rgONESDAY. APRIL 5, 1898. J.VAN8LTKE, Editor WTOti the Elgin Board of Trade Mon day, the demand for butter exceeded the aupply, with prices the eame an last week; 6,729 pounds for 30 cents, 3,000 for 80Jf cento; total sales, $2,923. A year ago the price was 25 cent*, iST'The Richmond Gazette ssQra: "The Republican voters of McHenry county are requested to remember that the friends of Postmaster Aldrich of Rich mond, intend to present bis name to the next convention as a candidate for County Clerk. Assurance of support have been received from all sections of the county and his supporters will enter determined to win. We shall ore to say on the subject in iues of the Gazette r. Murphy, the agent of Secre tary Jerry Rusk to introduce corn into Europe, gave a corn meal to the royal ties at Copenhagen, Denmark, the other evening, served with a speech. Mr Murphy's speeches on the subject of corn are said to have been more seductive than the distillations from that cereal. At any rate he has? d,o^e good work and the corn from this country have increased greatly. It would be a mistake to recall him. Let the johnny cake continue to conquer the world. 1^*Commander-in-chief Weissert, of the G. A. R , has issued a circular relative to memorial day. He asks the posts to begin preparations early, and says that it is especially appropriate and desire- able that the Woman's Belief 'Corps, Sons of Veterans and Schools should bf active participants on Memorial day and the Sunday services preceding it. He asks that all flags be hoisted on Memo rial day at half-mast, according to the direction of a resolution of the grand en campment in 1878. 10"Says the Trbune: President Cleve land and his party are at swords' pqints on the silver question. There is no longer room to doubt the fact. The Cabinet is strongly opposed to free coin age, while the finance committee of the senate has been framed as if in express intention to defeat the presidents wish es. Antagonism on this point is likely to go far and deep. It may even mean a disruption of the party before the next congressional election. It is evident that the president is willing to defer action on the tariff until the outcome of the silver controversy is known. 1ST The Aurora Express alleges that an intelligent lady of that city has made a di-covery, which she has magnani mously refrained from having patented, that promises to be of great value. It is the fact that people can save more than half their hard or soft coal by first sprinkling it with salt brine. The coal burns brighter and better, without soot or clogging, and goes twice as far as in its unsalted state. If salt on coal hew this effect in a small way why would it not result in a like saving when used on a large scale. In Bhort, there may be millions in the discovery to big manufac turing establish ment s. Attorney General Maloney seems to be thoroughy imbued with democratic "reform" ideas. He is now making an effort to have the assisant's salary raised f1,800 a year making it $3,000 and he also desires another assistant at « , _ # ° WIOV TU NUC POQL LITJ UUB UCEU BO G be nowever that it would -be agood move about it that they never suspected it. for the people for Maloney to have another assistant for he is generally re garded as the weakest attorney general ever elected in Illinois.--Ex. WASHINGTON, D. C. March-25,1893. The week has been productive of some pretty lively doings on the part of the Democratic Senators. Those served in the army will.remember the facility with which the Democrats who fought in gray uniforms, dodged the Republican bnllets which came from the m n clothed in blue. The facility with which the Demo crats are attempting to dodge some sharp shots fired from the Republican side of the Senate this weuk calls to mind those days. When the Democrats of North Dakota succeded in electing the most respectable man in their party a# Senator and sent him to Washington it was discovered that he had a record as an embezzler here in the snug sum of $(.->,000. William N. Roach is the name of this distinguished representative of the Democracy. He had only got comfort ably settled in hie seat in the Senate when Washingtonians recognized him as the man who, whilecaohier of the Citizen's National Bank in this city some fifteen years ago embezzled about seventy-five thousand dollars of the funds of the bank. Forsome reason unexplained he was per mitted to go free without prosecution, his bondsmen making good a portion of the losses of the bank and some property which he had being also turned in, so that the amount repaid was probably about one-half of the sum embezzled. The story got into the newspapers and the Republicans, supposing that the Democratic leaders would have sufficient respect for their party or its representa tion