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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1893, p. 1

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BUSINESS CARDS. p. O-OOtBY, D. D.S. ...... WotdltMl lit. Special MU». tioa ofttd tofWItotiiig children's tutk P»M|««e<Hi>k4from * diuseeewoaMdo wel byMiU OM««,Kendal corner Mam iiriet ilid NW1C3?BK« ' ' " . tt.l> a J. HOWARD f>nr^ioiAN AND SURGKON. Jt th« erildtnct of B. A, Wtit MeHenry, III. n. h. FEGBBS. M. D- TSLOIAH AND 8URGBOIJ. Office at Besldence. CHARLES C. BERRKII, IBoot fs*Hoe Malcer, Over Jffeman Bros. Jewelry Storm, op- posit* Biihyp's Milk Mc Henryt Boots And 8ho*P rnanuficture#of ffeejfeest material and a fit gu%?autefld. BEI*AIRtNQ\ : . > Pronptlf attended to. Fine Boot* and 8boos a specialty?' Call see me. - ,,OHA*LF8 G. BEKVEtt McHpnry, 111*, 1913, GEi>TS, Come fH Ifitfii Measured* Panta or ve^t. Suit XtBWt; DR. A, B. AURINGER, n Dr PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. Office Obltds build'.ng, West MeHenry, III. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, Ait profesawaai sails promptly at. tended to. ft, V. BHKFAKD. R t, IBIfiBD 8HEPARD A SHEPARD, TTOBSN A era Ol Chicago, III Tb AT LAW. Suite 512, North- k.e Building, W LaSalto Street tf*l| KNIQHT * BROWN, SfmHin AT LAflMI. 8. Express Oo.'s ar Baud tngi i" 87 and 89 Washington St. "CHICAGO, ILL. | V.S. LUMLBT. i A TTORNBY A* LAW, and Solieltor te i A 0h""»OOD3TO0K. ILL. | >~ QAes In Park Houee. first floor, i ; nT,j|ijiin»;i J09LYN * UASKT, Woodstock A TTORHBTS AT LAW. WoodstookllL XX All business will receive prompt atten­ tion. , . •• ; ... . • A P. BARNES, 'TTOBNET, Solicitor, an<t| Oftnnseior, L Collections'* specialty. WOODSTOCK, ltXtlTOtS. am A f rruiiiiGiui' ui MeHenry Brewery, ,« McHKNRY, ILL. Alkvaj/s on Band with the Mist Beer. fev r. J, BARB*AW, J 9. BABBIA* BARBIAN BROS. I Wholesale and Retail • iSg^Samples of Cloths from all Nati .ns. fferbt din in every respect. > Splendid Fit or no sale. Clothes fitted and dratted on short notice and no hvnibujer. E. LAWLUS, Tailor, Opposite Riverside Hotel, lieQenry. JDSALSM nr FINE CIGARS, MeHENRTt ILLINOIS. Be Inn BOW pleasantly located fn our new store, former ty occupied by Altboff Bros., wo are now prepared to offer to the smoking pub lie a lino line < f Cbrarg of oar own mai ture, together with Smoking and Ch< Tobacco of tho be«t brands. Pipes i Specialty. We have a very large assortment and some idsome patterns. CALL A&D 8KB US. Tory handsome patterns. MoHenrr. TH.V JttneM, 18D» BI.B)U> no* JOHN P. SMITH, V '• •- •. V^atohmaker & Jeweler • | MeHENRYi ILLINOIS. *"- k^TtrB stock of Clocks, Watches arfdjirtfi XX. olry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing flno watohes. Give mo a oall. JOHN J»- SMITH. C • ' mi Horsemen, Look Here. I have a fine stock' of H rses, among which •re "Young Green Mountain Morran, "Mor­ rill Charles," aau others. Oall and sea these Horses before making arrangements else- where. N. s: COLBY. SKeHesry. III., May 10, MS. JOHN HAUP&ISH'S MeHtnry, Hi. t: H. C. Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Including A ccident and Life Insurance. XJTFLOB WITH B. GILBSBT, NBA* DBKOT, WBBT MCHKNHY, III. : 1 We V. ST. CLAIR, j|ilitiee of the Peace, Insurance &h<£ Collecting Agency. - OVVICB OX BAILBOAD ST., ^ IMJNDAf lll« ""•jr A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jewder VfO'Oai HuadredTwenty-VIve State St Ohi- 11 MM. 111. Speoial attention given to re- palrlBgr (mo watehesand Chronometers. VAVall Assortment of Goods ix hlalino F. Z. PILCHIR. ^ Dental - 8urgeon. • GffietwUhDr. Awing*rt Weal. Grown, Plate and Bridge Work artistically xeoutedi given executed at reasonable prices. SpecUl atten a to the care of Ohildren s Teetk. COMSULTAT IOIT FBBB, MeHenry House, McHENRY. ILL. . BE1MBR. DroprUtor, .