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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1893, p. 4

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WEDNESDAf, APRIL 12. 1893. if. VAN SLTKE. JESdltor. , (fir* Three Democratic Senators who g<7 Were in the Confederate army are draw- ,-^V tug U. S. pensions as veterana of the j\« Mexican war, although neither of them %ae disabled in that war. "Revise the gteosion list." McHenry ReadCtnwiittitner't Financial Statement STATS OP ILLINOIS, J M „ >u Towra McHenry McHenry County, ) Tub following is a statement by Cftator Aduma, Tr«»«nr«r of the Road Com. missioners of tt e Town of Mr Henry, in the Ooun'y and State aforesaid, of t> • amount of public funds received and ex­ pended by hi . 10" If Senator Vest did not exaggerate "pX, %hen he said that if the Senate under­ took to investigate all charges made ! * against the characters of Senators it '[ Wonld have no time left for anything else It is about time to abolish the Senate, or pet men with better characters, isn't it? ^:,v ~ . On the Elgin Board of Trade on •' Hpnday batter was active, 1,500 pounds selling for 25 cents; 2,100 pounds for , $554 cents; 1,620 pounds for 26 cents: v 1 1,200 pounds for 27 cents; 5,400pounds for 27%; 13,320 pounds for 28 cent^ Total sales, f7,923. Last week's prices, 5^ i0@30^ cents, a year ago 21@22 the fiscal year Jnnt closed, ending on trie 28th •!»>• of March, J89J, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement -f said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and fiona what son roes received, the rmount of publlo funds expended and for wAat purp >ae ex. pe.-;1sd, daring said fiscal year, ending m aforesaid, The said Castor Adams, being duly awora doth depose and say, that the following state­ ment by him subscribed ia a correct state­ ment of the am><unt of public funds on hand at tho o< mmencement of the fiscal t car above stated, the amount of public fund* r*p.«ive<I ind the sources from which received, mi 4 tbe amount exp nded, and purchases for which expended, as set forth in eata state, nient Fundi Received ami from whcUSouroe* Received. 1E92 March 29, Bal on hand from last year.. 12429 IS Auf, 16, Kec'd from J. B, Perry R. R. and Dist delinquent tax 406 16 Kec'd l'ole tax SOU oft t or old bridge plank 15 n March It. Beo'd from J H. Freund, ool 2184 78 :-H^°It is well known that many re* jjiibSiea.n members of the state miltia #oted for Altgeld on the ground that Rfer had used his appointing power in connection with the organization for personal political purposes. How do t&ose republicans like the way Altgeld it tarrying partisanship into the state fiifitia. V" 19" Mr. Cleveland must take special •'^^Jleasare- in stirrisg up the race preja- ; dicss of the Auetrians. He did it during ltis first administration by appointing a minister whose wife was a Jewess, and, ' again he repeats it by sending a Jew to be TL S. Consul General at Vienna. The Auuiriaus reiuseu to reeei re the minister, and the indications are they will make tejv-jkingB very unpleasant for the new Con- ^'f/plil General. % I®" Charges are made that Ex-Secre- ^ fery of State Foster provided too liberal- |y and extravagently for the expenses of the Bering sea commission, of which he - is now counsel, and there has been a #*- jfipeat waste of the public funds. Doubt- lees there is another side to the story. Gen. Foster has been in the diplomatic - service all his life and should know what , is proper. It is well to wait for his state- f; ment before passing judgment, Infor- | illation so far savors of