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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1894, p. 8

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- C i V • m PRISON FARE. .«*» Fraxteua WM WIM [ For Spyh**. i named Klein, who has telfued after undergoing a MW imprisonment in Germany , (gives a very uninviting descrip- Ufe in German prisons. Klein i returned to Bar le Due, where ly reside. On Feb. 11, 1887, he at Strasburg, where he was T^BiPniliil for &y6 months aWaiting his ia*. At the end of that time he was to Leipsic, where he was tried, wliilty and sentenced to six years' And i i«jo* *mq0on afterward he was re- 1. On tho windv to his stony, When the autumn taur^si* ̂ Qr speak to My mind is forever dr»*son seemed to be T^nsllporai thins. •> removed first to a tiiinf-'s that tiweiM then to another at W^wat"r?my,f wu finally liberated . .i^wwOecember. At the prison of Halle, Klein occupied a cell about 12 cubic meters in size, with jjh'V one small window in it, and his bed was %"•*& - a plank with a maize straw mattress and one blanket. His food consisted chiefly P , of barley, peas and other grain, with „ aonp made of meat twice a week and of L3S »tallow the other five days. The allotted "t daily task for each prisoner was 12 pairs of stockings, and the penalty for not - completing them a beating with a cane. Klein earned 35 marks, or shillings, for jL' his six years' work.--London Letter. f VlQlUBERT ISLANDS' MONARCH. SAe Clvilliiog Influences Developed bj His Visit to San FrancUoo. "The island of Taputcouea," said Cap tain J. Duncan, until recently in com­ mand of the missionary steamer Morn­ ing Star, "has adopted a somewhat dif­ ferent code of etiquette since the return of the king of the Gilbert islands from his ! visit to San Francisco. His majesty no longer roams barefooted around the is­ lands in the native costume, but has de­ veloped a pronounced fancy for collect­ ing clothes and owns an extensive ward- ^ robe. Eastlake furniture is now in use at the royal palace, and his majesty will allow nothing but choice china and cost- , ly silverware on the table. When the king returned home from San Francisco, he took a horse and bug- gy with him. There are no horses and no buggies on the islands, and conse­ quently no roads. The king, immedi­ ately after landing, set men to work hewing out rocks and making a circular : road about 50 feet from the top of the • cone shaped islands. The natives are not i rapid workers, their tools are crude, and it was but a short time ago that the road was completed. This is the only road on the islands, and it begins and ends at the same place and is 15 miles long. Every afternoon the king, arrayed in a sport­ ing costume, exercises his one horse s around this one road, while the natives gasse on in a state of admiration.--San Franpwco Examiner. X^pstt fee w: , v I^ YOUARE Of "01 . v1 * " * * ' \ NEED OF -;:*• "in**J Jb&., :-J DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, ; Boots, Shoes, Don't Forget that I cSrry a br&fr ifock than Mr befora. We sre tasking nrRfh; redaction. oa«l) «nr goods, aadtt will pay you to make us an early call* , "'*« - JOHN I. STORlf, MoHenry, 0141804! Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now is the time t<| buy. We have a large stock of the celebrated v ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, j As well aa other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and are worthy ot inspection. The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County. • '1, Will be our eleventh year in business in McHenry, and during these many years have received a generous share of your trade, tor which we express gratitude, and trust our business relations will continue to attract you in future to our door on the corner. We are of the common people and do not consider work a disgrace, but deem honorable effort to increase our trade l>y fair dealing in the future, as in the past, a common privilege offered to all, but sel­ dom enjoyed by the majority, In spite of the disasters of 1893 we managed to make a handsome gain over 1892, and attribute this fact solely to the keeping of the best goods set ling them at small legitimate margins, and above all,making only such statements in our advertisements as we can verity in all cases by thfe merchandise and prices. ENTIRELY CLOSE OTJ? Our yet quite extensive stock of best quality Cloaks, Jackets, Overcoats, Clothing, Underwear, Fldfinefct, Blankets, Hosiery, Robes, Mittens, Etc., To make room for Spring goods. We will in all cases bid fare­ well to all profits, and offer you any of the goods named at cost. CIVE US YOUR ORDERS FOR % Flour, Crockery, Glassware, e ifito our Fine Chamber1 Set scheme. Out if tfcis &mU, r.j-tfte'i.s'* i -Mtsi THE/BEST _ ALWAYS •V n And all others bearing this brand, and until further notice, will be sold at 31.07 per Sack, or $4.20 per Bbbl. Washburn's Best $1.05. Mill and we will do the rest J McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. \ UP QUALITY IfK ---THE We have only one purpose in advertiaing--to let everybody that buys Boots and Shees-r--that is all mankind bereabouHi --know how thoroughly we combine perfection of style, fit Ht and finish with moderate prices*.... ' Y" " -f V Aft •- _ ^pass in Upness JExeell ixi DoWnness We have 'on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything found in a hardware store. First class new work and Repairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. Will be continued with renewed vigor, and our usual careful If tention in all matters of this most important business* It is ens tomary belief that insurance agents lie desperately. We leave tliis for you to decide--but assure you that we never lie still if there is a chance for business. r'Md. A trotter'i Heavy Intcmid ftanfflcap. When the French barn on Lake street tras Irarned a few months ago, a valua­ ble horse, a trotter, lost his life. The j OTimal was valued at from $1,500 to $3,- 000. In the course of events the body was turned over to the rendering com­ pany, and in preparing it for rendering a curious discovery was made. In the stomach was a stone that weighed 15} pounds and was as large as the top of a (Bilk hat. Dr. E. S. Kelley, commissioner • of health, who examined the stone, is inter­ ested in it and will endeavor to secure it for the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. The doctor says that each suc­ cessive layer , can be traced with ease, and that if the stone were to be sawed in two--it is soft-enough to admit of such an operation-jfche layers would be dis­ tinctly mark^l In att probability the growth startallbrst from a nail, a pebble or some other fafeigii substance that had been taken into ne stomach. The suc­ cessive coatingfhcame from the efforts of unvuiC vO rid ucTB6u Oi IU6 ODSTXUCtion, and the process of growth is not unlike the pearl in the pearl oyster.--Minneap­ olis Journal. What is this A. Enggela.' New Calendars will be sent $11 our old and new patrons soon. i wm 1 v OCEAN TICKETS Sold here to any part ot the world. A so monev remitted promptly* Still at tiie Corner,! • Of wftwft th® *^688* refers to qMlty aidi <C 'downnesf/ points to priccs. A happy combination, as . hundreds of pleased and satisfied customers cheerfully tes- tify. We have ladies' Shoes in all grades, Boots and Shoes S | for gentlemen, and foot-wear for children. r ~ ' " •?: -'j We also wish to call attention to oar Hardware and Grocery^; , departments, which are always well stocked with good goods. DOWN PRICES ! anyhow His the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trademarks Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Cflsc Co. j PHILADELPHIA. *>» , % • n « g " " i r t i n i i partial failure of the experiments . ttras far made in the culture of Cau­ casian tea is attributed to a want of ex­ pert knowledge in the planting. As it Is confidently believed that the climatic conditions and the nature of the soil in certain regions of the Caucasus are en­ tirely favorable to tea culture, new and more practical experiments are about to be made. A large consignment of young plants, with the soil still attached to the roots and carefully packed in wooden cases, has just been landed at Batoum, direct from Hankow. This shipment is accompanied by 15 Chinese planters and aa Englishman who has had a long ex­ perience on China plantations.-- ' -- To Adopt the American System. London correspondent says the gov­ ernment will probably grant a strong petition recently presented for the ap- • pointment of a commission to consider the adoption of the American patent sys­ tem in England. The chief point at is­ sue is whether a system of preliminary examinations into the novelty of inven­ tions should be introduced. Legal and scientific opinions are keenly and pretty eyenly divided on the subject. CAUTION .--if m dealer offers W. K* Douglas Shoes at a reduced price, or Hfl he. has them without name stamped on bottom, pat lila down as a fraud. Srfa GENT fOR mmes ••in *1.75 SALOON AND BESTAUBAKT McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Pine Eentncky Li^nois, French Bitters, McHeary Lager Beer, -AND- J. Scblitz Hilvailee Bottle Beer, n any quantity from a Snit* Glass to ICO barrels. At Wholesale or Retail . Beer in bottles, kegs or casa, as cheap as the cheapest. ; I buy none but the best and ,6011 at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894. vi.' Stirred Up by the Queen Regent. ( , A good deal of attention has been at- i*': •• tracted to a reported utterance by the queen regent of Spain, to the effect that . the friendship which she must culti- k_;vate was that of France. These words , jL have been reprinted by the official organ '!& ^ Madrid of the government, with the r j A |result that fhe German and Austrian 1 . press have been much exercised over the matter.