*7 r.>- 5S % V-t.:; 't '-•r-i." tJt'h : pj.'i'v" y~ * i •!•' r '• i H,' i ' •>•• ' • «,v '.' f. ••"•v.; V"' '&>y * '«. j*the her weight in goki. le fiiibt Eose was iadtSfosed wua, at courts sh« thought «he couldn't sing. With* a queenly air she strolled into the theater Just as the chorus girls were filing in and sought the manager him self. Basta heard the story and thee looked surprised. "Vy, my dear Mad-dam Rose, eet ees impossible. You are ze leading soprano of ze troupe; nVst-ce pas, and ve can not get along without ze leading lady." Bose shook her head. "Well, it's no use. I am sick, and I cannot sing, posi tively." Basta looked broken-hearted. Then a bright smile grew on his ruddy face. "Ah, no, mad-dam, zat ees true. You ea^ not sing positively." Then, with a charming nod, he added, "but you can sang superlatively;* - > • OL, • •• • *,,S"V she sang. • - , < The North Pole ud Iqaitw Are not more widely distinct than the stand ard tonic, stimulant and alterative, Hostet- ter's Stomach Bitters, and the cheap and fiery loctf bitters which unscrupulous venders folat upon the unwary as medicated preparations with remedial properties. The latter are ns- ually composed in the main of half rectified alcoholic excitants, with some wretched drug eomblned to disguise their real flavor, and are perfectly ruinous to the coats of the stomach. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, on the contrary, b»B for its basis choice spirits of absolute purity, and this is modified and combined with medicinal extracts of rare excellence and bo tanic origin, which both invigorate and regu late the bowels, stomach/and liver. They ef fect a radical change in(/the disordered physi cal economy, which is Manifested by a speedy Improvement in the general health.: To Preserve PictureU A new method of preserving pictures is being experimented with in London. It consists of placing the surface of the picture, be it canvas or paper, in a vacuum, thus protecting it from atmos pheric action. The picture is inclosed in a metal frame or case, covering the back and sides and projecting from the Bides like an ordinary frame. A plate of glass is inserted in the edges of the case, Just as in the ordinary frame, and hermetically sealed to the metal. The air is then withdrawn from between the surface of the picture and the glass and the painting is in a vacuum. It is be lieved this plan will effectually protect pictures from the action of dampness, ftir. gases and other causes that operate to destroy paintings exposed or framed In the ordinary way. Ancient Bern. The old Greeks used beds supported on iron frames, while the Egyptians had couches shaped rude like easy chairs, with hollow backs and seats,. Get Small Bile Beans. 40 for 25c. v THE strongest fortress in the world is Gibraltar. N. K. Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger will cure dyspepsia. None better. Try it. ascents. DO.W'T BE FOOLED by the dealer who brings out some thing else, that pays him better, and says that it is "just as good." Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is guar anteed. If it don't :beneflt or cure, in every case, yon have your money back. No other medi cine of its kind is so certain and effective that it can be sold so. Is any other likely to be "just as good"? As a blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and •trength-restorer, nothing can equal the "Discovery." It's not like the sarsapa- rlllas, or ordinary "spring medicines." At all seasons, and in all cases, it puri fies, invigorates, and builds up the whole system. For every blood-taint and disorder, from a common blotch or erup tion, to the worst scrofula, it is a perfect, permanent, guaranteed remedy. W* 1% P® H A sensible Cook Book B II •_ | I for practical people. MB Iff Bi RB f Tells how to make • I • •_ H n the best Grown Bread, • IK•• BB U the best Meat Stews, the best-liked Fish or Meat Hash, Plain Cake, Apple Fie, Baked Beans, Doughnuts, Delicious Puddings from odds and ends. Tells how to economize and still eet a pood table, and also tells bow to always nave 3d appetite and keep strong and a rooc well b _ by, the use of the grand remedy oi the Indians, Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. This valuable and Practical Cook Book should be in every kitchen; and we will eend it free to any address upon receipt of a two-cent stamp to pay postage. AddresB, Healy A Bigelow, New Haven. Conn. