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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1894, p. 7

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: 5r';v • *.#18 JtttHHKLS OXfOljSI P«tt$mx. Do you want fine reg^Utt'""just twenty davs ahead of yft«r lieigiyaura?, If so, sena $1 for Sulzer's 35 difelllje®' earliest vegetable novelties toufflcieat for a family;. Mis seed? are Northern grown, extremely early, enormously productive. Think of it! R. Bey, California, grew 1.213 bushels onions from Salzer'a seed er acre. How? That is tae secret which Salter imparts to all who buy his onion s ed. He offers a cabbage ripening in sixty days: a pea in forty: a new tomato, the Ferris Wheel, measuring two feet in circ im- ference, and many other remarkable sorts of suall fruits, flower and vege­ table seeds, potatoes, farm -eeas, etc. lr You Will Cut 'fills Out an.) Htm , it With 2Cc t> the John A. Saber Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will receive their mammoth eatal guo and a pock- age of Ferris Wheel Tomato. C. "Mud M re Vuiuabh timu Galti." This Is what tho t bicvo Tribune calls the Magnetic Mineral Mud Daposit, foutAl only In Warren County. Inu.una. at a place C ilied "'ihe Indiana Mineral Bprln^s," that has been made famous as a lieuitu resort, and where Chicago capitalists have in­ vested $150,000 in a bits sLeani-heated, electric-lighted hotel plant ani bath housa 1 he people are going there from all over the country, to take the Magnetic Mineral Mud Baths for the cure of rheu­ matism, skin and kidney trouble*. The springs that have monetized and lmpr gnnted the mud <3ep s ts rltb their mineral properties are the strongest lithia springs in this country. M.iny wonderful and miraculous cures bare been made, and although it is but three years old, it Is famous. Our readers who are Interested should •end their address at once to H. L Kramer, general manaser of the Indiana Spring* Company, and .get ;i beajtifully Illustrated book nnd printed matter about the Mag­ netic Mineral Mud Baths. CHILDREN AT HOME?, .. . -inn -ffgum |Shiylow «o»* to t^sd of jdaytnc, r> trlppiag Jf. m>m my trasbaad as he (it* in the 8SSS, easy chair, li I steal And -watei from the open doorway their faces fresh and fair. Alone in,the dear old homestead, that one* was full of life. Ringing with girlish laughter, echoing toying strife. We two are waiting together, and oft as the shadows crme With tremuloux -voicehe pulls nM: "It is n^ht, ace the children home "Yes love,* I answer him gently; "they're all home long ago," And 1 Binir in my quiver nj treble a song so soft an i la«v. Till the old man drops to slumber with his head upon his band. And I tell to niy»elf the number home in the better land-- Home wlie e never a sorrow shall dim thir eyes with tears. Where the smile of God i3 on them tbrotgh all the summer years. I know--yet mv arms are empty that fondly fold­ ed seven, And the mother heart within me Is almost starved for heaven. > •• A breath, and the vision is lifted away on the wirgs of light. And a.-ain we two are together, all alone in the night. * They tell me his mind is failing, bnt I smile at idlefeai-B-- . He is only back with the children, in the dear and peaceful >ears And still, a* • he s a miner sanest fades away in the west. And the wee ones, tired of pitying, go trooping home to rest, *y hnsband culls from his corner: "£ay, love, have th" cliiMrea come?* And I RTipwor, witii eves uplifted: "Yes, dear, tbev nro ali at home." --Margaret E. Sangdier In Chicago Inter Ocean. bsilsred, each sbtnlnff, golden AT THE COUNTY FAIR. It is said that the hiccough is of'to j •Hello, Eph, goln' to take fast prize onsometbln' er othenat the fair next week?" cured by swallowing a teaspoonful of The speaker lounged up to the baking soda, dry. '"y^v^ragon where aat Ephraim b ggs, his l^rowa face matching in hue his rough riot hi ng, his torm slouched in a lazy Abraham Lincoln's An illustrated book, unmarred by advertising, containing stories and an­ ecdotes told by Abraham Lincoln, many heretofore unpublished, will be sent free to every person sending his or her address to the Lincoln Tea Co., it,. Wayne, Ind. •' ,v.j> THE influence i that go into us *i|i boyhood fashion tha experience that; we go into in manhcod. £aa "Colchester" other column. Spading Boot ad. In Falrport Harbor, Lake Co., Ohtn. W« DISPKNSART MEDICAL. ARSOCIATIO*, Gentlemen -- I ennnot tell you how my wife has improved since she began the use of your "Favorito Prescrip­ tion," coupled with "Q. M. D." She has no more trouble with falling of the womb, and she never feels any pain unless she stands too long'. She has no bear* ing - down pains Hinoe V8HE began the use of Syour remedies. Bhe I does nearly all of her own housework now, but before she com­ menced FATING your remedies, she could MRS. LSWZS. hardly walk across the room. I do not know how to thank you for all the good your remedies have done her, for the best doctors had given her case up as in- curable. Yours truly, ALFRED LEWIS. PIERCE CUK Guar antess a OR MONEY RETURNED. Dlt. