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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1894, p. 1

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BDITOB AKD ICC IK THI fw# Doors North of Pi KBWf op ADVcnTt»iNa: >a?mwM m«r to stam be readily lUk s the Mtianuftt of on* atogla column width. ve rate*, bag «m»|M I and 6 euti per OABBS. • Win us and no F«*r Shall Awe." , la* tout pos- sit^ohfatorla them, bat the Coxey trial in:#Mroe6oe does notfbelong to this acrobatic a wasamgton pottoe IW nCWSST 801 Rill __ coma ooaitimtv hum*. Tbers «M oaa ovtAm rat too BY A)| witht&e Poet No • regular M radays of nrt tti ' ' \ ********* IM vea'aSto?** York. Connell of the 188d Illinois fc will be Memorial Day orator aKAaarora. NOIISCf SI BlsWlA. ipTioft: wr tlx rtuonc U 8HKPAED, , AT LAW. 8nitaB14-*La rSIOiAN •^jaassa a jr. HOWAB®, M. D. 101AN ASD 8UBOKON. OttM a* eraktonee of K. A. Howard, West 111. DR. A. S. AO&nFBXR. o^^assss'issrss;^^ 0« OOliBT. D. D. ft. *, ML Special ettaa- •MI P?DUaSq«ero a P. BABN A TMUHRTB AT LAW, Woodstock III, A mKSiiii will receka pcaaapt atten. to do all IN guarantee PAPS* HANGING A SPECIALTY Prices NHoaabl* and work promptly doae. WB8TBBMAK * BON. Mcflezry, J tncary 88, S8M. Of WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock • - , Illinois. £wSns% • UK itini promptly aaawered if tn ucuMdnt nflf. fK ML COWLIX OSee at Beside see, Madlaoa it. Woodstoea 10c. 10c. Does smoke from your cigar arise ̂ s Like incense in the air? W Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? Why will yon stick to cabbage leave* And drive your friends alar, S When yon can purchase for a dittt "OurMoaogram" cigar? ' ' IOC- . jlOCi BARBIAN BROS. aiAKBBS.OVI Choice Cigars. We can soil fro tM or a tboaaaad--retail or wholeaale. > YOU KNOW '-WHO BUXS* , t' KNIGHT * BHOWX, atjsse^-- OBOOmO. ILL. Ofc'i 7 V.S- LUMLBT, BUST AT LAW, and aeuMter la JPOOK, ILL. Manas, first floor. H. C. MEAD, Jwticeqfthe Peac* Qenaral In­ surant* Agent Jnclvding Aeeident oad life jMurmtce. > 0ITFIOS win B. 6nji««T, mab DaroT. • . WISTMO HlHSIt. 1I&. m ••• •-•; • ---- --• • W. P. ST. CLAM, ;, Juttieeof the Peace and Notary PvbUc Meai &tate and Jmuronce, . NUNDA, llli A. M. CHURCH, Wtohniwknr --A J" e palriagrlae wateheaand ohroaosMtera. ar-Afall AKortnnt of Oood* la hie line r.«. PILCHER ~ [m Dental - fH/kmwttK Dr. Jbmringer, F«K MeHenry, JOL Onto, PUta sad Bridge Work wtttttejMy executed at r^aaW<^e«. 8?eciai attM tfca five* *o UM eave »fOkiklretfs Teeth. OoasoLTAiioa rui, JOHN P. SMITH, Sc Jeweler ILLINOIS. wataim. <H*o m jojsar p- xvizk Boy* cape Orercoate f 1 60 lieo'a chin Overcoats 4 50 lilB** wool Suite 4 50 fay'• Soft*....... $125 and 2 50 Men's wool Shirts and Drawers 50 {1.5o Bo<A gloves only 1.00 leavy lined gloves and mitts 55 $ pairs handsome socks..... 25 Bait beaver can . Z6> , E. Lawlxw. Opposite Riverside House. iWfall n . .... J. '• ??' # i ' ;,y BEST IN THE WORL0i r'-rv> la Good Supply, - - for Spot Cash Only. |n "t' Prices Reduced Aecardlngiy. -'it"' ;Tl ' •' 'tif-, jA* •vDi-itf. • 11"' '•• '!')1 m It will pay you to inveatigate. W. A. ><•1 j"** W? That in what wo aure «a.t- laiied to malce,. * t3C% e B e a t » ttoyou ; 11 you Will arlTe net' tHe opportuutty. , \ * ; 0*U««taitd aaa the Mn«li)S9d cua CARLSON. MaHemr, OL, 18M. A. Snitilny wmmwmffl MoHKHIWr, n.ill|f ̂f Frendi Bittm, MeHenry Lftra Bbh VHSiWBHRwflliS W ̂ J. Sdiiti Kflnika BitOfi Be. in any quantity from a Snita Qlass to ICO barrels. ^ At Wholesale er Retail ' Beer in bottles, ke^i or casa, as cheap as the cheapest. I buy none bat the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use y$n^well. ~ ANTOHY EXGELB. IWcRwy, IU., 1W. v J ̂ • r fk% t - . SEAM THE DBPOT* IFEST MoHENBY, ILL. See pa open for the Meet Publie a Flret-Olaaa i as ma sitae Sfllimfi and til tlaoa koop the Liaaora aad Olsaks in the isailMik^r?' IflMre be will at all brands of Wlnea, " femnd the beat issrtyii'.