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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1892, p. 5

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Jtiog with let week. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1803^ - • ' '.--s.jV ; ".V--"- - - •••'£•* -'"tVr*- ** " :•"' - '\̂ ':-X •sifce* o* "tmrtay, Nr v, 8th, * this lUUkni M follows ; OOINO HORTB. •WUli*ms Bay Freight pum.... 9:K A- M. s*r 'iii ?Laketiencv . tUlA.tiiinrTa PMrniigur *• Uk«beD«(aExiAim ** . *Lake Geneva pui>*g»r •* . SOUS SOUTH. Depart' ....£&* •u Kxpresfl \-.if Uny irnjiht »• v» Pawieiigef " EXPLANATION. • Dftilv <exc«pl Sua-iay. f Sunday* oniy, ; Daily. *W 8.R8- 6:« P, M. . «:» " . 6:61 - ..f &3 A. M . .8 as " .1 SO P M .«&» •? ., W • B. Bnss, Agent. Me-Hftnrv. III MA"Os 10. MCHKNKT IODQK , NO . 158 A V . and A. M.- fedgakt Oomiuunieati >n» the second and tourih Moadsji in each month. ' w. A CHIMP*. W. M. ¥0 OtT& BUBSCBZSBBS. '""We are now making a systematic ef­ fort to collect the large amount due UB on subscription, and if those in arrears, who hare heretofore thoughtlessly let their subscriptions ran, will give the mat­ ter tbei earnest attention now, it will aid us much in our efforts. The amount to each is small but in the a^ngate is laree to us, and we need and must have the money in our business. We are now sending out bills to every man in arrears, and if our subscribers will respond promptly it will save us the trouble and* expense of sending a collector or catling around personally. But the money we must have, and we have resolved to col­ lect all outstanding subscriptions be­ tween this and January 1st. Reader, if this means yo.i send in your buck dues at, ooce. If you are not coming to town •end by mail. raa calling 'week. Ml"# AIWA AYLW; friends inthictigo REV BRILL, of on friends here the US •W. OWEN a|tf wife were Genoa, Wis., vi itora the rirst*bf£he Week. Miis C. R. CURTIS, of Elgin, was visit­ ing friends here on H^tjirdav last. MRS JACOB RISHOP and Mrs. John J. Bishop are visiting with ijriends in Chi­ cago this week. v BHEKIFF UDELL, of Wdodstock, was attending to official business east of town on Saturday and mode our sanctum a pleasant call on his return. MRS. FLORA HOCK, of Richmond, was the guest of Miss Mary Block, in this village, last week. WM. A.. SAYLOB sold to Mr. Moore, of Polo, 111., this , week, a yearling Morgan Stallion, sired by "Prince 8.," for f 125. He was a very ilne colt, atfd for a yearling wonld be hard to beat. Mr. Moore is an extensive breeder of Morgan horses. BORN, to Mr. and Mrs. j. Van Sl.vke, Wednesday moruinp, December 21 times, A. D., 18U2, a daughter, of regulation Weight and^rdinary Hftvtvjre, The pajm ityloiiig as well as ordinary Circumstan­ ces will permit in snch cases made and provided by the statue hook and is set­ ting the smokers up to all caileris.. V Bardett on OhriitmM iteeerasto me--and it isn't my taolt that the sunset is fairer and lovlier than the snnrise--that there was something more Christmasy about Christmas when I was a boy, writes Robert J. Bnrdette in the Christmas number of The La lim' Borne Journal in an article on "Christ­ mas W hen 1 Was a Boy " Its pleasures were simpler, its gifts were heartier. At least, I cannot remember to have read, save in these latter years, articles in family journals and magazines bewailing the burden of toil and worry and expense in the planning and making, or purchas­ ing of Christmas presents. "Krismus gifts'*, we called them when I was a boy. It. didn't and doesn't have much refine­ ment of culture in the spelling and the sound thereof. But the people who made them didn't rush into the papers to tell how mnch It cost them, and how glad they were that it was all over for another year. But last, year and'the year before I read such articles In print. 8o did you. Wherefore it seems to me that we kill^-d Kri>* Kringle a fnll century too soon. We have mom currants in nur Chrismas cake under the reign of Santa Clans, it is true Bat we have also more flies in it; Noo<ia Post, No fcts, meets on tti« tenoti aao tourih Tuewtay evening* »t each month iu U A. ft. Mail. 0omr>»'!