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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1893, p. 8

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W- •WfcWw w mnWwW' • and«r the above bead _ j<lies of the W.O T U no put or credit for tlM •y . ' , ' - " ^ . Hie following is a specimen ballot containing the names of candidate! to be voted for at the Annual Vi 1S9S* loathe Village of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois: ^ e ^ Betrayed Confidence. 1to contempt is too severe for that most BflssmWe of all creatures in human form, i one who lessens man's faith in unity by the deliberate betrayal ot M eottfldeace solemnly accepted. Such * •Mtti or thing, rather,-4s a blight upoB aK- our race, and whom all who would be secure must shun; for having done' tbeir worst with one friend, they arc not capab&le of respecting another, while it Is almost criminal to trust them witti such a thing as confidence. We can for* give the hasty, excited, or incautious, word, even though its wound bleed to tile core; but the deliberat assassin of a|- trusted friendship can receive nothing but contempt. They are beyond being| reached by any other recognition of their degraeion. The nobler sentiments; * of honor and esteem are foreign to such natures; and pity for them is a vain ex­ penditure. Do not seek to punish, but if you would be safe, Avoid such a one. Learn wisdom from the past. Election 04 u" > ̂ t '";i ":Z. FOR PRESIDENT, JAY VAN SLYKE. FOR VILLAGE CLERK. I^ANK L. Mc! FOB TRUSTEES, R. A. HOWARD, OHAS. H. GRANGER, CHAS. T. ELDREDGE. k: : , Hi Quickest and Best NONE BUT R>" AGiC WILL MAKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA. OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES TT Hi LEAVING ^STRENGTH, PUR STY, AND WHQLESO^rNESS. f PATENTS. FOR PROTECTION. NOT FOR ORNAMENT. DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys. It't : Inventive Age Building, F WASHINGTON, D. C. ^ -Book Free. Mention this paper PATENTS ] ,C*ve»ts,an<! Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ ient business conducted for MODERATE FEES. |OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE II. S. PATENT OFFICE 1 and we can secure patent in less time than those 1 remote from Washington. | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- \ ition. We advise, if patentable or not, free of 1 1 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. | A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries > sent free. Address, i C.A.SNOW&CO. Ow». PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. jfc j , DR. FRUTH! *•» ̂ft - „ DOWN THEY. GO! All along the line. THEREIN | NOTHING SPECIAL O THIS ANNOUNCEMENT EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made a Sweeping Reduction In our priees on all kinds of Dry Goods Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries, And ask the people of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect our stock, which is always complete, and get our prices* Yours, McHenrj, 111. 1803! JOHN I. STORY. --WELL BE AT-- IS WOODSTOCK, - ILLINOIS, Friday, Mar 12, 1893. pDee Honrs from 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK. ^ANTft COLL MA D E ONLY BY N.K, FAIR BANK &C0. CHICAGO. BUY DIRECT PROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT BUY DIRECT I THIS $65 FACTURER9. FOR $35 FOR PRESIDENT, GEORGE W. D. O. FRUTH, >, Surgeon in the Provident Medical Duptn- sary of New Yorknow President of the Frulh Medical InalUute, chartered His long experience in the largest hospital* in the world enables him to treat all CHRONIC KKBVOI'8, SKIK AND BLO3D diseases upon the latest scientilic principles. Dtt FRtiTH has no superior in diagnosing ana treating diseases and deformities. He Will give 150 for any case he cannot tell the *r j?80 where located in five minute", Medical and surgical diseases, acu .e and chronic Catarrah, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Moee, Thmat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, I5rieht't> Dtaease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder. Obronic Female and Sexual Diseases ipeertily eared by treatment that his never 'ailed in thousands of ca»es that bad been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet death every JTWr who might have been restored to perfect health had they placed their cases in tho toads of experts. DB, FRUTH has attained the most wonder­ ful success in the treatment of cases to which he devotes special attention, and after years « experience, has perfected the most infalli Me method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner- TOaa Debility, Premature Decline of the Man- ij Power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair. |«d Memory, Mental Anxiety. Absence of Will Power, Melancholy,, Weak Back and kidney •fftetions if consulted before Idiocy, Insanity VtUing rits or Total Impotency result from YOUTHFUL ERRORS, the awful effect which bltgbt the most radiant hopes, unUting pati- •atfor business study, society or marriage, •HUlly sweeping to an untimely grave thoattnd* of young men rf exilfd talent udl brilllsnt Intellect. PILES CURED with- oat pain, knife eatery, EPILEPSY positive. if eared by oar new and never failing hospi­ tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of tbe urine, chemical and microscopical, in all OMes of Kidney Diseases, Bright'e Disease, Diabetes and Bpermatorrhae. Bring cpeci- WOKDEBFUL CURES perfected in all elite* that have been neglected or unskiil- Jnlf treated. No experiments or failures We undertake no incurable cases, but cure thousand* given up to die Remember the 4ate ami eomo early as his rooms are always ' etowded le and conreapondence csnfidential, and mint sent by express with full direet- l for use, but personal consultation pre- OR. P. O. FRUTH. Lake Avenue,'Chicago. FREIGHT PAID WITHIN 800 MILES OF CHICAGO. Frame* In Solid Oak. or "Walnut covered in Mobalr Crushed Plash (any eolor), banded with fiilk Plash to match; all six pieces have spring edge (soft edge) and are well made throughout 1onnifcts of 1 sofa, 1 patent rocker, 1 easy chair. 