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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1892, p. 8

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./.« _ _ ;«rcT«mfor.tiM The Two Thieves • A women ha<l fifty dollars stolen from tuw which she could ill afford to lose. It waft taken by on® whom ah® bad loved ;v,s trusted em a friend, and of whom she had no suspicion. A true friend became awaie of thin fact. The evidence though not the plainest, was laid carefully before ;' the loser. She was convinced and she ilV, dismissed the false friend, thus making it impossible for the act to be repeated Her gratitude to her informer *m deep and warmly expressed. Another time she took an enemy into her mouth that stole away her brains and when she recovered consciousness she found that Bbe had met with another loss. More money was gone, and on re­ flection she was convinced that she her­ self had destroyed it as effectually as though she had pnt it into the fire. She knew by what thief she had loet this money, but she had no thought of turn­ ing him away to prevent a repetition of the act, or even far greater lossen. Her former benefactor came again t© J *»Ka faloifrrr of fKlft HOT oiU) pmunug supposed friend, and urging a dismissal. She would not listen to the accusation; she was angry and indignant^ and in­ stead she dismissed her benefactor. She would listen to no advice about alcohol, lake many another who ought to know better, she worships and says, "Though lie.slay me, yet will I trust him," and like many another she will doubtless be slain because she trusts in a deceiver. V •'r" i- •W.-' BBBBDCB8 Of -- Morgan:: Horses, Embracing thr celebrated General Gilford, Green Mountain and Mairlll blood. srmm wm sale. Sralllon* acd Flllle*. tfcadfor pedi­ gree*. Ihu and Registered Poland China --SWINE.-- ..... AH I'l We use Alnnhal pure alcohol to make WOLFF S ACME |i.iPirrao. Alcohol is good for leather; it is good for the skin. Alcohol is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Rum the well known face washes. . We there is nothing too costly to use til a good leather preservative. _ Acme Blacking retails at 20c. | MCHf]llJ,H1| and at (hat price sells readily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a dress* nig or blacking at 5c. and 10c. a bottle that they cannot understand that a black­ ing can be cheap at 20c. We want to meet tiiem with cheapness if we can, and toAe> i we offer a reward of ^hisos Wsflnfi She Mammoth Bronze ttigh Ciade J6f8c;i CauS« For sale. Come and li.stK-e!. a;uuk or address, : ,, .x^», SAYIiOE & SONS ' WestMeHenry, ill the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem­ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bl ight's Disease* Catarrh, Colic, . Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disoi> f t dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia! Eczema,\ Flatulence, Female f ^ Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hi vest Jaundice, Kidney ^ > Compla in t s , L iver petite, Mental Depres Rash, Painful Di^cs Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, Scakl Headache, S k i n Dik j j Tired Feelinr;, Torpid Brash and every other ^ that results from im in the proper perform Troubles, Loss of Ap- ^ sion. Nausea? Nettle tier., Pimples, flush of ^ Sallow Complexion,^ ^ Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water lymptom Oi ' d i s ease pure blood or a failure . . . a n c e o f t h e i r f u n c t i o n s l • • t * • by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans TabuJes is the surest cure for obstinate constipation* They contain nothing p that isaii beinjuridtte"^^^ie l^iost delicate, ji -gross $2, % gross $1.25.. % gross 75c, 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sept by mail postage 'psfti Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY *:ew York. JtTTIA A. STORY, DEALER ONB DOOR WEST OF R1VKRSIDK BOG SB, * » * v * * * * * > % } ! j , 15 i}->. • " ! ty&p'&C* fx* ; , ?<•/ k.** W- vv.