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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1893, p. 5

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Jf^grarf ^IpbiMler. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1893. TAKING effect on aunrt»y, MOT, 6th, •liii (Kiss ihis niiiiivB fta fOilOWB • OOINO IOBIH. 1891, * Williams Bay Freight passea.. •Lake Geneva Passenger «» .. SLake Geneva Passenger M ..." •Lake Geneva Express . .. * Lake Geneva Passenger - ... QOIXQ socxp. IPasaenper Depart •Lake Geneva hxpraaa 1 •Williams Bay Freight «* *Lak« Geneva Passenger M EXPLANATION. Daily except 3un~Ukj-. 9:56 A.M. 9:66 • #;» P. M, 4:80 • 6:61 • i....7-S3 A.M. •....8:28 «' .. .3:26 P M. Dalll i. BUM, Agent. McHenry, 111 VILLAGE ELECTION on Tuesday next, April 18tb. > NEABLV every vacant house In tills vil- ijNs® has been rented the past week. jp E. H. THOMPSON was elected Township ^ School Trustee, at an election Md on Saturday last. ,» OHN HEIMER is building an addition to bis building, 16x36, two stories, in order to make more room for his family. NICK SCHAEFEB successfully raised the frame for his new bam, on the Colby m, on Monday. THERE will be a Township fftttiday School Convention in McHenry, April 23d. Particulars next week. NEW advertisements can be foand this week for John Haupricb, the Fire Insu­ rance Sale and C. P. Barnes, Legal not ice. CHICK PERKINS' Comedy Comedy will commence a week's engagement, at Riverside Hall, in this village. Monday, April 24th. THE Annual statement oI the Town, ship School Treasurer, for the Town of McHenry, can be found in another place in this paper. WE have received a new advertisement for A. P. Baer, too late for this week, but which will appear in our next. In the meantime call and see the bargains he is offering. THE ladies of the Willing Workers So­ ciety connected with the Universalis^ Church will meet with Mrs. H. E. Wight- man on Thursday afternoon of this week. . Mus. O. N. OWEN, Secretary. COMPLAINT has been made to the Com­ missioners of parties who have been dumping rubbish in the highway on tbe east side of the rivfcr. It is certainly wrong and a stop should be put to such practices. WE Twere shown a tew days since, an /Ovarian Tumor, removed from the per- hSon o' Miss Mary Boeing, of Yolo, which weighed about 40 pounds. It was suc­ cessfully removed about two week ago, And she is now convalescing rapidly. Miss Rosing was a patient of Dr. Fegers, of this village. IT is stated that binding twine has ad­ vanced one cent a pound and there may be a further advance of three or four cents. Farmers will not read this news with exceeding good humor. The ad­ vance is caused, it ia said, by the cholera scare which closes out the fiber from Yucatan and Mexico, where it is grown. WHEN the county newspapers find foreigners invading the fieldt of home merchandise and selling them to the termers, they arise and whack the in­ truder and advise the farmer to buy his goods of the home merchants. And when foreign printing houses Bend their representatives among the merchants and business men, many of these same business men give their printing and get inferior work. HERE is a problem in arithmetic for the boys and girls: "Two hunters up north killed a deer and were anxious to . know its weight. £)ne of them weighed 120 and the other 190 pounds. They put a rail across a fence and so adjusted it that they just balanced. They then changed ends and the 120 pound man took the deer in his arms and the rail just balanced again. How much did the deer weigh?" A STATEMENT that admission fees will be charged for entering each one of the World's Fair buildings is a new lie in­ vented by eastern newspapers to injure the exposition. It may be said that the admission fee of 50 cents at the gate will entitle the visitor to enter every build­ ing in Jackson park except the private side shows on the Midway Plaisance. But of these latter there are a multitude. It is said that it will cost just $35 to see all the side shows, but of course very few will have time to see all of them. I CHICKS COMEDY COMPANY, one of the /finest traveling troupes in the West, will I commence an engagement at Riverside 1 Hall, in this village, Monday evening, \ April 24th, .and continue each evening \during the week. They have a stronger company than when here two and a half years ago, and will bring out some of the finest Comedies written. Lovers of tbe Play should bear this in mind and re- " member the date of opening, April 24th. Look out for the Posters and Programs, which will be put out next week. THIS is the all-round style of dun print' ed by the Carey (Ohio) Times. It is a pretty good ticket and any paper can vote it straight: All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to this office are requested to call and settle. All those indebted to this office and not knowing it are requested to call and find out. All those knowing themselves to be indebted and not wishing to call are re­ quested to stay in one place long enough for us to catch them. All those not in­ debted are requested to call mA become indebted. maovAi Mtss AGNES MCNROE, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. • CHAS. NORDQCBT, of Chicago, was out here over Sunday. 