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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1893, p. 1

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PMced butto truHf, to and Law? Wo Favors Win ut and no Pear Shall Awo.' VOL. 19. M'HBNRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1893. BVS1NBBS CARDS. P. 0. OOLBY, D. D. R. DEWTI9T. Wooditook. III. Special atten-tioa pild to ntalktug children'! tNtk Parties coming from A distance would do wel tm rive timely notion by mail, Qffioo, Kevml block., eoraer Ham street and Pnblicdquare a J. HOWARD. M. ft *1014*1 AND 8UBGXOK. 0*ee at the ersldenoe of B. A* Howard, Weat MeHenry, III. a H. rXOBBS, M, D- YSlOiAN AND SUBGKOX. MeHeary -- Oflee ftetidenoe. DB. A, R. AUBIKGBB, PHYSICIAN AXDSUBGXOH. Office i n Dar Obllda building. West MeHenry, 111. ' Bealdemee, houee formerly oeonpted by Dr. Oatorae. All prpfiiaaioaal ealU promptly tanded to. BHBFABD. F. I>, SHUiBD SHEPARD *8HEPARD, t TTORNEYfc AT LAW. Suite 512, Forth. A em offiea Building, IS LaSalla street Chicago, I1L ' «-ly : h KNIGHT * BBOWW, ^vJBNEYS AT LAW. U. S. liprtH Oo.'a Building, 87 and 80 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. V, 9. LUMLBY. ATTOBNBY AT LAW, art Solicitor la Chancery, WOODSTOCK, ILL. .v_._ _ flMlea la Park House, first floor. ttoa. JOSLYN & OASXY, Poi prompt atten- A TTOBNBYS AT LAW, Woodstook I1L XX All business will receive tt P. BABMBS, i TTOBNET, Solicitor, andl Oouaeelor, L Oolleetionsla specialty. WOODSTOCK, lixnrois. JOHN P. SMITH, atohmaker MoHKNRY. Sc Jeweler ILLINOIS. l stock of Clocks, Watches atfi airy always on band. Speolal attention given to repairing Una watches. Give ma a oall. • JOHN P- BMJTM. p jfV Horsemen. Look Here. I have a fine stock of Horses, among which are "YoungGreen Mountain Morsran,' "Mor- rill Obariea." and others. Call and see these Horses before making arrangement* else­ where. N. S. COLBY. MoHenry, 111., May 10,18M. P I O N E E R HEROES TIISri D A R I N G DEEDS! The thrilling exoloite or American border heroes and heroines, with Indians, outlaw* and wild beasts, from the earliest times to now. Lives and (Anous deeds of DMoto, Standish, Boone, Kenton. Brady, Crockett, Carson, Cluster, Com stock. Wild BUI, Buffalo Bill, Gens. Crook and Miles, Geronimo, Sit­ ting Bull, and other great Indian Chiefs, etc. History of the War with the GbosUDancers. and all. 250 Engravings. Young boys not answered. lowed aglnts short of Agents Wanted f"Jfl* jKT PUBLI8HIK3 CO. Box 6001, St. Loot*, Mo. United States far flail Apcy r; WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. Be all elassss and kind* of claim* Hatted States for ex-Soldiers, L JgMtntient Beiatlves or Heirs, r^ka* In proseouiiag old and alcatlons promptly answered tf Postage Stamp* axe eaelosed to? reply. WM» B. COIfUtiRr ce at BeoHleia*, SUllaoa St., Woodstoec. rejected < All communications n? Inols. FREE.- Land in California Free, can grow, if irrigated, Oranges, Grapes, or any fruit in California that will grow by ir» ligation. This land has no mar­ ket value without irrigation. We will Plant the Trees Free; F. K. - - Dental CVhwwttADr. -my -PILCHER* Surgeon. rm - Wat MeHenry, Ilk Crown, Plate and Bridge Work artistically executed at reasonable prices. Special atten tion given to the care of Children's Teeth. COXBCLTATIOH FUB. -- .4: A. IN. CHURCH, Tf j Watchmaker and Jeweler NO.On i HundredTwenty-rive State St Chi-cass. III. Special attention g'.vca to re- palringr ine watches and Chronometer*. VA Fall Assortment of Goods in hi* line W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Collecting Agency. orrm OK SAILKOAD *T., HTA p. EIJ; ; NUNDA, !lf< ,* CHARLES C. BERNER, Boot and filhoe Maker( Over Heman Bros, Jewelry Store, op­ posite Bishop'* MiU, Mc