McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1894, p. 8

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seari ,V Little Woman. county, recently, a ace principles moved Lin* neighborhood. Their soon known, and many when harvest and thresb- iwime, "Will wonld see that he'd r& farnish thej beer," bat harvest a&d threshing came, and Will furnished no beer. However, the owner of the |l||plp liild a k<« of beer brought to :sfpB-iurai without, their knowledge, and, work was done, a man was sent to the houee to ask Mrs. "Will" for a half dozen tin caps. She said she "hadn't TO many, but would give them glasses." He refused to take glasses, saying "they might break them," and went back, whereupon a man at the well remarked "Let the man who famishes the beer, famish the cups to drink it from." ,/ "What!" said Mrs. "Will", have they got beer? Well, I'll see about that!" ' ' She took her sunbonnet and walked off ... «otike barn; there was the keg, just turned down, with faucet in it--but none i;§ J. had drank from it yet. Around it stood >' some dor,en or more men. )y "Who brought this hsrs?" mid Mrs. , "Will." rrv .̂>v No one answered. ltt2S;M;-/s "Whose is this?"asked she. V', One man said, "not mine," another, , "not mine," and another said it doesn't : belong to any of us," .< "Well," said Mrs. "Will," "if it don't belong to any of you, I'll take care of it," f • and, suiting Idle action to the word, the ̂ : plucky little woman picked up that five gallon keg, beer and all, and carrying it ! - to the house, deposited it on the door- ; step, saying, "The man who brought it ! here will take it away, but not one drop ,v of it wQl be drank on this farm"--and it wasn't, either. This is the way public sentiment is being educated in our rural f: : districts. Mr. "Will," and the owifcer of the thresher, were both in the barn pnt- ting away grain, unconscious of the V- heroic deed of this little woman, who is not a member of the W. C. T. U., but for three years past has contributed to the support oi the union nearest her. r>Y i ' • 'V • rr-ii.'i-Sl;:-f&i? )&• ir» f.v V: v. % i \ & V; a i\-v;\ ' Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, Our ft## Spring «tbck Is large?, more carefully hamper bought than ever before, and we earnestly invite impaction and comparison; . . 'T'r^ New Dress Coods, • > > Stj>lisi. Suitings, in black and the most fashionable colors, in prices from 22c to $1, 23 per yard. * \ i . ^ ^ H0YI&T1E8 III DBESS TBIHHIN9S, ̂ To match. Surahs, silks, satins, velvets, and band trim­ mings, A complete stock of dress linings. ^ New Dress Ginghams and Prints, Domestics, , ' v< X \» J., < Den't Forget that I carry a larger stock than ever before. r V ' A',' '3/>f We are making sweeping redactions on all oar goods, and it Will pay you to make us an early call. <4 \ tOHN L STORY. McHenry, 111. 1894! = JUSTEN BROS., bEALERS IN CLOTHING, Suiti CLOTHING, In square and rmiti& ctite, Prince Alberta, cutaways. Odd pants, knee pants, wedding and confirmation suits, also, spring overcoats. ^ ^ ^ ̂ CENTS' NJAVXSANIG GOODS. I ! ' F V:̂ Fancy colored dress shirts, new neckwear, collars and cuffs. Novelties in soft, crush and stifl hats. Latest shades and black \ ' ' adger State shirts, pants, jackets, overalls. Full stockKall war­ ranted. Prices reduced, all sizes..from 50c to $2.75. FINE FUBNITUBE • ' ' - "V OF ALL KINDS, The turn following Registered Stal Hons will make the season of 1894 at my barn, opposite the Park, in Crystal hake, McHenry Co., IS. JTOSE MELVIN 13206 BAT Stallion I6%;h«nda high and weighs 1300 .ftw.» fouled 1890. Sired by Saltan 1513; record felt. ¥be sire of Haladio, record of 2;G5M; gfriboel, record 2 :G7)£. and thirty others la OaMUdlrd lint. DHIBO>M« (dan of Gee. Gould, record 2:26) WfM.WilkMfl!l. . M4aa> Mattie Wil ier rd&mof Abble, record S:9B) br Aneriean Clay 34, 3d dam ranning bred. TSSMS.