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT C U R E D M E ' ®PtER TWENTY YEARS SUFFERING WITH Chronic Rheumatism. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. "For the past twenty years I had been troubled with Rheumatism and doctored a great deal without realizing- any benefit. Two years aj?o mv at ton! ion was cnll'd to T)r. Kilmer's SWAMP- ROOT, which was highly recommended to ine. 1 thought I would try a bottle and I used fourteen bottles. It has done me more good than all the Doctors and all the other med­ icines I have ever taken in the past twenty years. The |«st year has been one of comfort in place of suffering. A great manv are using your SlVAMP- ROOT in Van Wert. Yours respectfully. Mas. CALVIN FAHIJSY, Feb. 19th, 1818. Van Wert, Ohio. At DrnggiRts 50 cents and $1.00 Siio. " Invalids' Guide to Health " free--Consultation free. Dr. Kilmer & Co., - Binghamton, N. Y. Dr. Kilmer's (J & 0 Anointment Curps Piles Trial Box Free. -- At Druggists, 60 cents. WAITER BAKER I Ct COCOA and * CHOCOLATl Highest Awards (Medals and Diplomai) World's Columbian Exposition. On the folio wins arttelsa namely: ----• BREAKFAST COCOA, ttKlllil So. 1 CHOC0UTL GERIAS SWEET CFLOCULAIL VANILLA CHOCOLIM <TT»i HITTER, For "pnrity of aiateriaL* "excellent flavor." and "uaW fOrm even composition." •OLD mv CWOOERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER ft CO., DORCHESTER. MAS! Ely's Cream Balml WILL CURE | CATARRH Frtc^oTtenteT| toench nostril. ITarren St.,N.Y. We uiii W youourbot I Silt »••!! pa­ per and bor- J9*J2 for « 12x14 for 8l!so" 14x1 U for 1.75 lttxlK for 2.00 trill.•(?» to nial.-h from S.V t» 41* extra. Send 6c for Sam ?•!*-> ,-in'i full Din-cii..;!-- tor Hanging. WALLPAPER jr tnc .Minion. * or so cents vrtll ml yon. postpaid, a book containing ! opnlar «onn«,word* and music I'l.OVD & SOX. Mail Or- •st ;.tith St.. New York City. stoop. "Yeu beti" emfhatically replied Mr. Bt??s. *'I b*en look in' over tb* neighborhctod, aa' 'low 'at ther* ain't a punkin in th' country erbout'at kin beat mine. This yer's the fust fair *at we've helt in Oiuanche Count}', ftn' 1 made up my mind ter take some fusi pri, e er stop farmin', an' the hot weather's kinder stunted all o' my trucic, 'ceptin' in thet little crick corner, where ray pun kins were planted; but they're wnoppers, an* you may count on seein' 'em." With a "fco long, Jim!" Ephraim chriped to his horses, and slowly drove down the street and out on the broad country road. Neither of the speakers were aware that their brief colloquy had had an interesting listener, but inside the hot little shop advertised as the Com- inanche City Ice Cream Parlors," comfortably eating jpale-tooking cieam, sat a woman, who, after the wagon had been started up the street, sat gazing after it, her face alive with a downing idea. A woman of large bone and spare flesh she was, with a sun-tanned face, out of which Hashed a pair of black eves--not a i>retty woman at all, but yet with a wholesome, capable air about her. Her gingham sunbonnet lay oo a chair beside her, and she had looos- ened the white handkerchief about the neck of her dark calico dress, as she sat resting and regaling herself. After the wagon had finally passed out of sight she nodded to herself and soliloquized: 4'Yes, that's yeur way. Eph Bigts. Yeu allays want tew be sure uv a thing afore yeu gointei it. Yeu wuz Bure uv Cilly Parson's eomp'ny thet night fifteen years ago at the speilin' school back in Ohio, an' when yeu wuz sure uv it, yeu never stooped at givin' me the th' mitten. Ye're th' on'y man 'at ever treated me so, an' I atn't likely tew fergit it, neither." She dipped the pewter spoon again into the dish, and finished her ice cream before she resumed her solilo­ quy: "Ye've spied all th* punkins Jn the country, but yeu overlooked thet little patch down on th' second Tiver bottom on Widder Morrison's farm, jest ez ye've overlooked th' col' fact 'at thet same Widder Morrison's no- buddy els'n th' Mellissy Jones 'at yeu snubbed onct Yeu've never seen my face yit, but ef nothin' happens nex' week when th' fair opens, I'll show you some uv my punkins, an* I'll pay off what I've been owin' yeu so long." And Widow Morrison, the sole pa­ tron at that hour of the «'Parlors," having paid her bill from a well- stocked purse, tied her bonnet, i loosened her own strong team from its post on the shad> side of the street, mounted the seat of her own farm wagou and started home The day before the opening of the •'ITirst Annual Fair of Comanche County" was 4 busy one for the ex­ hibitors and the superintendents of the divis on& Pri-e chickens, hair