C.P. BOLEY, tf McHeiirj Breiery, McHENRY, J LI I DAY. SEPT 1 3 , 1 8 9 8 . mm. * * 1 v 1 t <•* f ? ft ^7^ 4 ?,^ - i Always on Band with the Beet Beer, BUPP. By A. ;?W^£f5V. Notice Executor's •On the Elgin Board of Trade Mon- OOk %9-eeut advance, 17.580 IMjwItibfaNrat 27c. Market active, wi^ibl^iRtSSc: last week's pries, 35>C, 1» year .ago 24^fe25e ' "* ifTCfafef Arthur has settled tbe tfeif iptoages against the Brotherhood of ive Engineers. It is an acknowl- icsat that employes of a railroad _ re a responsibility for the transit of freight committed to their hands They cannot qntifc in the middle of a trip so as to endanger property. A principle is thtiH established that will go far to alle viate the hardships caused by railroad atarikes in the future. Mir Orange production in Florida has increased from 600,000 boxes in 1885 to 6,500,000 boxes during the last season. It is now a common fruit everywhere. Elderlv neople can well remember when in their childhood an orange was the great est luxcry, and the staple article for the Christinas present. It was smelled of and admired for days before the precious fruit was eaten. A child now days would baidly tbink the present of an orange worth a thank-you. |gr The pulpit is causing public atten tion to itself through novel incidents just j BOW. The Rev. Robt. Mclntyre, of Den ver, has created a sensation among his j congregation by asking that his salary of f5,000 be reduced to $1,000. He j thinks the sum he receives at present is j at least twice as large as it should be in hard times. This is not more remarka- j We however, than the unusual announce-: ment from a church of Warren, Pa., one j of the wealthiest towns of its size in that state, a Sunday or two ago, when the | pastor announced that there were a num ber of members of the church who werel giving more than they could really j Afford. |®" The beautiful white buildings of the exposition will be sold as junk. They will soon be advertised to be knocked down to the highest bidder. About the only things of future use in them are the Iron, steel arches and timbers. It is thought that not more than a million dollars will be realized from the auction. The Manufacturers and Liberal Arts building, which cost $1,600,000, will of necessity, it-is believed, owing to the magnitude of the undertaking, be given to the man who will tear it down and cany the debris away. Each arch of the building contains 20 carloads of steel, y rivited firmly together. MFThe young Canadian idea seems ^ *0 shoot toward being a lawyer. There an not many openings in business life in Canadian towns, and that may account 14 for the eagerness for professional careers, la Toronto, with a population of less tbaa 200,000, there are 600 practicing lawyers. The Canadian Law Journal warns the young man to seek something ; else. It is possible that the advice is not amiss in this country. It says to ambi- . tious young men from the law schools: C • "Yes, young friends, whilst we acknowl edge your learning and acumen and your fitness for judicial preferment, we Must remind you that unfortunately the country is already overcrowded with men fast a clever and pushing as yourselves. Who are now vainly struggling for the • wherewithal to pay even their yearly fees v tic the society, to say nothing of that which is necessary to sustain life even on Ik.-, the most economical basis." SMIOUU* SUGGESTIONS There are reasons for expecting that tho nest thrco or four weeks will be more oppressive and more trying to health and strength than the main part of the sum mer. The human system is more or less weakened by the long strain and, more over, vegetation is beginning to decay, thus tending to engender malaria. A few simple hin+s for healthful living, based upon the best sanitary and medical opinion, will be found worth heeding. As to food: Flesh meats should be used sparingly, avoiding gross fats. Far inaceous foods, such as rice, oatmeal and cracked wheat are excellent; also most vegetables in their season. Fruits can hardly be used to excess, but great care is imperative in seeing to it that they are thoroughly rips, yet not is the slightest degree decayed. Perfect keshnsss is essential. As to drink: Pure water, pure milk, tea and coffee, not too strong or in exces sive quantities; lemonade, lime juice, lac- tart, drinks containing a portion of fruit syrups are all good. Ice water is dan gerous if taken hastily, in large quanti ties particularly if the person is heated. The advice to sip ice cold drinks through a straw is wise. Alcoholic liquors of every sort should be even more severely let alone than at any other period of the year. The peril from contaminated water is now at its heighth, and too great watchfulness in that respect is im possible. ^ Bathing at least every other day--for most people every day--promotes com fort, cleanses the system from disease germs, assists nature to keep up a vigor ous physical and mental tone. Bay rum or liquid amonia makes a usefuljaddition to the bath. The clothing should continue to be light, thin flannels