BBS WEDNESDAY. Orfio* IM TNB NIOMOLS PoUttOM. Independent In INliMT--MAOHINB FCUD * * ' >' ^ 'V 'SR; F |C SKi: TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) 60 If Mot i'»"' vrithia Three Months 2 iH) 9nl>scr!ption» receive" for thtee Or six inOBlhs in tbe suae proportion- RATES OP AOVERTISlll«: We announce liberal rates for advertising In the PLAlirbBALBB, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un :4erstood. They are 1 Inch one yea* '» *•,, '•-•'2 Inches one y«M «*?!.?*.&&.. . 8 Iuc-hes one year If Column one year Jfr • *•»> •« ;5 00 ' < | o o o IsOO - looo Column one year- - - - - fOOO Column one year ... - - 160 00 : One inch means the maa*nre stent of one inch dowv^he column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, bave the privilege of changing as often as they Choose, without extra, charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having 'fttanding cards) will be entitled to insertion »f local notices at the rate of 15 cents per line «ar.h week. All others will be charged 10 ;<ftents per line the first week, and 6 cents per #) " ' " tne for each subsequent week, Transient advertisements will be cbarited §t the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil jrpa, same as this is set in) the first isaae, and oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, An inch advertisement will cost f LOO for one ,W«ek, 11.50 for two weeks, it.00 for three 4,i§re*fcs» and so on. K The PLAiivDRAUis will be liberal in giving •diurnal notices, but, as a business rule, it . •ill require a suitable fee from everybody Hpeeking the use of its columns for pecuniary S W The value of a newspaper a® an adver- ;• "••4lsiBg medium is determined by the size of " »t. The.cir-subscriptiou 'I.A1BDKJ LKK ef any other paper in McHenry County. the newspaper's eolation of Tna PI.AIKDKJI.KR is larger than WEDNESDAY. OCT. 11, 1893. 1 , rox • inflow FAIR. A Ur Is a most excellent institution. It confers many advantages on the town | In which it is located. It is equally ben- - eficial to all the people whose homes are '• tributary to the place in which the fair is located. Such an enterprise furnishes one week e»i*' .^of wholesome amusement to the people y... "#Jtch vyear. It gives the fanner an op- portonity to show to the world his ele- gant grain and his handsome live stock. assertion. We base our claim upon the $ept that^aet crowds have been brought for lesser attractions with a smaller effort than is required in other places. This village being located in the east- em oortion of McHenry county, with the Lake county line but a few miles away, ire would suggest. that the people resid ing in the eastern part of McHenry duuuijr tutu iiiowe living in the western parto Lake county unite for the for mation of a fair to be located in this vil lage. Of course this would not be 'a couuty fair. It would be of vaster im portance. It would excel all the connty fairs in Northern Illinois. Its proper name would be "District" or "Union" fair. Such an enterprise could, in our opiriion, be made a marvelous success. The PLAINDEALER hopes that its read ers will give this important question their careful consideration. We cordially invite all who have views to express on this subject to send us letters for publi cation. We will gladly* give place in our columns to all such communications. We feel persuaded that a full discussion of the matter will aid materially in inau gurating the enterprise. Let the proposition herein advanced take definite form. No time should be wasted. Action should be commenced as soon as possible. Let us all do our duty. No questions of private stains should be discussed. They should be immediately dismissed on the ground of irrelevancy. Our sole purpose should be to promote the public welfare. And if we begin operations in this spirit, the month of September, in the year of grace 1894, will witness a grand, a glorious, successful union fair in this beautiful village. _________ IVSays the DeKalb Review: "There I are nearly fifty teachers holding certifi cate in DeKalb county more than there | are positions to be filled." Why on earth don't they emigrate to Oklahoma? j - » liiH m Don't let her waste money in car faio jSt>ing to Bigtown. •-(' yVv WE AKE NOW KECEfVINtt STOP THAT WOMAN V IN LARGE VAR1B1T T BE 0. A. Convention Doubtless a!! our readers are more cf M8s familiar with the Y. M. C. A, and it* | • great work throughout our state and land, and hence wi'l be interested in knowing of the 21st Annual State Con-1 vefction of the Association in Illinois, < which begins at Elgin to-day and coo* tinues until Sunday. > An attractive program has been ar- j ranged. A number of addresses will bo j made by leading men engaged in religious and educational work. Different phases J of work among young men will be studied and discussed and plans made for fur-j ther increasing the efficiency of the AssO- j ciation. Delegates will be present from small towns and villages, and