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement aid tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live bet ter than othere and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the .pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and feyen ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all1 drag- gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ofiered. * s. sr. r. No. 24--93 te#v « ̂ ' 4 ' BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD. DG NOT BE DECEIVED with Pastes, Enamels, and Paints which stain the hands, injure the iron, and born red. The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Bril liant, Odorless, and Durable. Each package contains six ounces; when moistened will make several boxes of Paste Polish. HAS AN AJiWAl SAtE Df POINTS 6f interest to the v WORLD'S PAIR VISITOft* «iiaa»ers Can Spend Several Day* itght- •Mtaf In the Center of the City--The Board of Trade, Water System, Police aatjrie* Departments, BIm. fr\p,;^ ' Wew Historic Points. ' cones pondenoe: F the visitor starts out *to see the town and all its sights." he Will find in tho imme diate center of Chicago sufficient to occupy his time and interest for several days. The sky- scraping office struct ures, the retail stores 0< State street, the wholesale district, the produce quarter, the lumber market -- all these may be taken in at a cursory glance; but the great grain el- . the safety-deposit banks, the new Art Institute on the lake lront, the lookout tawer of the Masonic Temple, and tKaT.tower tatf stinctura tapers in apihnacle' a** 900 feet above the pavement The Lai! has two capacious galleries, tad' to these visitors are admitted at all times. The view from the same, when trading is going on below on the main floor, is something never to be forgot ten by the inexperienced spectator, little suggesting to him that the uproar and bustle, the hoarse outcries and frantic gestures are an accompaniment of transactions during which millions of dollars ehanae hands in a single day. The building , cost nearly $',t>00.00lt, and it requires i often a; high as $10,000 to se- ' cure the privilege of trading In the wheat dr corn pit. 'i'tae clearing#'of a j year have a^gregaied over $104,000,00 | Trading l« permitted in not Jess than l.OuO bushels of gra n or i50 barrels of pork--all on paper--and fortunes are } made and lost every day in the year, . often nearly every hour in the day. Oti V l-rwo'fc . j A visit to the city waterworks is well worth a mile ride or walk over into the I North Division. The system of which | it is the foundation has grown to a ro- ! markable magnitude. The main works are located at Chicago avenue and Pine [ street, and comprise a series of struct ures embracing a tower, free to visit- NQT*HNQ. the press-rooms of the great dailies, j ors, affording a flije vjevr of the city, iHljiKii.il.>,! Ill linn I)i.|,I|IIII|Sm(IiII --tSU 1i*« fn <tj|«i»ir Iliriilrf."]|1 1lil»|H.jj>^i . HI . I. •. •. -f •. < S*i fit How ftoanilom Men Work Trtek la North Dakota. have noted a good many cases of signal success attained by penniless strangers at farming in the Bed River Valley," said Max Bass, of St. Paul, "but one of the most notable of those came under my observation in the last month. The successful fellow of whom I shall speak is an Englishman named Rogers, who came to this country eight years ago with his wife and five children. He had farmed it in England, so he told me, for twelve years, and had never been able to get enough ahead to buy him a small house tor the shelter ot his loved ones. He had even to borrow the money that paid his passage across the ocoan. I wish 1 could re produce the tale he poured into my ears of privation and suffering while one child after the other was being born. The outlook must indeed have heeu a dreary one for him. But one day the inspiration seized him, and he packed up his few belongings, se- < u ed the necessary money from his wife's brother wholived intheStages, bade a tearful adieu to his country- eve y Englishman will do that, you know, no matter how badly he has been treated at home--and took steamer for this side "It was a mystery to himself, he sai^, how he managed to find his way to North Dakota, but he did it. "Behokl him to-day: He worked on a farm up to five years ago, whec he purchased his present farm of 2«"»C acres entirely on time.agreeing to paj $4, <t00 lor it. He made the last pay ment this spring, and has all of his 1892 wheat, worth $1,500 more, on hand, together with a good-sized on* and one-hal -story farm house, a large b;irn, six head of cattle, an I twe horses and a complete equipment ol farming implements -- all his owe property. His debt t*> his brother-in- law is