Henry% Boots and Shoe* manufactured of the best material and a lit guaranteed. « EPA FRTNG Promptly attended to. Fine Boot* and Shoe* a specialty. Oall and see me. OHABLK8 G. BERNER. MeHenry, 111., Aug.», MS. ^ Think Deeply When you are contemplating a purchase of anything In the line of Jewelry, BO matter how small may be the amount IOTOITII. Act Wisely H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Including Accident and Life Insurance. Orr;ca WITH B. GILBERT, NKAE , WEST MCUENBT, ILU ' ^ 4 CUF. BOLEY4 Proprietor of MeHenry Brewery, McHEXBT, ILL. jtfipqpa on Band with the Best Beer, M e H e n r y H o u s e , . McHENRY. ILL, - ' 'JQ& BB1MBR. Proprietor, , Elver, in the Villig* of MeHenry, special at tention will be given to the entertainment <»f Hooters, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers generally. 8portsmen Supplied with ,©om plate Outfits II . v y u i U M w u u ; NEAR THE DEPOT. WEST MoHENRY, ILL Keep* open tor the accommodation of the Public a Pir*t-C>la** Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all time* keep the beet brand* of Wine*, Liquors and Cigar* to be found In the market. , PABST'S KUwankts Lagu Bwr. At Wholeeele and Retell. Beer in Large or Small Keg* or Bottle* al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Order* by mail promptly attended to. QOOB BTABLINO FOR BOS8F9 WCall and see a*. Robert Sohlessle. Weat MeHenry. UL PATENTS Cmflfe,Tndt-fflirks, Dnlgn Patents, CopjHghts, lllall Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information sad e«vlo* glrsa to tarsaten vtthoet Ctage. Addna* --.•iffiffiM#RESS CLAIMS • ^ , /' JOHN WEDOERbiyaSt' - ' : HpsgingAUoneyi V.aBozdM. WABHD*aTOir,l>.a •-'H-' • ;" t 1 MTTM*C&mpaB/ a cosibSnatioa tS the largest and most influential newspapers in the United 8tate«, for the express purpose of 3>*o**>«.*£» IRS ESAS»JS-£IRABE*S CGAIITBT UUSCRUPBLOUS and Incompetent Patent: Agents, and each paper printing till* advertisement vouches for the responsi­ bility high standing of the Press Claims Company. m, care and cultivate them for 5 y< half the profit, pay the taxes, labor and other charges, will pay you back the first year after irrigation one-third of your investment if you will help get irri­ gation. Price $25 for 5 yean, payable $5 per month till $25 is paid. FREE DEED to the land, no charges to you for taxes or lajbor or trees. Address . California Land and Water Exchange. S88 Main St., Dayton, O. 5/;j- I ' / f- | Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all i ent business conducted for MODERATE FEE*. [OUR OFFICE ie<OFPosrre U.S. PATENT OFFICE [ and we can secure patent in less time than those i remote from Washington. |> 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-1' |tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of!; i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , > 1 A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with' > [cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J; sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP, PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. J f : Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now is. the .time to W© have a large stock of the celebrated ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, 'Vdh well as other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and are worthy of inspection. " I : - The Largest Stock of 8toves in the County. • • • • . ' We have on hand Anti-Riisitiag Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything found in a hardware store. First cla^s new work and Repairs in Tin, Your trade is respectfully! solicited. By coming to look over our large and well auorted stock Qf fl] that i* new and Mssonab)*. Decide Quickly To bay of as. After seeing the prices and examining