r - f (11 K > V ^ Mr. JV:; Pneuj tor -serem! W&tei, and *, vice preeiftptoif the :o and CoiwfcfiBctioa d tha^at least one of the gqna*wa f»e ready ior testing within a VWNB1C15» The test, which will be made merely to ascertain if his gun is perfect and not for raagft car accuracy, will be made un- I dcr the Mypervision of Captain Gordon, : U. S. Ju, fte resident inspector at the West Point foundry at Coldlf prings, .: where gqiu were built, and Captain John Bapieff, the chief engineer of Mr. Schuyler's company. The 15 inch gnns (f will be 50 feet long. They can drop 50 ft pounds of dynamite nearly four miles J away, 6r 500 pounds for considerably "* over a mile. As the channel for deep water vessels extends only about a mile from Sandy Hook, warships entering the harbor would be exposed to the heav iest charges fired by these guns. At all ranges the guns can place 75 per cent of their projectiles within a rectangle SO feet wide by 300 long, about the target f , usually presented by a vessel. :;J The full calibar shell or projectile will fv weigh 1 ,000 pounds, the explosive charge i weighing 500 pounds. The 15 inch guns, under firing pressure of 1,000 i per square inch, can throw at 90 of these projectiles, carrying al- ~ :er 10,000 pounds of dynamite a of one mile in half an hour, exact range of the 15 inch gun At 35 elevation with the large pro- is 2,400 yards; with the 10 inch iber projectile, weighing 500 pounds, it is 4,4.00 yards; with the 8 inch \ Bttbcaliber projectile, weighing 340 ' pounds, the range is 5,000 yards, and twith a 6 inch subcaliber projectile, weighing 340 pounds, the raage ia &OOQ • y*rds.--New York Presa. . /:'V; County iitaftls an excellent opportunity for tjKtt |rfck-pocket to get your watch. If WQUid be proof against his skill, be m that the bow (or ring) is a r_ M. MAX LEBAUDVS YACHT. This wonderful bow Is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of two plates Of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark. None genuine without It. WfiM Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., f»f1ILADEU>lflA. . GEORGE 0 2:211-2 AOTHING I3( THIS J ffggWg To say that his wife can't fnak as good bread as his Mother did. CILLETT'S . f-T . •' ;'S- EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made a Sweeping Reduction In our xlnds cjf *• Wrlll look whiter, will be cleaner bft done with tesi^a.bor if • SANTA CLAUS SO I* used. The clothes will smell will lest longer. SANTA CLAUS SOAP pure, it iry prices on all» Notions, Also Groceries, ®i5,an,s ku"fc does not .injure t4> li does i\ot roughen or chap tfi K \ fabric. ds. Million? ase.lt, Do You..f N. K. FAIRBANK &COy Mjfto. CH ICA&O. ask the people of McHenry and Vicinity to call end inspept our " Hock, which is always complete, and get our prices' / . '&• • , \ y;,:{ fenry, £11.1 SOU! "ft V (S DON T BREED TO GEORGE 0,2:21} $;<W< " " mM- .-Wn ft vv'4: A Mother'* Neat Little Scheme Fails of Its Aim, but Benefit* Science. The Figaro devotes a long article to the voyage of M. Max Lebatidy's yacht, the Semiramis, which, as many will re member, started last November on a scientific mission in the Malay archipel ago, but without its owner. The idea of the voyage was concaved by Mme. Jules Lebaudy, who, alarmed at her soars expenditure and anxious to remove him from surroundings which she considered dangerous, hoped to coax him into a long absence from France mad thus avoid the unpleasant necessity of doing what she has since done--pro viding him with a conseil judiciaire. The Semiramis, which is a fine vessel of *700 tons burden, was fitted up with every possible comfort, and in order to provide M. Lebaudy with interesting employment his mother arranged with the government for the appointment of an ethnographical mission tinder M. Louis Xiapicque, who was to accompany the prodigal. "When the day of the departure came, fcowever, M. Lebaudy positively refused t© go. He would not leave his beloved Paris, but Mme. Lebaudy, who consid ered herself pledged to the minister of public instruction, sent the yacht off without him. News &f it had been re ceived from time to time, and M. La- picque's scientific efforts^eem to have been crowned with complete success. The Semiramis is expected to return to France in January next.--Paris Herald. Unices yon want to raise a fast Pacer or Trotter as all his colts are fast; never baa eired one but what can be pat m the lift. It ucn't seem to make any difference what the (iams are. He sited the following colts with records the first year out handled by professional tiorsemer: ETHEL B (p) 2-.18J at 5 years, HENRY O (,.) 2:20£ at 6 years, ; . MARY LEE 2:22* at 6 years, * PR1N<TE T 2:29J. , r ALGONQUIN 2 -M%. ; Two billow 2:20% from 1ama of lift timwtt blood, also sire of Blftry I,u, 2-yr. old, record of 2:49 In a race, and several more below 2:10, GEORG® O Is standard under both the Trotting and Taring rules and will soon have two numbers, No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern W isconsin can bdaet of it. Service Fee, •tta*.-.