work, Berk­ shire hogs, potatoes, patch-work quilia, sweet corn, card-board air-cas­ tles, and other exhibits crowded in fast and were laborously entered. Early in the day Ephraim Biggs drove up and stopped at the door of £xposition Hall, carefully unloaded hisgoldin treasures--five great pump­ kins. As he ostentatiously lugged them into the hail, a murmur of praise spread about the room. They were large pumpkins and no mistake,quite dwarfing the other specimens that had been entered. "Pretij sizable, eb?" questioned Mr. Biggs, with a carelessly triumph­ ant air. "I reckon 'at I'll carry home one lot uv yeur blue ribbons. Ef 1 don't I'll eat my ol' hat!" he concluded, in a burst of confidence. From all directions and distances wagons came down the winding prairie roads the next day--fathers, mothers, children, and hired help bringing great baskets of luncheon with the intention of spending a whole day. Ephraim went early. A number of acquaintances were making exceed­ ingly merry on the steps that lea to the agricu tural display. As be come up, one of them called out, banteringly: t;Well, Eph, yeu better git ready tew eat yeur ol' hat, fer ye'll hev it tew do!" This, with the laud guffaw that followed it, gave Ephraim to under­ stand what had happened, and, ap­ palled, he rushed within doors. On the lowest of the bank of steps that had been built to bold the dis­ play, lay the smaller pumpkins; above them the five that he had en­ tered, and above them, each eclips­ ing in size the low lav fiv® mom. .7* ^ • £ ffiooft *eaaed to take on a leer of satv rawftc trinmph. He stood in aston­ ishment, bis hat poshed back, his knees bent forward. At last he ejaculated; ^ "Wal, I vo*t Who in th* nation brung 'em?" » "1 did:" snapped a voice beside him. And he turned to see the speaker, who, bonnet in hand, stood looking steadily at him. For a moment he stared in slow recognition, tbea drawled: "Why, Melissv Jones!** "No, sir--Mrs: Morrison, "Mr. Biggs," with an elaborately stiff bow. "1 thought it wuz a pritty good way tew come up 'ith yeu fer the orn'ry way yeu treated me th' las' time 1 ever saw veu, an' I thought you might like tew know 'at some one else in C'manche County can raise punkins* 'cept a Biggs." And with head held high, she passed on. Each day of the fair, Ephraim ling­ ered about the pumpkins, and each day, meeting the Widow Morrison, strove to draw her into conversation; but, her acerbity did not diminish. On the last afternoon he met- her there, looking at the string, of cot­ tony hltte ribbon attached to her largest pumpkin. "I'm glad, Melissy," he began, awkwardly, "at yeu got it. I did treat you mean thet time, but I'm willin' tew remidy it now. I've-- ahem!--got a good faim, but it's pritty weil run down, an' I need ! some one to help me. an'---an*--ahem' j ef yeu're willin'--ahera'--I think 1 yeu'd be jest th' one, an' then I c'd j j look after your farm along 'ith my j own, an' I'd be repairing th' damage I done yeu onct." j She looked at him for one uncom* for table minute, a sparkle in ber black eyes, a sardonic smile on her lips. "So, Eph Biggs, you want tew re- ] pair the damage by makin' me your hired girl, 'ithout wages, an' takin' 1 my farm to run down along Mth your own! My farm's not run down, an' I don't intend it shall be, an' I keep my own hired girl, an' pay her out o' my money, an' nex' week my young­ est sister, who's a widder like my­ self, is cotmn' West 'ith her two blessed children, and we're goin' tew be the hanpiest fam'ly in creation. An' ef I marry, which ain't prob'ble, ; I'll not marry a man 'at let his mother die in the poor-house!" She knotted ber bonnet strings decidedly, j as she concluded; -'This air a satis- < fyin' moment fer me, Eph Biggs. I' brung them punkins here merely tew kind uv pay int'rest on th' olegrudge, an' find 'at I kin pay th' whole thing an' return th' mitten you gave me fifteen vears ago!" She left him then, for there was really nothing more to be said.--Ex­ change. r..*i SAFETY ON RAILROADS. NEW YORK TENEMENTgf • A Crowded District the Like of Which la Not on Earth. --New York is breeding a mob in her tenements; a mob that, so far docile, will some time rise, unless its wrongs are righted, an.d right them for it­ self. Three-fourths of New York's population live in tenements, and one-half in tenements of such un­ happy character that their baleful influence cannot help but be marked upon their crowds, doimicilesso over­ crowded thaton their doorways might be tacked this paraphrase, "All ye who enter here leave decency be­ hind"; where only the rent and the death rate are hi?h, and the stand­ ards of virtue, cleanliness, and com­ fort are so low as to scarcely merit consideration; where self-respect-- the salvation of the human creature --may be sa.d to reach the vanisiting j point. i There are in New York 34,967 