0. MCOMBKR and wife spent Sunday with friends in Elgin. C. E. LAMPHEKE was a Wauconda vif- itor Sunday. JOHN WEIGHT, of Park Side, Chicago, was calling on old friends here Sunday J GEO. ROTHEBMBL is nursing a lame Iftnd this week. A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, spent a few days hunting here last week. / COUNTY TREASURER PERBY, of Wood­ stock, was on our streets on Monday. SHERM CHAPELL, oi Algonquin, was calling on friends here on Saturday. MRS. M. W. MARVIN, of Waukegan, is the guest of Jerry Smith and wife this week. MISS KATE BICKLEB went to Elgin on Monday, where she will igork this sum­ mer. DR. W. W. COOK, of Wpodstock, was attending to professional duties here the first of the week. H. B. BEGUN, editor, of til* Hebron Tribune, made US a fraternal call on Friday last. » MRS. MARY KEARNS, who has been vis­ iting here the past t.wu weeks, returned to her home in Chicago on Monday. PROP. HUNTINGTON, Principal Of our Public School, has gone to Indiana, this week, his health being such that be was unable to teach school. THE Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. E. W. Owen, on Thursday evening April 13tb, at 8 o'clock. Let there be a large attendance. Miss JULIA A. STOAT, President, Miss AMY O. OWEN, Secretary . Tnos. KEARNS is again around with his Automatic Cistern and Well Cleaner, and is doing a good business, as all who have had their Cisterns Cleaned with this mac'iit e are willing to recommend it to others. It cleans all sediment, cleanscs and purifies without removing the water. Consequently you can, have your Cis­ tern cleaned even if it is full of water, and the work is done thoroughly. If your Cistern needs cleaning do not fail to eive him the job when he calls round.-- He will also visit Richmond and other towns in tho county, and we take pleasure in recommending his machine to all.. THE Lake Geneva Herald has the fol­ lowing : Dr. S. Fillmore Bennett haB been appointed to a fine medical position in the Soldier' Home at Milwaukee and will move there soon. His friends and admirers in this section congratulate him. The above is news to the Doctors many friends in this section, and while they will regret to have him remove from the county, they will, however, congratulate him on his good fortune. Dr. S. F. Ben­ nett is a man of marked ability in his profession, a writer who has few equals and no superiors, either in prose or poetry ."and like the immortal "Sweet By- and-By,M of which he is the author, his name will go down to posterity honored and respected by all who know him. As a personal friend aud great admirer of the Doctor we are glad to know that he has secured a position that will en­ able him in his declining years to forego tbe hardships attending the life of a country Physician, and we know he will give eminent satisfaction in the position to which he has been called. OCEAN TICKET8 At lowest rates to and from any part of Europe for the well known WHITE STAR AND NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Steamship Companies. Can book pas­ sengers through on railroad to any point and issue tickets for steerage or cabin. MONEY SENT to all parts of Europe at small cost. ' SIMON STOFFEL, Agent. West McHenry, IU. 11 " " IW'jJk i «.-•»*> -I*. A* - Embassador and Minister. We do not see the need of giving the title of "embassador" to any of our min­ isters to foreign countries. They can all do their business, in obediance to orders, under the title of minister as well as un­ der any other title. There is less fustian in the politics and diplomacy of our times than there was in the times of our respected progenitors. Truly embassa­ dor to the court of St. James has a high­ er sound than minister to England, but it is less descriptive. An embassador, ac­ cording to modern usage, is the personal representative of his sovereign at the court of another sovereign. Our minis­ ter to England has no business dealings with the sovereign or at court; his proper business is at the foreign office. Guess it is likely that the title of minister will serve all useful purposes, and it is orna­ mental enough. Besides, an embassa­ dor would want to get a bigger salary than a minister gets. That is a serious thought for us.