«8 from uther Posti areconli illy inTUP<1 to visit P-m meetings. W. p. ST. CLAIK. Gtmiuiauaer. ff. E. PifOKiT Ad] Unt Murray Gooney. IT may not be ami^s at. this time to call attention of our young ladies, old maids and widows to the fact 'that leap vear is about to close. So far as the PLAINDEALKR is able to find out, the vear has brought no returns. BEAUTIFUL Christmas tree with an- piiate exercises and Santa Clause, ill b» at the Univerbalist Church, Sat- rda.v evening. . Parents are requested ng presents for the children ae earlv as convenient, in the afternoon. Exercises commence at 7:30 p, M. / i A. L. HOWE has his Hay Press in run- afhg order, and is busy every day in the F WE hear it rumored that the Knicker- ; bocker Ice Company will fill their Ice . Houses here this winter. Happy and content is a home with "The Ro­ chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. Gatalognes,write Rochester LampCo^NewYork. WORLD'S Fair Souvenir Half Dollar*, may be secured by leaving orders at the Bank of McHenry, 111. Price is fl each THB dancing public should remember the New Year's Parties at the Riverside House, and the McHenry House, in thi^ village, Monday evening, Jan. 2d. % : As will be seen by his advertisement in another column. Dr. Frnth will visit Woodstock again Jan. 10th. Read bis advertisement. NEW advertisements can be f>mnd in onr paper to-day of Perry & Owen, John J. Miller, Richard Pishop, W. A. CHsty and Dr. Froth. Read them all. It will inter- eat yon in more ways than one. THE Christmas Parties at Waueonda and Algonquin, take place on Friday evening of this week, Deo, 23d. Good music and a good time may be expecte d at both places. WE learn that Ora Howard, of Yolo, /'accidentally shot himself in the foot on Saturday last. Dr. Fegers, of \his vil­ lage, was called and dressed the wound. Another "did not know it was loaded" accident. , f E. LAMPHERE & SON have opened a Meat Market, in the Ni^hojs Block, and are prei»ar«d to furnish < ou meat* of all kinds, fresh or salt. Smoked raeat->, i sau&tge, etc, They have a neat and \tasty shop. Call and see them. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry «very Saturday of.each week. He can be fonnd at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Chi Ids and No ton, opposite the old Parker Bouse place. THE man who undertakes t«» follow the eather prophets must occasionally wonder where he is at.. According to these veracious prognostics tors this wil' be a truly remarkable winter, as it i* going to be both a hard winter and an Sgpenyinter. .. . A REGULAR Comrrmnipa^i^n of Mc­ Henry Lodge No. 158, A: F. & A. M,, ill be held on Monday eve.. Dec. 26., m which time the election of rffi<*ere for the ensuing year will take place. Everr member is earnestly requested to be pres­ ent, at 8'o'clock sharp. By order of the W. M.f \ WE honor and respect a man, who will, when he desires to h«v« his paper discon­ tinued, drop in the office, and make -hi*- wants kn"wn to t>e editor. But the man who owes a dollar or two on his paper, and orders the postmaster to mart it. "refused" is a sneak and isn't Worthy of confidence. 'E Understand there is to be a Christ­ mas Tree at tbe Methodist Church, but just when we have been unable to learn. Wfe are glad at all times to publish all church and society notices, but cannot do so unless we are furnished with parti cnlars as to dates, etc. gicKNEsa in the editors family the first of the week prevented the PLAINDEALEH getting out a Holiday Supplement, a» had been intended. But we will try and make up ior this by getting out a good pqper every week during the cominK ^ WITH the heresy hunters all chasing heretics there is some danger that the original inners and the wicked not. yet bqyond redemption may be overlooked Even if it be well to preserve the creed intact, the great work of saving soul should not be forgotten in the mean time. % » MEN who are everything by turns and nothing long may possess more than average ability, but tbey never make lifea success. As "rolling stones gather no no^" neither do the shiftless add an.v power to .their character or