front' tenements and 2,391 rear tenements, ' with population given by the Board Ummmm «M|ht fry tOM Kny ffctalltlw «C th* T««r '93. That 1893 was a dark year in the history of railroading in the United States is beyond dispute. No year has seen so many fatal accidents. Whatever the causes of this state of affairs may have l»een the railroad men have awakened to the fact that something in the way of safeguards must be found. Representatives from 181 roads, operating 131,000 miles of track, recently met in New York for the purpose of discussing the outlook and devising means to prevent acci­ dents in tbg future. Mauy speeches were made and several plans dis­ cussed at this meeting and it may afford the traveling public some sat is­ faction to know that its interests re­ ceived as fair consideration as did those of the railroads. Among the new devices proposed for the safe$ of safety is one which will not allow a train to approach too near an open drawbridge whether the engineer is willing or not. It consists of a combination of levers. "When the bridge is open "trips" are raised inside the rails and these en­ gage the air-brake levers Of an ap­ proaching train, bringing it to a standstill. The mechanism is in­ genious. The opening of the bridge disengages a sliding bar operated by a spring. This sliding bar is con­ nected with a crank, which in turn o erates aline of gas pipe which ex­ tends for a suitable distance along the track. Its end farthest irom the bridge works a rocking shaft, which raises the "trips." Another safety device embracing the same idea is intended to stop trains approaching a bridge which has been burned or has fallen for any reason. Extending along the bridge parallel with the rails is a line of rods connected with fusible jointa The land ends of this system of rods operate levers which throw up "trips," the latter engaging the air brake levers of locomot.ves. If the bridge is burned the joints connect­ ing the rods are melted; a powerful spring throws up the "trips" as soon as the tension of the line of rods is released. If the bridge fails the joints are snapped and the same iesult fol­ lows. If the bridge sinks slowly and not su.liciently to break the joint9 the extra tension of the rod-line, which must follow the sinking bridge, operates the "trips" Thus this simple and ingenious device gives warning of three distinct dangers. And the engine and train would. be stopped just the same if there was no engineer aboard. This is a very important consideration, for the best of signals may fa 1 of their purpose if | the engineer for any reason disregards ' them. That is the chief reason why the block signal system is not an ab­ solute safeguard. Electricity has been called upon to play an Important part in recent de­ vices. By its means signals of every nature can be operated, crews of trains can talk with those of other trains, an engineer can be kept informed of the distance that separates him from a train he is following, of a misplaced switch, of obstructions and other dangers and in fact every element of danger can be eliminated through its agency--if! There is an "if," and an important one At the meet­ ing above referred to it developed that many of the railroads through­ out the country, through a desire to Day big dividends to stockholders, have gradually fallen into the fault of employing operatives who were far from being competent and trust­ worthy. This is. the "if." If the railroad companies would emp'oy only such men in positions of responsibility who had been trained Miia.iimB.iiii) Hi III www U. S. Qoverrtlnent Clieinfsts^liave reported, after an examination $£ the different brands, that the ROYAL Bak­ ing Powder is absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and superior to aU others. ROYAL BAKING POWDER COMPANY, 10S WALL ST. NEW-YORK. Two Safe Professions. A writer of verse not wholly un­ known to fame re^oic >s in the pessss- sion of a charming little country place not many miles irom the metropolis, the lawns of which are carefully looked Site." byaclever young Irishman. It so ha;.pgned that during the business de­ gression last summer the young Irish- brother was thrown out of employment man s by the shutting down of the mills which were the chief industry of the t-. wn, and John, th ; poet s gardener, was very much overcome at the pros­ pect of having to support his fraternal relative through the winter. His employer had frequently asked aftar the brother's healt 1, and encour­ aged his gardener to confide his woes in him, believing that sympathy be­ get* gocd service; and recently John said, in response to due of the inqui­ ries: "He's sht'll out ov worruk, sorr. That's th' th rouble wid worrukin' in mills. Ol wuz tellin' Patsey lasht noight he d betther get into some oth­ er thrade--like yure's or moine, sorr." "Like yours or mine, eh?" said the poet "Yis, sorr: for, as Oi said to him, sorr, no matther how duH business gets, there s jest as manny weeds to be pulled an' pomes to be writ."