-iffe;,- banks of the Fox Being situated on- the Biver, Tn the Villtge of MeHenry, special at tention will be given to the entertainment ««f Hesters, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers g »B orally. Sportsmen Supplied with plete outfit* Having just put in a new Ironing and Polishing Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work lo the Laundry line oo abort cotlce, and firaaraate* , latlfitmciton. •S* Alt work left with me will be promptly ione. at the ww roachioery put in enables me to do my work much faster and better tbau heretofore. AH Laundry will be called for and delivered when done, If word it toot me. JOHN MAUPRlSHi s 1 •r *5 8 Do Ton Know That we line of carry an Do You Know . -"vThat our stock of BOOTS & ^ SHOES is strictlv first class ? k •! "-.J4""' *"X'V Do You Know That in NOTIONS we are the i People, and that we are un­ excelled ? * Do You Kjum That we can supply yon with the best ot TISTWA&B at the Lowest Prices ? Know ,. .That we have reeeived kn im- '^mense stock of UNDERWEAR, and that this is the correct time to buy? f • A . PIONEER) 4MO HEROES |T«eir| DARING QEEOS! The thrilling exploits of American border heroes and heroines, wtth Indiana, outlaws and wild besets, from the earliest times to now. Lives and fa nous <lce<Js of DeSoto, Standisb, Boone, Kenton. Brady, Crockett, Oaraon, Custer, Oomstoek, Wild Bill, Buflalo Bill, Gens. Crook and Miles, Geronimo, Sit­ ting Bull, and other great Indian Chiefs, etc. Historv of the War with the Ghost.Dancers. and all. 250 Engravings. Young boys not answered, S^WfaThort'ft Agents Wanted funds ° PLANET PUBLISHING CO. Box S001, St. Louis, Mo. Uiitefl Stales farClaiiAieicf -OF- H. COWLIN, Woodstock • . Illinois. 8 ?TU 0,lfT8S*.and kinds Of claims - tor ®* SoIdl«ra, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs! ^SSttScSiimi1* iU pr0#e0UUB8 ol(1 and AU communication a promptly answered if Postage Stamps are eneloaed for reply. WM, H. COWLiS 05^*tBe"de»ee.MMl^ #^ Wo^«otk, in and snow you our goods. THE CHICAGO FilB STORE. West MeHenry. ' D. GOLDMAN & CO, :'r'C. J. pBOFBIBTOBS. A Love of a Bonnet • ^ If frequently tiie canoe of a quarrel la ' xne family, ours are not so eJUMUsslve as to cause one We hate •;* Novelties in Style , "V g'" AMD Vji-. "S'jAN ' -a ' ' yilnrpriees In Priees ' /-• combined on exhibition, AtfM»#t*member that we are preparole 4o ~ DKE8SMAK1N# In all the latest styles. We aim to p ea*e. We will in a few days receive a large supply of STANDARD PATTERNS. e. NEAR THE DEPOT, VfEST MoHENRY, ILL Keeps open tor the accommodation of the Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will . " "'1« to be found in th all times keep the boat remands of Winee, Liqiiora and Cigars a market. ' PABS<FS • HUwaukt* Ls£tr BHT. At Wholesale apd Retail. Beer in Large or Small Sags or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper thai any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. : < GOOD BTASUNG 90B HQX8FB ^ «roaUand see us. "-C Robert West MeHenry. IVL Mrs. C. W. WEST McHUNRY, ILL. ' • • >-- ••in.-- -- iii STOCKS Demand quick, sharp and persistent ad­ vertising. Merchants who do not wish to keep over & large amount of goods until next season should make arrange­ ments for HOLIDAY ADVERTISING In the PLAINUEALER without delay. Those who are not advertising now jshould make hadte, and all who desire more space than they now carry should contractor the same at once. We have still a limited amount of space for sale, but this will soon be sold: hurry up. The size o! your HOLIDAY TRADE Will depend mainly on the amount of ad­ vertising you do. This is the modern way of selling goods. Come in and let us sell you a nice space., , Truly Yours, HUPP. ; Wednastay, Oct. IS. The decline in the price of siver lias set capital to work developing gold mines in i Colorado, with gratifying results. The Kussian na\»l officers are now at I Paris and that hysterical city is "wild with enthusiasm." Charles Francis Gounod, author of the ever-popular "Faust" opera, has been stricken with apoplexy and his age--75 years--almost assures a fatal result. The Watkin tower at Weoibly park, Sear Loudon, now approaching comple* tiort, is to be 1,150 feet high, or 178 feet taller than the Eiffel tow er. George B. White,Boston representative of ! the Pennsylvania tannery firm of William , L. W hite & Co., is alleged to have secured 1200,000 from Boston banks under false