ff WYfi GHTFULLY ROMANTIC. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT U 5 hw.. r- wi;*m %r>xir r Piy": Up *0« • Maid Carried Off |jjfc»od I^doktni; 88,1 Man. ca8e*tf Mtoiaping occurrtfa jer day in the country back of tlan. The stage between Rosario iMasatlan, which left the former •topped at 1 a. m. the next day at Oaliente, where another passenger, ing and pretty girl, was taken cm. l lras Carlotta Newman, daughter of Wind woman living at Mazatlan. iere were two other passengers, a man I and a woman. The stage left Agtta Calient© at 2 a. m. and had gone only a couple of leagues when the driver suddenly reined up at a call from the roadside, where four men on horseback sat coolly pointing re volvers at his head. There was no de mand for coin, and from the quiet man ner of the highwaymen the driver could draw no idea of the nat ure of their de mands. While one man held a gun pointed at the driver and another at tended the horses the others dismounted, stepped to the end of the coach ana courteously requested the yc&ng lady to come out. The girl recognized the larger man, a magnificent looking fellow, as Jose Valdez, her rejected lover, and di vining the plot she begged the passengers to save her. Valdet warned them to do nothing, and as they had no firearms they dared not protest against the ac tions of the bold robbers. i After urging Miss Newman to come but without avail, Valdez and his com- ipanion laid hold of her and carried her to the horses, placing her upon one and tying her to the saddle. The girl's ehrieks and tears had no effect either in hurrying the "men or arousing their anger. When they were again mounted and ready to leave, Valdez turned to the driver and said calmly, "Go, friend, and excuse me for molesting you." The driver lost no time in accepting the permission, and the agitated passen gers inside did not breathe easily until they saw the party, with the girl in the center, gallop over a hilL The driver and passengers reported the matter on arriving at Mazatlan and gave the names of Librado and Bernardo Valdez and Rufino Zatarain as the accomplices of Jose Valdez, the first two being his cousins. Valdez is a dare devil and spendthrift, and though of good family bears a very bad reputation. He was rejected by Miss Newman, who is a highly respected girl of American birth. The prefect of the district of Concordia, in which Agua Ca- liente is situated, has charge of a party of rurales searching for Valdez, and strong efforts are being made to capture the villain. His hiding place is unknown. News of her daughter's capture pros trated the mother in Mazatlan.--San Diego Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. A THURIFER GUILD. Clergymen Agitated Over tht < Question of Incense Burning. f Two subjects are at present greatly ex ercising the minds of many clergymen of the Church of England--one is the startling falling off in their incomes ow ing to the long continued and increasing agricultural depression, and the other is the use of incense in churches. The lat ter is always a prominent topic of cler ical discussion about Christinas time, 'but this year it seems to create more in terest than usual, owing to the growing prevalence of the practice. There are now so many servers, aco lytes and other altar assistants engaged in lighting and ^winging thurifers in the churches of England that they seriously propose to form themselves into a guild or society for the promotion of incense burning. The name suggested for it is the ••Thurifer Guild." One of its objects will be a study of the history of the prac tice and the best manner of manufactur ing orthodox and sweet smelling incense in an expeditious and economic mannar, --London Telegraph. IP YOU ARE IN NEED OF BET GOODS A; GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, .»V. - V:,. Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, Don't Forget that I carry a larger stock than ever before. 11 e» We are making sweeping reductions on all our goods, and it niil pay you to make us an early call. HeHen(Ttlll416o4 JOHN Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now fa the time to buy. We Lave a large stock of the celebrated . < t ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, As well aa other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and are worthy ot inspection. The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County. We have'on hand Auti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything tound in a hardware store. First class new work and Repairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. What is this anyhow A. Engeln's T* SALOON AND RESTAURANT MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. The Congo Railroad. the opening of the first section of the Congo railroad passed almost wnnoticed in this country, chiefly because it is due to Belgian enterprise. But for all that, British traders already realize the vast possibilities involved and are actively preparing to obtain a share of the new trade. The road at present extends from Matadi to Kenge, and thence will be pushed as rapidly as possible to Stanley pooL The list of freight charges has been published in the chief European ports, and two British and one German steamship line have made Matadi a port of call. It is confidently predicted that a Congo boom is about to commence, and that King Leopold will soon be within measurable distance of reward for his courage and patience.