to refuse to allow an embezzler to sit as a member of the highest legislative body of the nation, waited for the Demo cratic leaders to act. Rut it seeems that they miscalculated the Democratic stand ard for honor and statesmanship, for no action or signs of action came from the Democratic side of the Senate. On the contrary there was such an ominous silence that it soon became evident tha t che Democrats had no intention of at tempting any action, but werecontent to sit along side a man of their own party with this sort of a record and recognize him as an equal and an "honorable gentleman." Finally as a last resort the Republicans felt called upon to act and a resolution of investigation was offered. This was met with an intimation by the Democrats that attacks vrculd b© made upon certain Republican Senators, whereupon one who had been named in print. Senator Power, promptly rose and demanded that investigation be made of any charge which anybody might offer against himself. Meantime the demo cratic members took fresh alarm over the prospect that the Roach investi gation might bring to the surface some questionable transactions by the "steer ing" committee of honorable Senators who manipulated the Dakota and other Close contests in a way as to bring Demo cratic votes into the Senate, and as a result there has been a large amount of lively dodging ana the resolution for an investigation still remains unacted upon. Meantime Mr. Roach sits calmly on the Democratic side refusing a word of ex planation or sell justification, not even offering a denial or explanation of the charges against him. President Cleveland has up to this time sent out 125 nominations to the Senate. Sixty of these have been general appoint ments, such as ministers, consuls, assis tant secretaries, heads of bureaus and cabinet officers. Out of this number about fifty have been {riven to states which voted for Cleveland and ten to states which cast their votes for Harri son. Of the one hundred and twenty odd appointments that have been made the Mugwumps have got a liberal allowance and Tammany has got nothing. One Tammany man was appointed by mis take and his appointment was annulled the moment his political affiliation was discovered. In addition to Mr. Cleve land's 125 appointments, heidsman Maxwell, the Fourth Assistant Post master General, has appointed nearly 500 fourth class postmasters and out of this number it is understood that not a single Tammany or Hill man has been recognized. To say that Tammany is not in a pleasant frame of mind, tells it but faintly. There are other Democrats in other states who are equally dissatis fied. The Tennessee patriots are growl ing loudly over the fact that a Ten- nesseean who nasneid office under several Republican administrations has been ap pointed Solicitor of the Treasury by Mr. Cleveland, and Ohio Democrats are equally distressed over the appointment of Lawrence Maxwell, of Cincinnati, as a salary of $1, 800 a year. Besides this • I • . «• LIONCUW HI U. A WEN, UI Cincinnati, as ne wants a special janitor to look after Solicitor General, the most important the office and then he has a number of " wants that he thinks should be supplied at the expense of the people. It might office outside of Cabinet positions in the *ift of the administration; they say frankly that if Maxwell has been a Dem ocrat in the past he has been so quiet 'The purchase of a tract of land in the Blue Grass region by the society of the Red Cross is an interesting event. It is dedicated to peace, and all nations will respect it as neutral ground. There war can never come, but from it will go out, those who have no foes, to minister to the sick and wounded in the battle, or In the scourage and pestilence, or to victims of fire, flood or earthquake. Clara Barton, who is at the head of the Bed Cross society of the world, is one who should be canonized as a saint, for through two wars her executive ability has organized help for the wounded. The Red Cross on the arm, in all countries wins, respect, and is a safeguard on the battlefield of all nations. It does a noble service for humanity. ^ HENBY L. HEBTZ INJURED. ' many friends in this county, of Ex-Coroner Henry L. Hertz, of Chicago, will t>e pained to learn that he met with a serious and painful accident in that city on Tuesday last. The later Ocean says, editorially; "Mr. Henry L. Hertz, the well-known Chicago politician, met with a very serious and perhaps fatal accident yesterday. He is an athletic, alert, and strictly temperate man, but some way, in stepping from a cable car yesterday afternoon, he fell, and one of the cars passed over his ankle, crushing it so terribly that amputation was ne cessary. It is feared that he can not survive, so great was the shock to bis nerves. Mr. Herts has