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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1892, p. 8

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BB.OS. . J! •-Vi"i'?'>t-;'": '• • .sv.-nV' •» 4* * *iV" i >1' a life. VVJiV < ?Vh#» "s *VA-': jg fe . % * ^ * V, f : XV % * • • ' • 1^1. The W. C. T. D., will meet with Mrs, Mi B. Howe, l>ec.l5th at 2:30 o'clock. Mm. L. E. Bennett, Pres. W. Colby, Secy. . tfif DrlnJriaifandSmokia#. *•?><«}! "•Smoking fund drinking," you said, "Arinking and smoking." Why is It ' that these two things always go togeth*: er,'except that they belong together? Ministers used to indulge in drinking till' Hie people waked up, or perhaps they themselves, and to drink became disrep­ utable. Then they left off that, but held to the smoking, perhaps the harder fen* the restraint in other things' 01 course there is no special rule for minister# that the people should not fol­ low; for they are "examples to the flock;" ? yet, by common consent, the people do things which they may not. Let us see how it looks. Imagine the Apostle John with a'cigar in his mouth, or Paul with a pipe or quid. Do you start? It is re­ volting; but why should that be unbe­ coming in them which is all right wad proper in the successors in their work? •TOM, McMtNRY.ILL, i "v \/;v f ' ts: P!UB FINE LADIE '̂ SOLID GOLD SPUING :f. "i L -um ,:2 'k$k-WJ ,4 •' --j* i* J •.**'- S V "J- $ " C ' •: Which the Springfield Watch Co will leave four months. Any one who intends buying a new watch in the near future should not. under any consideration, tail to look them over, for they are cer­ tainly the i Finest that Have ever been brought v>K: before the publi# What the apostle said to Timothy, s • "Keep thyself pure," has need to be the & *• k • la junction to many a minister, young fT' *\ > and old. $•%, 5 And it is not a questionof purity alone, \ this tobacco-business. The habit is mak- IfKSiH', lag a fearful havoc with the well-being ^ % of our race. The revenue of the country is affected by it; and next to spirits, fe tobacco stands Ithe second in value as - yielding revenue. Then we learn that in France the increase of insanity, and i diocy. and kindred diseases has just kept pace with the increase revenue from •|T the tax on tobacco. ; s - All that saves us is that women ab- " Jtein. Those parts of the country were ^§1/ Women use tobacco are said to be "not worth saving." However, let us come ,v, hack to our text, "Smoking and Drink- How naturally they go together! Let them go, but not carry with them either Christians or ministers of God. Slavery has been abolished. Let emancipation be here declared, and the man of God be 0 free man; for no slavery is eqp§i *o f'thafc of a habit. 'Pf" ;'t Beside these wo have In stock a fine line of Ladies' If ^ ^ , J ' i' "r Such ab the Bockford Quick Train, Elgin, and others. We ^ sell you at a very reasonable price. +*ft1444' FOR SALE OR RENT. ^5 * ^ A good house, situated in the village » ?4tJ Of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, F - , * W e l l , c i s t e r n a n d a s m a l l g a r d e n . A l s o i '*•" , Itouse containing ten rooms. A barn, fe-' • Well and cistern on the premises. Also a fK 'building, 12x32, containing two rooms, ; Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos- 4 ~ Session given at once. Apply to §*•' ' ' Wesley Ladd. %.. *• 5 r . Ringwood, Oct. 17,1892. I X ffv ' $ * * The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia the largest watch case manufactur­ ing concern in the world, is now . putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled ,,.....I^ifgand other Cases made by it, a bow (nng) which cannot be twisted or 1* * 't. - <• pulled off the watch P r ^a sure protection against the ̂; pickpocket and the many accidents ̂ hefall watches fitted with the " old-style bow, which is simply held ;Vj- by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the "•y • >• {/*' ;* "* \ - J T-JSr "<»fc and CAN ONLY BE HAD with JBK cases bearing their trade mark-- Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet, ̂ ̂ " or send to the manufacturers. " liiijiiiiiii. I .i.'iiiiiiiiifVi.i Three Car Loads We have just received over S400 worth of And rweiTing more almoBr every week. We honestly believe lliat we have the finest line of e] - Watches, - Clocks, - and SrX' ~ mf a SEWING MACHINES, : . . .... . • _ . ; -:**•' ••>vij That has ever been brought to this part of the county. W+ 4 • We invite everybody, young and old. even it they do not intend to buy, to come in before the Holidays and look over our stock, learn prices and secure a Handsome Calendar for 1893, Free. r m , . • • . " '-'a,- ; SV, v _ V.'4- • * • * OTTR,» •* • • w \J JEv • ? •' - ? - ,« f . - r,v' ;"'v <T -*>*•«' #"v ^ i ' . : f > . 1 "•> •^34^ - • Is complete, and we want f.' ^ YOU TO SEE XT , ^ ^ 0f ^ ; j - " % • I; )\6&' -;t „ •rf £ i '->yi ; ' 'y-'WV.* ,1 % K'l: ^ i l ' ' ' « ' 1 ' t * * ' ̂ x ' ' ^ 3s ... . .J* v fc. . •* ^ f •% * if % & iSflt i*->K 4 -v t It consists of Presents for the • t WHT~: URS. J. W. TOREENCE, YOLO, ILL. las just returned from Chicago, with a full line of the VfrtUfBRE CAN'T BE SOUR -- IF YOU USE r ' * " *£4 ^ i ' "* i' two Months. We keep Brands that Sell PIT THEIB MERITS. WVC-'> n mm M A G I C YEAST PURE QUICK ECONC OMICAL never em SOUR. Ask for "Magic" at yonr Qrooer's. Let hUB •eU his other kinds to other people* PATENTS J Caveats,*ndTrade-M«rlrtobt*ine<1,*nd all Pat- J ent business conducted for Modem ate F« : t, i> !Oua orncc is Opposite U. S. Patcnt office <[ i and we can secure patent in less time than those' 11 remote from Washington. ], ' | _ Send model, drawing or photo., with descTip- <1 Jition. We advise, if patentable or not, free of! > charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. | A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO ©pp. Patent Office, Washington, d. c. 7> S fi<" a. - &T Delivered to any part of the village. W. A. CRIST7, f|fd and C^i Dflple MeHenry House, n the gsseiBllr, McHENRY. ILL. • • IM rutoc. Oft ,tk( banks of the Fox prof fCcHenry, i special at teatioa will teatVM to the entertainment<«f Bastm, liiSwrsewB and Pleasure Seekers with Oom- ^i«t« Outfits. PITT'S "• foadsrful Bkck Lhument CURES M# Shonlder*, Cats, Etc^g, Sore Hack, cratciie*, V.'Irc Cat*, BuruB an '-ope VJnniK. Quarter Cr^rks, Crease Hon 'littov, Thi'ua!], anil Cnuker, fon SAT.H! JSV GUS CARLSON, --DBALBR 1H-- Harness Supplies of all kinds McHKMHY, ILL. Mm Watch for notices oi Christmas goods which will appear soon, as J. A. Story is AMD LADIE8' Furnishing (Consisting in part of Ladies' Un­ derwear, Corsets, ladies' and children's Hose, Mittens, Gloves and Ties, which she offers to the ladies of Yolo and vicinity at the LOWEST LIVING FS1CES. Call and see our goods before surchasing, as we are confident we can please you. MBS. J. W, TORRENCE, VOiOj 111., Otl« dip ; youngest as well as the oldest. We never were in position to do you as much good in this line as we S J • \ ' t iHi Staj< Dfiftp QuAirry] it- (M ** Si :S% * J*. ̂ &til -DKALBR IK- !'• M ' 7 . With two stores, one on the West side and one ob ; side, (McHenry), they present to the Of all kinds of Furnit ure " than ever before which wo J goffering at greatly • JBEDUCED FKICE8 • XOW )S 7HE TIME TO sIpo keep in stock & fail line Baouple* of CABPBTS, and ire eangtve •« yon anything from the cheapest 10 tbe finest Brunei* at lower prlrei than any : other bouse in the'oounty. I < < \ f , • # h* JUST sh. * i'V** j. ^ Vs'*- '4, ^ ^ S * %4r • ~r.a 1.