--London Letter. )The Singer Family Abroad. ft is extraordinary how the SingeiD. family has managed to mix itself up with the aristocracy of France. With noth ing bnt a huge fortune and a large stock of eccentricity the original old Singer married no less than 10 women, cover ing a wide range of position and charac ter. He numbered his descendants by the score, and these it is who have man aged to ally themselves with some of the proudest families in Europe. At the re cent wedding of Mrs. Winnaretta Singer in Paris to Prince Melchior de Polignac there was a great gathering of the Singer clans, and they1 bore such names as Rochefoucauld, Decazes, Murat, Modena and Dudley.--Cholly Knickerbocker in v Recorder. the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. 1at Ask your jeweler for pamphlet Keystone Watch Case Co«^ PHILADELPHIA. cAtmo* If a dealer offera W. 1* Bcuglaa Shoes at a reduced price, or say* ht- hat them without name Utamped OK bottom, pat hiat down as a fraud. Iff m J . An Old Gooae. It is positively asserted that a promi nent farmer living near Ellicptt City, Md., has in his possession a goose which has attained the rather astonishing age of 36 years. The bird was purchased'by itB present owner in 1880, and was then 28 years old. It is as sprightly now, it • Is stated, as any of the flock, and there is nothing in its appearance to indicate such an advanced age. In » discussion several old fowl fanciers here regard ing the ages of different birds it was af firmed that geese often lived to such an a^e, and even a longer period. 1 - BUCKLEN'STARNICA SALVE. • ?• The best Salve in the world for cuts, ;4^'%riiisesf sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, . corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. Pr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award., W. L. DOUGLAS CO QL1AC BEST IN 90 ONUL THE WORLD. W.X. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit. tinp, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Try one pair and! be convinced. The stamping of W. L.. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money bv buying all , your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, W. I« DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold11* SIMON STGFFEL, West M cHenry Fine Kentucky Liquots, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, --AND-- J. Mlitz Milwaukee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Suite Glass |$o ICO barrels. At Wholesale or Retail Beer in bottle*, kegs or casa, as cheap as the cheapest. ^I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1894. R I P A N S A B U L E S REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AMD BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. SIP AN8 TABCJLE8 ore the bent K«41- dM known for Indigestion, Billow--w, Hcadiuhc. CoMtlpatlon, ISvspeptiltt, Chronic Liver Trouble*, IMuinou*, Bud Oeiaplexlon, llyMRtcry, Offensive liriuth, and all dis order* of the Hlsucli) Liver mnd Bowels. Ripans Tafcules contain nothing Injurious to tho most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to - take, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. • Price--Box<0 vials), 75cents; Package(ifooxea), • $2. May be ordered through nearest druggist, J or by mtia. Sample free by mail. Address S THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO J 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW LORK CITY. kovaky'd Block, two doors South of the Post Office, - M r , 5 Havinfcopened a first claw Tailoring Establishment at, the above place, lam now prepared, with a full line of ] ̂ "1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Of the latest styles and patterns, and will make you a tingle gar ment or a full suit on short notice and at4low figure?*. Suits made in the latest city styles and a fit guaran an d & our ss VVFT'-J Jf. X>. LODTZ, lfflHcurf, II).. Feb. Sib* 18M. , .•>.*%«* /T- BOURBON & PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the free if yon tell your friend*. It is called "OCT VISITING," ana shows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad In a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, basket and umbrella In hand; she pulls the snow covered lateli, while her golden hair shim mers in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Hurr to delight you. A copy will be sent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your friends ana send l i cents in stamps or silver for ft three months' trial subscriptions THE WHOLE FAMILY, an Illustrated monthly magazine with stnilji, anecdotes, fashion? an'I all articles of Interest M best authors and cash question contests monthly. RUSKELL I'LB. CO., 1D6 bummer St.s Boston, Maof. PATENTS medical fraternity everywhere. $ Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat-P; l-r ^ . | ^«NT business conducted (or MOOCHATC Fees. Uives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick,, aged and infirm. STOVES AT COST. j stovee, both <joeJ» «lnd at cost from now until Spring C^lUaad save money. JICNN HMULETT, . . r ' j ; . . t . . II you cannot procure It ot wax druggist m liqaor dealers, upon receipt of $U)0 we will ezjyress prepaid to any address ft' tall Qtiaxt sample bottle ot Old Elk Bye or Bonxbon. STOLl, VMIUTTk ICO^ USTIU.ERS, 4: A'f. « • ||. i»L II JhMi--tMh KilitoiitarwitK-:!