been a prominent figure in local politics for several years. He has been very popular. As Coroner he made a splendid record, and as can did ate for State Treasurer he made host of friends in all parts of Illinois, who will regret exceedingly to hear of his misfor tune, and will hope most earnestly that » he will recover." News from the injured man will be anxiously looked for «by host of friends in this vicinity. Evanson's special Dress Good sale, Saturday and Monday, April 8, and 10. ! / • • - : . The hveliest place in Washington dur ing the week has been the office of that pure and spotless anti-snapper, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Maxwell. He was selected a« a representative of the high minded, civil service reform, anti- snapper reform club. Grover-Cleveland- party-elpment in New York and the Mug wumps fairly danced with joy over his selection. Nevertheless he has proven the hollowness of Democratic profession of the civil service theory, for he has gone to work with coat off and ax in hand slaughtering Republicans at every turn. Despite the fact that some seven thousand fourth class post offices are now awaiting appointments because of the resignation of Republicans, he has omitted to fill these vacancies and turn ed his attention to slaughtering other Republicans who are still holding offices. Hundreds of official heads fall into the basket, and his list of Democratic post masters appointed runs now at the ratp of over a thousand a week. If he keeps on at the rate he is going there will not be a Republican postmaster left to tell the tale by the end of the first year of his service. So much for Mugwump profes- ions of civil service methods. The President has confirmed the state ment made in this correspondence weeks ago that he will call an extra session of congress in early autumn to consider the tariff question. Moss-backed Democrats sniff contemptuously at the tariff bill which that self-appointed committee to save the country, the Reform Club, of New York, has prepared, but neverthe less its chief features will be placed before Congress in a bill which Secretary Car lisle will have ready to crowd down their throats by September with a threat of "no offices for those who don't take the medicine." o. P. A. Carter Harrison was elected Mayor of Chicago on Tuesday by a clear majority of 16,000 over all competitors. As the bo^s sajy "that settles it." JUST OF N0MINAT30 tfce Bttkei of the MoEeniy Otuty Trotting- Horse Breeders iti'i, RTAK® NO. 1--3 mtn Class Oeorpe 8. s It, br George O : « 8 Sherman /ola. br f. by Pilot Clay jotn Ho Man R» m«n>d, ch h, !-,r signal Geo King Mcllcmrj Boy. bh, bv O'orire O...Bi Granger Onarlay Allen, sb. by George O. O H Stringer STAKE NO. 2--2:40 OUTS W1 hy Interior.. . Jobs Coalman Accidental, b h by Airoy O H Heck itlackstone Jr, b h by Blaokstone RH Overton Minnie Y, b f, by Novelty, Etta Young Hanger H, brg. by Typhoon Geo «!nmh STAKE NO. 4-Three-yr-olds. Mischief. b h. by George O. .. G W Eldredge Reflection, g h, »>y Chester Chief.. H Skinner •JL'y b f> ('y vo"r Swlgert. T * Splegetboff Black Repnb'".blk h, by Fontesimo Rue nran ^ I hy Er",onK • W Buchanan Ida Chief, b f by Chester Chief. F J T>ietmcver Actor H, b h, by St Jual . , H W Hawiey STAKE NO 5--Two-yr-olds. Corr'nnie. b f, by Os -rev Geo Rovre Ben T, blk >>, br Ballaat H B Tbroop Cute T. blk f, bv Thurmon .E Buchantm V*mmoo8e, 8 f, b? George O \V wary Anna W. b f, by Col skuce J Frank Wr&y Hun jtpoi, br < by interior.... .E S Johoun Maggie E. b t, by Ospry R W Ov rton Virginia, br f. by Virgsnlos E W Sherman Edith W, br f, by Colby's Swigert OH Stringer STAKE NO . 6--Yearlings. Ira King, bh, by Prarie King.. --HSiver Fleta, bf, by Bay Prince LH Jteali Mazie. b f, by Accidental Kd Howard Altl, b h, b/ Accidental ffl Heck , sp n, by Joe Basxett Jr. E S Johonnoett Ben-my-Cheer b f, by O'pery ..RWOverton Ho. alee, br h, >>y &onof WerterF J oleuneyctr THE STAFF OF LIFE. Is bread, and good bread can only be made from Chick's Celebrated Rockford Flour, which we have handled by the car for years, and fully warrant every sack to be superior to all others for any money. And free delivery to any part of the town. Honest Abe only ,...w 90 cents Rival " 90 " New Process " 95 " Half Patent " f 1.10 Roller Straight. 1.10 Chick's Best 1.15 Chick's Ultimatum ; 1.15 The car just received is superior to any had for some time, and a trial order is earnestly desired. Ever yours. SIMON STOFFEL. For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamma tory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month I was attacked in the knee and suffered several days, when I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instantly. I there fore most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similarly affected every where.