£';v* >' f S <t?i t- J- * *«'J n Drugs! Medicines • FULL LINE Of ^ ( • 'j '• •- • s.Cltiicjls. Die M, Pails,Oils &Colors Constantly on hand. Also a large line of , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OP ^STATIONERY ASP DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions * |>r a recipe which wili enable us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. We hold this offer open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOUT * BAHDOLJPg. Philadelphia Carefnlly and accuratey compounded by a Re^^er^ Pl^r?11®" | cist Tour p&trona^e is respectfully solicited. STOliYt r • . ' MeHenry Hpuse, McHENRY. ILL. JOVHElimU - - Propria*. f-ij- Being xitnat«d on the banks of the Fox J h> Blvar, In the VilUgeof McHenry, special at ^ ... . .. ... .. , will be piven to the entertainment < f I Even cannot prevent people frcm Inspecting and purchasing liberally from onr v fFiahermea and rieaaure Baakars I newly purchased Fall and Winter s'ook of honorable raerchindlee now on sale y* ' in the greatest variety ever tlmwn In this village order one roof. Our usual . , large Fal l trade is no streak of luck, but merited by close application and the Sportsmen supplied with Com* I buying for years of only »he best In the markets, and selling them at the small- plote Outfits. I est possible profit. We carry sufficient new gto k to clothe the entire female "t'V - jji FINS BAR IN CONNECTION I P<>Pu!*tion of Western Lake and Eastern McBenry Covntics. this fall in new 'andstylish * > ;«p! PATENTS Carwta, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-' | cat BUANEM conducted for MODKR ATC Fees. 1 > ;otm Orncc is Oeraarrc U. 8. P«TEKT Orrtce ' ; and we can secure patent in less tune n»" those1; remote from Washington. j i 4 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-<1 \ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of1 [ charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 11 & PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with ' cost of same la the U. S. and foreign countries' sent free. Address, |, C. A. SNOW & CO. OEE. PATENT Orncc, Washington, o. C. HOW I ISLAND. -:AltcrpHaliia Yoni Mmt Trae & Co. initraetad t .;v, M*«wwine. I workedtUadily and mnde mooer Outer ,rf-1. - '"V* than* expected to. Ibecameabletobuy anislandaodbQUd eummer botel. If I don't succeed at that. I will ge v i the business in which I made mf money. v"lr* r««dk- Co.s Shall we faatnict and start yon. reader? •J®)* I -osV^.v acques, iBlouses, Our styles and cdors ate correct, %ith priees to suit all leasonable buyers We are also able to pro tect t ho male population ft om win ter hiatus, with our £rent big as sort men t of new. *t\iish, durable and cheap .yi:x v --'jm- f jiftf M r Overcoats, •(-.r aothinf, FumisMngs, L?»htv w«dium and heavy Over­ coats and suits, to fit old and young in desirable colors and black, at prices that will satisfy all * GOOD UA'DERWKAH 118 better than a poor doctor, and while we will not wilfully injure «i*SdLyu"Lbw^^ the doctors, we still believe In tavoring the many, and offer the best line of above goods ever in this house. Our line comprises all de-risk. TDO can (icvntn vnnr OMM •nnmimro *u >.».•!.. I - * - < a _ J J _ f . _ a . . _i i ^ j, "*5*^ yj* 5,^ * ^ ^ . «»'/' I' v - u: ^ 'p " I,-' J <<> " S f v 1 » W ' 'V ; . a i x)-. i 1 f * r- * 'A t *i ; >1jyJ vi . ... ;'V;., ^ '-'i *•'*. *£** *>•] > V. ,, > -i; . ^ ¥ ,/* Kf H:' A. : ?as laid in the best and largest stock in the foliovring lines of goods 'or Fall and Winter trade of 1092-3 that we have ever shown at one i time, to which we invite inspection. ^^ Honest Goods at Living Priced ̂ s our motto. If yon stop and think tor a moment yon cannot tie||> but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and are thus enabled to give you lower prices on honest goods. We handle 1 none but the best makes of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, In Leather * goods we can give you anything, from a child's light shoe up to a + *} man's strongest boot. In kdieb' fine or heavy shoes we can show , ' yon a larger assortment than you can find elsewhere, as we make the /;• shoe business a specialty. The Woonsocket Kub'ier Boots are ad- ill mitted to be the best by the wearers, When in neod of a pair call* v ni, J- r, £-«:Z As in the past Jtwo years we are egain in the lead this Fall in Suits £ and Overcoats for men and boys. We have bought and are placing ? on our counters one thousand dollars worth of new clothing, in ad- if? dition to our large stock now on hand. You cannot afford to buy our fall and winter clothing without first looking us over. Have ^ and led the warranted not to rip Rock ford Overalls, Pants and Shirts with success in the past, and haye again placed our order for 3, five hundred dollars worth of these goods, Oall in and you cannot help being suited in this liue. . S t >V GLOVES AND MITTENS • - ^ ^ ' ? * > ^ i- ' ^ •«"; We are now making special prices on 1 V'A.: . 