--New York Sun. Death of s Noted Bohemian Oats Han. Jay M. Orcutt, the widely known Mich­ igan Bohemian oats schemer, is dead. Orcutt operated in the Country from 1883 to 1885. The scheme was to sell 50 bush­ els of seed oats to 15 farmers in each township at $10 a bushel, taking one year 7 per cent notes in payment, the sellers bonding themselves to sell double that quantity from their crops at the same figures, keeping 25 per cent. It is estimated that the Bohemian oat scheme netted $100,000 profit, Orcutt's share be­ ing about $25,000. He was extravagant and spent his money as fast as received. --Chicago Inter Ocean. \\ A Bard Winter For Adirondack Deer. Those who have recently visited the Adirondacks say the past winter has been; a severe one for deer, owing to the heavy fall« of snow, and that many have died in consequence. A gentleman who came, from Harrisville on the railroad says he saw a large buck lying exhausted in the deep snow beside the railroad track. Deer are reported as in very poor flesh. --Utica Herald and G-azette. I have just received a lot of the cele­ brated Columbus Buggies, which are pro­ nounced the best Buggies on the market. Call ami see them. WM. BACON, Successor to E. M. Owen A Son. THE model of "The MacKaye Specta- torium," which the Columbian Celebra­ tion company recently completed at Chicago and from which the equipment of the grand production is to be prepar­ ed, was recently shown to the Chicago newspaper critics. These men who, by training and inclination, -are prone to look at things with a cold, cynical eye of criticism, went into raptures over the workiog of this little model where nothing hut mere mechanical and light­ ing effects were shown. In ft report of what took place Mr. T, W. Hall, the Dramatic Editor of the'ChMhgo Post, used the following language:--"Enthusi­ astic applause from the little company greeted every scene and every remark­ able manipulation of tbe lights and, at the conclusion, there were those present who predicted that the Spcctatorium would rival the fair itself.--It is safe to say that it will attract more attention here, during the Fair, than did the Eiffel Tower in Paris. No description can carry any idea of the model and what will the great complete whole be. Mr. MacKaye was showered with congratula­ tions and voted a wonder and there was not a dissenting voice." The opinion thus given expression by Mr. Hall, who has the reputation of being one of the most just and service critics4* of Chicago, is the simple voicing of the general opinion of those who have seen the model. One may be able to obtain an imperfect conception of what the grand production of the Spectatoric, "The Wor'd Finder," Will be when the mere mechanical movements of a little model- constructed on a scale of one foot to 24 foot--can so stir professional critics, who are trained to find all the imperfections and flaws that can be found. Even in this model, it is said, that it was im­ possible to attempt the more delicate and astonis ng features which will mark the grand production. Taking this model on a basis, and in­ creasing it 24 times, one can readily imagine that the sccnic environ meats and mechanical movements will b© some­ what astonishing; to this add tbe en­ viron ment of the best and noblest music of the great masters; fill the stage with trained people able to perform their various rolls in the great Spectatnrio; give the action of the peace its suitable and appropriate nobility of dialogue and you have a complete, composite whole which must far transcend the mod­ el that so stirred and aroused those privileged to see it. It rather taxes tbe imagination to conceive the vastness of some of the features and figures which the Chicago newf paper men gave in connection with this enterprise. They told of machinery so powerful and rapid that it would mobilize COO tons, through a space of 500 feet, in forty seconds; of intricate and amazing electrical effects by which could be presented every phase of the of the tropical day and night, which could present with equal ease and fidelity to nature the first blush of the morning; could follow the traveling orb of day through its course from morn 'till mid­ day and from noon to midnight; could sucessfully present all tbe phases of the moon and stars; could give the murky,' hazy light of the approaching storm and fill the heavens with the thunderbolts of the great Jove and could, from all this, bring forth