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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1893, p. 7

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> MI<W ae*rlyever**t<Kly to parity the _ blood, cleanse the sjratemof the winter's ao- *|eaaial*tion of impurities, and pat the whale 'body In good condition for the summer. Booh ' ulTMB&i satisfaction ha« Hood's Sarsaparilla given lor this purpose that it is the most rae- Soeasful and most popular Spring- Medicine. ;If you feel weak aud tired. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1' Juet what you need to r»ito?e your strength andmake you feel perfectly well. - ' • • • • - - -.y* . >r^T" !,« The following: is from Hon, Wm. S. Warner, a gentleman highly eeteained by all who know hiai: "I can truly say that I consider Hood's Sar­ saparilla the best medicintf for pnrifyins the , blood. It did me good when physicians and other medicines failed. It has increased my Hood s p»ma Guros appetite and seemed to renew my youth. This Is absolutely true." W. S. WABNEB, Fond du Lac, Wis. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious­ ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. i! Pimples Blotches Scrofula are all caused by Impure Blood Be warned ! Nature must be ss> sisted to throw off the poisons. For this purpose nothing can equal Nature's own assistant KICKAPOO INDIAN SAGWA A pure Vegetable Compound of Herbs, Barks, and Roots. Contains no acids or mineral poisons. It I* as reliable as the Bank of England. All that la claimed for it, it will do. $1.00 a tattle. AU druggists. HKALY & BIGBLOW, 531 Grand Ave., New Havea, Conn. VISITORS TO TBI PAIR. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THEIR COMFORT IN OHICAGO. fit* Railway Depots Where Thousands of Strangers from All Parts of the World Will Arrlvp--Some Information M to ® «• . SSi/' In the World's Fair City. " itjP^hM^eomspotkdeiice: •"* HE person livingout- side of Chicasco who vi8tts the World's Fair for a single day only, will find every­ thing arranged lor his comfort and con­ venience. All rail­ roads coming to the city will land pas­ sengers at the ter­ minal station at the Fair for ten cents in . i-r addition tp the regu- II lar railway ticket, ir .Here hand baggage may be checked, here abound toilet rooms, lunch counters, telegraph offices, and desks for writing. The Columbian gnards will direct t-ho, visitor to his State building, where he may deposit his extra valuables. He may see the great show, take a terminal train for his depot at nightfall, and return home within twenty-four hours, all at a cost «Bd wtthia half a mile of the Jams hotels and of the points where the various street, elevated and cable cars have their down-towa termi­ nals. State and Madieon streets Is a corner well worth keeping in mind as the chief center of Chicago, A visitor arriving at any of these depots and meditating a sojourn here should, first of all, check his hand bag- f;age, which may be stored for twenty-our hours at lo cents per parcel. In­ quiry at the depot Bureau of Informa­ tion will elieit courteous response. Should a conveyance be needed, a print­ ed card in the same will give the legal fares, which are fifty cents for one mile, in a one-hor6o vehicle, and double the amount for a two-horse one, one hun­ dred pounds of trunk and twenty-five pounds of hand baggage being carried free. All baggage may be safely left afc the depot until the visitor is settled in his new home, when his landlord will take his checks and send for the same, at a cost of about twenty-Ave cents a trunk. HoW to Find Lodgings. The question of finding a tempor­ ary domicile Is now the all-absorb­ ing one. There are any amount and all varieties of hotels near the business center, but high charges and great ci owds go along with them. There are, too, near the Fair grounds, new and large hotels which charge only $3 per Jay, or, where four room together, only $2; $7 boarding-houses, $1 lodg­ ings, and even 20 cent restaurants. The advantage gained, however, by be- THE UNION DEPOT. Getting Thin is often equivalent to getting ill. It loss of flesh can be arrested and dis­ ease baffled the " weak spots" in the system are eradicated. Scott's Emulsion is an absolute corrective of " weak spots." It is a builder of worn out failing tissue--natures food that stops waste and creates healthy flesh. Prepared by Bcott & B*wne, CbeniitBi New York. Sold by drocfiste everywhere. "HOTHER'S \ FRIEND" .