a desire for sensationalism on the part of Washing- ton correspondents and those eager to pickup some flaw in the Harrison ad­ ministration. IVChicago must yield the palm for the number of divorces to San Francisco. Chicago is only second. Professor Wil- eOx has been investigating the matter Mid has also found that Japan alone Wirpassee the United States in tbe di­ vorce rate. It would seem to be due to tbe ease with which divorces may be obtain­ ed here, for Canada has but one-twentieth the number and fickle France frees only •ne-third as many from the conjugle bond. Of all countries Ireland must be tte home of love and purity, for the United States exceeds that country three hundred and thirteen times. Tbe Irish­ man certainly does not quarrel with his wife on the question of "home rule." Total 18 Fund* expended and for uhat pttrpot* expended. 1892 April 80^ John W. Oftry, fin Hn(y.... ...f " 8t jry & McOmber, hardware. " Wilbur 1.umber Co.lumber .. " Jos. J. Freund, grading •* P, Thole.;, pairing culvert Hay 28, Peter Freund, road word. 4 60 6 16 134 84 5 SO 1 80 3 00 14 10 5 28 3 60 15 30 S3 00 23 00 7 50 134 M 10 00 10 00 16 80 3 75 17 00 9 36 4 65 149 47 17 00 2 50 25 50 3 60 1 28 6 » 75 3 00 13 13 12 00 44 50 21 00 16 00 May 29, F Smili, grad'g, ha uling lum'r «• J.J.Myers brid ge work... . " A Thalen, , •** • » ... «< J Mertes , " *' ... •« P M Adams, " Peter Weber, «• . ..... •• K Adams, road labor...... ... May 31, Racine Oemeat A FipeOo.... June 6, Jan Friaby, road work.,. .... June 13, M Smiih, " " ..... June25, Jos Frisby, " ....... •• H Wattles, " >* ..... .. " R Lawson " " •* S Saylor, •• " " J Boyle, bridge work ......... •• Wilbur Lumber Oo, lumber.. " EC Barnard, labor ** C Forth, rep bridge 4| H w Allen, road work •• 8 Smith, •• •« " PFreund, " «• Lt Garr, *' "• « J. .... " F Fay, unloading tile.... Joly 9, J M Blake, road work, " Wm Coates, •• «• •• Jos Frisby, " '• O. Hokenstcin •« J "Welch, sand, stone, labor... •• J Peidrick, grading •• M J Freund. drawing gravel and grading .. 65 80 •• A Jiicnoii, roau work 3 oo '• O Carr, labor 2 25 •«- Frank Smith, grading 13 CO «• Prank Smith, gravel, 20 00 " A Lawrence, labor 24 75 •J Peter Steffons, " 18 75 Henry Bayen, «• 2 00 •• F Heumann. grading, 12 0C •* H Clapperisch - 4 60 •• WO Adams. «• 7 50 « Bcr; r.Gil, road labor.......... 38 75 July 29, Clark Hall, spike* ...*. 8 00 G Merchant, labor l 60 O Harrison, teaming 2 50 M Winkles, lal or l 60 J Dei'irich, rep bridge 6 00' J FrUby. grad'g & hl'g gravel 1100 K Lamphere, graaing . 9 00 H Wattle*, rep bridge 11 7u O H Granger, order book 1 28 P Deidricn, grading 3 00 JGlossoru •• 6 00 J Landing, •• 8 28 J Kennebeck, road labor 7 Co Aug. 27, H Wattles, rep bridge 1 GO J Frisby, road work 121 02 F Fay, •• •« .......... 2 26 M Freund, graveling and bridge work 39 37 J Miller, gravel 6 60 P Smith, •• 4 40 M Freund, road lator' 1 28 8ept,«, J Van -dyke, postal cards and receipts, 5 26 Bmith & Son, lime, cement 2182 Sept, 12, J Smith, road work 8 25 " A Thelen, rep bridge 2 00 -• N Schneider, grading 6 00 M J Freund, road work 6 30 •« O Hall, spiles 3 00 " P Fay, road work 75 " . J Frisby, grading 27 00 Sept. 24, M May. rep scrapers. 6 6o •• P Deidrich, road work 5 00 •• f Watties, rep bridge. 150 •• M t»iesau, building bridge... 