• • 0» OOLBY,D. D MeBBHRT, ILL. oner Mara street and Publlejqaarc OMtea at Weit SSt but to Truth, to Liberty •|§B|.«kW | RY, ILLINOIS, IDAY, DEC |t« MUVf WO # on Band wi(h iH& Bri»t. Beer, >HT$I01A.N AJTD StTROHOS, Ills. Office at BetUSecoe. DR. A. R. AUUIHUKR, m V. SHITA*®^# Ofllro B Dr III. tyoecaptod by Dr. ealls promptly at- *. fc, SHCPAKD ARD * SHEPARD, Th AT LAW. Suite 512, North- I ft* Betiding, M L<aSalie Street 111. • 15 ly ^ A BROWN, TTORNRTBATLAW. U. 8. Express Qo.*A "r^oSi'gî riJS* '̂ ̂ ; V, 8. LUMLEY. >RMJEY AT LAW, And Solleitor lit kaneerv, . . . . . . WOODSTOCK, I LI, . v OAee in Park Uoasc. first floor,, I.-. ., 1.' fejifrS'", • .. • Wmii ir Kill II m ,11 ir ̂ -#03LOr **'*"?"; Ttaia§ttB AT 1*1#, Woodstock III. All' Wwtaess will faeatlve prompt;...§tt*a O. P. BARNES, TTORKBI, Solicitor, andi Ooltaofcioftsa specialty. Woodstock; lnwoia. Counselor, JOHN P* 8MITHP Watobmaker & Jeweler ILUNC»I», II A f IHSstoek of Cloeks, Watches ana Jew. sir* always on hand. Special attention given t*fipa&U»* Jlne watehes. Give me l^oHonrjf, llii , Having just pot in a new Ironing mid JPolishiDg Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work bMWjta ytw» Laundry line on 86<wt r giiittee. ant! fatriMil tstislactlon. ~ v;J;rv- All left with roe will be promptly IKitie.as the riew tnachlnerv put In enables me to do my work much faster tod better than heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and dellveredwbe.a done, If word is sent me. JOHN MAUPRI8H" JOHN X. SMITH ftorsemen. keek Here. of » r«e», among which totHMii" '*Mor- id other*. Call awl see these making arrangements else- N. S. COLBY. MrHenry. Ill .May 10. WW. It!' . '•»l'j ' I ; pyij;/ ' H. C. MEAD, V' -i *>.*'• «7iutieeofthe Peate and Qenerat Jn- V-- «ttrance Agent including Accident - ana Life Insurance. ^L, " O«H0* WITH B. OrtBRRT, USA* D«K>T» : fl»T bt. *&.:v W. P. ST. CLAIR, Of the Peace Insurance Collecting Agency. 01| HA1LBOAO ST., *SA*% KUNDA, lite A. M. CHURCH, iTiiteliniakei' and Jeweler ro.On i H u ndredTwen ty-Five State StOtki* ? pairingf iae watches end Ohronomsters. can kite, ILL Speoial attention given to re ft1 iae watches end Ohronomsters. «TAFull Assortment of Good* la Ma lta* F. E. PILCHBflt* -111 xientftl - Surgwm. * ,;$»«•» WOI Dr. Aurtnger, We* MeHtmrv, M. Flat® and Bridge Work art'stleally- •IMfPuteci at reasjnabio prices. Special atten re& to the ear® of Children** Teeth. OOMSOLTATIOH FBIli MeHenry House, 1 «• • *%£•• " r'X-u-'f JieBSNRrlLU JOB HXIMBR. iVop»<#A msst-on the baoke of the Pox i of MeHenry, special at to the entertalnmeat of [Hitters, Fiehermen and Pleaeare Seekers neralty. tsmsn Supplied with Com plete Outfit#. •»ee--»eee*«eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee; k R I P A N S apriBULES MKallLATC THE ' STOMACH, LIVER AND iOWELS AND PUB1FY THE BU600. BIPAKI TABC.XJSS ARE th@ *•«- ' for IwHseXio^,, B%«n» IAe l*cenee in the air? Or does It. oulj cause a smadge *. / And make your neighbor sweapf Why win you stick to cabbage leasee And drive yoor (rieods afar, When you can ptrfebase fora diae "Our Monogram" cigar?. [ 1 »AKBKS oa> Choice C! We can sull yde ono or a or *rkote««!<8. 4i& rhonsand- -retall JOHN MAV*mm'& %OKL0. Boys cape Ofwfcoats.*^«^^iiii.. ft ®0 Men's chiu 4 80 Men s woo! Suits A 50 Bo^'s Snit» |i 25 wad 3 R0 Ilea's wool Siiirts ftQid Drawers 60 f l,r»o Bmjk glovee only.. 1.00 leavy fiwd plovaft and mitta......... 55 Hundreds t>f goods at these prices. B LAWLUS. Opposite Blverside House. Who has been u nfortunateenough nev er to hate visited oar store should take the first opportunity to do so. Here he will find I GOAL & FEED m Iu Qood Supply, Spot Cash Prf)«» Reduced It will pay you to investrigater V W. A. CRISTTi • J J V " WESr McHENBY, Mi --r • • 1 • -'V •. CLOTHED...