from col- j leges as well as from large cities. Rail roads have given reduced rates. An in-1 teresting feature will be the first annual athletic contest for the state champion-! ship. A convention of young men, rep-! resentatives of an aggressive organiza-1 tion which stands for pure thinking, ear nest living and vigorous service, promisee | to be a! no little interest or imporjaape. , ... .. . _ . '•> * " 5$. i-." . ; » ^ ' ^ Can buy what she wants at prices equally low if she trades Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Clothing, tJnderwear, Is as carefully selected as anji you can find, and oar;: • r- PRICES ARE LOW El Than the "Bigtown prices, because we do not have to pay high rents a n d h e a v y t a j L e s , s o t h a t w e c a n a f f o r d t o a e l i l o w e r * t , $ . / ;« Bo Reasonabl# Directly from first hands, il denreaeion prices, and Aave made & ca: eful selection of goods suitable to our trade, in cost and q<ia<itity* Met»rs. Joseph Beifield & Co., of Chicago, who are admitted by all to be the foremostg, ' apl krgest manufacturers^ '^correct styles rf, • 4 j Ladies', Misses' and (hildren's * iCvi •" , - .'i., OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com panies. Money sent at trifling coat to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFEL. And help build up your own town bv tradiag at hcymi, ^uy of us if you have confidence in ourg"»ods, and be.ieve that our price* are corrcct. CLOAKS; ? NEWMARKETS EYANSON & CO. f Chicago day interfered with thel Elgin Board of Trade session Monday to such an extent that an adjournment was taken for a week, the market being fixed | at 29c. Last week butter sold at 28%@ | 29c. ' W 1 "|tb All the talk in the world will not con-1 vince yon so quickly as one trial of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, I burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. Julia A. Story, Over 200 new, stylish, cheap and finely • fitting ladies, misses' and children's jack ets, capes, sacques and cloaks at rock bottom prices at Simon Stoffel's. West McHonry. HI., 1P93 THli STAFF OF l.IFK. CLOTHED The raiser of fine poultry can produce for inspection his best rearings. The mer chant has a chance to display his fine ware. The mechanic secures the privilege to " place before inspectors the highest inven- c tions of the brain. The house wife can show to admirers delicious samples of f v her culinary art. Those who delight in fancy work are enabled to compete for the honors of the fair. In short, all that ," nature, science and art can produce can ^ be arranged in magnificent splendor to •'*" stimulate the efforts of the exhibitors and to call forth ejaculations of admi ration from sight-seers. But the exhibits are not the only at tractions. There are the races. Owners who have speedy horses desire a chance to test their swiftness in comparison with other steeds. Here they have that chance. A fair in which racing receives sum or less attention is a powerful in centive to the horse raisers of the vicin ity for the rearing of fine animals. These facts are conceded. They admit no argument. They are self-evident. We venture to make the assertion that every reader of the PLAINDEALER agrees with us in oar declaration as to the 'ad vantages of a fair as stated above. Now to the point: We believe that the time haa come when a fair should be establish ed in this village. The location is the most important question to be considered in the manage ment of a lair. Give a fair a good loca tion and yon will insnre its success. This village meets the proper requirement. As such it cannot be excelled in the state by any other town, and its equals are few. Inhabited by enterprising cituens and surrounded by thrifty farmers and stock raisers, the push needed to set the wheels of afair in motion would instantly be forthcoming. Men of ability could be secured in sufficient numbers to success fully manage the undertaking. And they would be proud of the task imposed tipon them. The town in which a fair is located Should be supplied with plenty of water " it should have streets over which vehicles can be drawn with ease; its sidewalks should be of standard width and in first- class shape. Such a state of affairs is in existence in this village. Now cast your eyes for a moment over the territory. What a grand area of eountry would be tributary to a fair lo cated here! The fairs nearest to us are those at Woodstock and Libertyville. The former ig twelve and the latter eighteen miles distant. These are far enough away that they could hardly en ter into competition with a fair here for the patronage of the public. When the question of territory therefore arises it can be disposed of at once with the deci sion that a finer scope of country cannot be found anywhere in the world. Again, the quality of this territory is , each as to justify the belief that a fair in this village would be accorded liberal . patronage. The farmers in