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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1893, p. 7

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•" -1* j*« iHjjf . '•<*.:%hs j.' >x ky-* m:t 'a J COKSXDKRB IT «a household necessity." Mr. A. J. Whiting, Newton, Kan., accentu- fttos his opinion thus: «I hare used Dr. Bali's «x»ugh Syrny in- «ny f« natty for tbe last eight yean and consider it a household necessity." IF you want to learn how to grow rich easily, go sit at the feet of some old cod­ ger who never made a cent in his life.-- •.iljUirieM Agriculturist. ^ The New Bread. . V-";'f Attention is called to the new ra#ttk»i of snaking bread of superior lightness, fineness and wholesomeness without yeast, a receipt for which is given else­ where in this paper. Even the best breadmakers will be interested in this. To every reader who will try this and write the result to tho Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall street. New York, that company will send in return, free, a copy of the ipost practical and useful cook book, containing 1,00;» receipts for all kinds of ge^dng, yet published. Mention this pager. GOOD food is one of the domestic felicities^ 1 . FOB indigestion, constipation, sick head­ ache, weak stomach, disordered liver--take • Beecham's Pills. For sale by all druggists. THE moie you admire a thing, the more trouble it will make you. jri'l'S.--All Fits stripped tree by Dr. Kline's Gro^ft Kerve Keitoi er, No fits after first day's uae. veioiiK cures. iTeatlse and «&i» trial bottle free to fit esses. Send to Dr. Kline. 981 Arch St. Phils, tv- V" L ; IRREGULARITY. Is that what troub­ les vou? Then it'e easily and promptly Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, They regu* late the system per­ fectly. Take one for a gentle laxa­ tive or corrective; three for a cathartic. If you 6tiffer from Constipation, Indi­ gestion. Bilious At~ Sick or Bilious Headaches, or any derangement of the liver, stomach, oi bowels, try these little Pellets. They bring a permanent cure. Instead ol shocking and weakening the system with violence, like the ordinary pills, they act in a, perfectly easy and natural way. They're the smallest, the easiest to take --and the cheapest, for they'w guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. \ou pay only ioi the-pood you get. p R.: *,-• i|V fe. - '( I;- • • Iter. -P. C. N. DWTEI, WTCKOFF, Mnnr. • ft PRICELESS BLESSING. father Dwyer's Earnest Endorsement of Kiokapoo Indian Remedies. WYCKOFF, MINN., Nov. 17. Sympathy for Suffering Mu- ||anlty leads me to write this. have suffered ranch from Neural* Si a and Stomach Troubles, and ive tried various medicines, but they were of no avail. Recently, however, I learned of the Kickapoo Indian Rem­ edies, and have been entirely cured by the use of Kickapoo Indian 8agwa. lifci? priceless medicine of the Indians, myself as well as a host of others have used with wonderful success. Yours in truth, P. C. N. Dwnstt. Kfcfcsooo Indian Remedial Sold by all Deakftt ' "11 Cares Colda.Coag-hi.Ssre Throat,Cwnp,XsillB<». •a,Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A Mrtain cure for Consumption in flrat stages, ui a sore relief in advanced stages. at MM*. Tea will see the excellent effect alter taking the fast dose. Bold t j dealc^r. ovorywiicre. Large Wttles 50 cents and $1.00. p flSB Tbe Best Waterproof Coat in the WORLD! SUCKER the FISH BRAND SLICKER Is warranted water­ proof, aud will keep yoo dry la tho hardest storm. The new POMMEL SLICKER Is a perfect riding coat, and covers the enSirosaddle. Beware of imitations. Don't boy a coat If the " Fish Brand" Is not on it. Illustra­ ted Catalogue firec. A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mua. MENTION THIS PAPER MM to «' Young Mothers ! We Offer Ton a Btwtdy tthich iMttrM Safety tm . . : 1 L i f e o f M o t h e r a n d C h i l d , "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Sots Confinement ofUt fain, Borror and Hiafc. Aftw nrtng one bottteof" Mather's Friend** I tttgereq but little pain,and did not experience that IIIAPPIELD BEMfLATOB CO.. ATLANTA, OA. W ALL DatroaxsTs. k. >. u. No. 11--03 BEST POLISH IN THE WORLOJ wm ST0V£p0f|s{f 00NOT BE OECEIVEO with Pastes, Enamels, and Paints which] stain the hands, injure the iron, and burn] red. The Rising Sun Store Polish is Bril liant, Odorless, Durable, and the COB somer pays for no tin or glass package] with every purchase. IAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF3,000 TONS. w<. •FHE SHIPMAN'S TALE. Listen, m* master*, i fiotn it»wn to (Uw« ipakesjaaght but truth, Kot knowing whither or" to what dork end* Now the north troza them, now the hot Bout* scborcbed. Some called to God, and iosfld g-pit comfort so; Bome gnaflhed tbeir teeth wltb curses. fiorriA laughed A.