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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1894, p. 8

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mmm u*w^Anrmwnr -m "gpjpUQU^I^ •'W||ft ***r and Notices under the above bead tied by ih« Ladies «t th# W, O, T. u editor «hlit no part or credit for tfa« *-* % . McOmber's. .« • :m *r~*. v .f'. •!-•• V •' V . .-I IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF and STORE, on can DRY GOODJ9/& G ^4 v f To Spread the Gospel. It is said that Miss Willard and Lady Somerest have planned a trip around the world for the purpose of Mrrying to the rulers of all nations the great miiltoo-eigBature petition asking that traffic in alcohol and opium and tagalized vice be no longer encouraged. They will charter a steamship and ao OOinpaiijing these two leaders will be' 100 women chosen from among the faith­ iol reformers of the world. The plan is a large one, but reform! jtke business, are taking great propoiv ttons, whether wisely or not. It is pio tnresque, too, and will not fail to com­ mand the attention of the world even though it fail to reform it. But* it it;. believed that the influence of this com­ pany of; devoted women will have a powerful aricTbeneflcent effect in turning the thought of the world into channels of reform. The great reforms of to-day are directed toward securing the correct life of the individual. That was the cen­ tral and ever-recurring thought of the Parlament of Religions-the lesson taught alike by Asiatic, European and Ameri­ can-Christian, Jew, Budhist and Con- facian. It will be the mission of these Missionary tourists to emphasize this gpeat fact, and the work in this direc­ tion accomplished by these women stand a witness to their ability and power and .devotion. f It is the most notable effort ever con­ templated for the taking "of the gospel tb all nations," and the Oriental mind, ever eucceptible to the spectacular and Hie brilliant, may be led to contemplate what it is that lies behind such an effort. HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, Daa't Forget thatfcarry a larger stock OToriiiivrB* We are making sweeping reductions on all our goods, and it will pay you to make us an early call. 9 , f t ' Ti-.'V Ms McHenry, 111. 1804! :^V _ FRESH,. •; .X* Befft "XXX Butter Crackera SO pound 1,' for f 1.00. ^ . Beet XXX Soda Crackers 20 poundp . - lor $1.00. Best XXX Ginger Snaps 8c per pound. Choice Rice 20 pounds for f 1.00. f Choice new prunes 20 lbs for $ 1.00. -'7« Six dozen clothes pins 5 cents. 4 PEHRY & OWEN. v Received 75 new all wool suits, all sizes J . firices from $7.00 to |21.00. Odd panto , <H»d two piece suits at Simon Stoffel's. f? BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. - The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever I (Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi- l tively cures piles, or no pay required It ^ Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. "-IT * ' - W"--' THE MUTUAL LIFB V - Insurance Company Of New York. JtoCoxdy, Fresidsat* - NEW YORK 96 Barclay ~ llAflDIIC 19 the result of our displays at the World's HIV Nil IIW fair--mor* tkm any other farmin Horticulture. Vaughan's Seeds and Plants have made a record worthy of the occasion. The best Seed Book for 1894 is VAUGHAN'S GARDENING ILLUSTRATED. It tells the whole story of Gardening to date. Splendid plates of Cannas, Pansies and Sweet Peas shown by us at the Fair, on which we received highest awards. It tells you about HONEY IN VEGETABLES IN THE HOME GARDEN. and contains valuable gardening hints for a hard times year. Free to intending buyers, or for SO rt*. we mail with it 1 OK. of onr Prize Dangers Onion Seed. For the largest yield from this quantity we offer you 850.00 CASH. Try it for a Crop. Try it for a Price. CAIVIA DAMA II 15 PKTA. Flower Seeds, bloomfw thfe year. SOo 9VIII0 ndiV || 3 Roots New Cannas, yello*?% red, rtrtped, 30c 4 Tuberoses, including variegated Jetwed. 