wealth to their •tore. Tbey are respectable tramp* . always on the move from one vocation to another, often waiting. likeMicawber *|or something to turn up." s l iWHEW he calls upon her as the holiday flewton approaches ho finds her preoccn pied and inclined to g<ue intently at bis iwt. This makes hi8 life miserable, and never before realised how terribly large' mas mot Of slip* own audi prop o« are. But on Christ- she gives him a pair embroidered by her the mystery is so'ved resume thrir normal "for a finely bound hook a Christmas present, at J. A.8toi7's, You and your friends are kindly in­ vited to send to this paper, to bring it vonrself any item of news of which yon may know. If you want, us to mentior the fact that your guests have arrived, please let, us know when they come. I' von are going awav on a visit or have returned from one please notify us of tbe fact by note or in person. WHEN girls get together they will say things. One of them was telling of a recent "bay-rack ride" in, which she had$fie|piUg to raise up the fallen.--Ex. PROBABLY no civil case tried in our Circuit Court in the last two years, has attracted more attention than the abovt ea^ tried at the last January term, be­ fore Judge Kellum, and a jury. Mrs Murray rented Mrs. Cooney's farm in HarMand ior one year, and then brousrht suit because there was not a good snp- »iy of water on the farm, claiming Mrs. Oooney verbally agreed to furnish water. The trial in circuit court lasted three day s, and was stubbornly contested on both sides, C. H. Donnelly add V. 8 Luml»\ ppearing for Mrs Murray, and C. P. Barnes and Frank Spitz «r for Mrs. Coon- ey. Under the ruling of Judge Kellum the jiicy returned a verdict in favor of VIrs.' Murray, for $ 180 00 and costs. A new trial being refused Mrs. Cooney, her attorney's carried the case to the Ap­ pelate court, at Ottawa, III., which turt has gi ven her a new trial, holding that the rulings of Judge Kellum are lontrary to law. This is a great victory 'or Messrs. Barnes and Spitzer, and add*> >ne more case to the many won by Mr Barnesin the A ppellatecourt.--Deipocrat. * It la Hard to Believe. That a man loves God with all his heart who ta<k« like a saint on Sunday ind lives like a heathen on week days. That a woman is as near heaven as she >ught to be, who cries her eyee out with ••iivy every time she sees another woman < earing finer clothes than she can afford. That, a man who won't do right un- ler a!l circumstances is a safe man to put in charge of a Sunday school. That preachers who hardly ever have my thing to say about the gospel of Iesus Christ in their sermon know much about it by experience. That a chnrch whose leading members are stingy and fault finding whenever t he object of money is mentioned is do­ ing very mnch to help people on their •vay to heaven. That peop'e who are all the time look­ ing toward the devil, are not also walk­ ing tbe same direction. That any man loves his neighbor as himself who is always trying to get tbe best of him in business. That a mm loves God with all his st rength who never lifts an ounce toward participated. "And whjp we got, ba< k," *aid she, "we were chined through. Sr while th« hoys took a smoke, we sat and hugged the stove." "Well!" exclaimed the girl with the big bine eyes, "I thifV vou might have hugaed the boys and let th* stove do the smoking; A PROMINENT advertiser who advertises in four or five papers in the county vol­ unteers the information that ^ receive- more positive assurance that nis adver­ tisement ^s read in the FLAINBFALER b^ more people than all the other papers combined This is to say an advertise­ ment in the PLAINDEALKR brings the ad­ vertiser bigger returns than any three or four other papers in the connty, but it i these "other papers" which are always bragging about their circulation. The PLAINPEALER is modest, but, oh my THIS is the tim\ of the year when great care should be taNen in. the body. Snd !en changes in temperature, the lack of ventilation in tbe homes, damp feet changing of thinner clothing for th< evening party, and many; such little things add to the lorg sick roll an< death