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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1892, p. 4

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LY. NOV. 30, 1802. Editor. 11'• Kff&id# for Batter on the Elgin Board ©TpWkde on Monday opened at 28 cents, immediately to 31 cents at which tea tots or 15,720 pounds sold for i4,716. A week ago the price was the S&me and a year ago 2ft cents. jGTThe Georgia legislature proposes to get the first wildcat, *>r State Bank money, in circulation, if possible. It is ftlivady considering a bill providing for the issue of such money as soon as Con­ gress repeals the 10 per eent tax on it. tOTMr. Cleveland truly says of his gferty : "If we see nothing in our victo­ ry but a license to revel in partisan Spoils we shall fail at every point." If Jbhe average democrat sees anything else i 'fee keeps almighty quiet about it. !*:SiarWhat did Mr. Cleveland mean wh3n fce said the other day that he was more Of a civil service reformer, "in a general .*ayt" than ever? Terhapa he wished to feaveihe impression that he favored the theory of civil service reform, but did Bot intend to bother about enforcing the « v IW "So surrender" is the watchword * of Republicans. The party stands to-day as steadfast for the right, as earnest in its purpose, as patriotic in its endeavor it always did. Out of the storm and conflict it is still the grand Republican %- i$axtyK undaunted, undeterred, undis- n a y e d . ^ _ _ _ fcg""The democratic party has promised tJhe man in debt that it would make • money so cheap tba* he can easily pay < out; it has promised to make the pro­ ducts of labor cheaper to all and at the | iHnmio time t-n rninfl thp nfiflfi of labor itr arif. Now let it fulfill its promises, or| confess itself to be the frand it really is. m the satisfaction of knowing that the man chosen as their standard bearer is worthy of all the honor and all the trust they have conferred upon "him, Mid that he wi'l retire from the offloe he now holds with the marked respect of his political opponents, as well aa of bis republican friends. Democratic journals of high standing give testimony of hie superior character. The New York Sun says he will go out of office "having earned the respect and sincere esteem of his fellow countrymen. Democrats as well aa Be* publicans," and declares him to be "a man of superior intellect and elevated character and a chief magistrate whom the country can always regard with ad­ miration " This is warm praise from an opponent, but to a true Republican heart it falls short of full justice. Mr. Harrison's administration will stand in history as one of the most notable and best the country has yet had in time of peace, and we firmly believe the time is but a little way in the future when many of those who have now lent their aid to his defeat, not from opposition to him personally but to the principles of his party, will see and regret their error. Mr. Harrison's patient and dignified bearing under the deepest affliction and heart sorrow, coupled with the trial of political defeat, has increased the pro­ found respect with which he is regarded and the warm love with which he is cher­ ished in the minds and hearts of a great host of his friends and fellow citizens, who will never cease to regard him as a true Christian statesmen. BO fOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY1 you iMuk thla is a new business, outtwMes on anpln-Htioi): It lm.« bwi) fore.lowever, but nrver have those ed measo Dear tfce ordinal samplras te. JSveryooe wttl exolttini. • WH11 that's the sweatiest ftahr I ever saw!" This lirtle blaok-MM^wttte ensrrnvinjr can Hive you bot a fsfa* Mea Of theexquieiteorigintil, 'A change of three votes to the pre­ cinct at the recent election, would have leld this state in the Republican line, on both President and Governor. Many more than the needed number could have been given by one half of the country precincts of the State--of Republicans not care to vote." Repeal the Pension Laws. " The only way to reduce the pension appropriations is to repeal the pension laws and take away the pensions of all Or of a part of those receiving them. Is the Democratic party prepared to do this? If it is will 'he World or some other organ declare that policy ? If not, then why howl about the "pension bur- Hen ? " The charge of fraud is a false one «*nd those making it know that it is so. 1ST The Knights of Labor are braver t&an any of the political parties. They urge immediate restrictions on immigra­ tion, showing that every new arrival is a ^ competitor for some citizen's place. It is ^ certain that steps should be taken to ,:" prevent further influx of criminal, insane . and the helpless indigent classes, which £ are sent here by the old world by alleged charitable institutions, and are a drain which taxes the resources of this country. Our asylums especially show how gener- |j| ally Europe is putting the support of ife part of these on America.