the rainbow of Divine Prom­ ise almost as pfrfecnly as Nature her­ self. Yet all these things are possible say the Chicago newspaper men who seen the model. CHICAGO. III., MARCH, 1893. DEAR SIR,--We have a few choice rooms to rent in our private house, dur­ ing the Fair. Situated on Sheridan Ave., the best resident street in Woodlawn Park; centrally located as to the World's Fair, two blocks from I. C, R. R , one half block from Electric Line and only five blocks from the Fair Grounds. The house is equipped with 'all modern im­ provements, and we offer you these rooms (without meals) at a very low rate for such accommodations. Cham­ bers two in a room $2 per day. Front parlor with folding bed $4, and rear parlor $3. Children between 5 and 12 in room with parents half price. Where more than two occupy a room $1 per day will be charged for extra person. We will arrange rooms at your sugges­ tion. Having °such a limited number, we would advise you to correspond with us at your earliest convenience if desiring rooms. Reference, American Exchange National Bank of Chicago; Dearborn and Jackson Sts., and Knight & Brown, Attorney's, 89 Washington St., Chicago. For further particulars address, W. H. Ford, 6&21 Sheridan Ave., Chicago. Sentence of a German Usurer. The judge of the Dettmold court of justice had before him the other day the case of Moses Lipper of Blomberg on a charge of usury. Lipper had in one case for the use of 200 marks charged the borrower 12 marks interest, and for a further indulgence of three months 20 marks. In another case Lipper, for a loan of 1,500 marks, had charged 945 marks for interest. A cow which Moses Lipper had sold for 180 marks, but which turned out to be an indifferent animal, was bought back for 100 marks. This cow proved a profitable investment for Lip­ per. The animal changed hands again, and for payment a bill was tendered and accepted. For, prolonging this bill five days a sum of 650 marks was charged, and for 25 days longer the sum of 7G0 marks was deemed necessary for the1 con­ venience. In another casQ Lipper had, according to the statement of his son, turned a bill of 10 thalers, by the addition of a cipher, into 100 thalers, and 'again another bill was transformed from 100 thalers into a debt of 1,000 thalers. The judge sen­ tenced the defendant to one year's im­ prisonment, 3,000 marks fine and two years' loss of "civil rights."--Saale Zei- tung. • MILLINERY. Mrs. J. H. Spaulding and Daughter, now have a full stock of Spring Millinery, to which they wish to invite the atten- ! tion of the ladies of McHenry and ! vicinity* Please call and we will be ' phased to show our goods. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING & DAUGHTER. ALOOMttUIN. W. H. Ogbin had his residence on Main street moved to the back street, prepara tory to building a ftae<aew residence on the bid site. The progressive enchre club held their laat meeting of the season on Friday evening last, at the home of (J. E. Chapell and wife, when a fine supper was given by the ladies of that club, which was heartily enjoyed. C, E. Chapell won the head prize for the genta, and Mrs. John Helm for the ladies, while H. Phillips and Mrs. J. M. Edsall won the booby prizes. Sherm Chapell, of Chicago, visited here with his parents a part of last week. S. S. Chapell came out from Chicago and spent a few days of last week here. Harry Morton, of Elgin, was a caller in town on Sunday last. Miss Effie Jaynes, of Elgin, was a caller on friends here on Sunday. Miss Cora Jaynes waB a Chicago visitor last week. Miss Alice 3>nith, of McHenry, was the guest of Miss Jennie Chapell last week. Andrew McKay, of Chicago, was a vis­ itor in Algonquin on Monday. The Chueing brothers and wives are boarding at Robert Kee's. A. Doig received a carload of wheat on Monday of this week and he will soon be making flour. Henry Keyes and Frank Adamek went to Woodstock on Monday to qualify for their officcs. Henry Keyes as J ustice of the Peace and Frank Adamek as Consta­ ble. - C. E. Chapell received a carload of milch cows on Monday and is billed for an auction for Wednesday, April 12i The carpenters commenced on H. A. Benthusen's new house on Monday. D. W. Thomas returned home on Sun­ day last from Iowa, where he has been for the past week making some improve­ ments on his farm. Mrs. C. C. Chunn visited with friends at Elgin on Sunday. All those wanting* carpets would do well to call at John Johnston's furniture store and examine his fine exhibition of samples, of the very latest styles, and at prices to suit all. He extends a cordial invitation to all to call and inspect his samples whether they want