90 00 " J Schaffer, road wort 2 CO J Green, labor 39 00 Oct- 29 M May, grading 9 00 " A Hoff gravel 12 00 " JFrisby, baul'g gravel, grad'g 112 80 " B Bell, road work .... " P Thelen, rep bridge " W Miller, road work •« H Miller, cutting willows.... " Wilbur Lumber Oo " JHannerisch, hainlng gravel •* J Freund, " " E Sutton, road work. Nov. 10, J Clary, bridge work..... - - - lin i •g^-; feif-i- 19" The legislature of California Is trying a very risky experiment. It has passed a bill known as the parole bill, Gov. Markham has signed, so it is f"-: Jpow a law; the immediate effect of which Will be to liberate from the two prisons Of California more than one thousand prisoners who have served one year or J • * • more of their first term. This is carrying confidence in criminal humanity to a A; very great extreme. Possibly they may fuBtify this confidence by good behavior In the future. It would aSord a very hopeful view of the criminal classes were It to prove a justification. It is an ex- s ample which other states would be glad f ^ *°^owj shonld it prove safe to do so. ^OT a conclusive judgment on its merits f|5v^the world must wait to bear how the V- generosity is requitted by the liberated ^ convicts. QQ-Mlff-R-N-nA-BT.-R The 'Woodstock Democrat, of Satur- last, under the above head, has the following: For more than twenty years prior to the bringing of the recent prosecutions againBt Circuit Clerk W. P. Morse, it has ^ ,1 been the practice or custom of that office , -, charge as clerk's fees the sum of $5.20 w lor entering up judgment notes, and the g'", records of the Circuit Clerk's office show that the above sum has heretofore been jV?: collected in all cases where the debtor was responsible. Very recently, however, ia new scale of fees has been adopted by Morse in these cases, as now shown 5^ i|)y the records of his office, and theclerk's fees have now been reduced to $3.45 in each case, so that hereafter our business men and the litigants of our county will «nly have to pay $3.45 in place of $5.20 ^heretofore charged. If Mr. Morse has at Jast been convinced that a portion of the fees heretofore charged by him and -others were illegal, it is commendable in V Mm to adopt a new scale oi fees in con- '4h v formlty to the statute without waiting Vlor the circuit court's decision on the i . three cases appealed by him. Dee, 31, J Clary, hauling gravel M May, " •• ....... •' M Freund, " " " J Frisby, " " " B Bell. " «• ...... " J Frisby, " ....... •' B(i -il erman, rep bridge " A Hufl, hauline gravel " Story & McOmber, hardware. " Wilbur Lumber Oo. lumber,.. •' Will Smith, rep bridge.. . ... " J Glossen, " ....... " P Smith, gravel .... " Lay & Adams, hardware .... " 1! Thompson, rep bridge ** C Jecks, road work... •' M Clary,gravel.. 1893 Jan. 29, M J Friend.drawing gravel.. 44 P Weber, rep br dge " J W Crfsty, nails " J Hauperisch, draw lag gravel " A Col'>y, gravel " Mrs Jane Carr, grsvel.... .... " W C Adams, rep bridge Feb. 25, B W»gner, 2 amies " B Shsrbu-ne, stone M P Weber, cutting ice et Johns- burg bridge " X WeLer, rep M'Kerry bridge " P Smith, hauling gravel " J Stock, overseeing work •• C Adams, " •• " S Sherman, haulinggravel ... •* Horftquiat;* Weber, blaeksm'g March28N Senz, cutting ice at Mc>- Henry bridge " JVanSlyke, printing repo.t. " J W Gary, ro<id work " Anton Meyer, gravel " Jas Green, com. fees " O H Granger, clerk's tees,.... *' C Adams, com fees 8 9herman work " Joa Freund, hauling gravel.. " J Stock, com fees O Adams, two per cent (9" The lightest salaries paid in Eng­ land, says a corresponent to tbe Tribune, are either ornamental or clerical. The {•?' Queen's private purse is $300,000 a s |year, while the Prince of Wales manages '"..