list of the earlv winter months See that your cellars have no decaying vegetables Half a dozen spoiled cab bnges in the cellar have been known to breed a pestilence for the entire house­ hold. IT is an easy matter for ns to lay ont lines of duty for another fellow to work upon, bnt. do we not often expect more from some one than we are willing to perform? Let ns bold a short self-ex amination, and we think many of us wil' be startled at our own shortcomings When we hear a point, made in a lecture we are too prone to say: "I wonder how Mr. A. or Mrs. B. liKed that. It jdst struck the right spot." Instead of do ing thns, let ns see that there is no mote in our own eyes. M<«re charity would make the world better, and so long as we are mortal let lis not expect man general to don the rotes of immortality before he has experenced that last great ebange and gone tbe way of all flesh. • Calendar for 1803 Free. The Chicagr^& North-Western R'y has just, issued an attractive clendar for 1893, which is one of the best, we have se»n for practical use in the business office as well as the home. A copy of this desirable cah ndar will be mailed free upon sending yo»r address with a two cent postage stamp to W. A. Thrall, G P. & T. A., Chicago. 24«2. Onr stnck of gloves and mittens is com plete and we «nn offer yon inducements that should iufltieeop yon to buy of us. J* W. Cnis-nr ft Soo, Bingwoo*. H'cl. THE most notable series of perform noes ever given by Modjeeka and com­ pany, covering a period of two weeks at the Chicago Opera House, was brought to a close on Saturday night with a per­ formance of "Macbeth" in which the star impersonation of Lady Macbeth vas received with unu«ual manifesta­ tions of approval. Throughout the two weks season Modjeska in roles with which she has long been identified, such Camille, Mary Stuart, Rosalind and Imogene, and with a most notable reviv­ al of "Henry VHP'--the orfty production »fth%t inposing Shakesperian pageant worthy of the name ever seen in the west, the audience* were uniformly large, while constantly increasing in size up to tbe last performance. "Henry VIil" was *iven no less than five timee. "Marv Stuart" was seen three times, "As you •ike it" twioeand'Camille," "Cymbeline," 'Much Ado about Nothing" and "Mac­ beth" once each. At this theatre the Polish Actress was followed on Sunday evening by Hermann the famous Pres tidigitateur who will be seen in a whollv new progr->mme for two weeks, during which special programmes will be offered on'the Wednesdty and Saturday roati uees, The Wizard's piece de resistance this season is a mysterious and humur ous solution of the Chinese problem * hich he calls "Ya Ko-Yo," or "Chinese immigration made easy." "The slave <}irl's Dream" is the title of an allegori­ cal tableau contributed by Madam Her­ man. The magician embodies in his pro­ gramme the cnstomary features in which the andience takes part by furnishing various articles that are to be smashed thrown to the four wind and then re­ turned to their ownere without injury Fferrman promises to npset all tbe laws of nature and to make bis audience laugh as they have seldom laughed before Following Herrman after the Holidays Stuart TCobinaon and company will fill two weeks engagement.' presenting the ever popular "Henrieta" "'She stoops to conquer" and possible one or two other pieces. FARM FOR RENT. A good Dairy Farm, within one mile of Depot and Butter Factory, for Rent. With or without stock and machinery, to suit parties. For farther particulars inquire of H. C. MEAD, West McHenry, 111^ Dec. 19,1892. 24 tf Headache is the <Jne<;t result of indige*. tion and stomach disorders Remedy thi* by nsinir D" Witt's Little Early ftiscs, a'«d your headache di-a'>f>ears. Tti favorite little pills everywhere. J alia NiitiAa D«*|»a Not having #een any news from this little town for some time, we thought we. would let you know that we were still alive and growing. Engineer Sargent and family have moved from the Keller house into Mrs. Smith's new hou»e on Miunie street. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryant have gone to Mcllenry to spend a fe# weeks with their daughter. Miss May Hamilton spent a few days of last week «ith her uncles family, at Cary. A windmill will be the feature of enter- taiument at the Disciple Church Christ­ mas eve. C. W. Seeley and A. H. Hale spent Thursday in the city. W. P. Morse, of Woodstock was calling on friends last Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Morse and Mrs. Wakefield, of Ridtifflelil, attended corps meeting here Saturday. Miss Lena Thompson is' visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cora Dickinson. Mrs. Marion Hamilton spent lastTues- day in the city. Maynard HamSton and wite, of Chi­ cago, visited friends here recently. Mrs. *W. P. Striair spent a few days with her daughter at Irving Park recently." * Dr. E. A. Ballon, who* met with another serious accident a *?eek ago is reported as a little better at present writing. The funeral of Mrs. S. S. Gates was at­ tended at the Congregati'inal church Sunday afternoon. Rev Hay, of Wood­ stock, assisting Rev. van Swearingen in the services Thomas St Clair was a visitor at his brothers, W. P. St Clair, last Hatarday. The revival services in progress at the M. E Chu»ch are being well attended and much good is beiug doue. Mr. t>ss- ua, of tilgiu, is exected here one night of this week. Mr. Geo. Ford is reported as very sick at his home. Miss Minnie Owen spent Sunday at home. At the meeting of the Nunda Post, last Tuesday evening, tha^following < fleers were elected for the coming year: Com­ mander, I. M. Ma'lory; S. V C., G. W. Tnom{ieou; .1 V. C., Geo. Pratt; <'hap- hin, C. H. Truax; Surgeon, Geo. Peeler; Quartermaster, G. S. Beck ley; O. D, J. l.Collen:0. G, John Croesman; Dele­ gate, J. D. Andrus; Alternate, B, K Sparawk. Rowlands ft St Clair have moved their millinery shop into the corner store tat- ly vacated by 0. C. Colby. Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Pennock, formerly of this place, visited among friends here recently. R'NGWOOD. Everyone is prepariug a stocking tor Santa to fill, But pappa aud mamma mast foot np the bill. 1 wasn't trying to write poetry, but I'm so fijll of it that it just flows out, as the ink from a fountaiu pen. Frank Gerbracht, of Ames, Iowa, is a guest at present writing Frank is an >ld King wood boy, he having attended school here some time ago. He is now a thnlty farmer in Gov Boies' state, hut says the Governor must yield next tim«- to a good R- publican. Frank will spend the Holidays with hispareuts near Spring Grove and vi»it some of his old time friends, but soon after New Years m .st return to bis home in Iowa. You can get Oysters, Apples, or in fact auythingyou want at J. W. Cristy & Son's, at less than the market price else­ where. A fine line of Holiday Good-* at half price these last few days. Cranber­ ries to saHce yourChristmas turkey, they are fresh Cape Cod, and are a flue sample. Grimolby & Pint are busy all the time. From morning till uight do their ham­ mers ting, and their business is steadily growing. Go to theRingwood Nursery forChrist- tuas trees A tine tree for $ 1. Friends of Jabec Carr will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly recovering from bis late protracted illness. Attend Christmas trees at Ringwood. Remember a double tree. Brief exercises aud a long distribution of gifts. Walter Lykes is the guest of Adam Jackson. The Richmond Gazette correspondent has faithfully informed tbe readers of that excellent sheet of all the year's do ingn in or near this place for the past three years Hardly anyone who reads a paper knows just how difficult it is to keep informed upon just tbe little hap- lienings around such a place as this. The editors of that paper are highly favored in having such a correspondent. A fresh lot of Holiday Candiee at J ackson's, and more coming in Christ­ mas eve. The Inmber for Johathan Brown's hou«e is being drawn from the cars and stored till fine weather when workmen will be set to work in earnest. Geo. Stevens, wife and sister attended the silver wedding of Mr and Mrs. Lock- wood Austin, near Kef stone, on Friday evening last, and rejiort a very enjoyable evening. s we