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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1894, p. 8

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LONG WALK. ANNOUNCEMENT ' f f ' . McHenry NEED OF IP YOU ARE . (MM VhrMsfc CM- ••••(••••WW* !®P®*w 84 years old and Mrs. Lydia Ann Packers, . a sister of Mr. Rhodes and considerable of hia energy; Rhodes, 18 years old, and Ira Rhodes, 10 years old, tired and completed half of a 600 mil® ay night and slept for time in three weeks in a warm $laee. B bod eg. his two sons and sister are iw the way to Cameron county, Wis., and left Dayton, 0«, Dec. 6. They reached Engl ewood about 6 o'clock last r |Wwring and were directed to the police f/ifctflon. where they were given supper fffc* lodgings. Rhodes told an interest­ ing story. "I was engaged in a little trasiness in Cameron county. Wis.," he said. "In July I got a letter from a brother whom I had not seen in 24 yeans, in which he urged me to come to Dayton, O. He told me that I would find employment there and that he would assist me. When I got there, he told me he wrote the letter because he Wanted to see me. I couldn't do any­ thing there, and if I wanted to starve I Would rather do it among friends than strangers, and so I decided to come back. My sister's husband having died, she was alone and wanted to come with me. I hadn't any money, so we decid­ ed to walk. We left Dayton Dec. 5 and have walked every step of the 800 miles. Two nights we were without fire, and only four nights have we slept in houses. We make from 10 to 16 miles a day and hope to get to onr des­ tination nest month. Sometimes we get money, and at South Englewood $2.50 was raised for as. I can make money in Wisconsin, and my sister will keep house for me. The family started out early Thurs­ day morning on the tramp of the other i: *00 miles.--Chicago Letter. MISSOURI'̂ LONG DROUGHT. and Ralls Counties Have 8t«h Parched For Over Six Months. There has now been a drought in this part of the state since the middle of last June, and consequently the present drought is the greatest that we have ex­ perienced for many years. It is true that we have had many showers since last June, bnt none of them afforded any stock water to amount to anything, and consequently nearly all the cisterns and ponds are dry. Most of the springs have ceased to flow, and all the creeks and branches have nearly run dry. Salt river is lower than was ever before known, and Spencer creek, which runs through Ralls and a portion of Pike county, is nearly dry. Some of the farmers of Ralls county are driving their stock nearly 10 miles to water, and this has been the case for the past three months. The water be­ ing so low in the ponds and branches, it has frozen nearly solid, so that in many localities there is virtually a wa­ ter famine. It is hardly probable that there will be any rain this winter to amount to anything, and the farmers . are becoming despondent. Nearly ev­ ery cistern in Hannibal is dry, but as this city has an excellent system of wa­ terworks onr citizens are not having much trouble. But what the farmers will do to supply their stock with wa­ ter during the present winter is beyond comprehension. It seems that their only alternative ia to sink wells, for in this •way they can get a supply of water in any part of the country, although in some cases it may be rather expensive. ---Hannibal (Mo.) Courier-Post. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Barbians' Block, one door East of the Cigar 8tortt ModENRY, 1XJU ^ M ,'v' HATS AND Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, lit Don't Forget that I carry a larger stock than ever before. We are making sweeping red uctions on all our goods^juid it will pay you to make us an early call. $-'0', I. STORY. MoHenry, 111.*1894! Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now is the time to buy. We kave a large stock of the celebrated ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, As well aa other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and are wort By ot inspection. The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County. We have "on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything lound in a hardware store. First class new work and Repairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. What is this £ * The Irish Language* SN- "the society which has recently been inaugurated with the view of preserv­ ing the Irish language as a living tongue appears to be in a very flourish­ ing condition. "The weekly meetings at 4 College Green," a Dublin corre­ spondent writes, "are swelling to such dimensions as will necessitate a change of quarters at an early date. The league holds a meeting here every Wednesday night, at which papers are read in Irish, Speeches are delivered in Irish by men who have spoken Irish from the cradle, and Irish is taught viva voce, and it is intended to have a series of addresses delivered in Irish in the Irish speaking districts throughout Ireland in order to encourage the people who yet speak the old tongue to continue to use it and en- courage their children to use it."--Lon- floa Language. anyhow 7 It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. 