this section are well-to-do and up to the times. They would greet a fair with open arms. The stock raisers in this vicinity are noted for their enterprise. They too would put their shoulders to the wheel for the upbuilding of a fair established here. Those who rear speedy horses--and this •action is renowned for the large number of fast horses--woold also lend a willing aid to the enterprise. Nor must we forget the popularity of this village as a drawing card. Itself by nature endowed with beauty, located on the celebrated Fox river, and only a lew miles distant from the far famed lakes, this town can easily, with the ad dition of a fair, draw the largest crowds ever assembled in one place in the north- ma part of the state. This statement we make with emphasis. And we desire to have it understood tbat this is no idle f Few presidential appointments I need be expected in the near future unless there is a decided change in the doings of | Congress. It is clearly apparent to* a man up a tree that President Cleveland does Hot intend to make any changes in public officers until the fate of the silver | repeal bill is settled. AND IN HIS ttlGHr MIND No mm cah Tie said to be thorouftM? in posBeseion of h'S senses not pr vtde pro eetlon againet atmos pheric changes iu t>-e form of fall ami w<nter Rloibtng, This is the season when you are most likely to take cold, ar.da little care now ma» prevent a long fit of i)lnt'89. Wonderful h'\v cheaply we can at you out with a pr per suit of clothes, a nice coat, an e'egant vest, a handsome pairof pants, or a sty lit-h overcoat Onr pricet, which are lower than ever before, defy competition Com > and are us, and let us take ycur me&iure, 85 AUGUST BTJCHHOLZ, McHENSY, ILL. 3E3T SACQUES, And ULSTERS the United Stater, We earned over a few garments last year which we bhip^ed to the/ auction house of Messrs Geo. P, Gow & Co , tor cash, and this ' will give us an exclusively new stocfc, free of all stick?is, or out-'of^ style garments Our styles are the newest , »jid ve carry all sizi in colors aud blacks, all well made and of the bi^lPl^niatefW^ Our stock is very large, with prices the lowest, •A aT"The old soldiers at Rockford are booming and grooming Col. Lawler for | the office of Commander of the National Q. A. R. The Colonel was one of the ] Union's most gallant soldiers. He is one of Rockford's most substantial citizens [ and is highly respected by the denizens | of that burg. BEST IN THE v\ ORLD. tfi^The Ferris wheel was the scene of a happy wedding the other day. A hand some youth and a maiden fair were made man and wife in one of the cars while the wheel rolled around with its usual swift ness. It was very romantic and if the wheel could become a permanency in Chicago maybe it could be made the scene of many similar affairs. COAL & FEED In Good Snpply, "J2CONOMY IS VEAI2H » frh* l*blea laitgh, lircause the record has N>en brok»n, and the record at this time 1st Sold in • • B«nt7 since the 1st day of January, 1893, to the l«t day of Oct, 1893, Fourteen Car Loads of Pillsbunr's Best Flour- AND IT STILL STANDS AT THE TOP. For Sale by all the Leading Merchants, and at the Roller Mills. We have a good high grade of Flour at $1 per Bach, and for the price we challenge | comparison. Also a full Patent Flour at f 1.05, and we do not exagerate when we guarantee it equal to other grades that cost more money. Try it and be convinced. To the Farmers of Mcllenry and vicinity would say that we are again prepared to do your Feed and W eat Grinding promptly. On wheat we will guarantee as good a return ia quality and qunntlty aa any custom mill in the Stale ot Illinois, and would respectfully »»k wnea |n need of anything in tr is linn to give us % trial on the above guarantee. Uran mill Middling?^ for Sale. Wh«n In need «f flour leave your oyder at the RoUsr Mills and we will do the rest. ABTD OVERCOATS. We are now adding- to our stock a large and new line of wel made, well wearing, stylish and cheap suits and overcoats, in al sizes, trom age 4 to size 46 or 50. from the well known manufactur ers, Messrs. Kirk., Nathan and Fischer. Come enrly and obtain first choice. In several counties of the state the newspapers hare organized press asso ciations. That's business. Why would ib not be a capital idea to organize a I similar association in McHenry county? j The meetings of the editors could be I made pleasant, interesting and# profita ble in many ways. The proprietors of I McHenry county's newspapers should I get together and form such an associa tion. What say you, brethren? -- For Spot Cash Only. Prices Reduced Accordingly.: McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. Cool Stoves at 30 ger cent Less REGULAR RETAIL PRICE. ^Gladstone is becoming disgusted with the British House of Lords because j that body is no longer in accordance with the popular will. The upper house j of Congress is also fast securing an un savory reputation. The best remedy is ! offered