- AKD IK HIS RIGHff HMD. ^ No mm can be said to be thoroughly i» possession ot his senses who dese set pr vtde pro eetioa agalast itpM* pherio chat;yes la tN fotn of iai| and winter eleiilar. This is the season vken yon are moat likely to take c^ld, aed a Utile eare *ow isa-. preveat a leaf ftt ef lltnsss. Wosdsrfnl h w cheaply we eaa it yoa eat with a w per salt ef c othee>a aice eeet, aa elegant vest, * haadseai pair ef piata, or a s» j li«h OTe«M*t Our price*, which are lower than ever before, defy eompetition. Come aad a»e ns, and let «a take year, measure, ̂OTCHftOLI, v lfcHEKBY, ILL. r. «W»l*a Breath, Itoieil «»> 'the Sfesaiih, Utrer •** flrt iniDcommtf.. . maO. Addrss* KMIOAL CO., , _ ___ ,n» towc crrr. eeata»s»»eeeeeeeesaee»eeeeseseeel *Af B sfc Jedidiah Hibbarrt, deceased. •wJBssesssim '̂tŝ 'X * ecMaed. tateoftbeoeoatyof MeHenry Appear"mtetmvS &wty°Oon rfoi « the Ooart Hease. fo reofetoefc, at the Jar nary ifce flret (eaday In January ae$t, at wh>eli t«iBie all •> ereons-havleg claims agalaet e^f^ft«a»e are FuUicauoii lfoti«e. . , STATE or ILLIKOIS, f , . . * • W e . MeHenry County. » Ci lKCUIT Court • f MeHenry Ooahty, JWf-1 ary term, A. D 1M>4. „ ' . Jeeepb J. Kowen. Hubert Bowen. Ilelaaa Bowen. Barbara Rowen and Eate t owen, ve. Catharine Friend, Joh* II. Frien 1, llary Friend, Joseph Fri n<l. Kite Friend, Martin H Friend, Peter Friend, Nicholas rriead, Rosa Schumacher, Kmma Frien'1, James H. Mo^se. Mary A Lester, Carrie A Harris, Sadie Mor«e, Carrie Morse a c a Suby Morse IB 'Xfli ravit of the r>on reB!dence of Joseph Fri«*n<l, Koea Setumacher, aadie Morse, C*r- ris Moree aad Rabv Morse, of the deft adapts above nam»i, h%ving been fl ed in the usee t(f the Clerk of said Oiiruitco rt of MeHenry County, notice is hereby given to tha aald noa resident lefeadant^. that the nomplain ants Died Uielr bt|l ofeemplalnt in eaidUojirt oh the Chancnry side thereof a «lie 27th day of November, AD. 1W8, aad that a sumpoae therenpoa issued obt of said Ooart aga»nst s&td deietdants, r«». urnaWe on the 8th day of January, A D. 1«4. as is by law req 'ired. trow, therefore, nnlest yen the said Joseph Friend, RosaSehuaiaehsr,Sadie Morse, O rne Mors* and ttuby Morse shell personally be aal assesr hefers tiM Oireuit Court or aseffenry Oeanty OP the first, day of tne next !-rm thereof, to oe hnlrt«i at the Court Bouse in theeity of Woodstock, in paid Cowaty, w» the 8sh day of January. A. D. is»t, and ptaad, ft' swaror demur to the ?aid complaiaaara bill of eomplalat. ia« rame and the wattoipa aad things thereia eharg«d and stated will he takea as ronfessed, ami a decrcs entereu against yon according to the prayer or saaa rtq«*Hed to attand fhr the same adjusts#; & •KU. ••tv-. a«> to eaid estate are req 9.?a««iv> ̂ ;«s • ' f t testimony whereof I have hereunto set bill. my hand ami nfflved the seal of eaia Courl, at my office ii Woodstock this 37th day of N? ».»Wr, A. D. I®*- w p 0„tt .**« fwoyyy. He wants In the way of a watch, a clock , or jewelry ol all kinds* The Hrm«fc variet y to select from Htandsin strou^ con trust with our unvarying principle of isdlii»g evOTy thing at the hottom-most maiigia. In doing this there is scarosly • ANY PBOFIT On one article; but a little profit on each of many sales suits us better than a big per cent on a few. In this way we have the pleasure both of susoess in business and of benefitting the many instead of the few. Can we not beneBt Youfr- Uejpairing ol all kinds J ' Promptly Attended to. MOW It THB TIME TO BUT 4 ̂ Sewing Machine! Only $5 a month until paid. HEAMAN BROS. of a Bonnet^ >*• . •- - is frequently the caasa of a Quarrel In the family. Ours are not so expehalve as to cause one. We have NovelUeB in