--R. D. WHITLEY; Martindale, N. C., Feb. 1888. Mr. Whitlev is a very prominent man in this place and his dis ease was very widley known as he suf fered such severe pain. W. M. HOUSTON & Co., Merchants, Martindale, N. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by. G. W. Besley, West McHenry. 1. A. Bar- rus, Volo, L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. CARPETS AND WALL £APER. New Carpets of the latest designs and in good variety at way down prices. Over 150 styles of Wall Paper. New Hats in latest styles. Warranted and stylish Footwear. Always at Simon Stoffel's. ________ "There is a salve for every wound." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures burns, bruses. cuts, indolent sores, as a local application in the nostrils it cures catarrah, and always cures piles. Julia A. Story. WANTED! Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and orna mentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or' alary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester. N. T. ti'r" , It is a fectlhat there is a wide difference in tbe quality of. Farm Machinery. Some manufacturers aim only at CHEAPNESS. Others aim to produce a first class durable Implement as cheap as such can he built. Those who hi vt| followed the latter course have built up a traie extending all over the worl 1. We carry a tull liae of £r*it goods in:; "" , & w v ^ KTftwi Drags. Buckeye and Corham Seeders. SOI.KEY and (J A \G PLOW'S, AND THE CELEBRATED NORWEGIAN PLOW. Taking effect on Sunday, Nov, ttk, Train* pass this station as follows : GOI1T0 NORTH. •Williams Bay Freight passes •Lake Geneva Passenger " {Lake Gnneva Passenger '• . * Lake Geneva Express " . •Lake Geneva Passenger " « GOIHO SOUTH. tPaasengcr Depart •Lake Geneva Express " •Williams Bay Freight •• •Lake Geneva Passenger *• EXPLANATION 18S1, . 9:56 A. If, . 9:56 •• . S;26 P. M, . 4:60 •• . «;&1 " .;7-83 A.M. . .8:22 " .3:26 P. M. ..3:26 » Daily except Sun4ay. ida ' f Sundays only X Daily. B» Buss, Agent. MoHsnrv, III ; Annual Statement. BY the Treasurer of Township No. 43. ttange ao. 8, in Moi cnry countv, Illinois, tor tbe year beginning Apnl 4th, 1802 and ending April 3d, lt#3. AUCOUNT WITH SCHOOL TRUSTEES. BEOBIFTS. Township fund on hand at beginning f Distributable fnndson hand at same date 4% 01 Township funds 63180 Interest ... "• "~ >XPELFDITUBBS. Township fund, (loaned).... Distributed to Districts...,. Treasurer's salary Incidental expenses. PubliBh'g former statement Township fund on hand at ending MS 31 91 02 200 00 487 14 80 00 4 89 0 00 606 51 Totals $ 1473 54 « 147 394 ACCOUNT WITH SOHOOL DISTRICTS. BECK1PTS. On hand at beginning § 2799 22 Distribution of Trustees.... 487 14 Taxes 3340 Tuition 86 69 Insurance 38 29 Back taxes 132 40 K. R. and Tel. taxes 82 648 EXrEMDITUBES. Teachers salaries $ 3607 21 Repairs and improvements. 104 10 Furniture and apparatus... 822 88 Incidental expenses 626 98 Tuition 160 60 On hand at ending 2690 69 Rockford Republican: Governor Altgeld and his penitentiary commie sionera bave bought a large amount of machinery for making brooms and will start up a broom factory in the Joliet prison in a few days when they expect to put 100 convicts at work making brooms. Before election the governor thought that convict labor should not come into competition with honest labor, but he seems to have changed his mind. SEEDS. We offer 65 bushels of choice dean Timothy seed for sale at low prices. The seed is from the well known farmers, W. and S. Covell. SIMON STOJT Total! f 7710 81 $ 7710 81 The above statement is correct. Jour PITSB, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me April 4th, 1893. r WM. A, NASOH.Notary Publlo. if 'sif* Vt. v'-i ' R 1 P A N S ^PTABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPANS TAItl/i.KM are tke fcest >*4U «la« known for iudlgeotioB, BlUoiw"', Ueadache, Conatlpatlea, UjiptflU, Chranlc Liver Trouble*, Dlzclaea*, Bad Cuavleiloti . l»j*cnterjr, Offensive Breath, and all dl»- J. order# of the Mtaaaeh, Liver and Bowel*. Ripang Tatmles contain nothing injurious to the moat delicate conutitutton. Are pleanant to • take, safe, effectual, and tyive immediate relief, f Price--Box<6 vialx), 75cent« ; Package<4boxen), • 82. May be ordered through nearest druggiMe ! or by mail. Sample free by mail. Addrea* • THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO., T 10 BPEDCE 8TBEET, NEW LOBK CITT. ieeaeeeeee iisiM|nmmiiiii If. ffl BX7QQIES. WAQ02STS, CARTS J Of the best makes, and at prices to suit the time s A full line of H4RNJE88, both single and double, Which we invite alt to call and examine, as we aie confident that in quality and price we aan discount anything in this line on the market. PUMPS ^ ,1Ije of Pump*, both wood and iron, always on --hand PUMP REPAI&ING promptly attended to. Call and see ua when in want of anything in our line, as we are confidont we can save you money. ; , McHenry, April, 1893. Successor to £, M, Owen & Son* TOHN EVANSON & CO. HAVE GOOD THINCS TO EAT, TMi/res r» VJMI. Jackets, ~ Wraps, -- Clothing, Shoes, - Hats. THE 8TOCK 18 VERY COMPLETE. It Woold Please (Js to Sbov YOB Dor Spring MercMisp. 