paid, e&ery one of h s children is healthy and strong, and Rogers L- as happy as a clam at high-tide. "He swears by this country. And why shouldn't he? Will you shov* me another dist ict on earth in whicb this can be <l;>ne? Australia and South Africa are not in It at all#** ' t'ia: You Wish the Finest Bread flnrl fatpV f,T iUlU UlRC r ft Is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder 19 the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow der makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest strongest makes the most digestible and wholesom food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the t- 1 , « . . , *1 si®: *' One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, has been sick for a long time. All thought him past recovery , v He was horribly emaciated from the inaction of his liver and fcidnevs. It is difficult to describe his appear ance and the miserable state of hist health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible. He triedi your August Flower and the effect ;7; ? upon laim was magical. It restored * him to perfect health to die great^; ; astonishment of his family and *s friends." John Quibell, Holt, Ont# « /; } ) { food with the least trouble ,. :̂> n " esT?*" j 4 f* * 1 , Avoid all baking powders sold with a giU or prise, or at a lower price than the BoyaJ ,̂ as they invariably contain alum, lime or sni ̂ phuric add, and render tho food unwholesome Certain protection from alum baking powders cai' be had by declining to accept any substitute for thll ' Royal, which is absolutely pure. CAT OP THE SIERRAS. CHICAGO BOAED OF TEADE BUILDING. turning out over 50,000 papers an hour, are novelty of more detailed attention. Of commemorative points there are comparatively few, Chicago being too young as yet to boast of many statues, but the site of old Fort Dearborn, near A Canary W'lio Ritle* a Kut. Mr?. Bert Atherton of the Fulton Rouse, San Francisco, has a canary bird and a white rat which afford great amusement for herself and othei guests of the house. The bird pos sesses considerable talent as a song* ster ana oftentimes when Mrs. Ather ton has company Dick's caure has tc be darkened in order that the conver sation mav proceed. Dick's great joy, however, is to ride upon the back ol the white rat, and ^vhen they are turned loose in the room he immedi Hunting the Mountain Lion in Southern California. While making the descent, says a writer in the Californian, the hunters came suddenly to a huge rock that pro jected from the mountain, extending to ward a like mass on the opposite si ie of the chasm! On reaching it, Don Felipe uttere.1 a cry of precaution, and pointed across the canyon. There in its (sanctuary stood, in strong relief against the rock, the great, cat of tho Sierras-- the mountain lion--its head raised in a listening attitude. The whole position was so noble and impressive that it was some seconds before the rifles cracked, and the fierce yell of the wounded animal broke the stillness. It turned quickly and sav agely, snarling and biting at the wound in its flank; then, being struck again, whirled, and blinded by pain una fury, sprang or rolled over the precipice, and went thundering down eanyon, lodgintr dead in far below. How Electricity Makes Light A great number of people have but a ^ery obscure Idea of the principle of the arc and incandescent lamp, respec tively. It may be stated that in the arc lamp electric discharge takes place between two pieces of hard conducting carbon, separated from ea;h other by an interval which is kept as nearly as possible constant by automatic devi. es. An a>c of light of intense brilliancy, called the voltaic are, is thus obtained, The carbons, being raised to an exceed ingly high temperature and exposed to the air, suffers waste by combustion, and hence require renewal. There is also a transference of partic}e3 in the direction of the current, the negaUve carbon increasing at the expense of the positive one. With the view of obviating inconven iences arising from this cause, arrange ments are often made for alternating the direction of the current. It is de sirable both for the diffusion of light e side of the ' and for the lessening of its otherwise ne chaparral | painful and injurious intensity, that a ' globe of ground glass should be used. Ik* Davis Hand Cream Separator Feed Cooker Combined. . Completcst of outfits for a dairy farmer. Thia, ® ^ machine has an attachment which, when the bowl < < ' has been taken out, is dropped into the Separator so * ,f ~- Ihat a belt can run to the churn. Write for