Style Surprises in PrteM combined on exhibition, Also, remember that we are prepared to do r . : ̂i E SSMAK1N Grvj I . . *%« , ' *c-'*: la alfrte latest styles. We aim to piiiilK We will in a few days reeeive a large supply of STANDARD PATTERNS. i|f«. C. W. BESLPY w*ir McHENRY. ILL. '• JSEAB THE DEPOT, W£»T MoHENHY, IM- BLoepa open for the aceommodaltoa of the public a First-Olass Salooa and Restanraat, Where he will at all brands of Wines, t© be found in the market times keep the beat Liquors and Cigars ' PABKT^ WhraakM Bin. At Wholesale and Retail. ^ Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- l»nd, cheaper than any other* qaali-»: Orders by mail promptly attended ta GOOD &TA BL1NQ FOX HOBSFB. MTOall and see ue. RohAfft Aoiiioflfltoa • .rr- ^ssssss^, ---- No Favors Wlti up and no Pear Shall ii ite pubHe work or w oiOyiH#^G$)d|u' but Lo«d-Ghi^f attdon se have CMttrts of law. sunstroke is zt a heavy weight lsone. al ailments < f̂eHlmte to m t*h g& aiwa rho., shallow boated of a man £eii under T. J. Ellis and wife, who have been on the sic< list, are reported improving. Mr. F. Morgan and family took Christ- teas dfatner with Mrs. M's parents at 8»bron. The %wii!y of C. H. French entertained tihs married members of the family on Christniag eve. Mrs. IP. L. Carr and boys spent Christ inas w|lh gran dpa and grandma Neville at. Wat* C. W. BiMidall and C. Everson.ofGales- burg, visifead F. L. Carr's and Mrs. Mary Dodge's during holiday week. Msrf, Ed., and F. L. Oarr ate Christ mas dinner at. Mrs. Dodare s, as did also C. W. Randall and E Mrs. Bli Chase has downed an ughr old enemy, La Grippe by name, and is look ing "plinty able" for a dosen such en counters. Miss Fatnie Osborne is meeting with much favor among the pupils and pa trons of our school, and we believe she richly merits it. • Mm. J. W. Oisty has been quite ill for the past week but is reported on th gain. Her many friends will be glad to hear thif, and all are wishing for her speedy recovery. Mise Millie Lawson had a Christmas tree and exercises appropriate to the fes tive occasion, in hm> school in Hartlstid. were also given by Miss Carr, who t t acbes in the Hager district near Al- R-onquia. Mi»=s Myrtle 8tsvens discharged the fi nancial obligations attending theChrist- maa tree exercises in such an able man ner that a balance large enough to aid the worthy poor remained in ner hands, which was promptly distributed. Frank Hall is as happy as a clam in high water. Christmas yielded him $11 cash, besides flour, wood and other things. It is the highest evidence of good society here that the worthy poor we never forgotten. The fttngwood Band furnished music on Christmas eve, or rather Saturday eye. There is no good reason why our band cannot, by attention to practice, be rated.as the best band in the county Some of our young men complain that there is no work and some are never idle. It's the sameevferywhere. WhileChicago is overrun with idle men, a man, a good worker, can go there and find work. While many who live right here have passed the major part of ,their time in idleness some have not been able to do halt the work they had. Mr. Wood, a man who came here last summer, has not missed t. day's work eince Sundays and holidays excepted. Won't some of those yonng men take notice, if you won't do the work somebody else roust. Prsaident Cleveland has not been at tending to his business of late and the result our P. O. has remained in charge of a good Republican; but, Saturday eve Santa took it upon himself to exercise the presidential prerogative and deliver ed over the office to, as he said, "Our es teemed feltow cittaen, H. W. Allen." The office boxea were identical with the Stev ens egg ca«e frames with