pretences, and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Ex-Internal Revenue Collector James H. Stone has been nominated for congress by the Republicans of the First Michigan ®isW^» to succeed the late Logan j.Chip~ : man. Thursday, Oct, 10. It is given out by Asquith, Gladstone's , home secretary,that homo rule for Ireland ;Will be shelved while the G. O. M. carries out seme planks of the Newcastle plat­ form which promised several reforms for England. | It is now reported that both sides in the B racsliaa troubles are waiting loses how the elections go, and that little fighting is |being done. Farmers near Huron, S. D., have suffered losses of fully $100,000 in the past few days by the burning of barns and stock, attrib­ uted to incendiary fires. : The Wellman Iron and Steel company, whose works at South Chester. Pa., repre­ sented an investment of $1,5000,^ has failed. Captain Oldroyd's collection of Lincoln relic*, heretofore exhibited in the residence of the Lincoh)* at Springfield, Ills., have been installed in the house at Washington where Lincoln died, The stockholders of the Illinois Central have re-elected the old board of directors. Earnings of the road increased in 18H3 11.29 percent, over 180a, almost wholly from passenger traffic. M. Chauvin, the barber recently elected to the French chamber of deputies, arose the other day to make a speech, but pres­ ently sat down,- unable to articulate a word. Friday, Oct. SO. It Is now believed that all the disasters on the lakes resulting from the recent storm have been reported, and the total number of lives lost is put at sixty-two. The Rocky Mountain News, of Denver, prints a sensational article to the effect that Dr. T. Thatcher Graves, the allotted |poisouerof Mrs. Barnaby, who was re- ;porfeed to have committed suicide, is alive, end-that a pine log did duty for the corpse in the coffin that was buried. ' A monument commemorative of the [battle of Trenton ha* been dedicated with £reat enthusiasm at Trenton, N. J. The ^tionument is crowned with a heroic statue Of Washington. Fireworks costing 110,000 will be ex- ploded at Jackson park on the evening of Manhattan Day. ' Dr. Henry Preserved Smith, recently convicted of heresy by the Ohio Presbyter­ ian synod, will appeal to the general as­ sembly. ' Saturday, Oct SI. Frank S. Westfall, of Howard, Kaa., a student at the state normal school at Emporia, while making a rush in a foot ball game was hurledon his head and fatal­ ly injured. C. D. Poe, a oarpenter who was arrested at Pueblo, Colo., -for stealing a saw, cut his throat with a penknife while on his way to the station and died two hours later. < Th® Bank of SUverton, Silverton, Colo., which closed its doors July 14, 1833, owing to the large withdrawals of depositors, has resumed business. The steamer Cones toga left Erie for Chi­ sago with a load of granulated sugar just before the great storm and was scuttled in shallow water to prevent her going to nieces. Her cargo now is one of syrup in bulk. H. H. Rogers has preserved in Millicent library-at F&irhaven, Mass., a collection of autograph letters written by seventeen Sf the presidents of tbe United States. Mary Agues Shearer colored, was shot and badly wounded and her three-year-old Child killed at Cannonsbarg, Pa., by A1 Davis, also colored. Davis claims he did not know the gun was loaded and pointed it as a joke. . Monday, Oct. S3. Cyclist John S. Johnson has done One-third mile in 37 1J> seconds. The best previous record was 38 4-5. Horace Hill, 21 years old, has been put under bonds of $10,000 on the charge of murdering Anna Wies, at Marsballtown, la. The report that the czarewitch is en­ gaged to marry Princess Maud of Wales is denied. D'Oro won the pool match between him­ self and Roberts, the English champion, by 79 points out of 1,000. Lightning struck Louis F. Patterson's mill near Uniontown, Pa. The mill was burned. R. F. Moore, the miller, was stunned; a son of Moore piralyzed, and a lot of hogs killed. Charles Ballou, a 2}£-year-old boy, of Cedar Rapids, la., pulled a lighted lamp over on him. The lamp exploded and the little