the quality of onr goods yea can't resist them. It is Impossible to do better elsewhere. No Better Yaiues Can be found. We set none but the choioeat of the bast goods on the market. . Prices Wonderftilly Lew. We are always ready to we you and show you our astonishing bargains. Repairing of all kinda Promptly to* KOW IS THE TIM* TO Sewing Machine I Only $5 a month until paid. IKEA MAN BROS. C/> <U 4-) U A-> V O i i 4> £ J' h 9 A h Do You Know That we tarry an elegant line of - An* GQOOS t Do Yon KQOW • That our stock of BOOTS 8C, SHOES is strictly first class ? Do Yon Know That in NOTIONS we are the - People, and that we are un­ excelled ? Do Yon Know That we 0:1 a supply you with the best oi TINWARE at the Lowest Prices ? Do You Know That we have received an im­ mense stock of UNDERWEAR, : .v and that this is the correct time to buy ? Come in and let us show you our goods. THE CHICAGO FAIR STORE. West MeHenry. ;; D. GOLDMAN & CO, PBOFBICTOBS. R I P A N S A B U L E S REGULATE THE STOMACH, UVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPAXS TAB01.ES are the best JKedl* sine knows Air Ia41(wU«i, BUteasasssi Hnistkc, OowtlHU«< Dyapepata, Okrwl« Liver TroaMes, Dlssiaess, Bad Otaikxlni Dyienterj, OCoaire Breath, sil all dis­ order* mt the Stesaaeh, Uvfr sad B.wels, Ripans Tabolee contain nottiv lnlurlotu to the most delicate constitution. Axe lilwnt to take, safe. eSectoaL and give Immediate relief. Price--Bo* (6 rials), 75 cent*; Faekaae (4 boxes), a Kaj be ordered thronsh iieanA aru«P«t« V. J. BiUUR, J. J. BABBU.H BARBIAN BROS. Whdsade and Batadl rasuns nr FINE CIGARS, MeHENRY ILLINOIS, Being novr pleasantly located In our new store, formerly occupied by Altboff Bros., we SM now nranared In nffitr to the amokiBg pub lie a fine 'line of Clsrara of onr own manufac. ture, together with Smoking and Chewing Tobacco of the best brands. a Specialty. Ws have a very large assortment aaft TSry handsome patterns GALL AND SEE US. . IlL'. Jane Ml 1892. PaU Asnoxmcemeit! Mrs.C.W. BESLEY WI3T McBENBT, II^>. - Deslwi to annouace to tbe Udles of thi» vicinity tbal she has received her stock of FaUapd Winter •• Millinery! AttH 'ts to equip all who so de­ sire with Hats in the very latest styles. 8be has carefully examined what Is latest in the Millinery line, and her (election is first class Her stock la superb. Tbe bats on sale, with tbe trimmings, are pronounccd up to ika times by all who see them. AN INVESTIGATION Is Invited. Come and see for your- selves. A further aanounoement will appear oext week. Be member the name sod place, MRS. 0» W. BKSLKV, IVest MeHenry, III. 40HH HAUPBISH'S Steam Laundry MeHenry, III. Having just put in a new Ironing and Polishing Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work la tbe Laundry line on short notice, and guarantee satisiactlon. 1A> All work left with me will be promptly done,as tbe .new machinery pat In enables me to do my work much faster and better than heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and delivered when done, If word Is sent me. JOHN HAUPRlSHl FRED. M- RYDER, HOMB, SIGH AND Carriage Fainter, McHKNBT, I&L* Having leased the shop of P. Hauprlsh. In the vliisge of MeHenry, I am now prepared to do all kinds of Painting on short ssotice and guarantee satistaetion. , Carriage Painting a Specialty. «T All work done promptly and prices reasonable. Give me a call, FRKD. M. RYDER. MoBenry, inf. L ISM. G. L. HUBBARD, Harness - Maker A WD DlilU IN HARNESS, SADDLERY, Bridles, Blankets, Whips, CUTTERS, &e» ^ - T *' ' . « " . ALL GOODS AT COST! Stock must be closed out in ten days from date. Single and light double har­ ness at 30 per cent off. Heavy double harness 25 ptr cent off Several seta of second-hand double and single harness at al* most nothing. All goods