w'H'i sM- MMI'titty Surgwm. ns discussed with much ay the account which wai from Chicago to The Time* ||iii lifting operation being per- Mrs. W. W. Blake at the 'hospital. The dispatch stated thaffc W-lSiSco inches of cuticle had beetf * " W from Mr. Blake's body and suo- sfnlly grafted "topon his wife's arma, added that this was the largest skin ever sacrificed by on® petSOii for the benefit of another. Th© latter statement is possibly cor- (M^ bat a similar operation of much greater difficulty and magnitude has just twen performed at the Missouri Pacific hospital in this city by Dr. George Hainel* The patient is a man named McCarthy who was injured recently in a railway accident, and Dr. Hamel found it necea- K'~ wry to remove no less than 258 square 4 inches of skin from various parts of the man's body and graft it upon his injured legs. Each piece of skin was about three v laches long and from one to two inches wide. The operation has been success- ,* ful in every respect, and although Mo Carthy is still in the hospital he is de- % tained there by other injuries than to his * tigs. The quantity of skin used in this ' V oase is said to be much greater than toy Other known to surgical records. : McCarthy has been visited by many physicians, and his case has excited much interest. He will be discharged from the 1 Ifospital within a few days.--Kansas City ' Timea . • , FIRE FOILS CUPID. '\v tedSfry of Ma Angry Lover Mid •Hurt' broken Maiden. * i I know a case where the course of true ' " ' love has run crooked as a ram's horn. JKiss Blank, a graduate of the Bellevue teaming school, was wooed and won by • gay young doctor. He took a mort gage on her affections in the form of an engagement contract and sailed away ' to complete his education at the medical K] Schools abroad. This was two yean • ago last September, and for a year and a day after his departure love's rivulet Stan smoothly. Then the serpent entered their Eden. 4- i - The girl lost her lover's address in a fire f - which consumed her abode so quickly that she escaped only with her life and her nightgown. His letters continued to Come regularly for a number of weeks. At length he began to express surprise ttiat she had not written. Then came re- ,, •, proaches* then anger, then anxiety and finally despair. In none of his communi- t v eations, however, did he think to give his address. The girl was nearly frantic. Faithful to the last, he sent her a cable a year ago last Christmas. Since then fftip has not heard from him. He lives in Uinneapolis, and his family name is % common one. She does not know his fethers initials. Was ever a lovelorn maiden in such a plight, and did Cupid '; ivw play a meaner trick on his votaries? \ '--New York Mail and Express. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF •"i-.y ** > " * * \ - 'I Will be our eleventh year in bu'ineas in McH«nry, and during them many years have received a gen^rou* share ot y6ur trade, for whleli we express gratitude, and trust our business relations will , ,, , , .continue to attract you in future Jo our door on the corner. We J£'* '1ft< t>1 f Iftfl' Ureofthe common people and do not eousidrr yfork a. dk^race, but' JL/X& JL ' VJTVy 05 %3T1$W V/£iJOb JJElOs [deem honorsble effort to increase our tiade by fair dealing1 in the tutu re. «s in the past, a common piivile<?e offered to all, but se'- ' 'r . J dom enjoyed by the mnjr>i,i,y. In spite of the disasters of 1893 we r\- r (managed to matte a baudaome gain over 1892. and attribute this £ - Ifact solely to the beeping of the best Broods sailing them at small ^ legitimate margins, and above all,making only such statements in HATS AND Boots, Shoes, Gloves our advertUw^aU ha w©c*a vesii# in Ail cases b^ t^e i^chandise t *£L t »£ , 'TO ENTIRELY CLOSE OUT D..I**««I.«nr.N « « » « , - J s u j t e t s o v e r c o a t s ; * • -fe*: x flln+.Vnnfir TTnriArwAfl.r "P We are making .sweeping rfdnotions oil all our goods,, and it will[* •„ t ' Blankets, Hosiery, Robes, pay ywrto make u» »n e»rljr call. - .. "K •. /' : 1;, MittenS, BtC., JOHN I. STORY Jfo ttftfce tbom liW Spring goods W'e will iih ftll Mses bid [well to all profits, and offer you any, of the goods ntmed at coo,t. { C l V E U 8 Y O U R O R D E R S F O R ^ 4 - ! r ; ̂ - Flour, '••r* ̂ ALWAYS XXX X. \0mmm ^mmr W'M'- iuSH^ THE BESTS ; "1 SPOT CASH. , ; fti ^ 5 * • V ^ f ^ -V And all others having this brand, and ant!! forth# notice, will be sold at 91.0? per Sack, or 94 20 per Bbbl. Washburn's Beat 11.0. <$et in line, leave your orders at tiH liill and we will do the rest. K: 4\ , McHENRY ROCLER MftHLS. ^ • I Do you need a heaffqg or 6ook stove? Tf 86, now is the time to buy. We have a large stock of the celebrated ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, As well as other makes. Otir stoves'give universal satisfaction and are worthy ot inspection. Inquire into our Fine Chamber! :.v Set- scheme. ./ % •- < "A THE J IWSI KAINCE BUSINESS Will be continued with renewed vigor, and our usual careful at tention in all patters of tins most important business ""d I tomary belief that insuranoe ^eots lie desperately. Wo Lav. Uds First class new