1SW Ask your jeweler for pamphlet Keystone W citch CsseCo«f PHILADELPHIA. McHENRY WOEUKS, survey in the A Vessel With a History. The United States coast steamer Hassler, now anchored harbor of Tacoina for the winter, is a vessel with a history. She was built for surveying the route from Panama to San Francisco, and Professor Louis Agassiz, with a number of scientific companions, was allowed by the gov­ ernment to take passage cn the vessel and make observations and collections dnring her voyage around Cape Horn to the Pacific coast. She left Boston on her maiden trip in December, 1871, and arrived at San Francisco the next Au­ gust. The zoological collections made at that time were large and added much to the knowledge of scientists. --Tacoma Correspondent. Taxing Beards. If The Secdloof Milan if to be be­ lieved, Signor Gilolitti proposes to set the finances of Italy straight by impos­ ing a tax upon beards. Should he re­ sort to this method of obtaining the wherewithal to pay his way, he cannot claim that his plan is novel, for Peter the Great, aware of the value which the Russians attached to their hirsute appendages, levied a similar toll, tax- ln^f.eack ^alc citizen not in accordance . J*!"1 length of beard he cultivated, but in proportion to the social status ot ^ fiie wearer. OOTIOS^-U s dealer offers W. b pciigra* Shoes at a reduced price, or Myl h* has them without name stamped on bottom, put It am down as a fraud* * H. Miller & Son, , -DEALERS IN- MARBLE & GRANITE, Monuments, Headstones Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. Satlifatlon Quiaatitd. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can be iound a good assortment of finished work. Henry Miller & SOD. Tobacco Jimjamt. Horace Barnum, who, after using to- jlNscco for years, discontinued its U86 a few weeks ago, was recently afflicted With a kind of tobacco tremors. He is BO badly off that it is reported that he may have to be taken to the insane hos­ pital in Middletown.-- W. L. Douclas S3 SHOE THliPWORLD. W. Jj. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit­ ting^ and give better satisfaction at the prices ad­ vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gnin customers which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods They can afford to sell at a less profit and we believe you can save mnnrv !>v tmv'n"aii your footwear of the dealer advertised below." Catalogue free upon application. Address" w. JU. UOltiLAS, Brockton, HaM. Sold<** SIMON STQFFBI,, West McHenry R I P A N S TABULES REGULATE THE S10MACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. niPANS TABL LKH as*© the best Me«IIU cine known lor litdggcftlion* Blllott$Baeft% Headache, Conatlpution, Dyapepftts* Chronle Liver Trouble*. DIZZIDONN, UadCompSeilon^ Dyeentcry, Offensive Breath, and all dls* order* of the Ktomach, Liver and Iftowels* Kipans Tahules contain nothing injurious to e lileahunt to (liate relief. the inoBt delicate constitution. Are take, Kaf'e, effer tual, and gi Price-- Box < fi via I s), 75 cents; Package (4 boxes)* icareat druggist* $2. May or by in THE ¥• ordered through ne_ I. Sample free by mail. Address RIPANS C H E M I C A L CO., 10 BPWOCE STREET, KETV lORK CITY. Kubinateln'a Plan*. finbinatein has declined an offer ot $135,000 lor a three months' tour, and henceforth he intends to stick to his own music. He proposes to give three recitals of his own pianoforte works at Berlin this winter, but no charge will be made for admission, which will be ligiffpa to music students.--Berlin Cot­ 's Cream Baking Powder •?W*KPi •WJrWfm '• A guperb mammoth tintograph In 12 colors by the distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It U 2 feet Ions? and 14 Inches wide and will be Bent free if you tell your frlpn<tit. It Is called "OUT VISITING," and shows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad In a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, basket and umbrella In band; she pulls the snow covered lateb, while her golden hair shlm- merg in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and ber roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Sure to delleht you. A copy will be 5"?' free, postpaid, If you promise to tell your friend* aud send H cents In stamps or sliver for a three months' trial subscription to THE WHOLE FAMILY, •a Illustrated monthly magazine with storlM. anecdotes, fashions and all articles of Interest by Dg«t authors and cash <,uostlon contests monthly. MTOBBU, Pob. Co- 1% bumioer 8t., Boston, T~ FRESH. Best XXX Batter Crackers 20 ponnd for $1.00. * Bont X XX Soda Crackers 20 pounds lor $ 1.00. F Best XXX Ginger Snaps 8c per pound. Choice Rice 20 pounds for $1.00. Choice new prunes 20 lbs for $ 1.0®, Six dozen clothes pins 5 cents. * PKUUY & Owift Hiring opened a first class Tailoring Establishment at the above place, lam now prepared, with a full line of , s 1* FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Of the latest styles and patterns, and will make you a single gar­ ment or a full Suit on short notice and at low figures, Suits made in the latest city styles and a fit guaranteed. Call and see our samples, I make them ail the way from $18.50 up. and guarantee cloth and workmanship. McBenry.Ill.. Feb 6th, 1894. Tfie Best History op "ffie Best Souvenir U Found in the-- * EXPOSITION Ton oan find the largest and beat assortment of GENERAL *.