must chance of a lire-time, C. L. HUBBARD. KNada,I11^1803. - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. fnoeedlacs of the Axwwal September Meeting, 1808. The honorable board of supervisors of MeHenry county met in annual session at the court nonee m Woodstock on Tuesday, Sept. 12,1893. Meeting was called to order by the chairman. The following named super­ visors answered at roll call: Sups. C. P. Wright, F. F. Axtell, Geo. F. Rush ton, Wm. Desmond, Geo, P.. Richards, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzein, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, Geo. W. Conn, G. McConnell, A. M. Wt»ky, W. A. Crista, J. H. tiracy and W. P. Thompson. Sup. Hoy moved that all bills be refer­ red to their proper committees without reading. Motion carried. ^ Sup. Hoy moved that the board ad­ journ for committee work until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock* Carried. TUESDAY MORNING TEN O'CLOCK. Board met pursuant to adjourment. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Members all present bat Supe. Brotaraan and Beck. Sup. Cristy stated to the board that they would have to change the first pre- eiuet voting place from urimolby's to the old Congregational church. Sup. Ho.y moved that the change ask­ ed for be granted. Motion carried. Report of committee on poor house was read to the board and on motion adopt­ ed to-wit: To the honorable board of supervisors Woodstock, Sept. 2, 1893. Your com­ mittee on poor house would beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at the poor farm Aug. 25, 1898f to make out bills tor keeping the poor since March 23, 1893. The following bills were presented to committee and allowed and ordered paid: Whitson Bros • MMruMl'iUMlf 33 66 - - - 12611 125 00 3 79 10 05 3 95 1119 11 20 12 07 18 90 47 50 19 95 1116 4 03 451 69 375 The committtee on education made the following report, which was read to the board and on motion adopted, torwit; State of Illinois, Bunker Bros.. T J I)aey. L T Hoy ; A 8 Wright A Dreyer Bagley & Caskey C W Hall A B Pratt Eckert & Young C L Douglas & Son C F Thorn E A Murphy M D Hoy & Son N S Robb, salary N S Robb, incidentals. Total $894 00 Supplies on hand March 21,'93.. 223 21 Total Of the foregoing running expenlsee. CREDIT. By supplies on hand Ang. SB......) By proauce sold from farm By board and medical attend­ ance of Mrs, Lawson^........... $1117 21 f1044,19 were for 76 57 48 43 67 T9 Total 1187 79 Which leaves for net running expenses |856.40. Total number of weeks board 703 4-7, rate per week $ 1.22. The following bills were sent to the towns and persons liable for the same: Riley 18 09 Greenwood ffit 62 Marengo 30 45 Hebron 27 36 Chemung 28 79 McHeary 106 85 Alden,. 6S 90 Wunda. 113 47 Harllan<l .. 14* 27 Coral 27 36 Seneca A3 02 Algonquia .. . .190 24 Oral ton 30 80 E £ Richards.... 68 11 Dorr 78 01 It was voted by the committee to paint the woodwork of the poor farm building within and without. L. T. Hoy was appointed to secure men and mater­ ial for the work. It was also voted to lay new floor in men's room and hall in basement and ceil wall overhead in kitchen and men's room, and build new walk to outhouse. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. CONN, Chm. W. P. THOMPSON, • L. T. HOY, F. E. S i EVENS. Report of committee on roads »nd bridges was read to the board and on motion adopted to-wit: State of Illinois, ty.J McHenzy 'County Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, A. D. 1893. Mr. Chairman &md Gentlemen of the Board of Superv isors: Your committee to whom was referred the various road warrants would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined the same and find them as follows, to-wit: The town of Hebron, fourteen district/are correct, and as the above town is the only one in the county remaining under the old labor sysem, we would recom­ mend that all warrants not yet in from the town of Hebron must be delivered to the county clerk by Oct. 1,1893. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. P. THOMPSON,CHM. JOHN WELTZEIN, F. F. AXTELL, C. P. WBIGHT. Report of committee on town accounts was read to the board and on motion adopted, to-wit: State of Illinois, MeHenry County, Board of Supervisors. Sept. term. A D. 1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent of schools for the quarter ending Ang. 31, 1893, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before uisss: We have examined same and find the same correct and recommend its acceptance and $244, the amount asked for, be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. F. RTHHTON, Chm. W. P. Thompson O.W.CONN, A.M. WHAT, C. P. WEIGHT. Report of committee on publicgrounds ndbuf"" and buildings was read to on motion adopted, to-wit: " * \ •'., State of Illinois, 1 / r '7 V- I SS '• 15 MeHenry County,] Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, A. itino Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public buildings and grounds would beg ieeve to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have made a contract with Baker ft Smith Co. of Chicago, for putting in steam plant for the purpose of heating the court house, at the cost of nineteen hundred and seventy six dollars ($1976), said plant to be paid for when completed, said Baker & Smith Co. to guarantee the )lant perfect in every particular and to teat the court house thoroughly in the coldest weather. We found upon inves­ tigation that it was necessary to have a new smokestack, and contract was let to Fluck ft Co, for the sum of two hun­ dred dollars ($200). There are some other small expenses, such as bringing water to boiler, changing door, etc., not to exceed twenty-five dollars. All of which is respectfully submitted F. F. AXTELL, Chm. W. P. THOMPSON, L. T. HOY, J. H. GRACY, G. F. RUSIITON. Report of committee on education and institute fund was read to the bc^pd aed' on motion adopted to-wit: , State of Illinois, ) ; * -- >ss MeHenry County,/ Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, A. D.1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the annual report of county superintendent W. E. Wire would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined the annual report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent ®f schools, compared such report with the books and accompanying vouchers and find the same correct. Your committee would therefore recommend the adoption of his report. Tour committee has also examined the superintendent's report of institute funds and find tbe correct with a balance on hand of $218.77. Your committee would farther recommend that the usual appropriation of $50 be madefoHocai teachers meetings for the next two years. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. F. RUSHTON, Chm. W. P. THOMPSON, G. W. CONK, C. P. WRIGHT, " A. M. WKAY, WOODSTOCK, III., Sept. 1.1893. To the Honorable Board of Supervis­ ors--Gentlemen: Below find statement of receipts and disbursements of the county superintendent of schools for the year ending Bept. 1,1893. 1892, To balance last report $ 8 75 1893 Jan. fcshool fund of state »nd'r. 9002 50 Farther I would report that I amined the books, accounts « ers of the several township and find them correct ana th# fund safely secured, I would sis# the following report in relation it teachers meetings during the past and your liberal appropriation rhereior: Meetings were held at IK Harvard, Nunda and Marengo, i good representation each day. We*' fortunate in securing the aervfel Prof. McCormick, of the State He University, Prof. Brownlee, of the I University at, Champaign, Prof. Hi of Sterling, and Prof. Kirk, assistant superintendent of schools, CUnn, by simply paying their expenses. This has used your kind allowance " Inst" 1368 01 3 00 II CI L. H. Jones 82 00 fl M A. 0. Thompson....,., 25 00 *4 tt M. Long,. 