ 4 'itl. Boole and Shoes. As heretofore our sb< Ives are loaded with the beat makes of foot wear. to give the beat wear- ng goods for the price, of an7 house in the country. We are showing some special bargains In fine shoes, iu bo'h Men s and Ladles* wear. ,©aU and ia- epect them. ^ BOW ABOUT PAUi# .R??'1/?.11 *5 yoar ed this tall. Paint and Oils are very low, and next year you will undoubt- ejly have to pay a much higher price. We carry a full line of Colors tn the best Mixed Paints mad*, aud it will pay ym^to ^alnt no,w * I • - - v ~;'V ~ - •«» •in I,),* sit * * M GROCER IKS We buy everv week and keepoor atoek freeh at.d cban Oui large line of canned a»u dri< u fruits, bought be lore the rise are worked down to tbe low­ est living prices. We keep on hind Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Oulons and o;h< r Vegetables a d Fruits. Yours very truly^ - 1 General Merchants. MaHJBNMT, ILL. *1% St J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. 1 We don't expect to make our living on "special values" but we have them and they mnst go so make room for newer ntrtjflf J W. Casts &. Snn Kimrgnml hogs, 4 shoats, and other articles too namerous to mention. Terms of sale: 1 year at G per cent; 2 per cent discount for cash., ISAAC NOBKLS. A. SIMBL Anwiniwif PERRY AOWUI Bankers, MCHENRY, • - ;ILLINOIS. This Bank receive* dapomta. tape and sells Fbreign and DometHe Jot* change, and doe« a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do all khushteu en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon te.tns entirety satisfactory to omr c u s t o m e r s a n d r t m p e c t f u K j f s o i f c l public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and othtr 0rst dew security Special attmtimi gii*m lections. 1 ' IMBUBANOB ^ m txsrttuity' ^«»T|kSV VIHKie* . At first Class Lowest Hates. Tour«

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