• is a scientifically prepared Liniment and harmless; every ingredient is of recognized value and in constant use by the medical profession. It short­ ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to life of Mother and Child, Book "To Mothers" mailed free, con­ taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials Sent by express, charges prepaid, oo receipt of price, fl.60 per bottle. BBADF1ELD REGULATOR £0., MhO, to. Sold by all druggists. Tie Best Waterproof Coat ill the WORLD! SUCKER The FISH BRAXD SLICKER la warranted water- prootand will keep you dry in tno hardest storm. Tht new POMMEL SLICKER is a perfect riding coat, and oorera the entire saddle. Beware of Imitations. Don't bar a coat if the " Fish Brand" is not on it. Illustra­ ted Catalogue free. A. J. TOWEK, Boston, Maes. of fare, ticket of admission, lunch, and a trifle for a guide book or souvenir. Those coming from a distance, how­ ever, and those who wish to thoroughly Inspect and enjoy the Exposition for a week'or a month, should exercise con­ siderable forethought. It is possible for such to formulate a pleasant and economical system of procedure, pro­ vided they know what to do and how to do it. Unless they at rive at night--in which case a stop at some hotel will be advisable--they should devote the first day to the securing of a settled abiding place. That care off their minds, they are on a footing with the native-born Chicagoan, ajd are independent of re­ strictions of time and method of real­ izing the Fair, as of the exactions of of the harpies, who will strive to ex­ tort double prices from hurried or uni­ formed strangers. Chicago's Great Depot*. There are six great depots In Chicago. The Northwestern is the only one located in the North Divsion of the city. Trains arriving here £ring passengers princi­ pally from Northern Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and other points lying along the route of the Chicago and North­ western Railway. This depot faces east on Wells street, and a walk across the river and four blocks south, brings the visitor to the very center of the city. The Union Depot is the only one located in the West Division. Here several lines center--the Chicago, Bur­ lington and Qnincy, which runs through Illinois, Iowa and Missouri; the Pan Handle, bringing in mostly passengers from Indiana; the Milwaukee and St. Paul, crossing Illinois, Wisconsin and Ing just at the Fair gates all the tlmp are somewhat visionary. There Is tur­ moil, rush and discomfort. Many of the new hotels are frail struc­ tures, many of the lodgings and restaurants are overcrowded, and Un­ sensible visitors will find quite as rea­ sonable rates and far more home-like ac- thor©**fcfi*roa, fte itoitor may get & 25-oent substantial meal, and acki trim­ mings for a dime and a half additional. Ten dollars a week ought to cover the board and lodging, and cover it quite satisfactorily. Some may make an objection tp lo- ILLINOIS CENTRAL, DEPOT. eating "so far" from the World's Fair grounds. Distance, anywhere within the city limits, is a trifling considera­ tion, however. The se^en-mile rides to and from the Fair should be a pleasure instead of a bugbear, as they afford the visitor daily the choice of a delightful journey by laud and water. THE CHINESE QUESTION. of the Cabinet Discuss the De­ cision «of the Supreme Court. The Chinese, question occupied the entire attention of the Cabinet at its meeting Tuesday. Before the Cabinet meeting Chief Justice Fuller, who dis­ sented from the decision of the Supreme Court, called at the White House and had a brief talk with the President. Subsequently the Chief Justice had an interview with Secretary Gresham. It is understood the conclusion reached by the Cabinet was that the law could not be enforced, for the reason that there is no money available for that purpose. The act only carries an ap­ propriation of $100,000. Secretary Car-! lisle showed that not more than $16,000 or that sum remained. It was esti­ mated that it w< uld cost to deport all the Chinese now in the country,, who have not complied with the law, more than $6,000,000. It is evident the