write news is brought us of tbe death ot Daniel Tollison, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred i tollison, of Richmond. His death, though not unexpected, is a very sad one. About two years ago he was noticed to be declining and since that time has only sought health, bnt consumption gives no surcease and he has gone to join the silent majority, mourned by a grief-stricken family and missed by an entire community. A more extended obitu try will appear next week. tiiem* Notice*. FORSAL all kind*. tory's Call and ex- Buy get a self r tory ft McOmber and on portrait of your- /'&W: . : V U jr%ii House and one aero of land, In this vil» lege. House contains ten rooms. There is a good barn, an abundance of small fruit. Is pleasantly located and will be sold cheap. Inquire of. O. W. Own*. Mc Henry, Nov. 22d, 1892. NEW YEAR'S PARTY. Yourself and lady are cordially invited t"» attend a New Year's Party, at Geo. Nell's New Hall, Johnsburgh, III., Friday evening, Dec. 30th, 1892. Music, Noonau'a Orchestra. Tickets, including supper, fl. \ GEO. NELL, Proprietor. PRICES THAT WIl,L CLOSE Out at once onr entire large stock of stylish and reliable ladies', misses' and children's Cloaks and Jackets, regardless of first cost or future profits. Come early as we mean business. SIMON STOFFEL. Forty barrels of good solid Michigan and New York state apples, at Perry ft Owen's. Get a bar-* 1 for Christmas. Buv your Christmas Presents ot Perry ft Oven. They have a large stock to select from. FOR SWEETNING. Look in at Uncle Ben Gilbert's an3 see a KETTLE RENDERED, DRY and LIGHT NEW ORLEANS SUGAR. The FOUR good Heating Stoves for Rale -- Will be sold for half price. Inquire of E. Lawlus. The largest and best assortment of Men's and Boy's Suits in town at J. J. Miller,s. ; Toy's, "Lamias snd Christmas goods, full liue in,/3ach at J. A. Story's. Call and examine. One hundred and fifteen pairs of Bed Blankets, from 90 cents to $4.50 per pair at J ohn I. Story's. You should see the "si ecial values" we are offering, but don't buy unless your judguieut. tells you it is for your interest. J, W, Cristy ft Sou, Ringwood. /' GENTS. H you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, Ej. Lawlus will do yon a splendid job. / ______ Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet temper, all result from the use of De- Witt'" Little E-trly Risers, tbe famous it>tls pilts. Julia A. S tory. i ' , ' f . V ' • " i & " < •> . ' 1 ffefV; . /./ * :d *£ -v' • •» «• ... v.. \ • . . * . J 100 Pounds^ or 22 lbs, for f 1.00. WANTED --Salesmen, Local and Trav­ eling, to represent our well known house You need no capital to represent a fiim that warrants nursery stock first-clase •md true to name. Work all the year. $ 100 per month to the right man. Ap- oly quick, state age. L. L May ft Co.. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St Paul, Minn This house is responsible. 9-8w For instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bay City, Mieh . accident ly spilled scald­ ing water over her little boy. Slu' promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve, giving instant relief. It's a won­ derfully good salve for burns, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. Julia A 8to^p:f • ... ^ FOR SvLE. Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale. 1 breed none but the best. Inquire of FRANK COLE, 20-3m Spring Grove, 111. Yonr choice of either a Towell Rack oi Antique Oak Center Table with every pound of good Baking Powder, at John I. Story's. • OVERCOATS j The largest stock of Overcoats in town at J. J. Mil er's. Nothing so distressing ae a hacking Cough. Nothing so foolUh as to suffei from it. Nothiug so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cougl. gives immediate relief. Julia A. Story. Ladies call and look oVer new goods before purchasing your Holiday Pres­ ents. JOHN I. STORY. A.8tory. The Colombia Daily Calendar. Remains tbe only valuable daily pad cal­ endar. Tbe calendar for '93 is of tbe same general design as that of previous years consisting of 366 leaves, one {or every day in tbe year, and a calendar for the entire y^ar. The