*W. (jRISTT & SON. Ringwood, 111. THE FARMERS' STORE I am now prepared to furnish you with a full line of And the Finest and rargeit Acsortment of V^.<£ "H A ^ ̂ fg " " " ^>'^r < Decorated II8BIB Slit Tea Sets, CHAMBER SETS. J. E. SAYLOR & SONS, "ty- Ever shown in MeHenry, in white (iranite Crockery. My stock is complete. I have nothing but the best Imported Crockery and warrant them not to craze. Lamps at AnyPrice you may want, FROM IOo. UP TO 818, IN ENDLE88 VARIETY. 1ST" Please call and see what I have to offer you before buying. I will mt^EO prieee to ̂ uit ̂ ou. West MeHenry, 111., Oct., 1892. •BaBSDKKS OVmm Morgan:: Hoti&S; EmbraciD£ IIiq celebrated General Giflord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. 8TOCH FOR 8ALE. Stallions and Fllllea. dendfor pedi­ grees. Xssez and Registered Poland China =tz;SWINE.==BK Choice Merino Sheep, v Manfimqth Bronze Turkeys* High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come and inspect stock or, address. B. BAYLOR & SONS: :'3 I WestMeliejiry, ill Customers are pleased with the appear ance of Evanston's store. ' Plenty at merchandise, every corner is full. The flonp house is fall of beet Washburn's JULIA A. STORY, ilkl dealer nr;- ONK DOOR WEST or S1VKBSIDX HOUSS, HcBiuy,!!!, I Medicines •> ui FULL LINK OF---- Dries, Cleiloili Die M, Faints, Oils ftColors Constantly on band. Also a large line of AHD A 00MPLSTS STOCK Of STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES i »•'* ' ' ' 1 ** , -» / S m§w » • • . « - , h . I * ^ y s i o i a n s P r e s c r i p t i o n s 7 ? Carefully a^d accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- c ^ |Tov p4tronage is respectfully soUcited, ~ ; * " s, *-• "• % r, V; - t;;:";., -./.'i'". • J,. ?- ' .: . •' • •" v-: • We bave taken great pains lu selecting our inrsiBTAma SUPPLBS, Coffins Caskets and Trimmings of tbe lat­ est designs. Everything new and ele* Kant, We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us when in want of any tbiog la oar line, ftt Connection, which will be furnii^ed at Reasonoble Rates. JTJSTEN BROS. MoHenry, III., 1802. X WE ARE HEADQUARTERS f O B S T O V E S , ^ Our Stock if* Here. I ., iThe largest and finest assortment of Coal%nd Wood Benters. Cook Stoves and Ranges ever seen in town. The world renowned Howe Ventilators, asserted by the highest authorities to be the only correct Ventil­ ating stoves constructed for the promotion of 'health by perfect ventilation, sod for greatest economy in the use ot fuel. A complete line of the famous Peninsula Stoves, the most popular stove in the market. A written guarantee with every stove* A full line of Gold Coin Heaters ior ^voodand coal. The best stove fcr the price yet produced. We will take your old stoves in exchange for new ones, and allow you their full value. We will repair, polish, and put up yoor gtovft* on short notice and at reasonable prices. lNr*See our stock of stoves. It will p«y yoti. ' STORY & McOM$ER. West MeHenry, IH. 1892. ' t.- •A-"' fV'T" '•4 >'*: (i' r> <%' . f' i'% "'m & --x; m y 5-V ; $t* " ; / ,r i if %(••] <•: i I";-: 9!S"S *&' , f *! $bh'- ','s !•# . M l v * ' * ) Biverside Block, McHenryt ,v>' ifll pAWD WITH A CLEAN, FWB8H HTOaC Of m -Jm-v;; i i F ' " h ' M " ,'t fi ' Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, £japs, ,• Hoots and Sfep̂ , ̂ w ̂ It is no ti^e to make a notte about wbat yon are gtilng to 4o« ̂ (efts you are prepared to do it when the time comes. y; ^eaf'Bii^^it ofgwrtWlnelo eveiy on« bftmr ettttoiiiisit> W$$ stock is complete in every department and comprises !Sl; 1" lEf -- .-y- ? J* -Sw }<J>* ' C • • ' " T >'«>&'< ti . .x -iJi4 . I k L ' L ^ iite* J r j A - S £ r£*j'/h jJIilL JOHN I. ST MeBe»7, IU^ 1898; JT? ,.i:i k..*ibk,>: ifcL ri ,.A .i? » s* mi?' » • • ?£'/t i- «3W- » ,-^ff > t.' V

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