glass front and nicely numbered. He forgot, however, the commission necessary to transfer Uncle Sam's postal business, so, for the present, it will be conducted at the old stand. The boys had a good laugh, and Herb, laughed with them. The Christmas tree exercises and cere monies here were a!! that could be wished (or by even the most earnest advocate and patrons of the rights of our little ones, and 1 think it is safe to state that none of them were forgotten by old "Santa," who came to Ringwood just a little early so as to be on hand at some other gathering of expectant boys and girls before the season, which like every other good thing of this wo Id, passes, all too soon, away. The tree, or trees, for there were two of them, were covered, hung full of presents to serve and to please, and at about 8 p. M. "Santa" scrambled down a huge fire place arranged so that ail could eee the good old aunt come down the chim ney. The moment tN|had shaken off the soot and regained hiM#M£h, he stepped forward and by the aid ofa Mree of able lieutenant proceeded to distribute gifts right and left, and varied and numerous they were. Nearly every gift was accom panied by some compliment from Santa, and the old fellow succeeded in making the distribution so rapidly and in beep ing the happy gathering in such a state of merriment, that none suspected old Father Time had hurried the hours along from 8 to 11 until Santa himself an nounced the hour, bade good night and took bis departure until another Christ mas eve. As this is the last letter to the Plain- dealer for '93, we think it proper to take a retrospective view and give the sub stance of it to the public, that is the good part. First, what improvements have been made here during the year? Now as the surrounding country is the circulatory system the support of a town we shall take notice of the outside first. Smith Brut*, «,t Suiii'uV Corners, have outdone the formen grandeur of ye olden time and have erected a bouse and improved the grounds about until they have one of the finest places in this vicin ity. Just this side Ed. Smith has made similar improvements, and for size and taste in construction his place is unsur passed by any country place known to the writer. Geo. Harrison, on the old King farm, has erected a palatial resi dence and has left nothing undone, from cellar to garret to make it a model home. The winter came too early to ad mit of the grounds being laid out as is the intention; but when spring comes Mr. Harrison will complete the task be gun and so energetically pushed in '93. and will then have a most beautiful place, reminding one of the old English Baronial estates. Going west from the store the new school house is the only improvement we sha'l mention. The building isa "m dodeMi did as well as they oouldi and fuay one; or (toy M men a ns well equipped with ;#p(§tt«Qs, and as well managed as any m this county. Going eaffc a new house; owned byChas. Thompson, shows the path ol improve ment. The house was erected in '93, but was not completed till last summer. A new chimney and other improvements show o^ur factory to be alive aad denotes ~ty in the business. nroe St Jonathan Brown has a . .. ,bJy. cozy residence which will re- celve the finishing touches in the spring ol ,Wr,! The blacksmith shop of Griraold- by Aad Pint has become quite a wagon manufacturing establishment, and their work is in greater demand than ever be fore. The new store we must mention, as it too, was complet ed during the yew, we written this art icle last week it might have been suspected that we were mak ing a bid for holiday trade for J. W. C. St Son; but we believe we may say now virithoot being accused ol any such inten tion, some things