- PAB6T« IDiwsskN lagtt |m At Wholesale and Retail ' Beer la Large or Small Keg* or Bottles it ways oa hand, obeapor thaa aay other, qaall- if ooaaldered. Ordera by^smll promptly attended ta : GOOD BTjLMJLJNmrOB HOR&T& , llobsrt Sohlsssls. WHEU TOU BOT F ARMING •PLEHEKTS BUT TOE BBST, ("V . lf. "£ -f" V1TALIS A\a<ie a Well t\m of raoroeurezD iwntun. arraagemeats JT. 8. OOLJST. M«He«y.m,auyio.i8H. FRENCH REMEDY >wi«u»ft« Abate fcwik la M aowertttlv ttad aalckly. Cw*a when aU others i their lost msahooa thSr yoathfnl vigo* Power, nii(a|Meii- to MSI9M Which yon will always flod at lay Warehouse. Call and examine the New Stylss of Seeders, PULTEBIZBBS, hiding & Walking Plows, tows, Wind Pumps, • amp a vou, uamo* first <M|i • $r:~" Machinery, Waflone & Buggiee. CALL AID SXB VB. . B. AUSTIN. ,111., Uarch, 18M JOHN NEI8H, Painter & Paper Hanger. AMD ALL KIXM OF H<N7SB Gvalaiaf a Newly 400 MNIm Dallart Paid te^olloy Holders Slnee 1843 This comgHXjr has been endotsed by the NationalFarswr's Alliance. iPor Information aadllnsareiMS apply to our nearest Low Afeat or CflAS. H. FER6U80N A 80 N, TAOUUA BVILMVQ, Cliiosso, - • • * Illinois. Oood Afosts sairtisdl tai Svec^y tawa* L A. BABBITS, ' SSALSS m QBlQK* TAM1I.T 6B001B1S8) NOTIOITS. Boots and Shoes, Owlog to the h«rd Unei ud the •caroity of money 1 will. For ths Next 30 Days, Spll you Boots and Shoes at Book Bottom Prices, for Gash. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 80 ots. and upward, warranted a first class article, Menft Slioes t»*om 8Co|s, «p. As good as sold else whets for $2. A splendid Kangaroo Shoe,which always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3.75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer­ ies as cheap as the same quality of goods cas be bought anywhere. Most be sold s| £ s**d the money. 1. A. BARKUSi Yolo, LakeOo., ni., Ffeb. 27,1894. •Wi® B- iuimotvsB os lose's Metope r Ala 3 Birch Beer* BUFFALO MEA-D, All kinds of Fins Flavored Car­ bonated Beverage*, WOODSTOCK, ILL.;",̂ ' Wttx SI 11 III SHI Hssdqfuurtera st MoHanry •bout April 1st, «kMi will be under the charge of N. L. BOLMS8, aod all frtir guwue wiii ba daiivared io ine takes and •urroundiotf towns. Headqoartera at Bneb'a Balldlng, west end of Itoa Bridge, MoHenry. HARNESS AT COST. Best Double Hsraees, oomplets, >SB 00 Best Double Lines........ •.......31 CO Best Hame straps........^.*.*1 ...10p Best Breast straps ..4fo Bast Pole straps... .^Sc Best sweat pads .Se BestBarnes ̂Oil. Oal. ..Wc 5 boxes axle Greaae ...•••a«*ae«aewe8B0 Whips, one-third of. Having hired oat to travel oil the road, oommanelng April 10,1894,1 will dose my shop, and all goods most be sold by April 1st, 18M. C. L. HUBBARD, MrJICpA. ILL, fTHOMAS BUBKB. MEiT - IAMETI Cash Paid for Hides and Tallow. iveffthifig First Class. Xast side, near Iron Bridge. Leave yearscdsra at sttftsr DragSte** ̂i^ps tootwwat m HEADQUABTEHS For W. L. Douggaa'a and C. H. Fargo'e fully warranted kuHes, mens and chit S l̂dimoad, Vâ wants thsG. A.B. en oS^pmest for 1895. Why not? Appo­ mattox is close by. Mid the war could be ight over again--whito viewing the bettMelds am in am with ex̂ Con- federates. The three greatest soldiers oi modern times were weitwii men, but they be­ longed to the entire nation. One is buried in the West, another in the South and the other in the East, and ihe os» flag they honored and loved floats over att. After remaining silent lor over thirty years, during which time he was supposed to be dead, Jeremiah Bodooaa has written to his wife in Williaxnsport, Pa , Hockman enlisted at the breaking oat of the war, and when his letters