--Harper's Magazine. Very Queer Are the sensations experienced by the nervous and dyspeptic. Unaccountable palpitation, buzzing in the ears, flushing of one side of the face, odd taste and tingling in the month, con­ stant restlessness, stinging in the gullet and sinking in the stomach, acute sensitiveness to slight sounds that magnifies them tenfold, low spirits--these are only a few of the charming experiences of the individual who suffers from combined nervousness and Indigestion--a team that usually travel together. Their gay and festive career is, however, bronght to a full stop by that greatest of stomachlos, Hos- tetter'a Stomach Bitters, whioh also over­ comes their allies--constipation and bilious­ ness. This popular remedy fortifies those who nse it against malaria, chroaio rheumatism and kidney complaint, restores nervous quiet­ ude and promotes appetite, vigor and sleep. New Treatment for lrcn. A new rcethol of coloring iron has been discovered in England which en­ tirely prevents rust, even though the metal be brought to a red beat. I>emfness Cannot Bo Cured By local applications, as tliov cannot reach ths diseased portion of the ear. Tdcre is only one way to cure lieafncss, and that is by constitu­ tional remedies. Deafness in caused by an in­ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a runibKng sound or imperfect hear* ing, and when it i* entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless th-? inflammation can be taken out and this tubn restored to its normal condition, hearing will b? destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surface*. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any of Deafneau (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by takin 8bnd for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. SVBold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Catarrh Cum, Toledo, Ohio. Life insurance Assets. The assets of the life insurance com­ panies of the United States aggregate 5H;>0,000,(XX), while the gross income is 1220,000,COJ. TH* usual treatment of catarrh Is Very unsatisfactory, at thousands can testify. Proper local treatment Is positively neces­ sary to success, but many. If not most, of the remedies in general use afford but tem­ porary benefit A cure certainly cannot be expected from snuffs, powders, douches and washes. Ely's Cream Balm, which Is ( «o highly commended, is a remedy which to the Work ' combines the important requisites of quick men who could be trusted to read and interpret signals and act ac­ cordingly--all these devices would perfectly attain their object as safe- of Health as 27ti,56« families, com- guards. If the men who operated the Signals could always be depended upon all would be well. But here rises another question: No man in a position of responsibility, be he ever posed of 1,225,411 individuals. The total population ot the city is 1,513,- 50J. Six small down-town wards may, with confidence, be spoken of as forming the must crowded spot on so capable, can he depended upon if earth. No obtainable statistics of he is overworked. This is another English or continental cities show a population approaching that of tbi9 district of New York. Nowhere else on the face of the face of the globe are human beings packed together in such compact lawyers; nowhere are there so many of the layers. The district is in shape an irregular square, bounded on the north by Fourteenth street, on the east and south by the East Kiver and on the west by the Bowery and Fourth avenue, with an addition of a few swarming a res extending thence be­ tween Houston and Canal streets to Broadway. It embraces scarcely one- twenty-fifth of the whole city's area, but it furnishes "homes" for nearly one-quarter of the city's population, and, incidentally, provides 10,000 yearly of the city's 40,000 deaths. A n official also credits it with supplying the raw material lor 80. per cent of Gotham's criminals--North Ameri­ can .Review. Care in JDfphthertft* As diphtheria is so very serious a disease, whenever a child seems languid and miserable, fretful and depressed, without apparent cause, examine the throat carebully, writes El sabeth liobinson Scovil in a very valuable article oo •'Care in Infect­ ious Diseases" in the Ladies' Home Journal, if it is swollen and covered with patches of gray membrane look­ ing like slate-pencil dust; send for the doctor. It is always safest to have medical advice when the throat is affected. Until the doctor comes keep the child in bed. If the throat is pain­ ful procure a lump of lime, pour cold water upon it; when the effervesc­ ence subsides strain off the clear water and apply it to the throat with a brush or