*, empty laughter seeiaK that they lived. So sweet was broath between their foolish tips. Day a','ter day the same rentlegu sun. Night after night the same unpitying utara. At in-errals fierce lightings tore the clouds, Shows nc vast hollow spaces!, and the sleet Hissed, e.^.1 the torrents oi the sky were l00€©d. * Frolii time to time a hand relaxed itsgrljs And some pale wretch slid down into the 4ark ^ith still! d moan, and transient horror seiaed The rest who waited, kn -lug what must be. At every turn strange L_apes reached up .and clutched The whirling wreck, he'd on nwulli, and t~en Slipt beck into that blackness whence they carue. &h, hapless folk, to be so tost and torn, 6o racked by hunger, fever. Are, and wave, And swept at last into the nameless void -- Frail gUis. «ijwg men, and mother.* with their baoesT And tfltre none savwJ 9 5Iy mostOrs, not a BOUII O shlpmau, tvofuJ, wolul is thy talel . . Our hearts ara heavy ana one eyes we dimmed. What ship ia this that suffered such ill fate? What ship ioy masters? Know ye not?--the worlii. --Helper's monthly. » TPP xu£J Ill'S ON Till? All Li There was a ran on the Sandhill and District Bank. It had lasted the whole of one day and showed no signs of abating in tfie evening. If it lasted another day--old Mr. Brau- shaw wiped his brow. It was no use talking to his son Dick, for he took no interest in business and had spent the day in a boat with the Flirtin«- ton girls; still Mr. Bradshaw was bound to talk to some one. 4,We shall have to put the shutters up. One day's grace would save us, 1 believe; we could get the money then. But if they're at us again to-morrow morning, we can't last two hours." Dick sympathized, but had nothing to suggest, except that it would not make matters worse if he carried out his engagement to go to the circus with the Flirtington girls. "Oh, {.o to Hong Kou;? with the Flirtington girls,if you like," groaned Mr. Bradshaw. So Dick went--to the circus (the other expedition, as he observed, would keep) and enjoveJ the per­ formance very much, especially the lion-taming, which was magnificent, and so impressed Dick that he de­ serted his companions, went behind the scenes, and insisted on standing Signor Philippini several glasses. "Is that big chap quite safe?" he asked,'admiringly. "I can do anything with *im," said the signor (whose English was natur­ ally defective); "but with any one helse'e's a roarer, 'e is, and no mis­ take " After the performance, Dick took the Fiirtington girls home; then, with a thoughtful look on his face, he went and had some talk with his father, and came away, carefuliy placing a roll qf notes in his breast­ pocket. Then he sought Signor Phil­ ippines society once more. And that is all that is really known about it-- if, that is, we discard the obviously fanciful statement of Fanny Flirting- ton that, as she was gazing at the moon about 2 a. m., she saw a"heavy wagon, draw-n by two horses and driven by Signor Philippini, pass along the street in the direction of the bank. She must have been wrong; for Philippini, by the evidence of his signora--whose name, notwith­ standing that Philippines morals were perfectly, correct, was Mrs. Buggins --went to be:l at 11:30 o'clock, and snored all night. However these things may be, this is what happened next morning. When the llrst of the depositors ar­ rived at 7 a. m., they found one of the windows of the bank smashed to pieces and the shutter hanging loose. A cry went up that there had been a robbery, and one or two men began to climb in. They did not get far before fearful rear proceeded fium the neighborhood of the counter. They lookei at one anutUer, and said it would be more regular to wait for the officials. The roars continued. They sent for Mr. Brau^haw. It&d- ly had he arrived (accompanied by Dick, breathless and in shirt-sleeves) before the backmost rows of the now considerable crowd l»ecame agitated with a new sensali-jn. The news spread rapidly. Frantic men ran to andefroi several ladies Tainted; the circus proprietor was sent for. A lion had escaped from the menagerie,'and was supoosed to be at large in the town. •Send for Fhiiippiai!" cried the! proprietor. They did so. had started early for a