by the Philadelphia Press in the following pointed language: "What the United States Senate needs is a vigorous | rear end collision with the boot-toe of j American public opinion." It wiil pay you to investigate. W. A. CRISTY, WESr McHENRY, ILL. VThe editor of an exchange has dis covered that this is a very peculiar]world ] and describes the situation as follows: One man is struggling for justice, another is fleeibg from it. One man is | trying to build a house and another iB trying to sell his for less than cost to get rid of it. One is spending all the money ' he can make in taking a girl to the thea tre and Bending her flowers in hopes 1 eventually to make her his wife, while his neighbor is spending his gold to get a divorce. One man escapes without a scratch and dies of whooping cough.1 One man stands off his creditors and goes to the Fair, while another pays hi debts and stays at home." m 0 ft w w 1 <1 £ CO ui M o O PQ s I have a feW high grade wood cook stoves that can be purchased at a reduction of from 10 to 20 per ct. A few medium sized wood cooks at cost. Now is your chance to secure a Bargain. N V Tbey are bound to go at this reduction. Every stove warranted. Yours Respectfully, F . L . M c O M B E R , West McHenry, 111* I®" The report of Secretary Carlisle of the production of American tin plate dur ing the three months ending June 30, shows that 41,866,042 pounds were made in the country, of which between 47 and 50 per cent was from American black plates. TJie production for the year 1891 was 13,646,719 pounds. For the fiscal year 1893, ending with IJune, the aggregate was 99,819,202, of which 43,599,724 were from American black plates. Besides this 8,802,681 pounds of American sheet iron and steel were made into articles which were afterwards tinned. During the the three years end ing June 30, 1890, there waa imported into the United States 678,000,000 pounds of tin, t«rne and taggers plates. -2 \ © ' » pa 3 . Q rs a 08 CO HOUSE MILLINERY. THE FARMERS STORE. Little vegetable health producers: De Witts Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowel?, which prevents headache and diz ziness. Julia A. Story. If you can affort to be annoyed by sick headache and constipation don't use De Witt's Little Early Risers for these little pills will cure them. Julia A. Story. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve cures piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve cures burns. DeWitt's Witeh llaz»l Salve cures sores DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sal vecures ulcers. Julia A. Story. Are . M i ' s i fa When in need of a set of Harmpss, or anything to be found ia a fir** clans bar. ness shop, give me a call. Good wore, manship and low prices always the rule^ CUB CARLSON, UcHeniy, III., 1893. -* i'nV: you taking advantage of the Prices the Farmers Store is offering, if not you are behind the times, and you had better call and I secure some of the many Bargains I am offering. Antumn and Winter Dress Goods, Storm Serges, Hop Sackings, Imported Serges, Henriettas, Brill- iantines, Flannels, Velyets, Plushes, braids, Domestics, Warps, Battings. WOOL AND MERINO UNDERWEAR. In scarlet, natural and white, in all sizes, for men, women and children, at popular prices. Swits Condes' fully mapanted goods in stock, Union suits for ladies, misses and children. We liave again bought a large stock of the Famous and itfftjr;; warranted Badger State Overalls, Shirts* Jackets* Buck and Pants tor the fall winter. We can fit and suit everybody. New Shawls, New Blankets, New Flannels, AH kinds of Yarns, Wool gray, tan and brown. and Cotton Hosier/ in blact, natural J Patterns, Window Shades, Curtaint. TRUNKS AND HAND Bl«S. We are exclusive agents for the famous and full>» warranted Douglas $3 00 Shoes, and nlso carry other grades of same factory, fCgf-'Firgo's custom made Boots and Shoes in all sizes and various widths and kinds, constantly in stock. Prices way down. Fargo's $2,50 men's shoes iu lace or Congress is a great bargain. Hats and Gaps, Gloves and Mittens. Lustre Band and White Granite Crockery, Roc&ingham Ware. Pure and unadulterated Teas, Coffees and Spices, Canned Goods and Provisions. t^T~The staff of life is flour, converted into broad* Chick'b fully warranted Rockford Flour leads them all in quality and prices. Honest Abe 85c, New Process 90o. Half Patent SI 05. Cnick's Best $1 10. •11 fully warranted and delivered free lo any part of town. Try us. 50 barrels common salt, 90c. Special inducements will be held out to all who will bily a full supply tor cash. , 'V r«- A. P. BAEB, West McHenry. ivi In our old and reliable, time-tried and fire and storm tested com? panies, on all classes of insurable property at jast rates. Our busip ness in this line is very extensive and your interests receive the bes| of attention possible. ' Respectfully, « •fx'*) J / y, v trf \ . j±, & tV ,1'.-- ! . j t i i Z ' * , . i f e s . '< ' ii* - Weal MoHenrj, 111,