swab, If the child is old enought the throat can be gargled with the lime-water. Inhaling the steam from a p tcher of boiling water sometimes give reliet The neck may be rubbed with warm oil and bound with llannel. Milk, either hot or lold, should be given every two hours. # The cold milk may have the white 'of an egg shaken with each cupful. Strung beef-tea can be given and the doctor may order stimulant. The strength must be supported by nourishing liquid iood. No fault which some of the roads have fallen into through their desire to declare big dividends. As long as there remains a; possibility that in. competent men can And places of trust on railroads because they are cheap, or that competent men must be overworked because there are not men to take their places, so long must the traveling public be subjected to dangers. Too Much Too Eipeot. It is wicked to envy other people, but what girl doesn't look with envi­ ous eyes at that other girl,-- Who has a fascinating dimple ID either cheek? Whoss hair looks pretty when it isn't curled just so carefully? Who has cunning little feet that she doesn't have to keep constantly covered with the hem o£ her skirt? Who can say childish things, and not appear idiotic? Who is always well informed upon current events? Who kpows how to receive a com­ pliment without an embarrassing blush and painful simper. Whose hands are plump and whiter and whose nails are pink and even? Who has the knack of saying the right thing at the right time? Who doesn't care a cent how she looks or how old her gown is? Wh^se nose doesn't get all shiny and need to be powdered every half hour? Who, when she is ill, can look paid and big-eyed and interesting, aod does not have some horrid ailment that makes her eyes swell and her nose red and her voice a deep base? action, specific curative power with per­ fect safety and pleasantness to the pa­ tient- Military Suicides. In the Austrian army the average rate of suicide each year is 131 to every 100,000 men; in the French army 92, Gerjnan 68, and English 23. Hard Times. Politicians may debate and Congress may legislate, but there is one element of dis­ tress which makes the times very hard in­ deed, and that is a cold winter and physi­ cal suffering. Pains onl ache* are not set down In any tariff list, and there is one reformer, St Jacobs Oil, that does not de­ lay a prompt cure of such evils. A SILKEN prayer book has keen woven at Lyons, in France, the comple­ tion of which has taken three years. The prayers are not printed on the silk, but woven. Ir IN NBBD or A REMEDY for Sore Throat, or a Bad Cough or Cold, use promptly Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, n useful medicine to keep in the house, bacatisi of Its great helpfulness In all Lung and Throat troubles. THE oldest known poem is the song of Miriam. FOB indigestion, constipation, slek head­ ache, weak stomach, disordered liver--take Beecham's Pills. For sale by all druggists. THE Isle of Man has no pawnshop. IN haye a gogd tl MIQ doing bis duty. ^ . A Cunning Bird. An intellectual canary which be­ longs to a Nova Scotia damsel, one day round the water in its glass too low to rcach, and, after several un­ successful attempts to drink, bopped on its perch, and sat quietly for a few minutea Suddenly it turned round, pulled a loose leather out of its tail, and dipped the tip into to the water, putting its claw crosswise on the feather, and wetting its beak in the moisture. The canary repeated the trine several times, till Its thirst was quenched. SOMB people are willing to have their Kin declared insanei, In order that the State may take care of them. Good Qualities Possessed by Hood'x Sat saparilla are al­ most beyond mention. Best of all, it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves, it regulates the digestive organs, invigorates the kidneys and liv­ er, tones and builds up the entire sys­ tem, cures Eczema, Bcrofula, Dyspep­ sia, Catarrh, Rheumatism. $4 to California. This Is our sleeping car rate on the Phil­ lips-liock Island Tourist Excursions from Chicago to Los Angeles or San Francisco, via the scenic route and Osden. You can go with PhiUlps, the best of all exo«rsion managers, for he ha* each party accom- pa.nlod> by a special a?ent who goes the en­ tire trip' with patrons. These personally conducted excursions leave Chicago twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. We have also a tialiy tourist, car service, via our Southern route, through the beau­ tiful Indian Territory and Fort Worth to Los An;:ele-» and San Francisco. The tour­ ist car rate via this route, the same. Ap­ ply at liock Island ticket ,offlCe, 104 Clark street. John Sebastian, O. P. A.. G. K. I, & P. Ry„ Chicago. Great Falls oi the Missouri. The industries now jn operation at Great Falls, Mont., now pay out $160,- 00.' a month for labor, and