faflh®? ' <-*"'» > "r. particulars. Unvis & It an kin Bldr. and Mte. : Co.. 240 to 834 \V. Lake St., Chicago, I11.I M a n u f a c t u r e a l l k i n d s o f C r e a m e r y M « t t h i n e < v a n A } i _ . c " Dairy Supplies. (Agents wanted m every county.)' THERE IS HOPE For every one who has blood trouble, no matte* in what snajie or how long etanding, provided. ;^rj® •.rf.aSft 'M. FOR YOU. none of the vital organs have been so far im» paired as to reuder a cure impossible. S. S. S. v-s goes to the root of the disease, and rertiov* ^ thtf cause, by expelling the poison from the body, and i '• at the same i irne is a tonic to uie whole bimcuIh • Vj5 s J However bad vour case may be, there is hope ' ^ i 'A"'ii Onred me of a most malignant typ*. ' -4M • >£ chronic blood trouble, for whic$ • a5- i had used various other remedie without effect. My weight increased, and tn, health ?inproved in every way. 1 consider S. S. S the best tonic I ever used. " S. A. '.'RIGHT, Midway, Ga." • 4.#: Treatise on blood, skin and contagious bloo4 SWIFT Sl'ECIFiC CO., poison mailed free. "That chap was a-lying fo • the doe," j In the alow or incandescent lamp, later he 1 filament of carbon inclosed in a globe said the old mountaineer, as came up the mountain, with the skin of the lion over his back. "Thej-kill more deer in and out of season than all tho hunters in California put together; and ately takes his position upon Femy's | when your folks say a mountain lion t_ « 1 •' • . • a Ain'f «t«\ ta f Ka vnnttlr ^ THE CRIB IN LAKE MIOHIQAJT. P.ush street bridge, marked by a tablet, the bust of the railway postal service pioneer, Armstrong, at the postoffice, the Douglas monument at Kenwood, the Drake Columbian public drinking fountain at the City Hall, and the monument at Haymarket Square Indi cating the scene of thetamous Anarchist massacre, are all associated with in teresting reminiscences, and pave the way for comparison when the sojourner later inspects the statues in Lincoln Park. The stranger seeking pleasure need only consult the amusement columns to find every kind and class of theater, a variety of museums and "magic maze" shows, cycloramas, panoramas and historical curiosities, such as Libby prison. If a day on the water Is scheduled, thei e are steamers leaving many river docks for points across the lake, such as an excursion to Michigan City in eight hours, at only f 0 cents for the round trip, while land journeys may be made swiftly and with profit to the wonder; ul industrial town of Pullman or to the military post at Fort Sheridan. Some of the best ob tainable musical and dramatio talent will ,:he found on the boards of the various theaters during the World's Fair. The Board or Trad*. One great central point of interest Is the .Board of Trade; as famous as the Bialto or the Bourse of the old world. The headquarters of this aggregation of grain and produce speculators is found in the Chamber of Commerce, one of the truly palatial edifices of the world. Occupying half a square, its tower and entrance portal stand ex actly in front of LaSalle street, where that thoroughfare ends at Jackson street, with an environment forcibly suggestive of Wall street, New York. The building, is In €wo and a castellated gothic stone building, from which a tunnel three miles long extends beneath the lake, ending In the grea , supply-well known as "the crib," which Is \ islted daily by excursion boats. The new engine at the works has a capacity of 2.750 gallons at one stroke of the cylinders. The "West Division of the city has also a water works at Ash land and Blue Island avenues, with a tunnel six miles long running to the off one of supply crib. Its engines have a capaci ty of 70,000,000 gallons daily. The com bined daily capacity of all the city plants is 250,000,000 gallons, distributed through nearly 1,500 miles of pipes and through 13,<11 fire hydrants. The cost of the entire system was 8>17,OO0,O'JO. No person visiting Chicago for the first time should neglect at least • casual inspection of the lire and polios departments. The former has now some thirteen battalions, embracing 930 men, 72 steam fire engines, 22 chem ical engines, three fire tugs and genera] apparatus lor reaching lofty build ings and rescuing people, such ae life-saving guns and nets, ladiers, and the like. Callers are generally wel- cpme at any of the fire-engine stations scattered about the city, at the central alarm office at the city hall, and at the fire insurance patrol houses, wher« back and insists upon being carried about the room. Should the rat stop to eat a peanut thrown to him by bis mistress Dick will Hap his wings, scold, and pe.