18c SO Greenhouse Plants, including 5 Rest*, $1.00 CHICAGO: State Street. Have f on secured some of the many bargains we are offering » Dry Gctods nnd Notion*? If not you are behind the times. ju Groceries wo h&vo ft lull lino to 86lwt from ftt t>ho vory lowest prices. We have a few more Kits of No. 1 Family White Fish which we wiUsell at 57 cents to close out. Now is the time to lay in your stock of Flour to do you until after your Spring work. Are selling a Fancy Patent Flour war­ ranted to be as good as any in the market (except Pillsbury s XXXX) at 95 cents per sack or $3.75 per barrel. Halt Patent 88 cents. Electric I^t, ccnts, How about our $1 Syrup? Have you tried a keg? £ And can buy at a uniform price, that is always low. Yon can get GOOD TINWARE here foriew monejUunyoii can buy worthless stuff at any general store. ' % Ton can buy Milk Cans and all Dairy Supplies cheap, ' %. You can get the best Table and Pocket Cutlery in the world, and fully guaranteed. You can get any kind q£, Job Work, in Tin, Copper or Sheat Metals, done promptly and satisfactory. ? ^ You can getyour Vapor Stoves cleaned and repaired able rates. You can bny Cook Stoves and Rattles cheaper than eve*; Wewt McHenry Illinois. Ak. V. BAKU, Bargains. Vaughan's Seed Store I as' pff! , Anotber Car. THE PEOPLE will Have It. & TBS MISS Cry for It. • mUiai ASSETS ovffc KILLM DQLLABS! Nearly 400 Million DOIIM ^aid to Policy Holders Slnee 1843 This company has been endorsed by the National Farmer's A Hjance. For information and Insurance apply -©or nearest Local Agent or "vT AS. H. FERGUSON & SDN, TACOMA BUILDING. Chicago, - - - - Illinois. Good Agents wanted in every town. Dissolution Notice. Co-Partlifirahlp berptofore existing the firm same of D dfce Bros , at , doing the business of F irmtngand Raising, is th'8 day dissolved by ma- consent. The business is still being earrled on by Wm. Dodge. Eswiw DODOS. WM. DODOR. Kiogwood, reb 84, lfM, Slwn Because it is the best, For nale by our leading merchants; A. P. B&er, Simon Stoffel, John I Story, Perry & Owen, and - at the Roller Mills. Bear in mind tliis celebrated Flour i* going at $4.20 per bbl. If you are not using'the flour try one sack and you will have no other, because you are sure to have good bread. Yon can see for youAelf and your wife will tell you that IT MAKES More Bread. Whiter Bread, Better Bread, Than any Flour you ever used. Washburn's Best at $1 90 per saefr, or $3 80 per barrel. Leave your order at the Mill and we will do the rest. McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. CAUTIOS^-M m dealer offers W. b ScnglM Shoes at a reduced price, or Mtya ht has them without name stamped on bottom, put Mm down as • fraud. Executor's Notice, iBWEAT® of Samuel Simmons, deceased. % J2# The undersigned hav njr been appointed JE^eentrix of the last will and tentament of i; ^wnttel Simmons,deceased, late of the county M of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereby gives I* %, . aotlu that she will appear before the County 'Ooart of McHenry County, at the Court Boa*eia Woodstock, at the May term, on the Arte Monday in May next, at which time all parsons having claims against taid estate are aotttsd and requested to attend for the pur­ ges* of having the same adjusted. All per MMIS iidtbHd to said estate are requested to moke immediate payme-1 to theunaersigaed Dated flits 2»5th day of February, A. D„ ISM, UKB. JAKE FAY, HOW Sfahldino, ^.0°, 35w« Executrix. , .andTrade-Marksobtained, and alt Pkt>) >ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. ! i?n,P.51r£l?,cJs OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT Orncc )ana Jan secure patent m less time than those1 J remote from WasVnngton. ! ftW ^ud ">odel, drawing or photo., with descrip-i adv;,<ie- " patentable or not, free of ' jcnarRe. Our tee riot due till patent is secured. \c£t to Obtain Patents." with J \^t freef Address, *S" ̂ fo^«»»tiies| C.A.SMOW&COJi OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON »>SSMS»»SSSSSSSS«.^M^.ttttt|> R I P A N S W. L. DOUCLAS fillOC BEST IN OnUL THE WORLD. W. Tu DOUOI.AS Shoes are stylisn, easy fit- ting, and give better satisfaction at the priccs ad­ vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of \V . L,. Douglas* name and price OB the bottom, whit h guarantees their value, saves thousands ot dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of \V. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods They can afford to sell at a Jc.-.s profit, and we believe you can save money by buying a3 your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address" W.l»DOiJCUUAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold** SIMON 3TGFFEL, West McHenry iBULES A snperb mammoth tlnto^raph in 12 colors by the distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It IS "I feet Iodk and 14 Inches wide and will be Bent free if yon tell yonr friends. It Is called "OL-T VISITIN'O," and shows a beautiful, dimpled darling elad In a warm, rich, fur liui-d cloak, basket and umbrella In band; shf pulls the snow covered latch, while ber solden hair nhlm- mers in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle •merrily. Mure to delight yon. A copy will be sent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell your friend n and send 14 cents In stamps or silver for* three months' trial subscription to f( THE WHOLp FAMILY, an illustrated monthly magazine with stories, anecdotes, fashions and all articles of interest py best authors and cash <] nest ion contests monthly, ItosaBi.b 1'ub. Co.. 166 Hummer St., Boston, -- 3 I. A. BARRUS, DKALER IN CHOICE FA MILT MOTIONS, and Shoes, YOLO, ILL. Owing lo th« h^rd timet and the scarcity or money I will. For the Next 30 Days* Sell you Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices, for Cash. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 80 cts and upward, warranted a first class article, Men'f Shoes f»*om%£ cti|Tip« A A!ci good as sold els^rhere tor $2 A splendid Kangaroo Shoe,which always sells for $4.50, I can now sell you for $3.75. CAD.' be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer­ ies as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere, Must be sold as I need the money.' f 1. A. BARKUS; Volo, Lake Co., HI., Feb. 27,18M. _*yt f«/ Yours Respectfully* . •$ • • M B E B , . i We«t M:eHeiwpy» HI* The above ii a cat of oar new Folding Machine* which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealor Office. ̂ Our patrons, and those needing such a machine ifNi Invited to call and see ir at work. It is simp1ef easily baud led, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Co., of Sidney, O , who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms, Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. A F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y.; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. j Marder Luse A Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Still well, St. Paul; Greoctkin & Son, Toronto, Canada* like Best History OF Best Souvenir ***• la Found In the----HI ART PORTFOLIOS <* WORLD S FAIR VIEWS From Photographs by the Official Artist of the STATES GOVERNMENT, """""•""me inter Ocean. rf\ BEAUTIFUL ART PORTFOLIOS. 256 How to Secure This SUPERB PROTOQR APHIO : ̂ REPRODUCTIONS. b .»• j* 1 1 Educational is 11x13 inches in size, with he entire series of It) rortf« ̂ m m. % Sis® Pam •°«0 SOMETHING NEW. J. D.Lofltz, Jr. REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPAXS fABlLbi are the beat Medi­ etas kM*> far lidl(c»lt«ii, BUleusneM, Con.tlp»tton, 1» ysncpflo, Chronic UrtrTnaUc^lMBlieK, Bad Conpledn, WllMlUT, •jfcMlTC Breath, end all AU. Mrien of 0W etowscb; Ihtr aud Bowel*. lUmlM contain nottiiiiR Injurious to tihaaMMt delicate constitution. Are pleasant to triri, mtq, «ffectna3 and privc iinnu'dinte raUef. !»~wX(A1riatK>, 73 ceut« j Paskag-. ordered through nearest 75ctut« j Package<4boxaA il through nearest druggtefc ma ai WftPKCOE 6TKEKT, SKW lOBK CUT. FkriSUL fiMBple froo Ijyuiiiii. AUdxess T«* RifANS CHEMICAL CO Administrator's Notice. TESTATE of John r, Shumar.ber. deoeasa'l. un^ersiKnetl having Iwen appomtea Admin intra tor of the estate of John If caer deceasecl. late of the county of McHenry and state ot Illinois, hereby sivna notr o that he will appear before the County Court ol McHen ry county, at the Court House. In Woocifciiock, at the April term, on Uiftf first Monday in April npxt, at which tiii& all nn»f«a i Itt'8 c,ain,B ugainat »ai- estrit are notified and