to buy now or not. fie is alweya ready to show his goodi. JOHN WRIGHT A former resident here, who now resides at Parkside, Chicago, will have three fur­ nished rooms to rent during the World's Fair, which he will rent by the day or week, at reasonable rates. These rooms are pleasantly situated, but four blocks from the Fair Grounds., and handy to down town connections. We shall not charge exhorbitant rates, but simple compensation for accommodations fur­ nished, Any one wanting such rooms will do well to engage them at once. Call on or address, JOHN WRIGHT, 40m3 Parkside, 111. REGISTERED STALLION FOR SALE. Registered as "Colby's Swigert," No. 10641, Is one of the best sons of old Swigert, 650. Colby's Swigart is well known throughout Lake County, where he can show some very fine stock. Also have some fine stek in McHenry County. Will be sold VERY CHEA P if called for soon. Apply to Frank Cole, Spring Grove, III. 39--1 month. RINGWOOD nursery. Have a good line in Decideous Ever­ green, and hardy Fruit trees, Small Fruits, hardy Shrubs etc. Special prices on Fruit and Evergreens for wind-breaks Come and see me or send list of wants for prices.^ With first class stock and honest prices, will try and please you all. Address J. Y. Buckland, Ringwood III. 39--6w ONLY 25 CENTS.? Choice Selections of books bound in cloth, for 25 cents each. Call anif ex­ amine the assortment. LOOK out for bargains in Sewing Machines, Old Machines taken in part payment. Wood also. E. LAWLUS, in fron t Riverside House. CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. ^New Carpets of the latest designs and in good variety at way down prices. Over 150 styles of Wall Paper. New Hats in latest styles. Warranted and stylish Footwear. Always at Simon Stoffel's. _ "There is a salve for every wound." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Ha*el Salve, cures burns, bruses. cuts, indolent sores, as a local application in the nostrils it cures catarrah, and always cures piles. Julia A. Story. Spring Jackets and Capes. In all sizes, colored and black. Prices low, styles correct and variety large, at Simon Stoffel's, WAN TED 1 Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and orna­ mentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay 'commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAT BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. THE STAFF OF LIFE. Is bread, and good bread can only be made from Chick's Celebrated Rockford Flour, which we have handled by the car for years, and fully warrant every sack to be superior to all others for any money. And free delivery to any part ot the town. Honest Abe only 90 cents Rival " 90 " New Process " 95 " Half Patent " $ 1.10 Roller Straight 1.10 Chick's Best 1.15 Chick's Ultimatum 1.15 The carjust received is superior to any had for some time, and a trial order is earnestly desired. Ever yours. SIMON STOPFEL. For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamma­ tory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month I was attacked in the knee and suffered several days, when I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instantly. I there­ fore most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similarly affected every­ where.--R. D. WHITLEY; Martindale, N. C., Feb. 1888. Mr. Whitlev is a vei^ prominent man in this place and his dis­ ease was very widley known as he suf­ fered such severe pain. W. M. HOUSTON & Co., Merchants, Martindale, N. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by. G. W. Besley, West McHenry. 1. A. Bar­ ms, Volo, L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. SEEDS. We offer 65 bushels of choice clean Timothy seed for sale at low prices. The seed is from the well known farmers, W. and S. Covell. SIMON STOFFEL. Just received a full stock of Rockford I Watches. Call and see them. JOHN P. SMITH. Nan da Department. T~ • "" ' Rather cold weather. ^ t r V Winter still lingers. - * Egg are 13 cents per dosen. A good many people in town Saturday. Miss Eva Miller spent last week with friends in Chicago. C. P. Bftrnes, of Woodstock, was a Nunda visitor last Saturday. John Brown has his new building enclosed. Charley Vermilya and wife, of Barring ton, visited in this city Saturday last, D. C. Mailoiy, who has been sick for some weeks, is much better Palmer's new delivery wagon Is a daisy. You ought to see it. Mrs. Simpson has opened a Millinery business in Osmun's store. Hon. Geo, W. Eldredge, of Richmond, was in Nunda Monday. John Shales, of Elgin, spent Sunday with his parents, iu iui» village. It is said we are to lose our townsrtea, C. Henry, who will move to Elgin