suddenly stopped coming it was supposed that he had been killed. His wUs mourned for yean, and Anally married again, aad is living now with her second , hatband. Gen. C. M. Dodge, president pi the Army of the Tennessee, was at Council Bluffs recently to make preliminary ar­ raagemeats for the meeting of thssoeiety in that city next fall. He said the society now numbers about 500, but expects large gains in the west. Preliminary steps were taken to make it the greatest event in the society's history. The war department has caused to be erected at Appomattox a number of iron posts, bearing a plate upon which is in­ scribed the location of troops, aad one marking the spot where the house stood in which Grant an Lee negotiated. All of these poets are of the same dimensions. They were placed some time ago, and are completed and in place now upon the field. The old house has been torn down and i«* to be remoyed to Washington, but is as yet on the field, and the iron post maito the spot from which it moved," -vSr * I:' ;*" ̂ \ :j ' ' >V '•Wl*-Wa*.* ij >'3 a ' In 1886, General Sherman, then retired visited a military post and was present while the class was at signal drill. The instruction was with the heliograph--an instrument invented since the civil war. The general seemed interested, but affected not to understand its use, and wanted it explained, at the same time he stood so as to careful# intercept with his person the sun's rajs from the mirror, so the signaling ceassd. "Go on with your work, boys! Don't stop for me, I'm a back number!" called the gen­ eral. "We can't, general. Yon are cut­ ting off the light," replied the operator at the acrssa. The general jumped hack quickly, apologising as he did so: "Tee, yes, the world is marching on and w» old n have had our day|>uid ars straggle- ing behind. Why, in my time ws did this sort of thing by shaking flsgp,' and im called it 'wig-wag." Then he laughed aad walked away across the green parade. .• • Bos tore Memorial Day. It It understood that Grand Army posts throughout the country will make wi effort this year to inveet the observ­ ance of Memorial Day with more of its true significance and with less of the in­ appropriate features that have come to be associated with it. This is a move­ nt in the right direction. The day set apart for decorating the graves of soldiers who died in defense of their country is essentially a time for serious­ ness, for grateful remembrance, for loving tribute, aad lor manifestations of patri­ otic regard for the brave men who gave up their lives in preservation of the Union. It still partakes of these characteristics, to those who have an apprecia­ tion of its true genius, but there have gradually clustered around it various festivities which are utterly out of keep­ ing with the spirit of the occasion. It has come to be a day of sports, games, aad past times of many sorts, some of them in the nature of riotous pleasure seeking, and all of them in sharp con­ trast with the sentiments which should be paramount. Tui. preservation of 'the meaning ot Memorial Day has been of slow but steady growth, and has been a subject of much regret and many protests. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the Grand Army posts will be measurably successful in the endeavor which has been mentioned. They cannot, of course, dictate to any person the manner in which he shall celebrate the holiday, bat they can do much by influence, voice and example, and in this they should have the cooper­ ation of all right-minded citizens. Let the true functions of Memorial Day be restored. 