this will be largely increased this year. The water power is next t.) Niagara. All about are mines of coal, iron, copper, silver and gold, and wide areas of farming and grazing lands. Fine openings for investors and settlers. Write PARIS GIBSON, Great Falls, Mont., for publi­ cations, etc. Farm Renters May Become ftom Owners If they move to Nebraska before the price of land climbs out of sight. Write to J. Francis, G P. and T. A., Burlington Route. Omaha. Neb., for free pamphlet. It tails all about everything you need to kttews. The W orld's Guns. It is estimated that there are 100,- 000,000 guns in the world. At an aver­ age of s-iO each the cost of the world's rifles, shotguns, and muskets would ba $1,000,000,01)0. The Modern Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man­ ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and treak up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleas­ ant alter effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. I»«Y TTNK'MI CNMNN VMI to put iliCB iS Thfy wonhl not, great! r HELD meet aaft APPOBTFFEI tmrnmifr m for Hni» fna* talrfdtttr OWN ^TFWM'URAIROFT-eiab trying to RENT US from IN? one, OUR fwitflt was I; TERN ^ WRECKED Bfaftcr d*»5 nipl*t-ed.. hf paft-fi who palled it OTW with a ftachsnan s«nt Chief of Staff, J. A.Greea witli a committee of the kicker* to ni. and in his presence, tb* Ui« Amotor Co. offered to p*? freight, or express-ajpe on Geared outfit* that any other exhibitors would p«t np ami to furnish iliUed erectors to erect them in order to hare toaetiunf with which to compare the Aernto practical work This they wenkt not do for Um rtatiu that the steel |»tnd Mills other than Ae motor? hiirition w*re expert-nenfca! anit was well kuown thai the 12 ft IMOOTNR would do more work than any 16-ft. wooden wheel H wan. the outfit tpmem. U m coaNt Tower rtttglfl WfKftW timber* 1**4 «• ffc* haw a hies e*a 1* pwt m £g TH* WHAT I wwtfcr MRNTHTFEWTTFEEMI* SSTOKIVIFFMMIR the cdtflfs mm' ta niiitftlfr ?h««fcaft fa is topporM hf M BodsaMUteaew. th* onEy pow*r mill put up for pu and it nev •ut of order slightest purl though operated \ »nfam>!iar hand If kapin? tooSm ridy* if (MN| M?*e! MATRF RAN H# brought THE Austi ian poor law gives every man 60 years old the right 11 a pension equal to ena-third of the amount ner day which he hadi earned during his working yeans. - Have You Asthma? Dr. B. Schiffmann, St Paul. Minn., will mall you a trial package of "Schlffmaan's Ast hma Cure" free to any sufferer. He ad vertises by giving it a u ay. Never fails to give instant relief in worst cases and cures where others f&lL Name this paper and send address for a free trial package. DEER are said to be becoming a great annoyance to fanners in Northwestern Maine, whose farms are adjacent to the largo forests. FOR COUGHS AND THROAT TROU- BLK8 use HROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHBS. They relieve all Throat Irritation caused by Cold or use of the volca MORE people die in spring than in any of the seasons! ' III was madly, passionately in love--won by the matchless beauty 9t her complex­ ion. Glenn's Sulphur £oap had Imparted the charm. MORN in the white-wa'ie of the morn­ ing star came furrowhig'all the orient into gold.--Tennyson. " ' FHILOH'S Consumption CORE is sold on a 1 uaranteo. it cures, Incipient Consump­ tion. 11 is the best'6ough Cure. 25 cents, 50 cents and 11.00. BACKUS is tbe patron divinity of race horses. ; [ •"* FITS.--All Fits stopped free by l>r. Kiitte'«G>e >t Serve Kestoi or. No Fits after first day '8 use. Mar- U'lous cure#. .Treatine and ti 00 trial bottle tree to Kit ease8. Send to Dr. Kliuu, Wl Areli St.. PUila. Pa MQPCL POWER OUTFIT AT WORUft RUft. th» third «<WTtl»--fit hi thteMriM will ill! II bSM nUi hw uid Tram*, for firm ut nwrm'aM. ft m • VMftat M, Haw. wtth Mnt Ortty CtrtU. iM raavtth W| mufhless power ordinary fc ~ ~ •am* Title $40 Saw aad Frame will 1 e? e&ArerUsecsaeiBf, twhMi I* J at immediately after tin? apgx-arajnceia thtspeperi ,!y onesa«f Wi U be fimitate* to (No. 3.) but o&iy one sa.WwiUVe'4 ton. For 4h«- extra f,>ur copiea call on twb to this paper, i»r in«tae« other* to stsbsrrib-, bicattii wm wftt *«i thes-p advertisement's unlet* tai^n frow WfuW t > u b * f T i f c e r 8 w h e e n a m e s a n > 1 n - M i r u m w o s t t f e c " • together with tl.e date of the paper from whtcli lite? afecttepA. Our Irrigation Pump may be substituted fer the wiMt"' f.O,h. Chicago. ' Where we can, we shall make liberal e#m to aii'mf* V19IMV t h e s e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s i n p a r t p a y m e n t f o r W i i v i m i U a . C m • m have any thought of using a wintlm?H this year acrrito «t of... omc+, stating what you will need, whether fiampiac -fh andjf possible we will make you a liberal offer. _ ^ ^ ̂ Co. proposes to diMribnto |Mlb €MBL ® 1 by the wife, m er <>•§ 1 '• Th© Aermobv WUZKSfor the best essays vrritte of a farmer OT mer of a wirdmilU arnwe***»g *WHY BKorLD IVSE AS AKKSOT0B V* For competition anJ amounts and numbers of prises tieui*rsto the Aermotor f«>., Chicago, or to ^ hraaehto^Mj fimncifco, Kansas City, Lincoln, Neb., S:o«ix City, I Beanie* Buffalo, or 65 Park Place York City. Pumpinf and Geared same price. All Steel* all 0 a! tan i1--< AffN Completion, delivered free on cars at Chicago and any one, anywhere, at the following: price®: -' M. *25. 