day of the week, of the month and of the year are given, and on each leaf is a short sermon on the "Gospel of Outdoors, Health and Happi­ ness," with valuable hints on practical road making. Tbe lea ves are so arrange that there will be no stub left, and each one can be referred to at any time during tbe year. Tbe pad is upon a metallic stand of ivory black, arranged so as to rest upon the desk at a convenient angle. The pad matter, which in the aggregate is enough to make a book, is all fresh and new, and is of more pertinent value than th it of any previous calendar. The calendar is issued by the Pope Mfg. Co., of Boston, New Y' rk and Chicago. Wat/*h for notices of t'hrUtmas good* which will apiwar soon, as J \ Storv is in the city selectiug the finest assortment ! #v«r brought to this villoma, FOR SALE OR RENT. */ A good house, situated in the village of Hingwood, containing seven rooms, well, i-istern and a small garden. Also house containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms <'an be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once. Apply to WESLEY I AMI- Ringwood, Oct. 17.1*32. FARM toil RENT. Farm of 175 acres within one-half mile of railway station, at McHeury, with large new barn and new bouse. Is oue of tbe most productive farms in tbe county aud best located as a stock farm. Some choice lots for sale in West McHenry. Also rooms for rent. Inquire of 0. N. Owen, at Bauk of McHenry. Success is every thing depends largely upon good health. De Witt's Little Early Risers are little health producing pills. See the point? Then take an "Early Riser." Julia A. Story. WARM GOODS TALK. Before yon take cold walk right into tbe undersigneds place of business aud look over those stacks of new, stylish ladies' misses' and children's I'loaks, Wraps. Jackets, Saques, Newmarkets, in all sizes. The mos'. fashionable colpr* and cuts, at the most agreeable pricen, Our stock of Overcotts, Uothing, Flan­ nels, Blankets, Yams, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitteus, Shawls, Footwear, etc , is firs' class in both style and assortment Those in need of good Uuderwear should give us a timely call and save money and a bad cold. Don't be backward in com­ ing forward to trade with SIMON STOFFEL. Do NOT forget if you want a first Vuctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can Ox dates for you at this office. Our Shoe Stock was never more com­ plete. Ladies' and Children's Shoes from 35 cents to *3. Men's and Boy's trom f 1 to $4.50 at John 1. Sh^f'a. ; , FOR SALE! The steamer "Mary Griswold"at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. Hrve you seen the line of Overcoats at •I. J. Miller's? He will give you the beet <oods for the least money. Oue half dozen Silver Plated Teaspoons riven away with every pound can of the Yale Baking Powder, at John I. Story's. PI ANOS TO RENT. Six Upright Pianos to Rent from now until June 1st, at half price. Inquire «of 0. W. OWEN. 200 Tons Corn Wanted! it the Highest Market Price. W. A. CRISTY, West McHeury, 111. ™ ""r" Engine for Sale We have a 20-horse power, Portable Eugiue tor sale: Is in rirst-claes running order aud almost as good as new. Will be sold reasonable, if called for soon. HANLY ft SONS. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP BKTY At low rates consistent with absolute 4aie indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ res, aud has upwards of 1200 risks on •lis books all the time. Fair dealing and lowest prices have earned our present tr de aud by follow­ ing in the same course aud improving •-very opportunity to lower our present tow prices we expect to increase our trade. Call in and see how it operates. J. W. CRISTY ft SON, Ringwood. Over 200 new, stylish garments, for Ladies, Misses and Childreus' wear, 'ousisting of Jackets, Saques, Cape •;oats, Newmarkets, etc., just received »ud now on sale, See our elegant styles, colors and trimmings. Prices way down to satisfy calamity howlers. Only at SIMON STOFFEL'S. WANI'EDI Piles of people have piles, butDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. Julia A. Story. ______ BOOKS! BOOKS! Onlv 