administration was eurprised by the decision, and the situ­ ation is perplexing. With the constitu­ tionality of the law settled, it is embar­ rassing not to be able to enforce it, but in the absence of the money for the ex­ penses of deporting the Chinese there seems to be nothing that can be done. If the Chinese would simply accept the situation and comply with the law it would simplify matters, but the impres­ sion is that most of them will not do this, but will resist as long as possible. THE DEARBORN STATION. commodations away from the hetero­ geneous throng that will continually crowd the immediate vicinity of the Fair. The Fair grounds are some seven miles from the business center. Be­ tween these points are numerous quiet. 1. ' MH I.IJ I I IN • I «-!•»• K* MIII THE NORTHWESTERN DEPOT. Minnesota; the Alton and St- Louis, cutting southwest across the State to Missouri; and the Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, which takes in Indiana. Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Eastern States. MEWTiON THIS PAPER whin w smite fe Aovvvnintb Garfield Teass; Cures ConsttpationTRestoni* Complexion^ Sarea Doctor*' BUia Sample tree. Otinxu> x*A Co .SltW. tflth St., N Y. Cures Sick Headache MENTION THIS PAPER WAN WUTINT TV AD 8. N. V. No. 81--03 BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD. DO NOT BE DECEIVED With Pastes, Enamels, and Paints which Stain the hands, injure the iron, and burn Jed. The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Bril­ liant, Odorless, and Durable. Each package Contains six ounces; when moistened will 1 boxes of Paste Polish. GRAND CENTBAL LEPOT. HAS AM ANNUAL SALE OF 3,000 TORS. This depot fronts on the Canal street, at the corner of Adams. A walk of four squares east on the latter thor­ oughfare leads across a bridge to the business center. The Illinois Central Depot is on the lake lront, and in addi­ tion to housing traffic from the State after which it is named, tak- e in pas­ sengers of the Michigan Central Road from Northern Indiana,- Michigan and Canada. At the Dearborn depot arrive the trains of the Grand Trunk, the Wabash, the Western Indiana, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail­ roads. It is located at Polk and Dearborn streets. The Grand Central depot is at Harrison street and Fifth avenue, and is the terminus of the Northern Pacific and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads. The Michigan Southern depot faces on Van Buren, just west of Clark street, and the Michigan Southern and the Rock Island and Pacific lines discharge their passengers here. These last-named four depots are all situated in the South Division, all face the business center, pretty streets, where arrangements for board and lodging may be made, and in the North Division, just across the river, stili more reasonable charges prevail. The West Division, however, comprising the largest section of the city, broad as it is long, affords a still better choice. It embraces a majority of the homes and population, is less crowded, and the visitor making it his objective point for a temporary resi­ dence, will probably be more speedily and satisfactorily suited than elsewhere. With this section in view as a prospect­ ive place of residence, he will find many hotels which are quite rea­ sonable in their charges, and furnished rooms without number. Tak­ ing Madison street as the central line,' and proceeding, say, half-a-mile west of . . the river, north and south are safe, quiet residence streets, well built up. Here a person can secure almost any kind of accommodations, from an ele­ gantly furnished suite of rooms down to one apartment with two beds In it. For a pleasant, comfortable furnished room, the charge should not exceed $1 per day, or $5 a week, and with board In the same house, about double that As to the expense of enforcing the law, it is not by any means sure that if Con­ gress were in session the money would be appropriated. W. W. Rockhlli, Chief Clerk of the State department, who has correspondents in the Chinese diplo­ matic service, and also a number of American friends in that country, says he has not heard a word concerning re­ taliation, and, furthermore, that there is hardly a likelihood such action will be considered, much less taken. Secre­ tary