1 divan and 2 parlor chairs. We manufacture all (.roods in this line and guarantee them. We pack and pay the freight within 600 miles of Chicago1 Not lor Hale by furniture dealers as price Is too low. Established twenty years, liefer to any baaklB United States. fcend six cents for sample of piush. BM.1-IRE BSDSTSAD OO., _ MADISON AND CENTER AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. GEO. W. BESLEY, DBALEB IK FOR VILLAGE CLERK, FRANK L. McOMBER. FOR TRUSTEES, \ R. A. HOWARD, • HENRY BLOCK • GEORGE W. 'MIIEK'-S IT IS A FACT, NOT A THEORY, Which confronts the public when In quest of Bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, CROCKERY, - GLASSWARE, - LAMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES. Is the Place. A. P. BAER'S A. P. BAER A. P. BAER Lead^ them all. A. P. BAER Will not be undersold, West McHenry, III., 1893. People may 1>1QW. People may bluster, but A. P. BAER " Outsells them all. Both great and small. A. P: BAER. JULIA A. STORY. iMi Vtt.Uvt.wvwwt.ww DEALER IN' ONB DOOR WEST OP RITBBSIDB HOUSE, IIOHmij.HI, Drugs s Medicines •A FULLtLINE OF- Drugs, Chemicals. Bje U, Pamts, Oils &Colors CoDBtantly on bacd. Also a large line of Patent Medicines* Toilet Articles. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY AND DRUGQISTS' SUNDRIES ND DRUGGIST Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Re^stered A arraa- ciat Your patronageis respectfullysolicited, ruoA JL STORYS Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES, If, jTHE FINEST LINE OF LAMPS West McHenry, III. In the county, as prices trom 60 cents up. Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos always on hand. „ - Physicians' Prescriptions - Carefully compounded# Give me a call4 Wert McHenry, I1L, 1893. GEO. W. BESLEY. P hysicians Prescriptions TIJE WEST SIDE Is taking the lead in ladies' Fine Footwear this spring. tVe are showing the leading styles and best shapes ot ladies' Fine Shoes, in lace and button, from $1,50 to $3.75 per pair. Our spiing stoek is bought and now on sale. If in want of a pair of shoes this spring do not miss seeing our line before buying or you will be the loser. * CLOTHING, CLOTHING. We ate not going out of the Clothing business, on the contrary, we haye put in our store for this spring and summer's trade a larger and finer line of clothing than we have ever shown at one time. *Tho goods were carefully selected and bought for cash, and are now being offered to the trade* cheaper than the so called cloth­ ing at cost, that was bought 6ome time ago, as clothing now is cheager than ever before. Our Stock of Spring Hats is- on the way. Call on us for Trunks and Traveling Bags. As usual fresh Groeeries and the best brands of Flour. ^ Yoqrs for business, JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. g at close profits the Largest and most lly selected Spring stock of new K--v Goods, Suitings, SATTEENS, WASH GINGHAMS, SILKS, f 1 - ; • VELVETS, PLUSHES, and DRESS TRIMMINGS "" "h vy : j IN TOWN. *' * 'YV!: Donotteil to examine our New Black and Colored Imported - Henriettas, NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW LACES, WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINEN, BEDSPREADS, ETC. tr NEW ••'CLOTHING. Suits in Black and fancy Colors. Square cuts, double and Single breasted, sacki and frocks, bound and plain, hstMUM SFOCM fg'&lBGB SffirSt QUO &£JtT8 SFBma New Badger State Overalls, Pants, Shirts, Coats and Jackets.* ----Latest Stylesj Low Prlces9 Fully Warranted. fc A. •A*! Just received, a Urge and well selected stock of Spring styles Carpets, Wall Papsr, Window Shades, Portiers, Poles, Acc< «a»- TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS. NEW AND STRICTLY 8XYLI8H HAXS. In the very foe west designs and colors, great variety, close prices. one Crate ^ LUSTRE BAND WARE I - GROCERIES. WE PLEAD GUILTT • Of still being in ths Insurance business as of old. and can point to our four sterling companies, as all showing a healthy gain even during the fiery year of '92, and can boast ot representing fonr of the strongeat, best conducted, and most popular companies in the United States, viz. Pheniz: of Brooklyn, Rockford of Rockford. Rational, Hartford. Sun Fire, London. Farm insurance is our specialty, and we fully expect to write over I9,00C in premiums in '93, It pays to insure with agents who hustle and represent tbe best companies always. Soliciting a share ot your valued patronage we remain your*. SIMON STOFFEL WmI MoHenry, 111., 18&9, - "i f} I&. • •M ' » * "k r • 1 _ .Lj-* . ^ "• J V I - "k,.wSL. A u,i. ii&m,SJ ,/-'k "-v.ii i

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