picnic! in the country, and would not return till just before the performanc Dick took a wild running leap at th« window; Philippini stirred up Atlas, v?hn rnnrod lustily. Dick CSCapod with his life and landed a breathless heap at the mayor's feet The mayor raised him and said he should write to her majesty and suggested that Dick would be a proper recip ent of the Albert Medal, and the vicar (who had no money in the bank) indig­ nantly asked the crowd if they could not trust a family which produced scions like that. Several people cried, "Hear, hear!" and told Mr. Bradshaw that they never really meant to withdraw their deposits. Mr. Bradshaw thanked them and looked at his watch. At half-past thrcs, Philippini ran up; he was breathless, and his shoes we e dusty from walking in the country. At once he 'affected an 1 enliY, amid a scenevof great exciie- 'ment. A moment later, he appeared at the wipd«2w and cried, in a terror* stricken voice: "I can't 'old 'iral I can't 'old 'im! He's mad! Look out for yourselves"', and he leaped from the window. The crowd fled in all directions and two boys were all but run over by a cart which was being driven rapidly from the railway station to the bank. ••All right," said Dick to the sig­ nor; "bring up the wagon." And then, with great difficulty aid con­ summate courage, the signor and Dick brought an iron cage up to the window and dfove Atlas in. The operation took more than an hour, because they had to feed Atlas and drink a bottle of champagne them­ selves before they set about it. So that it was 6 o'clock before Atlas was out and the money was in and the Sandhill and District Bank opened its doors for business. .. "We gained just the time we needed." said Mr. Bradshaw. "It was dirt-cheap at fifty pounds!" And Dick, although he did not get the Albert Medal, ' was taken into partnership and married Fanny Flirt­ ington. It was the only way ot pre­ venting her seeiner things she was not meant to see out of the window at 2 a. in., and chattering about them in public.--St James' Gazette. Hat On by a Smuggler. A few miles from Lochnow is the little harbor of Daily Bay. Here smugglers had landed a cargo of their usual wares and these were carried up the hill of South Cairn, waiting till a band of volunteers arrived with a string of packhorses to transport them inland for distribution, says the Boston Herald. The Custom-house officer in charge of the district received information of their doings, and, hurrying to the spot with the only coast guardsman disengaged, he promptly* effected a seizure of the goods. The smugglers skulked off and the one guardsman was sent back to press men and horses In the King's name to carry the Drecious treasure to Stranraer. The officer, pluming himself not a little on his alacrity, sauntered sentry fashion round and round his prize, which lay heaped before him in rich profusion his sword and a brace of formidable pistols at his side Presently Maggie McConnell ap­ proached the trreat man, wishing him a good morning, to which he atfably .eplled and accepted Maggie's prof­ fered hand. His arm was thrust up­ ward and at the same time he was encircled by the siren's arms, and, with a heavy fall, was thrown help­ lessly on his back. Maggie then sat coolly down upon her victim and, having placed her apron over his eyes, she held him tlrmly down, as if held in a vice. At last, but only when it suited her pleasure, Maggie released him from her grasp. Bet when he looked up not one of the articles lay in its place, As he had himself seen them before on the ground. By and by his companion reap­ peared, but only to Sad the head offi­ cer tete-a-tete with this Galloway matron, who, bidding them adieu, disappeared without further loss of time, wishing thcia txth a pleasant r:Ic Stranraer. Sure Riddance tor ilata. The best way to get rid of rats and mice is not to poison them, but to make them thoroughly tired of the locality and so induce them to leave. They arc generally too smart to eat poison, even when it is prepared for their benefit in the most sedative fashion, but they.are not so particular about tartar emetic. When a little of this is mixed with any favorite Philippini j foo{* t,bey eat as Speedily as though ! the physic were not them, but in two or three hours there will be the most in the j d'scoura!?"d lot of rats about the evening. The proprietor was- fn despair. "Where's the beast gone to?" he cried. A roar from the bank answered his question. "Well, I'm blowed if he's not in the