in regard to the store and the trade it has done the past fear. The store is one of the best in this county, and has a patronage equaled by few of them. It is unquestionably the cheapest place, quality of goods con sidered, within easy reach of our people. I hate been buyinggoode for over twenty Ave years, most, of tne time of a various kind and for a large family; aad during the last eight months have been travel ing through th« county, and each week asked prices of staple articles and novel ties as well, and it is my experience that Ringwood is the cheapest place to buy goods this side of Chicago. Do you want staple or faney articles or Jewelry* bard ward, Hour and feed, in fact any thing found in a metropolitan town buy it at the lowest possible price of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood, III. Now this is no idle talk and if you come hereto trade and find otherwise will npologiae for the article. It was our intention when we began not to make half m many words about, it, but fewer would not cover the variety of their wares and the above but poorly sets It forth. Of intoas^sttng Uqnor,^^ TERRACOTTA. Vs* " ? --Happy New Year to all. § | --Minnie Knox returned home day from a visit in Elgin. --Our spelling school was we\l attended. --Minnie and Martin .Conway spent Christmas in Elgin. --Walter McDonald, of Barreville, visit- ed at 0. L. Buck's on Sunday. --G. W. Ames was in Chicago Friday. --J. H. Gracy shipped a car load of cows to his farm in Wisconsin. --Ed Steinbeck, of Chicago, is spending the holidays with his brother Herman. --John Reiihan had some pop^^; tak en from his farm Friday night. m dislocated hivsho(t]der*«» to bed and carefuUy nnrsed, i|i: than a month he died of The oonnection between and It dislocated ̂ honUter is: visible, but on the ground that Mid snsc6|itil)ttip& by. the accident lea to which killed him, the i«l*tivtw held totHT%Rtit&dto t '•The hasb&n. tH* tttnd t̂fthetotelligant mlties," and injuries that condition are not policy. Koran byimming obvious risk, ** railway* even at aprop&pliii, exercising due care to avoid trains.--Chambers' Journal.. A Luscious There is served at the h»ass restaurant --and for that nHHer at tha taor*»t--a dish thatisfitfi Of Say man, high or loi old or young, whom thai suffered to live and sin.- of a couple of slices of •inely roasted, inclosed, of bread, divinely browned, is poured a half pint of >; $1* _ of the meat, vulgarly known bat whose n«ht name is "ambrnsis This dish in its entirety is down 0* ft* hills as "hot roaat beef sandwich.* .̂ " ' had its birth in the oace fcxnftd House and is the favorite a cook upon whom one inspiration. For a long tipgnished upon the la Astor House." It has a favorite with the feeders building, however, that its Hew Y patronymic has been dropped.--Wash ington Post. ' . FOX LAKt. / ^ --^IStppyiSew Year. ' -•'; • --Alex Tweed and wife.attended a Ma sonic party at Gray's Lake Tuesday night. -Arthur Kerwintook a flying trip to the city on Thursday. -E. E. Burnestable visited Waukegan last Saturday. --J. J. Knol!s spent a few days in Half Day the past week. Reason unknown. --The woolen mills have closed but the feed mill is still in operation in spite of these Democratic times. We hope said times will not continue, or we will never get our old bachelors married off. --Miss Cora Austin gave a pleasant cinch party last Friday evening. The first prizes were won by Miss Josie Druce and Leo Fenton; the booby prizes by Orsie W ash burn and Fred Day. Refresh ments were served, after which all return ed home having spent a most enjoyable time. Among those present were: Misses Ansa and Mertie Austin of Chicago, Belle and Ada Caine, Nettie, Drew, Dollie Ho- gan, Anna