8PECIAL DRESS GOODS SALE Saturday atd Monday, April 8 and 10. «• New Styles of Wall Paper, J We bid you welcome, JOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry, 111., 1893, Cash vs. Credit CREDIT KNOCKED OUT 4* •F • -"v I handle all of Rubber • -iw -ViV CASH Air EASY WINNER : ' } • • ifiore • Sold on Book Ac»oountf< Prices Correspondingly Low. Fiov* Betaijed Wholesale Prices. • i v'. It will pay you ^o investigate A. CRISTY r : \ ; r , c West McHemy, III, / : -- i ' • Our experience ith them eon- When yc-u are spending your good round dollars for anything in the Line it jaay interest vo u to know that I can save yon a po^d per cent x>n your purchases. If you contemplate buying a ^ ^ VAPOR STOYE This spring, come and see what we hwe to show. HFT?I YOUR OLD YAPOB STOVES CLEANED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them again • It will pay yon. If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything belonging to tbe Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices. Yours Respectful ly; F . L . M c O M B E R West McHenry, 111. nr> -Hi S JL.f XNSNVFIPFLMFAW M. All Competitors Acknowledge it as the Standard. It makes more Bread. It makes better Bread. It makes whiter Bread Than any other Flour. For Sale by all the Leading Merchants in town, and at The Roller Mills. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. Washburn's best $1.10. A chotce Fancy Patent at $1.05. Trj a sack of any of the gia Jes mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the beat results your money will be cheerfully refunded. -ve your order at thtj Mill, we will do the rest. j Bran and Middlings for Sale. * . 7 vinee us that they are the best that can be bought, McHENRY Main k ME IMITATIONS Are bat imitations, and the dif ference in cost will not warrant the purchase of Imitations. We have a nice line of For men and boys, also for wo men and misses. J. W. CRISTY & SON, BHIOWOOD, Hi. H. Miller & Son, --DEALEBS IN- MARBLE & GRANITE, Monumentsi, Headgtoaea Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. 8&Wutio& (faua&tMd. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times can he Jound a good assortment of finished work. Henry Miller & Son. G. L HUBBARD, Harness * Maker AND DEALFR TW HARNESS. SADDLERY. Bridlea, Blankets, Whips, . CUTTKRS, Acc. (I won't m*ve a peg until you get me one of those fine single llitrne<-s, at Hubbard's ) 12 Sots Double Harness all ready. 7 Sets Slnsle Harness all ready. DOUBLE HARNESS.complete,....#28 00 SINGLE HARNESS nlokte «r rub ber trim 10 00 HAME STRAPS 7 3 ID 10 SPREAD STRAPS 10 BREAST STRAPS. 1 1^2 JO. 60 MAHT1NGALE8, 1 1-2 to. 60 AXLE GREASE 6 BOSTON COACH OIL......... 25 COMMON C. P. BITS 15 ROPE TIES 20 BUBY PLUSH PLUSH LINED FUR ROBES 94 00 INCH LINES, with Snap* 2 60 Two SNAPS 5 HARNESS OF ALL KIN US IN STOCK. C. L. HUBBARD. Nunda, 111., 1893. Corporation Election. The Annual Village Election fnr the Village of McHenry, will be held at (.he City Hall.In •aid village, on Tuesday, the 18th Day of April, 1893, At wbleh t*me the following offiowra Drill be elected: ONE PRESIDENT, who ahall bold his office for the term of one year. THREE TRUSTEE'S, who hill hold their office for tho term of two years, ONE VILLAGE CLERK, who shall hold hla offle for the term of one year. The poll* ol said election will be opened at 7 o'clock in th« morning >mt remain open an* til 5 o'clock in the evening of said day . GEO. W. OWEN, Village Clerk. McHenry, 111., March 22,18»3, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Dr. Benjamin F. Norton, deceased. i he undereigne 1 having bee" "ppo rited Ad ministratrix of the Estate nt Dr. Benin" ,n F Norton, deceased, late of the Coun 3 of Mc Henry and Stnteor Illinois, horetiy gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of M Henry, Co , at tbe Court House In Wo dHtock, at the May Term, on tte first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having ciaiin« against said estate are notified and requested ti attend tor the pur pose of having the same adjusted. All per sons indebted to saidns^ato are requested to make immediate payment 10 theunders'gnod. Dated this Mh day of March, A. D. 1893. MBS. AUUUSTA NORTON, AdminisUtrir, P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR 0RNAKC T. Iiito DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent AltomeJL Inventive Age Building;, --- - WASHINGTON, D. C. 'iiattoatWa ' V , 1 M - I " 'J6 fe.' i WM