Carlisle has received many tele­ grams asking for a suspension of the operations of the law for at least six months. Walter Beaant'i Maxims. i It Is a part of the sage to make ! maxims. I have for some time sus- ! psefced that 1 have arrived at the J period of life when the sage is at his ] best, and I have now therefore tiied my hand at a few useful maxims, writes Walter Besant in the London tjueen. Here they are--a mixed and miscellaneous lot. Of course the sage at thfe time of day must be cyn­ ical in order to be popular. Idiope some of these are cynical * enough. Those on riches seem--to a partial parent--to be maxims really worthy of the most Eastern--the most Him­ alayan--of sages. Out of ten men nine are born to work for the tenth. Resolve to be the tenth. Without trampling the cleverest cannot get rich. Dives is never an example, be­ cause nobody considers himself really rich. If you cannot become rich, re­ member the many miseries of the rich. . . , The consolation of those who fail is to depreciate those who succeed. He who foresees never acts. The greatest things are done by the © MICHIGAN SOI THKHS DEPOT. amount. Booms quite comfortable are to be found as low as $3.50 per week, ,and as restaurants are numerous and good on many West Division business Wise men never attempt anything. When you lose a leg begin at once to practice with a wooden one. Men's motives are mercifully hid­ den by their shirt fronts. Observe moderation in all things-- especially in virtues. The best way to make a man hon­ est is to make him ashamed of being found out. There may be pride even in con­ fessing mistakes. Everybody says that gentle birth is an accident, and everybody treats it as an achievement. The most charming attribute of friendship is the right of candor. A Famous Coronet The famous diamond coronet comb which Louis XIV. gave to Mine, de Montespan, after all its wanderings and strange experiences, has at last fallen into the hands of Mrs. William Waldorf Astor. She wore it in her lovely 6ilken hair at the (jueen's draw­ ing-room a few days ago. Mrs. Astor seems to have a love of collecting old jewels worn by famous women. I won­ der if she believes in that gem super­ stition which reads that jewels contain genii that work a good or evil influence on the person who wears them. The price paid for the gem was something iike iioo.ot 0, How many little hun­ gry mouths that would-feed. „ Be on your Guard r t I f s o m e g r o c e r s u r g e a n o t h e r b a k i n g Igjpowder upon you in place of the " Royal,? itis because of the greater profit upon it / This of itself is evidence of the sup6^ Jt 4-/ Hority of the " Royal." To give greater . profit the other must be a lower cost NfJJOwder, and to cost less it must be made ^with cheaper and inferior materials, ar||t : v * thus, though selling for the same, give:' - 4ess value to the consumer. To insure the finest cake, the most wholesome food, be sure that no substi- , tute for Royal Baking Powder is accepted ; by ymi. ^ > Noth ing can be substituted for the Royal Baking Powder and give as good results. My acquaintance v/ith Boschee'sr *" German Sy rup was made about four­ teen years ago. I contracted a cold which resulted in a hoarseness and cough which disabled me from fill- 'II ing my pulpit for a number of Sab-\ . I bat'as. After trying 'a physician, * "'J without obtaining relief I saw the, advertisement of your remedy and> ^ obtained a bottle. I received quick v i- , i and permanent help. I never hesi- tate to tell my experience. Rev. W-- w v | H. Haggcrty, Martinsville, N.J. W. L. DOUCLAS ; $3 SHOE H&'Vi*. • bfrt Doyot! wpartSsm? When next in need try a pair, thqp, V" will give you mere comfbrt and service for the miTlJ ~ than any ether n;ake $5.00 MOO *3.50 $2.50 42.25 *2.00 Best in the worttf, $3.00 £2.50! *2.01 FIKLAtf *2.00 *1.73 FOR BUYS *i.