-li the back of Femy until she makec another circuit of the room. Miss Hat does not always take kindly tc this manner of treatment, and on one occasion becamc so angrv that she bit the little yellow fellow's toes. Dick, in consequence of the' loss of this aU-important mernl>er, was conflncd to his cage for a nutnbei of days, and, like a human invalid, j was fed upon the dantiest dishes the market could aHord. | His four-legged companion seemed to miss him very greatly in her morn- ing romps, and, when the warbler was again able to be about, showed everj evidence of a desire to renew friend- J ship with the bird that she had SG willfully wronged. Dick granted hei his pardon, and yesterday afternoon' they gave one of their old-time en tertainments to a number of a& mirers. I ain't up to the mark, don't take any stock in it. No, I never knew one to kill a man; but they will tackle a griz zly, and I've seen 'em tear a horse so that the owner didn't know him when he saw him. I've killed the mountain lion from the Hockiei down to San Bernardino, and when they're oornered they are as bad as a regular lion, from all I have read." H >r M nejr-Makcia. "Come out and see my money-mak- era," Said a lady living in the country to a friend from town who was visiting her. "These," she continued, as they oame to a large and well-appointed hen-house, "are my 'church hens;' all I make out of them above exj enses is devoted to religious objects. "The geese jou see down there oik the pond are my 'poor and needy.' in every Down beyond that wood I keep a num- Hepit to shame. Don t talk your good deeds to dMtth. --Free Press. exhausted of air by a mercury pump, serves as a path along which the cur rent passes. The resistance the elec tricity meets with in passing through this filament Is sufficient to raibe the latter to incandescence, and a light io thus obtained more suitable for domes tic purposes and the illumination of in teriors generally than that afforded by the arc lamp. Stnb Ends of Thought. Sorrow finds a rainbow In tears. A man's great deeds are always greater than himself. Action is the fruit ot sentiment It has no flower. Some people are going f» find their angel clothes misfits. Bun away when you see the devil coming. The bigger crowd a man is in, the harder he finds it to fight himself. A dictionary comes about as near de fining what love is as a grain of sand comes to filling the ocean. No flower is jealous of another. God is in everything; in man alone is Atlanta, Ga - , ^ & m •$ vJ v* -. - PRINTING OFFICE OUTFITS ;-r • Xoah Welmter"! I'lan. A good story is told by Mr. H. S. Parsons in regard to the Yankee shrewdness of Noah Webster. Mr. Parsons in his youth was a resident of New Haven, where he became ac quainted with Wobster. and he can vouch for the authenticity of the story. When Webster published his dictionary the American publishers ol Walker's dictionary then the most popular lexicon of the English lan guage, made a determined tight against it .Soon after its anpearance they issued a pamphlet in which its I „ errors were pointed out. There were k ®p thew^c^! a'nd tto CrTlS many of these errors, and the pamph*. working order, prica 25 cents & box. let made a formidable showing against! Webster's works. However, the1 American lexicographer was not in ber of pigs--'dress j igs' I call them, because I buy my dresses out of what I make from them. "Those Alderney cows are my 'thea ter and opera cows.' I saw four op eras last winter out of the profits of one of them. You see that bed of strawberries? Well, we don't call them strawberries, but 'ehoeberrles,' I buy all the children's shoes, and my own, too, out of the income from that straw berry patch. "These and many other little money- making schemes I manage myself, with out troubling my husband, who works in town for a not very big salary. Con sequently we have a great many com forts and luxuries that we couldn't oth erwise have; and, what is more, I thor oughly enjoy the work." Do not this lady's methods suggest a host of little t lings which other ladies might turn to ust jas money-makers, and find health and pleasure in so doing? * M VICKML'S THEATER the least perturbed. He got a copy of the pamphlet as soon as it came from the press, and immediately cor rected the errors in his work which it pointed out* and at once brought out a second edit'on of his diction ary. Before there V7as much of a sale for the pamphlet Webster's revised edition was in the market The pamphlet fell flat and Webster had the satisfaction of using the labors of his rivals in revising his dictionary.