5 !5 * . ** W t •> ; v I »W; •*?.&& ; ?» r ;jvV8l Please call on us and inspect our stockof winter goods :̂̂ ^ ,̂v t, A J W. CRISXT 6c. SON. Ringwood, HI rJ 1,N», 'j, ' : ^ • , • ,4 ' - '<4-' ' 's 4$ • :P7fv - "v* s < *i - v r VX* • ' ' ^ \ E J f c M i r f St** 1 ^ ^ ' j ; !'* *' ' • i t * % J • * • * > ' , • ,iv,. ft,^t. CLOTHINGl CLOTHING I A splendid assortment. Our Hosiery sto^k has also received ite necessary attention. A full line ot cotton, fleece lined, woolen and worsted Hose, in ladies'and children's sizes. , . ^ All sizes and kinds, double breasted and double woolen. t^THats and Caps, Trunks and Traveling Bags,: , Is^Fresh Groceries and the best Flour for the least " always on hand. Yours as ever for business. JOHN J. KILLER, West McHe • • : m •p«?i-jzy- ITu w w icwh, " c tut iii5u everyiuiog. x*o sirabl e grades and sizes at agreeable pi ices, JJM«o«rery worker. Boginoer*«re earning from MS *• P$Z w«©kar«dni)ward». and mt»ro after a little expe-tnttwp it'?11 *,lrn^s^ yoQ tbeeniplovmcTit--we teach jrot r RICE* This is tin age rsf marrelous things, and here Is THE FARMERS' STORE r. wiUreward every is.GUwUioaa^rork^r. Wh'er SsS; Shawls, Woblens, Dress Goods, Flanne's, K • "?* BLANKETS. HOSIKRY. YARNS. ten kl>£, > , y°u ^.o JP etplaiD here bnt ifyoa wfll writ, to ai, I BliAHIkt IO| nWB|BIII| • MnnD| t,. | CAPS. m * of fall and winter ur stock of Custom Remember always that we carry a full su merchandise, to meet all trade demands* Made and tuily warranted = BOOTS AND SHOES rs complete and prices are right. L- Candee Rubbep *ce only I ied by us and are the best. y PITTS . ^c;;- Wondsrfui ikek LSmment CURES Sore Shoulders, Cut*, Kicks, Sore Racks, ^ Scratches, liarbed Wire Cats, Burn* aad . Boj> > Ilurus, Quarter Cracks, Gt Ifai.tor, Thrash, and Canker. " ""OR SALE BY A' New CarFetfi, New Wall Paper. New Window Bbadee and Lace c urtatig, Trunks & Vallaee, China ware, Earth­ en ware, and Glassware. ^5 • ibf tw M? Groceries and Provisional . ^r -s 'C I affi ttow prepared to furnish you with a fflll litie of l f 51 H111 H. f i U i b H E n r And th* PiiiMt and rargest Assortment of Decorated SISHIS SITS Full} w*rranta4. Chick'a Kttpkford Flow d«qi rt CU8 CARLSON, -y'j "DUUt ur-- ̂fttomeM Supplies of all kinds1 MaHBNBY, ILL. C«K 1*?" >' J $%'?• West MeBeaxy, I1U 18flX CHAMBER SETS. Ever shown in McHenry, in white Granite (Crockery. My stock U complete. I have nothiug but the best Imported Crockery and warrant them not to craze. Lamps at AnyPrice you may want, PROM 15c. UP TO 818, IN INDLKSS VAUIKTY, f^gF" P'ease call and see what I have to oifer you before bnyiog. I will make priees to suit* you. , A. P. BAER.,. •- t ^ f | W«tMeHeorJ,111.,Oet., 1892. 1 V<fWs, , $ * vt ' " * 1 " * * 1,1 WE ARE HEADQUARTEÎ I F O B S T O V E S . Our mm Stook Here. 'he largest &nd finest assortment of Coal and Wood Beaters, Cook Stoves and Range* ever seen in town. The world renowned Howe Ventilators, aeserted by the highest authorities to be the only correct Ventil­ ating stoves constructed for the promotion of health by perfect ventilation, and tor greatest economy in the use ot fuel , A complete line of the tamous Peninsula Stoves, the most popular stove in the market, r A written guarantee with every stove. A full line of Gold Coin Heaters lor wood and coal. The best stove icr the price yet produced. * We w ill take your oil stoves in exchange for new jOftes, and allow you their full value. . We will repair^ polish, and put up yoar Short notice and at reasonable price*. ' rw, i3&~See our stock of stoves. It will pay you . STORY & McOMBER. McHeary. III. 1892^ , if < t.' c vh\ lA I ] y V l!b"\ , r ^ ' r s K*?>. * t i lisl| M %y -V am .. hi, • f >v - i \ r> * $ fl 4 >vUv -r ^ A'*, Biverside Block, MoHenry, A CLEAN, FHB8H STOCK OF Dry Gtoods, Notions, "I -f'W; § Boots and Shoes , xt is no use to makes noise abbut what you are going to l e s s y o u a r e p r e p a r e d t o d o i t w h e n t h e t i m e c o m e s . f ' - ' - >A»* * - > -Y ] peal Bargains of great value to every one of our Customer*, ply stock is complete in every department and comprises | ̂ IvoMhin y UsTODy Kfflt ID ft Qanflya) StffWi <3all and look us oveir, whether yea wish to buy or not ••.AJf JOHN I. STORY.1 McHeai^t 'i .,i89ti ^ ' t 'ii f * - t % *

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