•to live on #700,000 income. The : Princess of Wales has $50,000 to herself as pin money, an amount though to be Y sufficient for the entire salary of the V; president of the United States. The various members of the royal family reeei ve large annuities, the archbishop of Canterbury receiving $75,000. This may be necessary to the dignity of the great ofilce.yet it does not extend to the other high officials, who would be bankrupt on their salary if they were not very rich or were kept out of office by their opponents long fnough to recuperate. 26 75 : bo 4 00 2 00 166 21 84 36 121 05 15 00 17 92 19 95 84 75 75 0O 71 69 2 SO 30 00 1 50 17 50 3 24 24 53 3 00 4 00 20 50 4 76 1 00 3 00 1 10 25 4 37 3 76 18 .. 4 22 6 .. 7 50 4 .. 3 .. 15 .. 12 .. 24 78 30 .. 36 .. •17 86 6 70 8 .. 18 .. 3 .. 8 60 30 .. 44 81 30 .. 7 25 2 .. 26 60 55 70 March S8, Total amt ree'd fg|95 18 Total amt paid out. 2840 84 Bal on hand |235i 34 STATE OF TLLINOI8, ) County of McHenry, >s« March 28,1803 Town of McHenry, i This certifies that we have this day exam­ ined the accounts and vouchers of Oaitor Adams, Treasurer of theBoard of Commis. sioners of the Town of McHenry, and Bnd the same to be correct and a balance In his hands of road and bridge funas. the sum of two thousand three hundred and fffty four dol­ lars and thirty.four cents (12354 34 ) i1'. K. bEANOEB, Supervisor. B Gilbert, J. p. JAMr.8 KOBUINS, J, P. C. H. Granger, Town Clerk. O. P. Baku as. Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS. May . . . - ^ 'v ^ .> handle grades of Rubber Boots, but we re­ commend THE GENUINE Annual Statement blloatlon, of receipts and ex . *pts and expeedl- of township and (flstrlct funds, bv the Treasurer of Townshl)) No. 45 ua >ko No, 8 east, »cHenry county, 111, d ring the year beginning April 4th, k'92, aau oaUiu£ April 3d, 1693 A'K'OUKT WITH HOIIOOL TRUSTEES. •BORim Cash on hand at beginning of fiscal year (April 4, 1891) belonging to i*rln cipal of Township Fund f 919 84 UeoM from notes paid and from Land 8ales 150 .. Ree'd Interest from Township Fund.. 161 75 lteo'd fr.m County Superintendent... 510 53 Total. .... $1741 82 MeBenry Cointy Circuit Court of McHenry sountr. term, A D 1893, ' William Clark, Mary Galagber and Katie Nealln vs. Mary Clark Ellen O'Hrien. Jennie Alexander, Maggie Knox and James F. Casey Executor of the last will and testament of Michael Clark, deceased, in chancery. Allidavlt of the non-residence of and of tbe unknown residence of Ellen O'Brien, Jennie Alexander and Maggie Knox, defendants above named, having b»en filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the paid non-resident defendants, that the compi&in ants filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof on the 11th day of April, A. L>. 189.'5, and that a summons there upon issued out of said Court against said de. rendants. returnable on t e 22d day of May, A. D. 1893, as is by law required. Now, therefore, unless you the said Ellen O'Brien, Jennie Alexander and Maggie Knox, shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on th# first day ot the next Term thereof, to be hold, en at the Court House, in the City of Wood­ stock in said County, on the 22d day of M:iy, A. [), 189U, and plead answer or demur to th# said complainants' bill of complaint, the sama and the matters and things therein ©hargeii and stated will be taken as confessed, an decree entered against you according to the prayer ot said bill. In testimony whereof I4iave hereunto set my hand and affixed tbe seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock, this llth day of April, A. 0.1893. „ _ _ W. P. Mobsk, Olerk* O. P. Baukr, Complainants' Solicitor. Our experience with them eon- vine© us that'thlffi are the best that ean be bought, IMITATIONS Are but imitation?, and the dif­ ference io cost will not wnrrant tbe purchase oi Imitations. We liave a nice line of RUBBER ' CLOTHING For men aid boys, also for wo­ men and miase*. J. W. CRISTY & SON, 0 MHGWPOD, ILL. BXPIJIDITCBM. Loans and investments of township funds made • 550 .. Distrib'd and put to credit of Districts 567 31 Paid compensation of Treasurer 100 .. Paid ineidon»alsof Trusteesand Treas­ urer 1 21 Paid for publishing annual report 3 70 Cash or. hand at d tie (April 3, 1893), be­ longing to prinoipal of Township fund' ... 