bank!" exclaimed the proprietor. It certainly appeared to be the fact that Atlas (that was the lion's pame) had taken refuse in the bank and was in full possession of the premises and assets. Under these circum­ stances there was, Mr. Bradshaw erf- plained, a difficulty in resuming cash payments; but if his checks would be accepted . The crowd roared al­ most as loud as Atlas at such an idea. Something must be done. They sent for the mayor; he repudiated liability. They »ent for the Ore brigade and the life-boat crew: neither would come. They got guns and peppered the fur­ niture. Atlas retired behind the fire-proof safe and roared worse than ever. Meanwhile the precious hours were passing. Mr. Bradshaw's money was also on its way from London. At last Dick took a noble resolution. •'I will go in at any cost," h9 cried; and, in spite of Fanny Fiirtlngton's tears, he scaled the window and dis­ appeared from view. The crowd waited to hear Atlas scrunching; but he only roared. When Dick was inside, he paused and asked in a low voice, "Is he chained?" "You," answered bignof PhiliDpini frgm behind the safe. Sally business over?" and he came out with a long pole in his hand. He used the pole to stir poor Atlas up when the roars became deficient in quantity or quality. "The money outfht to be here three hour?," said Dick. got the back-door key?" Philippini reassured bint place that anybody ever saw. The tartar will not kill them; it only makes them deadly sick. Sometimes they will crawl out and walk about like a seasick man, so ill that they do not seem to care what becomes of them. But, it disgusts them with the whole vicinity, and as soon as they are able to travel they march off and you see them no more.--Globe- Democrat. Fant Kail road Time. Exceedingly fast time has been made on some American railroads within the past few years, in several instances a speed of more than a mile a minute having been attained. But in nearly all these cases the runs have been short, often covering only a few miles. For a trip of nearly two hundred miles, the record made a short time since on the Chicago and Alton road between Chicago and Springfield has rarely been equalled --never, it is said, on a western road, whether for a long or short run. The distance traveled in this case was 186 miles, which was accomplished in 196 minutes, making fourteen stops and eight slow-ups. The train consisted of seven cars, and was drawn by an eight-wheel engine, the weight of which is stated at 93,000 pounds. Londou Keal Estate. Several lots in Corn bill, London, in the immediate neighborhood of tbe Bank of England, were sold sevtwi! Is the Aunt ' days ago at a price that averaged £50 ' per foot, or somethingover £2,000,000 an acre. Several neighboring lots of equal size were offered for sale some weeks ago, and were bought in by the owner at H price considerably higher. in 'Have you Then THE Lord loves every one. but it i« Ilis nature, not because the, people deserve & A Spanish Painter. Philip IV., save perhaps as Included in the list of monavchs droned in unison by school children,, is probably less known than the man whom he appointed his court painter. Yet he should receive due praise for his share in developing this great talent, and tb§ world will al­ ways' have a great respect for this silent, taciturn gentleman, who filled his balls with the works of and gathered about him as companions the genius of his nation. We owe him much for his share in the refinement of humanity by bis Intelligent recognition and encourage­ ment of the arts. It does not often fall to the lot of an artist to hold such ati office under such a kinc, nor to have for his models the grace, the beauty and the dignity of a court and a people pro­ verbial for these qualities. But if Ye? lasquez was to be congratulated iti being honored, how moch the more Philip in having the opportunity to honor! % Jedge Waxem's Proverbs. Some of the men that hold offiaeS hair an idee that ther ottises hold men. A politishan don't hav to be honest. ' Politickle morrels is a nickname. ' The Amerikin eagle can use the 8and* wich Hans fer pickin. The truth in a stump speech ain't ez necked as it m'te be. ' It don't make a man any wuss not to" nay fer the votes he buys* --" • Mity few men givs jup ther offlees to become politikle reformers. The Pallaglum ov our libbertie® seems to be out ov a job. A Congressman in his seckond term ain't half as big as he thinks he is in his first . - c -v.. • Uncle Bam ain't a dood,--Free