having a large place in the late summer wardrobe. Keep the head cool. There are summer hats that are really comfortable, and others that only look so. Avoid the "stovepipe" hat until the season for the use of stoves re turns. But watch against catching cold. August and September colds have brought many a person to a consump tive grave. It is a wise precaution now when leaving home for the city or a long drive, or even a brisk walk, to carry on the arm a wrap or light overcoat. As to sleep: See that ventilation is perfect, that plenty of sunshine enters the bed chamber every day, preferably in the forenoon. Drainage, cellars, closets, kitchen sinks need attention pre-eminent ly. Householders should attend to this in person or secure the services of an ex pert. If one is a lodger he will do well to satisfy himself; or, if in doubt find a lodging where there is no chance for doubt. It is mainly in the night time, when the body is relaxed by sleep, that foul air does its deadly work. Finally keep cool in temper. Do not frett. Do not worry. Do not overwork. Do not procrastinate and yet avoid haste. Look on the bright side of things. Maintain a good conscience. And when October's frosts clarify the atmosphere those who have faithfully observed the conditions of wholesome living will be in vigorous trim for coming events.--£x. T^gtat* of John Fit itsimmons deceased. J The ntxleraiftnetl having bfn appointed KxMntor* of the l&sl Will and Testament Ot John Fitzsimmons, deceased, laie of the County ol McHenry and State of Illinois, liercby {j ve notice thai th«y will appear be fore the County Court of MoHenry County, at the Court House at Wrods-tock. at the No * ember term, on the tirst M <nday in Novem ber next, at which time all persons h'vjnsr c'nim« against paid esta»e »ro notified And requested to attend for the purpose of havin* the tameadjasted. All persons indebted to wild estate are requested to make Immediate paymerinto the imdertisrned. Hi in, llth iifty of-September, A. D. 1893. Jos FITZ8JMMON8, Executors. V, 8. IUMLEY, Attorney. Administrator'a Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, J ilCtlKWP.r COtTHT V ) FESTATE of JohnB, and •deltisftt K«nne-t beck, decease I Public notice is hereby given, that the uo. dersigned, Administ'rof the estate of John B. ft i i t i A> viuviu i iOiiutfwCii! wil) f tS t»-nd before the County Court of McHenry Co'inty, at the C^urt House, in Woodstock on >.ond-«~v, the 3d day of October, i 93 next, fcr tee purp"»*e of miking a final settlement ot 8«i<. estate, at which time and place I will ask for «n order of distr.bnti n, and will also ask to t>n discharged. All persons interested are notified to attend if they see lit. HcUenry. 111., sept. 11. A. n 1393. • JOHN H. KENNEBKOK. 10w4 Administrator. oes, Clothing, Hats, or any ar ticle you may need will be here. . \ k "v»* The staple ^ooda are somewhat beiowyour expectniipn, perhaps Ml EW• West McHoDry. 111., 1P93, W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noTWP. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pdfi] Best In the world. $3.00 •2.50 1*2.00 r FOR LADIES j, • 2.00 *1.75 FOR BOYS *1-79 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made [n the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as welt. If you wish to economize in your footwear, do so by purchasing W< L> Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. W. I» DOUGLAS, Brockton, Hail. Sold by •2.25 12.00 COME IN And inspect our fine stock of goods. We have been receiving seveial invoices of new goods, and it iB a rare treat to look them over, "Our . * Prices are Lower Than M if Z;&*. - * NTMr. Gladstone is a grand old man, 1>ut England does not far-nish tbe only •pecimen of a man, who, at great age, re tains the vigor of youth. Hon. J. S Morrill, senator from Yermont, at 83 fears of age, only one year younger than Mr. Gladstone, after 39 years of consecu tive service in Congress, stood up in the Senate the other day and delivered one of the strongest and most vigorous Speeches made in favor of the repeal of the Sherman law. He is the equal of Mr. Gladstone in health, vigor and mental clearness. Then there is David Dudley Field, at 88, vigorous yet and taking ,|>art in the discussions of questions of the day with all the enthusiasm of youth, «nd Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the most youthful of all the old boys, who writes as fresh and charming as ever and enjoys life of the present. The American at mosphere and American life, for all its nervousness and feverish unrest, seems to give lone life and energy to those who . iise themselves well, And the most active ] and most useful lives are the longest. One never grows old as long as he keeps something ahead of him to strive for. > When one sits down and looks backward dropping all of life's present activities, grows old fast. But looking forward • to *ew achievements perpetual youth is ;f.s • iR^wTvU* Cold Air In Place of Ice. I predict that 10 years from now familiar ice wagon will be a novelty up on the streets of a city, so general will have been the adoption of artificial re frigeration. For a long time brewers, pork packers and storage men have been independent of the ice crop, and the in troduction of the cold air pipe lines down town has supplanted the use of ice in ho tels, restaurants and barrooms except, wherein it is desired to make a display of the crystal commodity. In time tl.t- distribution of cold air will be as general in cities as is gas or water, and the sys tem will be perfected whereby the re frigerating gas necessary for attachment} to a family refrigerator will be delivered tank just like carbonated water is fountains, once a month or .