Whitmore, Louise Rich, Bes sie Boyd, Edith Harvey, Ollie Morril, Katie Cleveland, Josie Druce; Mrs. Chet Tompsou; Messrs Fred Austin of Chicago, Chet Tompson, Cbas. Tompson, Abe Wi i and Ben Combs, Earl Harvey, Leo Fenton, John Morse, Jene Devoe, Giff White, Will Wedge, Ed Hook, Orsie and Will Washburn, John and Johnnie Cleveland and Fred Day. '•That's^. • ... ^ 1 y ; ; iH , ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co , Chicago, and get a samuie botiu? of Dr. King's New Life Pills, free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor free. All of which is guaranteed to do yon good and coat you nothing at G W. Besleyl drug store. SEB THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR FIF- " TEEN CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps we will mail you epaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the orld's Columbian Exposition. The reg ular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nomi nal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains fall page viSws of the great buildings, with descrip tions of same, and is executed In highest style of art. If you are not satisfied withit after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Ad dress H. E. BoefcLEN &Co. "* ' '-i-:.-" ^ k'A-- MiMfc Hay I Have a Fit Mmrm, Mease? Gf»cer Wessel of Twentieth street and Fourth avenue had a.'i other morning. A Well of middle age walked into l addressing the grocer "Please, may I have a fit ImCî «j&f* "Vot is dotr asked the a^sMed Mr. Weasel. "I would like to bays a fit ia yoor store," replied the woman, this tima in , ' a hurried, excited tone. "Fits" exslaisnad tite grooer. 4<Wa don't keep 'em, lady,*'- , He had one in the store a half minnte ̂ later, however, for his supposed cusp ;-v ̂ tomer fell to the floor in %aepdtoptlco(Hii-- vulsion. An ambulance Witt snxnmoned, ;/> ;• and she was ttftkeaii to BeUevue hospital. ̂ 1 --New York Sun. : Hair OiyisgStorcs. - -• ' Inthe hair dressing parlors of KsW York, where women pay SO oenlt jBor * shampoo and 75 cents for a with whipped egg trimmings, tl are dried over a small she at in» The attendant mops the wig wHb m \ J towel, and then wheels the tabled sty** ' ̂ up to the customer's back, lets t$k»hair| I - hang down a tin spout, turns on Hm |S ĵ ,f- gives her a fashion paper to tsadaiff : goes off for 20 or 80 minutes to shampoo v ot carl another customer. -;«^v J The Deadly Cammfc ^ ^ I J Two horses attached to a vehicle were killed in Jersey City by comiag ia eon-, tact with the current from a trailsm 'C* wire. It appears tringnlar wbsft ii is stated that the accident occurred a Cpisr> ^ ter of a mile from the broken wire, the ^ current having been oonveyed along tto track.--Exchange. t mfri French dandies are now going about with a novel scarfpin under thai* chins. The ornament consists of a gajfly pluh maged singing bird connected by means of a tiny rubber pipe with a ball) in th® wearer's pocket. Press the bnlhf andthe bird squeaks and waggles hishasd aad taU. ; • . j The assayer who examined the aero lite that fell on the farm of Lawrence Freeman near Bath, S. 1 ,̂ on the after- noon of Aug. 29, 1893, reports that the principal minerals it contains are gold* silver, nickel and cobalt; - j A light supper, a good night's sleep and a fine morning have often made a hero of the same man who by indiges tion, a restless night and a rainy morn ing would have proved a coward. Chso terfield. .' . MM Sir Boyle Roche said, tunes never come alone, and the greatest of all possible misfortunes is gewnalljr followed by a mndh greater." j The talent 0 eoo<^ss is nothin«»ore than doing what you csst do Wwl doing well whatever yon do withwu a thought of fame. WoridsFd^ |rav^wtJ.A.St<»7,«.