Press. StU! Bright and Bootntns. Many bright and useful publications come roaad to us annually, and the sigftt of them Is as refreshing and welcome as ! the faces of friends on New Year's Day. Friends' face* are kept In remembrance; good books for reference, .Inasmuch as they lead and teach us what in to be done In many painful straits. One such publica­ tion, always foremost, is„ before us, brim­ ful of sbund advice and the raciest bits of fun, original and copyrighted, from the pens of such noted humorists as Bill Nye, Opie P. Head, Danbury-News-Man, and others, i It is a free gift of the season at the druggists' counter, and will be sought for as the highly popular St. Jacobs Oil Family Almanac and Book of Health and Humor. 1803. The work differs somewhat trosa its forr.iar Editions, but is none the less attrnctive. and In many of Its features is the superior of former numbers. One s p e c i a l f e a t u r e i s t h e " O f f e r o f O n e H u n ­ dred Dollars." open to all contestants, tbe details of which a perusal of the book will more fully give. The almanac is sent forth by The Charles A. Yogeler Company. Balti­ more. Md , proprietors of some of the best known and most reliable medicinal prepa­ ration?. A copy will be mailed to any ad­ dress on receipt of a 2-cent stamp by the above firm. .Kovel Salt Against a Hotel. Frank Cronin, of West Chester, Pa., has brought suit for $8,000 damages against the Seventh Avenue Hotel, Pittsburg. He was a conductor in the Pullman service, and lost his position because the hotel clerk failed to call him in time to take his car.--Philadel­ phia Press. Far and Wide. Not on this broad continent alone, bnt in malarial-breeding tropical regions, in Guate­ mala, Mexico, South America, the Isthmus of Panama, and elsewhere, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters affords to inhabitants and sojourners protection against malaria. The miner, the freshly arrived immigrant, the tiller of the virgin soil newly robbed of its forestte by the ax of the pioneer, find in the supero anti­ febrile specific a preserver against the poison- ons miasma which In vast districts rich in natural resources, is yet fertile in disease. It annihilates disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, fortifies those who nse it against rheu­ matic ailments bred and fostered by outdoor exposure: infuses genial wannth into a frame chilled by a riirorous temperature, aud robs of their powei; to harm tuominif and evening mists and vapors laden with hurtfulness; strengthens the weak and conquers incipient kidney trouble. Coal in A>U Minor. Coal of an excellent quality and in large deposits has been discovered at Djebell-Ebou-Feyaz, in the district of Zer, Asia Minor. "I HAVE BEEN AFFLICTED with an affection of the Throat from childhood, caused by diphtheria, and have used vari­ ous remedies, but have never found any­ thing equal" to BHOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES."--Rev. G. M. F. Hampton, Pike- ton, Ky. Sold only in boxes. PERSEVERANCE, dear my lord, keeps honor bright. To have none, is to hang quite out of fashion, like a rusty nail in monuoiantal mockery.--Shakspeare. A CONSTANT COUGH, WITH FAILING 'STRENGTH, and Wasting of Flesh, are symp­ toms denoting PrVt'^narv organs ;.;ore or >!~SB seriously afTe.*tod. You will find nsafe reuiody for all Luug or Throat-ails lu Dr. D. Jayne's ExpecS-orant. DUHINO the reign of Henry VII. un­ married women always wore their hair loose and flowing down the back. 1 Vote for Hood's Forty Years in the Ministry Sen W. B. "P-mffer "Having taken Hood's Sarsapaiilla 5 months, I am satisfied it is Ian excellent remedy. For years I have had Rheumatism, afflicting my whole body, but especially my right arfti from elbow to shoulder, so severe I feared I Should Los* the Use of It. I felt better soon after I began with Hood's Sarsaparilla, and when I had taken four bottles the rheumatism entirely left me. I have been a minister of the M. E. church 40 years, and like many others of sedentary habits have snf- H O O D ' S Sarsaparilla C U R E S fered with Dyspepsia and Insomnia, bat while taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I have had a good appetite, food digested well, I gained several pounds, end sleep better. I vote for Hood's." REV. \V. R. PUFFEB, Rlchford, Vt. uiifehrieiited tread, made wittiout yeast, avoiding the decomposition produced in the flour- by yeast or other baking powder; peptic, palatable and most healthful; may be eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which is not true of bread made in any other way. Cau 1$ made only with Royal Baking Powder. Receipt for Making One Loaf. ONE quart flour, i teaspoonful. salt, half a teaspoonful, sugar, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder, half medium-sized cold boiled potato, and water. Sift to­ gether thoroughly flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder ; rub in the potato; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly into a stiff batter, about as soft as for pound­ cake; about a pint ot water to a ^juart of flour will be required-- more or less according to the brand and quality of the flour used. ,Do not make a stiff dough, like yeast "; bread. Pour the batter into a greased pan, 4#xS inches, and 4-7 inches deep, filling about, half full. 1 The loaf will .rise to fill the pan / whea baked. Bake in very hot oven 45 minntes, placing paper over first 15 minutes baking, to pre- ¥ vent crusting too soon on top. Baka at once. Don't mix with milk* HOOD'S rilX.8 are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. SP08ES25*! HE GREAT SHIL0H5 CURE. GHCUftt 5s 50*#*!?= Cores Consumption, Cougfco, Croup, Sore fiiroat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Muter will gire great •stisfactwa*--«5 MOta, Makln* ClonK',FooMk""v,^v*'^->;i Curing the relsn ©f Peter the Pirat. Czar of Russia, it was the ftustoni of that tyrant to punish those nobles who Offended him by an imperial order that they should become foots, from which moment the unfortunate victim, how­ ever endowed with intellect, instantly became the laughing stock of the wbole court. , • He had the privilege of saying every­ thing he chose, at the peril, however, of being kicked or horsewhipped, with­ out daring to offer any sort of retalia­ tion. Everything he did was ridiculed, his complaints treated as jests, and his sarcasms sneered at and commented on as marvelous proofs of understanding in a fool. The "Empress Anne surpassed this abominable cruelty, but sometimes mingied in her practices to much of oddity that It was impossible not to be much entertained. Once she decreed that a certain Prince G--<-- should become a hen, to punish him for some trilling misdemeanor, and for this purpose she ordered a large basket, stuffed with straw and hollowed into a nest, with a quantity of eggs in­ side, to be placed conspicuously in one of the principal rooms at court. The Prince was condemned, on pain of death, to sit upon this nest and ren­ der himself to the last degree ridicu­ lous by imitating the cackling of a hen. • JV ""/" - "Wo'ves In 1-Tirope. h Franc©, Switzerland, Belgium Germany are to wage a joint War of ex­ termination against wolves. During the past year 38t> were killed In a half- dozen departments of France, and their scalps were paid for by the French gov­ ernment.^ BraVing the Rest of It. A young farmer named Garber, living fifteen miles west of Fort Scott. Kan., having learned that his wife and his brother-in-law, Charles Klrby, loved each other, traded his wife to Klrby for a horse. Ui Syrup , Justice of the Peace, George Wtl* Ikinson, of I/Owville, M ^ Minn., makes a deposi jing a severe cold, Listc the Spring of 1888, t iposure I contracted a told that settled on my lungs. This •was accompanied by excessive night 'sweats. One bottle of Boschee®« -'German Syrup broke up the col% .night sweats, and all and left me in a good, healthy condition. I can give German Syrup my most earnest commendation." 0 AT '" tl "»K i, mm The Modern Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man­ ner and disagreeably as weii. - To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and levers without unpleas­ ant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup ot Figs. BTATK OF OHIO, CITT OF TOLEDO, ( _ LFCAB COUNTT. 1 FRANK J. CBKNKT makes oath that he la the •enior partner of tho firm of F. J. CHKNET & Co., doing buEluesB In the City of Toledo, County and State aforeraid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAHS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAI.T.'S CATAHRH CUBE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Gworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. 