--Ex, r^iv- ' i j Hngwnmp Idiocy. - ,,,• The Times, Mugwump organ in New York, astonished even Grover Cleveland recently by comparing him with Abrar bam Lincoln, "aa a man and a patriot ^Now how would it do to go into the istory of "Maria and the Kid" as a man jaad Grover Cleveland as a copperhead, giving aid and comfort to the democrat­ ic rebellion "as a patriot." Comparl sons are sometimes aa odorous aa they they are odious. It is sufficient to say that the people have endorsed Mr. f Cleveland for President, and thereby con- doned his record "as a man arid a pa­ triot," bat it is the irony of ^patriotism to compare him in any recognised mark of high manhood with the immortal Lincoln.--Dayton .Journal, Getting in its Wot9b While the democratic leaders from one end of the country to the other are schem­ ing to secure the spoils, the workingmen in many factories are beginning to feel the effect of tbe democratic victory.. Here is the way the result of the election is working: The Illinois Steel Company's immense steel raii plant at South Chicago will shut down December 15 and 3,500 men will be thrown out of employment. Un­ certainty as to what the democrats will do witb the tariff is the cause. A project for a tin-plate factory at Aurora has been abandoned. The Elwood, Ind., tin-plate mills have suspended operations until the demo­ cratic tariff programme is announced. Foreign dispatches bring the news of the general resumption of work at the tin-plate mills in Wales since the election, C. W Howard, of Neenah, Wis., who' had expected to build a new paper mill,! gives up the idea. A general reduction of forces at tbe Pbcenix Iron Works, near Philadelphia. The Illinois Iron and Bolt Company at Carpentereville, which has been plan­ ning addition to its works with the in tention of increasing its output and ita> force of workingmen by 50 per cent, has suspended further opperations. Two mills in Cohoes, N. Y., that; have been making knit goods have suspended work. In Foatoria, Ohio, the Shade and Lamp Company have put their men on half time. One of the big glass factories atStreat- or, in this state, has commenced to re­ duce its output. Last year its surplus stock amounted to $150,000. The foregoing is only the commence* ment of the return to "the good old dem­ ocratic times" which are sure to come if the democratic party carries out "the programme of demolition" to which it is pledged. And if it does not carry it out it will convict itself of having conducted a campaign of deception from start to finish.--Rocktord Republican. t " I'M A DAISY. ipose to send to you, transpor­ tation pairt. The little darling rests against a pillow, and Is In the act of drawing off its pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled off and flung aside with a triumphant coo. The flesh tints are perfect, and the eyes follow vou, no m.ittcr where you stand. The exqui­ site reproductions of this greatest painlinR of Ida Waujrii (the most celebrated of modern painters of baby life) are to be given to those who subscribe to Bemorest's Family Mturo- aine fov !