--Mjidric^Letter^^^^ ,t ft' K 60 World's Pair Views Free. ;'iThe Poultry Keeper has reached the 1 " Itont as the leading authority on poul- try. Sixteen large pages, monthly, fifty . t cents per annum. Farm and Fireside is . , a 19-page paper coming twice a month, i fifty cents per annum. We will send both! ipapers one year and fifty photographic j/;" "views of the World's Fair, to new sub- 'A acribers only, all for fifty cents. Sample C , «opy of the Poultry Keeper, with partie- z ulars free. Send five cents for either of the following back numbers equal to a 25-cent. book: Poultry Houses, 'July 1891, has 50 views; Brooders and Incu batora, August 1889 and August 1891. Address, The Poultry Keeper Co., Par- kersburg, Pa. ? l>adies preparing for their spring sew- ;lag should visit us and get first selection «i oar new stock of white goods, embroid- laces, French ginghams, satines, in. Pebby & Owen. W. L. Douglas QUflP BEST IN 90 Orl%# t THE WORLD. W. 1,. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit. ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad­ vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers xvho push the sale of W.L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying-all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address" w. 1m DOUULA8, Brockton, Mm*. Sold'** Simon Stgffel, West McHenry SIMON REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPAN8 TAB L LCS are the best Medl. else knowa for lndifCKlioa, BlUonuieaa, Headache, Constipation, Dyepepala, Chronic Liver Troubles, ©Izzlncss, Bad Complexion, Vfwutery, Offensive Brcuth, and all dis­ orders of the Ktomaeh, Liver and Bowels. Rlpang Tabulea contain notUirifr lnjurlons to the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. Price-- Box(6 vials), 7f>centH; I'ack: $2. May be ordered through m art or by mail. Sample tree by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 BPRT3CE STREET, NEW 'SORK CITY. mem* BOURBON 8t PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter­ ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole­ some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi­ ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. II yoa cannot procure it of your draggiit Ot liquor dealers, upon receipt of $1.50 we will express prepaid to any address a full Quart sample bottle of Old Elk Rye or Bourbon. STOIL. VANUATU t CO.. DISTILLERS. A superb mammoth ttntograph In 12 colore bT the distinguished artist, "sa.-J ITurr.phrrr. It JS 2 feet long and 14 inches wide and will lie Kent free if yoa tell your friend*. It Is called "On VISITING," and ghows a BCBHTIFUL, (litnplea darling clad in a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, basket and umbrella In hand; Bhe pulls the snow covered latch, while her golden hair shim­ mers in the sunshine, her cheeks MujsIi with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Sure to delight you. A copy will be gent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your friends and send 14 cents in stamps or sliver for • thiee months' trial subscription to THE WHOLE FAMILY, an Illustrated monthly magazine with itorigs, aneolous, faahtons and nil articles of tntereit w best authors nn<1 cash «\|contentfl nioninly, KUSSKI.l Fun. Co., 3'j€ SummerSt#» Boston* 7 « _ - it ! MAT. F. L. McOMBER MoHenry. IMMWP m CHEAP. Painty STOVES IN EXCHANGE Your* Respectfully, H c O M B f R . Wert MoHenry, III, The Bascom Folder, 4yf! JUSTEN BROS.. ̂ = R I P A N S ABULES PATENTS | Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-; ient business conducted for mooch atc Fees. ! Our Office is Opposite O. 8. Patent Office , and we can secure patent iu less time than those { > remote from Washington. > | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- Etion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of • charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, F A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with <[ [ cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ! sent free. Address, i C.A.SNOW&CO. MiMs • ̂ 5 •as* I^xlngtpftKj. opp. patent oppicc, washimoton, D. C. •vi/- ',is * *• I C 3 R 1 j . - i *L7<f *St.*-"'^ J>'-i . The above ism cwt of our cew Folding Machine vhicb osn now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and thoee needing such a machine are" invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Ho., of Sidney, 0.» 'who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine please write the above compandor prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, r.; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse A Co. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; WrIght, B«rf#t A Stillwell; St. Paul; Geoctkin& Son, Toronto, Canada, ! , < V ̂ < • 2 - y v z - t k r With two stores, one on the West side and one on tne side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public A Larger Stock ot all kinds of / tncraiviTtiREj ' Than ever before, wbiob we REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS •re offering at greatly THE TIME TO BUY. M£»We also beep la Btock a full line of samples of CABPJETS, and we eafr give yob any thing from tbe cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house in tbe county. We have taken great pains In seleoting oor • v U N D E R T A K l N G S I U P P 1 L I E S r Coffins, Caskets and Trimmlrgs of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us wten ( want of any thing in our line . A SPLENDID NEW HEARSIS^ In OonMeftlOD. which will l e furnished at Reasonable Rates, i ^4 ̂ -$&-

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