soon Butter sold for 28 cents on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday. Mrs. O. L. Andruss has moved into her house on Brink street recently occu­ pied by H. O. Mason. Arthur Severns has moved- into Mrs. Andruss' house at the corner of Minnie and Brink streets. Z. H. Osmun is progressing quite rapid­ ly with his new building, having the foundation wall well toward completion. At the meeting of the city council Friday night, April 7th, the report showed nearly $2000jn the treasury. Those having property to insure, would do well to insure with companies having local agencies. Any one wishing to purchase a nice new place, would do well to call at the office of W. P. St. Clair, Nunda. ^ John Brown, the traveling grocery man, started on his summers travels last Monday morning. Henry Schutt will move his stock of Boots and Shoes into the store recently vacated by T. 11. Rowlands, on Main Street. Miss Mary St. Clair returned Monday evening, after an absence of eight weeks at Hyde Park. Miss Flora Waters took charge of Miss Nellie Warner's school, imi; Kidtp'tield, Monday. Miss Warner has been sick for Home diys. In mentioning the accident that oc­ curred at Cary last week, the name was given wrong. It should have beenDroud instead of Goudy. The election held in the town of Nunda last Saturday, April 8th, for town Trustee, resulted in the election of Geo. Harris, by a fair majority. M. A. Foote, of Irving Park, and F Walter, of Hyde Park, passed through this city Saturday evening on their way to Richmond. David Thompson, of Chicago, who at one time was located here, as car repair­ er, in the employ of the C. & N. W. R. R., was a Nunda visitor last Sunday. Meedames Ilowlnnds & St. Clair gave their grand Millinery Opening Saturday April 8th. Many ladies in and out of town availed themselves of the opportu­ nity to examine their fine stock. We reported last week the burning of Mr. West's farm house and barn near Cary. This was in part a mistake, the house did not burn, 'but the barn with the entire contents, except the live stock, was consumed. The Chautaqua Hrcle met with Mrs. Frank Smith on Friday evening of last week. It was a most delightful treat for all present, as Mrs. Frank Patterson, of Chicago, was present and gave interest­ ing recitals of her sojourn in the old world. T. H. Rowlands the Druggist, has moved all of his stock from his old stand on the north side to the store one door south of D. L. Barney & Co's., Hard­ ware, formerly occupied by Dr. Lowell, whose stock Mr. Rowland's recently purchased. A very serious accident occurred last Saturday, at Cary. A son of Dan Granger, about 15 years of age, was standing on the pilot of an engine that was switching, his foot slipped off and caught his leg under the pilot, breaking it in two places. Rail road employees should not allow boys to jump on trains when they have no business there. Several milk dealers from Chicago visited Crystal Lake, and vicinity Satur­ day last, and arranged for their supply of milk for the summer. A number of the best dairys were bought at an aver­ age of about 90 cents per can. Crystal Lake is a heavy milk shipping point, and has the reputation of making the best milk shipped to Chicago. Fred Westfall, a farmer living about three miles west of Crystal Lake, on the Marengo road, had the roof of his barn taken off by the windstorm last Thurs­ day night, April 6th. Mr. Westfall notifi­ ed the Insurance Company, (the Forrest City of Rockford,) Friday morning by Telegraph, he received a reply Saturday morning by mail that their adjustor would visit him within ten days or two weeks, which was not as satisfactory to him as it would have been to have learned that they would adjust the mat­ ter at once. If you need a Jacket or wrap for spring you will find Evanson's assortment very complete and prices absolutely correct. A little ill, then a little pill. The ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the pills that cures great ills. Julia A. Story. Do you lack faith and love health ? Let us establish your faith and restore your health with DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. Julia A. Story. CHOICE POTATOES. For table use, or planting. SIMON STOFFEL. BRING along your Key Wind Watches and get them put in good running order for 50 cents. JOHN P. SMITH, the Jeweler, A BEAUTIFUL STORY. Miss Julia A. Story has secured a few more copies of this elegant book, which she is now selling for only $2.25. - This is a rare opportunity as the book is bound in Russia leather and is beauti fully illustrated, having formerly been sold at f 5. Come and get ons era it ia too late. ______ PASTURAGE. We will pasture a limited number of Cows and Horses on the E. M. Owen Farm in this village. Apply to G. W. Owen or O. N. Owen, at the Bank of Mc­ Henry. _______ Happy and content is a home with "The Ro­ chester," a lamp with the light of themorning. Catalogues,write Rochester LampCo^NewYork. HORSES FOR SALE. One span five year old horses for sale. Weight, 2300 pounds. Color, brown. P. J. CLARY. Two miles south McHenry. Business Notices. The most complete assortment of Men's Bhirts can ba found at Evanson's. From a 50 cent cotton to a 4.50 silk •hirt. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can ftx dates for you at this office. Timothy, Clover, White Russian, Barley, Seed Oats, Seed Corn, Garden Seeds, Lawn and Orchard Grasses, alwavs at Simon Stoffel's. ran - v SEES It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that perforins a cure is the best. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure, and are the best. Julia A. Story. We will offer you every inducement to trade with us as we are in position to increase our trade and are bound to do it if honest methods will do it. J. W. CRISTR & SON., Ringwood. Don't look to us for cut throat baits, but buy them, and them only where you iwe positive you find them, and come to us for fair honest dealing. J. W. CRISTY & SON., Ringwood. 1893 is to be our banner year. Can't pouhelpusto make it so? We have some Winter goods that you can buy of us cheaper than you ever thought of. J. W. CKISTY Sc. SON., Ringwood. The breaking up of the winter is the Bignal for the breaking up of the system. Nature is opening up the pores and throwing off refuse. DeWitt's Sarsaparil­ la is of unquestionable assistance inthene operation. Julia A. Story. Bad complexion indicates an unhealthy state of the system. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pills that will correct this condition. They act on the liver, they act on the stomach, they act on bowels. Julia 4. Story. BOOKS 1 BOOK&i Only 5 cents. Good standard wOrks for sale at J. A. Story's, for 5 cents a book Among them will be found works by Dickens, Collins, Mrs. Henry Wood, George Eliot and many others. 200 NEW, STYLISH, Well made and cheap suits of Clothes for Men, Boys and Children juBt received All sizes and at prices to suit ail. Odd silk mixed pants, Spring overcoats. Call on Simon Stoffel. Cemetery Work, Nick Winkles is now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, raised, sodded and putin first class shape at reasonable rates. Residence a few rods north of Cemetery. GENTS. Call In and see the sa mple Clothes from the Royal Tailors of Chicago, first class in every respect. Good goods, lowest prices. A fit warranted or no sale. Ed Lawlus, in front of Riverside Hotel, Mc Henry, 111. WANTED. To rent for a term of yeara, or to buy if suited, a good house and barn in Cen- terviile, in the village of McHenry, not to be occupied until January or Febru­ ary, 1894. Apply at this office. 38w2 Piles of people have piles, but DeWitt's Witch Hmel Salve will cure them. Julia A. Story. FOR SALE, My house and seven acres of land, sit­ uated near the corporation line, in the Village of McHenry. Good house, a small barn, good well of water, and a de­ sirable location. For further particu­ lars inquire on the premises. NICK WINKELS. McHenry, Jan. 2,1893. 26m3. The most intelligent people of our community recognize in DeWitt's Little Early Risers pills of unequaled merit for dyspepsia, headache and constipation. Very small, perfect in action. Julia A. Story. FOR SALE OR RENT. A {pod house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also house containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms. Can l>e used for dwelling or shop. Pos- sessioB given at once. Apply to WE8UY LADD. Ringwood, "Oct. 17,1892. The promptness and cetainty of its course have made Chambeiiaitr'e Cough Remedy famous. It is intended especi­ ally for coughs colds, croup and whoop­ ing cough, and is the most effectual remedy known for these diseases. 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I. A. Bar- rus, Yolo, L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. DON'T BE A CLAM. Give praise to the town you live in an<l also to the paper you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you buy. Men's Cassimere suits only $4 50 Men's pants f 1 25 to 5 00 Gents nobby check suits.... 6 00 to 8 00 Fine dress shirts 50 to 1 25. Boys suits 100 to 4 00 Knee pants 20 to 1 00 Boys % wool waists 25 Boys school shoes 1 35 Mens shoes .