-- St. Louis Globe-Democrat. THE earliest newspaper was pub lished in Venice, and cal:ed a Gazetta, from the name of the coin for wAlch it was sold. Deaftieu Cannot He Cured By local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion ot the ear. "There is only one way to euro deafueBB, and that is by conctita- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an In flamed condition of thr raucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When thia t'Joe is in flamed. you have a rumbling sound or imper fect lioaring. ar.d •when it is entirely ciowd Deafness is tlH> result, and unless the inflaimn i- tioii can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of thomucoua surfaces. We will fiive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Ueafnoss 'caused by catarrh) that c<v,- not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 49*Sold by Druggists, 75c. Need* Verification Badly. A Lewlston man tells a queer trout story. It was that he went out t^ fish and a big trout came out from under the edge of a rock to bite the hook. Casting up its eyes, it caught sight pf the fisherman, and turning to go off it made such a sharp turu that it bro'<e its back and the fisherman captured it. --Lewiston (Me.) Journal. • EWh' OS % LYE Powdered and Perfumed. rmi' ha il'ATESTFTU The strongest and pit rr-st Lye mada,. Unlike other Lye, it being a Ana powder and packer! in a can rem ova- le lid, the contents always ready for use. Will the best perfumed Hard Soap in SB '.tit, ^' -r- minutes without boiling. It Is the •/' 4* *' *»' best for cleansing waate-pipet. disinfecting sinks, closets, warn* iag bottles, paints, trees, etc. PKNNA. »W,T JTRFC-O CO* • Gen. Agta., Phila., Pa. WCorner Sixty-third Street <»nd Princeton Avenua-i: (Enirlewoodi, Chicajio. First-class beds. Kood iabla.' ' Rates 92 per day. Electric cars to World's Fair GROUNDS; 10 MINUTES' RIDE. F.W.JONES. PN>PRIETOR.?«KR?^I5^S. V, W,' ^ ' SI - < IH T Ely's Cream Bain " WILL CURE C A T A R R H ^Pric^^OCente^l Applv Balm info each nostril. ELY DUU8, 86 Warren St.. N. T. Bilious Attacks often cause severe Colds. Bile Beans Small will give relief la a few houra SHAKSPEARE'S father merchant. a wood Map of the United States. A large, handsotre Map of the Cnlt«d States, mounted and suitable for office or home use. Is issued by the Burlin2ton Route. Copies will bo mailed to any ad dress on receipt of fifteen cents in postage by P. 8. EUSTIS. Gen'L Pass. Agent, C. B. & <i E. R, Chicago, I1L. Hood's » Cures ymuuiu Alphabetical. Authors have been known to say that it is easier to write a book than to lind a title for it, and one inan goes so far as to declare that a happy ,., . , . title is given only by inspiration. So jsasss? --s j >'««- ,̂this crh ̂ ing of the horses. The police stations Jfcntleinan living near Plymouth had MTXABKET MONUMENT sections, the one facing north being used for trading, the rear one for are also open for inspection, and the patrol-wagon system will generally be courteously explained by the officers in charge when not on active duty. Police courts are connected with many of the stations, and an hour spent in one of these will give the stranger a very fair idea of "the seamy side" of life in • gr«at city^ He Mast Have Died Vonnt. Christian Heinecker, of Lubeck, when only 10 months old, could repeat every word Bj»ken to him; at 12 months of age he had memorized all the principal events mentioned In the Pentateuch. Before he had finL-hed his second year he had learned all the historical parts Of both the Old and New Testament. At the age of 3 he could reply correctly to all questions put to him regarding universal history and geography, and in the same year he learned fo speak both Latin and French. •mM Oran«t«"S and Lemons for Cholera. The orange ani the lemon are both said to be fatal to the cholera bacillus. Placed in contact with the cut surface of the fruit, the bacteria survives but a few hours. Even on the uninjured rind they die within twenty-four hours at least, so says the imperial health office mssr . • a valuable and handsome horse which he had named Ajax. Last seas6n, by great good luck, he came across an excellent mate for it, and purchased ( it at once. Then the question arose what to call it. There was some de- i lay in And ing a name in every re- I spect satisfactory till, after a day or j»two, on going to the stable, the gen- I tleman found that his groom had i solved. Over the stall of the old ! family favorite was