fellow was burned almost to a crisp. A one way rate of $6 has been authorized from St. Paul to Chicago. It will apply in both directions. Tuesday, Oct; M. Twelve out of forty French soldiers were killed by a party of Arabs in tbe province Of Algiers. The new high school building at Bidde ford, Me., ha# been destroyed by fire. Loss, $60,000. Princes Maud of Wales is about to visit her late governess, now married and liv­ ing in Devonshire. While there she is known as Miss Mills and insists upon an absolute absence of all ceremoney. CONGRESSIONAL taoeeedlogs ef the Senata and Hcrase at Washington. WASHINGTON, Oct. ia-Tha senate pat in the whole day debatiug whether- two silver senators who hod refused to re­ spond to their uames on roll calls demand­ ed by their own side should be entered on the journiil as present. It was not decided at adjournment after a very personal de­ bate, in whicii Morgan took occasion to an­ nounce his "personal responsibility." On motion of Voorhefes recess was taken to 10 a m. today. The house discussed a bill dispensing with proof of loyalty in cases of pension claimants otherwise entitled to pension, and in cases of application for bounty land* under similar conditions. Repub­ licans opposed the bill. The bill was mod­ ified so as not to apply to pensions and then passed. The Cox bill prohibiting bationnl bauks making loans to their offi­ cers or employes until the full case has been submitted to the directors or execu­ tive committee and approved was also pat sed and the house in committee took up the public printing bill. WASHINGTON. Oct. 19.-The senate finally closed the talk on the. quest ion raised by Dolph and laid his motion on I he table, thereby practically declaring < haunder the senate rules a man may be sitting right before the presiding officer and yet be recorded as absent on roll call, because he refuses to answer to his name. Then Teller made a like motion, because his name was not on the lecord, although he was present but refusing to answer. He criticized the president for, as alleged, in­ terfering in congressional matters. Mor­ gan, Daniel and Mills spoke on various phases of the question that is now before the senate, but no progress was made. The only incident of note in the house was a persona! controversy between Geary and Warner of New York, over the New York and New Jersey bridge bill. It was a question of veracity, and both gentlemen were rather excited, but the speaker was firm in preserving order and tbe gentle­ men became calmer. The bill was p:is&ed. The remainder ol the day was consumed in thl further discussionand consideration of the printing bill. WASHINGTON, 0«t. 2(>.--The senate dis­ cussed Teller's motion to correct the jour­ nal, In that he had not been recorded pres­ ent when on roll-call he was present! but refused to answer to his name, for sev- hours, when Teller withdrew it, and the repeal bill was taken up, Peffer beginning another section of his speech. Tbe vice president presented a communication from the treasury stating that a deficit of $50,- 000,000 in national finances was probable for the year. The house passed a resolution that be­ ginning Monday next the bankruptcy bill shall be considered in committee of the whole and then resumed consideration of the public printing bill. Without disposing of the bill business was suspended and a tribute of respect was passed to the mem­ ory of the late Representative Mutchler, of Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.--Voorhees in the ieuate introduced a resolution for cloture! It provides that after thirty days' debate any member may submit a motion for a time to vote and that motion shall be put at once without debate or amendment, and if carried the final vote shall be taken in the same way. An executive session was held and the nomination of J. J. Van Alen as ambassador to Italy confimred. Upon resuming open session the bill sus­ pending for a year the law requiring $100 worth of labor to be expended on mining claims was passed with amendment ex­ cluding corporations. Peffer offered a free coinage amendment to the repeal bill and Sve another section of his serial. Recess 10 a. in. today. The house passed tbe bill requiring rail­ ways to maintain stations at town sites in the Strip. The McGarrahan claim was taken tip but the point of no quorum was made and sustained and the morning hour expired before one appeared. A bill was passed to remit 50 per cent, of duties on exhibits ut the World's fair. The printing bill was discussed, and an amendment of­ fered to let printing out by contract. Ad­ journed. WASHINGTON,Oct. 23.