McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1893, p. 8

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* "1 ̂ t, W "Vfi IINT the above hend lifts or Ike W.O T U (tor cl&lms no ua.rt or credit for tk* C. T. U., will meet with Mrs. Colby, on Thursday afternoon, i Still, at 2:30 o'clock. MRS. L. E. BENNETT, Vu. T. J. WALSH, Secy. f flt*p Making and leillng Uiginttia. Tue above is the heading of an editor­ ial in the Chicago Tribune for February 19, which strongly urges the Illinois Gen­ eral Awembly to pass a bill prohibiting the manufacture and sale of cigarettes in ttlis state. We quote a paragraph: 4*Those vile compounds called cigar-j •fctes are poisonous, and should be out­ lawed. They are not safe for men to use. Tbcy are rank poison for the juniors. "There is but one way to deal with this ••il, and that is the radical one. As long as cigarettes ape offered for sale in nearly every street, boys will manage to g&t tucui. Therefore their sale should be forbidden altogether. None should be allowed to be made in the state, and no store should be permitted to keep them. Then it would be extremely difficult for boys to get these opium-soaked abomi­ nations, and they would be kept from ac­ quiring an appetite for one of the most destructive of drugs." We always rejoice when we find any' ground of agreement between ourselves j and others, and we can give the above our heartiest commendation. But the question which proves tod great for our feminine logic is, why when we substitute for "the vile compounds -called cigar­ ette" the vile compounds of the liquor tr&flc and urge with respect to them "there is but one way to deal with this evil and that is the radical on$" "that their Bale should be forbidden," "none should be allowed to be made in the state," etc , the suggestion becomes im- piNM>tiral a gross violation of personal liberty, and altogether, from every point of view, dangerous, {absurd and unreas­ onable. m§- t : . (MM DOWN THEY GO AOTIIIAG SPECI4II IN THIS A^NOUNCBMEPni . - • Thai we Rave made a 8 weeping Reduetldn hi our prices on all kinds of § & Shoes, Also Groceries, stock, which te always complete, and get our prices' Yours, Dress dGoods, SATTEENS, WASH GINGHAMS, SILKS, VELVETS, DRESS TRIMMINGS IN TOWN. •5m,. ok* mmm-gy- ^ ^ * i i|] !lilll Vn: I i ll" J li jow jflferino at close profits the Largest and ftiiiv selected Spring stock nf new , ^ r'V , ' *•*£ > 1 : **" ̂ 4" y * - *•<«* < K « Z* i >! •% STAftC .if % z# n.'iij: /X *Wj MoHenry, 111. 18911! JOHN I. STORY. »©S! - •»?# •iryr . &*- '<* i- And a gocd i Gillette naeic Quickest must be simple; -when it is not £i:-riplc i: i3 it?* Tb< ONL.Y YEAST filing Bread which ' Prevents and Cures Dyspepsia DR. FRUTHI --WILL BE AT-- RIVERSIDE HOUSE, McHENRY Saturday, April 8, 1803. Office flours from 10 A. M. to 3 p. w ' ' tou~h r.n.1 secrilc;^ t;:d i:iidc ia tr.ree picccs crJy., of c! V, it io iaacc.i ^ *4v.-o;;dcn'i:l tanp,w lV.r i,a V:!OU-2 Iigh: H purer -nd brighter tnan gas light, ^ softer then cl^ctric ii^h: end siorc cheerful thaifciiker. • ^rtV.'.sstciap--'T^r IiornrsT-s If!:iela:npdealer hnsn'tthe cronnlne • ^s> J501"0""167-.1!-" '- '5 s'1 yr-i '..-j.:::. read to us fur our new illustrated catalogue, f i v - s.-fd i u n snie'.y bv express--your choice ol" over 3.O00 v^nct.'.-'i won tr.2 Largest St^rem ihg World. h-fr-'A^W lamp CO., 42 Park place, New York Glty. W* "The Rochester.!* The Bascom Folder. NEW WT CLOTHING. Suite in Black and fancy Colors. Square cuts, double and Single breasted, sack3 and frocks, bound and plain. IntMCM ST9C* 9-91BCM SVITS» 0»» 9*XT8 SPICING OTESCOATS. The above is a cut of our sew Folding Machine* which can now be seen at work in the Plaiadealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing sucb f! (oachfne are invited to call and see ir at work. It ia simple, easily bandied, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f'o., of SidDey, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine ie fully warrauted for five >ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as thej f*ell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N. Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa ; Marder Luse & Co. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St. Paul; (ieoctain& Son, Toronto, Canada, BUY OIRE0T^ FROM THE MANUFACTURERUk 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT GUY DIRECT I THIS $65 O. F«UTH, m laU Surgeon tn the Provident Medical Dhpen- mxry of New YorknmvPrendenlofthe Fruth Mt d -cat Institute, chartered Bla long experience in the largest hospitala In the WNL'I enahies him to ir«'at al] CHKOMC V 'HKKVOI'8, SK'N AND BLO >D diaeasesupon the Ki,v , latest scientifir, princ pie*. ,r" Dlt FRI;TH has no superior in diagnoeing A I ftnri tmtirg dlseaaea and deformities. He &/• 1 Will give 150 for any case he cannot tell the p.',-' disease and where located in Ave minute*, Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and rhronio. Catarrab, diseases of the Eye, Ear. j?*« Th»f>at and Lungs, Dyewp ia,'Brieht'a Diaeaae, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder, b., Obionic Female and Sexual Diseases «j;eerti!y umi ill. lic»cr '.lieu in Uv' , tnonaandaof caees tl at t ad been pronounced gU/ ' • hope. Manv people meet death every y®,r who miRht have been restored to perfect g- ' JieaHh had they placed their cases in the _ hands of exp»rta. ., |I * DB, FHDTH has attained the moat wonder- 'pf- fui su cess in the treatment of cases to which ^ " b« devote? special attenti -n, amt after yenra jf * ' «f experience, l-as perfected the most infalli g'-. r We anetbr-d of curing Oruanic Weakness, Ner- •'A.TOD a Debility, Premature Declineof the Man- ?•<?• Ijr Power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair """--"" " r'-V'- •' " """" * -* * ,v"' ""OOCD,* ,j . M Memory Mental Anxiety. Al>eence< 1 Will * * Power. Melancholy, Weak Back and kidnev FREICHT PAID WJTHIN 0OO MILES OF CHICAGO. Fmmes In'Selfd Aak.orWalnnt covered In Bffofeatr Oniked Plash (any COIOT), banded with MIU Piu.h to match; all six pieces have spring edste (soft edge) and are well made throughout Consists of 1 sofa, I patent rocker, 1 easy chnir, 1 di van and 2 parfor chairs. We manufacture all joods in this line and guarantee them. We pack and p.'iy the freight within 600 miles of Chicago* Not tor sale by furniture dealers as price Is too low. Established twenty jean. liefer to Boy bank In united States. £en<i sii cents for sample of plush. X3MPIRX3 BBDST^AB ^ MADI80N AND CENTER AVE., dlllCACO, ILL. GEO. W. BRSLEY. .1 -- f* " /v nuu MUIICV U-s (ewaeUorB it consulted before Idiocy, Insanity js« : V Fsllhur Kitaor Total Impotency renult from S, , r TOITTM* UL EEROR"*, the awful effect w hich $? Ihe moat radiKut hopes, unli ing patl iff. " Wat tor baatnee s study, society or marriage. £ •, •aonftllv aweepirg to an untimely grave I#/ tliOQMada of yonng men -f d talent " snd brilliant Intellect. PILE-^ CURED with- " MtfNIin. knifecutery, EPli.E?^Yr>Ofitive. R-.; ;• ly eured'bj our new and never railing hosni |p tol irentment, PBEK EXAMINATIONS of Mf:\ the u me. chemical and microscopical, in ail life «MKa of KMsey Diaeases Btighi's Disease, mi: Diabetes and gperinatorrhas. Bring epeci- Kv aiena, ®- WoKDEBFUL CUEK8 perfected in all jeV."eaaea that have been neglected or unskiil- . -Tally treated. Mo experiments or failurea SbJ W« andertake no incurable cases, but care L'. ttMaaanas given np to die Remember the p date and eontQ early aa hie rooms are alwaya kvfc'. .Vetovded Oa*es and eonreapondence csnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direct- loaafor nee, but personal consultation pre- •"w&tt€4L» DR. D. O. FRUTH. SBtt Lake Avenue/Chicago. INVITATIONS! II yon desire to send any call at J. A. "• "ftaadgetsomeof thebeaotafal fo LAteat stylBB sad de- DSA1.BB III