--- • WWI OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE < and we can secure patent iu less lime than those! remote from Washington. j Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-1 tion. We advise, il patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee riot due till patent is secured. 1 A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries j sent free. Address, | C.A.SNOW&CO.i I OPP. PATENT Omet, WASNINOTOM, D. C. <iiiw V; Tfte Best History Hie Best Souvenir HB EXPOSITION Found in the- -m -".V1 ART PORTFOLIOS <*f WORLD'S FAIR VIEWS ; H Prom Photographs by the Official Artist of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, Ute Inter Oceait , l6SLIhHI256 How to Secure This Talosble State resting XnatrnctlTe SUPERB PROTOGRA REFRODUCTIO: Educational Series. containing 16 pictures 11x13 Inches In sl*e. with be mailea1to you, Tho entire series ot ltt Portf- ill. would cost st a low estimate $125. No such fntereattntand authentic descriptions, will 1 olios. •266Photographs, if purchased at retail. ... _ . ~ „-- opportunity was ever before presented. No Buch opportunity can ever again be offered. RACK NUltRERS of the Portfolio may be had for a set. of 3 week-day and one Sunday coupon, which will accumulate, and 10 cents for each Portfolio, tm nAA Was appropriated by the U. S. Government to cover the expense of securing Ommmmm these photographs for preservation in the archives at Washington. DPMHMRER The Inter Ocean has the Exclusive Bight to make the distribution Of JSIiiiliiS; theae reproductions from the Official Government Photographs. SPECIAL. RHOUEST Please favor your friends who may not be regular readers of The inter Ocean by informing them of the particulars of this on- equaled offer. PROVIDE POR BACK NUMBERS This series began Nov. has been Issued since. one book a ~ .for k Portfolios. i week ingti5 secured in exchange for 3 WEEKDAY AND T" SUNDAY COUPON. By saving e-tra coupons each week all back Portfolios can thus be easily obtained. CAUTION In sending for Portfolios do not include any other business or request® wWh mam--mmammmtm your order. It is impoHsible to answer letters In this'department. StftM plainly the Portfolio you desire, giving its number. Send coupons, etc., to ^ ART PORTFOLIO DEPT., INTER OCEAN BLDGH, CHICAGO. mm m wstm 8 The Fol / ' ! " ' \ • ' •' ^' We are ^oode you do not need or want, by trying to mftke jon thai we are giving you something lor nothing. We modestly ask tor a share of your purchases that yon wish to make, and we will guarantee you the 9 vs.? Very Lowest Cash Price to* That can be made on standard broods. Ton ean easily see that we are enabled to do this, as ^ e do not ask you to pay an extra per centage on all of your purchases to pay for premiums you do not want. We are carrying too many lines ot Ladies' Shoes at presenln We will make such reduction as will iatermt you. Call in. Are not in the Clothing business to let the dust settle into suits laying on our counters or shelving. Call in, the prices we will quote you wilt be of the moving kind.^ ^ < U ^ Special attention given to all kinds of Grocenes/Diied Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal. j- A very complete line ot all He^rin^JfQjr^he Lenten Season. *" . 1 \ V kind«i of salt and smoked Fish and I MILLER, West UcBeaxyf I E 1 Bottom Dropped Out «f this BarreU,l| "••I- ALWAYS THE BEST. ; f: .s "Ci :• v--': And all others hearing this brand, and antit farther notice, will be sold at 81.07 per Sack, or 94. £0 per Bbbl. Washburn's Best $1.05 Mill and we w; Get in line, leave your orders McHENRY ROLLER MILL8. at the#^ ^ v tj % i.1 "* ** • W«lt McHenry. mmnUr r. F. L. McOMBER STOVES >-«• ^75?:- * % , ̂ - ̂ - !\ ̂ f-w.' *•' " : ̂ 4, v i'h. • * . '> < . > •: OLD STOVES IN EXCHANGE. ^iTours Bespeotfu%^ "44. § B. Wert MoHenry, p. •iAt-f: JUSTEN BROS. e above is a cut of our new Folding BfachittB*' AD now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons* and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Co., of Sidney, O., who have been build ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they eell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. A F.Garret* Syracuse, N, X. •, Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Harder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Bfrrret. <ft StUlwellj St. P*uli eeoct^fSai.̂ sironto. (panada. _ I wo stores.' one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public REDUCED PRICES. NOW A Larger Stook ail kiii&g of Than ever before, wblota we sre oilerlog at greatly THE TIME TO BU¥E ^•We algo keep In stock a full Hoe of aamplea of CARPBTS, and we eai^ give yob anything from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower prioes tban: any oilier bouse is the county. We haye taken great pains In seleoting o«r U N D E R T A K I N G 8 I U P P L I E S , Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings of tbe latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see as wbea I want of anything in our line. ji A SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, V C la U leinlsbed at Reasonable Rates. ^ | . • ,. 'W < t >iW;i •1ttf-iitMi MMmsm