1680. , -- , A. W. GLEASON, •j 6EA.U ^ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and' mucous eur- lacea of the system. Send for testimonial*, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a KTSold by Druggists, 75 cents. Krllc of De Soto. A curious and apparently ancient sword was plowed up near Savannah, Mo., a few days ago. The local paper describes it as "simi'ar to the blades used by the Romans," and tho local antiquarians "think it belonged to some member of De Soto's expedition," which was around Southern Missourilin 1541. > Hebrews In England. The" proportion of Hebrews in the population of England has more tkan doubled in twenty years, without count­ ing immigration. Something- New In Sleeping Cars. «The Louisville, New Albany and Chi­ cago has just added to its rolling-stock two new sleeping and bou-ioir cars, coittnT nearly $45,000 each. Tnese 3ars are said to be the finest ever placed on any road la the country, and are specially designed for use during tbe World's Columbian Exposi­ tion." These cars are models of elegance and beauty, each compartment or boudoir be­ ing fitted wit 1 a complete toilet set. clev­ erly hlddon from view when not in use They are In daily service between Chlcajo and Cincinnati, and should be seen and used to be fuliy appreciated. All of the Motion's through day trains are made up ot smokln; cars, new coachea, and parlor and dining cars. , A Ursnd KntertatnmeuL, consisting of Dramatic and Humorous Recitations, Plays, etc.. can easily be given by home talent, with a copy of Gar­ rett's famous «100 Choice Elections." cost­ ing only 30 cents. Suitable for Lyceums. Schools, Church Societies and Home Uhe- atricala Sold by booksellers. No. 32, the latest, is a gem, 240 pages of pathos, dialect imd fun. including two bright new Comedies; all for30ct&, post­ paid; or. the two Plays, 10 cts. Catalogue free. P. GARRETT & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. (Established 1805.) Sugar. It is quite possible to make engarj- from carrots; «nd, indeed, carrot juice contains more than 90 per cent, of saccharine matter. As carrots are ex­ pensive abroad, foreign sugar manu­ facturers prefer beet roots. Very few people knew that Cww's milk contain* aboiit^ per cent, of sugar. Persistently Nhorkiog'. Since the great earthquake of 1891, 1,110 and 2,02t> shocks have been experi- ienecd in Nagoya and Gilu, respectively, two provinces in Japan. Saloons in France.: There are 27,000 places for the pale Of liquor in Paris, and throughout the re> public there is one saloon for every eighty-seven people. • THERK are a large number of hygienic physicians who claim that disease Is always the result of a transgression of Nature's laws. The proprietors of Garfield Tea are both physicians, and have devoted years to teaching the people how to avoid sickness by following Nature's laws. They give away with every package of Garfleld Tea a little book which they claim will enable all persons. If directions are followed, to avoid sickness of all kinds, and to have no need for Garfield Tea or any other medicine. DURING the reign of Elizabeth English dudes wose shoes three feet in length, the toe pointed and fastened up to the garter with golden chains, to which lit­ tle bells were attached. THE NEXT MORNING 1 FEEL BRIGHT NEW ANS COMPLEXION IS 8ST7S My doctor nays tt acts pently on the stomach, and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. This Is made- from ileitis, ami is preparvd Tor at* as as tea It is called LAKE'S HIDIGIHE All DRACGLST* *11 it at S0P imd $1 per ptrkagt. If M nsiwt m0 ft, «4>n<t TO or address for A fr*« sample. Lur*! htsOy RMMlt N«m tile be«r?i« dar. In order U> be healths', 'hi? U ««rv. A»idr*a ORATOR p. WOODWARD, L*KoV, N. Y. * IfENTiON THIS PAPER »»«* vimut • A Powerful Flesh Maker. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil ha3 done good service--but the process that both kills the taste and effects par­ tial digestion has acme much more. Scott's Emulsion stands alone in the field of fat foods. It is easy of assimilation because part­ ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con­ sumption and all other wasting, diseases. Pr«pared br Scott Jt Bowno. OhaiaMa K«w York. Sold by druggisu •verywhera. Eli's Cream Balm Wll-l. CURE C a t a r r h Apply Balm into each nostril. E L Y D U O S . , 5 6 W a r r e n S t . . N . Y . rjgs&Sk fnmfn I ICH FIVE OR EUCHRE PARTIES _ should send at once to JOHH SMASTIAJT, O. T. A. R. I. & P. R. E., Chicago. TEN CENTS. In Matapa* >a<'k for the slickest cords you ever shuffled, for you will receive free by express ten packs. MltMTlUN THIS PA PICK waaa ' _ tad--ting. uw.teTw Doctors* .SltW.MthC ~ Garfield Tea Cure* CoimtlpationTReBtore* Compleiioii^S!