-tlS.00 to iBsare s Kuein 1 KK--- ' * 17146. (0*» toother to Phil Gordon, record 2:33.) Cbeotant stallion, 15X bands high, weighs l.ew lba, foaior! iesf>. Sired by Gordon 3127; •en of Oawaru 1411, record 2:253tf. Dtm Ooloti <dam of Semicolon, 2:13^; Patch- mora, tm; PbH Gordon, 2:33; Silver Bell, S:4i3@,l>y Stralbmore 406. Sd aim Oomi) dam of Coralloid, 2:13X), by Clark Chief 89, 3d dMB Ca&sia (dam of Caliban,2:34), by Oaa- •iusM.Olay ii, Mt dam running bred. , TEBM8,--fio.oo to Insure a Mar* fa Foal. TJpjm looking over the breeding of these Btatltens it will be seen tbat they are not onlj extremely fashionably bred, bnt their lmme- mnjOeetors, on both Bides, are iiuiiv&diiAl of phenome lal fast speerf. litMod breeding and description famish- M Oil application^ SAMUEL. 8. GRANGER. Manager, CRYSTAL LAKE, 111. O.W.OOOK. Owner, Omwi, Ktf. . «n2 :k> few "' 11 With two stores, one on the West side end one oli the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public kinds of FURNITURE Than ever before, wblcb W>S ! . . are oiler log at greatly Reduced Prices. Wow Is the time to Buy. V9»We also keep lo stock a fall Hoe of samples of CARPETS, and we oao give yob anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels tt lower prices tliaa aoy q^her boose to the county, TRUNKS AT COST. v?/:J >•••' %e have taken great pains lo selecting out < ^ : U N D E R T A K I N G - : - S U P P L I E S , Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot the latest designs. Every thing new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when lo want of anything in our line. SPLEND D HEARSE la connection, will he furnished at Reasonable Ratet -v'/v JUSTBIT BROS. MIDNIGHT, Pacing Stallion. Record, 9:17|, 2:21%. I GEORGE Q, gtaaOavft anderboth trotting and pacing mlea. '<ir OWinO is too well known by hia perform. ~ n*rbat hte colts hare done tor me to ay details here. Bte l«» «^eatnB> in color, star, sad white patOB left abonlder. Is ranitf to spe^ George O is the (aatMt «r gelding ever bred in Me WtWffiJ&Zmk* Ooontiet, driven to hie record fey M»3#te<»er and owner. He le aired by 1^ his dam is ""-y a son of Ge«. 80. Oeorxe O, with limited adiittiiagafc never having bad a m^re with a rdMtnl •! three minntes or one that ever prod«fl«4s teat eolt from any other stalUou. i dM Sire of " ~ ** Henry o,S:»j, 2;22^ Prince T, 2:2»; Harry D,2^o7 JW» m tMK- Volney Q. Sea, t'MX, aa^anMuaoie beiov S:<a Geotf* O if trained to a bike this season can wl» MM in 2;15, aa be iaas awfal fSaat bone and getotikem all teat. TEEMS. At my barns. McHenry, 111, 19M, OICO, W, OWEN, Haa tbe fastest record of any Btallion in Norcbern Illinois. BBSBOTWO OF MIDNIGHT, 2 17X. -- Blsck horse, 1S% hands hlerh; foaled 1888; bred by B. H. Pooler,Sernia, 111 Sired by Nieruer Boy, he by Plymouth Hock, 2:34, be by Hill's Black Hawk, 1st dam Starlight, eonld p->ce in 2:B7. by McKay horse, dam of M'anight 2:17?^; 2d dam, paeer, hy Pharaoh, pacer; sire Bichball 2:12^; 3-1 dam by Ethan Alien. In presenting Midnight to the public I tbink I show one of the best individuals ever offered in Northern Illinois. Midnight is * grind good horse. He is a black, standinerlSJi htnds high, will weigh 1075 pounds and of stately carriage. Hia head and neck are handsomely lined, his shoulders deep and well laid, his withers carred well back, the barrel of ex­ cellent dept h and splendidly ribbed home; bis loins remarkably good, and at this very point we see too many horses very defective. A weak loin and coupling is a more serious de feet than any otl>er point. We like to see a horse made there as if he could carry a ton. His legs and fe*t good, piinta strong, and bone clesn. He lias qnalitv, beauty and high finish. He has a world of speed. As a race horse none *an outta i him Considering all ihese qualifications, no assumed, but demon­ strator, hts inheritance, his campaigning qualities, and his great speed producing pow­ ers, lam fully justified in thinking that Mid­ night's prospects when bred to good marea, are not exceeded by any horse of his age. Midnight came to McHenry Co., Feb, 16, 1893. unknown to horsemen acd breeders, bnt MS a proof that the public was pleased with him I bred 78 mare» before Aug 10, and re­ fused 25 more, I started him but five times in public, first at Dundee over a new half mile track, and drove him an easy mile in 2;2S, last eighth in 15 sec. Second, at Mc­ Henry, to beat 2:28; he paced in 2;23, Third, at Woodstock, by request of those at the race Id rove ;liini one-half mile in 1:09. f ourth time, at his first race In '93 at Liberty ville, ha won seconti money, over a heavy track, and was beaten by only a neck by Proctor, 2; 17. His 1 st race wasat Waukegan where hewm the free-for all pace a?'