painted his name, ' Ajax; and over that of the newcomer , the hostler had printed in big chalk letters, "Bjax." Tbe English Pages. Pages at the English Court, ap- po'nted at the ages of IS or 14, are mostly the sons of distinguished of ficers of the army or of high digni taries in the royal housshold, serve usually four years, at about $1,000 a year, and are then presented with commissions in the armj^ unless use*,:;./ turned down for some cat I SOME dead people are buried so juick that it looks like their kin were afraid they would come to life. n A Royal Trophv. The bones of the whales that the German Kaiser slaughtered in the North Sea last summer are to be turned into furniture for the Norwegian boat- house at Potsdam. Good World's Fair Accommodations Near grounds. Lodging and breakfast, $1.25. Quiet location. Write Mas A. FTTHK. 7332 Yates are., Chicago. Needs 1 ots of Labrican It takes 100 gallons of oil a year to keep a large-sized locomotive in run ning ordor. IN making Dobbins' Electric Soap (ten cents a bar) for twenty-six years, discov eries have been made out of whicb has grown Dobbins' new Perfect Soap, 5c a bar, worth doubfe any 5c soap mada Try it A CLOTH of very fine texture is made from tbe bark of tbe paper tree, a mul berry growing In the South Sea Islands. 1,000,000 £ 7 A \ ># COMPANY in Minnesota. Urs. They will be sent to you ACRES OF LANOjf for sale by theSAiarFaob'" DULCTH KAtLKOASt Send for Maps.an4Ch«|^ Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, f" ? h ^ LandCommi iioner,St. Paul,Minn. -* .is • • '.) fGSTEl Fill uis; A pamphlet descriptive of the farm lands of Jfe- braaka, Nortuwest Kansas and Eastern Colorado,? With sectional map. will be mailed free to any ad-1 dress on application to I'. S. EUSTJS, General I'a»- eeiitfer Agt £ Q. K. K . CHICAGO. III. |Froml5to25lbs t month. Harm- s treatment (by prao WV^C tTM rQU** tlelnp phvskf.-w). No starving. Thoosaod* curs<4. Se;id 6c in itaropH \ ST. b\ SNYDEK, >1. IK, Mail De O. W. K. SNYDEK, >1. IK, Mail Dept. IcVlcker's Tlieiiter. Cliicaffts •n"a»<%i/%a«J0Hsw.!Bt IKllOlUll Wa.hlnato | ? in last war, 15a<yudicatingclauns, asty MENTION THIS PAPER J i ? i I.KF: M s - i • !>1<! y.'t KKAI> AT .ART, Publisher, Xotwalk, Ohio. You can earn SIO to StOO monthly- without canvassing lor books, red- D.CU •Send addmw for SAM- PI.E Mi sier NRHITRRL SIMPLI- I >. Most complete tuna sim- • Ushed. MU-XC KAKU.K SIGHT. H. fc. STEW- dling or leaving hoiut'.by s-ndink vour ». J '5s • .U „ 1 . $ nann- and iddrrsn to .J. .1. >JVA.S9», l()(t Callt'urnla St., Man FraneiNeo, Cal 7rilliail A Rarp permanent etir«for Streat? aLUUnlll Feet i»nd odors arising theieirotn. trf'in arni-i lis: and a complete eradicator at C ORNS. S-'ut by mail anrwnete. Price XSc a l-o*. Address Salesroom. SOO W. 40th St. X. V. •I « > 'k .vu r. MRRMMMMM|[^MMplisit>iiliiwii,l m Economioui. i..oiou„u. , everything else that Is good for Bile Beans Small. safe and are the words 1 cordially recommend Hood's Karsaparilla to all Jrho may be sufferinK witti Indigestion, lmpor* blood, humors, loss of appetite, or run down, or ont i of order generally. It will wurely THE Dakota River Is the longest on- navigable river In the world--over 1,0U0 wiles. HHillMMorphine Habit Cared In lO EN^! LEfiRI THE WATCHMAKER'S TRADE! Oat. free. B. F. AVE, PABSOKS, IOE & Co., Feoria. IIU • & 1^3 la writins |o men1" you 11 help there is any help for you. I have fnu:.d it a very great benefit for malaria, chills and fever, rhenma- liEm, kidney complaint and catarrh, even when X considered myself incurable." HENBT 8. FOS TER, Scarborough, N. ¥. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's. itins to Advertisers, please do not f»B tion this paper. Advertiser* Ilk* 'tmt mediums pay tlaem feast. THE COSTTS THE SAME Hood's Fills act easily, yet i-icKtly, on the liver and bowels. romptly and effl- Consumptives people who have weak luny# or Asth m.-.. should use Piso's Cure for Consumption. It has eared thousands, it ha* not injur ed one. It Is not bad to take. It is the best cough syrup. Sold everywhere. S3c. C O N S U M P T I - O rrwirirtn The Hartman Steel Picket . io more than an ordinary clumay wood picket affair that oMWiWt IMIM " rot or fail apart in m short tluie.The HartinaarMw ft J&88B* Coats no more than au ordinary clumsy wood pa Md will rot or fail apart in • short time. The Hartmaa Fern*? w » froteets the grounds without concealing them and ta practicauj 11 ustrated Catalogue with Prices and Testimonials Mailed Sranchet: HARTMAN MFG. COMPANY, BEAVER FALLS, PA. ~mw Ck'> j- -c, ISA'A - » / * ^ ~vr>- ® %