--St. Louis Globe-Demosrat. in a tank it to the so0a as reqaifed.- Doellnf In France. Until within a few yews dueling in Prance was so common that 5,000 such encounters were fought every year. The vast majority of these occurred in the army, but in 1890 M. de Freycinet, the minister of war, discouraged the prac tice and rendered it optional under cir cumstances in which it had been consid ered imperative. Among civilians, how ever, the game goes merrily on, being chiefly sustained by angry politicians or excited journalists. It was calculated in 1886 that since 1870 847 duels had been fought in France outside the army. In only nine instances were any of the combatants disabled, while 98 per cent of those engaged left the field unscathed. --London Tit-Bits. Recognizing tte fact that money is very close everywhere, we have marked our goods away down. Onr prices cannot be duplicated, and our goods are strictly first class. Give us a call. TEG CHICAGO FAIR ST08E West Mo Henry. D. GOLDMAN & CO, PBOFKIBTOFTP. Ginghams, jvory ti|i 1 n g lioodod fcr Fall* Should you hap pea this «»y te urge you to look over our stock. •-" 1 ' ' ' Standard Prints, 5e* wide sheeting, We are now making preparations and jmrchasfK for a large Fall trade, and will make prices to reduce our still heavy stock ot igT * SUMMER MERCHANDISE, Until Closed Out. Regardless of For Cash only, including Goods, Dress Goodaj | Notions, Trimmings, iery, Furnishing Goods, Jgmbroideries, Ribbons. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. To our Patrons of McHenry a»<1 Count!**, ( ! We are entering ti e race this Fall wirb a strong determination to get pirt of 5our Vail and Winter trade, if a good assm-ted stock, bought right, f >r cash, md sold OD the closest living margin *vll! accomplish this end. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. In this line we aim to carrv none but-the best makes, in great variety, making the line a specialty. We are enabled to give you a better assortment, at, lower prices, to sele t from, than you may be able to find elsewhere. Our fall stock is now in. When in need of anything in the Boot, Shoe or Rubber Ike it *ill pay you to call on us, Clothing and Overcoats#; With our new fail invoice now bought, we are starting out by showing to the trade a two thousand dollar stock of ready-made Olothing, from o boy's 4-year old knee pant up to a man's 50-inch Overcoat, in all grades and at all prices, from a cheap cotton up to the finest men's woolen suits. Customers living within twenty miles cannot afford to buy here or in other towns without first look ing over our line and getting our prices. We shall make it your special interest to trade with us, Special attention will be given to the Underwear stock during the nest (wo months. Cotton and woolen, in meu's. women's and children's sizes. Hats and Caps. Trunks and Traveling Bags, Floor Oil Clotha, Hosiery, Dock Coats. Ruckford Overalls. Jackets and Shirts, aud Gloves, Flresh Gracoriis, Flour, Corn Meal and Grahnm. JOHN J. MILLEB, West HcHeuy. HUN REGULAR RETAIL PRICE. •4 T3 . The Northwestern Home Seeker is the ,name Of a newspaper just issued, giving ; ^ valuable information regarding the a#ri- vf.-* etdtorat, tpinera! and other resources of South Dakota. This new Btate'is enjoying a wonderful prosperity And any person looking for a desirable location, or interested in ob- taining information concerning the di .p ;/ventffled resources of South Dakota will V be mailed a copy of t*"8 PttPer free of Ifl eharge by sending their address to W I , A. ThraSl, General Passenger Agent ff ^Ofth-Western Line, Chicago Qhe&p Excursion* On August 22d, September and October 10th, 1893, the North-Western line will sell Harvest Excursion tickets to in northwestern Iowa, western ta, North Dakota, South Dakota itoba, Nebraska, Colorada, Wyom- ~ Utah, at exceedingly low rates round trip. These tickets will be lor return passage within twenty from date of sale and will allow er privileges on going trip in ter- to which tickets are sold. For and full information appiy to rn R'y. • Sharp Passage. The English marriage service was the spbject of conversation. Lowe said in his dashing way that it was full of non sense. "Why," he exclaimed, turning to his wife, "it made me say 'with all my worldly goods I thee endow,' when I had no worldly goods wherewith to en dow you." "Ah, Robert," she replied, "but there were your brains!" "Well," he said, "all the world knows that 1 did not endow you with them."