! paced the last quar­ ter in three heats in 31^ seconds, a 2:06 "lip Midnight's record, 2:17%, is no mark of his speed, he never had a teason's work, aiways started in races after making a big seaaon and with no preparation. T i R M I i I will etand him at a fee of $20.00; |n>,oo due when mare is safe in foal, and iiooodue when mare foals Parties trading marea a'ter being bred will be held for full tee, $20.00. when mare la safe in foal. CAITTI ON.--If a dealer offer* W. 1* Dcaglas Shoes at a reduced price, or aays he has them without name stamped m bottom, pat him down a* a fraud. Iff A . IB *f-00 Si75 :Jbby» H.75 m W. L. DOUGLAS <&Q QUOr BEST IN 9« onut THE WORLD. W. Im DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit ting, and give better satisfaction at the priccs ad' vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, whi h guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their fuli line of goods They can afford to sell at a lc:;s profit, and we believe you can save money by buving your footwear of the dealer advertised below, Nunda, I1U 1801. , i ad all Pat-1 . remote from Washington tho#e j i ;0« A»SNO\Af&00 H. B.THROOP. •ee^eeeeeeeeeeee R I P A N S ABMLES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. WPAN8 TABL LES are the best Medi. d»e known fits- IidlgMUoa, Billonsnesa, Heudacke, CdzistlptUoa, Uyspeptli, Chroate IJver Troubles, IHccUeM, BadCoa^lexlM, uyseatenr, Oleuire Breath, aad all 4b. X orders of the fc to stack, liver and Bowels. Ripens Talmles eontam nothing1 injariotu to l!.Jf:in^ede!iPate <M>nstituUon, Are pleaaant to % bereduccdover Pffiea will talk. Bpecial goodvalues^n • -tIm 2^1. by mail. Addre**^ a THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO., S 10 SPET3CE BTKEET, BTEW lOBK CITY, heeeeeeeeoaaaa^ >em»>t>e»MMM fco°^!Afleirt8.$75 or (eou . Elclui ObkWadMr. WukxalliiM ^week^Exclurtre territorj. Tk« M« elHnrtW -wiwtt. Mo ' airtW.HoBMMW. ObCSBb CiraiUnbM. •®* Don't seed year Work i~;y, tur - |ili,onize Home Ioduttrj ' s THE MCHENRY Steam Laundry I . W!" d0 you PlfBt Class Work lo all brandies. Give as a trial. lCl>S jpi wmu ' buvnigall below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, ^DOUOUfi, Brockton,Mass. Sold* SIMON 3TOFJEL., West McHenry A superb mammoth tlntogtsph la 12 colors bT the distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It 6 2 feet long and U Inches wide and will ne seat free If yon tell vonr friends. It Is callad OI:T V isrriN-o," ancf shows a beautiful, dimpled clad In a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, basket and umbrella In band; she pulls tha snow covered latch, while her golden hair shim- ,in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguiah eyea aparkle merrily. Sure to di-light ysf. A copy win be sent free, postpaid, If you promise to toll your friends and send H cents In stamps or Silver tot a sent free, friends am „™ threemonths" trial subscription to" THE WHOLE FAMILY, aa Illustrated monthly magazine with storlea, anecdotes, fashions and all articles of interest far oest authors and cash question contests monthly. BCSSEU. PUB. Co.. 196 bummer St., Boston, MM > 0 ' ' " : - * v ' : SIEie OCB K«W AND LARGI MTOCK <& V- A"*. DUHABLG SHOESI - i f if, ^ * fa*I * W' C. H. Fargo & Co 'a and W. L. Dousrlaa', Oai stock of those goods is complete, and we carry all sizes attd width*. Prices from $1.25 to $5, in kangaroo, dongola, enameled, russet, calf, and cork soles. fks Carpets, Wall PapeP, ̂ hadefli, "&* Our stock of above goods is the bes't in town, with' prices the lowest. Wall Paper, with ceilings and border to a»atcb* A " goods full measure, clean, and trimmed free. Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valise®. JL'rockery, Glassware, Woodenware. Garden and Field Seeds, Choice Groceries apd Flq^r t it". Item ember our place and goods. f I. ' m Will be continued with renewed vigor, and our usual careful at* tention in all matters of this most important business. It is cue* tomary belief that insurance agents lie desperately. We leave tiiis for you to decide--but assure you that we never lie still if th|p || § ^fiac(8 for business. >7tA> it DSALBB IN JJ'BUIBi!!'