519 54 Total .......$1741 82 ACCOUNT WITH SOHOOI* DISTRICTS. BECB1PTS. Balance on hand at beginning of fiscal year (April 4,1892) . (8714 66 Proa. JlsitiS»ttilon of Trustees.... ..... 867 »1 From district taxes from Collector..,. 8(t-r>o 92 F i >m Railroad taxes 438 6i> From back taxes .... 2<>4 •• from tuition fees.. 02 32 From other Treasurers 3o; 6fi Total glance andireceffcts ... ...$7945 20 >XrKRDl'rCBBS. Pd oat on dist orders fbracct dist No 1 $ 729 83 3 8682 88 f*- «* «« . t «« - v M - # *•'•*? ' «« '• v.* ,Jl. «; •.«», /-ski •f/.V •ifi ; ' H\. '-i' ";W". "•£ • ' %r ist 5 HB8 S2 7 »3I» 8 , «10 io iiho a*. 18 27 eo S05t 20 801J Totaie%peod]turds... Cash balance on hand at date (April I MM) •\ -V Total expendituresloai^S aiid bal.f7S45 2ft . I do hereby certify the foregoing report to tie correct, according to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. N. Oweh, Treasurer, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of April, A. D, 1893. Ubnby O. Mbad, Notary Pub lie JOHN HAUPRISWB McsHenryv Ill- Having just put in a new Ironing and Polishing Machine, feho STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work la the Laundry Una on abort notice, and sraarantee satisl action.' StgL. All work le/t wltb me will be promptly done,aa the new machinery put In enables ma to do my work much faster and batter than heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and delivered when done, if word is sent me. JOHN HAUPRISHi Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Dr. Benjamla F, Morton, de­ceased. I he undersigned having been appointed Ad- minitiratrlx of the Estate of Dr. Benjamin F. Norton, deoesssd, late of the Ooun«y of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of MrHenrv, Co., at the Court House in Woodstock, at tbe May Term, on tbe first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to (fee undersigned. Dated this 8U< day of March, A. Dt 1683. Mbs. auoitsta Nobtoit, Admin iBtatftx, • • . ' SALE ?OBTANT NOTICE. v. representatives of the American Fire Underwriters Association have commenced their Annua! balvage Sale of undamaged > , •j' &* •> its? X ... f REMNANT PRY GOODS AND WOOLENS. In McHenry County, llliiioii, 1893. Vnb&l-e there will be offered to Retail Merchants, Farmers and othets, a splendid opportunity to purchasse many lines of choice new goods in remnant (angth& at fifty per cent below resfular wholesale prices. Jtr " .viany new and important features will be introduced to intending purchasers during this4|a|e. The most skeptical investigator will be readily convinced as to the saving this sale offers to pur­ chasers.^ .The price and quality of goods offered will be found more convincing than nespaper advertising; liie volume of business transacted in Lake county, during the past forty days has aggregated a total of forty-seven thousand threo hundred dollars. Below will be found the name and F. O address of some of our customers in Lake county; Robert Dady. J. Burris John Larson . H. B. Browning i Arthur ProinHdve...» ...... Frank Kahling..... Darld Erwlne.... C.J. Neal... ....... Bernard Kerstsn... . ..i Alexander Strong.... William Mbmdaoa. O. A. Hook . |J. N, Cole.. .