--The senate Satur­ day passed a house joint resolutiou dis posing for charitable purposes of fi n U of the Mormon church now in tbe hands of the receiver. Peffer completed bis lm> sil­ ver speei h and Jones of Nevada contiuued his. Voorhees asked him to y ield (or nu executive session, and Jones agreed, say­ ing his speech would require three or four days. After executive session the senate took recess until 10 o'clock this morning, The house passed a bill to divide the eastern judicial district of Michigan into northern and southern divisions. The Mc­ Garrahan bill was withdrawn owing to the absence of a quorum, which also pre­ vented the passage of the printing bill which was reported to the house from committee of the whole. WASHINGTON. Oct. 24.--Stewart notified the senate that he would offer an amend­ ment to the repeal bill providing for a compromise between the United States and South and Central American repub­ lics to adopt a common silver coin, legal tender in all these countries. Jones gave another section of his silver serial and then yielded to Teller, who after giving another section of his speech yield­ ed to Stewart, who yielded later to a re­ cess until 10 a. m. today. The house agreed to the Benate amend­ ments to the Mormon church bill, passed the printing bill and a bill to build a revenue ©utter for the lakes to take the place of the Andrew Johnson, and then put in the/remainder of the day on tbe bankruptcy bii, to which there is much opposition. No action. WIFE GIVES AWAY HER BAND IN THE WRATTAN CASE. •"J"*,' t Sw. s® ' i t ik ' - jt-i . ~ • Sentence or Mackey'a Assailant. SAN FBANCISCO, Oct. 23.--W. C. Rippey, the decrepit old man who shot and nearly killed millionaire John W. Mackey several months ago, has been sentenced to pay a fine of $£30 or serve 125 days in jaiL It Baid that friends who knew him when a prosperous speculator will pay the fine. Subscribe for the PLAINDBALEB. And H« Hi Torn the Gang Ha to aud Which Did the Daatar --Wallowed in the Victims' Blood B*f| •a use He Was Late. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 23.--A Special to Sentinel ftrum Washington, Ind., says: AJ|§..... last the guilty ninrd«rer« of t,h« Williaiw**"»• family are in tho toils of the law. Flvearx./'. the suspects arrested and taken'to sonville two weeks ago were rightly sus*^-^ , pected, but it wa- not through them that the hideous criminals were exposed. Las% Saturday the grand jury ordered the art rest of James Stone, the man who cametqi the Wratten house Arlf TtMeday mcxvK ing and first discovered the edy. His arrest was caused own wife, who appeared before th* jury and testified that Stone night and complained of a vioieat teKttk! ache and said that he was going to a den* tist to hnv« it abstracted; that he did noil^H return until a late hour, and then K covered with blood he asked for a *fca<Ept^ , of clothes; that Stone maintained tkat^kC ~ blood on his clothes was caused by tlM bleeding ot his tooth. r' Tlier. Wure Seven la th. Gang. , On inquiry it was found that no or dentist had extracted a tooth for This was dtemed strong, evidence,; ially when coming from the man1 As Boon aa Si one was brought to to; grand Jury went to wo|| to ofa«aia«|N»^ fession from him. lit flint l|ii •iiiiailiunlj' deu ied everything, but being assured tllAt, - / clemency would be granted to hitn lf'fee " V* a confession, he at last yielded to ^ „ their overtures. He told his fitovy about". as follows: Knowing that Mm. Wiatftau kept a great deal of money abont t|te V ' house Gr.iUtlison Cosby, a notorious ehar* ^ .'