requested to attend for Hie pnr poee ot having tlie s^me adjaeted. All o'er- eons indented to Baid estate are reiiueoMa to Payment tovhe underetgn'd. Dated 11ui Hth IIAV nf i« «. B PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter­ ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole­ some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Chives life, strength and happi­ ness to the weak, sick» aged and infirm. If jron cannot procure it ot jrmur ft--»lit or • sr», noon receipt of $1.50 w« wiu paid to any ladnu m full quart teof Old Elk ~ llqnor dealers, express pre; sample botti receipt of addreu . Rjro or BowtNm. • won, uium t go, nsTUiuib Ts l<Bilngtd% Ky. Barbians' Block, one door East of the Cigar Stoi^j '.Mo.fina»I»Yt DLXte- Having opened a first class Tailoring Establishment at the above place, I am now prepared, with a full line fi FOREIGN AND DOMES ^ • " , Of the latest styles and patterns, and will make yon a single "gar­ ment or a full suit on short notice and at low figures. Suits made in 1$e latest city styles and a fit guaranteed. Cat and see onr samples, I make them all the way from $18.50 up, and guarantee cloth and workmanship. I>. LODTZ, r~ MeHtiiry, IU., Feb 6th, 18M. •;.̂ K :kjt ntaininff interesting, ana authentic descriptions, will be mailed to you. . olios, 266Photographs, If purchased at retail, would cost at a low estimate$126. No such opportunity was ever before presented. No such opportunity can ever ag-ain be offered. BACK NUJ1BERS of the Portfolio may be had for a set of 3 week-day and one Sunday coupon, which will accumulate, and 10 cents for each Portfolio. llO.OOO Was appropriated by the U. S. Government to cover the expense of aocurln* mSamSmmm these pnotcgrraphs for preservation In the archives at Washington. REMEMBER The Inter Ocean has the Exclusive Right to make the distribution of mimmmmlmlmmmmmmm theae reproductions from the Official Government Photographs. SPECIAL. BEOUEST PleaBe favor your friends who may not be regular readers of The Inter Ocean by informing them of the particulars of this un- equaled offer. " 's PROVIDE FOR BACK NUMBERS This series began Nov. 13 and one book a week has been Issued Since. Back Portfolios can be •ecured inexchann tor S WEEKDAY AND 1 SUNDAY COUPON. By savine the extra coupons each week all back Portfolios can thus be easily obtained. CAUTION In sending for Portfolios do not include any other buBlnesa or requests with your order. It is impossible to answer letters in this'department. State plainly the Portfolio you desire, giving its number. Send coupons, etc., to ART PORTFOLIO DEPT.. INTER OCEAN BLDGH, CHICAGO, % AT' .ENQLER DBAL1B IN 'ft HARDWARE, GR1 )CERIES, Boots and Shoes. St<«: _ My stock is always complete in every department, and prices a* low as the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. We have ladies' shoes in all grades. Boots and shoes for gentlemen, and children's shoes Q all sizfa. We keep a j|Hi General Stock of Hardware ^sf And invite you to call and learn onr prices beiore purchasing. i 1 •f'k J A PUliL LINE 6P CHOICE FA WILY GROCERIES ' .< ij' ALWAT8 ON HAND, - { "l : MAT. WGSLB3X. Three doors North of the Riverside House. McHcnry, 111., Feb, 10,1894. JUSTEN With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Larger Stock ot tfll kinds of' FCtllVITIJRB^ Thtn ever beore, wbloii we *re offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. SOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. - J t^>We also keep ID stock a full Hoe of samples of CARPETS, and we can fli give yoh anything from tbe cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower priots than any other houie in:£lie county. mm* sim( r* • > ; ^ , V ' \ o.-'V We lia^e taken great pains In selectiug'otil* U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S , Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Everj thing new and elegant. We keep notblng but the best. Do not fall to call and see ns wben In wanl ttf anything In our line. ^ A SPLENDID NEW HEARS E, In oonnectleo. which will te furnished at Reasonable Rates. „ i 3 if!. ; 4 Sl WM m. *•

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