-7» 1 ^ DON'T TALK IN YOUR SLEEP. Brown Did and Ills Wife Heard Some­ thing Not Intended for Her Ear*. "And "who, pray, is Doris?" -was the question that startled Mr. Brown (who. says the Million, is aidicted to that ill-conceived habit of talking in his sleep >, as he woke the other morning and found his bett r half sitting up in bed, with an interrogation point in one eye and a note of exclamation in the other. "Doris, Doris--Doris who?" "That's precisely what I want to know; you've been repeating that nam« over and over again during the. night." " Oh--ah--yes, yes, - of course. IfB Charlie Jones' new collie dog. Oh, she's a perfect beauty! I'd give anything for her." "Indeed!" ' "Rather, she's the sort of dog " "You ought to own? Certainly--you appear excessively foad of her. You a*ked, you will be pleased to hear, this ' collie dog ' to put her arms round your neck and kiss you; then you told Mr. Jones' dog that you ' loved her with all your heart,' and that when you came to die, if you could only ' lay your head ' on Jones' dog's bosom, you could ' breathe your life out sweetly there.' Then you asked Jones' dog to 4 have another ico cream,' and if the watch you had given her kept good time, tin­ der these circumstances, Jethro Brown, I think, perhaps, you had better go to Jones' collie dog, jas I am golnsc home to my mother." An Attractive Exlitbtt at the World's Fair We eather from our Northwestern ex­ changes that a most attractive exhibit of products of the seven Northwestern States is being made by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company at the World's Columbian Exposition, which opened the 1st of May, and wltl continue until Nov. 1, 1893. The samples of products which are being exhibited were gathered from the States of Wisconsin, Minne­ sota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, and are ar­ ranged in two elegant exhibit cars built especially for the purpose by the com­ pany at their shops at St Paul. Each one of the cars has two l&rge bay win­ dows on each side reaching Ironi the floor to the roof, as well- as other largo win­ dows. The cars are vestibuled and Tact Is Necessary. The woman who would be % success­ ful leader in society muse possess in­ finite ta^t. She must be able to say the right thing at the right moment, and never by any chance wound any one s self-esteem; she must be so worldly wise as to seem genuinely unselfish, so full of consideration and sympathy as to appear full of the milk of humau kindness. A tactful person will invari­ ably remember and use your name; the will appear interested in your hobby, and will listen with flattering attention to whatever you may say. She will talk to children «»«<* servants*-.• with the house mother, discuss pictures with the artist, books with the author, and gos­ sip with the worldly minded. If this universal sympathy sprang from a higher motive, what a noble character It would imply--for the curious part of a perfectly worldly policy is that it stimulates so successfully what fs* best and loveliest. W. L Dosglis Sloes ire mil li sB tlr V*$^ Latest Styles. ^>1:1 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $5 to $9, '7,,^ try my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe, They will fit equal to cot- * ~<hl torn made and look and wear as well. If yoo wish to economize In your footwear, you can do so by purrhasing' JI '1 W. L. Dojiglas Shoes. My name and price Is stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. Take no sub- - "j •tltute. I send shoes by mail upon receipt of prk%' -^ jj postage free, when Shoe Dealers cannot supply W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. ' Check the Firat Approach Of rheumatism, mad farther attacks may be escaped, If proper precautions against expos­ ure are taken, and there be no hereditary pre­ disposition. Unfortunately, people who ulti­ mately become chronic sufferera, too often neglect the trifling twinges and premonitory stiffness which herald the advent of this ago- onizing malady. Among the diseases for which Hoatetter'a Stomach Bitters has been found efficacious this is one, and the medicine being perfectly safe, it is certainly to be preferred to drugs used for its cure, which are frequently useless, and nothing more nor less than poi­ sonous. The substitution of this pleasant and pure blood depurent for medicines inimical to life In a sliaht overdose, is a measure which may fitly be urged upon persona who desire to obtain relief safely, or who have failed to ob­ tain it from the numerous pseudo-remedies for .this disease in the market. Women In Ancient Enrpt. Some one has discovered an interest<- ing fact about the position of women in ancient Egypt. Among the bas-reliefs of the Gizeh Museum the great