««. The reproductions cannot be told from (ho original, which cost $400, and are the same size inches*. The baby is ufo Bnd absolutely lifelike. We have also in preparation, to present to our sub­ scribers during: 1S93, other great pictures by suv-hartist: ;«s Percy Moran, Maud Humphrey, Louis Dest haraps. and others of world-wide renown. Take only two examples of what we did dnvinic the pa Jt year, "A Yard of Pan- sies," and " A White House Orchid" by the wife of President Harrison, and you will see what our promises mean. Thosewno subscribe for Detnorest's Family Magazine for 1893 will possess a prallcry of ex­ quisite works of art of great value, besides a Miiprazino t hat cannot be equaled by any in the world for its beautiful illustrations and subject matter, that, will keepeveryone post­ ed oil nil the tonics of the day, and all the fads and different items of interest about the household, besides furnishing: interesting readin? matter, both prrave and pny. lor the whole family; and while Peniorest's is not> a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per- feet, and we (five you, free nf cost, all the pat­ terns you wish to use durinpr the year, and in any size vou choose. Send in your sub­ scription at once, only $2, and you will really (ret over g:J5 in value. Address the publisher. \V. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 1 Ith St.. New York, if you are unacquainted with the Uatrazine. send 10 cents for a specimen copy 'A -kta OR By. MoHCNRY.ILI---- FINE LADIES' SOLID I30LD SPRINGFIELD < < » • * , WATCHES* » «. L» f ' Which the Springfield Watch Co will lewe four miathj. Art? one *ho intend* buying a new watch in th<> near future should not. under any consideration, tail to look them over, for they are cer­ tainly the before the pubjie. have In stock a fine line of Lad Sea' and. Cents' ' -4 * V#*? Such as the Rook ford Quick Train, Elgin, and other?, which $^i; y^tt'aVa;very i^asoti&ble ' ;V* ' . ' ^1111 ,M! V. - KAr. * ^ . - Digestion on Thanksgiving will be greatly aided if you have viouely followed the example of others and hay© fully clothed your* «elf and tamily with th^ best, at the price of the medicine, from our et very complete stock of well wearing, good looking aad trim cue(1 4 ' ' ,< Our stork of above goods is carefully selected, aided by years of successful experience in this business, which enables us to offer at ail times only the newest st3les of clothes, colors and cuts, u "• _*. #&. j f PLUSH, BEAD, AND CLOTH TRIMMED, lu all sizes. Prices from $3 to $24, tc'% Men, Boys or Youths should new medium and heavy weight our heavy stock of out .v ? - Hot forget Htid :S'MA "*• tit.' * ' ̂ -H'-. t * ' \ •- We buy only irom the best manafacturwra, and atil w margins. We carry all sizes in black and colors, v . r J* We mm just received ever §41 worth of And if ceiviDg more almosr every *eek • We honestly believe that , . : ; ^ h j a v e t h e f i n e s t l i n e , W ; 'ix y,"f / I Always in stock or on short notice* GARMENTS of all kinds in abundance. < • 1 €, / / i " 11 'KV ?" & "V*"' Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, Underwear, Hosiery, } ^ CLOVES, M1T1 ENS, CAPS, ROBES Three Oar I^oads two MortKli Jewelry* - Watches, - Clocks, - and WING MACHINES, That has e^er been brought to this part of the county. i -' Wt i WWi Visit us lor THAT IS OUR RECORD ' p 5. ";>fE We keep Brands that gell OKTIIEIK MERITS. •P- - ;,Trv of W. A. CRISTY, Flourt Feed and Coal Deale We invite everybody, young and old. even it they do not intend to buy, to come in before the Holidays and look over our stock, learn prices and secure a s ^ - Handsome Calendar for 1891 a HE A MAN BROS Carpets, Oil Clothe, Curtain?, Trunks, Wall Faper, Shade , Mtei *v - ™ s --t As of old We carry a full line of the famous ^argo Foo.Wear^ pnd the well known L. Candee Rubber Goods. We carry a complete stock of reliable Footwear, and offer no other." Crockery. Classware, Cioceries^ f PLOUH. ' •" • '•" *V s V • . b I Pnly tcliable g-oods rtloW phebs, at BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT BUY DIRECT i THIS $65 f Salary and expenses paid weekly fromatart. I Permanent ijosition. Good chance for j a d v a n c e m e n t . E x c l u s i v e t e r r i t o r y . ^ I Largestgrowers of Nursery stock. Clean, nardy stock, true to^ Senator CuUom'c Views. Cullom does not believe in weeping over spilled milk. He believes that tbe Republicans and especially those in Illinois should look to the future. In an interview at Springfield be said: Whatever may have been tne causes the best thoughts of tbe party should now be directed to the future. Republi­ cans have no reason to turn from the record of their party nor to be discour H«ed when they contemplate its future. It has never proven false to any trust re­ posed in it by the people. No party in any country has a grander record. It will surrender the conduct of the govern­ ment to democracy in March next with­ out a blemish on its escutcheon. The eyes of the nation will now