Drugs. Medicines. Paints Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. Do notiail to exatntne <tur Henriettas, NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW LA0F.8, WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINEN, BEDSPRFi ADS, GIQ, fW New Badger State Overalls, Pants, Shirts, Coats and Jackets. -^-Utest 8tyles* Low Prices, Fully Warranted. Just received, a large and well selected stock of Spring styles Window Pordevfli Poles, Jce TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS. NEW AND 8TBIOTLT STYLISH HATS, In the very newest designs and colors, great variety, close prices oneCrateof * LUSTRE BAND WARE GROCERIES. WB frMHAD QUItiTY Of still being in the Insurance business as of old. and can point to our tour sterling companies, as all showing a healthy gain even during the fiery year ot '92, and can boast ot representing fonr of mill? PTUPClfT' T T1TP OP f lima the strongeat, best conducted, and most popular companies in the 1UE flllJLol LlM UJf LAflll 0 United States. -1-viz. WMt McHenry( III. In the county, as prices from 60 cents lip. Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale ̂ and Porter for Medical Use. The best'brands of Cigars and Smoking and Cbtmng Tobeooos always on hand. ° ^ ^ ^ - Physicians's Prescriptions - Carefully compounded. Qive me ft call* .v. f; • : • . fe* r tfi GEO. W. BESLEY. W«tlfteHcwj,mt188t. , Rookford of Hockford. " XTatioxajd, Hartford. 6uu. ̂ ire,£iOxa.doxi« Farm insurance is our specialty, and we lully expect to write over 19,000 in premiums in '93, It pays to insure with agents who huitle and represent the best companies always. ^Soliciting a share ot your valued patronage we remain yours. * MoH«B>y, IUM ISM, Jits Just ds OoocJ r Ytz Grocer s#di P r o f f e r i n g a e t h e r b r a n d , wSANTA CLAUS! is What we war>L have yonarnj now or? Imtfi Vc'il cerfair?iij |~ake no other, we ust none but the best, And shrewd dealers keep it, are you behind lire rest V Which confronts the public when in quest of Bargains •" fty Qoofe- Sroeeries, Boots and &ues, CttOCKERY, - CLASSWARE, - LAMPt AND LAMP FIXTURES. ^ . , , I, A. P. BAEB'S A. P. BAEB A. P. BAER A. P. BAEB Is the Place. Wins the race, Leada them all. W ill not be undersold. People may blow. People may blaster, A.,P, BAEfS Outsells them all. Both great and small. •!* West McHenry, 111., 1893. A. P: BAEB. JUXilA A< -~S:> ONE DOOR WEST OF^ B1VERSIUK HOU8K. MoHinty.IUi Drugs I Medicines -^:fDU4LBIO|^ Drngs, Chemicals. Dye Stni, Faints, Oils &Colon CoBBtftDily oa hacd. Atao a large line of AXD A COMPLETE STOCK OF Physicia n» Preacrlptiona Yj. '& -V \ ra­ cist Carefully and accuratey compoxmMf t _ v 4',~, « V ^®i. • 4 Tour patronage is respectfully solicited# * ^ , ,y',' ' J'l' •IS-' THE WEST SIDE Is taking the lead in ladies' Fine Footwear this ppring. •f® showing the leading styles and bef»t shaped ot folteft' Fine. §hof^|.jW: lace and button, trom $1.50 to $3.75 per pair. ^ ' Ourspiing stoek is bought and now on sale. ^ If in want of a pair of shoes this spring do not miss seeing our line before buying or you will be the loser. , ^ CLOTHING., CLOTHING: fa" We are not going out of the Clothing business, on the contrary^*' we haye put in our store for this spring and summer's trade a larger and finer line of clothing than we have ever shown at one time. Tho goods were carefully selected and bought for cash, and are now being offered to the trade cheaper than the so called cloth* ing at cost, that was bought some time ago, as clothing now li cheaper than ever before, Our Stock of Spring Hats It on the way* Call on us for Trunks and Traveling B«gs. °$s usual fresh r; ( G h c o e e r i e s ' * T * i r Yours for business ̂ . ! .* . "-V . ./: ' •. k > . *'S S M ** ^ . • f e . f Jmr.. ^ * L s ' s i _...i \ i«» V JOHN J. MTT .T .TCTt., West McHenry. ..j! ,vr%. >'<*' ;% v."- ' J . '.>L!i.?b, "'>£<* ^ • U . . 1 - . L * i d ' s • ' • . i. A

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