«W. And can buy at a uniform price, that is always low. You can get GOOD TINWARE here for less mom can buy worthless stuff at any general store. You can buy Milk Cans and all Dairy Supplies c| You can get the best Table and Pocket Cutlery in the world, And fully guaranteed. You can get any kind of Job Work, in Tin, Copper or Sheet Metals, done promptly and satisfactory. at reason- T -1 <ji You can got your Vapor Stoves cleaned and repaired able rates. / You vea and Ranges cheaper than ever* Yours Respectfully, r: , L . M c O M B E R . ; , i " West MoHenry, 111. ART PORTFOLIOS <* WORLD'S FAIR VIEWS Prom Photographs by the Official Artist of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, """""•""me Inter Ocean. I6H^.»=HI256 SUPERB PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS. How to Secure This Valuable Interesting Instructive Educational Series. Interesting ;iu3 authentic descriptions, will be mallecf to you. The entire series of ill Portf­ olios, Photographs, if purchased at retail, would cost at a low estimate f 125. No auch opportunity was ever before presented. Ho such opportunity can ever again be offered. RACK NUriRERS of the Portfolio may be had for a set of 3 week-day and one Sunday coupon, which will accumulate, and 10 cents for each Portfolio, tin OOO Was appropriated bv the U. S. Government to cover the expense of Becurlnff these pi lotographs for preservation in the archives at Washington. REMEMBER The Inter Ocean has the Exclusive IMcht to make the distribution of these reproductions from the Official Government Photographs. SPECIAL REQUEST Please favor your friends who. may not be vatpilx: re_aders_of The Inter Oceaii by informing Uiem ot the parUculars of thia nn- equaled offer. tra coupons each week all back Portfolios can thus be easily obtained. CAUTION In sending for Portfolios do not Include any other business or requests with -- mm;• IM your order. It is itnnoasible to answer letters in this department. State plainly the Portfolio you desire, giving Its number. Send coupons, etc., to ART PORTFOLIO DEPT., inter OCEAN BLDC»<, CHXCAOCX 'lilt m wstm hm The Bascam Folder, fc * We are not giving away goods, nor do we ask ycfiu to pav for goods you do not need or want, by trying to make yon believe: tha* we are giving you something lor nothing. We modestly as we wil :: 'v.,* . ; "i. . " Very Lowest Cash Pric "That can be made on standard goods. Tou ean easily see that we are enabled to do tbis, as v e do not ask you to pay an extra per centage on all of your purchases to pay for premiums you do no%; want. We are carrying too many lines ot Ladies' Shoes at present*/ We will make such reduction as will iuterest you. Call in, Are not in the Clothing business to let |he dust settle into sui laying on our counters or shelving. Call in, the prices we wil quote you will be ot the moving kind. * Special attention given to all kinds ot Groceries, Dried Fruits Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal* ? si A very complete line ot Herring for the Lenten Season all ot mil l&fe «n|^ JOHN J. MILLER, West McHeniy. DBALKB IN HAR DWAR E. GR1 >CER IES, Boot a a>nd Nhoes. Boots and shoes in all sizes We keep a My stock is always complete . in every department, and priced v 'r a^ low as the same goods can ba anywhere in the county. have ladies' shoes in all ^ itlemen, and children's shoe* General Stock of Hardware And invite you to call and learn our prices before pure ' .. ,: 4 FULL LI2JE OBV CHOICE FAMILY CRdCERiES ALWAT8 ON HAND, MAT. wtoum.* Three doors A orth of the £it«ii^de McHcnry, 111,, Feb, 10, 1894. JUSTEN BROS., i: • v-V1-•% "' •' ' • > < . . PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter­ ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole­ some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi­ ness to the weak, stick, aged and infirm. If you cannot procure It of your druggist or liquor dealers, upon receipt of $1.60 we will express prepaid to any address a full Quart •ample bottle of Old Elk Bye or Bourbon. STOLL, VMMTTk I CO.. DISTtLLUS, I - V i -- ' The above is a cut of our new Folding Machines which ou now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing sac h a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily haudled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Co., of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts' and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. &'F. Garret, Syracuse, N, Y.j Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse A Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright. Barrel A rlth t wo stores, one on the West side and one on the East ' side, (McHenry), they pie*ent to the buying public ? A Larger Stool* of all kinds of y- REDUCED PRICES. B&»We alBo'keep in stock a full Than ever before, wblab we . •re oflerlog at greatly NOW^IS THE TfME TO BUT. line of samples of CARPETS, and we ewfc give yoh anything from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower pri«s tbad any other bouse Ib the county. " i -Wf taken great pains ID seleotfog our U N D E R T A K I N G 8iU P P L I E8 Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot the latest designs. Every thing new ao< elegant. We keep nothing but the bast. Do not fail to oall and see us wtan 1 want of anything in our line. " r - v ' * ^ A SPtBNBlD NEW HEARSH. W - : ... HEARSEr In ejMoeottffB.Wb|a|i «41ibef«rrl8hf(l at Reasonable Rates. ^ i

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