3 00 « Jae Seanor.,.........;.. - 500 tt Geo* Peeler «... 500 tt W' J as Mobbins 3 00 ii « B. Gilbert!................ 1100 a u A. A. Pettibone, 5 00 of $50 two years ago, and we would request that a like'amount be appropriated at this meeting for the maintenance oitheee meetings, and we can assure you that it will be properly and judiciously expend­ ed. Our county institute, which was held in August last, was indeed very sat­ isfactory. On an average 230 teachers are annually authorized to leach, and when the schools are all in sesaioa 190 teachers are required to fill them. There was an attendance of 200 at the insti­ tute, which Indicates that our teachers are earnest and interested in their work. They fully realize that it may be possible for them to gain knowledge from text books and remain at home, out not pos­ sible to bmnmn strong in their profes*' and thorough and efficient teachers. School officers are becoming more and more interested in their work and are , supplying onr schools with more helps and aids or more practical work. Respectfully submitted. •' W. E. WIBK, Co. SEPT. ^ M State of Illinois, 1 4l J \ gpn ; y*-,-. ^.-0; MeHenry County,] tf - Office of the County Superintendent of Schoold. WOODSTOCK, ILU, Aug. 31,1893. > To the honorable board of supervisors: As required by law I present my report of disbursments from thei fund, for expenses of the tenet tute, held at Woodstock, Aug% 1893, as per vouchers submit with: Aug. 25. S. B. Hursh, ins'te.wk....$50 00 25, Lottie, Jones, " .... 50 00 25, C. W. Hart, " .... 35 00 25, J. R. Kellogg, " .... 3500 25, G. W. ConnTJr. secretary 500 25, A- K„ Bunker, rt school building 20 00 26,1 E. Wire, eo. supt. ez, drayg, etc.... 12 00 29, A. Flanagan, sing'g bks and guides 1400 Total............................. $ 21100 1892. Sept. 1, To balance oh hand.....$164 77 Dec. 19, To ex fees pertreas vou 46 00 1898. April 28, ^ " 86 00 June 30, * « 1400 A\!».31, it*,,--:* ' « 119 00 ...$429 77 ... 21100 ...$218 77 Total amount fees received..... Total disbursements r *» Error in bal. Sept. 1, 1892. 2 54 y.J MeHenry County Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 12,1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors- Your committee to whom was referred town accounts would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We would recommend that taxes be levied for the ensuing year as per certificates from the several towns: TOWNS Riley, Mareago. Marengo village.|.... Dunham ChrmiHig .'. Hnrvar'l city Alden Hartland Seneca Cortl Grafton .. Huntley village Dorr City of Woodetoek Greenwood Hebron Bichmoud . Burton. ...... *tr,Henry N u t r i a Algonquin Crystal Lake village.. B A B T'wn Oorp 60c. f 278 ... SI 800 • •• •• 4200 80 4se 60 10QM . • «... .... 48J<i 80 450 80 760 « 80 500 • • ••• SO 300 ...... 80 M0 1500 CO 1200 4000 80 400 811 300 . • •• 60 2U0 85 100 ..... 60 700 80 1960 60 800 • » . TOO All of which is respectfully submitted. S. E. CLARK, Chm. G. F. RUSHTOII, G. W. CONN, W. A CRIST*. . Sept. 1,1893 office ex as pfef bill 127 48 Oct. Nor. U Dec. Feb. Mar. Total amount....... $5601 28 1892. CONTM. Sept. 21 Program for teachers...$ 3 00 " 24 Telephone... 30 26 Stamps and envelopes.. 3 50 10 Stamps 2 00 15 Envelopes 3 00 28 Printing 1 50 1 Telegram... 25 30 Stamps and postals..... 125 5 Stamps and postals 125 31 Stationery 30 " 16 Postals and printing... 5 00 1893. Jan. 10 School laws 150 " 16 Express 4 35 " 16 Stamps 5 00 " 19 Examinat'n questions 3 25 23 Magistrates' reports... 