=..5^ E. Leslie Blram Ferry.... .... eorge Huson.... ... William Gre«nfleld.„,r,.., [Gaorfiie W. Worth Alflerman C. \y. Lutter E, Maynard ;Mrs. Darrow ........ Wte. Potable kin.... H, O, GriflBn.... J. Mullery*••*....• Jauies Blauchard Joeeph /iaycock Lewis Savage |Henry Grimm Jacob VanPatteo .Waukegan WilJUuj McCullougtit >., do * " do : ,.ido . , _ jtlsM#* .Oornee -John Bonner Miibarn ™ do E. W. Butter field...,... .Leigh too M. Dilley » do O. P. Butterllel4. ... • da W. H. Price de Jay Allanson do Oeorge Bartlett.......... Wads worth Prank Proctor i Gray'n Lake James R. Gleasoil.^. do C. J. Rowling... . . „. do Alfred Mead do George L. Droae...# ........ do 'I'hoaiflg Attridge....i..IiVke Forrest Charles Yopp .Ora*s Lake Wm. Steele.... v. _ H enry Vlckermao,,..... Thomas Appletoo....... <7. H. wenbeu....,,s», ,( Ohria Peterson.. -.,... _. W . A t t r i d g e . . . . . . . D. E. Gibb«na . Ar hur McYey...4, do Joseph Yopp......... do do Thomas Darby........Diamond Lake do Harvey Coon........... do do Alexander Fox,............IT®* Loke do H. J, Nelson.... ^ do do George Hook.., do do Hodges & Morrl»OBv.W.i,^' * do do E J. Graham.... do Albert Uouglaa..^^w^take VillaBenry Hoffman....;.^..Lake Blult ' I * " ' P 0 " ? ' * 8 - d o R e u b e n M i l l e r . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . do do Mrs. Mines..........V;..... .. , do do Henry Mayer..r>..,.>£•»..•. .Aptaklsio do ' J. Tbommeson.... .........Bofecrans do C. A. Edwards do do J. A. Hoffman^ . do J. M. Douglas. J. B. Cribb.....^.,.- Albert Hoe....^... E. C, Smith.iisV.. Alfred Richards.... H. P. Miller ... ... Joseph iVilson ..........Xlbertyville Dannie Bros E. J. Phillips J. W. Mullen J. M. Clark J. A. Brand |G. F. Biinastead... August Stotzmao....... ......Antioch Henry Elfring.. ... ..... do John R. Allamon........ do Michael Ganaon........ ,.... .do Lorenzo Titus.. iiTT.Tr. .. . .Wauconda M. Casey ... do Lewis Ritta...-. ... do J; L, Chamberlain ,... do Richard Duddells do Anthony Putnam........ A, Lodeskl ...warronton Grove Chris Kapkey.....rSi,.... George Darby.... Thomas Corkill........ . George Beak Mart Kapple J. L, Hughes .....: ,Guroee James King Albert M. Trotter. John J. Gallagher. James $iurtie. J. P.... W, A. Trotter •. H. Stewart J.....^« do Herman Wheeler....Everett do Mrs. O'Connor do do Peter Dawson do do Edward Kell-y Ru8«211 d o G ® o r g e ̂ h e a . . . T a y l o r * G r o u e do J. Fenlon /....Avon ...Ivanhoe B. Huson... . .Hainsville do George Kellogg ..Spring Bluff do Rufus Kellogg do do George Kirk... do do Henry Paefielfl .Yofo ....Rollins D. Richardson do do B F. Martin...... do do Jacob Savage...... ̂ .^....Hiekery do Austin Savage................. do ...Mllburn H. D. Hughes.^............ Loon Lake . do John Lancaster.... ..9 Boundout do Jeff Lar caster do do J Gallaway................. IHerlleld do C, W. Pettis.... do do J. Todds....,... .'3f. wc.4. do do W Ellis.... % \ .•.• . Highland Park A. J. St. Peter do F. Kruger ......... do. Henry McCanri. do" tJno, Lossman......... do. Fritz Solilicker.. do F. Edlc do Frank Lodeskl..... James A. Bejck^«^._,......,.. do John EcClure. do William McClure do Thomas McClure. do Will S. Price. jlo William McGulre do Space forbids us quoting any more names io this edition. The above are only a few from e&ch locality, but will go to show clearly the extent of the business already done in Lake county, where this sale was first commenced. Intending purchasers will do well so reserve