12-ft. $50. 16-ft. *11 ££»•: sent fW* Mfr* k **SH B R ^ TOsTfeade Staik U on tbe beat WATERPROOF COAT ggXjjy1 In the World! ***• A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. ,, w. I.. DOUGXiAS S3 SH09R equals custom work, costing fia» S4 to $6, best value for the luowey the world. Name and pries, mped on the bottom. *«««*,, pair warranted. Take noaabrtU ' tutc. See local papers for fall description of our complcts lines for ladies and got. tlemcn or send fer Jt~ strattd CaMtgrnt - **• structmae how to or. derby mail. Postage free. You ois get the bat bargains of dealers who push our sliocs. DATCMTC THOMAS P. STOPSOH.^raiihtegtH*, r N I CH I O n <"• •"> « fee until Patent <*• ) g talced. Writ® for tovsatoraOuld*. JflEDT, -N, v' t • • i' tsaukisfe Cures the. «_Serpent's Sting. s.s.s Heals Running Sores. Con tsI O'Sniic 1° »ts stages completely eradicated UJniagJOUS byS.S.S. Obstinate sores and ulcers Blood yield to its healing powers. It removes *** the poison and builds up the system. A nhnblt Treatise on " The Disease and Its Treatment," mailed Free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. 4 M, I/.' Vheuvront. j. I Had Eczema Tor fifteen years, on my left leg. It was one mass of corruption. Skin and aoabs would slough off and the Itehlng and burning sens a- Hood's5^* Cures E E D S O WAMUNTED. O [Best in (lie Worll By mail, postage paid, I cent a package and u0i Grand lot of EXTRAS give* With every order. Prettiest and only FREE Catalogue in the world with pictures at all varieties. Send your* and neighbors* address. R. H. SHUNIWAY, CKFOBD. • UuZdNOim UflCE CANNOT SEE HOW ¥00 09 JflTC IT AN0 PAY FREI6NT. CIA Bay* oar $ drawer walaaft or oak !• '••prwril 111th Arm Slacoraeirliix macltl^? finaly tioiahed, nickel plated,adapted to li*b? & heavy work; poaraateed for 10 Yea rat «i(b AatoMatUBobbte Winder, lf*TkreadiBf 'Cylln* 4*>r 8knttla, Self^SeUIng J^VcdSe ai:d a compieif ,tet of StoelAlU«kMeata| shipped sbv eft SO Daj'i Trial. N omonar r«"-.j«ir€d io sdvtncu VSfOOO BOW fa (EM. World's Fair Medal awarded aiachio® and attach-* •M&ta. Bay from factory and aave dealer's aod agent's profits. Cat, ?bl@Oo& and a«*od todav for machine or larcf fr«?e f llbC catfilo^ue, testiiDonialn *v>\ Glimrseaof the World's Fair» OXFORD Mlfi. CO. 312 Watasi tn. CHICAEO.iLl, Attention! Farmers! Oni' ot Minnesota's ohoioest Stock and luiry Farms FOK SALE. !>H < acres tor $<1-1 ,'>;)(». Honisu •11 2 Ktoriex, 12 rooms: barn 56x«X . ?! ft. ports: every-thins in bust of couditiou: only mile to V.O..rail­ road and county seat; and has milt' i^kc tn>ntaKt-. Part fieed'-d to clover, r« st tie;d and pasture; mised snli-ndid corn last year. Good reasons tor selling. tt.0'>0 (town, rest easy terms Cut thi« oaf and 1 'ivehti- |tteit«ioac«. lilOS. K.SiJtLK, Uiutiutu, .Uiuu- *1210 $35 ~ " Vw"* have a horse ami can trive their K whole time to our tm.-riess, Eveu spure time will pay spleu diilty This Mi' iomu'eturiit ts of interest to farmers <uui farmei-«' SODS, aud uUien jr in tho raral districts. A few vacancies also la and cities. B. K. JOIIXs«\ A r«., 6 8mU ltth St.. KIckBMi Va. PER WE xstt Townaai tlons were AGORIIIIUK. Hood's Sarsapsrills has cored me, AND I am now in perfect health." M. L. CHEUYRONT, Leonard, Mo. EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE Our booklet of 16 Toilet Preparations. It contains Bandoline. Tonic. Wa»h and Oil for the Hair, Face, Tooth and Nail Powder, Freekl® Lotions andCreamg. Bent sealed to any addrvtai on receipt of tl4N>. BOX lit?, l.euioat. Cook Coanty, lllhaoU. "COLCHESTER" SPADING BOOT. Beat In Market* BEST IN FIT. BES1' IN WMBIIM QIALOT. EXTEMLSTHTYSJ^SIFFM? a VATOTTEMJIA|I|L Colchester Rubber Co, •• 4 rM lil REICHLLT&OLTSCH ASTHMA roraurs ABTMA Oirca ttxliet in r^T* Ka _ I>ekac* acnt »KS. Soid I •lata. ON« Box scat post-F Thoa. Pophaun,Phlla.PA M.SU ,Phl snuffl TADII LUWA F AKM rtrnnin* WATER, floyiait wall; town 2X mileK: good n«*bborlio>>D; >'Jod f.TOGU: «*- U$8LMB . age) »XH L elleut^TWT an<fcrain (TERN: W>II sell O*-- I,! D age reason for 8ellin«. ACKIRT-TSS W. L. OL'TH. ILLINOIS"!. jtjaf a, sick headache, by all drnnrUts. U4.CART* BUGCVCO V. ! Don't stoop fore your time! Bast, strons Iio'i't set old be- eat and Mientldrallr the moat lACt i«t poatoaM tor 91. LT«L3T<TRNTT«S,OMH.

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