-- "Life and Letters of Viscount Sher- brooke." ' A Monster Sundial. • large promontory in the .ASgeansea, known as Hay«n Horoo, extends 8,000 feet above the level of the water. As the sun swings around the shadow of this mountain touches one by one a cir cle of islands separated by regular in tervals, which act as hour marks. It is the largest sundial in the world.--St. Louis Republic. PATENTS Canals, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copjpjgida, And ail Patent boBlneu conducted tor MODERATE FEES. * BBf-1 111 i lTlm jinn t i l Immjli ijpii ibaigo. jUMreas . PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURR, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box MS. WASHINGTON, D.G. WTMb Company is managed by a combination of tbe largest and most influential newspapers In tho United States, for the express purpose of protect* t>( their aabacribera against unscrupulous and incompetent Patent Agents, and earh paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responsi bility and Lick standing of the Press Claims Company. I have a few high grade wood cook stoves that can he purchased at a reduction 40 to 2Q pe* ct. •' '*.V.. -^r 0. ' : • - ' • . A few medium sized wood cooks at cost. Now is your chance to secure a Bargain. They ara bound to go at this reduction. Eveiy stove warrant® J Tours Respectfully, F . L . * M c O M B E R , West MoHenry, 111. FLY NETS | Of tbe beat makes for large or email horses, in leather and cord, for buggy or work team. Colored and white body and flank nets of all kinds. Dusters, sweat pads, whips, ete. Stock large an<} prices I very low at Simon Stoffel's. Chicago & North-Western Do not miss seeing the World's Fair Clothing at J. J. Miller's. It is the finest line in West McHenry. Klssas&^ii Piles of people have piles, bat De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. Julia A. Story. ti t * FREE.-- Land In California Fret, iSinThat can grow, if irrigated, Oranges, Grapes, or any fruit in California that will grow by ir* ligation. This land has 110 marl ket value without irrigation. We will Plant the Trees Free. Take care and cultivate them for 5 yeari for half the profit, pay the .taxes, labor and other charges, will pav you back the first year after irrigation one-third ol your investment if you will help get irriw gation. Price $25 for 5 years, payable f!"> per month till $25 iB paid. FREE DEED to the land, no charges to you for taxes of labor or trees. Address {California Land and Wat* SUctiange, 7 . 288 Main St., Dayton, 0, THE FARMERS STORE. Are you taking advantage of the Low Prices the Farmers Store is offering, if not you are behind tho times, and you had better call and secure spme of the many Bargains lamoflfering. ; •;£ '<Y*V mm 1 . • ' .-iVi": A. P. BAER, West McHenry. Stow Goods, uuumweafi - ' ' ' /VH LaCes, - 4^4" *• " -v< XlluC* FOR 7-CENTS Or 4 for 25 cents. ^We offer for 10 days only, ladies fine Ribbed Jersey Summer Vests, in all sizes, worth 12 l-2c. 500 Yds. Standard Dress GlUgftitftB, 11 cents, for only 7c, Call earlj^ $ygyssu MMIM At less than first cost to cl.we. WP- 1* < • are creating great havoc among the prices of our standard And will at once close out without reserve to make room for tall stock, all our broken lines and sizes, and have selected a large lot of misses', ladies' and men's slippers and low shoes, which we will sipll at prices never before heard of in this totrn. Children's slippers,^5,10,15 to 35 cents. Children's shoes, 15,25 to 50 centa* Hen's slippers 25. 35 to 75 cents. Men's 8h»t'4d, ISO t<> T6 cftfiiir. Ladles1 ilippers 25,35 to 60 cents. Ladies1 shoes 75.90 to tl 1§$/ Men's low shoes 50, 75*to 91 50. Jlfen's low shoes 91,91 35 to 99 t All otbor goods in proportion in this line. Call and lie rBoy8' warranted shoes, all sizes, 40, 60c to $1. Good Of the Best Makes only* GOODS Boys' and Men's Seersucker Coats and Vests, all sizej§ from §0 cents to $1 25 for Coat BUY WALL PAPER, Curtains, tsii.acles. Carpets, ©tc, now sare money.;^' • PLY NETS AND COVERS Of all kinds, in leather and cord, for working ot buggy horaw. Large stock and prices right. Now isfthe time to Buy your Fruit Jars and Crockery Our etoqk is large in both White Granite, Lustre Barrd And D-eor- ated Ware of all kinds Prices low. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPI CANNED COODSi BKDUCTIOiV ON JuM raoalvad, a <*rJg=d,|>^®5l,<5Sw?me|P Honest Abe Wo, New Process 90o. Half Patent 91 05. Cnlck's Belt ft 10. •11 fully warranted and delivered free In any part of town. Try as. We ara agent* for the world renowned W warranted $2, $3, and $4 shoes, and cariy a full styles made* . 'IT. Doufflas' fully stock in the various. imm 1NSURIN6. In our old and reliable time-tried and fire and storm tested com panies, on all classes of insurable property ft jafct rates. Our busi ness in this line is very extensive and y0|^Hater<a^ i«eei?e th© baat of attention possible. Bespectf'illy, M . West MoHonry. m i&u . . , V ; V .* , Vjp it & . • .( «• ;