spring order* until they have examined this Sal­ vage stock of Remnants, as many lines are being closed out regardless of value. The celebrated Chicago C utter, Mr. D. W. Scott, representing the Co-operative Tailoring Company, 182 East Madison btree«, Chicago, will personally superintend the Tailoring depart­ ment of this sale and will be located on the seconJ floor of T J. Dacy's hlock during this sale. All suitings purchased during this "ale will ba cut to measure by Mr. Scott personally, free of charge, or will be mvie up and trimmed, equil to City Merchant Ta loring work, at Eight Dollars per suit, about one half the regular city price, This is one of the many important fea­ tures of this sale and well worthy of close investigation. As this sale will continue for only a limited period, early and liberal purchases respectfully requested. Liberal terms of credit to Freeholders. 19* Keep this Paper on file until salesman calls upon you. - J. McROBERTS, Sup't. Read, il Profit lif lour Mil When you are spending y^our good round dollars for anything in the MAKTOWAIIM Line it may interest you to know that 1 can save you a good per cent on your purchases. If y^u contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVE This spring, come and see what we have to ntow. ME TOUR OLD YAPOR STOVES CLEARED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them again. It will pay you. If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anyihing belonging to the Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices. Yours Respectfully, *F. L. McOMB'ER West McHenry, 111. yjBiMMSVSmttmm v/ .u*~~ All Competitors Acknowledge It as the Standard. For Sale by all the Leading Merchants in town, and at Tbe Roller Mills. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. Washburn's best $1.10. A choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Trj a sack of any of the graces mentioned here, and if you db not obtain the best results your money will be cheerfully refunded. Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the rest. Bran and Middlings for Sale. It makes more Bread. It makes better Bread. It makes whiter Bread Than any other Flour. 41 *k It is a feet that there is a wide difference in tbe quality of Farm Machinery. Some manufacturers aim only at CHEAPNESS. Others aim to produce a first class durable Implement as cheap as such can be built; Those who have followed the latter course have built up a trade extending all over the world. We carry a full line of tir&t class goods in ' CULTIVATORS, PULVERIZERS, Drags. Buckeye and Oorham Seeders. SU-UKIS-ST and G AXi I»I_OWSS, AND THE CELEBRATED NORWEGIAN PLOW. BUGGIES. WAGONS, CARTS, Of the best makes, and at prices to suit the times. A full line of HARNESS, both single and double, Which we invite all to call and examine, as we are confident that in quality and price we aan discount anything ia this line on the market. , PUMFS --A ful1 Hue of Pumps, botb wood «and iron, always on " hand. Pump Repairing promptly attended to. Call and see us when in want of anything in line, as we are confident we can save you money. WM. Successor to E, M, Owen & Son* McHenry* April, 1893. JOHN EVANSON & CO. HAVE COOD THINCS TO EAT, GJV® M#*VR TMWES TO fm- Jackets, -- Wraps, -- Clothing, Shoes, - Hats. THE STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE. It Would Please Us to Show Ton Qor Sprint M5rctdDiiff. SPECIAL DRESS GOODS SALE Saturday and Monday, April 8 and 10. | % New Styles of Wall Paper, 5 j We bid you welcome, JOHN EVANSON & CO.

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