mon- ' archs of the earliest ages are found of equal &ze with their wives and stand­ ing on a level with them. A few hun dred yearsHater the figures of the wives are found decreased in size and stand­ ing on a lower level than those of their royal spouses. Still later groups of the most diminutive of wives are foun 1 % PLEHSJiff *, - 4^ „ , ,: meekly ranged ftt the monarch's feet, splendidly decorated. The samples o* It has been sup*ested that, as tj^old products d splayed in the cars will In- rute of Tetrogres^on among ^ i8 elude all kinds of grains, fruite, grasses, at an emJ and hOT phy^cal fitatus is im- nn/i T°° i?n' C0^'vPr 0U6v, proving, groups of diminished llguresof and stones, hops, tobacco, building stone, wool, fish, aerated, dried, pre­ served and canned fruits and vege­ tables, and in the season fresh apples, pears, plums, peaches, prunes, grapes, melons, roots and garden vegetables will be exhibit­ ed. This general collection of products will show the resources of the exten­ sive regions traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad in its course trom the Great Lakes to Puget Sound and the Pacific Coast, a distance of 2,500 miles. Intending settlers will find it to their advantage to examine the samples of produots in the Northern Pacific exhibit. The products will show the resources of an important region of country now open for settlement, in which there Is room for a million families to secure Independent homes. The cars are placed on one of the tracks in the large annex to the Transportation Exhibit Building. This exhibit building is one of the grandest of the Exposition build­ ings, and will contain for exhibit an ex> treraely interesting collection of every known vehicle, vessel, conveyance or contrivance for transportation by land, water and air, both ancient and mod- ern, from the finest modern locomo­ tives, vessels and cars to the most ancient known devices for transporta­ tion. men may, ages henee, be found- feet of women rulers. HlOO Reward. 9100. The reaiers of this paper will be pleasel to learn that there IB at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh. Ouro is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con­ stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the bluad and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the conHtltution and assisting uatu(e in aoinx it* work. The proprietors have HO much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure, beua for list of teatlmonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Q. ®S~Sold by Druggists, 73a T«E NEXT MORNING I PEEL BRIGHT ANO NEW AND A? COMPLEXION IS BETTER. «. ~',T My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, lir»r,A * * jmd kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxaMre. This drtnkV • f'< Is made from herhs, and Is prepared for use as easllf '"«,'! ' as tea It I* called , LAKE'S MEDICINE AU DRUGGISTS sell U *£ We aad $1 per PTCKNGT* Sf v*>F& C*m«t H, >*n<l vour *<idrr»* for a FM wirpie. ]/»**£ FFCISLH * V I? M«n tf»« BOW*TI W»li day. f n order TN TW feesUtfev, tell !• 'JV- WY. A4<!RATT ORATOR P. WOODWARD. LSROV, X. Y. ^V';£.V MENTION THIS PAPER 6 3 H v,.vv;> ;j | • * " • " Positively cure Bilious Attacks, Con--, ';>t •- ^ etipation, Sick-Headache, etc,' „.v* - * * ^ 4k 4^ * 25 cents per bottle, at Drug Stares. . . ^ ̂ Write for sample dose, free. \| J.F, SMITH & CO.^'^New York- Ely's Cream Balm WILL CUKE CATARRH Apply Balm into each nostril. BB08, 6«NVam>n St. N. T. The OUttt Medicine in ike H 'crte im. Isaac TM»iapai4»iN>s CELEBRATED EYE-WATH, This artieie is a carcn.lly prej«are<t payaiclan's n seHiitlon, aud tias been la constant use for neartr century. There are few diseases to which manna are subject more distressing than sore eyes, an LDm^Or none, perhaps, for which more remedies have trim! without success For all external Inflammattott of the eyes it Ss an Infallible remedy. If tlon are followed St will never full. Wei Invite the .itunt'on of physicians to its i sale bv all druggists JOHN L. TH03 * v crtahUshed'79 . Taller Than Their Mother*. A statistical item of interest to women is that women to-day are two inches taller, on nn average than they were twenty-five years ago. The cause is found In the exchange of the embroidery needle for the tennis racquet, the