•* acter in this county, planned the robbery. ^ A gang of seven persons that formed a sort,; of society for robbery and general hellish- : VM ness was notified of his plan. Their frame* are Giatulison Cjsby, Lou Williams; tin Yarber, of this city; William Kayee, o Pike county; John W. White, G'.pp Clark - and James Stoue. . Wallowed the Tardy Oue in Blood. The was that Yarber and Clark? should get ii..o the house and commit the • robbery while the others were to standi 1 - ^ guard. At the time wheu the robbery to be committed Cosby and Stone hadii not yet arrived. Cosby was in the eitjf". Monday evening and was so uruuk thatt* he got past going, and did not reach tbfljf- hodse at all, but Stone arrived after ths murder had been committed and because . he was late the other conspirators wab~* lowed him in the blood of the v.ctims arid?'1^ i n t h a t c o n d i t i o n p e r m i t t e d h i m t o g ^ . , , ' . • . home, and that was the nail that fastened down the lid of their coffins. Did Not Get a Cent of Money. Cr ̂ \ ' They could not find a cent of the money.' " V As Stone did not arrive until the six mur­ ders were committed he does not know why they killed the Wratten family. All the criminals have been arrested and taken to Jeffersonville. Williams and Kayes were already in JeffersonviUe prison. Brown, another suspect who was taken to Jeffersonville, bad no connection with the tragedy and will be released. The y - excitement is more intense than ever. Woe * * *\;; to the murderers if a Daviess county dels* : ,|V '• gat-ion can lay hands on them. : V ------ - Wasn't Such a Big Day After A1U - CHICAGO, Oct. 23.--Manhattan Day had attractions enough to draw 500,000 peo- * pie to the fair grounds, but they did not go. The total was only 2b0,317, of which h 41,465 were children from Chicago and hereabouts almost wholly, in all prob- ability. Neither did the the week lead the ' previous one. The total was 1,780,690 against 2,114,953. Another thing that ffir'- - does not please Chicago people is that of pi* » 50,000 souvenir tickets sent to Gotham only k .*; ; 761 were sold at latest reports. Children .%'* . to the number of 321,987 visited the fair last week. Yesterday was the banner ^ j Sunday, there being 140,578 paid admis- I sions. .• Episcopal Mislonary Meeting. CHICAGO, Oct. 24.--The annua! session of the missionary council of the Episcopal church is at work in the St. James church, the bishop of Chicago, McLaren, presid­ ing. The couucil consists ot all the bishops of the church, and all the mem- bers of the board of managers and other - clergymen and laymen who may be ^ chosen to serve by the general convention. % All missionary work of the church is controled by the council The arch- bishop of Zante, of the Greece church, is : present and made a short address today. The sessions are all devoted to addresses, on missionary work. Had a Perilous Bldf, " ^ CHICAGO, Oct. 23.--One of the elevators' > in the Manufacturer's building at the >* World's fair with, fourteen passengers, af- % ter dropping at its usual rate for a time S suddenly let go and dropped to within '* thirty feet of the floor at a terrific speed. There it stopped and the passengers, glad they were alive, but feeling very sick and very angry, had to be taken out on a lad- der. The cause has not been intelligibly announced yet, but the car was stopped by a safety device that acted Just as it was in­ tended it should act. No one was hurt, but there was great excitement. fei • f : < * " » '* . v *' A " Beat Estate Men in Conference. CHICAGO, Oct. 81.--The World's Real Estate congress met at the Art Institute and the delegates were welcomed in a witty speech by Colonel H. L. Turner. He told the delegates from the silver states that while Chicago appreciated the white metal the silver men would have an oppor­ tunity to see how much more gorgeous and satisfactory the golden eagle was,.. To the New York men he said that while Chi­ cago might not be truly good it was won­ derfully pious in spats and if they I»«H1 a Bowery Chicago had a Midway that could double discount i^. ' • • f.

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