work and Repairs in Tin, Copper and $heet-Iron. 3tonr trade is respec||plly solicited. - . JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. What is this f . ; . T h e F r e e L a n d C o l o n y . • Negotiations are still proceeding for 'X" vfiie establishment of the free land col- v -Upoj in east Africa, where it is intended § '-n to attempt, on a scale never before con- "f templated, to carry out the idea of a so- • .cialist community. The district selected ""M on the Lykipia plateau, near Mount •' Kenia, in the British sphere of influence. < '• -An offer has been made to the British ' foreign office to purchase a large tract ' on the condition that, while the comma- j|r>% jnity shall be subject to the general laws y "which the British government may im- -'pose, it shall have absolute freedom to regulate its internal affairs on a social istic basis. It is said that the British government is averse to giving absolute rights of ownership in the land, but the organizers are apparently in earnest. 3?hey have secured as a leader Herr Den- hardt, who is well known on the east coast of Africa. A part of the equip ment of the new community will be a Maxim gun and a supply of rifles.--New York Sun's London Letter. u JUnyhow tC',,' Couldn't See the Fan. W/ An infant's coffin, addressed to Mrs. jjlC: • M. Simpkins, Ithaca, N. Y., was the /,.« ghastly present shipped from Atlantic ' City by a local merchant as a joke and v-.i-"'.-* present. '• The express company refused to accept the suspicious looking affair until the |'^-r joker explained that it only contained fruits and wines. Even this statement did not satisfy the agent, and not until • ; the contents were exposed would he ac- f|. v cept the package. Then it was receipted for and forwarded, and the joke became • • known about town. The qdd part of it : ; is that no one who heard of it could see 11^^ any fun in such doings.--New York &:,V World. It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. Vav • Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. CAUTION.--if » dealer offers W. 1« Douglas shoes at a reduced price, or layl ht haa them without name t)tampt4 on bottom, put aim down a* a fraud. ¥>( *\ Queer Storjr of Teeth Extraction. A novel suit is liable to be begun at Superior by P. A. Viles, father of Retta Viles, 11 years old, against the Electric company. About four weeks ago the &"?. girl, in running, struck her cheek against 1/ i a guy wire of one of the poles along ,'L,V which the electric lighting wires are ; strung. The girl's attorney says that $.f;2 the guy wire had become charged by in- \ duction and that the shock pulled three of her teeth--two molars and a bicuspid. Ef . Her face was sore for several days, but |fc, ,\ has now recovered, except that the skin £'is somewhat seared. There was no pain at the time the teeth were pulled.--Mil waukee Journal. Great Herda of Reindeer. h* % ̂•- - i <&. B. Tyrrell, geologist, and 3. W. Tyrrell, Dominion government land surveyor, have just returned to Toronto from a visit to the far north. They went as far as Chesterfield inlet, on the west side of Hudson bay, traveling 850 miles of entirely new country which a white man had never before crossed. Reindeer were found in enormous herds, one of which contained several thousand and covered a stretch of country over three miles across. The men suffered great hardships on their return trip, hav ing to walk the greater part of the way, owing to thenakes and rivers being BOURBON £ PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. «arlWt convenience, and will offer for I M?' yoUi.ca?inot procur®It ot yow druggist or flnwpps shrnhs In nriws 15 dealerti, upon receipt of $1.50 we will f®1* Mowers anfl suruns. in prices express prepasd to any address a full quart be will defy competition, while his qual- j sample bottle of Old Elk Rye or Bourbon! wU be superb. He is well known t CTni i UilHlTTl t PB MOTll 1 cu b, and«hiubhewgr»majbe accepted linlWI lA ft Ml., UlalnJLtNS^ Lexington, Kj. $5° A. Engeln's SHOW UD ECTMRUll n for you to decide--but assure you that wo never lie -still if there ia achance for budness, ,-A *- -f' New Calendars will be sent all'our old And new. patrons soon. OCEAN TICKETS H f Sold here to any part ot the world. A. so mooev remitted promptly* at tile WcH^NRY, lLUf*A Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters^, 1 McHenry Lager Beer -AND-- In any quantity from § Snitz GUass to ICO barrels. V At Wholesale or Retail. Beer in bottle , kegs or casa, as cheap as the cheapest. I b'>y none but the best and se^l at reasonab e prices. Call and see me and I will os use you well. ' • - ANTONY ENftEWl. McHenry, Ills, 1894. % , UP QUALITY ;vi ^ 1 a t "* ̂ * • •vx-fT re have only one purpose in advelrfiainfir--to let everybody rr |hat >juys BootB and Shoes--that is all mankind hereabouts^!- , .