95 1 Blanks for treas 42 68 8 Express 50 3 Postals and printing... 4 25 6 Stamps 3 00 28 Postals and printing... 4 75 8 Express...... 25 " 6 Stamps and cards. 1 50 " 11 Express 30 " 18 Stationery 60 " 27 Stamps 2 00 April 10 Telephone 30 " 12 Stamps 1 00 " 28 Cards 3 00 " 28 Stamps 2 00 28 Printing 150 13 Express 25 13 Express 55 18 Telephone.................. $0 23 Envelopes 60 26 Stamps 2 00 26 Prtgexamina'n papers 6 00 29 Express 55 30 Stationery , 50 15 Express 25 15 Envelopes.................... 4 80 14 Express 25 23 Express 30 " 25 Printing 8 00 " 28 Postage and cards 3 60 " 28 Letter heads^enveFp's 4 25 " 29 Express..... 25 March, paid township trearur's..5327 84 " comniissions 106 96 " Public examinations. 20 00 19 00 May June July (I Aug. Amount to balance........ Total amount.... $5601 28 r*<\: Balance) Respectfully submitted. W. E. WIRE, County Snperfntenrsnt. Report of the committee on claims was the board and on motion adopt­ ed, to-wit: State of Illinois, MeHenry County,/ J?.'. 4T, Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, '93. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of Urn Bord of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined the claim of County Superintendent Wire for office expenses from July 1 to Sept. 1, 1893, the same amounting: to $16.70, and recommend the payment of the same, and that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the amount. Am oi siuch is respectfully submitted. F. E. STEVENS. GEO. MCCONNEL, Itcpiiift iif 't&is committee on finanoe was icad to the board and on motion adopted, to-wit: State of Illinois, \ MeHenry County,/ ' , ^ Board of Sup^oiaors, Sap*, term, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen o! the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred finances would leave to submit the following repurt on the matters before them: The county treasurer reports a balance oif hand in the treasury of $13,662.96. Your com­ mittee would-recommend that the sum of |15,000 tax be levied on the property of the county to pay contingent expenses for the ensuing year. All oi wMfiU Jg^jrespectf ully submitted F. E. STEVENB, Chm. t JOHN WELTZEIN, L. T. HOY, 4 J. H. GRACY, V W. A. CKISCT. The followtofTfeeolution wasofferedliy Supervisor McConnell, to-wit: Resolved That a bounty of fifteen dol­ lars ($15) on old and five dollars ($5) on young wolves be paid by the county up­ on the presentation of the scalps to the county clerk and filing of an oath, by the persos killing them, that they were killed in MeHenry county and that the young ones were not raised from old ones kept in captivity for that purpose. The ayes and na^ys bang called for re­ sulted as follows: Ayes--Sup. Axtell, Rushton, Hoy, Clark,~McConnell, Wray, Cristy, Gracy--8. Nays--Wright, Des­ mond, Stevens, Weitiein. Conn, Thomp­ son.--6. Resolution carried. The following will show the cost of the several towns fit the county for suppor- ing the poor tor year ending March 31. 1893. Riley fUft 89;D»rr. ••••??? §1 Mnrengo.... .... 213 OfGreenwood.... Dunham-- Hebron Chemung 493 llluichmontl.. ... A Idea 88 90 Burton... Hartland 8*5 75 Mo Henry. Seneca 396 Numla .. Coral 80 lu,Algonquin... Grafton 282 38j Sup. Hoy moved that the special com- mitteeS, board of supervisisors aaoeisgfc be allowed their usual per diem and age. Carried. , . Sup. Stevens moved that the adjourn until caHtni by the clerk. G. B. RICHARDS, Chairi Attest--WU. AVERY, Clerk. FLY NETS Of the best males for teim horses, in leather and cord, for work team. Colored and white flank nets of all kind% pads, whips, etc. Stock _ yjrv low at himon StoM^, • v . - - f- lift 18 £3 GO ...... 415 *» m m

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