\ 1 00 to 3 00 Lots of new goods every week at Bed Rock Prices. En. LAWLUS. In front of the Riverside Hotel. For years the editor of the Burlington Junction (Mo) Post has been subject to cramp colic or fits of indigestion, which prostrated him for several hours and un­ fitted him for business for two or three days. For the past year he has been us»- ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whenever occasion re­ quired, and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. L. A. Bar­ ms, Yolo. L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. INVITATIONS! If you desire to send any call at J. A. Story's and get some of the beautiful in­ vitation cards. Latest styles and de­ signs. OWES i MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes,Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's Contains No Ammoniat No Alum, Or any other Adulterant. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Baking; Powder. Its Purity Hu never been Questioned. Tbe vpfmrtunlty to secure MiicNiifitlp goods in great variety and quantity. Is advance. SEB our elegant designs In high art Wall Paper. ^ ^ 8SSE'® Iwsntffto terns, ceilings aid bordsrs to match. In white and floe gilts. SEE the Dumber of large orders already selected and laid away for house cleaning time, and SEE that you come early ai.d get your choice of the best patterns. Our stock la tbe large** we have ever shown. SEE. that you get your Wall Paper at tbe right price. We can make yon some very low figures. All papers trimmed free. 'J-.r-'Xe .<•£ AO .Yeara the Standi I .aaTMIV -'SSL*** SEE those uncommonly pretty curtains, in any shade you may desire. In fine decoratcd good# and fringed ends. We juat received over 55 dos­ en. which are now on Bale and pro­ nounced the finest in town. All prices, from the cbeipest to the best. See our new Carpets, only Just opened up. They sre beauties; li^ralu with Brursel ejRects. See some of tbe pretty Ginghams we have been getting in for children's wear tn fine checks and plaids. Some­ thing finer than you are used to seeing, all warranted fast colors. You have been unable to get them before, See the s(ock of Laces we sre car- ryln^ln Irish points, in cream and white. a!l widths. Also sev«tai widths la black lace, all silk. , ^ See our extra attractive stock in black and colored Henriettas, Serges and spring suiting*. We have put ia a fine line of the new production of waBh 6ulling8, in very stylish patterns. Call and see them, See what a life gents' ilats and fine Neckwear, in~the new spring styles We give you a Ticket to the World's Fair with a fine stlfi Hat. You can get no such otter f rom any other firm, and the hats are the latest. % SEE the newest things lo ladles' fine Shoes. We have a full line of elegant square toes, tipped, the latest fad, and " red and russet Misses' fine Stioes. They are such as you will find at Marshall Fltld's, bought of tbe same firm, but * our prices are way below theirs. Come where you can get the correct styles at correct prices. ^ * u : if;. <v • M .J SEE what fine suits we are carrying In young men's square cut sacks, ana- boys black confirmation and knee pant suits. We can open your eyes oa clothing. SEE how bad yeur house Is looking on the outside, Call and get our prices on the best mixed paints in tbe world. Leads, oils brushes, or anything in the paint line. . „ SEE what a Grocery business we "are' doing. Gur goods in this line are al­ ways fresh, aud our reputation on good cofleee and teas is widely known. We want you to know that we ire la the canned goods business 6omewbat too, / as we bought our next summer's stock lass fall when everything is the line could be bought at 60 per cent less price than now. Our prices In canned goods will be the bottom.- We handle all the delicacies in the fancy grooery line. The best olives and imported pickles, chocolates, cocoas of five diff­ erent manufactures, pudelne, pie pre* paration, mice® meat, preserves, jams, jellies, oatmeal, crushed barley, break­ fast food, farina, sago tapioca, vanni*: • ceili, macaroni, &c. ' tV"raS- Trade with a reliable hooae* Perry & Owen, General Merchant*, MoHENBY, ILL. -•*! "Uplgjjlli i 'nHjifc; Bait of 11 PERRY * OWIN. Banker* MoHKMtlfi NLUNOIS. This Bank receives ̂ depotits. 6s«l and sells Ibreign and Domestic A* change.: does a General Biatim We endeavor to. do ait t&tMfcteM #»- trusted to our care in a manner ap «tpon te.Tns entirety satisfactory Co MP customers and respectfiUQf aoN«M|lfti public patronage, MONEY TO LOAN; On Heal Estate and other Mr*< security. Special atts*ihM§t*mt*e9§ lections* HVfeTJRASfOK J* Mrst Class lOomp* > «t Lotemt Maim. Tmre •S,2£;i J... .J*. J*, ' : „ * - ^ . s. .i , A. :•:> •. 'ivJU:

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