1-et flowers cover the graves of our dead soldiers, and may the lesson of the observance be brought home to the hearts of all Americans. Labors in this direction will be given to a worthy cause, and the Boys in Blue are entitled to all possible assistance in the work of reform which has engaged their atten tion. ought to have had a (toHnrinary heap­ ing In the police court aad then been de> elded by a higher body. -9hst qwliun is or make petition in pettoo. The tution guarantees the right of but says nothing of a petition "with its boots on." This question has been avoided aad evaded by Judge MBter, and tfae pstty one of "walking oa the grass" has bo* made to take its place. With a severity which would have done credit to Lord Jeffreys, the Washington poikse judge has insisted on the "irallrtny oa His (pass?* conviction, Ignoring all other questions. The Washington authorities have shown cowardice in evecjstep takwi in this matter. They have feared to lane the real issue. The police court verdict ssttles nothing. It has mads more all the rest of the kmooftpsteooy displayed ia t%e management of the Coxey army from the time it left Massillon. Why didn't tile government of the District of Colum­ bia se*tie the question of the rights of the booted petition? The trial of Comy, the deluded crank of Browne, the blasphemous pretender to Gbri*?* virtoss, aad Joies, the kanakas lunatic, has besn a travewty oa lusUw, a burlesque with a chorus of polios, ami rattle-brained judge as the daadasaou- brette. Bias or no *** for "Walking on the grass," the question of right ot per­ sonal petition is still unsettled, baeanse- the authorities were too great cowards to meet it squaniy.-ftJMo Blade. Ho Anarohy for These seems to have beea a liberal amount of hand-hea/dsci oomraon ssnse in last Sunday's assemblage oi workman at Hyde Park,Londoa. It was manifested in a way that might perhaps be considered a little top rough and ready, but it was of a healthful aad wbofasome quality. The meeting was a demonstration in favor of aa eight4oar day, and It proceeded until a rampant demagOgaa got ap and shouted that the object in view weald be attained even if it were necessary to kill Mr. Gladstone aad murder Land Salis­ bury. The workingmen who were listening re­ pudiated this sentiment in a prompt aad emphatic manner. Without wasting time in argument or waitiag for ths po­ lice to interfere, they siessd the speaker, hustled him from the platform and klek- him through the erawd. The wretch might have beea severely if officers had not come to his escorted him from the place. The British workingmen want ths eight-hour day, but they have no ass lor men of the Schwab, Neebe and Fielden stripe. They know that nothing can be gained by violent harangues in favor of murder. The incident at Hyde Pack fur­ nished an example commendable inspirit and indicative of a sound publio Sf»ttir ment toward anarchistic brawlers* ! Boat Ssiato Transfers, B^eordsd up to and including May H L a Llosa to N A (inline Lines It 4 blk It Harvard. | Honor* Bohan et at to 3 G Hammer- atoadt U6blkS8 Harvard.... 1 J B Oooek ftn< w to W Oolegrova It IB rex 84 ft sq)aara pit i*V MoSOoral PKlapperickand w to H Klappartek lain ¥ MO SMoBonry 8bme to O Champion Sa In awX eeet MeHenry -A Oorraa ami w to A Wato<M| ajjf seK A b»K ivy (ex w Jane swan to H ' to A Xaltoa «jtf wi r SJfa)seoaBBue«., ONIebolapt It 89 100 aa SOO OS 100 00 nsos Maty Pokoval7 s<me.. jBiien Pleree to Hattle Obandfar la ta _ seV MeSH e t a m a t . , . , , . . . . . . SS3t£ F 3 MadlMB aad w to US Orawfbtd o X »ey »ecT m* aw* seeSaw* nw* see 17 and aejtf nex see. IS <«k Ha) ... Aides .SOQW 00 Emily Bigelow to J T Kalabaa It 1 blk 0 Plamlelsh'sadn to ^Igoaqaln .. .. Mary Habard and has to r Week It f mt Hsnsau ana has to , ilk 00 MoHenry (w of rV. Flora Bieharda aad h to J and Mblk Westmn its I Hohart'a adn lftod> 8, IS aad •took W Steven and vtoJB Pattersoa It 0 blk32M