5 cents. Good standard works for sale at J. A. Story's,for 5 cents a book Among them will be found works by Dickens, Collins, Mrs. Henry Wood, George Eliot and many others. Small in size, great in result: De Witt's Little earlv Risers. B^st Pills for Con­ stipation, best, for Sick Headache, best for Sour Stomach. They never gripe. Julia A, 8tory. CHRISTMAS GOODS. • Complete stock of Christmas goods now open at J. A. Story's. Call and ex­ amine. The wind from the North blows sharp and keen, and bad effects of colds are seen. One Minute Cough Care so safe and sure, will nuickly perform a wonderous cure. Julia A. Story. Great Price Reductions will be made on all warm winter good*, consisting in part of Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns Hosiery. Underwear, Hoods, Mittens, Robe*," Horse Blankets, etc., as we are folly determine to SRII the bulk of above goods during December. ' SIMON STOFFEL. ••"PRICE'S rioamBaking vJSSpowder: MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes,Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Agents to sell our choice and hardy .Vursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both iu fruits and orua- neutals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission oi salary. Write us at ouce for terms, aud secure choice of territory. MAY BITOTHEIU, Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. FARMS FOR RENT; One hundred and twenty acres, a mile and a half east of Richmond. Good nouse aud barn. Stanchions for 22 head of cattle. Also 255 acres quarter mile sooth of Richmond. First class butldiugs, and42 milch cows left ou the place. Farms will be routed on shares or for cash, to suit tenants. Spleudid water supply on each place. For further par­ ticulars apply to or address I6tf MICHAEL GHEELEY. Richmond, 111. A son of M. D. Pusser, a merchant ot Gibraltar, N. C. was so badly afflicted with rheumatism for a year or more as to be unable to work or go to school. His fathe^coucluded to trvi'haraberlaius Pain Balm on the boy. It soon cured him and he has siuce walked one and a half miles to school and back everv day 50 ceut bottles for sale by G. W. Be^ley, West Mc Heury. J. A. Barrus, Volo L. N. Fenne. Wauconda. WOW FOR FUN "WITH THE BABIES Oar basement salesroom is filled with TOYS and other Holiday Coods. )o( Briaar in tbe Children and iet them see Santa Clans. . J. c. CHOATE . Woodstock, lit. / * w't : r; iS< & " - • f %?, * •- * 7- ;• """ 'f't'. 'i. '*S • • 4 ; vi • • V V Hi * * -Sftl r1 I ' £ • > 1 ; I- «r j * ,;% Vf r*' Vliv " ' Peny & General Merchants. MteHJBNBY, lUk k - if' • % ' Sv: Sfii Dr. Price's Contains No Ammonia, No Alum, Or any other Aduttcnat. ... The onlv Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Fo-n^er. Its Parity Haa never ts«sa I 40 Years the Standard. The Holiday and everyday stock this week is great enouf h to be a tiride to us and a satisfaction to you. That's the top notch. Collected and arranged for our special Holiday Trade, is a few dozen Ladies Cloaks und Jnckets. L«»ts of Mother's and Daughters will be here for j'lckets, they will be served well. The best stock of the town is here, and the b*st services, The price* are the lowest of the market. Can we do anything more for you? JOHV EVAXSOK A CO. For pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hein->;lv. For sale by G. W. Besley, W McHenry; I. A. Barrus. Volo; L. M. Fenno, Wsiwonds. Our "special values" uave prices at­ tached which will SM|| them. Some one will buy them and they will save money by so doing. Yon Bhould get your por­ tion of <nidh snaps. J. W, PERRY40WIN. Bankers, MoHCNRY, - - [ILLINOIS Thit Bank receive* d*po*H» 6y and sells Foreign and Domestic Mb" ehang* a*d does it General ianktai Basineti, We endeavor to do ait him*ine*» «n» tmeted to our sore in a manner tmd upon terms entirety enttefackMr)/ to ear wmtmnert and reepeetfrntty softest lit puhMe patronage MONEY TO LOAN; § On Real Estate mid other 'ftr»t cfa*m security Sfreeial attmtiom glitm f lectuma* INbURAl^eB to first Close Obmp • %L *•% • f - j HMY AftVIII^ IdtAIV ™

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