-£vv For circular* uend to \ CEO W. OWEN.'RRcl IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ILL. V- The ®fary law and a Honeymoon. Chu Fong, whose nuptials with Lum an Toy, the heiress, were solemnized, so brilliantly in New York, was ar* raigned before Commissioner Shields ot| the day following the wedding on the charge of violating the Geary law by smuggling Gee Chow into this port on Aug. 3. The defendant asked that the exam ination be postponed two weeks, as it would take at least that time for him to- celebrate his marriage; Mr. Shield^, thought chis a long time, but courteously' I the t jariiia: &3 requested. Lee Qung Jim, merchant, gave bail for Fong . t1,000.--New York Tribune. 3Iitt OmIbj Will Break the On Thursday, Oct 26, the battleship Qtegon, now on the ways at the Union Ircn works in San Francisco, will be launched. Governor Pennoyer of Ore gon has selected Miss Daisy Ainsworth of Oakland, who has been also promi nent in Oregon society, to name the ves sel. The launch will be made a social affair if the weather be pleasant, many hay parties having been arranged. HIS WEEK L O W P R I C E S ! Address a letter or post»l card to THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, • - Managing Attorney, P.O.Box 463. WASHINGTON,D.C. PENSIONS PEOCUKED FOR _ SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled in the 11ns of doty in the rtnlu Army or Saw atlaiectbc war. Survivors of tne Indian wars of 1832 to 184% and their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected claims • specialty. Thousands entitled to higher rate®. Send for new laws. Ho cbHge for KdYlCO. NOIQO Batil successful ULOON AND RESTAURANT McHENRY, ILLINOIS. R - We offer Bargains in th|p line that will interest yoifc /> A Contenaxiaa Pensioner. ^Saginaw county has a centenarian ii| person of Daniel Smith of Bridge port township, who was in the city today looking hale and hearty and making af fidavit on his pension claim, which has been increased from $8 to $12 per month. The venerable old gentleman celebrated his one hundredth birthday on Jan. 21 last--Detroit Free Press. ?: \:k Elk For Sal*. • *> ̂ jMfload of domesticated elk from the BoCKy mountains was offered for sale at the Chicago stockyards one morning last Week. They were young and minus their antlers, and the lot found no taker. One pr two of the animals were sold for $25 aach. 'V-% . .... •' A snake Is reported to have climbed a ttole to a martin's box at Breezy Heights, *v. Vs., a short time ago, and swallowed two birds^fore being discovered. 9"® Ringwood, 111. above Ma cut of our sew Foldlhg Staciuaa.' wi$)i can now be seen at work in the Fiaindealer Office. "Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily bandied, and takes such little power that yon <»nQOt notice it. Thema hine was put in by the Bascom Folder f'o., of Sidney, O., who have been build ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is \illy warranted for five j ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F. Garret^ Syracuse, N, Y ; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. C hlcego; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Still well, St. Paul; 3eoctkin & Son, Toronto. Canada, Jk }-m Will give you the great advantage which his mother had, and besides, bread made with this yeast will ; help bring back his boyhood's * digestion, ensuring his enjoyment of the rest of your cooking also. Get Magic Yeast at your Grocer's. It b always GOOD «nd aiwsy* READY. "W. . FRUTHI . any-- - At WOODSTOCK, fti.., Friday, Oct. 2 7, 1803. Office Honrs from 9 A. M. to 5 P. H. 4T HOTEL woomroQm-:<' ;V;:^ - . imii OKK DOOR WKfTOP R1VBBSIUK BOUSK, MeHiaiy.Ill, A fULL LINE OF-f#?, Drills, Chsmicals. Die Stafis, PaiiC Oils &Colors Constantly on har d. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articies. AKD A OOMPLXTI STOCK <jf~ I STATIONBBY ASTD DRUCMJISTS* SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist Your patronage is respectfully solicited, . Fine Kentucky Liojaors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, --AND-- J. ScMitz HHee Bottle Beer, In any quantify from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE o» RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. VI' e buy none but the best anci sell at Reasonable Prices. all and see me and I will use you well. ^1'Iantoky miGim t iy • JJ1 . JUSTEN BROS., FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. To our Patrons of McHenry and Lake Counties, of PaU Alth a ^termination to get pnrt winter trade, If a good assorted Btock. bought right, fir cash and sold on the closest living margin «*I11 accomplish this end. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. In this line we aim to carry none but the best makes, in great variety, making the line a specialty. We are enabled to give you a better assortment, at lower prices, to sele .t from, than you may be able to find elsewhere. Our fall stock is now in. When in neet of anythug in the Boot, Shoe or fibber lii,e it TviU pay you to D A I r ^ , H C A H C I i ' 0 0 0 ' o r » • • • 1 4 PA LLi n DAUO 11 Clothing and Overcoats. . What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has It a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or ©rushed? Is It full of dandruff? Does your &c$Ip itch ? Is it dry or % a heated condition ? if these are some of yoursy mptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. With two stores, one on the West side and one on the side, (McHenry), they present to tjie buying public t A. Larger Stock of all kinds of FURNITURE Than ever before, wbiob we are oflerlng at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. M-We also keep In stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we can give yoh anj thing from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other bouse ID the county. k.r^vrw5??;- Ov< rcoat, in all grndos and at all prices, from a cheip cotton up to A firtt< 111 fl A Ufflf) 1 Afl oinfo OmAwn l« • a l • _ a 'it the fioct-t men's woolen puits. f!ustomers living within twenty SkookumRoot Hair Grower $ bw i^e rTaTinm<TT> , spocial interest to tradu with us, lawhatjron need.. iu produotiop is not au accident, but the result of adentino MMMKn. Kuowledge o£ the dteeascs of the hair and scalp led to the dlscor- ' erjr of how to treat them. "Skookum "contains neither minerals nor oils. It J»not b"* »delightfully cooling aud refreshing Tome:. I;t stlmttUtlDK tto^folUclei, it stop* /ailing hair, cures dandrujf and grows hair on baixt the ICilp clean, healthy, and free from irritating eruptions, by I P' dtiBtro>'8 ParoatJtc insects, which feed on ^ i rowlyyon send direct to t», ana we will torwarf 5 on receipt of price. Grower, |UK) per bottle; 6 for fS.OU. S6ap»50e. j® [&&&*%T THE SKOOKUri ROOT HAIR GROWER CO. W •••A Fifth Amtie, New York, N. Y. " Wl;. ;• m?-. Special attention will be given to the Underwear stoek (Turing the nest two months. Cotton and woolen, in men's woman's and children's sizes. Hat# *«d C#p», Tiunk* und TrsT« Hn« Bags, Floor Oil Clo^bt. Hosiery, Duck ConU. lik,ekford Overalls. Jacket* nnd Shirts, a*d Olovo8. Fr<*)> 0*. FJour, Corn Meal and Graham. ^ Coffins. Caskets and Trimming* ot the latest designs. Everything new aod elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see as wbeo io want of anything in our line. ,, A SPLENDID NEW HEAR8IB, la connection, which will be furrisbedat Reasonable Ratei» ' ^5 DR. FRUTH, Late Surgeon m the Provident Medical Di^ptiu wry of New York now PreHdcni of the Pritih M(d<cal Institute, chartered ' i :±\ HU long «xpertence in the largest hoapttals in the world enables him to treat all CHBONIUV. NEKVOUS, SKIN AND BLOOD diseftsesapon th# latest sciontiflo principles. V D1C FRLiTH baa no superior in diagnosing \r- and treating dtaeascs and deformities. t < will give W0 for any case he cannot tell th®,r . ;i disease and where located in Ave minute*. i a > Medical and surgical diseases, acu e ami-, chronic Catavrnb, diseases of the Kve, Ear. • * Nose, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia,"Brtght'4 ' * ' Disease, Diabetes. Kidney, Liver, Bltuider,_. Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases tppedilj# /i oured by treatment that has never iailed A . thousands of cases that tail been pronounceil ~ T beyond hope. Manv people meet death everjf • . , j' year who might have been restored to perfect " , health had they placed their cases In the hands of experts. DR, FRUTH has attained the most wonder* ful success in the treatment of cases to whicli he devotes special attention, and after year# i of experience, has perfected the most infalli ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner* Tons Debility, Premature Declineof the Man. iy power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair. \ ed Memory. Mental Anxiety, Absence( f Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effections if consulted before Idiocy, Insanity Fall in ft Fits or Total Iin potency result from YOUTIIF0 L ERRORS, the awiul effect which blight tSie most radiant hopes, unUting patl. enttor busmes s study, society or marriage, annually sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men ff exilWl talcnk and brilliant lutellect. PILES CU KED with, out pain, knifecutery, EPILEPSY positive.'.?. , - , ly cured by our new and never failing hospi«" .. t-- • tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the urine, chemical and microscopical, in ail oases of Kidney Diseases, Brigln'e Disease^ . Diabetes and apermatorrhss Bring tpsci* • v mens. . tJ WONDERFUL CURES perfected in alt cases that havo been neglected or unsklil. *v; fally treated. No experiments or failures* f, t We undertake no incurable cases, but cur* thou sands given up to die Remember Sha •" "V™. date and some early as his rooms are »iwayS crowded Oa&cs and conrespondence csnfldential, anct: treatment sent by express with full direct*." '• y ions for aaet: but personal couaultatlon pre-, ferred. DR. Dt Q. FRUTH. 3032 Uak« Avonuo/.ChlcAfUh McHlNRY * • i Miller & Son, „ \ -DXALS&S IN--. MARBLE I GRANITE, IfontimeDte, Headatone# Tabeto, Eto. F Cemetery Work of every de scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. SatUfaction Qura&Usd. ' Shop9 at McHenry and Johns* bur^h, III, where at all times can be lound a good assortment of finished work. U^nry Miller & Ben* PATENTS.' FOR PnOTECTIOR, KOT T2R trite DUfiOiS & DUBOIS, Patent / u.-rnenu Inventive Ago Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. J' Haatiea this " , L _ ' y** y* ->• '*{ t J?* * ̂