ISadnMaroago... m 00 NO 00 030 00 400 00 FooA ia tbo Air. Tha Boston philoaô ier who mcentiy demonstrated (to his own satisfaction) that a man can live comfortably oa a dollar's worth of food a week, ie not "in it" with a French chemist, one Monsieur Barthelot, who contends that all nutri­ ment necessary for the support of life may be obtained from hydrates of carbon and nitrogenous substances. The raw material, he says, is ia the air about is and cannot be monopolised by any troet or combination. The only obstacle to free food, therefore, is the want of a pro­ cess of manufacturing it from the atmos­ phere. When this is discovered there will be an era oi plenty Midi hanger wffl be unknown. The prospect is a magnificent one, but while waiting for it mankind will be justified in "lining himself witl| eating the air on promiss oj;aipg^ ̂pf Shakespeare says. BraaA\||U. and meat and pstatanyHJnMW continue to be tavoritt artMoŝ dlsfcW sometime to come, man's dream of food ikMLUid from the elements which eun^L aa in abnadance /* boys aad ©eoaeeratic to mA . ' in not of voters. Thonrlsi ~«ftka; dptearenee svsiy sonata want ̂ wt wh&t the WtfewOf fhsm have the «W« <ysny ao/ ThaOaaCe îtes in ths neighborhood at resitfigtea ere unemployed becaese tkoy da aot wish to be gB|ao9sd. Tliey CoL Brooklaridge, iike aii tin rest of ̂ ie wroag dosgm is down on the news* '£• pepors. If ft wareotherwise «hs sdi- ̂ feel hurt. raradto^s b^BMTtf a law, add |50,000,000 to the profits of the trust within oas year. No wonder CWvelaed wanted to get away fsomtslOBiwk ft mumoaaoa tor awnns; paflRa«;i Sastol pfetenedtobsoutat^ili indignation. Goraaa's aad OaifisleSi presidaBtial chances went dowa asder the sugar piled oa tbem. Ths seem to be honor of their represent all fsia< than the mn. Hmts must be number of Phil. Thompson's kind < in that district. Thsdflference between the the MeKin- tey law and ths tariff bill after ths | poasd aatosdhaeats Sia- a#ajii|id? "* other prc^oses to give it in spots, the ggsstspot^belasoecupie As soon as one of their drowned, in water, the their camp from Iowa haaksmjat ̂aidBsd om Of her TheXhpagQgnes ind»g««s ̂ to gat ia senna fine work tkesa they are not fooUng aa maagr they would like to. There is no assd Iw asy by a Gongnssioaai aoauSdttla~ tain the caass of tha fadwjrikdl thai! m£Sf| would not bTSS2?SS ̂®t that duty onre«nsdsagar, J^VOfc to aid the sugar trust. It seems that it was tbe aagar trnat that orlglMMtad tte.Basaiiaa foficty Mr* taksecsra oflatbs aaeadmeata to the ̂ _«•• un m --' -- »t„i. i. i tans mb it saoum loss so tuas ia com- munioetini with Senator Biice, who wifl eeei Tha Lonlsvfli* Coorim^Joanutl baA at BasdEf^ridge in a spMled The eokxtel took up an aggreaved toae ln lis speech that Watterpon'a par per AoaUl "attempt to dictate tiieaMnl> aatkain tha tahhind district," aad Has v waxad virtaoidy iadtgaaat that. H , jhonldmeddle il Coagromrioaal poBtfas outsids its owa baiUwid. Itsrooiy Bâ s: The CourieryJovrBMl is makingao such attempt. Butithaa atver fa&ed to ex- sreiae its right to speak for the I of Democracy, aoteaty ia the district, bat throughout the 8Ml throughout the Union, aad it flfadaapl same right to speak forpntityaa? in politics wherever wy aiw jeopardy, to the ia jury of Da the meaanes of that awamBi the very esseece of ott aslk a wbidi CoL BreekeaoCdt his proaent candidacy aa tana triumph would moaa the *" a noble peopls to tftie Col. BrsriHnrtdge is law canvass, resnlmg ia te] geofJe rather thaar sonalifr, brosy sional alatriet, itsdf, and ths I recreant not. QHly-tâ l. civilisatioa'. #|̂ t aol the raitiag :«s| the ' sodiasiasst. A QDi .lis Young men m IMaeweat abapea in Hatt at Perry A OweeW fRsy the early Spriag ttsaaa

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