$ -know how thoroughly we combine perfection of style, fit, - * id finish with moderate prices. We propose always to <t] **v m • J' ft* ^ Exeell in Downnesii t course the 'upness' refers to quality and finish,while the idownnee** points to priccs. A happy combination, ^mndreda of pleased and satisfied customers cheerfully tes- "j. We have ladies' Shoes in all grades, Boot@ oyi^ gentlemen, and foot-wear for children. We also wish to call attention to our Hardware and Grocery departments, which are always well stocked with good goods.; r;v DOWN PRICES I MAT. BSNQLBI2T, :mr- a ^I" R I P A N S ABULES W. L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE TH^FWOBLD. W. L. IJOUOli AS Shoes are stylish, easy fit. ting, and $;ive better satisfaction at the priccs ad vertised than iiny other make. Try one pair an 1 be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglat' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the Bale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full lire of goods They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we l>elieve you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address V.luDOUGLAS! Brockton, Slags. Sole1" SIMON BTGFFKL, West McHenry REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. KU'ANS TABCLES are the best Medl- cl«e kisowis FOR Iudl*e»tl®>ise BHIO«MIC«S lieudaehe. Constipation, l>y«pepri«» Cbronle ' liver Trouble*. IHutaexN, liHii Complexion, if Ujrwnter;, Offenoive Breatb, and all «H»- f order* of tbe htomach, Liver astd Bowels. ^ Ripans Tabules contain nothing1 injurious to • tlx-most (li.licate constitution. Are pltasant to • take, safe, pfTtctual, and give immediate relief. 9 l'riee--B JE •<> VlaU), 75cents; Package (*boxes, 82. May be ordered through nearest drug or by mail. Sample free by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW lORK CTTT. We are making an advance Bale o wlufce goods, embroideries, laces, table linene and towels. PEKRY & OWEN. TREES! TREES! H. J. Poile has secured tbe agency for l&e New England Nurseries, owned and' operated by Chase Brothers Company of Rocb« eter, N Y. These nurseries were established in 1857, and have attained a world wide reputation for fine quality ot stock. Mr. Poile will call upon the people of McHenry and vicinity at his AND IN HIS ttlGHT MIKD. No mtn can be said to be thoroughly In possession of hm B6BM» whod#e» not pr vi<lo pro ectlon against * tmo«- pheric changes in t*e form of fall an«l winter clothing, This is the season when yon are most likoly to take cold, arda little care now may prevent* % long fit of illness. Wonderful how cheaply we can fit you out wltb a ; pr per suit of c'othes, a nice coat, an ' elegant ve^t, a handsome pair of pants, _ or a Biylish overcoat. Our price-', which are lower than ; ever before, defy competition. Cora* and are as, and let m take your meaiure, AUGUST BUCHBOLZ, McHENBT, ILL. 0 a 80is Block ii'ffiy iHt mwsm Our new Fall Goods are all in and com price many ne w and design*. A cordial invitation iff extended to our friends and patrons to examine our stock. F. L» McOMBER McHenry & L . _ \ V . > . ' ' i v . SELLS •4..^ J? K >( (• A."* ,C ; OLD S mmffr Yours Respectfully, M c O M B E R . ; West MoHenrr, JUSTEN BROS., mrnmm With two stores, one 011 the west eide and on© on the EaiS side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Jk. Larger Stock of all kinds of iUHNITUR^ Than ever before, wbiob we are offering at greatly V--<£V^ PATENTS I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J | lent business conducted for MODERATE FECI. ij ! OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. Patzmt Ofjict | [ , and we ca n secure patent in less time than those (1 ) r e m o t e f r o m W a s h i n g t o n . _ . . . . 1 ' [ Send model, drawing or photo., %vjtll desctlp-' t [tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of] i • charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. < > ! A PAMPHLET. "How to Obtain fatentt, with ' I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries :e. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OFP. FATCMT Omcc, WaaHtMOTON, D. C. „ Th© above ii a cot of our now Folding Machine* which mo now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. . Our patrons, and those needing aiv h a machine ii# ̂ invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot noiicf it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Oo., of Sidney, O., who have been boild- ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine pleee^ write the above company tor prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union* Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y\ ; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & (Jo,. Milwaukee; Wright. Barret A Still well, St. Paul; Geoctkin& Son, Toronto. Canada. REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, ' K&»We also keep In etock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and w« din 1? give yoh aoj tiling from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at, lower prices than any other bouse la tbe county. » ' We ha^e taken great pains in selecting oar U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S , Coffins. Caskets and Trimmings oi tbe latest designs. Everything new an4 elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see as when I wattl of anything In our line Jf- A SPLENDID NEW HEARS®, In oonneetlon. which will be famished at Reasonable Rates. *;