-- BUJa Samplefrae. GAUTOEUDTSACO.,31*W.ttthSt-N-T. Cures Sick Headache HtNTION THIS PAPER .am wbitim «• «»TS«,m»--i SSQVII , Mail Dtpt. » , Ch I osmk**. jMMy From 15 to HM s month. Harm-treatment (try pr*e- TSDAJR phvaidan). Noatorvtog. utdi mnd. S#nd6cia * m O. W. Fa 8NYDEK* M. 1>„ McVlckor's Theater, ALL THE SAME, ALWAYS. «PRAIN8. PLEASANT, TEXAS, Juno 20,1S88. Suffered 8 months with rtrain of baclc; equld not walk btraight; used two bottled of St. Jacobs Oil, Was cured. No .pain in 18 months. U. J. WALLACE. . ' & » ' • by return mall, tall d» Bcrtptl-ve circulars ot ~aa< MOODT'11MPK07ZD SAILOft SYSTEMS OF DKESS CUTTIHQ. £??£& SAILOft SYSTEM litviscd to date. These, only, are tbe genuine TA1L0& SYSTEMS Invented and copyrighted by SJ.W. MP09Y. Be­ ware ot Imitations. ft ny lady of ordi­ nary Intelligence can easily and quick­ ly learn to cutaud snake any trarinant, In any style, to any measure, for ladies, men aog children. Garments guaran­ teed to fit perfectly without trying on. Kdnu MOOlfT Si CO. ClNGINNA'ft. Ob MENTION THIS t'AI'SK wub* 10 toesarnsKfl. BKUI8K8* PmSBTJBO, P&, 302Wylie Ave., Jan. 29,'8T One of my workmen Ml ^ from a ladder, be sprained aiid braised his ana very $ *r' badly. • He used • - *l«eot» <M it * j end was cored -la tan ^ days. sf-*." ' '* FRANZ X. GOKLZ* ( ; \\ A PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE. * I T E L L Y O U . 5 A L Z E R 5 5 E E D 5 / \RE 6E5T LOOK / <'.,KffiMANfeRARIF\ For S3 that will wssb and dry your dxi-h^s in one-fifth tbe usual time, and vniluiut putting your h«nds. In tiis water. For particulars address Trev Dish-Washer Mfg. Co.* MACON, MO. tH"AeentB Want d Everywhere.^# Illustrated Publications, W I T H M A P S , desoribin* Minnwota, North Dakota. Montana, Idaho, Wuhlogton and Ora(on, th» FREE GOVERNMENT ("REE FREE GOVERNMENT A I AND LOW PRICE | • »xn. LANDS SSTTha best Agrlonlhiral. Grasing and Timber Lands now open to aettlen. Mailed FREE. Address caas. B. LAlKOIta.LaBd Caau, K* F. li. a., St. Paal, Blaa» MENTION THIS PAPKR mil ivani.te n unnaMi i ' J 9 H N A S A L Z E R S E E D C ? L / \ C R O S S L - THE COST IS THE SAME i $40,000,000 Earned by the Bell Telephone Patent in IS?X. Tour Invention may be valuable. You should protect it by patent. Addit**, ior full and intelligent advice, fr*» Of charge, W. W. DUDLEY &, CO., Solicitor!* of Patents, Pacific Bid*-. «& F St. X. W„ Washington. D. C. ifentloji this paper. * 950-f$GEg0QKji marriageable axe. Do not ask Kvi-rv man autl wom­ an *hould have one, especially thorn ox .... _ .... tits to send by mail; expresa only. Price |l. Resirt'd letteror P.o oid«r. SPKCIALTY PUB. CO.. Boom 10 'limey Bld«.. Ch ICUKO. DEAF"-Succ<»ssft AND HMD illlilS GURIB Invisible E»r Cu«hk>n». \\ h lepers I) eartia Dnirniu. PATENTS! PENSIONS! Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Obtain a Patent. Send for DiKest of Pension and Itounty Laws. fAVHlOK O'FAKhKl.L. O. H^BSure relief lemnwi ro PriceMcts.uO (llAaa tnrmaiL 8tnwellAOak dhartestowB, M«i* The Hartman Steel Picket Fenoe Coats no wore than an ordinary clumsy wood picket affair that obatrncta the and will rot or fall apart in a short time. The flartmau Fence U artlstie In de firstectt the grounda without eonceallm; tliem and is pracUeally KTULA8T1 llustroted Catalocue with Prices and Tiestitiionials Mailed i ree. J™AZr ' HARTMAN MFG. COMPANY, BEAVER PALLS. PJW 102 Chambers St, Now Yorkj 508 State St., Chicagoi 51 and 53 S, Forsyth St., AUutax&a OF FRAUD. havlnc ontira* SSE oad price atamped aa_b«ttanu rorlf when yoabny. Bold everywhere. lflDOER'8 PA8TILLE8.0 l>. ll-w la ivrltina to AtlvcrtinerM, pirnse do not fall 4> tneution this paper. Advertisers like to now what meditmiH pay them beat. Plso's Remedy foi Catarrh Is the Best. Easiest to Vse. and Cheapest. CATAR R M 8oM br druaists or swat ky nail, fiOc. S, T. BaacUlna, Warrvt Pa. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE A sewed shoe that will not rip; Cal4 seamless, smooth inside, more comfortably, stylish and durable than any other «hoe ever sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom* k made shoes costing from $4 to fj. The following are of the same high st&adafd merit: $4.00 and $5.00 Fine Calf, Hand-Sewed. fj.go Police, Farmers and tctter-Carri««k $3.50, and $3.00 for Working Stem, • 9a.00 and $1.73 for Yoatha and Boy*. $3.00 Hand-Sewed. I FOIL- 1.50 and 3.00 DongolS,) LAOIC& '1.73 for Misses. IS THE BEST^ a 1 XT 18 A DOTY yon ©w® ' rat th« h«8t value f aoney. CxoMlse tootaMi toy. !. Dooglaa Bhaaw. rapreaant Uwa beat • •»»her^

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