be riveted on the democratic party. If it attempts by legislation to carry out its platform pledges its early downfall is enevitable If it does not seriously undertake to crystalize those promises into laws it will write itself down in history as having won a decisive victory on false pretenses and as unworthy the support of honest men. Let the republicans take warning by tbe result this year. In two years tfe will be called upon to elect members ofecongress, two state officers, and a legislature in our state. The legislature will elect a United States senator. I be- ; lieve in the policy of the republican rarty i naming its candidate in 1894 in state convention, but our duty now is to rally to the standard of the republican party and ite principals, the enforcement of which has made our people prosperous ' OUr n*t.i ' A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel- metta, N. J., created much excitement in that vicinity, investigation showed that the disease was not cholera but a violent dysentery which is almost as se­ ver© and dangerous as the cholera. Mr Walter Willtard, a prominent merchant of Jamesburg, two miles from Helmetta «ajs Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and IHanribaea Remedy baa given great satis­ faction in the mo»t severe cases of dysen- certainly one of the best made. For sale by G. W. eHeury; I; A. Barms, Yolo YOUXG men and boys who smoke cigar­ ettes will do well to consider what sort of poison they are inhaling when they draw into their luoga tbe smoke from one ! of these articles. A leading chemist, one I whose name i* widely known in thiscoun- try, recently took pains to analyze a number of cigarettes produced by tbe best factories, and after doing so gave utterance to tbe following remarks: "There are five ingredients in every cigarette, each one of which is calculated to destroy human life. • First, there is I the oil of tbe tobacco; next tbe oil in the imported paper; third, tbe arsenic intro-1 duced to make tbe paper burn white and add a peculiar flavor; fourth, the salt-! petre put in tbe tobacco to prevent it | from moulding; and finally the opiam that is sprayed on the tnbacco to give it j tbe insidious influence which it possesses over tbe brain. fiftame. Fair treat nientguai^ f onteod. Liberal com- I p a r t t i m e A a c e n t e We can in­ terest any one not earn­ing |75 per month and expense*. Don t hesitate because of pre­ vious failures in this or otner lines. Outfit free-Address, BROWN BROS. CO., Continental Nurseries, Chicago. 111. I liouse is reliable. Same this paper.--Ed.) Jas. Boss Filled » Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purposes--yet only cost about half as much as an out- and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for 20 years; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they ate now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or twisted off the case--the An honest Swede tells bis story as { plain but unmistakable language for the benefit of tbe public. "One of my child­ ren took a severe cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspoon of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gathering in her throat. Then she went to sleep and slept j good for fifteen minutes. Thenshe got up and vomited; then she went back to bed and slept good for the remainder of the I night. She got the croup the second! night and I gave the same remedy with same good results. I write this because 11 thought there might be some one in the same need and not know tbe true merits | of this wondeful medicine." Charles A. Thompson, De Moins, Iowa. 25 and 50 j cent bottles for sale by, G. W. Besley, West Mc Henery. J. A. Barrus, Vblo. j L. N. Fenne, Wauconda. FSEIQHT PAID WITHIN SOO MILES OF CHICAGO. FrnmB li On';, or Wnlnut covered in Mnlialr Crashed Plash (any color), banded wilh Miiti toiiuUfch sill six pieces have spring edge (soft editc) and are well made throughout CoiifiMM < f j <,,ri. 1 p-uont rooker. 1 eaty chair. 1 divan and 2 parlor chairs. We innnufacture all Itotxi* in this line Hurt ir-t!>rniuef ihrm. We pack and pav the freight within fl()0 miles of Chicago' Not tor Mlo t-y furniture dealers ns price Is too low. Established twenty years. Kefer to any bunk ia United Malts, six edits for sample of plush. BSZ>ST£3AI> MADISOK AMD CENTER AVE., CHICACO, ILL. Can only be bad on the caaea stamped with this trade mark. A11 others have tbe old-style pull-out bow," which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twirted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet, or send for one to the makers.. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Our stock of gloves and mittens is com­ plete and we can offer you inducements | that should influence you to buy of u». J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood* BOOTSES Hoes Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Alwaiy. -"aiSe in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., Nev. "aven, Conn. Ask your dealer for them, if he does not keep them sent 0 «s for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FAROO & CO.. Chicap For Sa'e by SIMQN STCFFJ3L, West McHerty- "Seeing is Believing:.' And a good lamp must be simple; -vrhen it is not simple it is ' not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good--these l words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a " wonderful lamp," for its mar­ velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric lirjht and more cheerful than either. I.ooli for this stamp--THE ROCHESTER. If the lamp denier has n't the gennllM Rochester, and the style you want, scad to us for our new illustrated catalogue, land we will send you a luno safely bv express--your choice oi over 2,000 varieties from tr.i; Largcit Lam't> Store tn the Ivorld. BOCKESTEtt LA ISP CO., 42 Park Place, New York; city. *The- Rochester." West MoHenry. III., 1892. THANKSGIVING 9EOIIT8 y.'U • more: THAW 'fyyrpj"*11,.j .'i"""* m BOOTS AND "y :,v To Reduce Stock Quick, fTere is ati index to prices all through our store to move the stuff »t a 2;40 gait* Inolnding INDIGO BLUES, The whole Print Stock V 1' \ ^ Tarti"WIIIBf uIBaCnBO an J UVIlliBaCnBir SneBImg. D m Western made Shirting Fiannels, 40c. Scarlet Twilfed Flannel, $ I grade Scarlet Underwear, Extra Heavy 13 ^ eavy haker Flainel* in Remnants, de, per yd. regular r'^v^ *118. ROWLANDS & ST. CLAIR, MILLINEBH,OF NUNDA,ILI>. have a large I assortment o! trimmed Hats and Bon­ nets, ot the latest styles and prices sur­ prisingly low. Ladies please come and BOY WANTED. wanted to do chorea fqf bis] and go to school. Any hoy want- j ing such a place can apply to BRAOFOBO SMITH. MONEY TO LOAN. -MAKES -- HENS LAY AND KEEPS THEM BEALTBY Try It, FOE SAL* BY 7-- JOHN EVANSON a 00., Vest McHenry, ill. ' Two thousand dollars to loan en good I real estate eecunty, tor a term of three I or five years, to suit borrower. For] .imrtKuiurti iuauiie at this offlot*. - -j-n LSSSfe CHA8. KUHNERT. J >h'«burgh. Ill ASON. B'ngwood. III. FRANK BOWC . Hebron,: ^ 1 '•> • MoHenry House , SQ% McBENBX>J£L HEIMSa. - . fro ntttk Beinft ua'e'l on the banks of tbe Fox River. In the Villige of Wellenry, special at tentsos wM! !;c ?Svca to the srtsrtair.:nest: f Hunters, Fishermen and I'lcaaure Seeker* feseraltr. Sportsman Supplied with Com­ plete Outfits. A FINE BAR IN CONNECTION WANTED. SALESMEN. I,«ea1 and traveling to represent our well known house. You neerl • • e*i>ital tn represent a firm that warrants nnrxrrv c- «-v ttr't-ol an<l true to name. V0XK ALL THE YK&K. .•«> per month to MM rigbt man Apply qulekstating age. PENSIONS! The Disability Bill Is m Law. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Untitled* Dependent widows and parents naw d« pendent whose eons died from tbe effests of ttmy fervkes are ircluded If you wish your claim speedily and successfully prose­ cuted. a<Uire»s ^AMES TANNER. WASHINGTON Lste f^crnsifri lssloner of Pentlot.g, i 5^*? I?® t ! L , Horsemen, Look I have a line stock of tf- rses,'among whi. are " Y^nng Green Mont, tain Morgan," "Mor- rill Charles." and others. Call an<! see these' Horses before >IUUUJQ« arrangements else- wbef*' V S COLBY MeHenry, 111, *»T ». >»»• " . " , » / • " 1 V i i ' i i|All our 50o. Dress Flannels 40c. BED BLANKETS. HORSE BLANKETS. SHAWL8, LADIES JACKETS and CLOAKS* ia fact all winter goods must go I. . . - ^ • ; 'J •T oes heary, regular pri°? f rSi. •fa} The object of iiiis Bate^s lo feuue© stock* and to make tvom tor Holiday Good-j. Do not fail to attend, it will laet ior only a week or ten days. Xt begins Monday, Nov pavment" We bid you welconwj uj 3. •ff i. west VcHcnry, Z« i4' .Jr, ' *4 v- * i ' » t y. to

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