oart and th3 gymnastic apparatus of the school and college. The World's COIUIUUIMU POSITION 'Will be of value to the world by illus­ trating the improvements in the me­ chanical arts, and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medic­ inal agents has been of equal impor­ tance, and at-, a strengthening1 laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all other^ THE condor, when rising &om the earth, always describes circles in the air, and can rise in no other way. SOMETHING UNUSUAfy medic' cine, is Dr. Pierce's Goloa Medical Dtecovdnr. And, because' of that, thereof some­ thing unusual la the way of selling it. Wnere every other medicine of its kind only prom­ ises, this is guaranr teed. If it ever fails to benefit or core, you have your money back. It's the only guaranteed remedy for every disease caused by a disordered liver or im­ pure blood. It'* a Jawbreaker. Our language is phonetically so diffi­ cult to foreigners that to lecture before an English-speaking audience in the English tongue gives them an acute pain in the jaw. * THE eastern £>ulf coast has the heaviest rains, over sixty inches a year; Arisona and New Mexico the least, iess than ten inches. BBEOBAM'S PILLS cure sick headache, dis­ ordered liver, and act like magic on the vital organs. For sale by all druggista THE speed of the falqjpn often ex­ ceeds 130 miles an hour. HOW TO ICOOME AN . EXPERT AT FMVIEt, •r. BMrtaaCs OmptaOaasr iMkm Vkk£ •n for ItnluMibal k*. thaTist podiat; Stat Aa>J| iaotn; with ItfttaamtcoMtebHlrai iiiilhiifa artifc ••t war* to add, mitfptr.dlvM*, s»apia MnpMnn.*, known. Ttbl«tc*» Amwnttatew*MB '; v .-"5 PtTEHTS. TBME-HMKS. Examination and Advice as to Patentability of In­ vention. Send for Inventors'Guide, or How t« Get a Patent. PATKICK OTAAAKLI, Washington. B. C, JFranMteSi tto '••Math. Kim i (by pr»o- tSciBf Bknidu). m >«VTiOf.i ' SM<S r • ' O. XV.jr. SNYDER. M. IcVlcker1* Theater, Chicago, ft. .UrTtOf.^y^V-,. i 6c is Itasipn I. la I>„ Mail Dept. tlEAAAAIIC BOOKtKT and 8 or 35 Dr. HEBIIA||I|E Bacon's Hesdsebe Tablfte by r. JT.TTT J."• mail for lo or 35 e»>uts Money HOW to CURE SBffi'cS .teiaiiuiJi PITEMTS THOMAS P. SIMPSON, Washington. D. C. No atty 's fee until Patent <4*-talLed. Write for Inventor's QuiUa. •Vi- 51^ "j l0ot5ifon " ** " if # % m ik -̂ ê pot- ̂ ej\emyo{ w irfightj to l(ill. „,.Irwin5 ip (pFJqucitJf? * 'y&'-'.f i..* •*>£• Agents Wanted for the * BEST WHEEL ON EARTHS MODEL C. W!i*tt30tte M > Dyspepsia, Biliousness, the most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, even Consumption (or Lung-- Bcrofula) in its ear lies stages, all are cured by It. It purifies and enriches the blood, rousea every organ into healthful action, mid re- stores strength and vigor. In building tip j yiran the KNICKKBBOC: both flesh and strength of pale, puny, Scrof- 1 HLnn su-p<mder combiu ulous children or to invigorate an<i braots ! on receipt np the system after " CWpi»," pneumonia, fevers, and other prostrating acute diseases, nothing can equal the "Discovery." Tett i»y oafr for the (pod yoii jpfc THE DERBY FOR 993--Morgan A Wright Pneumatic. DETAIL.--Frame, Derby pattern, double thronjthout from oontlmious seamless steei tutui*. Head; Wheel Base, 44 inches: Wheels. SO inches: Tool Steel Bearimts: Mannesmann's Sp:r»t t iber Nteel fubinx; Uearing, 57 and (Binches: KoirndCranks. t>*» and t inch throw; Hutub^r c'h»ui. iia.-tora SauJlea; |)rop Forginsf throuKhout. We have the best and most simple spoket. madn. They can be replaced t>* tne rider without removing the tire, and are fully explained aud illustrated in our catalogue, also tangeu spokes, for beauty and simplicity there is uo equal, tor service nont can be made beil<-r SESD FOB CATALOtiUK Ajceiits ll'asited in E\err Town. DERBY CYCLE CO., 161, 162 and 163 South Canal St., CHICAGO. Mau KNICKEBBOCKEl£ Si; oulder Brace and pender combined Sold everywhere, or ut postpaid on receipt <>i St per nair plain, or 9i.OO nlk-faced. Sena cheft messure. Address KNICKEKBC'CKEE 11KACE CO., EABION, PA. HHIIIII Morphluc Habit Cared In 19 8.N. V. No, «1-K» to nwntira know what mediums pay tnem beat. Piso's Kensedy «H CMarrh is the flB 1 Best, ^^siest to Use, and ttmptfe |H CATA R R M SOLD Igr druggistt or SMK BY nail. MB. ,:i.. .?!k, -M

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