- J" mmmm BOURBDH^T PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter­ ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole­ some tonic-stimulant by the m£utCs! uatcrnity svery nrhsrc« Gives life, strength and happi­ ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. .iSrass? sspaytosrsi'ts iPFOjrnt ijtoHBNBT, IhL. STOVES. TINWARE, DAIRY 8UPPUE8f ETC. mr - -- BUY THE WONDERFUL 'v1' ' • • RELIABLE This is one of the most in isle. It can be used wi Cheap, Substantial and Easily Handled. And THE BEACH OF ALL. No farmer who uses one or more gates will be without one after he has seen it once in use, Do not use an old. ahakv and clumsv gate when you ean secure one that will almost handle itself at a small cost, - - - - - Ws, tbe undersigo«d, having uwd one of J. G. 8berman,« Oat««. wlti} tbe opener attachment, take pleasure In recommendinif it aa one of the bettFj Oat6s now In uae. It It eaali; handled, flubctantlal. and at the prloa at " Uiey are effered Is within the reach of all. No one who uses one or more on their premises can afford to one. WILLARD SMITH, 1. M. BROWN. F, K, GRANGER, ! ST. A. SMITH, JOHN EVAN SON, H. C MEAD. R. A. HOWARD, O. J. HOWARD •.» H. 0. SMITH, SAHI^ SHERMA*kB. HARRISON. T. ELDRKDOl, WILLARD X, SMITH, B. A. SMI1H. v W, D. STEVENS, /I. P. COLBT, •3m§ •? ' *,•" >: Can and see one ot the gate? and leave your orders with V > % i i West McHenry, 111,, April $d, 1884. % : rrj4 x TH1 BABIES Cf¥ for It. Bemember. that Pillabury's Best Is for sale at the low * price ol $1«05 per sack, by all the leadings merehantf, and ^ fV * % , ? , j it'-*',- ^ t at the Koller Mills. '-.tfMiiiilfmiii TRY 'W ?V v '- ',3S'- ti £ J';, r » : ' A , Washburn's Best. $1 per Sack, sr $3 80 per barrel 1 / ... " ~ . V'? ̂ ' ><v'". ̂ Just received, a fresh supply. Leave your orders at the milt ahl| we will do ihe rest, f i ,t(t 4 * • *<\ fK IL.J" naksJ Jk - •. cHENRY ROLLER MILLS. -- THE SAME OLD STORY, •Mi iiiaiTiii.1^' AT F. L.McOmber s. West McMonry. •t" v: ^ ' 'V Ton can findthe largest and best assortment of aBNSZt&I. HARD And can .buy at a uniform price, that is always low. You can get GOOD TINWARE here for less money than yovt oan buy worthless stuff at any general store. :_i ' * You can buy Milk' Cans and all Dairy Supplies cheap, You can get the best Table and Pocket Cutlery in the world, an# fully guaranteed. ,4- J You can get any kind of Job Work, in Tin, Copper or Sheet ; Metals, done promptly and satisfactory. You can get your Yapor Stoves cleaned and repaired at reason* able rates. You can buy Cook Stoves and Ranges cheaper than evei*- v- - ^ \ ' w i -•f- t • v . f i ' ' fTouw Respectfully, 4^ A ̂ v "" L . M c O M B E R . . West MoHenry, 111. \*v> \ , % M DBAX.KB W' ' , . * •• GR« >CKRm8, f, t K m * j My stock is always complete || in every department, and prices a* low as the same goods can be ,{1 bought anywhere in tbe county? We have ladies' shoes in all Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by all ; _ to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market. ;rj. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. 3? ' Ihe MBNtDftUtJf ,v¥::3K' la this Uoc our stock Is complete, and onrfprices as low as of goods oao tMHigiiik *l0*wher«. ^ „r ^ .. Also, a Am line of TABLE Of iwS test sslss, lySr'JBtSd. Jp ihnri. In nijp jtnrd *$9 |e f«s»d a»» article usually kept In a first claas Hardware store, and we will always uiaka Vour prices right. Call and see us when ID want of anything In our Hoe. Nail* and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, \ Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prioea, ttondodtoe---s-- ? grades. Boots and shoes for gentlemen, mid ehildren's shoes' teallaipw, V»kpp» General Stock of Hardware • H : ' ' ^ Xod invite yon to Oil ud lilti onr pricea beior. pnnhaainf. 'A T *><x •Mtm A FULL LINE OF II V ALWAT8 ON HAND, mJTAT* A' W!MM •4 'W -•^71" ' • """ -- - - "• m mmmSimsM North of the Birereide How,. ontjr. ill., feb, 10, - » r * . " ^ 4 - ^ / i „ • *"l3r • - ^ .-V- <

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